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Adding Value to Your Dental Practice with Chart Audits and Peer Reviews


Dr John Memmott - Consultant

Michael Bourgeault – Account Executive

Tracy Larsen – Project Manager

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Things our lawyers make us say...

Neither QSI nor any presenter at the Users Group Meeting is engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice and this presentation is not a substitute for the advice of your attorney, accountant and/or other professional advisor.

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Session Guidelines

• Turn off all cell phones & pagers• Questions will be entertained during the presentation

• Refrain from personal discussion and sidebars, everyone would like to hear your ideas and comments

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Types of Peer Review

• Resolution of patient complaint

board of dentistry• Journal article and research review

publication peer review board • Single blind, Double blind or Open• Coaching, mentoring, constructive

model of internal peer review

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The traditional Peer Review

• Acceptable• Not acceptable• Published• Not Published

An all or nothing review

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Or worse: We feelrejection and disapproval

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Don’t get me wrong traditional peer review serves a critical function:

Licensing dentists Technical Journals

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A different look at Peer Review

• Coaching staff to enhance skill sets• Review procedures, materials and

practices• Ensure a best practices approach to office

flow• Share ideas and insights• Obtaining a sustainable competitive

advantage for our practices

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Hope for luck!


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Put numbers to Your Peer Reviews

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Steps to Constructive Peer Review

• Assess• Address• Communicate• Follow-up: with numbers

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You can’t always be right…



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Areas of constructive Peer Reviews

• Dentist

Chart audits, diagnosis and treatment plans• Hygienist

Perio maintenance, patient education and referral• Dental assistant

Digital images and radiographs, chart accuracy and clinical office flow• Front Office

Real time filters, treatment plans (next visit)

Assess - Address - Communicate

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A 500 lbs. gorilla

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Examples of Dentist Peer Reviews

Chart audit review

Digital image review

Treatment planning and patient presentation review

Dental materials review

Process audit

Outcome audit

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Chart Audit Review

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Digital Image Review

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1. Improve patient assessments to better plan a course of treatment

2. Understand what influences patient compliance

3. Educate patients in an organized and clear manner

4. Communicate the role of nutrition and how dental hygiene affects our general health

Example of Hygiene Peer Reviews

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Improve patient assessments to better plan a course of treatment

1. Establish a disease prevention program

2. Designing a perio maintenance program

3. Evaluate the success of the program

4. Define referral criteria

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Standardize Perio Program


Treatment options

Outcome audits

Patient education

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1. Digital Images and x-rays

2. Chart Audit

3. Clinical Procedure flow

Examples of Dental Assistant Peer Reviews

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X-ray capture review



Patient comfort and compliance

Standardized procedures

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Standardized Chart Audits

Planned Treatment



Treatment Plans

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Clinical Procedure

flow Procedure Reviews

Tray set-up




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Steps to Constructive Peer Review

• Assess• Address• Communicate• Follow-up: with numbers

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We need to document our performance.

How do we do that?

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Measuring Outcomes

• Using a CPS/EDR/QDW HMTL form in a patient’s chart is a good way to capture chart audits and have the data available by patient right in the chart!

At QSIDental, we can help!

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Measuring Outcomes

• To aid in blind peer reviews and chart audits, you may elect to have a “dummy” account where all audit data is acquired

At QSIDental, we can help!

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Billing Audits

• Filter to Today’s Treatment – • Verify completed items prior to patient dismissal

• Provider Daily Summary Report – • Providers review all of today’s services• Billing can use to compare to encounter information.

• Chart Approvals• Providers approve and lock chart entries

• User Access Reports• Allow Administration to see who accessed what patient


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Peer Review – Billing Audits

Managing information using filters.

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Filter chart to display items completed today

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Charting Filters

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Chart Approvals

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Chart Approvals

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Chart Approvals

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Chart Approvals for entries made on behalf of the provider.

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Advanced Search options Display charts that need to be approved.

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Once approved the patient is removed from the list

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Once approved; items can only be modified by the approving provider.

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User Access Report

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Any Questions?

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