conflicting results between your advertising report and analytics? - napierpr

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Many companies struggle to understand why their advertising reports significantly differ from their analytics. Think your advertiser is misleading you about the number of clicks? Probably not.. read our presentation to find the reasons behind the differences.


Conflicting Results Between Your

Advertising Report & Analytics

Statistics Won’t Always Match!

In recent years, technology marketing has increasingly moved online, and tracking

campaigns has become all the more important.

At first glance your analytics may suggest your marketing hasn’t been as successful as expected

from the publishers stats, however this presentation will explain the reasons behind the


Clicks & Visits Are Different

• Publishers will track clicks

• Your analytics will track visits

• This can cause differences, for instance if the user clicks on your ad twice in a short period of time, it will be two clicks, but only one visit

Browser Settings

• The user’s browser may block JavaScript, cookies or images

• This means the click will be counted by publishers, but nothing recorded by analytics!

Coding On Your Website

• Check for coding errors!

• Problems with your page may mean your analytics aren’t tracking properly.

Servers May Be Slow

• Visitors that leave before the tracking code executes will not be tracked

• Check your server latency problems, as this can affect the accuracy of your analytics

Click Redirection

• In email marketing, in particular, a publisher will “bounce” a users click from their server to yours, as a way of tracking clicks.

• If the redirection doesn’t function correctly, the user will never make it to your site, yet the click will be counted

Returning Visitors

• Most issues that can occur will lead to your website analytics reporting a lower number than the click tracking of the publisher

• If, however, a visitor who has received a campaign tracking cookie returns within the lifetime of that cookie, then Google Analytics will credit the visit to the original campaign

• This can be a particular issue if you ask visitors to register & then send them a confirmation email with links back to your website

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