connects transforming public services gary simpson 8th november 2012 connects citizen authentication...

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International Projects  P iloting in China, Croatia, Cyprus, Italy as well as the UK  FUPOL is an FP7 ICT research project (4 years in duration)  Supports the whole policy-making process (lifecycle) with innovative ICT solutions  Automatically collects, analyses and interprets opinions expressed on a large scale on the Internet, including social media sources – Connects


Connects Transforming Public Services Gary Simpson 8th November 2012 Connects Citizen Authentication Gateway to Public Services (Its All About Trust) 2 What is Connects? Exemplar of true partnership working International Projects P iloting in China, Croatia, Cyprus, Italy as well as the UK FUPOL is an FP7 ICT research project (4 years in duration) Supports the whole policy-making process (lifecycle) with innovative ICT solutions Automatically collects, analyses and interprets opinions expressed on a large scale on the Internet, including social media sources Connects Citizen Authentication Gateway to Public Services TRUST a firm reliance on the integrity, ability or character of a person or thing Personalised Services Authorised use and access of a service or services Joint Working To meet the challenge, develop, share service models and responsibilities Aim To support disadvantaged communities (initially), with applied and action research imperative in trust anchor development and implementation 5 Trust "I can do more damage on my laptop in my pyjamas than you can do in a year in the field. Q Trust . alternative technique 70% 2009 77% 2010/11 78% Belong strongly to their neighbourhood 2003 70% 2003 70% 2009 77% Trust & Empowerment Citizens (CU Members) Digital By Default Alpha Project Citizens (CU Members) Quick Quiz Citizens (CU Members) Quick Quiz Citizens (CU Members) Digital By Default Alpha Project CREDIT UNION UK Pilot Area Citizens Certification Authority Partner Organisations Service Environment Public/Partner Organisations Other Ass. (e.g. Post Office) Public Buildings (e.g. Library) Private Banking SERVICE ACCESS Private Technology Government Departments. e.g. Health Reassurance The Trust Anchor Approach Patient & Family Active Care/Reassurance Network Doctors Surgery Patient & Doctor Patient Consultant (Hospital) Patient & Other Care Staff Health Reassurance POC Care Centre Expansion, other uses/partners Objectives: to develop a new model for services and care to act as a support to on-going professional relationships in delivering high quality customer care and staff education to increase trust, reduce fraud and improve transactional security to increase confidence in intra and cross organisational transactions to reduce transaction times, costs and effectiveness to minimise ICT charges - doesnt require changes to existing applications. Expected results: ( for example re Health Reassurance ) Improved patient care and experience. Development of professional relationships and education through a multi-disciplinary approach. Reduced unnecessary admissions and re-admissions. Reduced transport costs and associated carer costs. GP savings through reduced call outs and surgery time. Hospital savings through reduced bed use and avoided readmission penalties. What are we trying to do? 15 Communication 16 . its all about TRUST a firm reliance on the integrity, ability or character of a person or thing 17 Gary Simpson Telephone : +44(0) Any Questions?

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