coping with conflict in god’s work - fisherwick · yang mendahului aku, sangat memberatkan beban...

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Coping with conflict in God’s Work

Nehemiah 5

Morning Service and Holy Communion Sunday 5th September 2014 at 11.00am

Call to Worship Praise Hymn 126 Sing to the Lord a joyful song Prayer of Adoration & Confession Welcome and Announcements Children’s Address “What is Communion?” Praise Hymn 208(KS) Jesus’ love is very wonderful Following the hymn Little Fishes is available for children aged between 0 – 3 years old. Little Fishes is supervised so parents may return into the church service. Children (3-11 years) may leave for Kingfishers, which starts this morning. We follow a programme of Bible teaching, activities include story telling, art and craft, prayers as well as songs. We help the children learn about Jesus and grow in their faith in a fun way. Young people may leave for Late Breakfast. Solo O Salutaris Hostia (O Saving Host) – Elgar O salutaris Hostia, O saving Host, open wide Quae caeli pandis ostium: The gate of Heaven to man below; Bella premunt hostilia, Our foes press on from every side; Da robur, fer auxilium. Thine aid supply; Thy strength bestow. Uni trinoque Domino All praise and thanks to thee extend, Sit sempiterna gloria, For ever more, bless'd one in three. Qui vitam sine termino O grant us life that shall not end, Nobis donet in patria. In our true native land with thee. Amen. Amen. Introduction to Bible Readings Lesson 1 Nehemiah 5: 1-19 Eddie Rice Lesson 2 Matthew 18: 15-35 Hazel Scott Sermon “Coping with Conflict in God’s work” Michael Anderson Offering (Please stand as the Stewards bring the offering forward and set on side table)

Prayer of dedication for the Offering Prayer for Others Gareth Clegg

Praise Hymn 411 Jesus Christ I think upon your sacrifice Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper Apostle’s Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen. Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Praise Hymn 412 Lift high the cross The Benediction Organ Postlude Nun Danket Alle Gott- Kard-Elert (Organ voluntaries – the organ voluntary played at the conclusion of each service is part of the offering of worship. Members of the congregation are very welcome to remain in their seats or

come into the choir area to listen to the music)

At the end of the Service please join us for coffee/tea at the back of the church. If you are visiting Fisherwick for the first time please introduce yourself to our ministers, Rev Michael

Anderson, Rev Gary McDowell, or any member of the congregation.

Listen up everyone in year 8-12! Are you feeling hungry?

If you are ready for some Food, Fun & Fellowship we would love to see you at Late Breakfast.

We meet in the youth room upstairs during the morning service.


PRAYER MINISTRY Members of the Church’s Prayer Ministry Team are available in the Prayer Chapel following morning worship for anyone who would like people to pray for them. Prayer is available to everyone whether you are a church member or not. Our prayer ministry team are trained individuals under the authority of our ministers and all matters are treated in strictest confidence. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us." (1 John 5:14).


Nehemiah Chapter 5.1-19


章 5

1 百姓和他 的妻大大呼号,埋怨他 的弟兄犹大人。 2 有的 ,我 和儿女人口

众多,要去得粮食度命。 3 有的 ,我 典了田地,葡萄园,房屋,要得粮食充

。 4 有的 ,我 已 指着田地,葡萄园,借了 王 税。 5 我 的身体与我

弟兄的身体一 。我 的儿女与他 的儿女一般。 在我 将要使儿女作人的仆

婢,我 的女儿已有 婢的。我 并无力拯救,因 我 的田地,葡萄园已 了

人。 6 我听 他 呼号 些 ,便甚 怒。 7 我心里筹划,就斥 胄和官

,你 各人向弟兄取利。于是我招聚大会攻 他 。 8 我 他 ,我 尽力

回我 弟兄,就是 与外邦的犹大人。你 要 弟兄,使我 回来 ?他

就静默不 ,无 可答。 9 我又 ,你 所行的不善。你 行事不当敬畏我 的神

?不然, 免我 的仇 外邦人 我 。 10 我和我的弟兄与仆人,也将粮食借 百姓。我 大家都当免去利息。 11 如今我 你 将他 的田地,葡萄园

,橄 园,房屋,并向他 所取的 ,粮食,新酒,和油,百分之一的利息都

他 。 12 众人 ,我 必 ,不再向他 索要,必照你的 行。我就召了祭

司来,叫众人起誓,必照着所 的而行。 13 我也抖着胸前的衣襟, ,凡不成

就 的,愿神照 抖他离开家 和他 碌得来的,直到抖空了。会众都 ,阿

。又 美耶和 。百姓就照着所 的去行。 14 自从我奉派作犹大地的省 ,

就是从 达薛西王二十年,直到三十二年,共十二年之久,我与我弟兄都没有吃省

的俸禄。 15 在我以前的省 加重百姓的担子,每日索要粮食和酒,并 子四十

舍客勒,就是他 的仆人也 制百姓。但我因敬畏神不 行。 16 并且我恒心修造城 ,并没有置 田地。我的仆人也都聚集在那里做工。 17 除了从四 外邦中

来的犹大人以外,有犹大平民和官 一百五十人在我席上吃 。 18 每日 一只

公牛,六只肥羊,又 些 禽。每十日一次,多 各 的酒。 然如此,我并

不要省 的俸禄,因 百姓服役甚重。 19 我的神阿,求你 念我 百姓所行的


Matthew 18.15-35


15 倘若你的弟兄得罪你,你就去趁着只有他和你在一 的 候,指出他的 来。他

若听你,你便得了你的弟兄。 16 他若不听,你就另外 一两个人同去,要凭两三

个人的口作 ,句句都可定准。 17 若是不听他 ,就告 教会。若是不听教会

,就看他像外邦人和税吏一 。 18 我 在告 你 ,凡你 在地上所捆 的,在

天上也要捆 。凡你 在地上所 放的,在天上也要 放。 19 我又告 你 ,若

是你 中 有两个人在地上,同心合意地求什么事,我在天上的父,必 他 成全

。 20 因 无 在哪里,有两三个人奉我的名聚会,那里就有我在他 中 。 21 那 彼得 前来, 耶 ,主阿,我弟兄得罪我,我当 恕他几次呢?到七次可

以 ? 22 耶 ,我 你 ,不是到七次,乃是到七十个七次。 23 天国好像一个王,要和他仆人算 。 24 才算的 候,有人 了一个欠一千万 子的来。 25 因 他没有什么 之物,主人吩咐把他和他妻子儿女,并一切所有的都 了

。 26 那仆人就俯伏拜他 ,主阿, 容我,将来我都要 清。 27 那仆人的主人,就 了慈心,把他 放了,并且免了他的 。 28 那仆人出来,遇 他的一个同

伴,欠他十两 子,便揪着他,掐住他的喉 , ,你把所欠的 我。 29 他的同伴就俯伏央求他, , 容我吧,将来我必 清。 30 他不肯,竟去把他下在 里

,等他 了所欠的 。 31 众同伴看 他所作的事,就甚 愁,去把 事都告 了

主人。 32 于是主人叫了他来, 他 ,你 奴才,你央求我,我就把你所欠的

都免了。 33 你不 当怜恤你的同伴像我怜恤你 ? 34 主人就大怒,把他交 掌

刑的,等他 清了所欠的 。 35 你 各人若不从心里 恕你的弟兄,我天父也要

待你 了。

Nehemiah Chapter 5.1-19

1 Maka terdengarlah keluhan yang keras dari rakyat dan juga dari pihak para isteri terhadap sesama orang Yahudi. 2 Ada yang berteriak: "Anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan kami banyak dan kami harus mendapat gandum, supaya kami dapat makan dan hidup." 3 Dan ada yang berteriak: "Ladang dan kebun anggur dan rumah kami gadaikan untuk mendapat gandum pada waktu kelaparan." 4 Juga ada yang berteriak: "Kami harus meminjam uang untuk membayar pajak yang dikenakan raja atas ladang dan kebun anggur kami. 5 Sekarang, walaupun kami ini sedarah sedaging dengan saudara-saudara sebangsa kami dan anak-anak kami sama dengan anak-anak mereka, namun kami terpaksa membiarkan anak-anak lelaki dan anak-anak perempuan kami menjadi budak dan sudah beberapa anak perempuan kami harus membiarkan diri dimiliki orang. Kami tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa, karena ladang dan kebun anggur kami sudah di tangan orang lain." 6 Maka sangat marahlah aku, ketika kudengar keluhan mereka dan berita-berita itu. 7 Setelah berpikir masak-masak, aku menggugat para pemuka dan para penguasa. Kataku kepada mereka: "Masing-masing kamu telah makan riba dari saudara-saudaramu!" Lalu kuadakan terhadap mereka suatu sidang jemaah yang besar. 8 Berkatalah aku kepada mereka: "Kami selalu berusaha sedapat-dapatnya untuk menebus sesama orang Yahudi yang dijual kepada bangsa-bangsa lain.

Tetapi kamu ini justru menjual saudara-saudaramu, supaya mereka dibeli lagi oleh kami!" Mereka berdiam diri karena tidak dapat membantah. 9 Kataku: "Tidaklah patut apa yang kamu lakukan itu! Bukankah kamu harus berlaku dengan takut akan Allah kita untuk menghindarkan diri dari cercaan bangsa-bangsa lain, musuh-musuh kita? 10 Juga aku dan saudara-saudaraku dan anak buahku telah membungakan uang dan gandum pada mereka. Biarlah kita hapuskan hutang mereka itu! 11 Biarlah kamu kembalikan kepada mereka hari ini juga ladang mereka, kebun anggur, kebun zaitun dan rumah mereka, pula hapuskanlah hutang mereka, yakni uang serta gandum, anggur dan minyak yang kamu tagih dari pada mereka!" 12 Berkatalah mereka: "Itu akan kami kembalikan! Dan kami tidak akan menuntut apa-apa dari mereka. Kami akan lakukan tepat seperti yang engkau perintahkan!" Lalu aku memanggil para imam dan menyuruh mereka bersumpah, bahwa mereka akan menepati janji mereka. 13 Juga kukebas lipatan bajuku sambil berkata: "Demikianlah setiap orang yang tidak menepati janji ini akan dikebas Allah dari rumahnya dan hasil jerih payahnya. Demikianlah ia dikebas dan menjadi hampa!" Dan seluruh jemaah berkata: "Amin," lalu memuji-muji TUHAN. Maka rakyat berbuat sesuai dengan janji itu. 14 Pula sejak aku diangkat sebagai bupati di tanah Yehuda, yakni dari tahun kedua puluh sampai tahun ketiga puluh dua pemerintahan Artahsasta jadi dua belas tahun lamanya, aku dan saudara-saudaraku tidak pernah mengambil pembagian yang menjadi hak bupati. 15 Tetapi para bupati yang sebelumnya, yang mendahului aku, sangat memberatkan beban rakyat. Bupati-bupati itu mengambil dari mereka empat puluh syikal perak sehari untuk bahan makanan dan anggur. Bahkan anak buah mereka merajalela atas rakyat. Tetapi aku tidak berbuat demikian karena takut akan Allah. 16 Akupun memulai pekerjaan tembok itu, walaupun aku tidak memperoleh ladang. Dan semua anak buahku dikumpulkan di sana khusus untuk pekerjaan itu. 17 Duduk pada mejaku orang-orang Yahudi dan para penguasa, seratus lima puluh orang, selain mereka yang datang kepada kami dari bangsa-bangsa sekeliling kami. 18 Yang disediakan sehari atas tanggunganku ialah: seekor lembu, enam ekor kambing domba yang terpilih dan beberapa ekor unggas, dan bermacam-macam anggur dengan berlimpah-limpah setiap sepuluh hari. Namun, dengan semuanya itu, aku tidak menuntut pembagian yang menjadi hak bupati, karena pekerjaan itu sangat menekan rakyat. 19 Ya Allahku, demi kesejahteraanku, ingatlah segala yang kubuat untuk bangsa ini.

Matthew 18.15-35

15 "Apabila saudaramu berbuat dosa, tegorlah dia di bawah empat mata. Jika ia mendengarkan nasihatmu engkau telah mendapatnya kembali. 16 Jika ia tidak mendengarkan engkau, bawalah seorang atau dua orang lagi, supaya atas keterangan dua atau tiga orang saksi, perkara itu tidak disangsikan. 17 Jika ia tidak mau mendengarkan mereka, sampaikanlah soalnya kepada jemaat. Dan jika ia tidak mau juga mendengarkan jemaat, pandanglah dia sebagai seorang yang tidak mengenal Allah atau seorang pemungut cukai. 18 Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya apa yang kamu ikat di dunia ini akan terikat di sorga dan apa yang kamu lepaskan di dunia ini akan terlepas di sorga. 19 Dan lagi Aku berkata kepadamu: Jika dua orang dari padamu di dunia ini sepakat meminta apapun

juga, permintaan mereka itu akan dikabulkan oleh Bapa-Ku yang di sorga. 20 Sebab di mana dua atau tiga orang berkumpul dalam Nama-Ku, di situ Aku ada di tengah-tengah mereka." 21 Kemudian datanglah Petrus dan berkata kepada Yesus: "Tuhan, sampai berapa kali aku harus mengampuni saudaraku jika ia berbuat dosa terhadap aku? Sampai tujuh kali?" 22 Yesus berkata kepadanya: "Bukan! Aku berkata kepadamu: Bukan sampai tujuh kali, melainkan sampai tujuh puluh kali tujuh kali. 23 Sebab hal Kerajaan Sorga seumpama seorang raja yang hendak mengadakan perhitungan dengan hamba-hambanya. 24 Setelah ia mulai mengadakan perhitungan itu, dihadapkanlah kepadanya seorang yang berhutang sepuluh ribu talenta. 25 Tetapi karena orang itu tidak mampu melunaskan hutangnya, raja itu memerintahkan supaya ia dijual beserta anak isterinya dan segala miliknya untuk pembayar hutangnya. 26 Maka sujudlah hamba itu menyembah dia, katanya: Sabarlah dahulu, segala hutangku akan kulunaskan. 27 Lalu tergeraklah hati raja itu oleh belas kasihan akan hamba itu, sehingga ia membebaskannya dan menghapuskan hutangnya. 28 Tetapi ketika hamba itu keluar, ia bertemu dengan seorang hamba lain yang berhutang seratus dinar kepadanya. Ia menangkap dan mencekik kawannya itu, katanya: Bayar hutangmu! 29 Maka sujudlah kawannya itu dan memohon kepadanya: Sabarlah dahulu, hutangku itu akan kulunaskan. 30 Tetapi ia menolak dan menyerahkan kawannya itu ke dalam penjara sampai dilunaskannya hutangnya. 31 Melihat itu kawan-kawannya yang lain sangat sedih lalu menyampaikan segala yang terjadi kepada tuan mereka. 32 Raja itu menyuruh memanggil orang itu dan berkata kepadanya: Hai hamba yang jahat, seluruh hutangmu telah kuhapuskan karena engkau memohonkannya kepadaku. 33 Bukankah engkaupun harus mengasihani kawanmu seperti aku telah mengasihani engkau? 34 Maka marahlah tuannya itu dan menyerahkannya kepada algojo-algojo, sampai ia melunaskan seluruh hutangnya. 35 Maka Bapa-Ku yang di sorga akan berbuat demikian juga terhadap kamu, apabila kamu masing-masing tidak mengampuni saudaramu dengan segenap hatimu."


SOUTH BELFAST PRESBYTERY PRAYER TIME It is appropriate at this time of the year that such an event be held when we will not only pray for the work of each congregation, the Presbytery and the wider Church but also for concerns facing our community and also for brothers and sisters in other countries who are persecuted for their faith - SUNDAY 5TH OCTOBER 2014 – 3.15 to 4 15pm, Great Victoria Street Presbyterian Church. All are welcome. Sunday Night Live starts at 7.00pm and Gary McDowell will continue with our series “A People of Service and Outreach from 1 Peter.

Sunday 12th October – Harvest Sunday Sunday Morning Worship starts at 11.00am and Nathan Norris will be speaking from Ovoca Manor, Vale of Avoca, Co Wicklow, which is part of Scripture Union. There will be an opportunity to contribute to the work of Ovoca Manor at this service.

Harvest Service Donations

Please bring in gifts of flowers, fruit and vegetables on the afternoon of Friday 10th October from 2.00pm or Saturday

Morning from 10.00am to the church halls. Money donations will also be gratefully accepted, given to Maggi Pielou or any member

of the Flower Team. Thank you. The Prayer Ministry Team meeting in Wilson House from 5.30pm. At Sunday Night Live which starts at 7.00pm, Nathan Norris will also speak on the work of Ovoca Manor.

INFORMATION ON SERVICES COMING UP: We look forward to seeing you at all services each week. October: Sunday 19th Morning: GB/BB Enrolment Service. Sunday Night Live: 1 Peter. Sunday 26th Morning Service: Nehemiah 5 and 6 Sunday Night Live: 1 Peter.


ARKLOW SUMMER CLUB 2015 A small team from Fisherwick visited the Summer Club and spent time understanding the Arklow structures, ministry and summer club implementation. Fisherwick would like to send a team in summer 2015 to assist with the Arklow Summer Club. Please pray for and about this and if you are interested in being part of this next summer please speak to Michael or email If you would like more information on any Church Organisations and Groups, please speak to any member of staff or leader of the Organisation or Group if you know them or simply email, telephone 02890 666683 and we will be happy to help you. Monday 6th October There is a Board of Management meeting in the Parlour starting at 7.30pm.

Tuesday 7th September The Babies & Toddlers Group starts at 10.00am and meet in the Minor Hall. The Ladies Badminton Club meet at 10.00am in the Musgrave Hall. Over 18 Badminton Club meet at 7.30pm also in the Musgrave Hall. The NET starts on Tuesday 7th October at 8.00pm. The NET is an informal, student gathering for those who want to discuss and share what they believe. Whether you are exploring the Christian faith or a long-time Christian, come along as we explore what we believe and why we believe it. The Net meet in the church during term at 8.00pm. If you are interested in finding out more information please speak to Maddy Salz. Wednesday 8th October The Wednesday Table Tennis Group continue to meet each week 10am-12noon. New members will be made most welcome. The Wednesday Club meet from 10.15am. Gary McDowell will be speaking this week. Choir Practice begins at 7.45pm meeting in the Parlour - The choir are keen to welcome new members to all sections. Some musical knowledge is helpful but not essential. Perhaps this is your opportunity to use your gifts, serving God through helping lead worship. Why not come along some Wednesday and try it out – you will be made most welcome and enjoy the craic! Please speak to Neale Agnew our Musical Director or any choir member for more details. The Indoor Bowling Club meets in the Musgrave Hall at 7.30pm. A welcome awaits you. No experience required. For more information contact Eddie Rice or Raymond Liggett. Thursday 9th October Students Lunches continue from 12 noon to 2pm. Anyone interested in assisting by volunteering to help on a Thursday or who wish to make a financial contribution to the work of student lunches, please speak to Ruth Crawford or Raymond Robinson. Girls and Boys Brigade begins tonight starting at 6.30pm. The Girls Brigade is a Christian uniformed organisation for the girls aged 3 years and upwards. It is international and interdenominational. They meet on Thursday evenings in the Church Halls from September to April. Girls 3 - 8 years are called Explorers and meet from 6.30 - 7.30pm. The Juniors (P5-P7), Seniors (Form 1-3) and Brigaders (Form 4+) meet from 7.30 - 9.00pm. ]The Boy's Brigade also meet on Thursday. The Anchor Boys (P1-P4) and the Junior Section (P5-P7) meet at 6.30 - 7.30pm.

We provide activities and opportunities for the girls and boys and help them find new interests, learn new skills and discover their gifts. It is all about having fun and meeting new friends. Friday 10th October The Friday Morning Congregational Prayer Meeting starts at 7.30am in Wilson House, which is open to everyone to attend. The prayer meeting will finish at 8.15am, however if you have to leave earlier that is fine. Saturday 14th October Care for the Family are holding a one day event in Orangefield Presbyterian Church for mums, called “Mum’s the word – mums are kind of a big deal!”, with speakers Diane Louise Jordan and Cathy Madavan. For more information and to book go to Tickets are £6 per person. SMALL GROUPS Small Groups meet fortnightly, mostly in homes across Belfast. Each group is unique in style and format but they all exist for people to meet together, form real relationships and encourage one another as we live life following Jesus. If you would like to meet new people and grow in your faith then join a small group. For information about Small Groups in Fisherwick check out the information boards beside the Coffee Bar, the website or contact the Church Office. The Small group Co-Ordinators are Peter and Linda Little. LITTLE FISHES Little Fishes is in the parlour. It is a place for parents to leave their babies and toddlers during the church service. There are supervised activities, toys and a snack time. There is also a designated baby area with a protective screen with a crèche leader supervising. The new co-ordinator is Kathryn Ward.


At the end of today’s service please take this order of service home with you. Through the week, pray for each of the church organisations and

through the events listed.

Also, pray for those in our congregation family who you know are in need of prayer and each day pray for one of the prayer requests from the

Presbyterian Church in Ireland’s Mission Ireland and Overseas Prayerline.

Thank you.

PRAYERS FOR MISSION IRELAND Arklow Presbyterian Church Pray for:

• Pray for the Kirk Session, Committee and Congregation and Vacancy Convener (Rev Dr Kathryn Meyer) and that the congregation will be able to move swiftly to a position of being granted leave to call a new minister.

• Pray for all the churches that will be vacant by the end of June along the south east coast of Ireland – Bray, Blackrock, Greystones and Arklow.

• Pray for great wisdom for BMI, Union Commission and the Dublin and Munster Presbytery as decisions are made about these churches in granting leave to call.

Craigavon Urban Mission Congregation - Revd Lachlan Webster Pray for:

• Pray for the successful conversion of a large store room into a classroom in order to accommodate our expanding Sunday school and Crèche.

• Pray for the congregation as they read through the New Testament during October and November using the “Community Bible Experience” material.

• Pray for the Good News Club which meets on Friday evenings as it starts up again in October.

Mullingar Presbyterian Church - Revd Stephen Lockington Pray for:

• Pray for the teenage youth group, SOLID, as it kicks off again on Friday 3 in October. It’s a twice monthly, two hour programme - this session engaging with the Youth Alpha Programme.

• Pray for Oodles & Doodles as it meets weekly on a Wednesday morning; for relationships to be built for the Gospel’s sake.

Ballina, Ballymote & Killala Presbyterian Churches - Revd Molly Deatherage Praise and Prayer for:

• We are praising God for two Bible Studies, one in Ballina and the other in E. Mayo. Please pray with us that these will be effective discipling times.

• We are decorating our Ballina church building for harvest a couple of days early and on the Saturday will have a kind of “open house” to let the community come and see the decorations. Some of the ladies are offering a cup of tea or coffee for a donation to the cancer unit in Mayo General Hospital. Every time we do something like this, people come who have never been through the doors before. Pray for those connections.

• Our harvests are opportunities to minister across the community. Pray for all those who come, that they will be drawn closer to Jesus through every aspect of the services.

Lisbellaw, Lisnaskea, Maguiresbridge & Newtownbutler Presbyterian

Churches -Revd Rodney Beacom Praise and Prayer for:

• Give thanks for the ‘Friendship Hour’ which begins on Thursday 9 October – a new monthly event and a time when ladies with a spare hour or so can come to the manse and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, a chat and a time of fellowship and friendship.

• Please pray that through this, relationships will be strengthened, encouragements and burdens will be shared, and opportunities to share the gospel will come and that people will look to and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.

Tempo Presbyterian Church -Revd Charles Clements Pray for:

• SUPA Club gets under way in October and will run for 4 weeks. As it is Harvest we plan to take a look at the parable of the sower. We hope to welcome some new members from P4 as well as children who have previously attended. Please pray that we may also find some extra help to run the club and for more involvement from Tempo congregation itself. May the good seed of God’s Word take root in the lives of the children who come along each week.

Howth & Malahide Presbyterian Church - Revd Alastair Dunlop Praise and Prayer for:

• Give thanks for new faces at Sunday Morning Kidzone, continue to pray for each child settling in. There is a need for additional leaders. Pray for Christians to take up this challenge in teaching children.

• Thursday afternoon is our Day Time Bible Study for seniors. It’s good to see new folks coming along. Together we are studying the life of Peter, with audio visual of a well-known missionary.

• Thank you for your prayers for my visits to NI Hospice. On Thursday morning I conduct the daily share and prayer service. Day patients also attend which is a great encouragement.

• Continue to pray for the rebuild of our new Hospice at Somerton Road. Glenada Retreat Pray for:

• Pray for the Irish Mission Workers and Community Outreach Workers who will spend some time together in Glenada Conference Centre in Newcastle on Monday 6 – Tuesday 7 October.

• Pray for Roger Carswell who will be the Speaker at the retreat. • Pray for the Deaconesses who will spend some time together in Glenada

Conference Centre on Tuesday 7 – Wednesday 8 October, and for Revd Christoph Ebbinghaus who will be the Speaker.

• Pray that everyone will be refreshed and encouraged by this time away.

Billy Patterson (Retired Irish Mission Worker) - Newry Pray for:

• Members of congregations in Newry Presbytery plan to distribute 10,000 leaflets, advertising Billy’s Hotel Bible Study, which begins again in the Canal Court Hotel on Tuesday 7 October. Pray for sufficient help to distribute the leaflets and for a good response as people receive them.

• Pray for Billy as he prepares to commence the Hotel Bible Study; that he will know the Lord’s blessing and leading.

• Pray for people to come to the Bible Study and for lives to be brought to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

• Pray for the Presbytery commission overseeing this work, that it will know the Spirit’s leading and guiding as to the longer-term future of this important work in Newry.

MISSION OVERSEAS From MISSION OVERSEAS PRAYERLINE MISSION INVOLVEMENT Two ‘Overseas Mission’ events are coming up this month: Serving as Senders - Saturday 18th October, (9.30am - 4.00pm) in Belfast Bible College, Dunmurry. This one-day, practical, training event, is designed to help local churches to fulfil their part in the Great Commission by caring effectively for their mission personnel. This event is being organised by Mission Agencies Partnership and is supported by the Board of Mission Overseas. Places must be booked in advance. Celebration of Global Mission - Tuesday, 21st October, (7.30 pm – 9.30 pm) in Assembly Buildings (Church House), Belfast. The theme for this year’s Board of Mission Overseas Celebration is ‘Body and Soul… a people of service and outreach’. Speakers will include: Volker Glissmann (Malawi); Derek & Linda Roulston (Kenya): and Brenda Kerr (‘From Teams to Twinning’ – Ukraine). There will also be a presentation from the Specialist Service Agencies on Bible Poverty and a Celebration of the two 2014 PCI Ignite Teams. Everyone is welcome to attend! • Pray for the preparations for these events. • Pray too that they will be well-attended. PORTUGAL Over 60 people from the northern region of Portugal gathered for a conference for church planters on 19th September, at which Ron Anderson was the keynote speaker. He suggested that church planting is a process involving our creative

God and to reach different cultural contexts many different approaches are necessary. He also encouraged church planters to know their context, formulate their vision and develop their strategy.

• Pray for James and the facilitating team of the church planting network, as they meet in October to organise bi-monthly meetings for church planters.  

 SPAIN  At the start of this new academic year, Derek and Jane French are encouraging the Christian students involved in GBU in northern Spain to think of two or three non-Christian friends that they can share the Gospel with, on an individual level over the course of six to eight weeks using a series of six studies from Luke’s Gospel.  

On Friday, (3rd) Derek travelled to Barcelona to meet with Francisco Mira (General Secretary, GBU) to discuss various future projects, including raising funds for good resources / books in Spanish, deciding what resources / books to prioritise, and developing a one-year teaching course for short term workers.  

• Pray for Christian students sharing Luke’s Gospel with their friends; that God would give them courage and that many more will come to faith in Christ.  

• Pray for the outcome of Derek’s trip and meeting in Barcelona. Pray for wisdom and vision as different projects are developed.  

KENYA Stephen Cowan reports, “Rains seem to have stopped in many parts of the country which will affect crop production. Fortunately, some crops which were badly affected by poor rainfall in April were replanted and have now grown well now. In Tuum, the monthly teaching time re-scheduled to the fourth week of the month has a good attendance, despite the market day in Tuum on Monday.” Give thanks for a good involvement of many men from Seren and Kaisipu, who have spearheaded gatherings at the village during the week at three locations.

• Pray for Samuel at Seren as he meets with villagers during the week. • Pray for the continued construction of the girl’s dormitory at Seren. • Pray for plans for the December youth camps as a team to lead the camps

has yet to be finalised. • Give thanks for Kasoni’s ministry amongst girls in villages and schools, and

pray for her as she continues this work.  MALAWI  Diane Cusick writes in her October Bulletin, “We have had meetings with the trainers in Livingstonia and Lilongwe zone over the past few weeks and it has been an encouragement to see some positive things happening in Early Childhood. During October, Nicolas and I will travel to Misuku to train some of our church ministers and session clerks on the importance of Early Childhood Development, and how as a congregation they can support the centre at their church.”  

• Give thanks for all that has been achieved during the last month in Early

Childhood Development (ECD).  • Pray that sufficient funding can be sourced for the ECD programme in

CCAP Synod of Livingstonia.  • Pray for safe travels as Diane and Nicolas go to Misuku and pray for the

training to go well.   Volker and JinHyeog Glissmann share the following prayer topics for the ministry of Theological Education by Extension in Malawi (TEEM):-

• Pray for the translators working on the translation of TEEM’s Certificate in Ministry into Chichewa and Chitumbuka.

• The final Chitumbuka translation of ‘Preaching Philippians’ is due to be completed in the next week or so. Pray that the final editing produces an easy to understand booklet. Unfortunately, the Chichewa translation of the same book was lost when the laptop of the translator was stolen. Pray that TEEM will quickly find a new translator for this project as the previous one has now left Malawi.

• Pray that each member of the Glissmann family will soon be back to full health and strength. They are still struggling after they caught an unpleasant flu virus in Belfast before their departure at the end of August.

 PAKISTAN  Ron and Hilary McCartney are enjoying teaching at Forman Christian College in Lahore. Hilary has also started doing some English lessons with young lecturers in Statistics who need to pass an exam in English in order to keep their jobs in Forman.  

Sadly some rain at the beginning of September soon became torrential, causing flooding and loss of life in some areas. Relief work continues.  

• Pray for protection for Ron and Hilary and the other staff and students at the College.  

• Pray that the new students will feel welcome in the College.  • Pray for families in Pakistan who have suffered because of recent floods

and for efficient relief work with survivors.   INDIA Rev Uel Marrs, Overseas Secretary arrived in India on Monday (29th), and he has taken part in the Church of North India's Overseas Partnership meeting at which he met with CNI leaders and some of their other overseas partners. The rest of the week Uel attended the CNI’s 15th Ordinary Synod. Uel travelled back to Ireland on Friday (3rd).

• Pray for the Church of North India; for its leaders and members as they continue to witness for Christ.  

FEBA William Mateer, FEBA UK & Ireland Ambassador, thanks you for your prayerful support and asks for the following:

Africa: Pray for Feba’s team leader in north-east Africa, as he prepares to visit the UK next week as his wife has been undergoing various health tests, asking God to give them and their family a sense of His peace at this difficult time. Thank God for plans to reach out to ‘Urban Youth’ as they transition to adulthood, with a possible new partnership in the region, ask God to bless the plans on the team leader’s heart to develop these ideas into effective radio ministry programmes. Asia: Thank God for Anil Alfred and his team at the Gaweylon (Good News) Centre in northwest India as they make programmes to broadcast into Tibet. Ask God to continue to lead and guide them to educate, challenge and inspire others about Jesus. Give thanks too for the vast number of Tibetans who regularly listen to the programme on shortwave radio in isolated regions across Tibet, India, Nepal & Bhutan and for those who tune-in using the Internet in urban areas. Middle East: Please continue to pray for the people of Iraq and Syria as the threat from IS continues and as coalition air strikes take place. Ask God to bring his peace to those in distress. Pray for Feba’s partner station ‘Voice of Joy’ as they broadcast a message of hope, love and peace across the region and for the families of Feba team members, who have been displaced from their homes. Pray particularly for safety as some of the team are under threat of death.

Audio Recordings of today’s services and previous services are available online at . For this and more information

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Volunteering in Fisherwick

There are many people who volunteer in Fisherwick in many roles in the church. Indeed Fisherwick church could not function without volunteers. As a church leadership, we recognise and value the contribution volunteers make to enable the vision and values of the church. Volunteers bring many new skills, knowledge and enthusiasm, adding a refreshing perspective to the work of the church. As a church we want to develop a volunteering spirit and we want to speak with people of all ages who want to find out more about getting involved. At this early stage we want to speak with people who are “interested” in finding out more. By showing an “interest” you are not committing yourself to anything. To volunteer in some way is service. Service to the church and community we are called to be in. If you would like to find out more about volunteering in any area of church life then please speak initially with our Senior Minister Michael Anderson ( or our Church Manager, Raymond Robinson (

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