cornerstone christian union 2016.pdf · october 16th was our pastor appreciation day. after sunday...

Post on 07-Jul-2020






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Cornerstone Christian Union







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Missionary Offering will be collected on Sunday morning November 6th.

A Gideon Representative is scheduled to be speaking for us during the Sunday morning worship service on November 6


The West Union Helping Hands will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall on Thursday morning, November 10th at 10:00 A.M. We will be making cookie trays for different ones in the community. For our noon meal at 11:30, we will be having sandwiches. The men are invited to share in the meal.

Our Annual Soup Supper and Auction at the Fellowship Hall was on Friday night, October 28

th. We thank everyone that

came out to help in this fundraiser for 3 missionary

couples that the Helping

Hands support.

A meeting of the Adams County for Christian Values will be held at the Adams County Christian School, Tuesday night, November 1st at 7:00 P.M. One thing that has been discussed in past meetings, is the election this fall. There are those in the community, that are wanting issues for the sale of alcoholic beverages, put on the ballot. Pray folks!

Those celebrating Birthdays during the month of November are: Curtis Stevens, 11/2; Dwayne Curless, 11/10; Seth Stevens, 11;11; Jeff Bullis, 11/13; Levi Little, 11/19; Teresa VanHoose, 11/19; Pat Stevens, 11/28.

“I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn’t need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end.”----Henry Ford----

“Get down on your knees and thank God you are on your feet.” ----Irish Saying----

Reporter Pat Stevens Pastor Cliff Stevens



Sunday School

9:30 A.M.

Sunday Morning Worship

10:30 A.M.

Sunday Evening Worship

6:00 P.M.

Wednesday Bible Study &

Pray Meeting

7:00 P.M.

(We are studying the

book of Obadiah)



Ruedella McCown


Russell Gaffin





Denns Hawkins


Pauline Tracy


Brook Justice



Jesse Pertuset


Steve Harris


Shandra Havens


The Singles and Doubles Sunday School Class reported that they raised

approximately $1876 from the sale of items plus monetary donations at their

annual Coats for Kids auction which was held in the Fellowship Hall on

October 8th. They thank everyone who attended the auction or participated

in any way.

The first Youth Rally Quiz of the season was held at the Adams County

Christian School on October 9th. We had eighteen present. Our Junior Team

members are Bella Dettwiller, Lauren Hoop and Ryan Mack. Our Senior

Team members are Rebecca McCarty and Mitchell Toney. Marjorie

Swearingen is the leader. They are happy to report that the Senior Team

placed third in their Bible Quiz and the Primary Team placed third in their

Sword Drills. The next quiz will be on November 13th. Thanks to everyone

for their prayers and support.

The First District Council was held at Satterfield Chapel on Saturday,

October 15th. Bonnie Hawkins and Virginia Grooms were our delegates.

Pastor Lee was the Moderator and reported that it was a good day. A few

other people from our church also attended.

We celebrated Pastor Appreciation on October 23rd with a covered dish

dinner in the Fellowship Hall after morning worship service. The church also

presented Pastor Lee and his family with a gift. We appreciate all that they

do for us.

We had Trick or Treat in the Fellowship Hall on Friday evening, October 28th.

Hot chocolate and cookies were served and candy was passed out to the

children. Pastor Lee reported that we had a good turnout with a count of over

600 people. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way.

Corbett Phipps took our church van full of people on a leaf tour on Sunday

afternoon, October 30th. They left at 1:00 pm and were back in time for

evening church services at 6:00pm. They enjoyed the tour.

November 14-21 is National Collection week for Operation Christmas Child

shoeboxes. Pray with us that we will be able to exceed last year's number.

We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving

on November 24th.

West Union C .U .




Elijah McCarty


Louise McDaniel


Sue Stanfield


Savanah Hitchcock


Zander White


Our church now has a youth group. There are between ten and twelve

boys and girls in the group. They plan to have a project each month.

They have a meeting once a month. We are so proud of the boys and

girls who attend church and all the things that they do. Our prayers are

with them.

October 16th was our Pastor Appreciation day. After Sunday School we

had singing by Satisfied. The youth group made a poster board for

Pastor Myers telling all the things he does for our church. There were

candy bars with their names relating to the statements. Pastor Myers

was very surprised and grateful. The congregation then went to Frisch's

for lunch. We thank Pastor Myers for everything he does for us.

After church on October 23rd the youth group took a sunshine basket to

Sue Stanfield. Sue is our third Elder and was in a car accident a few

months ago and still has a while to go before she is able to attend church

again. I am sure she was surprised and happy to see them. Our prayers

are with Sue.

October 31st we will have Trunk or Treat in Manchester. There will be

treats and refreshments will be served.

We want to wish everyone a Blessed Thanksgiving on November 24th.

We have so many things to be thankful for. We plan to have our turkey

give away on Sunday, November 20th. We have been doing this for the

past few years. It is a blessing to help others.

Voice of Praise will be singing on November 13th. Everyone welcome.

Please pray for Sue Stanfield, Pat McFarland, Ty McClanahan, Ron

Palmer, Justin Palmer, Ron McDaniel, Raymond Dryden, Mary Mason

and Martha Bennett. Please pray for all the nursing home residents and

the ones who are unable to get to church.

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name

of our Lord Jesus Christ;" Ephesians 5:20

Reporter: Shirley Shaw Pastor: Darrell Myers

Union C .u . Bentonville

November Birthdays

Haley Nesbit 1st

Darla Copas 3rd

John Brown 4


Landon Grooms 8th

Delsey Trefz 11th

Payton Price 12th

Ash Price 12th

Christine Riggs 13th

Barry Copas 15th

Bridgett Kitchen 19th

Serrie Nesbit 20th

Sydney Roberts 27th

Steve Harris 29th

Jason Grooms 30th

November Anniversaries Marty & Barbara

Grooms 1st

Brian & Bridgett Kitchen 8


Winston & Donna Pistole


Deposit God’s word in your memory bank, and it will draw interest for life

As we reported last month the outside of the church has been completely repaired, with new roofs and the heating and air conditioning upgraded. Now more good news, King James bibles were donated for the pews by an anonymous donor to replace the old ones which were well used with several loose pages.

In God’s hand our little becomes much Friday evening, October 31

st,members of the church passed out candy to

trick or treat, only it was called “Trunk or Treat” as the members had the treats in the trunk of cars with a message of love and scripture Thanks Donna Sue Pistole for the great poem announcing the Trunk or Treat on our One Call Now

Don’t put a dimmer switch on your light for Jesus October 5th we had Bob Hill,a Gideon speaker, for the morning service. October 12

th, the message was brought by Tilson Green for both morning

and evening service as our pastor and his family were on vacation. Then on October 19

th , with over 120 in attendance, we had our church

homecoming and pastor appreciation day with “Satisfied” bringing the message thru song and testimony with Pastor Bill giving an alter call. We then retired to the fellowship bldg..for a super meal with the church providing the meat and potatoes.

Why are the godless everywhere so frightened by the sound of prayer?

The Ladies Aide will meet Nov 6th. at the fellowship bldg.. The topic will be

“Grace and Thanksgiving”. They will have a carry-in lunch with Penny Dixon preparing the meat and potatoes.

Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present Our Youth Leaders, Radah Brown and Robin Young, are having our youth and the young at heart a bowling party at the Sunset Bowling Lanes, Saturday, Nov. 8

th.,12:00 P.M. Come out and support those who are our

church of tomorrow. True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere

else Preacher Bill will be honoring our veterans on Nov 9

th with a special

message. Don’t forget to thank a veteran on Nov. 11th.,a day set aside for

our veterans. Remember “all gave some, some gave all”. Autumn is a second spring when every leaf turns into a flower

The following are on our prayer list: Ray Mata, the Erwin Brown family, Mary Lou Ruoark, Gail Ann Wolk, the Bonnie Hale family, Ronnie Roush, Sherry Graham family (lost home in fire), Luther Jolly, Ricky Ray , Terry Mahaffey, Buddy Roberts, Peyton Price, Gary McClanahan, Shirley and Harry Grooms, Naomi and Norman Abbott, Beth McNeilan, Ione Dixon, Rosa Bell Grooms, Berma Rooselot, Laura Hoskins, Kaitlyn Swearinger, Dana Setty, Jim Kattine and the family of Jonathan Shively

No legacy is so rich as honesty

Satterfield Chapel

Pastor Appreciation Month

October was pastor appreciation month. The congregation showed their appreciation by presenting a overnight get a way to Jonathan and Amanda. They also celebrated with cake after the Sunday morning service. Its hard to believe Jonathan and Amanda have been pastoring our church for over 7 years.


Everything that, Everything that,

Everything that hath breath ________________?

Are you thankful? Far too many times if we are not careful, church services tend to turn into a complaining session rather than a time of praise. During singing, either the music too loud, not loud enough, the wrong song, or in the wrong key. Congregational singing is followed by prayer requests. During requests, we take a great deal of time sharing with everyone how sick we are or how bad we really have it. This sometimes becomes more of a competition of sorts to determine who is worse off. Before you shake your head, be honest, you already have someone’s name in your head. After prayer, most services go into a time of testimony and songs. This too can lead into a momentous time of complaining. After this becomes the norm for a church, they begin to wonder why the Holy Spirit’s presence isn’t felt and why visitors choose not to return. What can we do to change it? I think a good place to start would be in Scripture and maybe even in Psalm 150:6

Let everything that has breath

praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord!

Take a deep breath. Are you still alive? Great, then you should praise the Lord. Have you ever wondered how our creator and sustainer must feel when he has provided everything for us, and yet we still find something to complain about. ESPECIALLY IF IT IS IN CHURCH? Take a minute to count your blessings Maybe you should even write them down. If you do, I am confident that you too will be praising the Lord rather than complaining about your current situations.

Hills Chapel

Beasley Fork Christian Union

Mary Lou Grooms, Paul Kemp, and Donald McCarty attended First District Council on October

15th. Paul Kemp reported on a message shared about discipleship and the importance of nurtur-

ing new Christians, just as one would care for a newborn baby. Mary Lou reported that eight

churches were represented. Two areas of scripture shared were II Timothy 3:1-5, so telling of the

times we are living in, and Luke 9:47-52.

Some attended the Monroe Twp. Sunday School Convention at Wrightsville on October 16th.

There was good report of a local church growing and flourishing. Praise God.

Congratulations to the kids on a great job at the last Youth Rally. The senior team placed 3rd in

Quiz and the primary team placed 3rd in Sword Drills. The next rally will be November 13th,

2:00pm, at the Adams County Christian School. Come out to support the kids if you can.

We are gearing up for our Operation Shoebox packing party. Our congregation has been collect-

ing items all year, and we are anxious to see how many shoeboxes we get this year.

We have many on our prayer list. There seem to be so many enduring trials and illnesses. Thank-

fully, God knows all the needs. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10—And he said unto me, My grace is suffi-

cient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory

in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmi-

ties, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am

weak, then am I strong. H a p p y T h a n k s g i v i n g

There's a roof up above me

I've a good place to sleep

There's food on my table

And shoes on my feet

You gave me your love Lord

And a fine family

Thank you Lord

For your blessings on me!

Happy Birthday to:

Frances Ward—4th

Paul Kemp—4th

Kimberly Kemp—6th

Hunter Kemp—8th

Kim Ward—11th

Jackie Brown—14th

Doug Mack—17th

Happy Anniversary to:

Paul & Kimberly Kemp—8th

Tommy & Jackie Brown—20th

Upcoming Events:

Nov 5—Ladies’ Aide

Nov 12—Operation Shoe Box

Packing Party

Nov 13—Youth Rally

PRAY for our nation!












MONDAY, NOV. 21 9AM - 11AM




Haley Nesbit 1st

Darla Copas 3rd

John Brown 4th

Landon Grooms 8th

Delsey Trefz 11th

Payton Price 12th

Ash Price 12th

Christena Fryman 13th

Barry Copas 15th

Bridgett Kitchen 19th

Sierra Nesbit 20th

Sydney Roberts 27th

Jason Grooms 30th


Marty & Barbara Grooms 1st

Brian & Bridgett Kitchen 7th

Winson & Donna Pistole 9th

First District Council Meeting First District Council met at

Satterfield Chapel on October

15th. Eight churches were

represented. The day was

filled with business, worship

and prayer. Lunch was

provided and served by our

church. Food and

fellowship were both


Guest Speaker

We had a very special guest, a living testimony to our Lord and

Savior, visit us. Davey Waite spoke about being a heart transplant

recipient. Tears were flowing as he shared his story of the power

of prayer, faith and what God has brought him through.

Congratulations Congratulations are extended

to Brooke (Horton) Hayward

on the birth of her son Barrett


Satterfield Chapel 11/1/2016


Man, says show me and I’ll trust you. God says

trust me and I’ll show you.

Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious

seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his

sheaves with him.

“Be an encourager, the world has plenty of critics already”

Reporters: Robin Young & Radah Brown

Halloween Celebrations

This year we had our “Trunk

or Treat” on the busiest street

in West Union. It was a huge

success. Thank you to all who

represented our church by

participating, buying candy

and/or helping giving it out.

Ladies’ Aide

The Ladies’ Aide will meet in

the Fellowship building on

November 3rd. The topic of

the meeting will be

“Thanksgiving” and will be

prepared by Penny Dixon.

Fun and Fellowship

Our annual bowling trip will

be November 12th. We always

have a great time and we

expect this year to be no

different. We are a blessed



“You are the only Bible some

unbelievers will ever read”

“If God called us to a task, He

will then qualify us for the job”

Prayer Line

Marvin Geeslin

Elijah Reeves

Kathy Combess

Ronnie Staggs

Annette Grooms

Newborn baby of Mr. & Mrs.

Adam Fannin

Sam Freeland

Sammy Young

Roy Brooke Jr

Kenny Williams, Garnet

Conn, Kevin Hogge

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