coursework information evening - fullbrook school · •to make all aware of the coursework...

Post on 19-Aug-2018






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Yr 11 CourseworkYr 11 CourseworkInformation Eveningg

fAims for this evening

•To make all aware of the coursework requirements for Year 11 

•Help with planning and organisation•Help with planning and organisation

R d th t d i t d i th ‘H t•Reduce the stress and anxiety during the ‘Hot Spots’ throughout the year.

/C SRevision/Coursework Sessions

?How will tonight work?

• 6:10‐6:30pm (English, Maths, Science & Languages)

• 6:30‐7:30pm (4x15 minute carousel for ‘option’ choices)

• Teachers will give information for 10 minutes, to allow movement time in between rooms

• Please ensure you take away a coursework booklet

GCSE MathematicsGCSE Mathematics

Fantastic Results – 85.27% A*-C

• Exam Board:Edexcel 1MA1

Exam• Exam Board:Edexcel 1MA1Higher: Grades 9 to 4

Sets 1-3Foundation: Grades 5 to 1

Sets 4-6

Th O N C l l t & T C l l t E (All 90 i t )• Three papers – One Non-Calculator & Two Calculator Exams (All 90 minutes)


• Revision Guide; CPG Maths Buster CD - Order through school before Friday 7th October f £6 ( D l d f £12 99) S H d t L tt ill b h d d t t d t t

• Y11 Drop-in; Every Tuesday After School – Rm 18

for £6 (or Download for £12.99) See Handout. Letter will be handed to student at school.

• Specific Maths intervention on Tuesdays (3:15-4pm every other week)

• Holiday revision over Easter, Summer half term break and before exams

• DLD day revision activities in Summer Term

F llb kFullbrookA Specialist Mathematics & Computing College

GCSE E li h Li d E li hGCSE English Literature and English Language 

•Examinations in June 2017

•100% examination

•AQA examining body•AQA examining body

F llb kFullbrookA Specialist Mathematics & Computing College

English LiteratureEnglish Literature

Examination June 2017Paper 1 (1h 45) (22/5/17)Shakespeare and the 19th century novelP 2 (2h 15) (26/5/17)Paper 2 (2hr 15) (26/5/17)Modern texts and poetry

Two examination papersGraded using 1‐9

F llb kFullbrookA Specialist Mathematics & Computing College

E li h LEnglish Language

E i i J 2017Examination June 2017Paper 1 (1hr 45) (6/6/17)Explorations in creative reading and writingExplorations in creative reading and writingPaper 2 (1hr 45) (12/6/17)Writers’ viewpoints and perspectivesWriters  viewpoints and perspectives

FullbrookFullbrookA Specialist Mathematics & Computing College

Addi i l ff d i h l•Additional support offered in school:

•Alternate Wednesday after school exam skills support sessions

•Focused intervention and small group support

•This will cover both language and literature courses 

FullbrookFullbrookA Specialist Mathematics & Computing College

H h l i hHow can parents help to raise the achievement of their children?

k•Homework•Copies of set texts for individual student annotation and to be used as revision aid 

•Study guides are available from bookshops (most are not yet available 

til M h 2016)until March 2016)•Quiet place to study

F llb kFullbrookA Specialist Mathematics & Computing College

C iConcerns or queries:

M L S (H d f E li h)Mrs L Stewart (Head of English)Mrs M Quail (KS4 Coordinator)

Email via

SScience Controlled assessed task • For each GCSE completed in Science 25% is based on a controlled assessed task (CAT). 

• The CAT is the only coursework element in Science and it has to beThe CAT is the only coursework element in Science and it has to be completed under teacher supervision. 

• This means there is no work that should be completed at home. St d t h l d l t d CAT Th t CAT ill b i i• Students have already completed one CAT. The next CAT will begin in the week of 3/10/16. It will take approximately 10 lessons to complete. Th i i li i l h CAT If d d• There is no time limit to complete the CAT.  If students need more time, they can come after school to complete the task. 

Catch up sessions• Day 1 is when Science will run catch up and revision sessions. 

CMFL : Controlled Assessment

•2 x Speaking Controlled Assessments : 15% each = 30% of overall Grade.30% of overall Grade.

•2 x Writing Controlled Assessments : 15% each = 30% of overall Grade.of overall Grade.

•Some classes have completed some Controlled Assessments in Year 10. Some still to do.Assessments in Year 10. Some still to do.

•Can redo if Target Grade not met.•Revision Guides?•Revision Guides? •French RG/WB/PP  German RG/WB   Spanish RG/WB

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