create a custom template.odt

Post on 08-Jan-2016






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Create a Custom TemplateUse your own HTML in MailChimp to createtemplatesyou can store and reuse for futurecampaigns. Custom templates are an advanced feature and are recommended for users familiar with custom coding, or who work with or have access to a developer.There are a few ways to create customtemplates in MailChimp. Below, you'll learn how to import your template via HTML or ZIP file and customize your template in MailChimp.Create Your TemplateThere are two ways to import custom templates. Below, you'll learn how to paste in your custom HTML and how to upload your HTML or ZIP file from your computer.Paste in HTML

Upload HTML or ZIP File

Paste in HTMLTo create a template by pasting in your own HTML, follow the steps below.Navigate to theTemplatespage.

ClickCreate Template.

On theCode Your Owntab, selectPaste in code.

On theEdit Codescreen, replace or edit the example code, and clickSaveat the bottom of the editing pane.

Upload HTML or ZIP FileTo create a template by uploading a ZIP or HTML file from your computer, follow the steps below.Navigate to theTemplatespage.

ClickCreate Template.

On theCode Your Owntab, selectImport HTMLorImport ZIPto upload a file from your computer.

ClickBrowseand choose your HTMLor ZIP file.

Name your template, and clickUpload.

After the file is uploaded, you'll find it on theTemplatespage and on theTemplatesstep of the Campaign Builder. Review ourtroubleshooting tipsif you run into problems with your ZIP file.Customize Your TemplateAfter you've created your template, make further changes to your design on theEdit Codetab. you coded your template with MailChimp'sTemplate Language, which createseditable styles, you can tweak your design on theEdit Designtab.Insert Images and Files in Your TemplateInclude any images and documents that should appear in campaigns you build with your custom template, such as logos or fact sheets. To add hosted files to your template, follow the steps below.Navigate to theEdit Code panein yourCode Your Owntemplate.

Click theFile Managerbutton.

Locate the image or file you want to place in your template orupload a new file, then clickCopy URL.

The source URL of your image or file is copied to your clipboard, and theFile Managercloses.

Paste the source URL into the link or image tag where you want the file to use the file, and clickSave.

Preview and testyour new template to be sure everything appears as it should before you send to your subscribers.Technical Support30 days remainingIf you have questions about your account, contact our support team.Email UsCampaignsCreate Campaign


UntitledRegularEditedon Jul 29, 2015 12:08 pmEdit

Curso SiafRegular trasmarc sac Test ListSenton Tue, Jul 28, 2015 12:58 pm1Subscribers100.0%Opens0.0%ClicksView Report

Curso SigaRegular trasmarc sac Test ListSenton Tue, Jul 28, 2015 12:45 pm1Subscribers100.0%Opens0.0%ClicksView Report

Crear una plantillaHTML personalizadaActualizado: 06/11/2015


Esta funcin requiere un usario de nivel Manager o ms alto.Crea, personaliza, reutiliza ycomparteplantillas en MailChimp y utiliza nuestrolenguaje de plantillaen tu HTML personalizado para crear reas de contenido editables y repetibles. Esta es una buena opcin para que los diseadores creen diseos personalizados y flexibles sin que sus clientes tengan que saber mucho sobre HTML y CSS. A continuacin, aprenders cmo importar y personalizar tu plantilla en MailChimp, as como la forma de insertar tus imgenes y archivos.Importa tu plantillaVe a la pginaTemplates (Plantillas).

Haz clic en el botnCreate Template (Crear Plantilla).

Haz clic en la pestaaCode Your Own (Programa tu propia plantilla).

En la pginaCode Your Own (Programa tu propia plantilla),eligePaste in Code (Pegar cdigo),Import HTML (Importar HTML),oImport ZIP (Importar ZIP).
Elige entre las siguientes opciones:Paste in code (Pegar cdigo)para pegar el HTML de la plantilla en MailChimp desde otra fuente oImportar HTMLoImportar ZIPpara elegir un archivo de tu computadora para subir.
Despus de importar la plantilla, se te dirigir a la pantallaEdit Code (Editar cdigo).

Personaliza tu plantillaUna vez que hayas subido tu plantilla, puedes modificar el cdigo en la pginaEdit Code (Editar Cdigo).Si el cdigo de la plantilla incluyeel lenguaje de plantilla de MailChimp, tambin puedes utilizar herramientas de diseo familiares de MailChimp para personalizar la apariencia de tu plantilla en la pantallaEdit Design (Editar diseo). archivos en tuplantillaSi tienes documentos o imgenes que deseas utilizar en varias campaas, puedes codificarlos rpidamente en tus plantillas utilizando elFile Manager (Administrador de archivos).Ve al panelEdit Code (Editar cdigo)en la seccinCode Your Own (Programa tu propia plantilla).

Haz clic en el botnFile Manager (Administrador de archivos).

Busca la imagen o archivo que deseas encastrar o vincular en tu plantilla. Haz clic enCopy URL (Copiar URL).

La URL fuente de tu imagen o archivo se copia en el portapapeles, y elFile Manager (Administrador de archivos)se cierra.

Pega la URL fuente en la etiqueta donde deseas que se use el archivo.

Tambin puedes hacer un montn de otras cosas interesantes, como cambiar todas las tipgorafas predeterminadas, los colores de fondobsicamente cualquier cosa que desees. Si ests diseando una plantilla con estilo de comercio electrnico con una cuadrcula o matriz de productos, puedes configurarla con marcadores de posicin para grficos y texto, y luego hacer toda la seccin repetible.SugerenciasEtiquetadoHTML

Artculos relacionadosIntroduccin al Lenguaje de Plantilla de MailChimp

Crear estilos editables con el lenguaje de plantilla de MailChimp

Crear reas de contenido editable con el lenguaje de plantillas de MailChimp

Repeatable or Variable Content Blocks

Servicio tcnicoSi tienes preguntas acerca de tu cuenta, enva un email a nuestro equipo de soporte.Chat With UsEnvenos un email de pgina2001-2014 Derechos Reservados.MailChimp es una marca registrada de The Rocket Science Group.MailChiIntroduccin al Lenguaje de Plantilla de MailChimpActualizado: 06/05/2015


Al crear plantillas de correo electrnico personalizadas con el lenguaje de plantilla de correo electrnico de MailChimp, hay algunas pautas bsicas que debes seguir. Estas pautas tienen por objeto servir de base para las mejores prcticas al utilizar el lenguaje de plantilla de MailChimp.Aplicacin de Estilos CSSLos diseos de correo electrnico no deben ser ms anchos que 600 pxeles para permitir la visualizacin correcta en diversos clientes de correo electrnico. La pgina deSoporte CSS en Aplicaciones de Correo Electrnico (Email Client CSS Support)en nuestraReferencia de Plantilla (Email Template Reference)proporciona una lista exhaustiva de los estilos CSS compatibles para diferentes tipos de clientes de correo electrnico.Como regla general, evita el uso de la siguiente CSS en tus plantillas:Flotantes


Imgenes de fondo (no funcionan en Microsoft Outlook o en Gmail)

Recuerda configurar la declaracin de @theme en tu CSS para el fondo de pgina, encabezado, pie de pgina, y espacio de contenido para que las plantillas se pueden personalizar rpidamente con los temas de color deMailChimp. Consulta el artculoEstilos de Plantillapara conocer la sintaxis correcta de los nombres que se pueden utilizar.Secciones EditablesLimite el nmero de espacios editables en la plantilla para mantener las cosas simples y nombra a todos los espacios editables de forma consistente. El nombre que asignas a travs de mc:edit="nombre" se utiliza para crear un campo en la base de datos para almacenar contenido nico. Si cambias las plantillas despus de escribir el contenido, podras perder la copia si los nombres de espacios editables no son consistentes. Utiliza las siguientes convenciones para las reas de contenido comunes.Ver ms"header"se utiliza para denominar el encabezado de tu correo electrnico.

mc:edit="header_image"se utiliza para denominar una imagen editable del encabezado.

mc:edit="sidecolumn"se utiliza para denominar una columna izquierda o derecha editable.

mc:edit="body"se utiliza para denominar el espacio del contenido principal de tu correo electrnico.

mc:edit="footer"se utiliza para denominar el pie de pgina de tu correo electrnico.

No debes colocar imgenes editables en un lugar de contenido editable.Si estas editando secciones ocultables en el Constructor de Campaa (Campaign Builder) mediante el botnRemove (Eliminar)en tu plantilla, por favor ten en cuenta que la seccin no desaparecer en la pantalla del editor, sino que aparecer desvanecida como un marcador de posicin en caso de que decidas utilizar el espacio. Esa seccin no aparecer en la campaa que has enviado. Para ver una vista previa de la campaa, haz clic enPreview and Test (Prever y probar)y luego haz clic enPreview Mode (Modo de vista preliminar).Los botonesRemove (Eliminar)yHide this section (Ocultar esta seccin)no ofrecen la misma funcionalidad en el editor de plantilla (template editor). De hecho, en realidad no podrs eliminar nada mientras ests trabajando en el editor de plantilla (template editor). Si tienes que hacer cambios como ese, te sugerimos que trabajes en el Constructor de Campaa (Campaign Builder).Etiquetas Merge (Merge Tags)Debes ser creativo con el uso de lasetiquetas merge.Usaetiquetas mergepara proporcionar a tus suscriptores nuevas formas de conectarse contigo por Facebook y Twitter y compartir fcilmente tu contenido.

Utilice la etiqueta merge de la tabla de contenido (*|MC:TOC|*) para crear una lista automtica de enlaces para y encabezados en un correo electrnico.

Puede consultar lasEtiquetas merge para tu pie de pginapara obtener una visin rpida de las etiquetas merge que puedes incluir.

Siempre incluye la informacin CAN-SPAM requerida en el pie de pgina. De lo contrario, tu campaa podra ser rechazada. Estas etiquetas requeridas tambin se observan bajoEtiquetas merge para tu pie de pgina.*|UNSUB|*



Enlaces ExternosAl utilizar enlaces dentro de tu correo electrnico, incluye el atributotarget="_ blank"en tus elementos de anclaje para garantizar que abran una nueva pestaa o ventana del navegador cuando los correos electrnicos los ven lo clientes de correo electrnico basados en un navegador. Haz un esfuerzo por incluir estos enlaces tiles en tu correo electrnico:Un enlace para que los usuarios actualicen sus preferencias de suscripcin:
cambiar las preferencias de suscripcin

Un enlace para permitir a los usuarios que vean el correo electrnico en un navegador:
ver este correo electrnico en un navegador.

Un enlace para tu sitio web:
visita nuestro sitio web

Un enlace para permitir a los usuarios reenviar el correo electrnico a un amigo, por lo general algn lugar prominente:
Reenviar a un amigo
(Es una buena idea hacer un tratamiento de botn tranquilo para ello, cuando sea posible, para fomentar el intercambio!)

PruebasPrueba tus plantillasmediante la creacin de una campaa y luego personalizando la plantilla. Esta prueba de esfuerzo puede ayudarte a asegurarte de que la plantilla funcionar bien para otras personas que pudieran estar utilizndola en diferentes situaciones. Tambin puedes encontrarejemplosy tutoriales sobre la construccin de plantillas en la web.Enlaces RpidosIdioma de plantilla: creacin de estilos de plantilla editables

Idioma de plantilla: creacin de reas de contenido editable

Idioma de plantilla: trabajar con selectores de variantes

Codifica tus propias plantillas

SugerenciasWeb typographyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia fonts allow Web designers to use fonts that are not installed on the viewer's computer.Web typographyrefers to the use offontson theWorld Wide Web. WhenHTMLwas first created, font faces and styles were controlled exclusively by the settings of eachWeb browser. There was no mechanism for individual Web pages to control font display untilNetscapeintroduced thetag in 1995, which was then standardized in the HTML 2 specification. However, the font specified by the tag had to be installed on the user's computer or a fallback font, such as a browser's defaultsans-seriformonospacefont, would be used. The firstCascading Style Sheetsspecification was published in 1996 and provided the same capabilities.TheCSS2specification was released in 1998 and attempted to improve the font selection process by adding font matching, synthesis and download. These techniques did not gain much use, and were removed in the CSS2.1 specification. However,Internet Exploreradded support for the font downloading feature inversion 4.0, released in 1997.[1]Font downloading was later included in the CSS3 fonts module, and has since been implemented inSafari 3.1,Opera 10andMozilla Firefox 3.5. This has subsequently increased interest in Web typography, as well as the usage of font downloading.Contents[hide]1CSS11.1Web-safe fonts

1.2Microsoft's Core fonts for the Web

1.3Fallback fonts

1.4Generic font families

2Web fonts2.1History

2.2File formats2.2.1TrueDoc

2.2.2Embedded OpenType

2.2.3Scalable Vector Graphics

2.2.4Scalable Vector Graphics Fonts


2.2.6Web Open Font Format

3Unicode fonts


5Practical considerations

6See also



9External links

CSS1[edit]In the first CSS specification,[2]authors specified font characteristics via a series of properties:font-family





All fonts were identified solely by name. Beyond the properties mentioned above, designers had no way to style fonts, and no mechanism existed to select fonts not present on the client system.Web-safe fonts[edit]Web-safe fontsarefontslikely to be present on a wide range ofcomputersystems, and used byWebcontent authors to increase the likelihood that content displays in their chosen font. If a visitor to a Web site does not have the specified font, their browser tries to select a similar alternative, based on the author-specifiedfallback fontsandgeneric familiesor it usesfont substitutiondefined in the visitor's operating system.Microsoft's Core fonts for the Web[edit] being released under Microsoft'sCore fonts for the Webprogram, Arial, Georgia, and Verdana have become three de facto fonts of the Web.Main article:Core fonts for the WebTo ensure that all Web users had a basic set of fonts,Microsoftstarted theCore fonts for the Webinitiative in 1996 (terminated in 2002). Released fonts includeArial,Courier New,Times New Roman,Comic Sans,Impact,Georgia,Trebuchet,WebdingsandVerdanaunder anEULAthat made them freely distributable but also limited some usage rights. Their high penetration rate has made them a staple for Web designers. However, most linux distributions don't include these fonts by default.CSS2attempted to increase the tools available to Web developers by adding font synthesis, improved font matching and the ability to download remote fonts.[3]Some CSS2 font properties were removed from CSS2.1 and later included in CSS3.[4][5]Fallback fonts[edit]Main article:Fallback fontThe CSS specification allows for multiple fonts to be listed as fallback fonts.[6]In CSS, thefont-familyproperty accepts a list of comma-separated font faces to use, like so:font-family: Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", "Liberation Sans", Arial, sans-serif;The first font specified is the preferred font. If this font is not available, the Web browser attempts to use the next font in the list. If none of the fonts specified are found, the browser displays its default font. This same process also happens on a per-character basis if the browser tries to display a character not present in the specified font.Generic font families[edit]To give Web designers some control over the appearance of fonts on their Web pages, even when the specified fonts are not available, the CSS specification allows the use of several genericfont families.These families are designed to split fonts into several categories based on their general appearance. They are commonly specified as the last in a series of fallback fonts, as a last resort in the event that none of the fonts specified by the author are available. There are five generic families:[6]Sans-serifFonts that do not have decorative markings, or serifs, on their letters. These fonts are often considered easier to read on screens.[7]SerifFonts that have decorative markings, or serifs, present on their characters.MonospaceFonts in which all characters are equally wide.CursiveFonts that resemble cursive writing. These fonts may have a decorative appearance, but they can be difficult to read at small sizes, so they are generally used sparingly.FantasyFonts that may contain symbols or other decorative properties, but still represent the specified character.Web fonts[edit]History[edit]A technique to download remote fonts was first specified in the CSS2 specification, which introduced the@font-facerule.It was (and remains[8]) controversial because using a remote font as part of a Web page allows the font to be freely downloaded. This could result in fonts being used against the terms of their license or illegally spread through the Web.TrueDoc(PFR),Embedded OpenType(EOT) andWeb Open Font Format(WOFF) are formats designed to address these issues.Since the introduction ofInternet Explorer 4, font embedding employing EOT has been used mainly for displaying characters inwriting systemsthat are not supported by default fonts. Use on English-language Web sites was virtually non-existent. With the releases of Firefox 3.5,Opera 10and Safari 3.1, usage employing other formats is expected to increase.File formats[edit]Main article:Comparison of layout engines (Web Typography)By using a specific CSS@font-faceembedding technique[9]it is possible to embed fonts such that they work with IE4+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 3.1+, Opera 10+ and Chrome 4.0+. This allows the vast majority of Web users to access this functionality. Some commercial foundries object to the redistribution of their fonts. For example,Hoefler & Frere-Jonessays that, while they "...enthusiastically [support] the emergence of a more expressive Web in which designers can safely and reliably use high-quality fonts online," the current delivery of fonts using@font-faceis considered "illegal distribution" by the foundry and is not permitted.[10]Instead, Hoefler & Co. offer a proprietary font delivery system rooted in the cloud. Many other commercial type foundries address the redistribution of their fonts by offering a specific license, known as a web font license, which permits the use of the font software to display content on the web, a usage normally prohibited by basic desktop licensed. Naturally this does not interfere with fonts and foundries under free licences.[m 1]TrueDoc[edit]BitstreamdevelopedTrueDoc, the first standard for embedding fonts. TrueDoc was natively supported inNetscape Navigator4, but was discontinued in Netscape Navigator 6 and Mozilla, because Netscape could not release Bitstream's source code. A WebFont Player plugin was available forInternet Explorer, but the technology had to compete againstMicrosoft'sEmbedded OpenTypefonts, natively supported since version 4.0.Embedded OpenType[edit]Internet Explorer has supported font embedding through the proprietaryEmbedded OpenTypestandard since version 4.0. It usesdigital rights managementtechniques to help prevent fonts from being copied and used without a license. A simplified subset of EOThas been formalized under the name of CWT (Compatibility Web Type, formerlyEOT-Lite)[11]Scalable Vector Graphics[edit]Web typography applies toSVGin two ways:All versions of the SVG 1.1 specification, including theSVGTsubset, define a font module allowing the creation of fonts within an SVG document.Safariintroduced support for many of these properties in version 3.Operaadded preliminary support in version 8.0, with support for more properties in 9.0.

The SVG specification lets CSS apply to SVG documents in a similar manner to HTML documents, and the@font-facerule can be applied to text in SVG documents. Opera added support for this in version 10,[12]andWebKitsince version 325 also supports this method usingSVG fontsonly.

Scalable Vector Graphics Fonts[edit]SVG fontsis a W3C standard of fonts using SVG graphic that is now a subset of OpenType fonts.[13]This allows multicolor[14]or animated fonts.[15]It was first a subset of SVG 1.1 specifications[16]The SVG fonts as independent format is supported by most browsers apart from IE and Firefox, and is deprecated in Chrome (and Chromium).[17]That's now generally deprecated; the standard that most browser vendor agreed with is SVG font subset included in OpenType (and then WOFF superset, see below), calledSVGOpenTypeFonts.[18]Firefox has supported SVG OpenType since Firefox 26. All major browsers should comply soon.[19]TrueType/OpenType[edit]Main articles:TrueTypeandOpenTypeLinking to industry-standardTrueType(TTF) andOpenType(TTF/OTF) fonts are supported by Mozilla Firefox 3.5+, Opera 10+,[20]Safari 3.1+,[21]Google Chrome 4.0+.[22]Internet Explorer 9+ supports only those fonts with embedding permissions set to installable.[23]Web Open Font Format[edit]Main article:Web Open Font FormatWOFFhas been supported by Mozilla Firefox 3.6+,[24]Google Chrome5+,[25][26]OperaPresto,[27]and is supported byInternet Explorer 9(since March 14, 2011).[28]Support is available on Mac OS X Lion'sSafarifrom release 5.1.Unicode fonts[edit]Only two fonts available by default on theWindowsplatform,Microsoft Sans SerifandLucida Sans Unicode, provide a wideUnicodecharacter repertoire. Abug in Verdana(and the different handling of it by varioususer agents) hinders its usability wherecombining charactersare desired.Alternatives[edit]A common hurdle in Web design is the design of mockups that include fonts that are not Web-safe. There are a number of solutions for situations like this. One common solution is to replace the text with a similar Web-safe font or use a series of similar-looking fallback fonts.Another technique isimage replacement. This practice involves overlaying text with an image containing the same text written in the desired font. This is good for aesthetic purposes, but prevents text selection, increases bandwidth use, and is bad forsearch engine optimization.Also common is the use ofFlash-based solutions such assIFR. This is similar to image replacement techniques, though the text is selectable and rendered as a vector. However, this method requires the presence of a proprietary plugin on a client's system.Another solution is using Javascript to replace the text withVML(for Internet Explorer) orSVG(for all other browsers).[29]Font hosting services allow users to pay a subscription to host non-Web-safe fonts online. Most services host the font for the user and provide the necessary @font-face CSS declaration.An example of a CSS @font-face setup:@charset"utf-8";@font-face{font-family:'Journal';src:url('')format('woff'),url('')format('svg'),url('')format('truetype'),url(''),url('')format('embedded-opentype');font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;}Practical considerations[edit][icon]This section requiresexpansion.(August 2014)

In practice, it matters not only what web browser the audience is using but also how their operating system is configured. In 2010, typedesigner and consultant Thomas Phinney (Vice President ofFontLaband formerly with Adobe[30]) wrote a step-by-step process for finding the best rendering solution, whichmore or less jokinglyuses a large number ofgotostatements.[31]A more visually orientedflow chartwas posted in the same year on theTypophileforum by Miha Zajec.[32]See also[edit]Scalable Inman Flash Replacement

List of RFC as mentioned in WOFF (draft of 2009-10-23):RFC 1950ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification

RFC 2119Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels

RFC 4647Matching of Language Tags

Notes[edit]Jump up^SeeOpen-source typefacesandFree software Unicode typefaceslistings for such fonts.

References[edit]Jump up^Garaffa, Dave (2 September 1997)."Embedded Fonts In Microsoft IE4pr2" Archived fromthe originalon 8 July 1998.

Jump up^Cascading Style Sheets, level 1, W3C, 1996-12-17

Jump up^"Fonts",Cascading Style Sheets, level 2:CSS2 Specification(World Wide Web Consortium), 1998-05-12, retrieved2009-07-28

Jump up^CSS2.1 ChangesC.2.97 Chapter 15 Fonts,World Wide Web Consortium, retrieved2010-01-30

Jump up^CSS3 module: Web Fonts,World Wide Web Consortium, retrieved2010-01-30

^Jump up to:ab"CSS2 specification",Fonts(World Wide Web Consortium)

Jump up^Poole, Alex (2005-04-07),Which Are More Legible: Serif or Sans Serif Typefaces?, retrieved2010-01-30

Jump up^Hill, Bill (2008-07-21),Font Embedding on the Web, Microsoft

Jump up^Kimler, Scott Thomas (2009-07-04),xBrowser Fonts Expand Your Font Palette Using CSS3, retrieved2010-02-05

Jump up^Wubben, Mark (February 27, 2009)."Geek Meet: Web Typography and sIFR 3 - Slide 15 and 16".SlideShare. Retrieved17 March2010.

Jump up^Daggett, John (2009-07-31),EOT-Lite File Format v.1.1,World Wide Web Consortium, retrieved2010-01-30

Jump up^Mills, Chris (2008-12-04),Opera Presto 2.2 and Opera 10 a first look,Opera Software, retrieved2010-01-30

Jump up^SVG in OpenType, W3C, retrieved2014-09-20

Jump up^Colorful typography on the web: get ready for multicolor fonts, Pixel Ambacht, retrieved2014-09-20

Jump up^Anymated Glyph Example, people.Mozilla, retrieved2014-09-20

Jump up^Fonts, W3C, retrieved2014-09-20

Jump up^Can I Use SVG fonts, CanIuse, retrieved2014-09-20

Jump up^SVGOpenTypeFonts, Mozilla, retrieved2014-09-20

Jump up^The CSS Corner: Better Web Typography For Better Design, Microsoft, retrieved2014-09-20

Jump up^Mills, Chris (2008-12-04),Opera Presto 2.2 and Opera 10 a first look, Opera Developer Community, retrieved2010-01-29

Jump up^Marsal, Katie (2008-02-07),Apple's Safari 3.1 to support downloadable web fonts, more,AppleInsider, retrieved2010-02-05

Jump up^Irish, Paul (2010-01-25),Chrome and @font-face: It's here!

Jump up^Galineau, Sylvain (2010-07-15),The CSS Corner: Better Web Typography For Better Design, Microsoft

Jump up^Shapiro, Melissa (2009-10-20),Mozilla Supports Web Open Font Format, Mozilla, retrieved2010-02-05

Jump up^Gilbertson, Scott (2010-04-26),Google Chrome to Support the Web Open Font Format, webmonkey

Jump up^Bug 38217 - [chromium] Add WOFF support, WebKit

Jump up^Web specifications support in Opera Presto 2.7, Opera

Jump up^Galineau, Sylvain (2010-04-23),Meet WOFF, The Standard Web Font Format, Microsoft

Jump up^About Cufon

Jump up^

Jump up^Thomas Phinney (October 13, 2010)Font rendering in web browsers: a find-your-font adventure

Jump up^ cited by Phinney

External links[edit] article'suse ofexternal linksmay not follow Wikipedia's policies or guidelines.Pleaseimprove this articleby removingexcessiveorinappropriateexternal links, and converting useful links where appropriate intofootnote references.(February 2013) has learning materials aboutWeb Design Commons has media related toWeb design.

CSS @ Ten: The Next Big Thing(ByHkon Wium Lie) (InA List Apart)

W3C Working Draft for CSS Fonts

Alberto Martinez Perez (2008-06-03)."Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents". Retrieved2010-06-29.

Font Descriptions and @font-face

Font embedding for the Web

Hkon Wium Lie(2006-06-19)."Microsoft's forgotten monopoly".CNET News.CNET Networks. Retrieved2010-06-29.

M+ Web Fonts(How to useM+ Fontsin web) (in English)

Using custom fonts in your web pages





PageCanons of page construction



Page numbering


Pull quote

Recto and verso





Sentence spacing

Widows and orphans

CharacterTypeface anatomyCounter








Subscript and superscript


Text figures


CapitalizationAll caps


Letter case

Petite caps

Small caps

Vertical aspectsAscender


Cap height





ClassificationsRoman typeAntiqua (Old Style)

Didone (Modern)




Slab serif


Blackletter typeFraktur




Gaelic typeAngular



Hanging punctuation


Prime mark

Quotation mark


etaoin shrdlu



Font catalog


Lorem ipsum


Movable type




Type color

Type design


Typographic unitsAgate




Figure space


Paren space


Pointtraditional point-size names

Thin space

Digital typographyCharacter encoding

Font formats



Typesetting software

Typographic features

Web typography

RelatedStyle guide

Type foundry


Commons pageCommons


Categories:Digital typography

Web design

World Wide Web

Template LanguageAlthough you dont have to use it in order to send emails with MailChimp, our template language is a powerful, easy way to code your own email templates that are reusable and editable from within the application.Creating Editable Areasmc:editmc:editis used to provide a content-editing action for a particular element within a template.

Addingmc:edit="$unique_name"to an HTML element allows you to add content or code from within the MailChimp campaign editor.

The name used in mc:editmustbe unique.

mc:edit=""should be used on a div, table cell, or any other element that can be considered a container.

mc:editshould be placed on anelement. This will allow the app to call up an image upload and editing dialogue.

The name you assign viamc:edit="$unique_name"is used to create a field in the database to store the users content. If the user switches templates after writing content, they could lose their copy if the editable space names arent consistent. The following naming conventions are a good rule of thumb for common content areas:mc:edit="header" Use this to name your email header.

mc:edit="header_image" Use this to name an editable header image.

mc:edit="sidebar" Use this to name an editable left- or right-side column.

mc:edit="body" Use this to name the main content space of your email.

mc:edit="footer" Use this to name your email footer.

A few things to watch out for when using mc:edit to create editable areas:You shouldnt nest editable elements within other editable elements.

You shouldnt place editable images within an editable content container.

Any content added within an editable window is tied to the name used in themc:edittag. If you change the name after saving the content to a template, youll lose the content.

mc:hideablemc:hideableis used to provide a hide/show action for a particular element within a template.


Usemc:hideableon any HTML element

Avoid placing themc:hideabletag on an element that already has anmc:repeatabletag.

When an element is hidden, it will not be visible when the email is sent from MailChimp.

There are no restrictions on the use ofmc:hideable. Any element can be hidden.

Theres no need to add a namespace to themc:hideabletag (IE:mc:hideable=$name)

If youre editing hideable sections in the campaign builder using your templates remove button, note that the section wont disappear in the editor screen. The section you want to remove will fade, but remainjust in case you change your mind and want to use the space. However, when you send out your email, the section you have removed wont appear in your campaign. You can preview this change by clicking on popup preview.

The remove and hide section buttons dont offer the same functionality in the template editor. In fact, you cant actually remove anything while working in the template editor. If you need to make changes like that, we suggest you work in the campaign builder instead.

mc:repeatablemc:repeatableis used to provide a duplication action for a particular element within a template.


Usemc:repeatableon any HTML element

mc:repeatableelements can be nested within each other, but use care if youre going to do this.We dont encourage this use.

mc:labelmc:labelis an optional tag used to name an editable section within the application.


Usemc:labelon anymc:editelement

If nomc:labelname is specified, the app will use the name from themc:edittag instead.

mc:variantmc:variantis used to provide a way to switch between discrete blocks of HTML.

mc:variantmust be used in conjunction withmc:repeatable.

Syntax: mc:repeatable=product mc:variant=content with left image

Usemc:varianton any discrete HTML elements you wish to switch between

mc:variantblocks should not be nested within each other.

mc:variantblocks must be adjacent to each other in HTML:

Heading 4Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Heading 4Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Defining Editable CSSStyle Declaration BlockStyle declaration blocks share a basic structure regardless of the element style targeted. In this example, H1 tag styling is declared:/*** @tab Page* @section heading 1* @tip Set the styling for all first-level headings in your emails.* @style heading 1*/h1{/*@editable*/color:#202020!important;display:block;/*@editable*/font-family:Arial;/*@editable*/font-size:34px;/*@editable*/font-weight:bold;/*@editable*/line-height:100%;/*@editable*/text-align:left;}Each editable CSS ruleset opens with the declaration block:/*** @tab Page* @section heading 1* @tip Set the styling for all first-level headings in your emails.* @style heading 1*/@tab defines a tab under which you can organize several editable styles. Its best used for high-level groups like header, sidebar, or footer.@tab is required.

@section defines a subsection within a tab. Its best used for narrow-focus groups such as body content, footer links, or background colors. @section can encompass styles from several different elements or areas (@section body, for example, can have styles for the background color of the table, along with text and link styles.)@section is optional, but highly recommended.

@tip allows for a tooltip to show when the tab for its section is selected.@tip is optional.

@style allows you to add a rulesets styles to the drop-down menu in the campaign text editor window. This facilitates the quick application of specific CSS to any selected text. @style should only be used on text styles. @style is optional.

Each editable CSS property is preceded by the @editable declaration:h1{/*@editable*/color:#202020!important;display:block;/*@editable*/font-family:Arial;/*@editable*/font-size:34px;/*@editable*/font-weight:bold;/*@editable*/line-height:100%;/*@editable*/text-align:left;}@editable is required on each style intended to be edited in MailChimps campaign builder.

Basic Merge TagsMerge Tags for CampaignsUse the merge tags in this section in any type of MailChimp campaign (Regular Ol', Plain-Text, A/B Split, and RSS-Driven).*|ARCHIVE|*Pulls in the link to your campaign archive page.*|CAMPAIGN_UID|*Displays the unique id parameter from your campaign archive url.*|REWARDS|*Adds the MonkeyRewards badge to your campaign.*|REWARDS_TEXT|*Adds a text-only version of the Rewards link.*|MC:TRANSLATE|*Inserts links to translate your campaign archive into different languages.*|TRANSLATE:XX|*Adds links for translating your campaign archive from one language,XX. All other available languages will be listed for your subscribers to choose from.*|MC_LANGUAGE|*Displays the language code for a particular subscriber. For example, if your subscribers language is set to English, the merge tag output will display the code en. Use this merge tag to show conditional content based on subscribers' language settings.*|MC_LANGUAGE_LABEL|*Displays the language for a particular subscriber. All language labels appear in English. For example, if your subscribers language is set to German it will appear as German instead of Deutsch.*|COMMENTS_URL|*Populates the URL for Facebook comments on your campaign archive page.*|DATE:|*Displays the campaign send time or displays the current time if the campaign is still in Draft status. Date information displays based based on your settings under Account > My Defaults > Date Format.Use*|DATE:FORMAT|*to show the current date in a given format. For example,*|DATE:d/m/y|*where d is replaced by the day, m by the month, and y by the year.View a full referenceof date options on the PHP website.Not available for Autoresponders.*|LIST:RECENTX|*Displays a list of links for your recent campaign archive pages. Campaigns listed are based on the list youve chosen on the Recipients step of the Campaign Builder.Xis the number of campaigns to show. If a value forXisnt included, well pull in the 5 most recent campaigns by default.*|MC:SUBJECT|*Displays the campaigns subject line as specified on the Setup step of the Campaign Builder.*|MC:TOC|*Creates a linked table of contents in your campaign.*|MC:TOC_TEXT|*Creates a table of contents in your campaigns as unlinked text.*|POLL:|*and*|END:POLL|*Creates and records subscriber responses to a question using a rating scale of 1-10.*|QRCOUPON:XXX:YY:ZZ|*Generates a unique QR code coupon for each of your subscribers.Xis the description of the coupon,Yis the number of times it can be used, andZis the size of the coupon.*|LOCAL:EVENTS|*Pulls in local events from Eventful into your content.*|LOCAL:DEALS|*Pulls local Groupon deals into your content. Take a look aSocial Merge TagsUse these merge tags to add links to social networking sites in your campaigns.FacebookIf youve integrated MailChimp with a Facebook account, use the following merge tags to include information from Facebook in your campaigns.*|FACEBOOK:LIKE|*Adds a Facebook Like button that allows subscribers to like your campaign on Facebook.*|FACEBOOK:LIKE:URL|*Allows your subscribers to like a specific link in your campaign.*|FACEBOOK:FULLPROFILE|*Places your full Facebook profile (as set under Account > Integrations > Facebook) into a campaign. Includes any recent posts.*|FACEBOOK:FULLPROFILE:mailchimp|*or*|FACEBOOK:FULLPROFILE:IDnumber|*Allows you to specify which Facebook profile or page to place into a campaign. Includes any recent posts.*|FACEBOOK:PROFILE|*Places your Facebook profile (as set under Account > Integrations > Facebook) into a campaign. Doesnt include any recent posts.*|FACEBOOK:PROFILE:mailchimp|*or*|FACEBOOK:PROFILE:IDnumber|*Specify which Facebook profile or page information is pulled into a campaign. Does not include any posts.*|FACEBOOK:POSTS3:mailchimp|*or*|FACEBOOK:POSTS3:IDnumber|*Place just your recent Facebook profile or page posts into a campaign. Replace 3 with any number to specify the number of posts that will be shown on your campaign.*|FACEBOOK:COMMENTSURL|*Populates with a URL that points to the Facebook comments on your campaign archive page. This is a great way to create a custom link or button image for Facebook comments.*|FACEBOOK:PROFILEURL|*Displays the URL of the Facebook profile thats connected to your MailChimp account. For example: ( youve integrated with a Twitter account, use the following merge tags to include information from your Twitter profile.*|TWITTER:FULLPROFILE|*Populates your campaign with your Twitter avatar, follower, tweet, and following counts. Plus, a follow link, and your latest tweets.*|TWITTER:PROFILE|*Populates your campaign with your Twitter avatar, follower, tweet, and following counts, as well as a follow link. Doesnt pull in your latest tweets.*|TWITTER:PROFILEURL|*Displays your direct Twitter profile URL. For example: (*|TWITTER:TWEETS(NUM)|*This lets you control the number of tweets to show in your campaign. Replace(NUM)with the number of tweets youd like to display. Use this in combination with*|TWITTER:PROFILE|*to customize what youre sharing with your subscribers.*|TWITTER:TWEET|*Adds a Tweet button to your campaign that allows subscribers to share your campaign archive link. By default, the tweet includes your campaigns subject line, your Twitter handle, and a shortened link to your campaign archive page.*|TWITTER:TWEET [$text=my custom text here]|*Includes your own custom text, as opposed to the subject line of your newsletter, in your Tweet. Also includes a shortened link to your campaign archive page. Its important to be aware of the following when using this tag:Plain-text only, please.

No quotation marks.

$text needs to be lowercase.

The space betweenTWEETand[$text]is intentional and required.

Tumblr*|TUMBLR:SHARE|*Adds a button to share your campaign on Tumblr. By default, your campaign subject line is used as the name of the page being shared.*|TUMBLR:[$title=Google, $url=, $description=A place where you search for things|*The optional variable$urlspecifies the URL shared. If not specified, links to your campaign archive.

The optional variable$titlespecifies the title of the page being shared. If not specified, uses the subject line of your campaign.

The optional variable$descriptionspecifies the title of the page being shared. If not specified the item is shared without a description.

Google+*|GOOGLE:PLUSONE|*Adds a button to share your campaign using Google+. Uses your campaign subject line as the title of the page being shared and a snippet of campaign text as the description.*|GOOGLE:[$title=Google, $url=, $description=A place where you search for things|*The optional variable$urlspecifies the URL shared. If not specified, links to your campaign archive.

The optional variable$titlespecifies the title of the page being shared. If not specified, uses the subject line of your campaign.

The optional variable$descriptionspecifies the title of the page being shared. If not specified the item is shared without a description.

Instapaper*|INSTAPAPER:|*Adds a Read Later button to save your campaign archive to Instapaper.*|INSTAPAPER:[$title=Google, $url=, $description=A place where you search for things|*The optional variable$urlspecifies the URL shared. If not specified, links to your campaign archive.

The optional variable$titlespecifies the title of the page being shared. If not specified, uses the subject line of your campaign.

The optional variable$descriptionspecifies the title of the page being shared. If not specified the item is shared without a description.

General SharingUse these merge tags to allow your subscribers to share your campaigns on various social networking sites.*|MC:SHARE|*Adds a series of icons to your campaign to let your subscribers quickly share the campaign on various social networking sites.*|MC:TOPSHARE|*Adds a series of icons for the most popular social networks.*|SHARE:SITE_NAME1,SITE_NAME2|*Allows you to select which social sharing sites your subscribers can use for sharing.*|SHARELINK:xxx|*Inserts a URL to share your campaign archive where xxx is Facebook or Twitter. This is a great way to create a custom link or button image to share your campaign.RSS Merge TagsPre-formatted ContentWith pre-formatted tags, you can quickly pull RSS content into an email. Well take care of the formatting for you.*|RSS:POSTS_HTML|*and*|RSS:POSTS|*Creates a progressively generated set of summaries for all of your posts in HTML format. Also displays the Title, Date, Author, Comments, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter sharing buttons. If you want to remove any of these options, you can set up RSS items individually.*|RSS:POSTS_FULL|*and*|RSS:POSTS_HTML_FULL|*Creates a progressively generated set of your full posts in HTML format. Also displays the Title, Date, Author, Comments, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter sharing buttons. If you want to remove any of these options, you can set up RSS items individually.*|RSS:POSTS_TEXT|*Creates a progressively generated set of summaries for all of your posts in text format. Also displays the Title, Date, Author, a URL to your post, and a URL to comments on the post.*|RSS:POSTS_TEXT_FULL|*Creates a progressively generated set of your full posts in text format. Also displays the Title, Date, Author, a URL to your post, and a URL to comments on the post.*|RSS:RECENT|*Generates links for the 5 posts published previous to those included in your current campaign.*|RSS:RECENTxxx|*Generates links for the posts published previous to those included in your current campaign. Replacexxxwith the number of posts youd like to display.Merge Tags for FeedsIf you want more control over your campaigns content, use these tags to specify which RSS elements to include.*|RSSFEED:TITLE|*Displays the title of the RSS feed.*|RSSFEED:DATE|*Displays the publish date of the feed. You can also include optional date formatting. For example,*|RSSFEED:DATE:d/m/y|*wheredis replaced by the day,mby the month, andyby the year.View a full referenceof date options on the PHP website.*|RSSFEED:URL|*Displays the URL for the feed as a whole, if provided.*|RSSFEED:DESCRIPTION|*Displays the feed description, if provided.Merge Tags for RSS ItemsIf you want to use individual RSS:ITEM merge tags, bookend the items youd like to include with*|RSSITEMS:|*and*|END:RSSITEMS|*. The stuff in between those tags gets replicated for each post from your feed.*|RSSITEM:TITLE|*Displays the title of the RSS item.*|RSSITEM:URL|*Displays the URL for the RSS item.*|RSSITEM:DATE|*Displays the publish date of the RSS item. You can also include optional date formatting. For example,*|RSSITEM:DATE:d/m/y|*wheredis replaced by the day,mby the month, andyby the year.View a full referenceof date options on the PHP website.*|RSSITEM:AUTHOR|*Displays the name of the author for the RSS item, if provided.*|RSSITEM:COMMENTS_URL|*Displays the URL for comments on your post, if provided.*|RSSITEM:CATEGORIES|*Displays a comma-separated list of the categories (tags and posted in) for the RSS item.*|RSSITEM:CONTENT|*Displays a short summary of the RSS item content in HTML format.*|RSSITEM:CONTENT_FULL|*Displays the full content for the RSS item in HTML format, if provided.*|RSSITEM:CONTENT_TEXT|*Displays a short summary of the RSS item content in plain-text format.*|RSSITEM:CONTENT_FULL_TEXT|*Displays the full content for the RSS item in plain-text format, if provided.*|RSSITEM:IMAGE|*Pulls in images from the RSS item. Images are pulled in and displayed at their original size. They cant be formatted or resized within the campaign.*|RSSITEM:ENCLOSURE|*Displays a link to a file youve attached to your RSS post (like a podcast) with an icon, file name, and file size.*|RSSITEM:ENCLOSURE_URL|*Displays the URL for the attached file.*|RSSITEM:SOURCE|*Displays a link to the external source of this item, if one is provided.*|RSSITEM:SOURCE_TITLE|*Displays the title of your source URL.Specialized RSS Merge TagsIf you need more explicit control over which RSS elements appear in your campaigns, try this:*|FEEDBLOCK:URL|* and *|END:FEEDBLOCK|*First, youll need to create the beginning and ending flags for each RSS feed. The stuff between gets replicated for each post in the feed. So if you want to use individual|FEED:ITEM|merge tags, use*|FEEDBLOCK:URL|**|FEEDITEMS:|*$feed_items*|END:FEEDITEMS|**|END:FEEDBLOCK|*as your open and close tags surrounding the following items you want to include.The text in your campaign will look something like this:*|FEEDBLOCK:|*







*|END:FEEDBLOCK|*In the tag*|FEEDBLOCK:URL|*, replace URL with your RSS feeds URL. For the items open tag, use*|FEEDITEMS:[$count=X]|*to limit the number of posts that show on your campaign. The default is 5.Social RSS Merge TagsDepending on which social networks your subscribers use, you may want to customize their sharing options.*|RSSITEM:SHARE|*Adds icons to share the RSS item on popular social networking sites.*|RSSITEM:SHARE:Facebook,Twitter,Digg|*Specifies the social networks on which your subscribers can share your campaign.*|RSSITEM:LIKE|*Adds a Facebook Like button that allows a subscriber to like a specific RSS item.*|RSSITEM:LIKE_TEXT|*Adds a text version of the Facebook Like feature for subscribers to like a specific RSS item from your campaign.*|RSSITEM:TWITTER|*Adds a Tweet button that allows a subscriber to share a specific RSS item on Twitter.*|RSSITEM:TWITTER_TEXT|*Adds a text version of the Tweet feature for subscribers to tweet a specific RSS item from your campaign.*|RSSITEM:TUMBLR|*Adds a Tumblr button that allows a subscriber to share a specific RSS item.*|RSSITEM:TUMBLR_TEXT|*Adds a text version of the Tumblr share feature for subscribers to share a particular RSS item on Tumblr.*|RSSITEM:PLUSONE|*Adds a Google+ button for the particular RSS item.*|RSSITEM:PLUSONE_TEXT|*Adds a text version of the Google+ button to share a particular RSS item.*|RSSITEM:INSTAPAPER|*Adds Instapapers Read Later button for a given RSS item.*|RSSITEM:INSTAPAPER_TEXT|*Adds a text version of Instapapers Read More button.ResourcesEmail Client CSS Support & BrowserDesktopMobileOutlook.comYahoo!GmailAOL






Element SelectorsBrowserDesktopMobileOutlook.comYahoo!GmailAOL







E > F

E + F

E ~ F






















Box ModelBrowserDesktopMobileOutlook.comYahoo!GmailAOL



border-radius [CSS3]

box-shadow [CSS3]





max-widthPartial IE SupportPartial IE SupportPartial IE SupportPartial IE Support

min-widthPartial IE SupportPartial IE SupportPartial IE SupportPartial IE Support






















text-overflow [CSS3]Partial Property SupportPartial Property SupportPartial Property SupportPartial Property Support

text-shadow [CSS3]No IE Support




word-wrap [CSS3]


Color & BackgroundBrowserDesktopMobileOutlook.comYahoo!GmailAOL



backgroundNo Image Support





HSL Colors [CSS3]

HSLA Colors [CSS3]No IE Support

Opacity [CSS3]No IE Support

RGBA Colors [CSS3]No IE Support

Positioning & DisplayBrowserDesktopMobileOutlook.comYahoo!GmailAOL










outline [CSS3]Partial SupportPartial SupportPartial SupportPartial Support

overflowPartial Property SupportPartial Property SupportPartial Property Support


resize [CSS3]










Read On:Email Blueprints

Email Marketing Guides

HTML to Text Email Converter

CSS Inliner Tool

Back to topResourcesEmail Client CSS Support & BrowserDesktopMobileOutlook 2007 - 2013Outlook 2000 - 2003Apple MailWindows Live MailOutlook For Mac

Outlook 2007 - 2013Outlook 2000 - 2003Apple MailWindows Live MailOutlook For Mac





Element SelectorsBrowserDesktopMobileOutlook.comYahoo!GmailAOL







E > F

E + F

E ~ F






















Box ModelBrowserDesktopMobileOutlook.comYahoo!GmailAOL



border-radius [CSS3]

box-shadow [CSS3]





max-widthPartial IE SupportPartial IE SupportPartial IE SupportPartial IE Support

min-widthPartial IE SupportPartial IE SupportPartial IE SupportPartial IE Support






















text-overflow [CSS3]Partial Property SupportPartial Property SupportPartial Property SupportPartial Property Support

text-shadow [CSS3]No IE Support




word-wrap [CSS3]


Color & BackgroundBrowserDesktopMobileOutlook.comYahoo!GmailAOL



backgroundNo Image Support





HSL Colors [CSS3]

HSLA Colors [CSS3]No IE Support

Opacity [CSS3]No IE Support

RGBA Colors [CSS3]No IE Support

Positioning & DisplayBrowserDesktopMobileOutlook.comYahoo!GmailAOL










outline [CSS3]Partial SupportPartial SupportPartial SupportPartial Support

overflowPartial Property SupportPartial Property SupportPartial Property Support


resize [CSS3]










Read On:Email Blueprints

Email Marketing Guides

HTML to Text Email Converter

CSS Inliner Tool

Getting StartedTemplate LanguageAlthough you dont have to use it in order to send emails with MailChimp, our template language is a powerful, easy way to codeyour own email templates that are reusable and editable from within the application.Creating Editable Areasmc:editmc:editis used to provide a content-editing action for a particular element within a template.

Addingmc:edit="$unique_name"to an HTML element allows you to add content or code from within the MailChimp campaign editor.

The name used in mc:editmustbe unique.

mc:edit=""should be used on a div, table cell, or any other element that can be considered a container.

mc:editshould be placed on anelement. This will allow the app to call up an image upload and editing dialogue.

The name you assign viamc:edit="$unique_name"is used to create a field in the database to store the users content. If the user switches templates after writing content, they could lose their copy if the editable space names arent consistent. The following naming conventions are a good rule of thumb for common content areas:mc:edit="header" Use this to name your email header.

mc:edit="header_image" Use this to name an editable header image.

mc:edit="sidebar" Use this to name an editable left- or right-side column.

mc:edit="body" Use this to name the main content space of your email.

mc:edit="footer" Use this to name your email footer.

A few things to watch out for when using mc:edit to create editable areas:You shouldnt nest editable elements within other editable elements.

You shouldnt place editable images within an editable content container.

Any content added within an editable window is tied to the name used in themc:edittag. If you change the name after saving the content to a template, youll lose the content.

mc:hideablemc:hideableis used to provide a hide/show action for a particular element within a template.


Usemc:hideableon any HTML element

Avoid placing themc:hideabletag on an element that already has anmc:repeatabletag.

When an element is hidden, it will not be visible when the email is sent from MailChimp.

There are no restrictions on the use ofmc:hideable. Any element can be hidden.

Theres no need to add a namespace to themc:hideabletag (IE:mc:hideable=$name)

If youre editing hideable sections in the campaign builder using your templates remove button, note that the section wont disappear in the editor screen. The section you want to remove will fade, but remainjust in case you change your mind and want to use the space. However, when you send out your email, the section you have removed wont appear in your campaign. You can preview this change by clicking on popup preview.

The remove and hide section buttons dont offer the same functionality in the template editor. In fact, you cant actually remove anything while working in the template editor. If you need to make changes like that, we suggest you work in the campaign builder instead.

mc:repeatablemc:repeatableis used to provide a duplication action for a particular element within a template.


Usemc:repeatableon any HTML element

mc:repeatableelements can be nested within each other, but use care if youre going to do this.We dont encourage this use.

mc:labelmc:labelis an optional tag used to name an editable section within the application.


Usemc:labelon anymc:editelement

If nomc:labelname is specified, the app will use the name from themc:edittag instead.

mc:variantmc:variantis used to provide a way to switch between discrete blocks of HTML.

mc:variantmust be used in conjunction withmc:repeatable.

Syntax: mc:repeatable=product mc:variant=content with left image

Usemc:varianton any discrete HTML elements you wish to switch between

mc:variantblocks should not be nested within each other.

mc:variantblocks must be adjacent to each other in HTML:

Heading 4Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Heading 4Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Defining Editable CSSStyle Declaration BlockStyle declaration blocks share a basic structure regardless of the element style targeted. In this example, H1 tag styling is declared:/*** @tab Page* @section heading 1* @tip Set the styling for all first-level headings in your emails.* @style heading 1*/h1{/*@editable*/color:#202020!important;display:block;/*@editable*/font-family:Arial;/*@editable*/font-size:34px;/*@editable*/font-weight:bold;/*@editable*/line-height:100%;/*@editable*/text-align:left;}Each editable CSS ruleset opens with the declaration block:/*** @tab Page* @section heading 1* @tip Set the styling for all first-level headings in your emails.* @style heading 1*/@tab defines a tab under which you can organize several editable styles. Its best used for high-level groups like header, sidebar, or footer.@tab is required.

@section defines a subsection within a tab. Its best used for narrow-focus groups such as body content, footer links, or background colors. @section can encompass styles from several different elements or areas (@section body, for example, can have styles for the background color of the table, along with text and link styles.)@section is optional, but highly recommended.

@tip allows for a tooltip to show when the tab for its section is selected.@tip is optional.

@style allows you to add a rulesets styles to the drop-down menu in the campaign text editor window. This facilitates the quick application of specific CSS to any selected text. @style should only be used on text styles. @style is optional.

Each editable CSS property is preceded by the @editable declaration:h1{/*@editable*/color:#202020!important;display:block;/*@editable*/font-family:Arial;/*@editable*/font-size:34px;/*@editable*/font-weight:bold;/*@editable*/line-height:100%;/*@editable*/text-align:left;}@editable is required on each style intended to be edited in MailChimps campaign builder.

MailChimp GlossaryAA/B SplitCampaign typethat allows 2 different versions of the samecampaignto be tested and determine the better option. Subject lines, from names, or send times can be tested along with content.Abuse complaintAnabuse complaintoccurs when your recipient clicks to "report spam" in their email program. The abuse complaint causes the recipient to be automatically unsubscribed and they will no longer receive your email campaigns.Account notificationsGeneral email updatesabout the account that are sent to theaccount owner. Account notifications only include those that are managed in theEdit Contact Info sectionin the Account Settings.AdminUser typewith full access to all editable parts of the account and who cancreate new account users,edit billing information, andclose the account. Owners are admins by default but they canadd additional users as adminstoo.Advanced formsA version of a list'ssignup formwhere HTML code is editable.Affiliate MarketingA type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards individuals for each visitor or customer brought in through the by individual's marketing efforts.Learnhow MailChimp handles affiliate marketing.APIApplication programming interface. An API is a way for web programs to connect with one another using code instead of an interface in a browser. You can use MailChimp APIs to perform the same tasks that you can perform inside the app.ViewMailChimp's API documentation.Archive barToolbarthat displays across the top of a campaign'sarchive page. Can be turned off.Archive pageOnline versionof acampaignthat displays in a browser when someone clicks theView in browserlinkin a campaign's header. Can be customized usingconditional merge tagsto display information different from the campaign subscribers received in their inbox.AuthenticationAlicense plate for your email that provides a trackable identifier to indicate you're a legit emailer.AuthorUser typethat can create, edit, and deletecampaigns,templates, andAutomation workflows. This user type also has access toview report overviews.Auto-convert videoAnoptionwithin theCampaign Builderwhich looks for videos embedded withinRSS contentand converts the videos to a linked screenshot.Auto-postMailChimp's ability to post information to other apps or sites on your behalf.Auto-translateFeaturethat automatically translatessignup forms and response emailsfor alistbased on the language settings in the subscriber's web browser.Auto-updateAmethod of updating subscriber informationin yourlistwhenimporting a file.AutomationApaid featurethat allows you tobuild a series of emailsthat are triggered bya sending eventand then sent to subscribers over a set period of time.AviaryAphoto editorthat can crop, rotate, and enhance images in your campaign. Aviary also supplies fun accessories like stickers, frames, and meme additions for images.BBadgeThe MailChimp logo associated with theMonkeyRewards program. Badges are required forForever Free plansand are optional forpaid plans.Banded templateAn Email Designertemplatethat has a band of color that stretches across the page and contains the footer information. Regular non-banded templates are generally a single, solid color and have a defined border.Batch deliveryAmethod of sendingthat allows for a campaign to be sent in chunks,at least a few minutes apart, to help alleviate website traffic floods to the sender's website. Batch sending is especially useful to help prevent crashing the sender's website from an overflow of expected traffic.Black listAlistof specific email or IP addresses blocked from by an email provider orspam filter.BounceBouncesare undeliverable addresses to an inbox. When an e-mail bounces, it is classified as either asoft or a hard bounce.CCampaignAn email you send to yourlist. Each bulk email that is sent to the list is considered a separatecampaign. Unlike an advertising campaign that can include dozens of adsand take place over the course of months, MailChimp's campaigns are a single instance.Campaign BuilderAwizardused to create, design, and send anemail campaignthrough MailChimp. The wizard walks you through the different steps to select alist, set up campaign information, choose atemplate, add content, and send orschedule delivery.CAN-SPAM ActCreated in 2003, this act sets forth the basic legal principles that differentiate legal and illegal commercial email.Chimp ChatterActivity displayed on the account dashboardthat provides a quick, at-a-glance overview of recent campaigns, lists, and subscriber activity all in one convenient location.ChimpadeedooMailChimp app that lets you use a list'ssignup formon aniPadorAndroidtablet.CleanedAn address that hashard or soft bouncedand been removed from your list of active subscribers.Clear stylesA button option within thetext editoron the Design step of theCampaign Builderwhich allows all of the formatting for the selected text to be removed, thus leaving text ready to be reformatted or left as is.ClickWhenclick trackingis enabled for acampaign, MailChimp tracking information is added to each url. When a tracked link is clicked in the campaign, this tracking info redirects the subscriber through MailChimp servers before sending them to the intended web address. That redirect through our server will be logged as a click on yourcampaign report.Click PerformanceTheclick performance reportlists each URL from a sentcampaignand displays the total clicks versus unique clicks for each link. Links generated bymerge tags, suchas"View in Browser","Update Profile", or"Unsubscribe"are not tracked and do not count towards your campaign's click report.Click RateThenumber of clicksthat occur in a sentcampaigndivided by the number of people sent to on thatlist.Conditional Merge TagsA special set of text and characters used to create logic statements to display dynamic content to subscribers based on their association to the condition. Learnhow smart (or conditional) merge tags work.ConversationsFeaturethat allows account users to comment oncampaignsand correspond from outside of MailChimp.CreditsUnits of paymentthat are used for thepay as you go plan. They work like postage stamps for email. One credit is equal to one email sent to one subscriber.CSVFile type for storing tabular data and a preferred file type whenimporting subscribersinto MailChimp.DDelivery DoctorFeature that tests your campaignusing many commonspam filtersand consumer ISPs, giving you insight into any potential delivery issues.DKIMDomainKeys Identified Mailassociates aspecific domain namewith an email message which allows a person or organization to claim responsibility for the message.DMARCDomain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformancethat standardizes how email receivers perform email authentication using theSPFandDKIM.DNS RecordDomain Name System is a naming system that designates domain names and maps those names to IP addresses.Domain KeysAn email authentication system that is designed to verify the DNS domain of the sender to prove message integrity.Double opt-inOpt-in requirementwhere a subscriber must click a confirmation link in a follow-up email after they submit their information through asignup form.DowngradeChanging from apaid planback to theForever Freeplan.Downgradingis only allowed once during the life of your account.EeCommerce360Featurethat importssubscriber purchase activityinto MailChimp. Only available with certainecommerce integrations.EditorTablet version of the Email Designer where you can create, edit, send, and collaborate on campaigns. Editor is available foriPadandAndroidtablets.EepurlEepURL is MailChimp's in-house URL converter. EepURL generates shortened links to replace longer, more complex URLs. MailChimp uses EepURL for various different links provided to your throughout the application and website. TheEepUrl Activitysection of your Social Stats lets you see where in the world people are reading your campaigns.Email BeamerAmethod of campaign creationwhich allows you to use a unique address to import an email from a regular email client.Email ClientA desktop program or web application that displays and manages your email. Apple Mail, Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and Hotmail are a few examples of popular emailclients. Email clients often have a strict daily sending limit, of about 500 emails per day. If you need to send more emails, an Email Service Provider (ESP) like MailChimp can help.Email DesignerA tool within theCampaign Builderthat allowscampaignsto have a very flexible and customizable layout through the use of drag and drop modules.Email Genome ProjectAnapplicationthat scans MailChimp's users, the subscribers they manage, and the messages they send every day for nuggets of information that we can use to improve our deliverability and train ourOmnivoreabuse-prevention algorithms.Embed FormVersion of asignup formdesigned to be placed on a website.ESPAn email service provider (ESP), like MailChimp,is a company that provides bulk email services and email marketing tools.Event TriggerListinformation such as subscriber sign up date, a product purchase date, or even the subscriber's birthday that is used to send anautomated emailto a subscriber.FFilterA tool on theCampaigns,Reports, andAutomation workflowpages used to display campaigns based on Status, Type, or List.Final Welcome EmailAutomatic email sent from MailChimp after someone confirms their subscription to a list. Off by default butcan be turned on.Forever FreeMailChimp's basicfree planthat allows you to send 12,000 total emails per month and have up to 2,000 total subscribers across alllistsin the account. All new customers start out on the Forever Free plan.GGeolocationThelocation and time zonedetermined for your subscribers by data that's collected when they sign up for your list or from campaign activity. This information is used for ourTimewarp feature, Top Locations, and in your subscriber profiles.GoalFeaturethat allows you totrack subscriber activityfrom campaigns to a website that has the Goal tracking code installed.Segmentscan be created using subscriber Goal activity.Google AnalyticsAGoogle servicethat generates statistics about a website's traffic and traffic sources to measure conversions and sales.GroupFeaturethat gives you the ability to categorize subscribers based on their interests or preferences. A group consists of agroup title and group names(subgroups).Group NameThename of a subgroupunder agrouptitle.Group TitleDesignationgiven to a set ofgroupnames.HHard BounceAhard bounceindicates an email that cannot be delivered. When a hard bounce happens, MailChimp will remove the address permanently from your list into thecleanedsection.High-VolumeCustomizedpayment planfor customers who send millions of emails each month. Ourbilling teamworks with you to set up this type of plan.IInbox InspectionAfeaturethat allows you to quickly and easily see how different email clients will render your campaign's HTML content.IndustryThe type of business industry associated with your account (e.g., retail, education).Industry AverageThe Industry average displays the average reported percentages for campaigns sent in the industry set for your account.ISPAn Internet Service Provider is a telephone or telecommunications company that provides Internet access to its customers.LListAcollection of subscriberswho haveopted-into receive correspondence from you or your organization.List AverageProvides real-time data showingsubscriber engagementwith a campaign compared to other campaigns sent to the same list.List GrowthGraphshowing your list's subscriber growth trends over time.List IDAunique identifier for a listthat's used by someintegrations, plugins, and widgets.MMailChimp Coupon ScannerMobile app built by MailChimp that lets youinsert coupon codes into your emailand scan them when people make a purchase. Send a campaign using amerge tagand use the MailChimp Coupon Scanner to scan the coupon from your mobile phone.ManagerUser typewith permission tocreate and send campaigns,import lists, and viewsubscriber level reports. This user type cannotexport lists,access billing information, orclose the account.MandrillOurpowerful delivery APIthat can be used for personalized, one-to-one e-commerce emails, or automated transactional emails.Merge TagsAset of system- and list-specific tagsthat allow for dynamic and personalized campaign content, likepermission reminder,virtual business card data,external web content, orsubscriber information.Mobile StylesAnoption within the Design tabof the Design step of theCampaign Builderwhich allows for the existing fluid layout to be further adjusted for a custom look when the campaign is viewed onmobile devices. Predesignedcampaign templateshave mobile styling applied, but you can add more customization if desired.MonkeyRewardsAMailChimp programwhere you earn points toward purchases by displayinga badgeat the bottom of your email campaigns. MonkeyRewards badges display on all campaigns sent fromForever Free plansbut are optional forpaid plans.Monthly PlanApayment planthat charges once per month based on the highest number of total subscribers in an account during a 30-day billing period. Monthly plans offer more features than inForever Freeaccounts.OOAuth2Anauthorization methodused when you log in to MailChimp from other accounts likeGoogle Apps. It enhances security and usability by allowing two services to connect without having to provide your credentials again.OmnivoreMailChimp'sabuse-prevention initiativethat keeps our system clean by gathering information from billions of emails and predicting bad behavior in campaigns before they are distributed.OpenAstatisticthat indicates the campaign has beenopened and viewedby your subscribers. When an email is opened with images turned on, an invisible open-tracker graphic that we embed into your email is downloaded from our server. Each time that graphic is downloaded, we count that as an open on your campaign report.Open RateArate of openscalculated for each sent campaign. It's determined by the number of times the campaign was opened, divided by the number of people who received the campaign.Opt-inThe act of someonegranting permissionto be added to a list.OwnerThe primary contact and administrator of an account who can invite and setpermission levelsfor other users. Learn how totransfer ownership of an account.PPay As You GoApayment plandesigned for sending campaigns less than once per month. Instead of recurring charges, you buycreditsfor the number of emails you need to send. Pay As You Go offers more features than theForever Free plan.PermissionAgreement from a subscriberthat indicates they've consented to receive email communications from you. MailChimp documents proof of this agreement when they join your list through adouble opt-insignup form.Permission ReminderAline of textin the footer of each campaign that explains why subscribers are receiving the email campaign, and sometimes, how they were added to the list. The permission reminder is created when thelist is initially set up.PersonalizeContent tailored to individual subscribers. When used in the "To:" field of the Setup step of theCampaign Builder, the subscriber's name can display next to their email address in the sent campaign.Plain TextAcampaign typethat does not contain any images, rich text formatting, or links. This is the most basic type of campaign, so that your content will appear the same in any email client. Learn how tobuild a plain-text campaign.Popup PreviewAnother term for the preview mode available from thePreview & Testmenu on the Confirm step of theCampaign Builder.PostiniAn email, web security, and archiving service that's owned by Google. Providesspam filteringin addition to protecting client networks from web-borne malware.Pre-headerThiscontent blockappears at the top of predesignedcampaign templates, and is often acall to actionorteaser of the email content. Its content appears as the text that follows the subject line when an email is previewed in a subscriber's inbox.Preview ModeAn option in thePreview & Testmenu in theCampaign Builderthat displays how your campaign should appear on a desktop or mobile device. You can also choose to view livemerge taginformation, to see how that content will appear for specific subscribers.Publicity SettingsAlist-specific settingthat determines whether yourcampaign archivesare tracked byWavelengthand othe parts of theEmail Genome Project.QQR CodeDynamically-created imageyou can put in a campaign that subscribers can use to access a coupon, signup page or other web URL.RRegularAn HTML emailcampaign typethat containsimages,rich text formatting, andlinks. A plain-text version is packaged with the Regular Campaign, so that subscribers who don't view email in HTML can still see your content.ReplicateTo make a copy of something. In MailChimp, you canreplicate campaignsandliststo reuse their content or settings.ReviewThe process ofchecking each listthat comes into our system to make sure it meets ourTerms of Use.Thisreview processof each new list helps us ensure MailChimp only sends permission-based emails.ROIReturn on Investmentis calculated by comparing the estimated cost of a campaign in MailChimp to the goals set up inGoogle Analyticsor theecommerce salesgenerated on your website.RSS-DrivenAcampaign typewhere content is automatically populated by blog content and triggered tosend periodically(once a day, week, or month).SSaved SegmentA reusable, user-created, editablesegmentof a list. Learn how tocreate a segment.SegmentAsection of your listthat includes only those subscribers who share specific common field information.Send Time OptimizationFeaturethat looks at your subscribers'click activity historyto calculate thebest time of day to send your campaign.SenderIDAnemail validation systemthat builds on the SPF premise to verify sender IP addresses in order to prevent email spoofing.Signup SourceSubscriber informationthat indicates how the subscriber joined yourlist.Social ProfilesOptional paid add-onthat gathers publicly available social data about your subscribers that can be used to send targeted emails to them based on their age, gender, or their presence on social networks.Social ShareAfeatureavailable for sent campaigns which displays the campaign's short URL, a suggested tweet including the short URL, buttons to share the campaign on Facebook or Delicious, as well as a QR code.Social StatsWhen a campaign is shared byauto-posting it on Facebook, including thesocial share merge tags, or by including thearchive bar, the campaign report tracks each like and archive click.Soft BounceAsoft bounceindicates a temporary delivery issue, such as the recipient's inbox is full, their server is down, they're on vacation and have set up their email set to away. MailChimp will try sending to that address again, but willcleana soft bounce after five failed sends.SpamassassinA computer program used for email spam filtering andscoringthat is based on content-matching rules.SpamcopA spam reporting service that allows recipients of unsolicited bulk or commercial email to report IP addresses found to be sending spam to the abuse reporting addresses of those IP addresses.SpamhausAn international nonprofit organization that tracks spam operations and sources in order to provide dependable anti-spam protection.SPFSender Policy Framework is an email validation system that verifies sender IP addresses to prevent email spoofing.Static SegmentA reusable, user-created, non-editablesegmentof a list. Learn how tocreate a segment.SubscriberSomeone who hasopted into your list in order to receive emails from you.SuspensionAtemporary holdon sending placed on a MailChimp account due to compliance-related issues.TTab DelimitedSimple text format for storing tabular data and a preferred file type when importing subscribers into MailChimp. Learntips for using tab-delimited files.TemplateAnHTML filethat serves as a starting point for a new campaign. This is the container for the campaign's content where the design layout and all content reside.TimewarpAcampaign delivery methodbased on your subscriber's time zones. You canschedule your campaignsto go out at the same time in different time zones.Tiny LetterA simpler email service provider suitable for sending personal letters to friends, fans, and followers.Transactional EmailAone-to-one emailprompted by a specific trigger event on the part of the email recipient or activity in an account they own.Tweet TrendsAfeaturethat allows you to see subscriber activities on Twitter. Requires setup of theTwitter integration.Twitter Lead Generation CardAnintegrationthat allows advertisers to create an easy way to sign up for MailChimp lists using Twitter.This serviceallows Twitter to pass back three piecesof information regarding new subscribers: Name, username or @twitterhandle, and the email address associated with the Twitter account.Twitter Tailored AudienceATwitter integrationto match your MailChimp subscribers' email addresses to Twitter users for sending relevant, targeted tweets. Learn more aboutusing Twitter Tailored Audiences with MailChimp.UUnique ClicksAcampaign report statcounted only once for each subscriber that clicks a link in a campaign.Unique OpensAcampaign report statcounted only once for each subscriber that opens a campaign.User AgentInformation that indicates which browser, OS, or email client is used by the subscriber.User TypePermission levelassigned to different account users. There are four user types in MailChimp: Admin, Manager, Author, and Viewer.VVcard/VCFA virtual business card linked within eachcampaign's footerusing the default *|HTML:LIST_ADDRESS_HTML|* merge tag. The information displayed in the vcard will change depending on the list the campaign will send to. The vcard provides subscribers a quick way to add your sender information to their email address book.Verified DomainAn email domain which has been authenticated, or confirmed, as being accessible by the sender. Verified domains confirm ownership of and access to an email domain.Learn how toverify a domain.ViewerUser typethat can view reports in the account but cannot access subscriber level reports.WWavelengthA feature powered by theEmail Genome Projectthat analyzes your list and compares your subscribers to other publicly available lists to find subscriber overlap. Once analysis is complete,Wavelengthdisplays screenshots of publicly available email campaigns with similar subscriber profiles. The goal of the app is to help you contact those other MailChimp users and maybe form a relationship with each other.WebhooksA convenient method for triggering specific behavior on a web page or web application with custom callbacks. Callbacks allow a client register an API endpoint and receive data in a predefined format,as it'spushed by the server.Learn how toset up MailChimp Webhooks.WhitelistA list of email or IP addresses that have proven to be valid senders. Whitelists are used frequently with email applications to allow users to compile lists of senders they wish to receive email from.Learn aboutwhitelisting MailChimp emails.WorkflowThe primary tool for MailChimps powerfulautomationfeature.Workflowsallow you to package an email or series of emails triggered by a particularsending event.WYSIWYGAn acronym for "what you see is what you get" that refers to text and image editors, that allow you to see what your final product will look like as you are creating it. MailChimp's drag and dropCampaign Builderis a WYSIWIG editor.

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