creatingweb service form function module in sap

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service

    Based on a Function ModuleApplies to:SAP EC6 6.0/7.0. For more information, visit the Web Services homepage.

    SummaryThe artice !escribes ho" to create a "eb service from f#nction mo!#e.Author: $ha% &hanCompany: 'arsen ( To#bro )nfotech 'imite!Created on: *0 September +0*

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Table of ContentsConcepts ............................................................................................................................................................. -WebService .................................................................................................................................................... -Creating F#nction

    $ro#p .................................................................................................................................... -TransactionSE0 ............................................................................................................................................ -Creating F#nctionmo!#e ................................................................................................................................... TransactionSE-7 ............................................................................................................................................ Co!e ................................................................................................................................................................ Create Web Service of F#nctiono!#e ............................................................................................................ E1ec#ting Web Service from Web Service2avigator ...................................................................................... *3Transaction S4AA2A$E5 ........................................................................................................................*3S#mmar ........................................................................................................................................................... +35eate!Content ................................................................................................................................................ +3iscaimer an! 'iabiit2otice .......................................................................................................................... + Creating, Configuringand Testing a Web Service Based on a Function Module

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    ConceptsWeb Service

     A Web service is a soft"are sstem !esigne! to s#pport interoperabe machine8to8machine interactionover a net"or9. Web services are fre:#ent ;#st Web AP)s that can be accesse! over a net"or9, s#ch asthe )nternet, an! e1ec#te! on a remote sstem hosting the re:#este! services.4r

    Web service can be !efine! as an service/f#nctionait avaiabe over the internet an! reate! transportprotocos "hich #ses a stan!ar!i%e!

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Whie saving it "i as9 the pac9age #n!er o# "ant to save, o# can provi!e 1T)( =for 'oca 4b;ect> orthe an pac9age name as per o#r re:#irement. Then cic9 on ?SA'E.@o# "i get a message saing F#nction $ro#p has been create! as per beo" screen shot Creating,Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Creating Function moduleTransaction SE23Enter the F#nction o!#e name to be create! an! cic9 on ?CreateEnter the Function group name an! Short te4t for f#nction mo!#e in the pop #p "in!o" as per beo"screen an! cic9 on ?SA'E, then o# "i get a pop #p saing ?Function module name is reserved forSA(, cic9 on ?Continue. Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a Function Module SA(C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ 6

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Then it "i ta9e o# to ?Function /uilder  screen as in beo" screen shot an! enter meaningf# va#es An! a ver important thing is to ma9e the f#nction mo!#e ?%emote.Enabled )odule.efine the +mport parameters for F#nction mo!#e Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on aFunction Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ 7

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    efine the E4port parameters for F#nction mo!#eefine the tables for F#nction mo!#e4ne of the important things to be !one is commenting and maintaining header information for thef#nction mo!#e "hich gives information abo#t the f#nction mo!#e Creating, Configuring and Testing a WebService Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C +00 SAP A$

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    CodeFor the e1ampe mentione! in !oc#ment =.i.e. creating a saes or!er > o# can #se this co!e or ese theco!e "i change as per o#r re:#irement Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a Function ModuleSA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Create Web Service of Function )odule$o to #tiities 8D ore tiities 8D Create Web Service 8D From the F#nction o!#eEnter $ame an! Short te4t for Service !efinition an! the cic9 on ?Continue! Creating, Configuring and Testinga Web Service Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C +00 SAP A$ *0

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Chec9 the Chec9 bo1 for )apping so that the import an! e1port parameters of F#nction o!#e aremappe! "ith that of the Web Service to be create!. Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on aFunction Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ **

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Chec9 the -eploment chec9 bo1 for the service to be avaiabe in S4AA2A$E5 for f#rther processingCreating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B/(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ *+

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    ere o# can seect "here o# "ant to save the ob;ect , )n this case ) am saving it as oca ob;ect8 GTPCreating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B/(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ *-

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Cic9 on ?Completed to compete! the process of Web Service creationThen o# "i a message that 5eb service has been created. Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web ServiceBased on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00SAP A$ *3

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    E4ecuting Web Service from Web Service $avigatorTransaction S"A)A$AGE%Click on the tab “Application and Scenario Communication “ Creating, Configuring andTesting a Web Service Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B/"C 8 +00 SAP A$ *

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Then cic9 on ?Single Service Administration o# "i get the beo" screen "here o# can enter theservice !efinition name in the Search Pattern. )n o#r case the name "i be?HIJA5&JC5EATEJS4J2EW

     The click on “GO”.@o# "i get the service in the search 5es#ts co#mn. Seect the service an! then cic9 on ?ApplySelection

    @o# can see as per the beo" screen shots, the service 6 7 Endpoints 6 for the "eb service !efinitionseecte! b #s Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%,S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ *6

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Now click on Confgurations tab and then click on “Create Service”@o# "i get a pop #p as9ing for service name description and binding name for it. Enter the va#esan! cic9 on ?Apply SettingsThen o# ret#rn to the beo" mentione! screen "here o# nee! to save Creating, Configuring and Testing a WebService Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C +00 SAP A$ *7

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Then o# can see a entr in Configurations tab. The state of service sho#! be Active92o" cic9 on "vervie5 tab o# can see the service 67 Endpoint6)f o# cic9 on the ?"pen WS-; document for selected binding o# can see the WS' of the Webservice in

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    )n or!er to e1ec#te the "eb service thro#gh "eb service navigator cic9 on ?"pen Web Servicenavigator for selected binding it "i ta9e o# to above screenThen cic9 on ?-isplay selected /inding

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Cop K paste the in9 in the ?Web service $avigator ?screen in the inp#t bo1 beo" ?Enter the WS-;*%; of the Web service: ?an! cic9 on ?$e4t. Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a FunctionModule SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ +0

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    )t "i ta9e # to ogin screen o# nee! to #se the same ogin as #se! for SAP ogon4n this screen, Cic9 on ?Test Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a Function Module SA(C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ +*

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    The cic9 on the ?HvCreateSaesor!erEsPoc =test.tpes.p*.HvCreateSaesor!erEsPoc parameters>Enter the va#es for creating saes or!er Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a Function ModuleSA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ ++

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


     After entering the man!ator va#es for creating saes or!er, cic9 on ?Send . Creating, Configuring and Testinga Web Service Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C +00 SAP A$ +-

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    Then o# "i a the o#tp#t in the same format Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a FunctionModule SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C 8 +00 SAP A$ +3

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    SummaryWeb Service can be #se! in A!obe Fe1 or an other "eb8base! appication to access / comm#nicate"ith SAP !ata. ALAP "eb services can be create! "hen o# have c#stom re:#irements. There are asostan!ar! "eb services provi!e! b SAP "hich comes as a part of Enhancement Pac9ages. Thesestan!ar! "eb service represent stan!ar! SAP f#nctionaities i9e AP4 ATP chec9, S4create/change/!eete, P4 create/change/!eete an! man more. When more than one "eb service

    combine! to meet ne" re:#irements encaps#ating enterprise f#nctionait an! e1posing it as a re#sabeb#siness service then that is cae! as an Enterprise Service.

    %elated ContenthttpsM//"i9i.s!"i9i/!ispa/ESpac9ages/omehttpM//""".s!;/s!n/e1pore8esNri!O/"ebcontent/##i!/f+7+e7!800*800*08*768ab6e!-36bb*httpM//""".s!;/s!n/soahttpM//""".s!;/s!n/enterprisesoa;sessioni!O=Q+EE-3*7300>)*6**7-0L*00+30-6*66-En!Nri!O/"ebcontent/##i!/f07!*-87e!!8+*08aeac8fb30ff*ff7*httpM//""".s!;/s!n/enterprisesoa;sessioni!O=Q+EE-3*7300>)*6**7-0L*00+30-6*66-En!Nri!O/"ebcontent/##i!/e033!7c8ebab8+a*0863+8c!3fffa3+ Creating, Configuring and Testing a Web Service Based on a Function Module SA( C"))*$+T& $ETW"%, S-$ . s! B /(0 . B /"C +00 SAP A$ +

  • 8/20/2019 CreatingWeb Service Form Function Module in SAP


    -isclaimer and ;iability $oticeThis !oc#ment ma !isc#ss sampe co!ing or other information that !oes not inc#!e SAP officia interfaces an! therefore is nots#pporte! b SAP. Changes ma!e base! on this information are not s#pporte! an! can be over"ritten !#ring an #pgra!e.SAP "i not be he! iabe for an !amages ca#se! b #sing or mis#sing the information, co!e or metho!s s#ggeste! in this!oc#ment, an! anone #sing these metho!s !oes so at his/her o"n ris9.SAP ofers no guarantees and assumes no responsibility or liability o any type with respect to the content o this

    technical article or code sample! including any liability resulting rom incompatibility between the content within

    this document and the materials and ser"ices ofered by SAP. #ou agree that you will not hold! or seek to hold! SAP

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