credit – honey, do i look good wearing this new standard? - richard wynne

Post on 19-Jan-2017



Government & Nonprofit



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Honey, do I look good wearing this new standard?

Richard Wynne


• Funders spend $1.6 trillion per year

• What are they getting for this?

• Journals are “research evaluation machines”

• Narrative: journals are “broken” as tools for measuring research output

• Funders feel they are flying blind

• Funders looking for new tools to help with granularity and accuracy

• Most basic question: Who did the research? (ORCID)

• Next most basic question: What did they do?

• CRediT – Contributor Role Taxonomy

“A standard is just a suggestion until somebody uses it”

• Integrated into workflow (software)

• Scalable

• Industrial strength

• Easy to activate

Deploying CRediT – what does it mean?

Submission and Peer Review

• Editorial Manager - used by thousands of journals

• Millions of manuscripts submitted and processed each year

If you can’t associate CRediT terms with an identifiable individual – what’s the point?

Don’t even think about implementing CRediT unless you have a system in place for capturing authenticated ORCIDs

Who gets the CRediT?

You need a system that supports authenticated ORCID

ORCID is foundation stone

ORCID in Workflow

ORCID in Workflow - Coauthors

Editorial Manager Workflow


Dear Coauthor,

Please click here to confirm your ORCID.


Design considerations implementing CRediT

Design Consideration: Some publications don’t need or want CRediT

Design Consideration: What if there is a new version of the standard?

Design Consideration: For some article types (e.g. letter to the editor, book review) CRediT does not make sense?

Design Consideration: Collecting CRediT

Design Consideration: Degree of CRediT

Design Consideration: Other terms

Design Consideration: CRediT visibility to journal office

Design Consideration: Visibility to coauthors


Editorial Manager Workflow


Dear Coauthor,

You contributed “conceptualization” to paper XYZ. Click here to confirm….

Design Consideration: Transferring CRediT

Peer Review Workflow

Production Workflow

Hosting Platform

XML TransfersJATS

JATS Ingest

How to ingest a manuscript?

Design Consideration: JATS

JATS does not yet have an "official" place for this information

We are using the <role> sub-element of the <contrib> element to hold this information

<contrib contrib-type="author">         <role content-type="1" /> [indicates Author Rank]              <role content-type="Conceptualization"/> [indicates Contributor Role]         <role content-type="Formal analysis"/>     [indicates Contributor Role]         <role content-type="Chief Cook & Bottle Washer"/> [indicates Contributor Role]         <name>

Design Consideration: Merge fields

Design Consideration: Reporting

Implementation Process: 126 Page Specification

Implementation: next steps

Editorial Manager Version 13.0 Engineering complete and entering testing

Spring 2016 available to thousands of journals

Activated with a few clicks – no development needed for those journals

• Integrated into workflow (Editorial Manager)

• Industrial strength - scalable

• Builds on ORCID

• Easy to activate (and free)


Honey, do I look good wearing this new standard?


Honey, do I look good wearing this new standard?

Richard Wynne

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