cv: thomas d. clark professor of management and ... · o r&t. led committees for dr....

Post on 16-Jan-2020






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Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship, Xavier University


Ph. D., Indiana University, 1976, M.A., 1969, Indiana University, B.A., Drew University,



• Virginia Military Institute: Instructor, 1969-72.

• James Madison University: Instructor, 1972-73.

• Indiana University: Lecturer, 1973-75.

• Indiana University East: Asst Professor, 1975-79.

• University of North Carolina Charlotte: Asst Professor, 1979-81.

• Xavier University: Assoc Professor, 1981; Professor, 1986-present.


• Social Entrepreneurship & Nonprofit Arts

• Business, Career, and Environmental Communication

• Public Relations and Crisis Communication


▪ Wheeler grants, 2004, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015

▪ M&E Dept. Outstanding Service Award, 2012-13

▪ Student Athlete Faculty Appreciation Award, 2011-12, given to 2 professors per year

▪ Outstanding WCB Professor, as voted by WCB undergraduate students, 2005-06

▪ O’Conor Research Fellow, 2002-2006

▪ WCB Outstanding Service Award, 2002-2003

▪ Best research paper, Association of Business Communication, for 2002

▪ Seven Downing Research awards

▪ Director, Small Business Institute award-winning teams: National awards, including

first place, 1986-87; second place 1987-1988; third place 1988-89. Regional awards,

(1983-1989); State awards, (1981-1989) of 500 schools competing nationally.

▪ SCORE award for outstanding cooperation with SCORE executives.


Dr. Clark has served as a writing, presentations, and interpersonal skills seminar leader at

The Procter & Gamble Company (1983-present). Additional clients have included The

Cincinnati Reds, General Cable, Mars Pet Care, Microsoft, AliCorp, Kellogg, GE,

Gillette, Safeway, S. C. Johnson Wax, Qwest, UC Health, Hershey, Jefferson-Wells,

TriHealth, US Federal Reserve Board, Baskin & Robbins, LensCrafters, Midrex,

Westinghouse, Griffith Laboratories, Wornick Foods, Drackett, National Underground

Railroad Freedom Center, Wild Foods, Great Rivers Girl Scout Council, Union Central

Investments, ICom, Heinz, Ericsson, Hixson Architectural, Shriner’s Children’s Hospital,

Givaudan Roure, AK Steel, Xavier Leadership Center, and Nestle.




o Business Profession: I taught Business Etiquette 5 times in the Business

Profession Program

o Oral Communication Flag Committee, Spring 2016

o Developed and offered an online version of Mgmt 301, Fall 2016


o R&T. Led committees for Dr. Assudani’s Promotion to Full Professor and Dr.

Welter’s mid-tenure review.

o M&E Recruitment Committee. Helped evaluate candidacies of 8 M&E

candidates as member of recruitment committee including 25 interviews in


o Wrote 12 letters of recommendation; advisor to 6 M&E students

o Actively participated in department meetings




•The Self-Made American. Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1979.

• The Writing Process. (& Carter) Brown, 1979.

• Cincinnati Small Business Assistance Directory (& Seik), Arthur Andersen, 2 eds.,

1983 & 1985

• Executive Writer Program. Harcourt-Brace-Jovanovich, 1988.

• Power Communication, SouthWestern College Publishing, 1994; 2nd ed, Kendall

Hunt 2010

• Career Strategies, SouthWestern College Publishing, 2000; 2nd ed. Kendall-Hunt, 2010


• “Rhetorical Image-making: A Case Study of Thomas Paine-William Smith Debates.”

The Southern Speech Communication Journal, 1975, 248-261.

• “Tocsins Sound for Astral War: Annie Besant’s American Lecture Tour of 1897.”

Indiana Speech Journal, April 1976, 9-18.

• “A Philosophical Analysis of the Claims of Encounter Group Proponents,” Ohio Speech

Journal, 1976.

• “A Responsible Rhetoric,” (ed. with R. Johannsen) Intercollegiate Review. Winter

1976-77, 8: 1-87.

• “Battle of the Fair Theosophists is On.” Journal of San Diego History.”

Spring 1977, 1-7.


• “An Exploration of Generic Aspects of Contemporary American Sermons.” Quarterly

Journal of Speech, December 1977, 383-394.

• “A Note on Tom Paine’s Vulgar Style.” Communication Quarterly, Spring 1978, 31-34.

• “Rhetoric, Reality and Rationalization: A Study of the Masking Function of Rhetoric in

the London Theosophical Movement.” Communication Quarterly, Fall 1978, 24-30.

• “A Test of the ‘Old Nixon-New Nixon’ Hypothesis: An Audience Perspective,” in

Raymond Smith, ed., Message Measurement Inventories. Indiana University Press, 1978.

• “An Exploration of Generic Aspects of Contemporary American Campaign Orations.”

Central States Speech Journal. Summer 1979, pps. 122-133.

• “An Analysis of Recurrent Features of Contemporary American Radical, Liberal, and

Conservative Political Discourse,” Southern Speech Communication Journal, Summer

1979, 399-422. Reprinted in Public Communication, ed. Alan Goldman (Malabar, Fl:

Krieger, 1983), 168-181.

• “A Theosophical Tempest in an American Teapot.” International Behavioral Scientist,

December 1979, 44-58.

• “Using Cassette Tapes in the Business Communication Classroom,” Bulletin of the

American Business Communication Association, 1981.

• “Confessions of a Theory X Teacher: Using Student Committees in the Introductory

Organizational Behavior Class,” The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, 1981.

• “In Defense of a Rhetorical Model of Organizational Communication,” The

Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, 1983.

• “Tips on More Effective Small Business Consulting,” Small Business Institute Review,

Summer, 1984, 3-8.

• “Vocalics: A Key to Making Word Processing Centers Work.” Manage,

April 1984, 6-8.

• “Effective Small Business Consulting.” Small Business Institute Review. 1985, annual.

• “The Ideological Bases of Richard Weaver’s Rhetorical Theory,” in In Search of

Justice, eds. Jensen, R. and Hammerbeck, J. Humanities International Press, 1987.

• “Managing Diversity in the Small Business Workplace,” NBDC Report, April 1992.

• “Managing Diversity in Small Business.” Network News. Summer 1993, pps. 1-3.


• “Preparing Small and Family-Owned Business for Workforce 2000 in the US,” The

Journal of Enterprising Culture, Oct-Dec. 1993. (with Shriberg and Eustis)

• “Preparing Small Business for Workforce 2000: A Pilot Study,” The Journal of Small

Business Strategy. Spring 1995, pps. 1-10. (with Shriberg and Wester)

• “Writing to Avoid Litigation.” American Business Perspectives. January 1997, 1-4.

• “Teaching Students How to Write to Avoid Legal Liability.” Business Communication

Quarterly 60:3, September 1997.

• “Using Multimedia Resources in the Business Communication Classroom.” Business

Communication Quarterly 60:3, September 1997.

• “The Impact of Candid versus Legally Defensible Language on the Persuasiveness of

Environmental Self-assessments.” The Journal of Business Communication: 35, #3, July

1998, 368-386.

• “Encouraging Critical Thinking in Business Memos,” Business Communication

Quarterly. 61:3, September 1998, 71-74.

• “Responding to the Challenges and Opportunities of Workforce 2000.” Journal of Small

Business Strategy, (with Shriberg and Human) (9:2 Fall-Winter 1998) 91-96.

• “Teaching Students to Enhance the Ecology of Small Group Meetings,” Business

Communication Quarterly. (61:4, December 1998), 40-52.

• “Sharing the Importance of Attentive Listening Skills,” Journal of Management

Education. (23:2, April 1999), 2 17-224.

• “Using Web Enhanced Instruction in an Interpersonal Skills Course,” with Human,

Kilbourne, Shriberg, and Cunningham, Journal of Management Education, Oct 1999,

23:5, 584-606.

• “Getting Up to Speed on the Information Highway: Integrating Web-based Resources

into Business Communication Pedagogy,” (with Human, Amshoff, & Sigg) Business

Communication Quarterly, vol 54:1 March 2001, pps. 3 8-62.

• “The Impact of profitability, certainty, and degree of fine on the persuasiveness of

environmental assessment reports. The Journal of Business Communication, April 2002,

169-192. (with Dr. Candace Gunnarsson) Winner of award by Association of Business

Communication for best paper in the field of Business Communication for 2002.

▪ Clark, T., Bates, S., & Goldsberry, K. (Spring 2004).What Recruiters Want: A Focus

Group Study. NACE Journal, vol 64:3, pps. 42-47.


▪ Human, S. E., Clark, T., Baucus, M. S., and Eustis, S. (Spring/Summer, 2004). Idea

or prime opportunity? A framework for evaluating business ideas for new and small

ventures. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 15:1, 61-79.

▪ Clark, T., Bates, S., & Stockwell, C. A (Spring 2005) A Developmental Career

Preparation Program for Undergraduate Business Majors. NACE Journal, pps. 41-44.

▪ Human, S. E., Clark, T., and Baucus, M. S. (February 2005). Student online self-

assessment: Structuring individual-level learning in a new venture creation course.

Journal of Management Education, 29: 1, 111-134.

• Clark, T. (2005) “The Business Profession: Gateway to Career Success.” Business

Communication Quarterly, 68:3, 271-289 (lead article).

• Clark, T. (2006). Teaching Students to Write Effective Email, The Business Review

Cambridge, vol 5, #1, pps. 140-144.

• Clark, T., Easter, M., & Clark, M. From the Classroom to the Boardroom: How

Understanding “The Rules” of Dating Can Help Undergraduate Business Students

Understand “The Rules” of Effective Career Communication, The Journal of the

Academy of Business Education, vol 8 Spring 2007, 31-40.

• Clark, T. & McDaniels Wilson, C. (2007). Social Return on Investment:

Applying Business Principles to starting and managing charitable organizations,

The Business Review Cambridge, vol 7, #2, 35-42.

• Clark, T. & Stewart. J. Promoting Academic Programs using online videos,

Business Communication Quarterly, December 2007, 478-481.

• Clark, T., (2009) Networking: A Key to Career Communication and Management

Consulting Success, Business Communication Quarterly, 72:3, 344-348.

• Clark, T., Human, S., et al., A Comparative Examination of Career and Startup

Expectations in South Korea, Ukraine, and United States. New England Journal of

Entrepreneurship, Spring 2010, 29-46

• Clark, T. & Stewart, Jeff. (December 2010). Using Document Design Techniques

to Help Students Learn to Create More Effective Wikis. Business Communication

Quarterly, 453-6.

• Baucus, M.S., Human, S.E., Clark, T. and Rosenthal, DW. (March 2011). P&G is

selling Oxydol. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 35:2, 395-407.


• Stewart, J. & Clark, T. (Fall 2011). Lessons from South Park: A Comic

Corrective to Environmental Puritanism, Environmental Communication, 5:3,


• Clark, T., & Stewart, J. Helping Students Understand the Implications of

Electronic Technologies on Managerial Communication Practices, (2011) The

Business Review Cambridge, vol. 17: 1, 172-177.

• Clark, T., & Stewart, J. Teaching Social Entrepreneurship: Arts Management

With a Community Engaged Perspective, (Spring, 2012). Journal of

Entrepreneurship Education, 15:1-18.

• (and Stewart, J) The Golden and Platinum Rules: Be Gracious to Everyone You

Meet Because you Never Know When You Are Entertaining an Angel. ABC

Newsletter, Issue 1, June 2014.

• (and Stewart, J, Clark, B, & Troxell, R) (2014) Sharing the Importance of

Developing”Loose” Networking Ties, Journal of Organizational Behavior

Education, vol 7, 76-79.

• (and Clark, B. & Stewart J.) An Inquiry into Contextual Variables that Impact

Corporate Compliance with Environmental Self-Audit Reports: A Replication and

Extension. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Spring 2015, vol

18:1, pps 35-50.

• Six Media-Savvy Ways of Answering the Tell Me About Yourself Question.

Journal of Organizational Behavior Education 9: 105-116.

• Mobile Messaging: Teaching the Art of Small-Screen Communication, Biz Ed:

Ideas in Action, Sept/Oct 2017, pp. 66-67.


• Analyzing South Park’s “Proper Condom Use” as an Introduction to Literary



• “Rhetorical Image-Making: A Case Study of the Thomas Paine-William Smith

Propaganda Debates” Speech Communication Association, December 1975, Winner,

Young Scholars Award.

• “Rhetoric, Reality, and Rationalization: A Study of the Masking Function of Rhetoric

in the London Theosophical Movement,” Central States Speech Association, 1975.


• “A Note on Tom Paine’s Vulgar Style.” Eastern Communication Association, 1976.

• “An Exploration of Generic Aspects of Contemporary American Christian Sermons”

Speech Communication Association meeting, December 1976. Winner, Young Scholars


• “Generic Aspects of Contemporary American Radical, Liberal, and Conservative

Discourse,” VI International Conference on Verbal Communications, Vienna, Austria,


• “Using Videotapes in Teaching Organizational Communication,” Central States Speech

convention, 1980.

• “An Instructional Program for Improving College Students’ Organizational

Communication Effectiveness.” Midwest American Business Communication

Association, 1980.

• “In-class Internships in the Business Communication Class,” Southeast American

Business Communication Association, 1981.

• “Theory Z: Will It Improve the Productivity of American Organizations?” Society for

the Advancement of Management, 1981.

• “Training Management Students to Improve their Interpersonal Effectiveness: A Social

Learning Theory Model.” Proceedings of the Southeast American Institute of Decision

Sciences. 1981.

• “Using Behavioral Modeling to Teach Business Students Interviewing Skills,” Midwest

American Business Communication Association, 1982.

• “Ethics and Organizational Communications.” Northern Kentucky University

Symposium on Business and Professional Ethics,” 1982.

• “Outstanding SBI Cases,” Region V SBIDA meeting, 1983.

• “Outstanding SBI Cases,” Region V SBIDA meeting, 1984.

• “Technostress: Its Symptoms, Causes, and Cures,” Midwest Business Communications

Association, 1985.

• “Outstanding SBI Cases,” SBIDA national meeting, 1985.

• “Designing User Friendly SBI Reports,” Midwest Business Administration

Association, 1986.

• “Using Financial Ratio Analysis to Evaluate Small Businesses,” Great Lakes SBIDA,



• “Diversity in Small Business,” Great Lakes SBIDA, Fall 1990.

• “Managing Diversity in Small Business,” National SBIDA, April 1991.

• “An Empirical Study of Small Business Reactions to Diversity.” US Association of

Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Spring 1992

• “Preparing Small Business for Workforce 2000: A Pilot Study,” National SBIDA,

Spring 1994.

• “Writing to Avoid Legal Liability,” Conference on Corporate Communications,

Madison, New Jersey. Spring 1994.

• “An Empirical Analysis of the ‘Self-Critical Analysis Privilege’,” Association for

Business Communication, Spring 1995.

• “Teaching Students the Importance of Attentive Listening Skills,” Midwest

Association for Business Communication, April 1997.

• “P&G’s Successful Introduction of Olestra in the US Market,” Midwest Business

Communication Association, April 1997. (with Skeldon)

• “One-on-one and Small Group Meetings,” The Association for Business

Communication, November 1997.

• “How Small Businesses in the United States are Responding to the Challenges and

Opportunities of Workforce 2000.” International Association of Management. August,


• “Analyzing the Impact of Degree of Threat in Environmental Self-assessment Memos

on Corporate Decision-making” The Association for Business Communication,

Washington, DC, November 1997.

• “Using Multimedia and the Web in the Business Communication Classroom” with

Kyle Skeldon (Downing scholar), Midwest Association for Business Communication in

Minneapolis, April 1998.

• “Using Multimedia to Teach Interpersonal Skills: a Demonstration” with Shriberg and

Human, Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, University of La Verne, La

Verne California, June 1998.


• “Online Self-Assessment: Using Web-Enhanced Instruction in a New Venture Creation

Course,” with Human, Small Business Consulting Association, San Francisco, February


• “Business Communication Skills,” Ohio Rehabilitation Association, Akron, October


• “Negative Communication in Environmental Assessment Reports,” (with Amshoff,

Downing scholar), Association of Business Communication in Los Angeles, November


• “Developing Attentive Listening Skills,” CAACURH, Cincinnati, November 1999.

• “Using models and grading guidelines in teaching business writing,” Xavier University

Faculty Forum, February 2000.

• “Using the PRIME Analysis System for Small Business Consulting,” (with Human and

Cunningham), SBIDA, San Antonio, February 2000.

• “Trends in Project Management Communication Literature,” (with Finch), Project

Management Association Workshop, Cincinnati, February 2000.

• “Use Web-Enhanced Instruction in a Managerial Communications Course” (with

Human et al.) Southern/Eastern/Canadian Association of Business Communicators,

Nashville, TN March 2000.

• “The Impact of Course Technologies on Entrepreneurship Education and on Student

Learning” USABE/SBIDA joint meeting in Orlando, February 2001. (with Human and


• “Using Web-based Diagnostic Self-Assessment Instruments in a Business School

Curriculum,” National Business and Economics Society meeting in San Juan, March

2001 (with Human).

• “Analyzing the impact of degree of threat on corporate decision-making: A study of the

use of threats in environmental self-assessment reports.” National Business and

Economics Society meeting in San Juan, March 2001.

• “Student Perceptions of Career and New Venture Characteristics in Ukraine, S. Korea,

and the U.S.” (with S. Human, C. Gunnarsson, & C. Rink) SBIDA, San Diego, Feb 2002.

• “Cross-National Perceptions of Careers in Entrepreneurship from Students from in the

Ukraine, South Korea, and the U. S.” (with Human & Gunnarsson), Hawaii Conference


on Business, June 2002.

• “Analyzing the impact of jail terms on environmental assessment memo decision

making,” National Meeting of the Association of Business Communication, Cincinnati

OH Oct 2002

• “Assessing Journal Quality in Faculty Evaluations” (Chair and Contributor) National

Meeting of the Association of Business Communication, Cincinnati, OH Oct 2002

• “Student Perceptions of Career and New Venture Characteristics in Ukraine, S. Korea,

and the U.S.” (with S. Human, C. Gunnarsson, & C. Rink) SBIDA, San Diego, Feb 2002.

• “Cross Cultural Comparison of Perceptions of New Venture Careers” (with Human,

Matthews, & Gunnarsson), Hawaii Conference on Business, June 2002.

• “Impact of Threat of Jail Terms and Personality on the Persuasiveness of Candid

Environmental Assessment Memos,” Association of Business Communication,

Cincinnati, October 2002.

• “How Colleges and Universities Rate Business Communication Journals in

Determining Merit Evaluations for Faculty Scholarship,” Association of Business

Communication, Cincinnati, October 2002. (presenter & chair)

“How Course Technologies Impact Business Education and Student Learning,” (with

Baucus & Human), 68th National Meeting of Association of Business Communication,

Albuquerque 2003.

“Approaches to Business Communication Research,” National Meeting of Association of

Business Communication, Albuquerque 2003, invited presentation.

▪ (& Easter) (2004). Courtship rituals: Their application to teaching job interview skills.

Paper presented at the National Association of Business Communication, Boston, MA.

▪ Xavier’s use of video to promote Entrepreneurship Education, NCEC, October 2006.

▪ Teaching Effective Email Communication to Undergraduate Students, Global

Management and Information Technology Research Conference, New York City, Spring


• With Park, Using Videos to Promote Campus Entrepreneurship, NCEC, Syracuse,

NY, October 2007.

• Online Videos as a way of Promoting Academic Programs, Association of Business

Communication, Washington, DC, October 2007.


• A Comparative Examination of Career and Startup Expectations in South Korea,

Ukraine, and United States, 1st International Conference on Management, Wilmington

College, January 2008.

• (and Stewart) Pedagogical Changes Inside and Outside the Business School

Classroom in the Age of Information, Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education, New

York City, July 2008.

• (and Stewart) Teaching Multicultural Fluency in the Modern Classroom. Global

Management & Information Technology Research Conference, New York City, Summer

2009. Tom received an award as the Outstanding Presenter in the conference.

• (& Stewart & Stewart) A Case Study in Teaching Arts Management, ICSB,

Cincinnati, May, 2010.

• (& Stewart) Teaching Students the Value of Slow Time Thinking in a Fast Time

Environment, NBEA, Morristown, NJ, Oct, 2010.

• (& Stewart) Delegitimizing Environmental Advocacy, National Communication

Association, November 2010. Presented by Downing Scholar, Will Geerer

• Keynote Speaker, Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the 21st Century Classroom,

Global Management & Information Technology Research Conference, New York City,

May 2011.

• (& Stewart) Teaching Social Entrepreneurship with a Community Engaged

Perspective, CJBE, Xavier University, July 2011. • (& Stewart. J. & Clark, B.). Encouraging Researchers to Use Modern Knowledge

Management Systems Productively: Collaborative Research Between Two Cincinnati Universities and a Local Corporation, CBJE, Xavier University, July 2011.

• (& Stewart, J. & Clark, B.) Understanding Contextual Variables that Impact the Persuasiveness of Environmental Assessment Reports, IAJBC, Barcelona, July 2012.

• Networking for Job Success, Diversity Conference, University of Cincinnati, (&

Stewart, J. & Engle, R.) April 2014. Presented by Downing Scholar, Rebecca Engle.

• Analyzing South Park’s “Proper Condom Use” as an Introduction to Critical Media

Theory. Hawaii International Conference on Education, January 2017.

• Six Media-Savvy Ways of Answering the Tell Me About Yourself Question.

Submitted to The Journal of Organizational Behavior Education. Hawaii International

Conference on Education, January 2017.


• Do’s and Don’ts for Writing Email for Cell Phone Messaging. Four C’s Conference

Diverse Writers, Diverse Writing. UC-Clermont (June 2017).

• Teaching the Process Approach and Interpersonal Sensitivity: An Invisible Illness

Exercise.” Four C’s Conference Diverse Writers, Diverse Writing. UC-Clermont

(June 2017).

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