d oodles karla fisher (asd) google drive test “ (c) copyright 2012 - new leaves clinic freely...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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DOODLESKarla Fisher (ASD)

Google Drive Test “

(c) Copyright 2012 - New Leaves ClinicFreely distribute unaltered with credits

BEING SILENCED… NOT THE 1ST TIMEYet another deletion/ban from another autism “professional” who is supposed to be “helping” autistic people.

No matter how hard I work to be sincere, I am called disrespectful.

Ironically this IS what autism is exactly. My literal language is not always received so well. Ironically these professionals keep not getting this…..

Shame… I reached out to help her to understand literal language and why she needs to meet me in my world on abstraction.

Seems that isn’t viable option at this time…


He isn’t that affected. He can probably pass for


I just want him to have friends… to play sports, get married… You know… all the normal stuff.

He is in social skills class on Tues and Thrs, OT on Monday,

ABA on Monday, Tues and Wed.

Speech and behavior

therapy on Friday.

I don’t understand

these meltdowns. It’s

as if he is overwhelmed

for some reason….

There is a new autism

medicine out, shall we get him on the free trial?


I don’t understand

these meltdowns. It’s as if he is overwhelmed

for some reason….


At 49 years of age, it is still hard to do transitions Getting out of the car to go inside of a building (like at work) is

often really hard. Getting up from my desk to go home at night is also very hard. There are many other instances…

My body feels good where I am. If I am hyper-focusing (like working or driving) my body actually

has a buzz (like slightly tipsy). I am relaxed. Getting up (stopping) sends a shock to my body (like jumping in cold water.)

Sometimes I am late to the office because I sit in my car, just outside of my office, for so long.

I am often (almost always) late to leave the office. Sometimes I have to do self-talk and make deals with myself to

make the transition. It helps if I have a schedule but nothing really makes it okay.

Yes, it really is that bad


Therapy that works for one could destroy another. Research on therapy is weak at best. Trust your gut. You know what is right best as parent.


There are no “Silver Bullets” or “Quick Fixes”. ANY therapy is only as good as the person administering it. No therapy is worth sacrificing childhood to meet NT milestones.


Please post birthday

messages here so they don’t junk up the

page and make me miss

important stuff


PORTLAND AUTISM PROFESSIONAL DISCUSSIONMy name is Karla Fisher and I am an autistic adult featured in Temple Grandin’s latest book, recipient of GRASP 2012 award, founder of the only ASD Adult/Teen program in the nation and creator of very rare/unique series of ASD infographics.  I have spent the greater part of the past 2 years digesting professional NT ASD material and I am ready to speak to the professional community on a broad scope. I intend to have quarterly sessions where I cover a topic and my views on this topic and then answer questions that arise. The goal is to learn from you as you from me and to create a curriculum from our shared viewpoints that is neuro-diverse friendly.

TOPIC for this TALK:Social Skills in the ASD world.  We will discuss the REAL root causes of NT/ASD social differences and how to support them.  This perspective is refreshingly different than current existing meme and I promise you will learn something if not a LOT. 

FAQ: This meeting is strictly for ASD professionals. You can bring whatever questions you want but I will be driving towards one topic for the first part of the meetings.   I will answer as many questions as I can. You can invite ANY professional that you want and I encourage you to do so.  Make this a broad reach event and be prepared for a different kind of discussion. Rules will be ASD social rules (don’t worry I will teach you)

DATE: Sept 17, 2012 at 6:30PM

Location: 5200 NE Elam Young PkwyHillsboro ORGo into the main lobby at HF 3 building (it is clearly marked) and we will have the auditorium scheduled for this event. 

THE IMPORTANCE OF ROOT CAUSE… If you treat my anxiety only, I will may get good at Yoga or learn which

medicines work for me. I may even show some short term improvements in my Anxiety. I will NEVER be my best and it is likely my Anxiety will grow into Depression over the years.

Anxiety (and depression) is a symptom in Autism. It stems early in life from the root causes of being out of context, sensory processing and executive functioning weaknesses. As a child matures, it also stems from social insecurity due to being told that they are bad at social skills.

Support for Sensory Processing and EF weaknesses combined with Advocacy and Acceptance should be FIRST line of defense for ASD.

I see MOST NT care-givers treating Anxiety and other “behaviors” like a root-cause instead of a symptom. I hope this helps them to re-think tactics a bit.

It is not what you see but what is hidden that is usually the root cause….


I have an awareness circle like a sub sonar that I tend to while driving

Anything within that circle is scanned for category (tree, people, dog, etc.)

After the category scan is a quick binary check (danger or not) I always seek escape routes as I drive within my circle I have 5 points of reference that I scan with a rhythmic consistency

Just in front of the car to 50 feet (main focal point – gets most time) Distance ahead of the car (way ahead – gets second most time) Rear view (3rd priority) Side left (4th priority) Side right (4th priority)

1 23




AUTISM ACRONYM FUN ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorder: Includes Asperger's, Autism, PDD-NOS NT = Neurotypical: A person with typically developed neurology (Also used

to mean not autistic) EF = Executive Functioning: Skills related to emotional regulation,

planning, focusing. (see ADHD) SP = Sensory Processing: Skills related to processing information (see,

hear, taste, etc) OT = Occupational Therapy SLP = Speech Language Pathologist PDD = Pervasive Developmental Disorder ABA = Applied Behavior Analysis NOS = Not Otherwise Specified: Tied to labels to indicate that while the

symptoms are LIKE a label, they are not 100% like. ADHD-NOS or PDD-NOS are common example.

ToM = Theory of Mind. Ability to take perspective, read other people’s mind or have empathy

IEP = Individualized Education Program. Used in schools to protect kids with special needs.

BAP = Broad Autism Phenotype… (having many of the autistic symptoms but not enough to warrant a label)




WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!Did you hear about the newest “hot” trend in Autism treatment?

Learning about Autism from actual Autistic people!!!

This method goes directly to the source, bypassing the false science, observational bias, the anger, the fear and the tragedy. It takes the fast path to acceptance where possibilities emerge and support paths are clear. Relax and

enjoy the fact that you have not lost anything rather you have gained a community of people. People who get what being Autistic really means.

Visit Karla’s ASD Page in Facebook


I am Karla. I am Autistic. And I accept that wholly because I have learned that I cannot hate autism

and still love me.

There was a time that I hated my autism. It is in times like these that this hate would be strongest.

Times when my physical health is failing due to anxiety about schedule disruption. Times when my abilities are so low. And in my hate, I kept trying to visualize who I would be without my autism. At first this was a good fantasy as I imagined I would have

all the positive parts and just get rid of the hard parts. But that is not really the way neurology

works so I had to dive deeper. Who is this hypothetical "better" Karla? And as I got deeper and deeper into this analysis it hit me that there was no Karla without the Autism part. I could not

imagine the point where my IQ ended and my Autism began. Would my hyper-focus still allow me

to earn patents if I parsed out the part where I forget to do self care? Would I know the joy of

obsessive interests? Who knows and who could say? 



I am Karla. I am Autistic. And I accept that wholly because I have learned

that I cannot spot reduce my Autism.

Before my Father’s death, I was exceedingly into the concept of fitness and especially bodybuilding. In this world, everyone attempts to create themselves after

images that they see in magazines. Soon enough comes an important realization. You cannot spot

reduce fat. You see only the most genetically gifted people (with even fat distribution) tend to get depicted

in photos. Most people lose fat and still end up dissatisfied with their overall appearance because they

will never look like the books say they should.

At some point , a bodybuilder will have to come to terms with the fact that they cannot spot reduce fat. (A person who holds fat in their thighs will always be fatter there than elsewhere.) They must accept that the body

they have to work with is the only body they have to work with. It does not mean giving up. It means being okay with what is there as a baseline and working from that point. They can then reset their expectations and

goals to match reality while loving their bodies and their selves This is called “Acceptance” and is a very

important part of life.



It all begins with an open mind.

Continuous seeking of new truth leads

to continuous growth.

New What You


What You know

A shift happens when a new

awareness enters the mind

Once that shift begins there is no going back. Your current truth is

forever changed and the work of

analyzing this new truth into a new set of basic beliefs is


Imagine a world where Autistic people are supported instead of fixed.

Imagine a world where Autism is

not feared

Imagine the Possibilities

ASD JOB INTERVIEW Today I had my first job Interview since my DX As I reached for my favorite hoodie, I paused to reflect on NT/ASD

differences. Should I dress up for the interview? Take a shower perhaps? I looked around my closet and sighed…. No tokens. No really good

option for me to do all that sort of worrying. I had to stay focused. Besides, do I really want to work for someone who cared how I dress? I put on my favorite hoodie. Rocked it…

I have no one else to be but

meAnd that is



Autism symptoms are shitty some days Co-morbids are even worse I do everything I can to keep symptoms

manageable I do everything I can to eliminate co-morbids I still 100% accept me as an Autistic person My focus is on my strengths and possibilities My focus is continuous improvement I am making me the best ME possible

We did an assessment and determined your child is ASD. She will need lot$ of


You must act quickly before the “Window of learning” closes. Early intervention…

How about you shove your therapy? I will teach my child behavior. You

teach Algebra. Deal?

Okay, let’s get her scheduled for OT,

Social skills classes, speech, CBT and… What else do you have?

Autism Mom

Autistic Mom

OMG this is horrible!

OMG this is ridiculous!

Okay so how many found it to actually work out in the real


Yesterday I had the unique opportunity to do a presentation to a group of mostly young adult autistic people (big auditorium full). I thought it would be perfect chance to do a poll

on how the way our schools are teaching us is working. When I asked how many had received social skills training, most of the hands went in the air. I paused just a minute and

reflected on how many of these young people had been through this. Then I asked them how many found the skills to be relative to real word or to actually work. All the hands

dropped quickly except for one. One lone hand in the whole place.

My work here was confirmed in that moment. And also again in the rest of the presentation as we talked about the REAL needs and supports for our kind versus what we get…


Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan NovNov AugJan

Level 1

Watched Father die

Physical Exhaustion


Autism DX

Fathers' Funeral

Level 2

Root canalLong-term infection now gone

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3Functioning Level 1As if just under water. I am conscious of the world above and can hear sounds but have to work so hard to turn those sounds into words. I can see but have to swim upwards to do so. I like my under world so much better. I require major support during these times at work and at home. I spend most of my free time in bed and often shut down or crash.

Functioning Level 2Sometimes I am under water but sometimes I am above. My eyes are cloudy and ears are full of water but the clarity of my hearing and seeing is significantly different than level 1. It is much easier to navigate the world. I still require support to deal with sensitivities but I can do work and focus in supported environments. Sometimes have energy but still prone to crashing.

Functioning Level 3Feeling on top of the world and water. Not fighting but flowing smoothly. Feels like I am more a part of the world above the water. Not struggling nearly so much with sensitivities and require little to no supports. Clarity in everything and feel physically rested and full of energy.

Separated shoulder Get rid of

Sugars from Diet





Brilliant Engineer. Does the work of 2 people!

CREATIVE. Most outside-

the-box thinker on the team!

Results oriented. Executes

perfectly to plan!

Is sometimes too blunt or

not appropriate.

Has trouble with the

big picture.

Sometimes speaks too much

in the details.

Every single year it is the same annual review feedback for me. This feedback really points to the pervasiveness of Autism and how we “parse” the good from the “not-as-good” or the person from the Autism. Where is that magic line between Karla and her

Autism? This year my boss and I decided to take a new approach to this old review process and this new tactic is about Advocacy,

Education and Acceptance!

MY HOLIDAYS ARE ME DAYSHolidays are the best days of all for me because the rest of the world is focused on being with one another. This gives me great opportunity to join them or be alone. Most of the time I chose to be alone. The days are perfect days to eat healthy, play with my horse, guitar or on the computer, watch football, take my doggy for walks and otherwise build tokens. Today I am grateful to all those who love me and accept me for being me in this way… It took my friends and family a long time to understand that it is okay to be alone on Christmas and Thanksgiving. They know that I want to be invited to their parties but I also want it to be okay to decline and be alone. Most of the time I chose to be alone…

Thank you but…I chose to be with ME


Hey what happened to George? He never wants

to play anymore.

Yeah, all he ever does is research on the


They made him Autistic.

Behold the medicine to rid him of

his Autism. Quick call

the presses.

But isn’t that



Do it! You need to

make eye contact . It also weirds

me out when you


But this is a worm…

Eat the worm

Johnny so you can be normal like Liz here. I

read an article that

says this will help you be more social.

8. Looks like worms

and/or leeching!

Okay so what “cure” should we invest in

next? I cannot decide.

Throw the dice.

How about doing research that can

benefit autistic people?

Why would we do that?

Yuk. look at that sucker



Experience often the joy of true


Give regularly not because you have to, or

because you want

something in return, but because

being kind is always the

right thing to do.


Autistic children are

sick. Vaccines took my child into the pit…

Huge news! We are holding a Congressional hearing on Autism. We have invited parents,

grandparents, businessmen and some Doctors!

This epidemic is a national health crisis. We must

find a cure… More $$ for cause and cure!!

Did you invite actual

Autistic People?

Why would we do that?

"These people are going to live for 60 or

70 years, and they are going to be a

burden not only on the families, but on

society itself."

Congressman Dan Burton

Did you hear the autistic guy’s

speech? Should

we ask a question


Nah... Everyone knows

they can’t talk.

Dare I hope for a better future?


I ate “more”

until I was morbidly

obese with more health

problems then


Mom says I was a really

picky eater….

Want to get

something to eat?

I have been Dx’d with physical

exhaustion too many times.

Doctors told me to eat “more”!

I am not hungry.

• Food and I never really got along.• I appreciate it now but can still take or

leave it.• My hunger cues do not work to help me. • I can out eat grown men or not eat at

all.• I am either full on or full off. • I have to track my food to get it right. • I am not body dysmorphic. • It’s all just rather, “meh” to me…

I can get it right by carefully

tracking my calories and




Once I was explaining the magic of Mahler’s 3rd to a psychologist. Curious to get into my mind, he asked how this made me feel.

This question always angers me because it is stupid. Tonight I

realize that it isn’t stupid to him. Music does make him feel. To

me, good music has the opposite outcome. It makes me flow.

Flow is like not-feel. It is about not being present in mind or body but being one with the

music, the composers and the artists.

THINGS THAT BOGGLE MY MIND!Did you see my latest

blog post got picked up by Huff post and other major sources!!!?? My blog has over a million


Wow! It is up to 1.2 million now! Can you believe


You compared your son to a

mass murderer.

Aren’t you worried that

Michael’s peers at school will

now further bully and stigmatize


I honestly do not see how this helps you and am

afraid now for your




If you have a child (especially a teen) prone to meltdowns, my suggestion is you consider the need to be in school this week. It is just one week before Christmas break. Can the work be done from home versus in the


My fear is that with the events of the past days that adults will be more prone to call law officials to deal with children. Since this has resulted in injury and death to Autistic kids already numerous times, the risk is there. Please give your kid extra support and tools to avoid

meltdowns in the next few weeks in public if you think keeping them home is unreasonable.

Additionally talk to his caregivers about their feelings as well. Make sure that there is no doubt about the

difference between meltdowns and mass murder sprees. Make sure that everyone has the right tools to be safe and rational in the face of normal Autistic meltdowns.

Make sure your kid is supported and loved as a healthy Autistic person.

I wear these

earplugs because I

am Autistic…

I need them bec..

Whoa, really?, You mean like that kid

that just killed everyone?!

There is pain in me today. My gut literally aches. My

mind is foggy and I am struggling to hold it all together. I am trying to integrate into my new

group and role model good Autism advocacy

techniques. I must disclose to all the new

people in my new building. But today, when I do, I am

compared to a mass murderer.

And while I am crashing hard, I do not ache for me but for all the young ASD people having to endure

this same (or worse) onslaught of comments

from others. The ignorance and hate are very deep today. I have nothing more. No good

advice to give. The wave is too strong.


" There's a really, really weird teenager who

attends my church. He has Asperger’s.

Yesterday I reported his odd behavior, along with

several examples of strange stuff he has done and said, to the

police. It's worth reporting this kid to

authorities now that I know how dangerous his

disorder can be."

Mom said we can no longer hang out with

Michael because he has Asperger’s.

How do we keep your sister’s Autistic kid from

turning into a mass murder? He threw a

waffle at her yesterday in anger. I am concerned…

Trigger Alert

THE ATRIUMEvery night I leave my office at around 7:00PM and every night I pass the Atrium and smile. It

is filled with young employees playing pool, ping pong, table soccer and Wii. I remember

back to when I too was young and hung out at work with my coworkers. I was full of myself

and of new ideas. The world was mine to define. We played hard, we worked harder.

But that was more than two decades ago. Today I am older and wiser than most of the

people in my group. Many people have asked me why I made this move. They want to know why did I chose to jump into the turmoil of this new venture and new direction with all these

young people who never stop moving.

To me the answer is simple. You are either making history or watching it. Our industry is

going through one of the most profound strategic inflection points in the past 3

decades. What we do today will make history. We will either be successful and ride an

amazing wave all the way into blissful white sandy beaches or we will crash with the wave. Either way, I am not contended to sit and watch

the surf. I must dive in, get wet and ride it.

I a no longer a “young” employee. The world no longer belongs to me to define. I will step back and let the youth do their thing. My role

is to provide order and guidance, to stay focused on the right strategic areas without getting in their way. Yes, it is risky. Yes it is

hard work. But the idea of riding out my last decade in an easy job does not appeal to me.

Today there is history to be made.


Michelle Garcia Winner (professional) sees no harm in linking autism with mass murderers. This is another example of a professional who is completely disconnected from the Autistic community. (The very community she is making her living from.)

My suggestion is that many people send her a message. Tell her that doing this hurts Autistic people everywhere. There have been so many good article already published that explain why this is bad. It is shameful that she is not aware that Autism has nothing to

do with being a mass murderer. Even in that “small” percentage. This is not a hard concept and much has been written on this topic.

You have to be some kind of ignorant/arrogant to be in the field and to actually print a piece like this…


It is 3:30AM and sleep eludes me yet again. My eyes are so tired that they feel like sand is in them. My stomach is nauseated

and my physical body screams for rest. My mind

has other ideas. It is racing. There is so much to learn. So much to do. So much exciting and scared. Sleep seems so distant and

so unimportant in the midst of the excitement of

all that is…

Root Cause: Acute stress (both actual and perceived) triggers a physiological reaction in the body which releases the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and cortisone. Ideally, a healthy body returns to normal once the threat has passed. But when a person operates for long periods under unrelenting stress it hyper-activates the adrenals and can produce a constant state of alertness and sleeplessness. It is also very common that the circadian cycles get completely reversed causing cortisol levels to be high at night and low in the AM.

Fix: Diet (yes this matters)ExerciseDisciplined RoutineReduce stress!



Many people get upset when I try to language why ABA or

Social Skills must be approached with caution. They think I am calling them wrong or all the professionals who do this wrong. Let’s stop with the

hurt feelings and make this about not being right but about

getting it right. Nobody believes that you are purposely doing harm. But harm is being done. In a field where the past

70 years of data collection consists of almost zero Autistic people speaking content, there is a high probability that even

the best is not good enough…

I am not saying you are evil. I am encouraging everyone to

get it right!

“It finally occurred to me how it is that Social Thinking application is actually impossible for me. It isn’t that the concepts are beyond my intelligence. But when I go out

and attempt to see the world through those concepts, it is like viewing the world through an entirely new lens.

Everything becomes new and the word at large becomes completely overwhelming. My only recourse is to stop it

(AKA shutdown) and often by the time I do, I require sleep to recover. I am horrified to think kids in school are being made to think this is the ONLY viable perspective/option.”



I often get asked how one goes about finding Autistic Adult mentors for their child or even just to talk to or ask questions. (I am thrilled that this concept is catching on and will tell you what I recommend.) Keep in mind that there is 1 autistic adult to about 88 NT adults in the world. We tend to have support groups in most major cities in the world. I would start there. Contact the group lead and ask if they can hook you up.

It is my experience that Autistic Adults want to help and they want to be heard. Be prepared to do a lot of work to make the relationship work as they will potentially not have the same social abilities as you.

We are here. You just have to look.


Sure, that concept is

okay but I am raising my son to be part of

the real world.

I read this statement from parents all the time. The one where they claim they cannot possibly

subscribe to one of the options I provide because whatever it is I suggest would negate their child

from thriving in the “real world”.

What exactly is this real world?

It occurred to me today that there is hardly any more politically charged social environment than the school or medical systems. Yet this is where

the SLPs and other behavioral people thrive. These are the people who are writing about

social skills. These are the ones teaching us that all people have thoughts about other people and

that we should be too. They are the ones insisting that we must acknowledge one another in hallways and if we do not that other people are justified in bullying us. They insist that all people

care about what others think of us. This is not my real world. It does not have to be your child’s


Consider that my world is just as real as the one you experience. Consider that it is a place where your child can reach his full potential. Consider that your acceptance of another world as the

“real world” is the key to your child reaching his full potential. The world that is filled with “his”


We’re trying some neuro-diversity techniques and

proving supports for Suzy. For one thing we stopped making her do Social skills training freeing up time for her to rest.

THE DAY THE MUSIC DIEDI did not study art or music until very late in life. Truth

is that I was somewhat rigid in my ways and not willing to try new things or see as much in my 20’s or

30’s. In fact in my 20’s I visited the Grand Canyon with a friend. After all the driving I got out of the car,

declared the thing nothing but a hole (after a short glance) and was done with the whole thing. I would

not even look again. I was in France and refused strongly to visit the art museums. And so it wasn’t

until I was 40 before I studied music.

And with this new adventure came all manners of new growth for me. I literally saw the world differently. I

would spend all day playing my guitar and study tirelessly. And then one day it was all gone. And I had

literally no ability to play. The cause of this was a traumatic event in my life which caused me to lose a

great deal of functionality in all areas of my life.

For the past 2.5 years, the music was essentially not there. I had almost no ability to study and had to force myself to focus for 5 minute blocks when I picked up my guitar. I was able to sustain a few pieces with this laborious work and play them for people now and then. And last week it is back. I

finally made progress again on a few fronts. I have been progressively getting better over the past years

and gaining functionality. And finally the music is back. Last in, first out and last to come back.



The Autistic community is one of the most gentle, kind and wonderful community I have ever met. I am continually amazed at how much nicer it is overall to all other places I go.

Recently in our Autistic adult group, one member needed help to move. 100% of our group came out to support her. She did not have to ask. Another one of our members finds himself unable to function to extremes and we take turns housing him until he can get on his feet again. I continually see stories online of autistic people giving and caring. Typically not wealthy but still creating for others.

There is not drama or expectations. Pure common sense good human behaviors because it is logical to do so. As we teach our kids how they should behave consider that the natural and autistic way of being is something to foster more than change.


Autistic people should lead the discussions about autism.

They should teach the professionals and caregivers about Autism. They should mentor autistic youth. They should be heard above the negativity that is commonly

accepted as Autistic memes. They should be setting the

direction for Autistic community spending and


They should ALWAYS be given a seat at the table.





What shall we name


How about Nick?

I like it!

An examination of the birth records of the more than 7 million children born in the state of California during the 1990s and early 2000s has found a clear link between the name that a child is given at birth and the risk of that child later receiving a diagnosis of autism.

Among the children included in the study, those whose name was a variation of the name Nick had a significantly greater risk of autism, the study found. The risk of having a child with an autism spectrum disorder grew progressively as the variation grew closer to the actual name Nick. These children had a 16 percent greater risk of later autism diagnoses, when compared with children who had other names.


It takes me 2-6 weeks to transition into the new time

zone every year. It is a MAJOR life distraction to me.

If I prepare for it a few weeks ahead, the transition

is quicker. If I do no preparation it is significantly longer. Be extra diligent the next few weeks with your

Autistic people as they transition into a new time

zone. It is a really, really big deal to many of us….


Who’s there?

Knock, knock…Who’s there?

BananaBanana who?

Knock, knock…Who’s there?

BananaBanana who?

Knock, knock…Sigh… who’s there?

OrangeOrange who?

Orange you glad I didn’t say, “Banana”

Orange… It’s What the Cool Kids


We’ll need to raise

awareness and money to fund this effort before it is too


There is an alien

invasion happening we must figure out

how to stop it!

I will start a campaign and get people to use blue lights! I wonder if the White House

will do this?

Also let’s contact

the media and

spread the word about the impendin

g disaster!

Isn’t it amazing? All the ASD adults have been

telling us all along! Now our kids can find friends, mentors and advocate for

better acceptance!

Did you

hear? 1-50 are


Did you hear? 1-50 children are Autistic! It’s an epidemic!!! We

MUST Find A CURE!!!!!

Let’s organize a walk for a cure. Let’s

protest vaccines! We


trend! I wouldn’t wish Autism on my worst enemy! OMG this is

terrible! Those poor children are

better off dead!



mNEWSFLASH… We’ve been here all along!!

(Awareness – Acceptance) = (Stigma+Fear) (Stigma+Fear) = (Not Acceptance)

There is no good excuse for any business to run Awareness campaigns that do not put Acceptance first. Awareness is a

natural outcome of Acceptance. Awareness without Acceptance ironically prevents Acceptance. Fear and Stigma raises money not Acceptance. Make no mistake… Campaign

ads like these are designed to generate income at the expense of Autistic people.

WHY IS SO MUCH DIVISION AND ANGER IN APRIL?o Every day of the year Autistic people (and the parent allies) quietly work to make the world a more accepting place for Autistic people. We have joined forces and are becoming a voice heard and respected in the greater world. Did you notice recently how major media stations retracted their stories of Autism being linked to murder during the last mass killing spree? That was a direct result of our community protesting together in one voice right away. We work to fight bigotry and discrimination in hospitals, schools and government.

o April is the month were the most amount of bigotry and ignorance is found in the social and public media about Autism. We have to make a united stand in protest against this onslaught of messaging on top of our every day work. This makes us tired. It makes us even less able to have social communication that seems “nice enough” for many NTs. It causes many NT parents to think we are bad. We are not bad. We are Autistic.

o Until just recently parent voices were so loud that Autistic voices were largely unheard. The “confusion” in the community today is nothing more than Autistic voices beginning to be heard above the roar of the parenting voices. This is a good thing for all Autistic people. This makes many parents uncomfortable. That is a normal and understandable emotion.

o Until just recently, parenting voices have been largely influenced/fueled by fear marketing strategies of organizations such as Autism Speaks. These voices echoed the doom and gloom and bigotry messages. That too is changing.Are you aware of the work that is done every day by Autistic people to

make this world a better place for Autistic people? Give us the benefit of the doubt during this month. Our community is tired and we need you by our side on this month more than any other. Or better yet, join us today

and become a parent ally.

• Perfumes and colognes hurt me especially in confined spaces such as airplanes or offices at work.

• My throat hurts, my eyes water. I often get sinus headaches that leads to infection.

• I typically require 1-5 days of rest after air travel. I also require this amount of time after being around a lot of people with perfume.

• I cannot walk past the perfume counters at the mall without getting a bit sick. The longer I stay near them, the more affected I am.

• If I was “king of the world,” I would ban perfumes.

Flying in airplanes is a really exciting and exhausting thing to do. Sometimes,

when a person wears perfume on the airplane it is just plain misery. I always

have to take vacation after I fly for this reason.

AUTISM HEADLINES SUMMARY….Headline Details Objective

Autism is Ruining Everything and it is Getting Worse…

This is your basic Autism Awareness Horror Story.

It's about using the raising rates of diagnosis to scare people into giving someone money.

My Autistic Child is Ruining My life…

Somebody's mom or dad talks about how the stress or expense or scary behavior of autistic children is ruining their lives.

It's about getting more services. (or support in the form of money or emotional support)

This Causes Autism…

Everything causes autism!  The internet, old dads, abused moms, antidepressants, highways, cleanliness-- whatever!

This is about using the word "autism" to bring attention to some other thing that someone is all excited about.

Autistic Person Does Thing…

http://illusionofcompetence.blogspot.com/2012/07/person-with-autism-manages-to-do.html (summarized best here)

Someone did Something Nice for an Autistic Person.

Usually just good stuff. I like this one. Human relations. Sometimes crosses into inspiration porn. We all hope for the day that this story is really not newsworthy but just is…

This will Cure Autism… No it won’t Make money for a service or product.

Someone did Something Awful to an Autistic Person

I hate this one but it is the most read The most read. It is often used to generate support, services or change.

Some Autistic Person did Something Awful

I hate this one too Often for services (generate money through fear) and/or to sell papers.

Taken from Landon Bryce’s Blog (ThAutcast.com – April 2013)Stuff in this shade == Karla’s notes

Net = They think we are a problem and/or less than they are

Now is the time for Teaching – That we are more than they think we are

Now is the time for for Building Structures to build each other up



It begins at home. A child born not as expected. Dreams and hopes crushed in an instant. Predictions of success set at 2 years of age. Every

milestone met since, briefly celebrated… but late compared to normal. The ongoing parent grief cycle spins into adolescence and beyond. In school

any attempt to integrate is met with distaste, bullying, distrust and exclusion. Therapy replaces play. Hours and hours of therapy to learn he is broken. Broken relationships in love, in work, in life. Broken heart, broken

spirit, broken child, broken man…

Acceptance Makes EVERY


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