d25: dues renewal. fall conference. check training report ... · e ... banner. in addition to the...

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9/19/2017 d25: Dues Renewal, Fall Conference, Check Training Report.

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Urgent:Enter Dues Renewals Online by September 30!

Dues can be paid online by club officers. Please enter these before September30 to be sure your club and members are renewed on time.

Reminders: Unpaid members are not eligible to participate in contests. Clubs who have not renewed at least 8 members are not eligible to participatein contests.

Instructions on How To Enter Dues in Club Central

Score BIG! Promotion is back! Here's how your club can get the most points foryour member renewal payments. All paymentsmust be entered online at TI by September 25 tocount.

Completed Officer TrainingCongratulations to all of our Club Officers that attended training. Excellence,one of Toastmasters' Core Values, begins with our leaders.

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9/19/2017 d25: Dues Renewal, Fall Conference, Check Training Report.

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The Training Report is online.

Check the Report to see that all your officers who attended training areaccurately reported before the data is sent to TI.

Please notify Robi Ley of any errors at robiley@d25toastmasters.org. Anyrequests for corrections after the end of September will not be honored.

Pathways is Coming! Are You Ready?This past Sunday, September 10, 2017, our ChiefAmbassador, Susan Gardner, provided the kickofftraining to the assigned Ambassadors for thePathways Groups.

The ambassadors are charged with providing the members of clubs withinformation about Pathways including the expected rollout schedule.

Read more about the District 25 Ambassador visits.

Bridging Communication Gaps District 25 Fall Conference

November 17-18, 2017

DFW Airport Marriott South 4151 Centreport Dr.

Fort Worth, TX 76155

Rates for full registration: Super Special Early Bird Rate

through 9/30 - $125 (increases to $135 10/1)

To learn more, see the District Conference Information page. Click here for registration.

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Journey AwardsCheck out the d25 website for a listof the amazing bling you can win fortaking your own Toastmasters'journey this year.

Flyer Awards Tracking Submit online

Humorous and Evaluation Contests Make sure your club has yourcontest in time to compete!

Area Contests began Sept. 16.

Division Contests begin Oct. 26.

District Contests: Evaluation Contest is on Nov. 17. Humorous Contest is on Nov. 18.

Contests by date. Contests by area and division.

Test Speakers

Get multiple evaluations for a singlespeech!

When you volunteer as a TestSpeaker for one of the upcomingEvaluation Contests, you will havepeople vying to give you the bestevaluation.

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9/19/2017 d25: Dues Renewal, Fall Conference, Check Training Report.

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For more information, see Wanted: Test Speakers on the d25 website.

Speech Contest Resources

D25 has gathered many resources for the speech contest onto a single page,including a link to the new Contest Rulebook, scripts, required forms, andsample certificates.

D25 Fantastic Fun

Welcome MLCC Toastmasters Club! On Wednesday, September 6, Toastmasters formally celebrated MLCCToastmasters Club with a Charter Ceremony.

Read more from Bobby Madera, Area 72 Director. See all the pictures.

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9/19/2017 d25: Dues Renewal, Fall Conference, Check Training Report.

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Welcome ATOS Toastmasters!ATOS Toastmasters chartered in July of this year and celebrated with a CharterCelebration on September 8, 2017. ATOS meets in Irving at the Regional HQ.

Read more. See all the pictures.

New Club!FHLB Dallas Toastmasters meets at noon on the first and third Wednesdays atthe FHLB Dallas Building in Irving. The club chartered on September 6, 2017.

A Contestant's ImpressionRead Hannah Seals' description of herexperience in the Semifinals for the WorldChampionship of Public Speaking.

Hannah Seals won Third Place in the ThirdSemifinal.

Area ContestsArea 15's Contest theme was Be a Character! Ifyou didn't come in costume, photo opportunitieswere still provided. See all the pictures.

Area 51 held their contest in Wichita Falls. AreaDirector Mike Battaglino received incredible

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9/19/2017 d25: Dues Renewal, Fall Conference, Check Training Report.

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support from his team. See all the pictures.

Thanks to everyone who traveled for these!

Immediately Share Exciting News

We want to hear what is happening with your club and let everyone else in d25know, too.

3 Ways to Share Your News explains how you can spread the excitement.

Be a Club Sponsor or Mentor

Are you pursuing goals on the leadership track?

Serving as a mentor or sponsor can earn you credit towards the AdvancedLeader Silver award.

An exciting promotion is being offered this year!

It’s YOUR journey – consider becoming a sponsor or mentor and giveback in a rewarding way! Questions? Interested? Contact the Club Mentor/Sponsor Chair, JenRomaszewski: jenromaszewski@d25toastmasters.org. Her blog post includesmore details on being a club sponsor or mentor.

Change a Life

You have an opportunity to say YES

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9/19/2017 d25: Dues Renewal, Fall Conference, Check Training Report.

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to being a member of the DemoTeam. Saying YES does not meanyou will be able to attend everydemo meeting but it does say thatyou want to change someone’s lifeby participating in demo meetings asyour schedule allows.

Contact Joyce Trimble, Club Extension Chair and plan to change a life.

Read how a demo meeting changed her life.

The Helping Hands are experiencedToastmasters who will help youenergize your club for 3-4consecutive meetings.

For more details, check HelpingHands on the d25 website.

Smedley Award August 1- September 30

In honor of Ralph Smedley, can your club addfive new, dual, or reinstated members betweenAugust 1 and September 30? By doing so you’llqualify to receive a "Smedley Award" ribbon todisplay on your club’s banner. In addition to theribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discountcode for 10-percent off their next club order.

See the d25 website for more information.

Quick LinksDistrict 25 Home D25 Calendar

D25 Bulletin Board Facebook Photo Albums

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Club Alignment District Leadership Team

Reports for D25 Area/Division Directors

Toastmasters International Hall of Fame

Copyright © 2017, Toastmasters, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is: District 25 Toastmasters

6307 Sandstone Dr. Arlington, TX 76001

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