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Distribution : daily to 23775+ active addresses 10-11-2012 Page 1

Number 315 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Saturday 10-11-2012

News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.

8 Nov two new Damen ASD2411 tugs arrived in Sydney. They were built in Da Nang

and are for the Royal Australian Navy. The tugs are named ASD 512258 (ELWING) and ASD 512259 (WAREE) with respective IMO numbers of 9553919 / 9553921,

Photo : Ian Edwards – www.shiphoto.com.au ©


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Met verdriet laat de familie u weten dat is overleden

JAN VOORSCHUUR 03-04-1946 07-11-2012

Jan is van 1963 tot 2003 actief bij SMIT in dienst geweest waarvan de laatste jaren als kapitein, zijn laatste schip was de SMIT MERSEY bij SMIT Harbour Towage Rotterdam

Jan was tevens een vervent lezer van de Daily Shippingnews Clippings

Er is gelegenheid tot afscheid nemen op maandag 12 november 2012 van 12.15 tot 12.30 in de aula van crematoium “Rotterdam” Maeterlinckweg 101 te Rotterdam-Zuid

Aansluitend vindt de plechtigheid voorafgaande aan de crematie plaats in genoemde aula

Na afloop is er gelegenheid tot condoleren in de ontvangkamer van het crematorium

***** JAN , RUST ZACHT *****


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Your feedback is important to me so please drop me an email if you have any photos or articles that may be of interest to the maritime interested people at sea and ashore



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08-11-2012 : The HUA HENG 166 passing the Spijkenisser brug inbound assisted by the tugs SMIT FINLAND and

THAMESBANK Photo : Lia Mets ©

Shipping Corp flayed for going slow on vessel acquisition

Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has come in for strong criticism from the Shipping Ministry’s internal audit on the slow vessel acquisition. The national carrier did not pursue an ambitious vessel acquisition policy to modernise its fleet. It did not adhere to its annual fleet acquisition targets and there were significant slippages resulting in cost overruns, which also affected the operational efficiency, says the audit report published in the Shipping Ministry’s 2011-12 annual report. A senior official of SCI attributed the slow vessel acquisition to the three years of continuous subdued activity in the global shipping market. This forced the SCI management to go slow on vessel acquisitions, as the company’s revenue generation was adversely affected, and further acquisitions could have led to depletion of its reserves.


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The SCI’s vessel acquisition programme during 2007-08 to 2011-12 envisaged acquisition of 62 vessels at an investment of Rs 13,135 crore. The acquisition progressed smoothly during the first year of the 11th plan (2007-08) with SCI placing orders for 16 vessels.

Global Financial meltdown

However, during 2008-09 and 2009-10, the global financial meltdown affected credit availability and resultant liquidity in the market. The depressed freight market led to anticipation of softening of asset values, both new and second-hand, and accordingly, most of the ship acquisition proposals were deferred by SCI, said Anup Kumar Gupta, Director (T&OS), SCI. Due to the slow pace of acquisitions during 2008-09 and 2009-10, acquisition of 26 vessels was proposed in the last year of the 11th Plan to meet the overall 11th Plan target to acquire 62 vessels, he said.

However, in 2011, with further deepening of the European crisis, shipping markets once again reversed their upward trend, and it was felt prudent to go slow on vessel acquisitions on account of the prevailing uncertainties. Hence, SCI has placed orders only of seven vessels and acquired two resale vessels — a total of nine vessels during the year 2011-12 against the target of 26 vessels.

SCI has already made provisions for the replacement of its aging assets and SCI would resume acquisition of vessels to augment its fleet when the shipping markets improve, said Gupta. The auditors recommended linkages between the development of the economy and growth of shipping and said the Government should address the concerns faced by the industry to facilitate a strong national core fleet. SCI needs to frame and implement a time-bound acquisition policy for fleet growth and modernisation to face global competition.

It should also ensure that vessel are employed gainfully and avoid idling of vessels. Also, SCI needs to be aggressive in getting business from its major customers, particularly the oil majors. The Shipping Ministry said it is taking action on the recommendations, says the annual report. For the year 2011-12, SCI posted a loss of Rs 428.21 crore compared to a profit of Rs 567.35 crore the previous year. During the last financial year end, it owned 75 ships of 5.52 million dead weight tonnes and was present in most segments of shipping including container, bulk carrier, tanker and the off-shore segment. Despite the loss, SCI had a net worth of Rs 6,734 crore and strong cash balances. Source : The Hindu Business Line

06-11-2012 : The TRANSEAGLE enroute Rotterdam – Photo : Ria Maat ©


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Accident report released after fall from Saga Sapphire

A SHIPPING company has been ordered to ensure all crew receive full training after two men suffered minor injuries during a lifeboat drill in Southampton. Two crewmen fell 22m into the water from SAGA SAPPHIRE’s No 5 lifeboat when they had difficultly releasing the rescue vessel from the ship as it was docked in the city in March.

20-10-2012 : The SAGA SAPPHIRE entering Valetta Port – Photo : Mario Schembri ©

An investigation by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch into the incident found that neither of the men were tethered to the boat and none of the lifeboat preparation party or crew wore safety harnesses. They also found that one of the injured men had not received any training for his specific role and that despite concerns being raised about ropes being too large to be held following a recent refurbishment onboard, no action was taken. The Acromas Group has since launched a review into its refit project management and MAIB has issued a number of recommendations for Acromas Shipping Ltd to comply with, including complete crew training before any vessel enters service and to review operating instructions for launching lifeboats Source : Southern Daily Echo


Nederlandse maritieme sector overtuigt met innovaties gericht op duurzaamheid en veiligheid

Ten overstaan van een uitverkocht Maritime Awards Gala 2012 in de Cruise Terminal Rotterdam zijn op donderdag 8 november vier prestigieuze prijzen uitgereikt. Voor zijn innovatieve voortstuwerontwerp voor binnenvaartschepen ontving Bas Goris de VNSI Wim Timmersprijs. Huisman Equipment won de HME Maritime Innovation Award met de Dual Multi-Purpose Tower. De KVNR kende de Shipping Award toe aan de door Stena Line geïnitieerde walstroominstallatie in de haven van Hoek van Holland. De Hr.Ms. HOLLAND van Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding werd tot slot bekroond met de KNVTS Schip van het Jaar prijs.

De zevende editie van het Maritime Awards Gala werd geopend door waarnemend voorzitter van de Stichting Maritieme Prijzen, Pim van Gulpen. Hiermee gaf hij tegelijkertijd de aftrap voor de tweede editie van de Maritime Week die dit jaar plaatsvindt van 8 tot en met 17 november. Gastvrouw van de avond was Anita Witzier die samen met de vier juryvoorzitters van de maritieme prijzen de winnaars bekend maakte. Het Maritime Awards Gala 2012 was groter dan alle voorgaande edities met 820 maritieme professionals. VNSI Wim Timmersprijs – Bas Goris – Eenvoud als uitgangspunt van voortstuwerontwerp Bas Goris ontwikkelde een voorstuwingsconcept waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van een groot, horizontaal geplaatst vleugelprofiel waarmee via een op-en-neergaande beweging een stuwkracht wordt opgewekt. Zijn 0-foil techniek voor


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de voortstuwing van binnenvaartschepen garandeert een vermindert brandstofverbruik tot maar liefst 50%. Door dit concept te integreren met een dieselelektrische voortstuwing en een hierop aangepaste en geoptimaliseerde scheepsindeling, ontstaat de mogelijkheid niet alleen het voortstuwingsrendement zelf, maar ook het comfort aan boord van binnenvaartschepen te verbeteren.

HME Maritime Innovation Award – Huisman Equipment – DMPT: Dual Multi-Purpose Tower Huismans Dual Multi-Purpose Tower (DMPT) is een boortoren zonder beperkingen bij de handling van boorequipment van een traditionele boortoren (gesloten vakwerkconstructie). Het boorproces wordt hierdoor efficiënter, veiliger en logistiek eenvoudiger. Boorschepen die zijn uitgerust met de DMPT hebben hun waterverplaatsing gehalveerd in vergelijking met andere boorschepen die een nuttige lading (20.000 t) kunnen meenemen. Hierdoor is het brandstofverbruik zeer sterk afgenomen en daarmee de operationele kosten. De boortoren is een volledig Nederlands ontwerp en is in Nederland vervaardigd. Dit laatste garandeert ook de inbreng van lokale toeleveranciers.

KVNR Shipping Award – Stena Line – Schone en stille energie in Hoek van Holland Op verzoek van Stena Line zijn de generatoren voor haar veerschepen in de haven van Hoek van Holland ingewisseld voor 3,5 MW walstroominstallaties. Hierdoor is de luchtkwaliteit aanzienlijk verbeterd en de geluidsoverlast vanuit de haven sterk teruggedrongen. Jaarlijks levert dit een CO2 reductie op van 7500 ton, een stikstofoxide (NOX) reductie van circa 120 ton en een verminderde uitstoot van fijnstof van 4 ton. De vier veerschepen van Stena Line zijn aangepast voor energietoevoer vanuit de walstroominstallaties. De walstroominstallatie is tot stand gekomen in samenwerking met het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, de gemeente Rotterdam en het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam.

KNVTS Schip van het Jaar prijs – Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding – Hr.Ms. Holland

Photo : Jan Oosterboer ©

De Hr.Ms. HOLLAND is een nieuw type schip voor de Koninklijke Marine en zet een trend in het segment van hoogwaardige patrouillevaartuigen. Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding, de Defensie Materieel Organisatie van de Koninklijke Marine, onderzoeksinstituten en diverse toeleveranciers hebben met de realisatie van de Hr.Ms. HOLLAND laten zien dat de Nederlandse maritieme sector een op snel veranderende politiek-militaire omstandigheden toegesneden platform kan ontwikkelen en bouwen. De Hr.Ms. Holland is met zijn kleine geïnstalleerd vermogen en beperkte bemanning een zuinig schip voor de vele taken waarvoor het is ontworpen en uitgerust.

Organisatie Het Maritime Awards Gala wordt georganiseerd door de Stichting Maritieme Prijzen. In deze stichting zijn Scheepsbouw Nederland, KVNR, KNVTS, NISS en HISWA vertegenwoordigd. Hoofdsponsors van deze editie zijn Damen Shipyards, Wärtsilä Netherlands, NNPC, Imtech Marine Netherlands, IHC Merwede en Stichting Nederland Maritiem Land.




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Jan de Nul’s TSHD AL-INDRISI operating at the Rio Tuxpan in Tuxpan (Mexico)

Photo : Theo Willem Kanders – Tideway Rollingstone ©


FILM ‘A HIJACKING’ (KAPRINGEN) The Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme (“MPHRP”) is a pan-industry alliance of ship owners, managers, manning agents, insurers and welfare associations working together with one aim, namely -: "to assist seafarers and their families with the humanitarian aspects of a traumatic incident caused by a piracy attack, armed robbery or being taken hostage"

The launch event of MPHRPs Pre-Departure Piracy Awareness Training will be held at the SM Cinema, Mall of Asia, Pasay City Manila on 12th November 2012 at 17.30hrs. Free tickets are available by sending email to response@mphrp.org

The Pre-Departure Piracy Awareness Training for seafarers is designed for approximately 20 participants per session and will be presented in the Philippines in partnership with PAM TIC and shipping and manning companies. The aims of the course include participants analysing the guidelines contained in the Best Management Practice (BMP), being


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aware of the available resources and documents which give information, guidelines and recommended actions before, during and after a piracy and armed robbery incident, understanding the most common reactions of those affected by piracy and considering what they may wish to share with their family concerning the risks of piracy. The programme is funded by the ITF Seafarers Trust, TK Foundation and the IGP&I.

At the event supported by PTC, PAMTCI and AMOSUP there will be a number of speakers from international and local maritime associations and authorities and following this we will show a new film ‘A Hijacking’ the story of a vessel which is high jacked off the coast of Somalia and the emotional story of the Cook and the CEO of the company as the negotiations are carried out. Please see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcNZsI6-J1I for trailer.

The Film is called A Hijacking and has been shown this year already at the Venice and London Film Festivals to great acclaim and will be on general worldwide release in 2013. The film is a Danish made production with Director-Screenwriter Tobias Lindholm, Producer René Ezra, Tomas Radoor and staring Pilou Asbæk, Søren Malling, Dar Salim it lasts 99 mins. More details from. roypaul@mphrp.org +639283090235.

The UNION PRINCESS moored in Rotterdam-Waalhaven - Photo : Dirk van Uitert ©

Are you ready for the new ECDIS regulations?

The UK Hydrographic Office is hosting a free Admiralty workshop every day at the Seatrade Middle East Maritime exhibition and conference which will explain the transition process in 9 clear stages to help you plan to integrate digital navigation into your fleet. With the regulations effective on a rolling timetable from July 2012, shipping companies and crews must be ready to meet the new requirements if they are to remain SOLAS compliant. The free workshops are presented by Capt Paul Hailwood Master Mariner, who has significant experience in the Merchant Navy and Maritime Industry and is a renowned expert on ECDIS and integrated bridge operations.

The workshops will be held at the following times and will allow plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.

Complimentary refreshments will be provided and the UKHO team will be available to talk to. Tuesday 27th November 14:00 – 15:30 Wednesday 28th November 11:00 – 12:30 Thursday 29th November 11:00 – 12:30


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The CAP RICARDA enroute Rotterdam – Photo : Harry van den Berg ©

New Marriage Law In The Bahamas Makes Weddings At Sea A Lot Easier

For couples dreaming of tying the knot in true pirate fashion, it's time to grab your parrot and treasure chest: weddings at sea just got a whole lot easier. Thanks to the Bahamas' recently passed Marriage Act, couples can now be legally married onboard ships registered in the country while in international waters. The legality of weddings performed aboard cruise ships is dependent upon the marriage laws of the country in which the ship is registered. Passage of the Marriage Act means that for cruise lines registered in the Bahamas, such as Royal Caribbean, marriages that take place during their voyages can now be recognized by the island nation and recorded in the Bahamas' Marriage Record book. A small group of cruise lines were already able to perform legal ceremonies at sea because they are registered in countries other than the Bahamas, including Celebrity Cruises and Princess Cruises. Many other cruise lines, such as Carnival and Holland America, allow weddings to be performed while the ship is in port, not at sea. Source : Huffington Post


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The DEO VOLENTE loaded a Floating dock crane 140T, in

Landskrona, Sweden at 'Oresund Drydocks', and delivered and positioned on the floating dock of the 'Grand Port Maritime de

Rouen', France.

The loading and discharging was executed by executed by Janszoon Maritiem and Xxtras

Photo’s : Daniel van der Zwaan ©


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Mideast crude tanker rates edge higher, market still pressured

Crude oil tanker earnings on the major Middle East route inched higher, helped by firmer cargo bookings although the market was expected to continue to struggle with a vessel surplus. Average earnings per day are calculated after a vessel covers its voyage costs such as bunker fuel and port fees. VLCC operating costs, including financial costs, are estimated at around $10,000 a day. The world's benchmark VLCC export route from the Middle East Gulf (MEG) to Japan DFRT-ME-JAP reached W36.75 in the worldscale measure of freight rates, or $379 a day when translated into average earnings. That compared with W35.77 or -$724 a day on Tuesday and W36.34 or -$1,772 a day last Wednesday. "There was a considerable upswing in activity in the VLCC market this week compared to the dull scenario we have recently seen. Owners are mobilizing what forces they can to capitalize on this change," broker Fearnleys said on Wednesday. Average earnings reached a record low level of -$7,850 a day in late August. Earnings turned negative on July 5 for the first time since last November. Wednesday's positive rate is only the second session since Sept. 21. "There is still considerable difficulties to be faced in the crude oil tanker market, where despite increased fixture volumes being noted there is still an overwhelming tonnage supply suppressing any net gain," said George Lazaridis, with Greek ship broker Intermodal. Last year on Aug. 1, VLCC average earnings turned negative for the first time since the Baltic Exchange started collating the data in 2008 as worsening conditions took their toll. This April, earnings reached their highest in a year at about $45,000 a day, fuelled by a cargo rally which subsequently ran out of steam. VLCC rates from the Gulf to the United States DFRT-ME-USG were at W23.36 on Wednesday versus W22.75 on Tuesday and W22.65 last Wednesday. Tanker players said downside risks remained for the sector, given worries about the global economy and the fact that more tankers, ordered when times were good, were still to join the global fleet. Lukewarm crude oil demand was also weighing on prospects. The world's No. 2 tanker operator Overseas Shipholding Group Inc warned last month it may file for bankruptcy protection against a backdrop of tougher conditions. "Given the prevailing weakness throughout the crude tanker market, with Q3 registering as the weakest tanker market since at least 2003, along with high-profile restructurings and sentiment that somehow manages to find fresh lows, we believe the tanker market is clearly still moving along its trough, begging the question, when should we expect a meaningful improvement?," said Michael Webber, senior analyst with Wells Fargo Securities. "The answer, unfortunately seems to be 'not soon.'" Rates for suezmax tankers on the Black Sea to Med route reached W62.90 or $7,779 a day, from W62.90 or $7,999 on Tuesday and W63.83 or $6,036 last Wednesday. "The Med/Black Sea suezmax market has remained stable during the past week," Fearnleys said. Last week weather related delays through the Turkish Straits had supported earnings in the Med market. Cross-Mediterranean aframax tanker rates were at W78.18 or $4,509 a day on Wednesday, compared with W81.48 or $6,535 on Tuesday and W85.45 or $7,512 a day last Wednesday. Source: Reuters


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KONINKLIJKE NEDERLANDSE REDDING MAATSCHAPPIJ De Redding Maatschappij is een dynamische organisatie met als statutaire doelstelling:

“het om niet verlenen van hulp aan iedereen die langs de Nederlandse kust, Waddenzee, Zeeuwse stromen en het IJsselmeer in moeilijkheden is geraakt”.

Organisatie: De KNRM beschikt over 45 reddingstations die 24 uur per dag en 365 dagen per jaar operationeel gereed zijn om bij alarm binnen 10 minuten uit te varen om opsporings- en reddingacties uit te voeren. De KNRM wordt met de inkomsten van 75.000 donateurs, schenkingen en nalatenschappen in stand gehouden en ontvangt geen subsidie van de overheid. Beroepspersoneel en vrijwilligers werken nauw samen, waarin het beroepspersoneel een ondersteunende rol heeft. Per 1 december 2012 heeft de KNRM een vacature voor een

Schipper reddingboot reddingstation West Terschelling

Taken schipper: Draagt zorg voor de operationele inzetbaarheid van de reddingboot en bemanning. Speciale aandacht gaat hierbij uit naar het opleiden van vrijwilligers, het onderhoud van de reddingboot, bemanningsverblijf en bergplaats. Profiel:

• Leeftijd: tussen 30 en 50 jaar. • Gevaren hebbend als schipper/gezagvoerder op een vissersvaartuig, rijksvaartuig of stuurman kleine

handelsvaart of vergelijkbaar. • In het bezit van goede contactuele eigenschappen, ervaring met vrijwilligerswerk is een pré. • Bekend zijn met de regio en bij voorkeur woonachtig in de omgeving van het reddingstation West Terschelling.

Eventueel bereid zijn te verhuizen. • In staat tot het verrichten van onderhoudswerkzaamheden aan de reddingboot en haar installaties. • Bereidheid tot het volgen van aanvullende cursussen en opleidingen, ook in het buitenland. • Bereid tot 24 uur per dag beschikbaarheid (buiten verlof).

Opleiding Opleiding / denkniveau op MBO niveau Redelijke kennis van Engelse taal. Minimaal in het bezit van Theoretische kustnavigatie, Klein vaarbewijs II, MARCOM A en radarwaarnemer. Geboden: Passend salaris en goede secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden. Wij zien uw schriftelijke sollicitatie graag voor 20 november 2012 tegemoet onder vermelding van “vacature”. Het adres is Postbus 434, 1970 AK te IJmuiden. Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met de heer D.Veen operationeel inspecteur telefoonnummer 06 54607164, e-mail: d.veen@knrm.nl In de sollicitatieprocedure behoort een assessment tot de mogelijkheden.


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Philippines asks European Union officials to protect 91,000 seafarer jobs on European vessels

President Benigno Aquino III sought assurances from European leaders for the protection of overseas Filipino workers as he hobnobbed with his counterparts at the 9th Asia Europe Meeting. During the President's meeting with European Union officials on Monday, there was a "general acknowledgement" of Filipinos' high value contribution to the European economy, according to Secretary Herminio Coloma of the Presidential Communications Operations Office. Aquino said he asked the European officials for assistance in protecting the 91,000 Filipino seafarers serving on European vessels. Filipino seafarers make up about a third of the manpower on these vessels. Coloma said that in Europe, there was a higher degree of interest in the quality of Filipino seafaring, and the Philippines has committed to raise the standards of maritime security. The EU and Norway have assured the Philippines of support in its bid to keep its good standing in the International Maritime Organization's "white list," he added. Norway has a training center in the Philippines for mariners. "We are on the white list, which means we are compliant. But it was pointed out to us what we need to di to increase the standards of our maritime safety," he said. "Some procedural improvements can be made in order to create better opportunities for the highly qualified Filipino workers, particularly in the healthcare industry in Norway," Coloma told reporters. Source: Inquirer Global Nation


HMS MONMOUTH seen entering the port of Limassol for a stop on her way to the Gulf. Type 23 frigate

MONMOUTH and her crew of 215 will be taking over the Royal Navy's routine deployment to the Gulf through the winter and into the spring as part of of the continuous British presence in the region since the early 1980's

Photo : Capt. Jan Berghuis ©


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Navy, PAF to hold Dagit exercises The Navy and the Philippine Air Force (PAF) will hold the annual Dagit exercise from Nov. 12 to 17 to enhance their operability and improve their maritime security capabilities. Navy spokesman Col. Omar Tonsay said more than 300 soldiers will participate in the five-day drills to be held in Zamboanga City. A total of 200 sailors, 124 airmen and 20 observers from the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Joint Staff for Training, AFP Joint and Combined Training Center and Western Mindanao will be involved in the training. Five ships, an Islander aircraft, six air assets will be used during the exercises. “The joint training activity aims to enhance competencies and capabilities of participating Navy and PAF personnel on Joint Air-Surface Operations and Senior Leader’s Forum,” Tonsay said in a statement.

“It also aims to test and assess the response mechanism of Navy and PAF units for the Coast Watch System and in maritime domain awareness in general,” he added. The exercise will be opened on Nov. 12 at the PAF Third Air Division Multi-Purpose Hall in Zamboanga City. Tonsay said the activity will be conducted in three phases. The preparation phase consists of coordinating conferences and event scheduling. The exercise phase will include subject matter expertise exchanges, air-ground operations seminar, air support, and administrative matters.

The exercise phase will include drills on maritime surveillance, search and rescue, maritime interdiction operations and casualty evacuation; subject matter expertise exchanges, air-ground operations seminar; close air support; heliborne operations; aerial spotting; and communications drills. The termination phase will involve the conduct of sporting events and a closing ceremony. Source : Philstar

Submarine Ojibwa retires with atypical fanfare

HMCS OJIBWA, the last of Canada’s Cold War-era submarines, has been resting in Hamilton Harbour since May being prepared for her final duty as a museum in the Lake Erie tow of Port Burwell. Weather permitting, the HMCS OJIBWA will leave a Hamilton dry dock on Thursday and be coaxed by tugboats all the way to Port Burwell, where it will retire as a museum on the shores of Lake Erie.

During the final leg of her journey, Heddle Marine, in collaboration with Hamilton-based tug and barge company McKeil Marine and Nadro Marine Services, and heavy lift and transport company Mammoet Canada Eastern Ltd. will combine forces to undertake the engineering feat of transporting her.

"The sub is a long as a football field, is five storeys high and weighs 2.8 million pounds," said Kathy McKeil,

director of corporate communications for McKeil Marine Limited in a news release. "Moving the sub through the Welland canal will require a combination of detailed planning, specialized equipment and highly-skilled operators. With water levels at a 60-year low, the trip through Lake Erie is expected to be a nail biting experience. Our team will assess weather conditions to ensure a safe 18 hour transit from Port Colborne to Port Burwell. Weather will play a critical role in her journey as the waters of Lake Erie can be treacherous with rapidly changing conditions.”

It’s a conspicuous end to a storied career spent avoiding detection while tracking Soviet nuclear subs in the Atlantic Ocean, one that once saw sailors fly a broom from the mast — a symbol of the clean sweep they made of enemy targets during naval exercises. Three Canadian Oberon-class subs formed the backbone of NATO’s Anti-Submarine Warfare force from the 1960s until the 1990s. “We were the quietest submarines in the world,” said retired Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Jim “Lucky” Gordon, who served as a sonar man aboard the OJIBWA for more than 20 years. “The stealth we could provide was quieter than the Americans,” he said. The 90-metre-long, five-storey-high diesel-powered sub was built to endure underwater for months at a time, said retired Rear Admiral Dan McNeil, who has volunteered as an adviser for the museum project.

McNeil says the Oberon class submarines were specially designed as Russian nuclear submarine hunters, which, unlike their prey, had the ability to shut down completely and go silent. “The Russian subs were quite noisy at the


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time,” he said. Being a silent stalker meant the submarine didn’t have a high profile during service. Its biggest moment in the public eye came during the filming of Harrison Ford’s 2002 historical submarine film, K-19 the Widowmaker, in which it filled in for the Soviet Whiskey-class submarine S-270.

The film, based on near-catastrophic events aboard an ill-fated Russian nuclear submarine, couldn’t have been farther from the real history of the OJIBWA. Known as the “Go boat” within the submarine ranks of the Canadian Navy, the Ojibwa had a reputation as one of the most reliable craft in the fleet, McNeil said. Commissioned in 1965 as the first submarine built for the Canadian Navy, the OJIBWA proved itself early, submerging immediately and completing a trans-Atlantic voyage from England to Halifax without surfacing once. It was a first for a Canadian sub, said Gordon. But the OJIBWA’s exploits didn’t end there. “We once embarrassed the Americans by coming up under a carrier,” Gordon said of an incident during naval exercises in the Atlantic in the 1970s. With ships set up in a protective formation around the carrier actively looking for submarines, the OJIBWA penetrated the screen and scored a direct hit. “We didn’t have to surface to attack,” he said. “We used sonar to find the enemy and close in,” he said. The move will cap off a three-year effort by the Elgin Military Museum in St. Thomas, Ont., to save the sub, which was once destined to be sold off for scrap metal by the navy.

“What excites submariners of that era is exposure,” said Gordon. “At the time we were unknown. The Ojibwa being up there is our chance to be seen at last.” Source : Steve Arnold, The Hamilton Spectator


Jan de Nul’s TSHD BARTOLOMEUS DIAS fitting out at the Uljanik yard in Pula (Croatia)

Photo : Jan van Vuuren ©

Gigantische kraanschepen aan de Keppel Verolme werf


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Op zaterdag 3 november arriveerde het kraanschip SAIPEM 7000 van de Italiaanse eigenaar Saipem S.p.A. aan de Keppel Verolme werf in de Botlek. Een paar weken eerder op zondag 14 oktober kwam een andere reus, de BALDER van eigenaar

Heerema Marine Contractors uit Leiden, aan.

Het kraanschip BALDER in het droogdok, aan de kade; het boorplatform SCARABEO 6 en op de voorgrond (aan de

kade) het kraanschip SAIPEM 7000 . Photo : Keppel Verolme / Ruud van Leeuwen ©

De BALDER is momenteel voor onderhoud en schilderwerk in Keppel Verolme’s grote droogdok (405 x 90 meter), terwijl de Saipem 7000 aan de kade is afgemeerd. Ook dit kraanschip zal het dok bezoeken. In het eerste kwartaal 2013 zullen beide stuivertje wisselen. De BALDER vertrekt dan naar zee en de SAIPEM 7000 neemt de plaats in het dok in. Eerder dit jaar had de werf de primeur! Het grootste kraanschip ter wereld de THIALF van Heerema Marine Contactors onderging haar allereerste dokbeurt sinds haar oplevering in 1985. ‘Dit alles is best bijzonder, niet eerder hebben we drie van zulke grote kraanschepen in hetzelfde jaar op de werf verwelkomd’ zegt Harold Linssen, Managing Director Keppel Verolme. In het Keppel Verolme mammoet droogdok zijn al honderden schepen en platforms gedokt. De mogelijkheid tot het plaatsen van een tussendeur op verschillende posities maakt het mogelijk om voor lange en korte termijn objecten droog te zetten. Maximaal drie offshore platforms kunnen tegelijktijdig in het droogdok. Maar ook een schip zoals "EMMA MAERSK" past in dit dok!


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Uniteam Marine’s Dwt 13,760 container ship OPS HAMBURG on her 1st. Special Survey in Cernaval Shipyard at

Algeciras Port Bay. Photo : Enrique Pérez - Cernaval Shipyard ©

Ulupinar XV: An update to Sanmar’s successful series of ASD tugs

The Ulupinar Series of compact ASD tugs has proven to be a very successful part of Sanmar’s portfolio, with 14 vessels in service; the first one delivered in 2007. After five years, the Sanmar board decided that some updates were needed and Robert Allan Ltd. was contracted to provide an updated design that would keep this compact tug at the forefront of the modern tug world. Minor cosmetic changes brought the look to a more modern standard, and improved outfit materials and method have increased crew comfort and livability, but the real changes were “under the hood”. Upgrades to the drive and propulsion system will ensure that this model has a long future ahead of it! The first vessel has been completed and has entered service with the Sanmar fleet.

Particulars of the ULUPINAR XV are as follows: Length overall: 24.4m


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Beam, moulded, extreme: 9.15m Depth, moulded (hull): 4.04m Maximum draft (DWL): 5.1m

The vessel is classed by RINA for towing and firefighting operations. Tank capacities are as follows: Fuel Oil: 73m³ Fresh Water: 11m³ Foam: 2m³ Sewage : 2m³

On trials, ULUPINAR XV met or exceeded all performance expectations, with the following results: Bollard Pull, ahead – 50 tonnes Bollard Pull, astern – 48 tonnes Free Running speed, ahead – 13 knots

The upgraded main propulsion package comprises a pair of Caterpillar 3512C high speed marine diesel engines, each rated 1500 kW at 1800rpm, and each driving a Rolls Royce US 205 drive unit, with 2.2m fixed pitch propellers.

The vessel has been outfitted to the highest standards for a crew of up to 6 people, with particular attention paid to the reduction of noise and vibrations levels. This has been accomplished by resiliently mounting the main equipment and judicious use of insulation. The wheelhouse is designed for maximum all-round visibility with forward and aft control stations providing maximum visibility to both fore and aft deck working areas.

Deck machinery is comprised of a forward split drum ship handling winch, an aft towing winch, a quick release tow hook and retractable tow pins. Also featured are Palfinger deck crane and a 600m3 / hr Skum fire monitor. The electrical plant comprises 2 identical Perkins Sabre 4.4TWGM diesel gen-sets, each with power output of 74kW.

Ship-handling fenders are comprised of a single row of “W” block fenders at the bow, with hollow “D” fender providing protection at the main deck sheer line. For information on RApport Class tugs, or any other vessel designs developed by Robert Allan Ltd., please contact design@ral.ca


Britoil enters the PSV market with ULSTEIN designs

Shipowner Britoil Offshore Services Pte Ltd. has entered into a contract of design and equipment packages for two platform supply vessels of the new PX121 design from ULSTEIN. The vessels will be constructed at Britoil’s own yard, P.T. Britoil Offshore Indonesia, on the island Batam. The X-BOW® vessels will mark Britoil’s entry into the PSV market.

Singapore based Britoil has a fleet of 40 vessels, mainly anchor handling tugs and barges. The company has more than 25 years of experience in ship services and transport. The first vessel of this design from ULSTEIN, "BLUE FIGHTER", was delivered from Ulstein Verft earlier this year, and a team from Britoil attended her preliminary sea trials. “Britoil is a new customer for ULSTEIN,” says deputy CEO Tore Ulstein in Ulstein Group, “and we are very happy that the company is now selecting ULSTEIN designs for their entry into a new market segment. We strongly


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believe that Britoil will find the new PX121 vessels to be a cost-effective and attractive complement to their fleet,” says Ulstein.

“This is a break-through for ULSTEIN in Southeast Asia, and the first time an ULSTEIN designed vessel will be constructed at an Indonesian yard. The contract comprises a comprehensive equipment package including basic design, engineering support and main equipment supplied by ULSTEIN (generator sets, DP system, main azimuth propellers, tunnel thruster and retractable thruster, FiFi system, cargo handling system etc.). I also includes a large power and control package (electric propulsion system, integrated bridge solution, consoles, radio/navigation equipment, ULSTEIN IAS® (integrated automation system) and ULSTEIN COM® (internal communication system), says Sigurd Viseth, managing director in Ulstein Design & Solutions.

While having the same hull lines as "BLUE FIGHTER" and "BLUE PROSPER", these vessels are customised according to Britoil’s requirements. This includes one extra accommodation deck, allowing for a total complement of 50 persons. The ships will be built according to IMO’s SPS Code (special purpose ships), and will have OILREC class notation (oil spill recovery in emergency situations).

Hallin Marine's Windermere active in Maleo gas field, Indonesia

Hallin Marine, a Superior Energy Services company, announces that its SOV WINDERMERE subsea operations vessel is providing offshore support services in the Maleo gas field off Madura, East Java. Operating on behalf of a major Indonesian oil company, the WINDERMERE is engaged in a wide range of testing and platform support operations. These include repair and maintenance of subsea gussets, underwater welding of gusset plates and grouting work on mobile offshore production unit (MOPU) legs. A central element of the project is the Windermere's integral 15-man saturating diving facility.

"Gas from the Maleo field is being produced from a MOPU supported by a six-wellhead platform," explains John Giddens, Hallin Marine's Chief Executive Officer. This is connected to a 7.4

kilometre spur-line to the East Java Gas Pipeline for distribution to the Surabaya and Gresik gas grid. The region is notorious for strong wind and choppy seas. These create a challenging environment in which to perform saturation dive work. "Hallin was selected for the contract because we are able to provide the precise solution the client is looking for. WINDERMERE enjoys a high reputation in Indonesia, having carried out many projects in the region with great success. This latest project is expected to complete in mid November.

SOV WINDERMERE is equipped for wellhead servicing, inspection and construction diving as well as remote-operated submersible vehicle support. Capable of accommodating 120 personnel, the 80 x 77 metre vessel incorporates a helicopter landing deck, high-capacity crane, a 15-man saturation diving system and three-man


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moonpool launched diving bell. The Maleo gas field was discovered in June 2002 and is estimated to have proven and probable reserves of around 240 billion cubic feet. Production commenced in 2006 using a multiple-wellhead platform connected via a 7.4 kilometre spur to the East Java Gas Pipeline for distribution to the Gresik and Surabaya grid.

At the SCHELDEPOORT shipyard in Vlissingen the rig SHELF EXPLORER is converted into the hotel-accomodation

platform ATLANTIC AMSTERDAM - Photo : Hans van der Linden - www.aerolin.nl - Aerolin Photo BV ©

Tilbury-Zeebrugge service to be upgraded P&O Ferries is to upgrade its Tilbury – Zeebrugge freight service with the charter of the 21,020 tonne WILHELMINE from Cobelfret. The ship has capacity for 163 units and 12 drivers and will replace the Norqueen (145 units / 12 drivers) from early January.

WILHELMINE is a new build, completed earlier this year, and its selection by P&O Ferries reflects a continuing drive to reduce fuel costs. John Garner, fleet director, said: "We have carried out an extensive search of vessels available in


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the market to find the most fuel efficient ship to meet our customers' needs. WILHELMINE is very fuel efficient with a single main engine and single propeller arrangement, and will burn approximately 30 per cent less fuel than the ship being replaced."

P&O Ferries has steadily increased the capacity of the ships it uses on the Tilbury – Zeebrugge crossing since commencing services on the route in 2007. The company offers ten sailings in each direction per week. Source : Ferries of Northern Europe

Wednesday 14 November: Platform BroadBand@Sea Workshop ‘The emerging role

of ICT in shipping’ at Imtech Marine in Rotterdam! On Wednesday November 14th, Platform Broadband@Sea will bring shipping companies and the ICT community together. In an interactive setting, todays challenges of shipping companies will be highlighted and possible Communication and IT solutions discussed. Imtech Marine in Rotterdam will host the afternoon event.

Shipping companies such as Wagenborg, Stolt Tankers, Vroon and Spliethoff already confirmed their attendance. Don’t miss this opportunity to link with platform partners, shipping lines and maritime suppliers.

The role of ICT in shipping is becoming more and more important and will have a lasting impact on support from the shore to ships. Through breakout sessions, participants will further explore the possibilities that ICT offers for shore support and the landscape of the maritime industry in the future. Topics included in the break-out sessions are: • Remote Monitoring • Managing ICT on an always-on vessel • Dealing with trend analyses of navigational and M2M systems • Making a ROI on satellite communications in a crisis • Possibilities of Wi-Fi and 3G communication facilities

If you want to be part of these discussions, please check the following link for more information about the program and registration: http://www.hme.nl/innovatieevent/broadbandsea-workshop-the-emerging-role-of-ict-in-shipping/

The MULBERRY PARIS assisted by the Iskes tugs ARGUS and TELSTAR approaching the IJmuiden Locks

Photo : Marcel Coster ©

Philippe Donche-Gay to head Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore Division

LEADING international classification society Bureau Veritas has restructured its marine and offshore activities and made a number of new key appointments. The moves follow the retirement of Bernard Anne from his position as Executive Vice-President and Managing Director of the Marine Division. The marine and offshore activities have been merged into one Marine & Offshore Division, with a global network divided into four key areas. Philippe Donche-Gay


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has been appointed Executive Vice-President in charge of the Marine & Offshore Division, addressing both industry segments.

Since he joined Bureau Veritas in 2008, Philippe Donche-Gay has been Executive Vice- President in charge of the Industry & Facilities Division. He started his career with IBM, holding various management positions in France and in the United States. In 1994, he joined the international management of Capgemini and became Chief Executive Officer of Capgemini West Europe & Latin America. He holds an Engineering Degree from the Ecole Polytechnique (France) and Masters of Science from Stanford University (United States).

Didier Michaud-Daniel, Chief Executive Officer, Bureau Veritas, says, “Bernard Anne has served Bureau Veritas and the marine industry well. Under his leadership, BV’s marine business has grown and strengthened to deliver high-quality services. We thank him and wish him a happy and fulfilling retirement. The new team headed by Philippe Donche-Gay will ensure that BV’s marine and offshore business continues to grow in competence, quality and dimension.” Philippe Donche-Gay says, “Our portfolio of services covers every aspect of the marine and offshore industries. Our new structure will allow us to maximise the synergies between marine and offshore, giving both industries the best practices of the other. We have a very strong group behind us and are well placed to support owners and operators. I will be visiting most of our global clients to listen to their needs and to ensure that our new organisation will provide them with a constantly improving quality of service.”

The RIO GENOA outbound from Valletta Port – Photo : Mario Schembri ©

Paragon Shipping delays deliveries at Zhejiang Ouhua

Paragon Shipping, a Greece-based dry bulk shipping company, revealed its plans to delay the delivery of four newbuilds with Zhejiang Ouhua Shipbuilding, in an effort to save operating costs after posting a third quarter loss.

“In order to conserve cash and avoid taking delivery of our remaining four newbuilding vessels in the midst of this market downturn, we have agreed with the shipyard to reschedule the deliveries of the two remaining handysize dry bulk carriers and the two 4,800 teu containerships,” Michael Bodouroglou, chairman and chief executive officer of Paragon Shipping said in a release. The two handysizes will now be delivered in the first and fourth quarters of 2013, and the two containerships in the second quarter of 2014. Source : SinoShip News

Oiltanking appoints new president and CEO Oiltanking Partners, L.P. (Oiltanking) said in a press release Tuesday that Anne-Marie Ainsworth has been selected to succeed Carlin Conner as President and Chief Executive Officer of its general partner effective November 26, 2012, Ship & Bunker reports. A refining industry veteran of 34 years, the former Senior Vice President of Sunoco Refining will also serve on the board of directors of Oiltanking's general partner. "After a thorough search for my replacement, we believe that Anne-Marie is the ideal person to lead Oiltanking as we continue to execute the numerous growth opportunities before us. Her many years of experience in the energy industry provides her a unique


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understanding of our customers' needs and the changing dynamics of our markets that are creating growth opportunities for Oiltanking," said Conner.

"I am confident that under Anne-Marie's leadership, Oiltanking will continue to be one of the best in class limited partnerships positioned with a compelling growth story and a stable and growing distribution to its unitholders," he added. Carlin Conner has assumed the role of Managing Director of Oiltanking GmbH and joined the Executive Board of Marquard & Bahls AG. According to the press release, he will remain Chairman of the board of the general partner of Oiltanking. Last month Chemoil Energy Limited said is to sell its Jurong Island, Singapore storage facility to Germany's Oiltanking GmbH for $285 million. Source : PortNews

Engineering firm Oesterbaai is a certified company which is specialized in asbestos surveys, asbestos training and

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Call for cut in operator numbers at Kwai Chung

Arrival of ultra-large container ships means rationalisation will be needed at Kwai Chung says Hutchison Port executive to conference

By : Keith Wallis

The number of port operators at Kwai Chung container terminal should be reduced if Hong Kong port is to maintain its operating efficiencies after the introduction of ultra-large container ships, a senior Hutchison executive said yesterday.

Eric Ip, the deputy managing director of Hutchison Port Holdings, said having five terminal operators at Kwai Chung was "a bit old fashioned", especially as several operators only had one or two berths each. Container ships have increased in size in recent years, requiring more quay length and berthing space, Ip told delegates at the Asian Logistics and Maritime conference in Wan Chai. A 5,000 teu (20-foot equivalent) box ship, which was the biggest of its type several years ago, took up about 250 metres of quay when berthed and required 300 metres to manoeuvre while berthing and leaving the quay. But Maersk will introduce 18,000 teu containerships from next year that will take up 400 metres of quay and require 500 metres to manoeuvre. Several container lines, including Orient Overseas Container Lines and Cosco Container Lines, have

Oesterbaai can issue an asbestos safe certificate for your ship to work in areas or countries which demands a certain certificate or other document which proves an asbestos safe ship. Asbestos surveys by Oesterbaai are according to Dutch Standard SC-540 and comply with IMO standards and strict European Laws regarding asbestos. A survey can be part of your HSE and/or Maintenance Plan! If you would like to receive more information please contact us at +31 10 2088444 or via email at: clemens@oesterbaai.nl ingenieursbureau Oesterbaai . Rotterdam . the Netherlands . www.oesterbaai.nl


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in service or on order slightly smaller vessels of 13,000 to 14,000 teu but which still require 350 to 400 metres of quay each.

DP World-NWS controls container terminal 3, which has a single 305-metre berth. DP World is also the majority owner of Asia Container Terminal, which operates two berths with a combined length of 740 metres at container terminal Eight West, while Cosco-HIT has two berths totalling 640 metres at container terminal Eight East.

Ip said there was a need for "a certain rationalisation in Hong Kong port". The new ships were so big they could not call at all ports and there would be an increase in transshipment cargo from smaller Asian ports to hubs such as Hong Kong. "Hong Kong has the best location and the best platform," he said. Alan Lee Yiu-kwong, head of the Hong Kong Container Terminal Operators Association whose five members operate the nine terminals at Kwai Chung port, asked for his reaction to Ip's rationalisation plan, said: "This is the first time I've heard about it."

Ip also questioned who benefited from the use of ultra-large box ships, pointing out that they posed a challenge for shipping lines and terminal operators, which need to invest in strengthening existing berths or building new infrastructure.

Shipping stocks tumbled in Hong Kong last Thursday. China Shipping Development, which specialises in transporting bulk cargoes including coal and oil, saw its share price crash 7 per cent to close at HK$4.10. Shares in China Shipping Container Lines fell 5.88 per cent to finish at HK$2.24 while China Cosco (Holdings) dived 5.7 per cent to end the day at HK$3.79.

Singapore bunker firm facing $16 million in claims

Bunker company Baxus Marine (Baxus) is facing in excess of $16 million in claims in Singapore, according to court documents seen by Platts on Wednesday, Ship & Bunker reports. OPET Trade (Singapore), OceanConnect Marine, United Bunkering & Trading (Asia), Global Energy Trading, Singamas Marketing, and I&C International say they are owed a total of $16,047,647.45 and 8,712.619 metric tonnes (mt) of 380 cSt bunker fuel.

According to the court documents, Baxus was forced to sell bunkers at a "rate significantly lower" than what it had paid for them in order to meet its contractual supply obligations. Baxus added that the "downturn in the shipping industry which was further exacerbated by the dismal state of the global economy" had also added to its woes.

According to the report, on October 5, 2012 Baxus' director Oh Tien Zer applied to the Singapore courts to put the company under the judicial management of accountants BDO LLP. Baxus says the company would be more valuable to its creditors if it continued operating, or if it was sold as a "single economic unit as opposed to a piecemeal distribution" of its assets, but the six creditors indicated in the court documents that they oppose the move and intend to seek to wind up the company.

Documents on Singapore's Supreme Court website show the hearing to decide whether the firm will be placed under judicial management is set for tomorrow, November 9, 2012. According to Baxus' website, its core business is in marine fuel logistics, bunker trading, and supplies operating within the ports of Malaysia and Singapore. Operating as a wholesaler of marine fuels, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) data indicates Baxus Marine is not an accredited bunker supplier in Singapore. Source : PortNews The compiler of the news clippings disclaim all liability for any loss, damage or expense however caused, arising from the sending, receipt, or use of this e-mail communication and on any reliance placed upon the information provided

through this free service and does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information

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A shot from the autumn sun in Denmark: Two Isle of Man-flagged sistervessels in a rare meeting at the Danish port of Esbjerg. The sisters Maersk Tackler and Maersk Tracer arrived at Esbjerg from Aberdeen to perform the tow-out of the jack-up rig Maersk Resolute, which had a 40 days stay in Esbjerg. The rig has a overhaul and upgrade and left

for a drilling job on the Danish field South Arne in the North Sea. Photo : Bent Mikkelsen ©

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