daniel de leon, edwin falcon, yasmine flores. chapter 5 overview lesson 5–1 types of application...

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Daniel De Leon, Edwin Falcon, Yasmine Flores

What Is Application Software?

Application software is a type of program, such as word-processing or spreadsheet software, that directs a computer to perform one or more tasks. Think about all the things a computer can help you do. You can write letters and reports. You can look up information, record songs, play games, chat with friends, and more. Application software makes it possible for your PC to perform such tasks.

There are many different types of application software (sometimes called applications), each best suited for a certain purpose. Some programs perform specific jobs. Others do many different tasks. Once you become familiar with application software, you can make choices to help your computer work faster and more efficiently.

application software

a program that allows you to create documents, listen to music, or play games on the computer

• software de aplicación

• programa que permite elaborar documentos, escuchar música o divertirse con juegos en la computadora

personal information manager (PIM) program

a program responsible for storing phone numbers and addresses and creating schedules

programa administrador de información personal

programa que se encarga de guardar números telefónicos y direcciones, y de elaborar programas de actividades.

integrated software a program that combines the basic features of several applications into one package

software integrado

programa que combina los elementos básicos de varias aplicaciones en un solo paquete

Office suite

a program that combines several programs and all of their features

suite de oficina

programa que combina varios programas y todos sus recursos

system requirement

the minimum equipment a computer needs to run an application

requisitos del sistema

equipo mínimo que una computadora necesita para ejecutar una aplicación

commercial software

copyrighted software that must be purchased before it can be used

software comercial

software con derechos de autor protegidos, que se debe comprar para poder usarlo


a copyrighted software that can be sampled before it is purchased


software con protección de derechos de autor que se puede probar antes de comprarlo


copyrighted software given away for free


software protegido por derechos de autor que se distribuye de forma gratuita

public domain software

a program distributed for free without a copyright

software de dominio público

programa que se distribuye de forma gratuita, sin derechos de autor


to prepare to run application software by copying all or part of the program onto the computer’s hard drive


preparar la ejecución de un software de aplicación copiando un programa, o parte de él, en el disco duro de la computadora


to remove a program from a computer


quitar un programa de una computadora

software license

the document that contains permission for a buyer to install and use a program

licencia de software

documento que contiene la autorización para que un comprador instale y use un programa


to start an application program


poner en marcha un programa de aplicación


to make an application window as large as possible


aumentar al máximo la ventana de una aplicación


to make an application window as small as possible


reducir al máximo la ventana de una aplicación

title bar

the top row of an application window where the program name (and often the name of the document) is shown

barra de título

fila superior de una ventana de aplicación, donde se muestra el nombre del programa y, en muchos casos, el nombre del documento

menu bar

the bar generally located below an application’s title bar where a set of commands is listed

barra de menús

barra, por lo general situada debajo de la barra de título de una aplicación, donde se presenta una lista de comandos

Help menu

a set of directions for program functions

Menu de Ayuda

conjunto de instrucciones sobre las funciones de un programa


to move from one part of a document to another on the screen


pasar de una parte de un documento a otra en la pantalla

This type of software is used for creating slide shows

A. Word processor B. Database C. Presentation graphics D. telecommunications

This type application software specializes in one task

A. Integrated software B. Stand-alone program C. operating system D. Office suite

This type of software combines several complete programs such as a word processor ,a spreadsheet ,database, and others –into one package.

A. Office suite B. Integrated software C . Stand-alone program D. Operating system

To work with a software program, your computer must meet the programs ____.

A. Cost B. Systems requirements C. Size D. Ease of use

This is copyrighted software that you can use on a try-before-you-buy basis.

A. Shareware B. Freeware C. Commercial software D. Public domain software

You can freely use, give away, or even alter this type of software.

A. Shareware B. Freeware C. Commercial software D. Public domain software

Before you can use commercial software, you usually must agree to the terms contained in this document.

A. License B. receipt C. Registration card D. Operating system

In windows , if you click the start button you see a list of these.

A . Operating system commands B . Programs C . Files D . folders

The top row of an application window is called the _____.

A . Menu bar B . Title bar C . Start bar D . Help bar

Which command finds a document that was previously saved and displays it?

A . New B . Open C . Save D . Close

Any software program can run on any computer, regardless of the computer’s type, components, or operating system.

A . True B . False

Companies own the copyrights to the software programs they sell to the public.

A . True B . false

13 . Freeware is so called because it is given away for free and never sold.

A .True B . False

Because no one owns the copyrights to them , public domain software is the highest quality software available.

A . True B . False

When you install a program, you copy it from a disk, a CD, or the Internet to your computer’s hard drive.

A . True B . False

Software piracy is legal, because it encourages more people to share and use software products.

A . True B . False

Desktop icons can act as shortcuts to the programs installed on your computer.

A. true B . False

An application’s title bar contains a list of commands that are available in the program.

A . True B . False

A program’s menu bar is located at the bottom of the application’s window.

A . True B . False

One way to move from one part of an application window to another is by scrolling.

A . True B . False

What does application software do?

It performs a specific job and task.

Why do people use integrated software programs?

People use integrated software because the applications work in similar ways

How do companies benefit from owning the copyrights to the software programs they sell?

It prevents people from legally copying it to sell it to others, giving it away, or sharing it.

If you no longer need a program that is installed on your computer, what can you do?

Uninstall it

How do you use scroll boxes and scroll bars to move around in an application window?

You use it to move from one part to the other from side to side to up and down

1 . What type of application software do you think would be most difficult to learn? Why?

You can uninstall it, or remove it.

2 . What kind of application software might you recommend to a friend who wants to create basic graphics, write reports, and create a budget? Why? Word processors

3 . What questions should buyers answer before choosing application software?

1 . Why must computer hardware and software be compatible?

2 . Why might public domain software have more errors than commercial software, shareware, or freeware?

3 . How do copyright violations or software piracy affect computer companies an users?

1 . What is the purpose of the title bar and the menu bar?

2 . What is one advantage of maximizing a window when using application software? Of minimizing a window

3 . Why do you think that it is important to save a file before you close?

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