day in the life of a supply chain planner

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Oracle ASCP


Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Day in the Life of a Supply Chain Planner

Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Day in the Life of a Supply Chain PlannerDemo Script (Internal) TC "Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Day in the Life of a Supply Chain Planner [EDUM0765] 31-Jan-2005" \l 1 \* MERGEFORMAT Table of Contents

1Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Day in the Life of a Supply Chain Planner [EDUM0765] 31-Jan-2005

Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Day in the Life of a Supply Chain Planner1Customize Worklist Portlet2Customize Supply/Demand Folder3Seed New Demand Planning Cycle Notification5Seed the New Customer Forecast Notification6Seed the Updated Supplier Capacity Notification7Review Notifications8View Exceptions9Analyze Resource Constraints12Resolve Supplier Capacity Problems15Simulate New Demand16Collaboration with Suppliers and Customers18Review Supply Chain Bill19Release Orders and Pegging21Plan Selects Alternates25Discuss Plan Options27Flowchart29

Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Day in the Life of a Supply Chain Planner TC "Advanced Supply Chain Planning - Day in the Life of a Supply Chain Planner" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Document Control

DateOwnerAppReleaseVersionChange Reference

31-Jan-2005David.Dosland11.5.10v1.0New Document for 11.5.10. DOCPROPERTY "Keywords"

03-Feb-2005Vishal.Deshmukh11.5.10V1.0Reviewed & script validated


The overall objective is to provide an overview of Advanced Supply Chain planning and illustrate the typical interaction a planner would have with ASCP. This script is designed to co-exist with all other APS scripts provided on ADS Demodocs. You can add points to this for additional features you wish to highlight by reviewing the detailed how to scripts.What's New?

This document is part of a series of documents which will help show Advanced Planning and Scheduling products in an integrated and workflow oriented manner. Pitfalls




Related Business Flows (Optional)


Related Documents >Reference Materials Folder > FundamentalsPre Demo Steps

Customize Worklist Portlet TC "Customize Worklist Portlet" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Customize Worklist Portlet

1.Login to portal


User NameMFG


2.Customize Worklist Portlet

(T) Supply Chain Planning

(H) Customize. This is located in the upper right hand corner of the Worklist Portlet region of the form.

The customize portlet form will be displayed.

Complete the customize portlet form as follows:


Customize Portlet ResponsibilityPreferences SSWA

Worklist PortletWorklist Portlet

(B) Next

The Update Worklist Portlet form is displayed.

Complete the Sort Settings section of the Update Worklist Portlet form as follows:


First Sort Column NameSent

First Sort Sort Orderdescending

Second Sort Column NameFrom

Second Sort Sort Orderascending

Third Sort Column NameDue

Third Sort Sort Orderascending

(B) Apply

Customize Supply/Demand Folder TC "Customize Supply/Demand Folder" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Customize Supply/Demand Folder

3.Select the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager responsibility.


ResponsibilityManufacturing and Distribution Manager

4.Customize the Supply/Demand Folder

(N) Advanced Planning > Advanced Supply Chain Planning > Supply Chain Plan > Workbench

The organizations dialog box is displayed.

Select TST:M1 TST:Seattle Manufacturing


OrganizationTST:M1 TST:Seattle Manufacturing

(B) OK

The Planners Workbench is displayed.

(T) Plans

Expand the Plans node.

Click on Decision.

Right click on Decision.

(M) Supply/Demand > Demand

Scroll to far right of form.

Click in New Qty field.

Right Click in New Qty field.

(M) Folder > Show Field

The Show Field form is displayed.

Select Order Priority


Show FieldOrder Priority

(B) OK

(M) Folder > Save

Seed New Demand Planning Cycle Notification TC "Seed New Demand Planning Cycle Notification" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Seed New Demand Planning Cycle Notification

If custom ODP data has been loaded into this instance, launching these processes will invalidate the seeded plans. If custom ODP data has been loaded into this instance, you may wish to skip this step and not mention the new demand planning cycle notification in the first step of the demonstration.

Seed this forecast as close to the beginning of the demo as possible so it appears on the work list portal. If this is done too soon, it will move off the list.

5.Change to the Demand Planning Responsibility.

(M) File > Switch Responsibility

The Responsibilities dialog box is displayed.

Select Demand Planning from the Responsibilities dialog box.


ResponsibilityDemand Planning

(B) OK

6.Launch the Distribute to Planners portion of the demand planning cycle.

(N) Demand Plan Administrator

The Please select a demand plan form is displayed.

Select the Discrete Plan from the Please select a demand plan form.


Demand PlanDiscrete

The Demand Plan Administrator form is displayed. This may take a few moments the first time. The performance does get better once the form is cached.

Select the radio button in front of the Distribute to Planners stage.

(B) Apply

Close Demand Planning.

Logout of applications.

Seed the New Customer Forecast Notification TC "Seed the New Customer Forecast Notification " \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Seed the New Customer Forecast Notification

Seed this notification as close to the beginning of the demo as possible so it appears on the work list portal. If this is done too soon, it will move off the list.

7.Login to portal as Dennis Kline of Discount SuperStore.




ResponsibilitySupply Chain Collaboration Planner

(N) > Collaborative Planning: Home

(H) Notify Supplier: New Forecast

Send Forecast Update To Supplier form is displayed.

Complete the Send Forecast Update To Supplier form as follows:


ResponsibilityDemand Planning

Message TextJon,

We posted a new forecast and updated the quantity on hand.


(B) Submit > OK

(H) Logout

Seed the Updated Supplier Capacity Notification TC "Seed the Updated Supplier Capacity Notification" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Seed the Updated Supplier Capacity Notification

Seed this notification as close to the beginning of the demo as possible so it appears on the work list portal. If this is done too soon, it will move off the list.

8.Login to portal as Sandy Prouty of Prouty Industrial Supply.




ResponsibilitySupply Chain Collaboration Planner

(N) > Collaborative Planning: Home

(H) Notify Customer: New Supply Commit

The Send Capacity Update To Customer form is displayed.

Complete the Send Capacity Update To Customer form as follows:


ResponsibilityManufacturing and Distribution Manager

Message TextJon,

We posted new supply commits.


(B) Submit > OK

(H) Logout

Begin Demo

Review Notifications TC "Review Notifications" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Notifications

9.Login to portal


User NameMFG


Today we are going to look at the typical day in the life of a supply planner when using Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. This is the portal that any user would start off in. We are logging is as Jonathon Smith who is a planner at Vision Corporation.

10.Show Notifications

(T) Supply Chain Planning

We see that we have some notifications waiting for us. Three of particular interest are the one that tells us one of our suppliers has updated their supply commit to us, another that tells us one of our customers has updated their forecast, and one that tells us that a demand planning cycle has completed which means a new forecast is available to us. Workflow is tying together processes for us and automating processes and notifications to focus planners on what is important. We will see other examples of this as we go through since every exception is workflow enabled and workflow also manages automation across the entire planning process.

View Exceptions TC "View Exceptions" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT View Exceptions

Lets go into the Planner Workbench, which is what a planner would typically be in all day and where all the information for planners to make decisions has been brought together.

Here I have my priority issues as I as a planner have defined them. Here I have chosen which exceptions are most important to me. I can choose the order, and also use filters so that I only look at, for example, things with my planner code.

11.Open Planners Workbench.

Select Responsibility


ResponsibilityManufacturing and Distribution Manager

(N) Advanced Planning > Advanced Supply Chain Planning > Supply Chain Plan > Workbench

The organizations dialog box is displayed.

Select TST:M1 TST:Seattle Manufacturing


OrganizationTST:M1 TST:Seattle Manufacturing

(B) OK

12.Review personal queries.

Note that the workbench opens with the My Critical Exceptions query run automatically. This is because I as a planner have set this up to run automatically. I can also create other queries for what I feel is important. If I am a buyer, I can create a query for the items I purchase. If I am a scheduler, I can create a query for the resources, which I monitor.

You may wish to re-size the Exceptions column so you can read the entire column without scrolling through it.

Click on the Gray Bar to the left of the exception listing.

A tree structure with all of the saved queries will be displayed.

Expand the node for Personal Queries.

Expand the Supplier node.

Expand the Items node.

Expand the Exceptions node.

Note the query for My Critical Exceptions.

Double Click on My Critical Exceptions.

The Maintain Query form will be displayed. The planner can define his critical exceptions (or any other query for that matter) to be exactly what he wants to see. For example, in this case we are only concerned with Sales Orders more than 5 days late. We could set this zero or any other number, if we wished. Again, the planner can define these to display any way he wants Planning for planners, not programmers.

Close the Maintain Query form.

13.Show late replenishment exceptions.

As a planner I want to organize my day such that I tackle the most important issues first. Here we have some exceptions in our plan sorted in priority order. The first thing I would typically want to tackle is demand that is not able to be satisfied on time. I see that I have several cases where forecast is not being satisfied on time. A lot of thought has gone into making sure ASCP provides easy navigation for planners to what they need to make good decisions. This is a good example here. From looking at these late replenishment exceptions my next logical question is why are they late.

Left click on Late replenishment for forecast.

Right click on Late replenishment for forecast.

(M) Exceptions All.

The Exception Details form is displayed.

14.Show related exceptions

From here I can easily get to the answer to my question by looking at related exceptions, which in this case will be the root causes of this late demand.

Right click on the first line in the exception details.

(M) Related Exceptions

The Related Exceptions details form is displayed.

Close Related Exceptions form.

The Exception Details form is displayed.

Analyze Resource Constraints TC "Analyze Resource Constraints" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Analyze Resource Constraints

This section is optional. If your customer is primarily interested in material issues instead of resource constraints you can skip to the supplier problem section.

Lets look at another way I can look at the causes of this exception and some more details to help me diagnose the problem. Here I am looking at just the activities on the critical path for this demand. This allows me to find out exactly what I need to solve in order to resolve the problem.

15.Open the Gantt Chart.

Right click on the first line in the exception details.

(M) Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart is displayed.

16.View critical path.

Notice that I can look at all the activities and not just the critical path if I want to. I can also display where the activities would need to occur in order to be on time along with where they have been scheduled because of my constraints.

(M) View > Constrained Earliest and Actual Times

In this version of the graph, the color coding is as follows:

Pink Where the job has to be scheduled to be completed on time.

Red where the job is scheduled due to constraints.

17.Perform late demand diagnosis.

Moving the mouse pointer over the activity shows me details. I can also open up the properties for detailed information. By comparing the unconstrained latest possible start time with the constrained start time and actual start time I can see where I would need to move this activity to be on time.

Hold your mouse over the activity bar for the 10/10(TST:S1:SURF MOUNT/CHIPMOUNT1) line.

The details will appear.

Right click on the activity bar.

(M) Properties

(B) OK

18.View resource load.

I can also look at my resource load to see if it looks possible to move this. It looks like we are completely loaded up and just moving this wont be possible.

(B) Resource(s)

In the Available area, click on TST:S1:SURF MOUNT:CHIPMOUNT1

(B) > (Move the selected resource from the Available to Selected area).

(B) OK

You may want to re-size the area for the graphs.

The graph is showing the percent of a day being used. This resource is available 16 hours per day. That is why we are fully loaded at 66.6%.

19.View Horizontal Resource Plan

Another way I might want to look at my resource load is a traditional horizontal display. Here I see a bucketed view of my available hours and my required hours. I also see a graphical view of load vs capacity. I see that I am completely loaded throughout the horizon.

Hold your mouse over the activity bar for the 10/10(TST:S1:SURF MOUNT/CHIPMOUNT1) line.

The details will appear.

Right click on the activity bar.

(M) Horizontal Plan.

The Horizontal Plan form is displayed. You may want to re-size the form and some of the columns to better see the data. Scroll to the right to move through the horizon.

20.View Resource Requirements.

I can also drill to see the details within the buckets. Here are the detailed resource requirements that make up the total for this bucket. This shows me the items being produced and the detailed hours required and when they are scheduled.

Double click in one of the required hours cells.

The Resource Requirements form is displayed.

Take Away: ASCP lets me easily get from problem, to root cause, to problem resolution.

Close Resource Requirements form.

21.Adjust Capacity.

At this point I might want to simulate working some overtime to try and resolve the problem. Lets look at the resource availability. We see we are currently running 16 hours a day with two shifts each running 8 hours.

Here we can adjust the capacity for simulation.

Here we have added 2 hours of overtime for a month. Note it is highlighted in a different color to show what we changed.

Double click in one of the Hours available cells.

The Resource Availability Summary form is displayed.

(B) Details

The Resource Availability form is displayed.

Complete the Update Resource region of the Resource Availability form as follows:


Update ModeAdd Capacity

From Date6-jun-2005

To Date8-jul-2005

Shift Num1

From Time05:00:00

To Time07:00:00

Capacity Units1 unit

(B) Apply

At this point, if we wished to perform a simulation, we could run the on-line planner.

Close All detail forms except for the Exception Details form.

The Exception Details form should be displayed.

(M) Plan > Start Online Planner.

Typically, we just show the ability to perform a simulation here. You may run the on-line planner here, but keep in mind that if you run the on-line planner, subsequent steps in the demonstration may not work as scripted.

Resolve Supplier Capacity Problems TC "Resolve Supplier Capacity Problems" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Resolve Supplier Capacity Problems

Here I see that the reason this demand is late is an expected shortage of a component due to less material committed from a supplier than I need. Now I might want to simulate what would happen if I can get my supplier to agree to increase the material he is allocating to me before I actually begin that negotiation. I can make that change right here and then simulate that change.

22.Resolve Supplier Capacity Problems.

Right click on one of the exception details.

The Exception Details form is displayed.

(M) Related Exceptions.

The Related Exception Details form is displayed.

Click on a Material Constraint exception.

(B) Suppliers

The Supplier Capacity form is displayed.

(T) Supplier Capacity

Change the last line in the Suppler Capacity tab as follows:


From27-DEC-2004 00:00:00

To19-MAR-2006 00:00:00


(I) Save

The Navigator form should be displayed.

(M) Plan > Start Online Planner.

Typically, we just show the ability to perform a simulation here. You may run the on-line planner here, but keep in mind that if you run the on-line planner, subsequent steps in the demonstration may not work as scripted.

Simulate New Demand TC "Simulate New Demand" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Simulate New Demand

Another typical situation for a planner is when a hot new demand comes in. Very much like simulating changing resource capacity, we can add in a demand to see what effect it has on the plan.

23.Add New Demand

(T) Plans

Expand Plans node.

Click on Decision.

Right Click on Decision.

(M) Supply/Demand > Demand

(I) New

A new row is created in the Demand form.

Complete the new row as follows:




New DateTomorrow

New Quantity100

Order Priority1

(I) Save

24.Online Simulation

Now if we want to simulate what that would do for us we can start the on-line planner and run a net change replan to see the effects of our change.

(M) Plan > Start Online Planner.

Typically, we just show the ability to perform a simulation here. You may run the on-line planner here, but keep in mind that if you run the on-line planner, subsequent steps in the demonstration may not work as scripted.

27.Audit and Undo

We also keep a complete audit trail. If I find that my changes have made things worse I can go in here and undo the changes. I can also see what any other planners are doing that might affect me, as they can see what changes I am making.

(M) Plan > Undo Summary.

(M) Tools > Close All Detail Windows

Take Away: ASCP allows easy simulation and an audit trail of changes.

Collaboration with Suppliers and Customers TC "Collaboration with Suppliers and Customers" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Collaboration with Suppliers and Customers

25.Publish order forecast to suppliers.

We can also via integration with Oracle Collaborative Planning connect our suppliers directly into our planning process. From right here in the workbench I can publish the results of the plan as an order forecast for my suppliers. This can be my direct suppliers, or any tier of my supply chain. I can also publish my results as commitments to my customers to meet their forecasted requirements they have shared with me.

(M) Actions > Publish Order Forecast

The Publish Order Forecast form is displayed, followed by the Publish Order Forecast Parameters form.

(B) OK

The Publish Order Forecast form is displayed.

(B) Submit

A decision box is displayed. It asks, Submit another request?

(B) No

(M) Tools > Close All Detail Windows

The Navigator form should be displayed.

26.Receive supply commits

Through Collaborative Planning my suppliers also send me their supply commitments, which can be considered as material constraints in the plan. If you remember at the start of the demo we saw a notification that we had received new information from a supplier.

Take Away: ASCP via integration with Collaborative Planning allows me to easily incorporate trading partners in my plan.

If you need to extend the demonstration to collaborative planning, please see the collaborative planning scripts on adsweb.

We have gone through a sample of how a planner goes through and resolves problems in the workbench. We could work through other examples, but lets move to the next part of a planners day.

Review Supply Chain Bill TC "Review Supply Chain Bill" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Supply Chain Bill

27.Optionally, Review the Supply Chain Bill

This step is completely optional. Instead of showing the supply chain bill to describe the data flow you can use a PowerPoint slide with the supply chain structure.

We have walked through some exception handling, now lets talk about how a planner would release orders. Before getting started on this, lets talk a little bit about what our plan covers and what we are going to see. You can see as I open up this plan in the navigator that we are looking at a plan that spans multiple organizations. I can look at information for the whole plan, for the facility that I am interested in, a specific category or family of products I have been assigned, specific items, or whatever set of things I care about. We will see more of this as we go through the flow.

(T) Plans

Expand the Plans node.

Expand the Decision node.

Expand the TST:D2 node.

Expand the COMPUTER.HANDHELD node.

Im opening up the graphical supply chain bill to show the flow of material through the supply chain that we are planning for.

Click on the AS66311.

Right click on AS66311

(M) Supply Chain > Supply Chain Bill

The Supply Chain Bill form is displayed.

Expand the nodes while discussing the talking points below. You may wish to re-size this form to see all of the available information.

We are looking at a product AS66311 that gets sold out of distribution centers like D2 which we are looking at. The distribution center gets replenished by manufacturing at M1, where several components are combined with a sub-assembly that comes from S1 or M2, where several other components come together. In the example we are planning all materials and resources, and all manufacturing and distribution, in a single holistic plan.

Right Click on the AS6311 (TST:D2) node.

(M) Expand

This will expand the entire tree. You can scroll down while discussing the extended supply chain we are about to cover.

Close the Supply Chain Bill form.

Release Orders and Pegging TC "Release Orders and Pegging" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Release Orders and Pegging

Once the planner has finished working on exceptions, the next most important task in the typical day in the life of a planner is releasing any new orders required to meet the plan. Here in my to do list I also see all of the important starts. Important is defined by me the planner in my preferences as being orders that need to be released within some number of days from today.

Planned orders could be automatically released to become work orders, purchase orders, and internal orders, or we can review and release orders easily from the workbench. Lets first open up the important recommendations and take a look at the detailed planned orders.

28.Review Planned Orders.

Click on the Decision Plan.

Right click on the Decision Plan.

(M) Exceptions > Summary

The Actions form will be displayed.

Double click on Recommendations

The recommendations section will expand to show recommendations for discrete jobs and for purchase requisitions.

Double click on Purchase Requisitions

The Supply/Demand form will be displayed.

If a planner does decide they need to review and adjust the recommendations prior to release they again have all of the information necessary to make good decisions right at their fingertips. Some of the most common things a planner wants to know are what demands a planned replenishment is meant to satisfy, and what other supplies are related to it. Here we see graphically a full multi-level pegging view that allows us to see all of the interrelationships. We can peg from any supply or demand all of the way up to the end demand or down to the lowest level material or resource requirements.

Take Away: ASCP automates the release process and improves productivity for the planner.

29.Show Demand Pegging

Note that the Demand Pegging (pegging up) button is grayed out or depressed.

Select a row for the CM66333 in the upper region of the form.

Right click on pegging details (lower region of the form)

(M) Expand

You may want to maximize this form so you can see more of the pegging. Note that we have just pegged all the way from a purchased part used in our subassembly plant through our assembly plant to the forecast against our distribution organization.

30.Show Supply Pegging.

Select a row representing a planned order for the SB66328.

Right click on the row representing a planned order for the SB66328.

(M) Refresh Supply/Demand

The form refreshes with the SB66328 in the top portion. Again, I can view pegging up to the demand and down to the supplies for this demand. Note the Demand Pegging button is grayed-out or depressed. This means we are in Demand Pegging mode.

(B) Supply Pegging

This switches from Demand Pegging (pegging up) to Supply Pegging (pegging down).

Right click on the row in the pegging region of the form.

(M) Expand

Note that this expands all of the nodes to the bottom-level supply for this item.

31.Show Backward Navigation.

At this point, I want to return to where I was looking at the supplies for the CM66333.

(B) Backward Navigation

I am returned to where I was looking at the supplies for the CM66332. Because I got curious and decided to check out something that looked strange, I am not lost. I can easily get back on track.

32.View End Pegged Supplies.

Of the things that I do not automatically release, one of the things I might need to do efficiently is ensure that all of the orders related to a hot order are released. Here I can easily start from the demand, and bring up all of the planned purchase orders and manufacturing orders that are needed to satisfy this demand. Now I can with one click set all of these planned orders to release and release them together.

Select the row representing the Forecast demand.

Right Click on the row representing the Forecast demand.

(M) Refresh Supply/Demand

Right click on the row in the upper region of the form.

(M) More

The More dialog box is displayed.

Select End Pegged Supplies.

(B) OK

All of the supplies required for that end demand (a forecast in this case) are displayed.

33.View Horizontal Material Plan

The planner can also view time phased supply and demand details in a traditional horizontal display for further review of the balance between supply and demand. The horizontal display is easily tailorable by each individual planner, and is also a pivot table allowing the planner to look at data by day, week, or month.

Click on a record for the CM66333.

Right click on the record for the CM66333.

(M) Horizontal Plan

The horizontal plan form will be displayed.

Show features as needed. Some features to highlight are:

Re-size the form.

Change buckets from period to week to day.

Change rows displayed.

Change width of columns.

Change height of rows.

Drill-downs to detail records.

Close horizontal plan.

The Supply form will be displayed.

34.Make Manual Adjustments to Recommendations.

Planners can make any manual edits they deem appropriate before releasing recommendations for execution. They can adjust quantities and dates to what they desire.

Check the Firm box on a planned order.

The New Date and New Qty fields will be defaulted to the Suggested Due Date and Quantity.

Scroll right to show the New Date and New Quantity.

Optionally, change the New Date and/or New Quantity fields to different values.

35.Release Purchase Requisitions from Workbench.

To improve planner productivity planners can also select all starts that meet certain criteria, so orders they are ready to release, and then release them all with very few keystrokes.

(I) Find

The Find form is displayed. Describe how the Find form can be used to locate planned orders. Discuss criteria (it may be helpful to show the list of values). Discuss the conditions (again, it may be helpful to show the list of values).

Click on the Supply form. This will cause the Find form to be hidden and the Supply form to be the active form.

At this point, a planner may want to select all of the supplies for this order to be released.

(M) Plan > Select All for Release. Show this option only. If you release these orders, you will have no planned orders available for your next demonstration.

Close Supply form.

Close Find Supply/Demand form.

Take Away: ASCP lets planners easily get to the details they need to make decisions faster.

Plan Selects Alternates TC "Plan Selects Alternates" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Plan Selects Alternates

By now we have shown most of the typical tasks in a planners day and how ASCP makes a planner much more productive in their tasks. Now lets look at a little of what is happening behind the scenes to make them even more productive by doing much of the work before the planner even gets to the workbench.

Here we see that the plan has already gone through much of the decision making and problem solving a planner would have to go through when working with a traditional unconstrained or Material Requirements Planning (MRP) system. For example, ASCP is recommending alternatives to resolve issues where demand would not have been met on time because the primary sources were not sufficient. Based on what the planner has specified as okay for the plan to resolve, ASCP will automatically recommend substitute components, alternate resources, alternate manufacturing methods, alternate facilities and suppliers, and substitute products.

36.Show alternates used by plan.

Click on Actions form. This makes it the active form and brings it to the front.

Double click Substitutes and Alternates Used

You may wish to re-size the form and the Action Type column to better view the data.

Optionally, you may drill-down to view any of the details.

Close Actions form.

The Navigator will be displayed.

Take Away: ASCP can make my life easier by automating many of the decisions I would need to make.

37.Compare Decision and Constrained plans.

Here we can see that another plan that has all of the same supply demand information as input has more late replenishment exceptions because it was run with the option to automatically choose alternatives turned off.

Click on the Decision Plan.

Ctrl-Click on the Constraind Plan.

Right click on either the Decision or Constraind plan.

(M) Exception > Summary

The Actions form will be displayed.

Close the Actions form.

Discuss Plan Options TC "Discuss Plan Options" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT Discuss Plan Options

38.Show Decision Rules.

ASCP has been designed entirely to be for planners not programmers. Planners can easily define in business terms what the problem they want to solve is, and what options should apply to a given plan. Lets look at how the plans are defined. Here we see that we can easily choose what alternatives the plan should automatically recommend.

Click on the Decision plan.

(M) Plan > Plan Options

The Plan Options form is displayed.

(T) Decision Rules

39.Show telescoping time horizon.

ASCP also enables a unique holistic planning and optimization approach. You can specify for each portion of the time horizon what level of detail you want to plan at. This allows you to, in a single holistic plan, combine production planning, resource planning, master scheduling, material requirements planning, and capacity requirements planning, all of which would need to be separate in a traditional approach.

(T) Aggregation

40.Show Sales and Operations Planning Support

You can also choose to only plan aggregate information. For example, you can choose to plan only for critical components and bottleneck resources, which is very useful in managing the supply-planning portion of the sales and operations planning process.

(T) Main

You can also selectively apply constraints. And you can plan down to detailed schedule information at the minute level, again in context of the short term portion of an overall holistic plan.

(T) Constraints

41.Show flexibility in planning holistic or hub and spoke models and planning for multiple organizations.

An important note to make is that while ASCP enables this leading edge holistic planning paradigm, it is also very flexible to support however you wish to arrange your planning process. Here we can specify the scope of this particular plan in terms of the organizations it applies to. I can say I want to define a holistic plan that includes all facilities and even optionally my suppliers and customers, a plan for a single plant, or any subset in between. These can easily coexist and changing the model is accomplished by defining a different plan here, not by a re-implementation.

(T) Organizations

42.Forecast spreading and global forecasting

ASCP also supports other leading edge practices like the ability to specify a forecast at a global or regional level and optimize the loading of demand on producing organization, or the ability to bring forecasts in at aggregate levels and consume and spread the remainder to workdays.

Show Global Demand Schedules in the Organizations tab.

(T) Main

Show Spreading options on the Main tab.

Take Away: ASCP has been designed for planners not programmers, and is very easy to configure. It will easily allow me to move to state of the art best practices in planning processes.

43.Show integration with Demand Planning and Inventory Optimization.

While ASCP is designed so that it can be implemented completely stand-alone, it is also completely and seamlessly integrated not only with Oracle Applications but the rest of the advanced planning products. We talked earlier about seamlessly publishing information to and from suppliers and customers via Collaborative Planning. We also can have ASCP use consensus forecasts from Demand Planning and inventory targets and postponement strategies from Inventory Optimization as easily as defining them here as demand schedules for our plan.

(T) Organizations

Take Away: ASCP is part of a completely integrated planning solution. End of activity.

Demo Support

Please see > (M) Support > Procedures, for current information regarding demonstration support.

Flowchart TC "Flowchart" \l 2 \* MERGEFORMAT


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