december 24, 2018 keluarga allah daily devotional … · december 24, 2018 keluarga allah daily...

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Isaiah 30:15-24 TODAY’S RHEMA

Isaiah 30:18a Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you. Christmas is in the air and where ever we turn to, some Christmas attributes are displayed to tone up the moment. One of those attributes is the caricature of Santa Claus. Even though he is just a fictional character, his personality, dressing in red clothes with long white beards was at first inspired by a real person named St. Nicholas who lived and served as a bishop in small Asia during the 3rd century. St. Nicholas was a generous person, as he often depleted his inheritance to give to the poor while walking around serving them. Related to St. Nicholas’ legend, there was also a story about three girls whose father went broke. During that time, tradition obliged the bride’s family to pay a dowry to the family of the groom. As it was difficult to get a husband this way because of limited financial resources in the bride’s family, it was almost sure that

they would, in the end, became slaves or hookers. But, St. Nicholas always left a bag full of gold coins everytime any of the three girls needed money for the wedding, so the father could finally succeed to give all of his daughters a good wedding in the end. Dark days without hopes soon turned to a bright as morning sunshine. Does not the story about this St. Nicholas remind us of our Lord Jesus Christ? In order to come to this world and to save us, Jesus was willing to leave all His splendors in heaven. He was willing to redeem us from the slavery of sins and to give us a bright new future. He did all of those things because God has a heart that loves us so much, so He rather thinks about our goodness rather than His own goodness. But even though Jesus had sacrificed Himself with such devotion, we still like to doubt Him. When God does not answer our prayers instantly, we often rebel to wait on Him (verse 15-16). In this moment of Christmas, let us be reminded of how great God’s love is towards ourselves. How great His power is. Answering our difficult prayers is an easy thing on His behalf because nothing is impossible for God. And the most important thing is, we are in fact so valuable to Him, so God will not let us struggle on our own.

REFLECTION FOR GOD, there is are no PRAYERS TOO DIFFICULT to answer, and HIS HEART IS IGNITED to answer our prayers. APPLICATIONS 1. Do you have unanswered prayers? Mention them. 2. Do you believe in your heart that God is both able

and willing to answer your prayers? Why do you think so?

3. How will you see the waiting period that seems like unanswered prayers starting from now?

TODAY’S PRAYER “Good Father God, You have been so good to me. You

are a God who is so full of love and great is Your power too. I believe, that nothing is too difficult for You to do, You specialize in working miracles. Father, teach me to see Your great love in my life and in everything that I

endure that in the end when manifestations come, I can know You better and deeper. In the name of Jesus, I

pray. Amen.


1 Chronicles 1-3; John 5:25-47

DECEMBER 25, 2018




Luke 1:26-38 TODAY’S RHEMA

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing will be impossible.” Living using logic is indeed very human. But, if we continue to use logic, we will never experience the miraculous which is beyond our logic. The following inspiring story will reveal how faith prevails over logic. Two brothers Hadi and Andry were in a state of panic. One of the LED lamp adaptors that were to be attached to the Christmas tree in the city center was not functioning well. All efforts had proved abortive. eventually, they had to order a new adaptor as a replacement immediately. They panicked more when they found out that the newly ordered adaptor would not arrive on time. In the midst of their panic, a small voice reminded Andry about the sermon on using prophetic words. With full conviction, he told Hadi to place the broken adaptor in its place again because God would make it function properly. In the beginning,

Hadi doubted that idea, how could a broken adaptor function again. But, because he had no other option, he finally followed Andry’s suggestion. When the adaptor was attached, the miracle took place. The broken adaptor came on and the decorative lamp shone beautifully. The miracle that Hadi and Andry experienced is just a minute part out of other miracles that God has done in the midst of His people. It is not only Hadi and Andry who used logic when faced with difficulties. Mary, the mother of Jesus, also used her logic when the angel, Gabriel, delivered a message that she would conceive a boy. She asked, how could that happen since she had never known a man? Probably right now you are also faced with some impossible seeming situation. Probably right now your logic asks how can great harvest ever happen? How can healings from terminal diseases such as cancer take place? How can family reconciliation ever occur? Just like Hadi, Andry, Mary, and many other people, make a commitment to stop using your logic. Even though you are in the worst place that you can ever be, keep believing that God can change the situations because He is a God of miracles. Everything is possible for and with Him.

REFLECTION NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE for God, STOP relying on LOGIC. APPLICATIONS 1. Are you currently struggling with impossibilities?

Mention them. 2. Are you still using logic in dealing with those

impossibilities? Why do you have to stop using logic?

3. How can you stop using your logic?


“Good Father, forgive me for times I relied on my logic instead of on You. Starting from now, I commit to stop using my logic and to continue to trust that You can do anything beyond my logic and senses because there is

nothing impossible for You. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.”


1 Chronicles 4-6; John 6:1-21

DECEMBER 26, 2018


DAY #3



Isaiah 60:1-22


Isaiah 60: 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick

darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon

you and his glory appears over you.

On one heavy rainy night, Andy’s house was dark as

there was a total blackout. Little Andy was scared,

screamed and cried uncontrollably because he could see

nothing. Until finally he saw rays of light come from the

candle brought in by his father. His father also invited

him to guess the shadow by using the fingers of his

hands which were illuminated by the candlelight. Even

though the rain outside was very heavy and everywhere

pitch black, Andy was no longer afraid. With a candle on

their side, both father and son were creating images

from the rays of the candlelight.

We all have experienced dark valleys in our lives. The

atmosphere is so tense and frightening. Activities and

creativity also grind to a halt. We are surrounded by

uncertainty, waiting for the light, which we are not sure

when it will come. That is a glimpse of our spiritual life

when we are far from God. The power of darkness that

is entrenched in our lives keeps haunting us using fear,

suffering, and even death.

If you're experiencing this in your life today, draw near

to God who has true light. He can and wants to lighten

up your life. If Andy's father could quickly come up with

a glimmer of light to eliminate the darkness and fear of

his child, how much more our Father in heaven. When

we cry out and trust in Him, He not only comes with a

glimmer of light, but He will come in haste to light up

our lives with His glory. God will make that light

unextinguishable in our hearts and lives. That light not

only allows us to see a glimmer of hope but also arouses

everything hitherto dead in our lives. Our future is no

longer bleak, but full of hope (Jer. 29:11), because only

He has the light which can illuminate the darkness in our

lives and make us experience Him intimately.


STAY CLOSE to God, because He wants to BRIGHTEN

EVERYTHING in your life.


1. Who do you think is the best source of light in your


2. Have you experienced the light of God in your life? If

not, what will you do?

3. How will you draw close to God?


"Good Father, thank you for your light that you

illuminate in my life. I want to draw closer, cry out for

help, and trust only in You. We believe Your light helps

create as a hopeful future for my life. In the name of

Jesus, I pray. Amen. "


1 Chronicles 7-9; John

DECEMBER 27, 2018


DAY #4



Isaiah 60:1-22


Isaiah 60: 2 Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom

for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled

the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the

future he will honor Galilee of the nations, by the Way of

the Sea, beyond the Jordan—

On the one hand, getting pregnant and giving birth to

children is a tremendous blessing for every mother. The

presence of a child does brighten the mother's

countenance. On the other hand, what happens when

the darkness of life approaches when a pregnant

woman? Nana, a member of Keluarga Allah church,

Solo, experienced those dark days. Last November, at

11:00 a.m., suddenly the water broke. Even though at

that time the baby was only 8 months and 10 days old.

As at the last antenatal clinic, the fetus weighed only

2,049 grams, not the ideal weight for babies to be born.

Plus, at the hospital, the doctor instructed him to be

induced/triggered because he had only one opening.

Nana's experience when giving birth to her first child

wasn't pleasant, the process almost 20 hours.

Meanwhile, keep chasing because the amniotic fluid

keeps coming out. The world seemed dark to Nana and

her family.

As God would have it, teachings in recent times at the

church had been on prophetic words. Nana was

equipped with an understanding of the power of

prophetic words. While undergoing labor procedure in

the hospital, she began to declare, "The baby responds

quickly, and won't wait until the infusion is finished,

baby come forth." The Lord caused an acceleration. The

baby was born in only three hours with enough weight,

2,530 grams. The nurse and the handling midwife were

astonished. Healthy baby, healthy mother!

Living in God's grace and blessings is our right as His

children. If at any time darkness seems to cover our

lives, the good news is, God is on our side! Whoever our

opponents are, we will emerge victoriously. Our

attitude will determine everything. Come to God, ask

God to forgive all mistakes and sins. Believe God has

forgiven and restored you. Raise your praise and

worship to God with joy, declare prophetic words and

prayers, and God will replace darkness with His

miraculous light. God will do it with acceleration. We

will experience Him even more in our lives.


REJOICE, because God WILL NOT LET darkness in your



1. What darkness is now covering your life?

2. Why won't God allow the darkness of your life to last


3. How will you determine the attitude of your heart in

the dark times of your life? What does God want

you to do?


"Good Father, You are the living God and watching

over the ways of my life. You know when I pass through

mountains or valleys and you guide me. I believe, when

you guide me, even in the midst of this darkness, your

light will surely shine. You will replace my tear with

joyful laughter. In the name of ,Jesus, I pray. Amen."


1 Chronicles 10-12; John 6: 45-71



TODAY’S FOOD FOR THE SOUL Isaiah 9:1-6 TODAY’S RHEMA Isaiah 9:1 The people walking in darkness see a bright light; light shines on those who live in a land of deep darkness. Derry could not see a glimpse of hope. It felt like he was in the darkest phase of life. It was almost a year since the company he worked for ten years went bankrupt. Meanwhile, Derry was unable to compete with the younger generation who are more technologically inclined. Unfortunately, asides the daily living expenses of the family, he still had to pay home installments and the kid’s school fees. Not only were his savings depleted, but his credit card debt was also on the increase. He said to his friend, "I feel like being buried alive. I’m ashamed to go out, I am just waiting for death to come.” His friend’s response was unexpected, he replied Derry, "You know, the baby in the womb also feels the darkness inside the womb."

The word "darkness" in Isaiah 9:1 in Hebrew is "chosek", which means: darkness, suffering, destruction, death, ignorance, sadness, evil, or obscurity. It reflects the life that is humanly impossible to be restored. But the word of the Lord says that this situation will not last forever (Isa. 8:23). Sometimes, we may feel darkness cover our lives. However, that does not mean we are in a "grave". God will always work through that darkness for our good. He will use it as a "womb" to process us. In that process too, His promises for our lives will be conceived. Just like a baby won’t stay forever in the womb, the time will come when His promise will be delivered and manifested for the world to see. At that moment, darkness in any aspects of our lives will be dispelled by His great light. Great changes will occur. The time will come for that great light to shine in our lives so that our lives can become a real testimony for others. Patiently allow God to process you, then His promise will not fail in your life. No matter how long darkness dominates, when the light shines, darkness will surely disappear and the glory of God will break forth! In fact, through the darkness of life, God will bring us to experience Him and understand Him deeper.

REFLECTION When GOD’S LIGHT shines in your life, all DARKNESS in your life is EXPELLED. APPLICATIONS 1. What struggles are you experiencing today? Please

mention and begin to prophesy God’s light upon it. 2. Why it is important for us to wait for God’s light to

shine on our lives? 3. How can you wait for God's light to shine on your life?

TODAY’S PRAYER "Lord, I am grateful that You willingly came down to the world to redeem all my sin and transgressions, so that I may see Your light present in every aspect of my

life. Continue to refine me, so that I can experience more of Your light and I, in turn, become a light in my

surrounding. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen."

YEARLY BIBLE READING 1 Chronicles 13-15; John 7:1-27

DECEMBER 29, 2018



TODAY’S SCRIPTURE John 12:44-50 TODAY’S RHEMA John 12:46 I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in darkness. Every afternoon, Darren usually played outside the

house with his friends. However, on this particular day,

he could not play outside because the rain had not

stopped pouring since noon. His got bitter due to total

blackout as a result of a power outage as his

neighborhood was in total darkness. The candle that

had been shining in the corner of the house was not

been able to deal with his anxiety. Until finally, power

was restored and the house came back to life. Darren

cheered! His anxiety disappeared. He could now see

clearly and realized that there were lots of things that

he could play with at home.

Being in the dark is indeed unpleasant. We should be

grateful the first thing God created for this world was

light. From the very beginning, God’s desire has been to

give light to men, because the light is the very source of

life. When finally man fell into the darkness of sin, God

also desired and worked to save him from darkness (v.

46). God wants His light to remain in our hearts so that

the light guides our steps toward life eternal. Eternal life

is the quality of life that we receive when we believe and

put our trust in Christ, so that we can come to know and

experience God and as our fellowship with the Father,

Son, and Holy Spirit keeps getting deeper. (John 17).

Maybe some of us have been celebrating Christmas for

decades, but actually, our lives are still in the dark. Don't

let it keep happening. Make sure this Christmas you

really experience the light of Christmas. Right now, God

is knocking on the door of your heart. God wants you to

open it so that He can enter and be born in your heart.

Be assured, when Jesus is born in your heart, then the

light has appeared in your life. The birth of Jesus brings

light and positive changes into your life. Let's open our

heart and welcome Jesus in today, so we can

understand Him better.

REFLECTION If you want to EXPERIENCE GOD’S LIGHT, make sure Jesus is born in YOUR HEART. APPLICATIONS 1. How is the condition of your heart today, is it joyful

and peaceful or is it under pressure from unpleasant conditions?

2. Why do you need to experience the light of God? 3. How can you make sure Jesus is born in your heart

and all aspects of your life?

TODAY’S PRAYER "Lord Jesus, I welcome You, please enter into my heart. Be born in my heart, so that your light will expel every darkness in me. I believe that Your light is the only clue and guide for me that will lead me into the eternal life

of peace with You. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I pray. Amen."


1 Chronicles 16-18; John 7:28-53




TODAY’S FOOD FOR THE SOUL Psalms 97:1-12 TODAY’S RHEMA Psalms 97:11 Light is sown for the righteous, And gladness for the upright in heart. Reno used to be introverted, sensitive and suspicious

before he started living based on the word of God and

according to God’s standard. Undeniably, his former

life was filled with negativity, especially when he

encountered challenges. When he was young, he lived

life as dictated by his fleshly desires which were totally

contradictory to God's word.

However, one day, Reno encountered the miraculous

light in Jesus Christ. He began to change as he sought

the truth by regularly attending church service, joining

and belonging to a family gathering. Reno experienced

true repentance and went ahead to be baptized. From

that day on, he filled his heart with God's word and

positive thoughts. After a while, Reno's sensitive and

introverted old self was changed by God into an open

and ebullient character.

Today, God is reminding you to keep living in the

consciousness of righteousness. In case you have

believed and accepted Jesus, you're living in Christ's

righteousness. But, if at any time, you began to

compromise with sin, and you think it is no big deal,

there is need to be reminded the truth of who you

really are in Christ so you can return on track into

God's way. God wants His light shining in us to get

brighter and never grow dim. When you truly repent,

you will see His true light and you will experience Him

more. Thus, you will be a shining testimony glorifying

His name.

REFLECTION When you turn in repentance and keep filling your heart with the truth of His word, you will live under His miraculous light. APPLICATIONS 1. What do you understand by true repentance?

2. Have you experienced true repentance in your life? How?

3. What can you do to fill your life with the truth of His word and keep living under His miraculous light?


“Christ Jesus, I thank You for Your miraculous light upon my life. Lead me to true repentance and keep

filling my life with the truth of Your word, to enable me to experience You deeper. In the name of Jesus Christ, I

pray, Amen.“

YEARLY BIBLE READING 1 Chronicles 19-21; John 8:1-27

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