dedication - optimizepress · there’s the diana krall variety. ... may this little book inspire...

Post on 30-Jul-2018






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2 Introduction

Published by The Wellness Professional Network

Copyright © 2012 Karin Witzig Rozell of The Wellness Professional Network ( and Maven Enterprises, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission of the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Printed in the United States of America by Edited by Ned RozellBook Design by Jane Scott Ashley,

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012934168

Witzig Rozell, Karin

Rockstars of Wellness: Super Simple Ways to Stand Out, Get Hired and Become Irresistibly Relevant to Your Tribe

Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication DataISBN: 978-1-4675-0775-2


To my husband Drew Rozell. You rock my world.

To Joshua Rosenthal. The best teacher I’ve ever had.

And to my clients. You are all Rockstars.



Table of Contents

Introduction: What is a Rockstar of Wellness? .......................................iii

Secret #1: R is for Relevant ......................................................................... 1

Secret #2: O is for Organized .................................................................... 14

Secret #3: C is for Clarity .......................................................................... 27

Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content ............................................................. 43

Secret #5: S is for Systems ...................................................................... 56

Secret #6: T is for Tenacity ........................................................................ 69

Secret #7: A is for Attract .......................................................................... 84

Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat ............................................... 93

About the Author .................................................................................... 107

Valuable Resources ................................................................................ 109

Introduction What is a Rockstar of Wellness?

Dear Wellness Pro:

If you have a unique message that you feel you MUST share with the world, your

own style of delivering your services (you don’t want to be like everyone else), and

you’re ready to share your work in a big way, then that sounds like Rockstar material

to me.

To be clear, I’m not referring to the type of ego-centric Rockstar that sings “Love in

an Elevator” and wears tight leather pants. You’re someone who’s ready to stand

out in a sea of peers offering similar services… and on your own terms.

I’m talking about the kind of authentic Rockstar that is destined to:

make a difference•

design your practice to fit YOU •

create a very nice profit •

and live a life that rocks!•

Introduction viv Introduction

Of course, there are all kinds of Rockstars…

There’s the Diana Krall variety. You might know her if

you were into old-school jazz and 1940s tunes (like

me!). She’s a total Rockstar of Jazz.

Then there’s the Jennifer Lopez variety. Serious

glamour, urban messages and a total empire

builder. Fans love her big city style and she has

her finger on the pulse of her tribe.

And there’s the Ani DiFranco type. She has a

cult-like following, revered by a unique, small

crowd of loyal fans. And the entire infrastructure

of her business is based in her hometown of

Buffalo, New York (going completely against the

grain of the music industry). She’s not every-

one’s taste, she’s not making Madonna-style

money, but she seems to be pretty happy do-

ing her own thing.

If you noticed, each of these Rockstar women:

is incredibly relevant to a very specific tribe of people •

has a well-defined sound, style and approach to doing what they love•

created a level of success • on her own terms

vi Introduction

What kind of Rockstar will you be?

That’s up to you!

This book will help you get there.

In the following pages you’ll discover:

Eight Secrets all Rockstars of Wellness know that make them irresistibly •

relevant to their clients…(you’ll see it’s not about some mysterious “it” factor,

and more about how you set up your practice!).

More than 60 super simple ways to upgrade how you work, think and oper-•

ate your wellness biz that you can use right away (no matter where you are

in your business).

Real-life examples of wellness pros I’ve worked with who revamped their old •

ways of doing things, found their voice and authentic marketing style and

discovered how to define success on their own terms.

May this little book inspire you to do the same!

Secret #1: R is for Relevant

Rockstars are irresistibly relevant. Their message, their vision, and their work is timely, original and intimately tied to their tribe’s deepest yearning.


Secret #1: R is for Relevant 3

To What Current Trend Can You Hitch Your Wagon?

One secret to making your work irresistibly relevant is to be aware of what’s

going on in the world, what’s hot, what’s not. Connect your work to a trend.

For example, when the recession hit, there was a big “back to basics”

movement in the United States. In response to feeling fearful and out of

control, people started looking to what they COULD control—themselves

and their home life. And guess who’s expert in this area? Wellness pros!

Hitching your wagon to a message or trend that has momentum can give

your work a free ride too. Look at the cover of magazines that your clients

read and get a glimpse of what’s on their mind.


What’s a Tribe?

Often called a “niche” or “target market,” a tribe is

the intersection between the solution you deliver

and the solution a group of people wants and is

willing to pay for.

Speak the Language of Your Clients

As you become more and more knowledgeable about your exper-

tise, you become more and more fascinated with the nuances of

your work. You hang out with other wellness pros, you go to confer-

ences with other wellness pros, you read wellness pro publications.

All of that is good, except when it takes you further from your ability

to relate to and connect with the people that hire you.

Your job is to maintain a good connection with the people you serve

by being aware of the words they use to describe their challenges,

problems and concerns. Remember those words, then use them in

your marketing outreach and conversations with potential clients.

Secret #1: R is for Relevant 54 Secret #1: R is for Relevant

Connection is the New Marketing

No one likes to be on the receiving end of soulless, formulaic

marketing. But using the proven formulas rich in your personality,

style and authenticity is what makes people feel like you’re con-

necting and caring about them.

Make all your outreach personable and about “them.” You’ll know

when you’re doing a good job when your people say, “How did

you know I was thinking that?”

You Have to Get In Their Heads

But you can’t get in the head of everyone. It’s impossible. If you try

to speak to everyone, your work will sound generic, indistinguishable

from every other wellness pro out there. Instead, consciously choose

a specific group of people to serve and become an expert in THEM.

This doesn’t have to take long.

In your article writing, newsletters, presentations, etc, write or speak

as if you were connecting with a very specific person. Someone you

wish to work with or a past client that got great results and you en-

joyed immensely. Write to that person. Speak to her, or him. Do this

instead of trying to connect with everyone. You’ll get better results.

6 Secret #1: R is for Relevant

Secret #1: R is for Relevant 7

Study the Business You’re In

Most wellness pros understand this to be about keeping up with the

latest nutrition, acupuncture, [enter your modality here] news. That’s

not what I mean. Yes, being current is important, but it’s not what will

grow your practice. Most wellness pros are irrelevant to the people

they are trying to reach because they do not study the business side

of their field. They struggle communicating what they do.

What are the best practices of successful wellness pros? What are

the most effective ways to deliver your services? How do you make

it easy for people to invest in your services and grasp what you do

FAST? Behind the scenes of successful wellness pros you’ll find

great ideas to use in your own practice.

Be Willing to Turn People Off

I’ve always thought marketing is a lot like dating. First, you put out the

“I’m available” vibe and see what happens. But as soon as you de-

cide to start looking for a partner, it seems all viable candidates disap-

pear. So you work harder at becoming more desirable. Then, it gets

worse. Desperation sets in. Soon enough you find yourself going out

with anyone that looks friendly.

The same is true for your wellness business. You tell your friends,

family and associates you can help anyone get healthy, get to the next

level or [enter general thing you do] for clients. This is the equivalent of

saying “I’ll go out with anyone.” In this place of desperation, you attract

clients that drain your energy, time, resources and cost you money.

In Fast Company Magazine, authors Dan and Chip Heath make this

point clear.

8 Secret #1: R is for Relevant

Secret #1: R is for Relevant 9

“If you want people to like you,” they write, “first decide who needs to

hate you.”

Brothers with successful careers in business, they share insights into

why people in the online dating world don’t have headlines next to

their picture that really zing and get them noticed. They draw correla-

tions to the same phenomenon in marketing a business.

“Why do some headlines suck so much?” ask the authors. “Fear.

Fear of saying too much. Fear of saying something clever that some-

one might think is stupid. Fear of saying something revealing that

might turn someone off. The headlines try desperately not to exclude

anyone. In doing so, they succeed at boring everyone.”

Are you afraid to turn people off? Are you trying to serve everyone?

To truly attract clients that are right for your practice, you first must get

clear on what you do not want. The next step is to clarify what you

DO want to attract. And finally, you must be willing to stand for what

you want, put it out there, and face your fear that no one will like what

you’re offering. And finally, be willing to no longer accept less than

what you desire.

“Some singles have figured this out,” write Dan and Chip. “Here’s a

brilliant example [from a headline]:

‘Athletic math nerd seeks someone to hum the Seinfeld intro music


While excluding, he’s simultaneously becoming more interesting to

potential soul mates.”

Another appropriately polarizing headline reads, ‘I might just Bite!’

Well done.”

If you aren’t willing to turn off some people in your business market-

ing, you’ll never be able to differentiate yourself from the group of

similar professionals (or in this case, potential life partners). You must

stand for something and face your fear in order to create programs,

products and services that reflect all that you are and what you’re

here to do.

10 Secret #1: R is for Relevant

Secret #1: R is for Relevant 11

Two of the most important questions for all aspiring rockstars are:

How big do you want to be?1.

What are you now doing about it?2.

See you at the stadium,

The Universe

- From Daily Notes from the Universe,

Wellness Biz


Have a Big Juicy Vision

What do you really, really want to create with your wellness

business? I bet you know. Deep in your heart you know what

you want to do. It’s something wild and audacious. Big and juicy.

Something you secretly think your parents, friends, co-workers

and family will laugh at.

If you find yourself saying “more clients or some speaking gigs,”

I can assure you that’s not it. Anything with the “more” or “some”

in it is just too small.

You need a big juicy vision that will make you feel “JoyFear.” This

is what author Leo Babuata, of, calls the mixture

of intense joy and intense fear that accompanies every life-

defining event.

Go for a vision that is incredibly specific and creates JoyFear in

your body.

Just be flexible in how you get there.

12 Secret #1: R is for Relevant

Dr. Jess immediately saw the potential. Yet like most wellness pros who care deeply about people, she was wary of leaving people out by narrowing her niche. At the time, her practice was made up of a variety of types of clients, so she was doubtful that she could make it work and still keep her current clients happy.

Once she learned how she could gracefully transition her current client base into her new business model, provide an even higher level of care by implementing a few time saving systems, and save tons of time, energy and money in her marketing by narrowing her focus on new moms, she was in.

Now Dr. Jess works exclusively with new moms and their loved ones. She still works with entire families, but instead of trying to be all things to all people, she has narrowed her focus to serve a specific group that actively

seeks out her services. And one of the most liberating bonuses of consciously choosing her tribe was having the confidence to refer out patients who weren’t the best fit for her or her practice. This is so important when you are in the wellness field. Just one non-ideal client can feel like a mule on your back and can affect your ability to be your best with other clients.

In less than one year, Dr. Jess has gone from maternity leave, hoping someday her family could build a new home, to establishing a private practice catering to new moms and drawing the blueprints for her new home.

What can you learn from Dr. Jess? Being known for ONE thing allows you to help many more people with far less effort.

Get to know Dr. Jess at

When coming to the end of her maternity leave after giving birth to her second child, Dr. Jess knew she was ready to make big changes to her family medical practice. She wanted to build a local practice that not only made a difference in her patients’ lives, but also allowed her plenty of time off to raise her kids and maintain an income that matched her lifestyle goals. So she and I set out to do just that.

Dr. Jess joined my Branding Breakthrough Retreat. We discovered her greatest passions about medicine, her experience and unique training, and pinpointed her absolute favorite clients. We also tapped into her dream of building a new home for her growing family on the parcel of land she and her husband

bought a few years back. It’s really impor-tant to know your “big why” when going for something big, like launching your dream business. It gives you courage when you’re stretched beyond your comfort zone and learning new business skills you didn’t know you needed.

During our talks, it became clear to me that ONE niche specifically stuck out as a great fit for Jess’s values, passion and style of practice she wanted: New moms! Specifically, we repackaged her services and experience to become the go-to person for holistically minded new moms in her community. (In my opinion, one of the most in-demand and most profitable niches in the wellness field!)

Rockstar on the RiseMeet Jessica Davis, MD – The New Mom’s Family Doctor

Avoid Trying to Be Everything to Everyone

Secret #1: R is for Relevant 13

Good Enough is Good Enough

Have you ever thought this? “When I finally get organized I’ll…

[ENTER BIG JUICY DREAM GOAL].” I hear it all the time. And I’ve

been there, too. Here’s what Joshua Rosenthal, my mentor and

founder of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, told me when I was

struggling with getting my stuff together and using it as an excuse to

move forward:

“You just have to be organized enough that your clients think you’re

organized.” Go for being organized enough, not perfectly organized.

The latter will keep you stuck.

After 13 plus years in the wellness industry, working with thousands

of wellness pros, I can confidently share with you that those who

go for perfect take FOREVER with pretty much everything in their

business, and who has forever to play with? Instead, go for good

enough. You will perfect things as you go along.

Secret #2: O is for Organized 15

Secret #2: O is for Organized

Rockstars organize themselves and their environments to be ready for the opportunities that come their way.


16 Secret #2: O is for Organized

Honor Your Work Hours AND Your Time Off

When I was a broke and struggling wellness pro, I ran errands at

various time of the day, several days a week. I would go to the health

food store several times per week, take yoga classes, go to Staples

and have long “networking” lunches with other wellness pros who

also had plenty of time on their hands.

I thought, “Isn’t this great? I work for myself and can save myself so

much time by doing my errands on off hours.” My colleagues would

do the same thing. We were all broke.

Then I noticed the people with clients weren’t out and about, doing

errands each day. They had routines, were seeing clients, and spent

time working on their marketing!

One of the fastest ways to feel organized and project professionalism

is to set work hours and muster the discipline to honor them. Work-

ing all the time and at the whim of your clients’ availability will lead to

burnout. Even if you only have five clients, if they’re spread all over

your schedule, it can feel like you have 20!

Declutter to Feel Ready

Clutter in your business is like a kitchen junk drawer. You can’t get

what you need easily, it’s hard to navigate, it makes cooking compli-

cated and it frustrates you to no end.

Going clutter-free makes decision making easier. It makes you feel

lighter and helps you become resourceful by allowing you to see

what you have. And fundamentally, it makes you feel ready. Ready to

receive, ready to handle opportunities, and ready for liftoff.

Start where you are, doing a little bit each week (like your desk) or a

small task each evening (like a kitchen junk drawer). Or hire a profes-

sional organizer to get you over a backlog of stuff (something I’ve

done several times in various phases of my business).

Living creates disorder. Returning your environment to a state of

readiness and doing so regularly will accelerate your success.

Secret #2: O is for Organized 17

18 Secret #2: O is for Organized

Cluster Activities and Project a Cool, Calm and Collected Vibe

There is a high time cost of starting and stopping different tasks

willy-nilly style. And it runs you ragged. If you want to be a Rockstar

of Wellness, you can’t afford to project a frazzled and scattered

energy. Instead, consider grouping similar activities together. I call

this clustering.

For example, have a designated creative day each week just to

think and create new programs and products (especially if you’re a

parent and tending to kids on weekends). Or have a specified half

day each week where you do administrative and personal things

(e.g., pay bills and go grocery shopping).

Clustering like activities together will save more time, energy, and

will help you feel infinitely more creative. And you’ll look like you have

your stuff together.

If you’re just getting started, consider your work hours like opening

and closing your “shop” for business. It doesn’t matter what your

work hours are. You can even change them seasonally, work off an

academic year schedule, have special summer hours or something

else entirely.

Try this with your next inquiry: “I have openings on Monday, Tuesday

and Wednesday. Which day works best for you?” Then give them

two to three specific times you are available on that day. Don’t open

any more hours until those hours are filled with clients.

Secret #2: O is for Organized 19

20 Secret #2: O is for Organized Secret #2: O is for Organized 21

always greets me with a smile. The lighting is warm and inviting (no

harsh overhead lights!) and everything is neat and tidy. Plus there

are tons of great, current magazines, neatly organized for my reading

pleasure. Ahhh! It feels good to be taken care of.

I made a point to ask my dentist about his magazine situation. He

proceeded to tell me that it costs him very little to keep his supply

fresh. He has his receptionist straighten the magazines up every few

hours so they look nice.

Your waiting room is an extension of your brand, your website and

your marketing materials. Make them an expression of who you are

and the transformational nature of your work. It doesn’t require big

bucks, but it does require attention.

Do yourself and your clients a favor. Act like you care. Keep doing a

good job, make your waiting room experience an oasis, and they’ll

keep coming back.

It will make you stand out and make your services even more inviting.

What Your Waiting Room Says About You

Nothing says I could care less about your experience than nasty,

crumpled, used up magazines from 2007 on the reading table of your

waiting room. Can you tell I’ve had this experience more than once?

When it comes to a Rockstar professional presentation, it’s all in

the details.

For example, how does your receptionist present her or himself? How

does she treat your patients or clients on the phone and when they

walk in? And how is your waiting room set up? Is there water to drink?

Is there a clean bathroom? Are there relevant, interesting magazines

to read? Is the furniture cozy and comfortable (rather than antiseptic

and out of date)? Are there goodies to purchase? Do you play sooth-

ing music and NOT elevator music or a scratchy local channel?

Now my dentist, he’s got it down. I almost never have to wait in his

office and his receptionist is on the top of things. She’s friendly and

Secret #2: O is for Organized 23

Make Your Computer Your Business Home Base

When I ask my clients how they organize their business, whether they’re a

former VP of a big company, a total newbie in self-employment, or they’ve

been a wellness pro for years, they all say they struggle with distraction

and feeling a little all over the place. As a result, they waste tons of time

using multiple applications, programs and slapped-together systems.

You will want ONE place where you check your email (ALL of your differ-

ent email accounts), organize your contacts, check your calendar (and

appointments), and reference your important documents.

Also, you will want to access it from anywhere – your smart phone, any

computer, anywhere.

I use Gmail. It’s free and it works beautifully. And it syncs with your smart

phone and your online scheduling calendar (which you must have if you

want to make it easy to work with you).

This will save you tons of time, energy and will help you feel organized and

ready to receive new clients, opportunities and more.

Give Yourself Extra Time (Or You’ll Turn Off High Level Clients)

Aiming to be just on time is incredibly stressful. And if anything happens,

and it does (where I live, I have to account for dairy cow crossings when

driving home!), then you’re late.

And then when you arrive, you’re frazzled, you break into a fine sweat,

your makeup starts to melt off your face, and you end up feeling like a

workhorse instead of the lady (or gentleman) that you are.

Here’s one way that you can reduce this stress and the negative image it

projects about you and your business: Plan for transition time.

Transition time is the amount of time you need between work activities to

care for your personal needs. Things like freshening your make-up, having

a snack, using the restroom, changing your outfit, organizing your bag,

finding your car keys and getting to the next event (including getting out of

your car, getting settled at the event and more).

22 Secret #2: O is for Organized

24 Secret #2: O is for Organized Secret #2: O is for Organized 25

Start accounting for the transition time between activities by padding

your tasks with extra time to wrap up the prior task and transition into

the next one.

The extra time will not only dramatically reduce stress, it will make

you feel so together that you will immediately become more attractive

to potential clients. This way of moving through the world sends a

powerful energetic signal that you are totally ready, willing and able to

welcome the next level of success into your life. “The path of organizing can be an inquiry into how to

live well and fulfill your potential.”

– Marilyn Paul, PhD, author of It’s Hard to Make a Difference When You Can’t

Find Your Keys: The Seven-Step Path to Becoming Truly Organized

Wellness Biz


26 Secret #2: O is for Organized

Technology has come a long way.

No longer is web design only in the hands of expensive graphic designers and webmasters. Take my client (and BFF), Robin Berg, of as an example.

Though on a tight budget, Robin was desper-ately in need of a makeover for her website. But she didn’t let anything stop her from kicking her online presence up a notch. She harnessed the power of a free do-it-yourself website service called to redesign and relaunch her 10-year life coaching business. offers free website design templates, blogs and even hosts your site. It offers all the basics you need to get going FAST without a lot of technology and financial hurdles to cross.Here’s what Robin did:

First, she began by choosing a very simple

website template to work from using Yola’s many samples. She then hired a graphic de-signer to create a professional looking header (also called a “banner”) for her new website and business cards. This gave her professional image a nice polish.

From start to finish, it took her about a month and a half to very affordably launch her new message and move forward with sharing her work with her tribe.

Do you have a tight budget and no website? Consider (There are many similar types of services from which to choose.)You can become a sought-out expert in your local community and beyond, with just a simple Internet presence.

Here’s to using DIY technology to allow more people to keep doing the work they love!See Robin’s site at

Rockstar on the RiseMeet Robin Berg - Intuition Coach

Make Technology Your Friend

Secret #3: C is for Clarity

Rockstars know what they need to do to accomplish their vision, how to do it and when to do it. (No more wondering what to do in your practice to get results!)


28 Secret #3: C is for Clarity

I decided to say yes to whatever was in alignment with those three

points of clarity. And that’s when my business began to take off.

Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, what’s not going well or what

you aren’t clear about in your business, focus on what you know for

sure and say yes to opportunities that align with that. You’ll figure out

the rest as you go along.

Focus On What You Know for Sure (If You Want to Move Forward)

When you focus on what you are uncertain about in your practice –

be it your message, your service offerings or even your work hours –

it brings your business to a grinding halt. I should know. I spent nearly

two years stumbling around and feeling lost in my business. My

inaction and indecision led me to taking a humbling job in a boutique

for about $11 per hour.

That’s when I realized that obsessing about what I wasn’t sure about

in my business was keeping me stuck. Getting paid $11 per hour

was so upsetting to me that I decided to get over myself and focus

on what I knew for sure. At the time, I only knew three things:

1) I wanted to make at least $75K per year.

2) I wanted to like what I did.

3) I wanted to use my talents.

Secret #3: C is for Clarity 29

30 Secret #3: C is for Clarity Secret #3: C is for Clarity 31

Are they willing to pay to solve this problem? 2.

If not, you can’t make a living.

Are they easy to reach in groups (versus one here and 3.


If not, you can’t make a living.

Does this group have a history of investing in similar 4.


If it’s incredibly unusual for this group of people to invest in

themselves, you’ll have a very tough time enrolling people in your


Do you really, really like this group of people?5.

If not, you’ll go crazy.

All five of these characteristics must be in alignment in order for you

to build a thriving wellness business that serves you and your clients.

Choose Your Tribe Wisely (It Will Save You So Much Time, Energy and Money!)

Here are the 5 fastest ways to know if you’re working with the right


Are the people you want to work with already aware 1.

that they have a challenge they really, really WANT to

solve? (A challenge you would be thrilled to help them


If not, and you find yourself convincing them of the importance

of your modality, then you are either not communicating in

a way that hits home for them or you’re simply talking to the

wrong people.

32 Secret #3: C is for Clarity Secret #3: C is for Clarity 33

Call it “Newsletters – Biz.” What this means is that when those

emails come into your inbox, they will automatically get filed away

into this email folder and prevent you from getting distracted

from more important emails. Then, on your own terms, you can

check out those newsletters either once per week or at des-

ignated times that you set (or not at all). This way, you’ll avoid

being constantly interrupted and tempted to doubt yourself with


Create a visual way to track your own progress.3.

The only accurate way to measure your progress isn’t by com-

paring yourself to others. It’s by comparing where you started on

this journey and where you are now. For example, celebrate all

the milestones in your business. Things like enrolling your 10th or

100th client, sending out your first newsletter, giving your first or

50th speaking gig, or finally hitting your bold money goal. Keep-

ing an eye on your progress is one of the secrets to staying on

track and feeling great about what you’re achieving.

Anything else will do a number on your self-esteem and sense of


Stop Comparing Yourself to Others (It Robs You of Your Clarity and Confidence)

It’s so tempting to see what your colleagues are up to. You may even

think it’s part of your job to keep track of who’s doing what and when.

But if comparing yourself to others triggers a negative feeling, it’s time

to stop focusing on your colleagues and on doing your own thing.

If you don’t unplug from this habit, comparing yourself to others can

send you into a tailspin of self-doubt. And self-doubt will halt your

business momentum.

Here’s what you do to get a handle on this:

Unsubscribe from as many of your colleagues’ newslet-1.

ters as possible. If you receive more than 10, I would question

you to ask yourself what your subscription addiction is really


Set up a personal policy (or a filter if you use Gmail) to 2.

automatically send those remaining newsletters from

colleagues and marketers to a folder in your email

management system.

34 Secret #3: C is for Clarity Secret #3: C is for Clarity 35

Choose a Single Point of Focus (You Can Always Course-Correct Later)

For most of my life, I used to be someone who set goals and never

met them. Then I started a business and I realized I couldn’t continue

this habit if I wanted to become successful.

Most of your colleagues will juggle multiple projects at the same time.

I think that creates stress, overwork and overwhelm. This is especially

true for women. It makes you feel tightly wound, moody and anxious.

And it will drive your partner nuts.

Instead, consider focusing on one goal at a time, with a time limit of

anywhere from 5 days to 90 days. (Anything longer then 90 days

seems to get unruly.)

Define Success for Yourself (And Design Your Biz to Fit YOU)

It can be easy to think that success is all about becoming wildly rich,

famous and very busy doing fabulous things. But that’s just one ver-

sion of success.

Rockstars define success on their own terms. Take a little time to dig

deep and find out what you would really want to experience to feel

like a real success.

Is it working full-time while traveling all over the world? Or is it working

15 hours a week making full-time money? How much money would

you love to make?

Is it living in a city or the country? Is it with or without children? Is it

being on the big stage, or in cozy, retreat-style meetings with clients?

What would really float YOUR boat? There is no right or wrong answer.

There is more than one version of success.

And the only way your wellness business will work for you is if you

design it according to your own preferences.

Secret #3: C is for Clarity 3736 Secret #3: C is for Clarity

This way of working will feel very contrarian at first. You will have to

get used to having reserves of energy and working radically differ-

ent from the people you know, who give off the illusion of success

through constant motion and doing doing doing.

If you want to build your business and keep your wellness, home life

and love life intact (and actually make steady and continuous prog-

ress) try the single point of focus approach.

Discover The Magic of a Kitchen Timer

It can be so easy to lose focus at your computer in the age of social

media, constant emails, smart phones and a barrage of technology that

allows you to be accessible and connected to the Internet at all times.

The natural boundaries that we once had when we all finished work

at 5 p.m. are gone. So you have to create boundaries for yourself.

Otherwise, you’ll never feel like you have a moment to yourself and you

simply can’t be your best in any consistent way if you’re always “on.”

One of the ways I do this is to use a kitchen timer when I’m working

on specific tasks. Left to my own devices, I’ll start shopping on Ama-

zon or surf Facebook instead of getting my work done.

Seeing my timer ticking away motivates me to beat the clock instead

of opening up my email and procrastinating. I set it for 45 minutes

and get to work. When it goes off, I ask myself if I have another 45

minutes in me. If so, I go for it. If not, I take a short break. Then I get

back to work again and repeat the process. Works like a charm.

Secret #3: C is for Clarity 39

Stop Convincing, Proving or Persuading

Nothing will take the wind out of your sails and put you out of busi-

ness faster than trying to convince people that what you do is


Take the convincing tone out of all of your marketing materials,

presentations and advertisements.

It attracts skeptics and people who need to be convinced. These are

very difficult clients to work with, to say the least.

Instead, consider this distinction:

Talk about your modality in an “Oh, you don’t know about this yet,

let me fill you in…” instead of a “let me prove this works to you” kind

of way.

This will have you sharing what you do with an attractive energy: If

you’re interested in this, follow me! This method is very different

from constantly trying to build the case for approval from people who

aren’t and will never be interested in what you do.

Go for the people who are already open to your ideas. It just makes

good business sense.

38 Secret #3: C is for Clarity

Rockstar on the RiseDeanna Hansen – Fluid

Focus Time is Sacred Time

Secret #3: C is for Clarity 4140 Secret #3: C is for Clarity

Deanna developed a cutting-edge bodywork technique that radically changes people’s lives. This is the next generation of massage. Broken bones are returned to normal, mysterious aches and pains dissolve, and even body tissue that seemed frozen in time melts and heals. Even David Wolfe, the Raw Foods Guru, sings her praises.

So how did she hurdle the new-age stigma of a mysterious healing technique to something everyone could easily understand and rave about?

She grabbed her key team members, holed up in a cozy conference room with a nerdy mar-keting wiz like myself, and took the time out of her busy life to clarify and unify what she does. Now Deanna has gone from a one-person

staff to a multi-member team with a downtown office space in her hometown of Winnipeg, Canada.

Throughout her journey from solo-practitioner to leader of a movement, Deanna always gave herself time each week to refocus her mind and clarify her next steps.

You need a place to turn to as well. Talk to someone that’s not your spouse, friend or col-league, to flush out your ideas and clear out the fog from daily distractions.

I tell my clients that our coaching calls are “Sacred Time.” It’s the only space they have to pause, reflect and consciously choose their next steps versus reacting to things and doing things willy-nilly style.

“Don’t try to win over the haters. You are not the jerk whisperer.”

- Anonymous

Wellness Biz


Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content

Rockstars can back up their message with valuable content that helps others and makes people want to come back for more. (This is the secret to truly connecting with your tribe!)

42 Secret #3: C is for Clarity

It’s sacred and nothing should come between it. (Unless the house is on fire and the kids are puking.)

Not airport pick ups… not running errands… not caretaking of others at the expense of your dreams… (ahem, ladies!)

Even though my husband is an amazing coach, I employ someone else. I talk to her regularly. It gives me a place to turn to, to clarify, refocus and stay on track.

Do I really need this to live? Not really.

Do I do MUCH better with it? Absolutely.

You’ll do much better with this, too.

See for yourself what Deanna has created while giving herself regular focus time at


44 Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content 45

Provided you offer great content, your readers will feel taken care

of when you write at least twice per month. And when they’re ready

(and in our business, you never know when that will be), they’ll be

more likely to think of you.

Keeping in touch with the people who make up your list is critical. In

fact, I consider it the foundational piece of your business – whether

you’re locally based or online only.

If you’ve been out of touch for a while, don’t sweat it. Just start the

conversation up again, without apology. No one needs to read about

why you’ve been out of touch, just jump back in with a helpful tip or

something fun.

Be Consistent (Or Be Forgotten)

If you’re worried about writing to your email list too often, then you

probably don’t write too often. Perhaps you’re in the habit of only writ-

ing to your people when you have something special to offer like an

invitation to a class.

But this has the contrary affect. If you write now and again, less than

twice per month, your readers actually feel like you only reach out

when you have something to sell. Red flag alert!

Instead, consider that connection is the new marketing. And to

create connection, just like in any good friendship, it requires you to

keep in touch regularly and nourish that connection.

If you want to offer kickin’ content, talk to your tribe. Interview

them regularly. Everyone loves to be listened to. Find out what

they want. What words do they use when they describe their

deepest yearnings and most pressing challenges? Use those.

Try this: Pick up the phone and leave a warm, genuine mes-

sage for your clients. Express appreciation for their business

and ask them for advice on one or two ideas you were mulling


They’ll be floored by your attention and will happily share their

opinion. If you have a large client base, you can do this over

email (try or simply reach out to your

favorite clients.

46 Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content

Talk to Them

One day, I was at a loss as to what type of class I should lead in my

monthly mastermind program. At the time, I had about 25 members,

so I decided to call each one up and ask them what they thought.

I spent an afternoon asking people what they liked about the program

and what they wanted to be different. By the end of the day, I had a

year’s worth of topics.

Plus, I ended up with two new clients from those conversations. Two

people who were thinking of hiring me, and my phone call gave them

the nudge they were looking for.

But best of all, I was able to really understand what was important to

my mastermind members, I created content that was irresistibly rel-

evant to them because I used the exact words they shared with me.

Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content 47

48 Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content 49

No one has the time to read long emails, long books or anything else

that that looks like a time stealer. And if you send long-winded stuff, it

just ends up sitting in people’s inbox, making them feel guilty for not

getting around to reading it.You don’t want to be associated with that

negative feeling.

So what do you do? Keep it short and sweet. Give your readers a

sense of accomplishment from reading your newsletter (or whatever

you send to them). Then they’ll associate you with accomplishment,

and then you’ve got something to work with.

Keep it Short and Sweet

When I started writing my email nutrition newsletter in 2001, I started

by sending it to 10 people I knew and included a recipe, a quote, a

feature article and a resource.

I was very impressed with my magazine-style newsletter. There was

so much great information that would surely wow everyone who read

it. As it turns out, they weren’t reading it. The feedback I received was

they would quickly scan the sections for something relevant to them

and forget the rest.

I was shocked. All that hard work, and they were only reading one

of the sections? So I cut 75% of my newsletter and started sending

quick tips instead of long-winded articles. People started reading my


50 Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content

Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content 51

Show Them, Don’t Tell Them

Stop telling your potential clients what they should do, and instead

show them what’s possible with your services.

For example, show them how you and your family were out enjoying

a hike together, all because you finally made healthy changes. Let

your testimonials show your potential clients how your current clients’

lives or businesses have improved as a result of working with you.

Paint a picture of what’s possible beyond the immediate health im-

provement, and you’ll captivate people from the start. And better yet,

share your photos of your experiences online!

Don’t Try to Sell Wellness (Say What!?)

People don’t buy wellness. They buy the impact of your wellness

services on their life or business. Read that again.

Wellness is pretty dull and dry stuff to people who aren’t wellness

pros. That’s why you can’t try to sell what’s important to YOU. You

and I find wellness stuff fascinating. But 99% of clients just aren’t that

into it.

However, they ARE interested in how wellness affects their mar-

riage, their children’s grades, their performance at work, their looks,

self-esteem, mental acuity, gaining an edge at work, their sex life,

their business and more. Different tribes have different things that are

important to them. Find out what your tribe values and show them

how wellness will make THAT better.

52 Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content

Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content 53

Make Unexpected Connections

Fashion and Nutrition. American Idol and Branding Wisdom. The Dali

Lama and Women’s Wealth. Eastern Wisdom and Your Personal


What do these things have in common? And unexpected connection

that piques peoples’ interest.

For example, one of my most popular newsletters linked the televi-

sion show American Idol to private practice branding. I wasn’t certain

it would resonate with my audience of wellness pros, who say they

don’t watch a lot of television, but I sensed it would inspire them to

open their email and read it. Sure enough, it hit a nerve. (You can

read it on my blog. Just enter “American Idol” in the search box at

If you want people to be interested in what you do, make unexpected

connections between your work and something they’re already inter-

ested in. This means, you must know the world that is familiar to your

clients, and become that bridge between what’s possible and where

they are.

Make Them Feel Something

If logic alone would inspire people to get healthier, then all those TV

commercials to quit smoking would have worked by now. What actu-

ally inspires people to get off their bum and do something about their

health concerns is pain. Or desire.

If you want your content to really impact your tribe, then make it rich

in emotion. At first, this can be challenging for wellness pros because

you’re so good at making people feel better. That’s what I did when I

first started giving presentations. I gave a tremendous amount of in-

formation (mistake #1 = leaving them stuffed to the gills with advice),

and I made them feel so good and inspired that they felt they could

get healthier on their own (mistake #2 = they don’t hire you and they

rarely make the change on their own).

Get comfortable with making people feel things that may be slightly

uncomfortable. Be the person in their life who doesn’t allow them to

continue fooling themselves about their situation. Be the person who

wants the best for them and is willing to tell them the truth.This will

inspire them to make a decision and do something about it.

Rockstar on the RiseMeet Lisa Cummings –

Make Business Fun Again

Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content 5554 Secret #4: K is for Kickin’ Content

Wellness Biz


What do you do when you’re a former New York City career gal turned new mom, living in a new town, and have exactly 8-10 hours per week to work on your dream business and manage a busy household? You have a party.

Working hard, over-analyzing and generally being hard on herself while growing her business on very limited time was, before her party, making Lisa a very cranky wellness pro.

That’s when it occurred to her, with a little coaching, that there was no point in sharing her passion for a living if it wasn’t fun, inspiring and transformative in that it made her already good life great.

Letting go of her old ways of working and embracing the creative spirit of the entrepreneurial lifestyle gave Lisa the courage to mute her “I should do it perfectly” thoughts. Lisa decided to launch her Mom’s Club in her Westport, Conn. home by sharing her unique approach to eating and living HER way. With a blowout party. Lots of luxury, candles, fine food, fun relaxation

and other niceties so good those she invited didn’t even care that it was also incredibly good for them. Naturally, when health information is presented like this, people want more. All the moms joined her club and new mommy members are signing up every month.

These women are turning to Lisa for that elusive me-time they never seem to get. All because Lisa decided to make things fun again.

When you make your business fun, first by design-ing your business to fit YOU (versus the other way around), and then combining it with simple systems to ensure your ideas make money too, it’s not just good business sense, it ensures you’ll be in business for years to come.

Learn more about Lisa’s Mom’s Club and check out her new book called, “From Okay to Fabulous: 10 Quick Tips to Get Slim, Sexy AND Still Enjoy Your Favorite Comfort Foods and Social Life” at

Your New Mantra: “I no longer need to defend, debate or explain what I want.”

Just go for it. – Karin Witzig Rozell

Secret #5: S is for Systems

All successful Rockstars have systems that create peace of mind.

Secret #5: S is for Systems 57

Get Ready to Receive

Ever been to a store checkout and there is no one at the cash reg-

ister? Do you holler for help? Do you mutter under your breath about

what a waste of time this is? You end up looking around, wondering if

they even value your business. It’s awkward isn’t it?

What about you? Is it easy for me to pay you? It should be. Make it

easy to invest in your services by accepting credit cards. Fewer and

fewer people use checks anymore. (Paypal isn’t the answer either –

Paypal projects an “I don’t have a real business” vibe because you

don’t need to have a real business to use it.)

If you want to look like a pro and make Rockstar money, then you

need a system for accepting credit cards.

Here’s the one I’ve used for almost 10 years:

(It’s my affiliate link).


58T is for Secret #5: S is for SystemsSecret #5: S is for Systems 59

Become a Collector

Have you ever collected something? When you are a collector, you

keep your eyes peeled for that special something – be it teddy bears,

seashells or antiques. And as a collector, you display your treasures

in your home or office, giving them a special place to live that is wor-

thy of attention. That’s how you need to think about testimonials. See

yourself as a collector of something treasured.

Every time a client, friend, acquaintance shares a specific result from

your work, whether they had one session or are simply endorsing

you, and no matter how big or small, collect it and proudly display it

(like on your website!). Bask in it.

When a client shares results with you, try this: “I truly appreciate what

you said. Would you mind if I quoted you? I know it would be incred-

ibly inspiring to others who are considering doing this work.”

Make It Easy to Book Appointments (And Look Like a Total Pro)

When do people handle their personal stuff these days? For most,

they do it in the evenings, after the kids are in bed. Are you around to

schedule appointments then? Not if you have a life.

Make it easy to book an appointment with you at any time of day by

getting an online schedule. It will force you to set clear work hours

and set boundaries.

Plus, it will allow them to choose a time in your schedule at their con-

venience. This will help your clients take responsibility for their health,

and avoid waiting to hear back from you to confirm an appointment.

I use and there are many others.

60T is for Secret #5: S is for Systems Secret #5: S is for Systems 61

Have Policies

When you’re setting up your practice (first time around or a relaunch),

after you get clear on your brand, message, niche market and

service offerings, the next thing to do is set up your private practice

systems that help your wellness biz grow, and make you look and

feel like a total pro.

One of those systems is getting clear on your private practice policies.

Things like:

cancellation and no-show policy•

make-up for missed session policy•

payment plan •

business hours and in-between appointment availability•

how to book appointments with you•

pre-framing testimonial and referral requests•

session time frame and what happens when clients show up late •

(hint – you end on time no matter what time they arrive)

What You Track Grows

This tip alone has helped my clients become more profitable. If you

want your money to grow, you need to track it. Here’s what I do and

it’s incredibly simple and effective.

Take out a piece of paper and write the numbers 1 – 31 in a column.

At the top of the paper write the current month and year and “This

Month’s Bold Money Goal is.” Each day, or once per week, jot down

the income that flowed into your life. Some days will be zero (you can

write an affirmation), others may be $50 and others will be hundreds

or thousands, depending on your business.

You’ll always have an exact idea of your gross profit by doing this.

62T is for Secret #5: S is for Systems Secret #5: S is for Systems 63

Your policies (or “details of working together” as I like to call it) are de-

signed to help your clients succeed. And they are designed to pro-

tect your business from the very nature of the business that you are

in. In any transformational work, where your client base is attempting

to achieve something they haven’t been able to do on their own, it’s

natural for them to get scared and want to bail. Even if they’ve already

enrolled in one of your programs and plunked down some money.

It’s not unusual for a wellness pro to make sure everyone else gets

what they need, no matter the cost to his or her own personal and

professional well-being. Consider policies as another way of set-

ting empowering boundaries and making sure you, as the wellness

pro, are well taken care of, too. Anything less than that makes your

practice unsustainable and does not support doing what you love in

a dedicated way.

To ignore this is simply bad business. To acknowledge this is to cre-

ate policies that give clients the nudge they need to follow through

and honor their word. For example: If you offer a payment plan,

consider shortening your clients’ payment schedules to complete

and whatever else is relevant for your modality (i.e. If you’re a •

massage therapist, let people know if they are supposed to tip

you or not. It can be really uncomfortable for your client if they’re

not sure.)

This should NOT be pages and pages of do’s and don’ts, but should

fit neatly onto one page and written in client supportive verbiage. (i.e.

“I want the very best for you. Please try not to cancel your appoint-

ment. If you do need to cancel your appointment… [enter policy


Very often, policies are non-existent or entirely way too loose in the

wellness profession. This gives the client too much wiggle room to,

well, wiggle out of their commitment to themselves and to you. It also

subjects your practice to the whims of your client. Not a great way to

ensure you’ll be in business years from now.

No matter what you put in your policies, the first thing to understand

is that they are designed not to create strict rules and regulation, but

to assist with your service to your client AND your business.

64T is for Secret #5: S is for SystemsSecret #5: S is for Systems 65

Follow-Up Foolproof

Three things to remember to totally transform your follow-through:

Most people don’t follow-up with people who expressed interest in their ser-1.

vices. So if you do, you already look like a pro.

Never use the word “follow-up.” Instead, use the word “checking in.” “Follow-up 2.

triggers a negative association to you and makes you look like a salesperson.

Make it all about contributing to the person you’re connecting with versus what 3.

YOU can do for them.

BEFORE the end of your program. Your clients will be more likely to

finish the program and continue showing up for their sessions. Since

they’ve already paid, they can focus on creating success for them-

selves rather than thinking about payments.

Another example: If you know that a certain percentage of your

clients will not show up or follow through with your recommendations,

no matter what you do, then plan for this and create a supportive


If you ignore this, you would be taking a financial risk every time you

take on a new client. Fitness centers know this and that’s why they

have automatic monthly billing. If they left it up to their clients to pay

them when they showed up to work out, they would be out of busi-

ness fast.

Bottom line: Clear private practice policies help you and your clients

thrive. And who doesn’t want that?

66T is for Secret #5: S is for Systems

Wellness Biz

Wisdom Holli took a big risk when she left her high-powered career as a Fashion Executive for Chanel. She made the leap from fashionista to nutritionista and built her business from the ground up.

When Holli came to me, her website looked and sounded the same as all of her colleagues. This wasn’t something she was happy about. As you can imagine, this image-savvy woman wanted to have her own unique voice and busi-ness style expressed in her practice. But where to start?

She and I set out to combine two unexpected things to create a compelling message: fashion and nutrition. Nutrition, in and of itself, is pretty dry stuff (hard to believe if you’re a nutritionist or health coach, but that’s what most people think!). So we spent a day together outlining

ways for her to combine her two passions and leverage her connections from her fashion career and community ties in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area.

We devised a system to shift her to a new niche: showing women how to develop their own authentic style only this time, from the inside out using the power of food and nutrition.

Holli is a great role model for making deci-sions and setting goals for business. She didn’t waste time on “I’ll figure this out on my own somehow” and immediately set up the RIGHT systems.

She started her newsletter broadcasting system and learned how to share her passion in an absolutely fun and relevant way. She made it easy for people to work with her by accepting

Rockstar on the RiseMeet Holli Thompson – The Nutrition Stylist

Make Decisions from Where You Want to Be

“The slightest adjustments in your daily routines can dramatically alter the outcomes in your life.”

– Darren Hardy, author of The Compound Effect: Multiplying

Your Success, One Simple Step at a Time

Wellness Biz


Secret #5: S is for Systems 67


Secret #6: T is for Tenacity

Rockstars have stick-to-it-ive-ness and find the adventure of working for themselves pretty darn thrilling.

68T is for Secret #5: S is for Systems

payments through the click of a button. She also set up an easy online appointment system to save herself and her clients’ time and hassle.

Holli learned what worked and implemented it. And she showed courage in the face of uncertainty when she promoted her first group program (now her famous “Cleanse with Style” Program). She dug deep to discover her authentic marketing style.

There’s a saying that luck is simply opportunity meeting preparedness. That’s Holli! When she saw an opportunity to introduce herself and share her life reinvention story with the editor of one of her favorite women’s magazines at a New York City conference, she was ready.

Soon afterward, Holli’s wellness business was featured in MORE magazine’s April 2011 issue, and again in a special MORE magazine televi-sion appearance. And the best part is, Holli’s relevant message and online systems allowed her to easily capitalize on the boost of publicity and the new opportunities this presented.

Now she’s helping more people then she ever thought possible.

What can you learn from Holli? Be willing to make decisions in your business from where you want to be. It will take courage, implemen-tation and at times, uncertainty… but it’s so worth it.

Visit Holli at

70 Secret #6: T is for Tenacity Secret #6: T is for Tenacity 71

Stand On Your Own

There comes a make or break time when you’re self-employed.

When you’ve been at it for a little while, your savings are nearly de-

pleted and all the 9-to-5ers around you keep telling you to get a job.

For some people, myself included, you needed to get to this point to

force yourself to get over your fears. It is a make or break moment.

It’s the time when you decide to quit, and go get a job. Or, it’s the

defining moment in your life when you decide you don’t need permis-

sion, approval and well wishers to go for what you really want. And

you go after it like your life depends on it. It’s JoyFear time.

This is the moment when you must stand on your own. When you

decide to go all out. To be bold. To say what you’ve really wanted to

say but you’ve been afraid to before.

You Don’t Need Permission

If you’re waiting for someone to give you permission, to approve of

your ideas or to pick you out in a crowd, please understand: The world

doesn’t work like that anymore. You don’t need anyone to anoint you

before you step out into the world and share your expertise.

Understand that all the tools of the anointers of the past (talk show

hosts, radio hosts, journalists, publishers and more), are now in your

hands – and for free.

Once you understand that the new economy is about starting things,

fixing things, creating things, and innovating, you can stop waiting for


Get out there and start contributing to the solutions the world needs.

You can start by giving weekly presentations, writing regular blog

posts, posting weekly videos on or even submiting

articles to publications that reach your tribe. Start somewhere. Be

consistent. And become a go-to person for the answers people want

and need.

72 Secret #6: T is for Tenacity Secret #6: T is for Tenacity 73

Be Yourself (Whether They Like It Or Not)

Not everyone is supposed to get you, like you and want to hire you.

Only your tribe needs to get you, like you and hire you. Everyone else

can suck it.

I have a rule. Unless you’re a paying client or I’m paying you for ad-

vice, I don’t need to hear your opinion about my biz. Thank you very


If your friends and annoying family members insist on critiquing your

business, try this Verbal Kung Fu tip that is guaranteed to make you

laugh (and get you to stop defending and explaining your choices in

life) and have them think you’re nuts (they already do any ways).

Uncle Bob: Hey Karin, you should forget this “follow your passion

stuff” and get a real job.

You need to do something different (at least if you want different re-

sults). Sometimes that means getting a part-time job (I did this many

times in the course of my self-employment, and each time it helped

me get clear REALLY FAST).

Other times, you simply put into play your ideas you were too scared

to try. And for others, it’s the time when you hire a top coach and get

the support you were too scared to give yourself.

It doesn’t matter what it is. What does matter is that if you’re in this

spot, it’s time to just stand on your own two feet and go for it. With or

without anyone’s support.

74 Secret #6: T is for Tenacity Secret #6: T is for Tenacity 75

Surround Yourself with the 20 Percent

Being different can take a toll. On a particularly bad day, some-

one will breathe on you wrong and you’ll want to crumble, quit

your business and the next thing you know you’re surfing the job

ads late at night.

This is why it’s absolutely critical to surround yourself with the 20

Percent. The 20 percent of wellness pros who invest in them-

selves, their business and are dead serious about making a

great living doing what they love.

Me: Hey Uncle Bob, YOU should get a real job. (Said with a smile

and looking him straight in the eyes.)

Uncle Bob: Huh? What the? That makes no sense. I have a job.

What in the world…

Conversation fizzles in confusion and ends. Uncle Bob walks away

from you.

Seriously, this works every time.

Forget fitting in with people. Fit OUT.

Secret #6: T is for Tenacity 77

The other 80 are just looking to the side at what everyone else is

doing. It’s the blind leading the blind (I should know, I was one of


The 80/20 rule, created by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, says

that 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your ef-

forts. And you can apply this concept to pretty much everything.

Surround yourself with successful people. Hire successful men-

tors. Read books about successful people and how they got

there. Be resourceful about this.

Fear is a Good Sign

Normally, when you’re scared, it’s a sign to turn back and take cover.

Not when you’re self-employed. It’s actually a sign that you’re on the right

track and it’s “game on.”

Private practice success doesn’t happen by staying small, cozy and

comfortable. It happens by stretching yourself. Sometimes, even your


This is something every successful entrepreneur and business owner

understands. Fear, the element of risk, and occasional discomfort from

doing something new is part of being self-employed.

As a wellness pro, you are probably new to this type of entrepreneurial

thinking, because like me and all wellness pros I know, we didn’t get into

this work because we wanted to be business owners. We started this

because we had a passion to help people and do meaningful work.

The next time fear pops up, understand it’s part of the deal. Keep breath-

ing, and keep going.

76 Secret #6: T is for Tenacity

78 Secret #6: T is for Tenacity Secret #6: T is for Tenacity 79

Successful People Aren’t Smarter Than You

I used to think that successful people in my field had something I

didn’t. Some special something, like a specialty skill set or gimmick,

they had luck (and I didn’t), they lived in the right place (and I didn’t),

they were well connected (and I wasn’t), they were natural perform-

ers (and I never would be), they had a great niche (and I didn’t) and

so on. I always seemed to find a reason for why they “made it” and I

hadn’t yet.

And then I started reading biographies of people I admired. What I

noticed astounded me. Whether they were an activist, actor, educa-

tor, military hero (I read all kinds of stuff!), royalty, business tycoon, life

transformation guru or just a regular person who achieved something

unique, I read again and again about the many failures they experi-

enced before they made it big.

Tony Robbins struggled for years with a variety of businesses before

he became the guru of personal development that we know today…

A Failed Program or Product Does Not Mean You’re a Failure

I used to think that rejection and failure meant I was a failure. And I

would get the wind knocked out of me with each newsletter unsub-

scribe notice or if something didn’t go my way in my business. Being

on this roller coaster was depressing. Until I understood what rejec-

tion really was about.

Failure of a program, product or service is only information for you

to consider. It’s valuable information that simply means you 1) didn’t

communicate the value of what you’re offering well enough; 2) you’re

simply talking to the wrong tribe; or 3) you’re trying to do something

you think you should be doing instead of what you really, really, really

want to do.

Bonus Tip: Have all your email newsletter unsubscribe notices go

into your trash folder. You don’t need to see them. Focusing on who

doesn’t want to hear from you is a waste of your valuable time and


“To master a large following, first you must master a small following.”

– from A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

Wellness Biz


80 Secret #6: T is for Tenacity Secret #6: T is for Tenacity 81

Oprah Winfrey had to bribe Chicagoans with free coffee and donuts

to fill her live television studio audience when she first started…

And Eckhart Tolle began sharing his message by giving lectures in

people’s homes.

The more I read the more I realized that I was more like them than

not. This shattered my belief that failures happened to failures. In fact

the only thing I could see that was different from most people is their

commitment to their vision and they simply didn’t quit (even though

they certainly had plenty dark nights of the soul when they consid-

ered it). And they learned from their mistakes.

You’re going to make mistakes. You’re going to have failures. It

doesn’t mean you’re a failure and in fact, it’s just part of the process

of becoming a success.

You can take my word for it, or start reading biographies (or record

the Biography Channel, MTV’s Behind the Music, the Food Network’s

Chefography or Sundance Channel’s Iconoclast series) and see for


Secret #6: T is for Tenacity 83

spiral of negative thinking, try asking yourself questions that trigger your inner resourcefulness.

Here’s how you do this: Frame the question as if what you wanted was already happening. For ex-ample, “How come I so easily attract what I want and everyone is so happy about it? How come I’m making so much more money this year? How come clients seek me out all the time?”

At first it may seem silly and you may not even have the answer to your questions. That’s not important. The trick is to actually give yourself over to the empowering questions and let them swim around in your brain.

That’s what Erin did. At first, she felt a little crazy because these types of questions were such a departure from her habit of disempowering self-talk. (But what’s actually crazy is thinking disempowering questions actually gets you somewhere!) The thing to remember is that you’re less concerned with the answers and more interested in using these questions to trigger your inner resourcefulness.

Erin saw a positive response within days of reframing her thoughts. New clients, new speaking opportunities, and more. It was so fun for her that she quickly devised a game out of these questions and made it a part of her daily centering practice. And within weeks, she filled her practice and started a waiting list.

What makes Erin unique is her willingness to balance the outer work with the inner work of growing a successful private practice. The outer work being activities like giving presentations, writing email newsletters and networking. The inner work being embracing the mindset of an entrepreneur, while keeping the heart of the practitioner.

There is more to your success than actually working harder. That’s such an old school way of working anyway. The next time you feel in a funk, try asking yourself empowering questions.

Drop Erin a line at

82 Secret #6: T is for Tenacity

What do you get when you combine an Eastern Philosopher, a biz savvy MBA and a holistic health coach? You get Erin Owen. She takes modern performance coaching into new ter-ritory by packaging mindfulness, meditation, nutrition, organization and an eye on the bottom line. What small business owner wouldn’t want such a mentor on her side?

In the early days of our work together, she faced the common challenge of feeling uncertainty and doubt as she began to lead with her new message. “Is this really going to work? Where will my clients come from? How will I find them? How do I get more clients? Am I sure this is for me?”

No doubt, if you’re self-employed, you have asked yourself the very same disempowering questions. And if you think back to that time, you can summon up the feelings that went along with

those thoughts and remember the anxiousness, the frustration, the fear, and the feeling of having to work hard, try harder and just do MORE. But the problem with disempowering questions is you only get disempowering answers.

In our coaching conversations, Erin was able to understand what triggered those thoughts and what to do about it. And it didn’t involve working harder. (It rarely does!) We quickly established that she was actually on the right track and reviewed the marketing plan we had already co-created. Then we outlined a mindset plan for upgrading her thoughts about herself and her business to thoughts that would actually accelerate her results and immediately put her in a more resourceful state of mind.

It’s pretty simple, really. When you find yourself facing a similar situation, instead of asking yourself questions that lead you into a downward

Rockstar on the RiseMeet Erin Owen, MBA – Personal Performance Coach

Using Your Mindset to Accelerate Results

Secret #7: A is for Attract

Rockstars know that action alone won’t cut it. They do the inner work in order to be in alignment with their vi-sion and attract their successes.

Secret #7: A is for Attract 85

The Drama Before the Launch

When I first started coaching wellness pros, I was always surprised

by how often little dramas would pop up right at the exact moment

when they were ready to launch or relaunch their business.

The kids got sick, the roof leaked, a friend needed them, they de-

veloped a mysterious food allergy, their computer froze up and died,

family came to visit and threw them off their game, their husband

needed nursing through a bad cold, and so on.

At first, I would understand. Now I know better. It happens every

single time. Just when you are about to launch that website that is a

perfect expression of what you do, you find a way to unconsciously

sabotage yourself.


Secret #7: A is for Attract 87

If You Want to Know What You Really Believe Is Possible, Just Look at Your Business

You don’t have to dig too deep to see what you believe is possible for

yourself. Just look at your business. If what you see isn’t what you want,

then do what it takes to break free of your self-imposed stinkin’ thinking.

This is not optional. You must do this. You must have a way to con-

tinuously release habits of thoughts that are no longer serving you.

There are many ways to do this. Find something that works for you

and make it a practice that you incorporate into your work hours

regularly. This doesn’t have to be a long, therapeutic process. (Well-

ness pros love personal development, so you have to watch out for

staying in the place of analyzing and processing everything.)

The fastest way to start seeing a difference is to start speaking, think-

ing and acting as if what you want were on its way. At first, it will feel

like you’re pretending. But soon enough, your subconscious mind will

start working on your behalf instead of on your limitations. Then you

will start seeing positive results.

It’s okay, it’s perfectly normal. (It happens to me, too!) Keep breathing,

and keep going. This drama before the launch is not a sign to stop.

It’s a sign that this is exactly where you need to be. You’re nervous

about it (maybe even terrified), but you have to go through this.

The same goes for self-sabotaging any new level of success. Ev-

eryone does it, so do your best to lighten up about it. Make yourself

laugh if you can. Have a good cry. Take a deep breath and then keep


Otherwise, you will spend the rest of your life putting out fires of the

little (and sometimes not so little) dramas instead of getting on with

the business of helping others for a living.

86 Secret #7: A is for Attract

88 Secret #7: A is for Attract Secret #7: A is for Attract 89

You’re a Big Girl Now

I was an irresponsible twenty-something when I started my private

practice. I had never experienced any kind of success of any kind. I had

nothing to draw from. I was an average student.

Essentially, my business forced me to grow up. To learn how to handle

money, to speak confidently, to claim what I wanted, to stop acting like

a child and waiting for someone to rescue me, to start living on my own

terms (instead of the shadow of my family’s expectations) or wishing

mom or dad would take care of everything.

Whether you’re 47 or 27, taking your practice seriously can be a won-

derful opportunity to see what you’re made of. And, to finally grow up.

Personal Growth on Steroids

In the wellness field, your energy, thoughts and beliefs are reflected

in your business results. Which is another way of saying, if you are

doing what you think you should do, instead of what you really, really

want to do, it won’t work.

I call this “personal growth on steroids.” Anyone who says being in

business for themselves isn’t spiritual, is not taking his or her practice

seriously. Because when you consider and celebrate the spiritual as-

pect of what you are creating, it will force you to become the person

you have always known you could be.

90 Secret #7: A is for Attract Secret #7: A is for Attract 91

For example, if you realize your dad isn’t all that financially savvy after

all, and isn’t modeling a way of managing money that inspires you,

then his ideas about money should no longer influence you.

Take things on the lists like this, and then reframe it. Choose a new

belief that better supports you, and write it down. Then start to

speak, act and choose thoughts that are in alignment with this new


You don’t have to relive your family’s beliefs unless you choose to

do so. You don’t have to go to a therapist’s office to figure this out, ei-

ther. You get to choose your legacy. Just start “practicing” alignment

with your new beliefs. In time, it will become part of you and you’ll see

a difference. And make time for this. You are worth it.

You Get to Choose Your Legacy

At some point in your life, you realize that the people who raised you

weren’t any smarter than you. They were just regular people, doing

the best they can.

So it makes sense, as you take the steps to move your business and

life forward, that you consciously choose what family beliefs to keep,

and what beliefs to let go.

Here’s a great exercise: Take out a piece of paper and make three

columns. In the left column, make a list of your top beliefs about what it

means to be financially successful.

In the middle column write down where you learned each belief from.

Maybe it was from a family member, teacher, society, friend, etc…

wherever. The third column is the keep or reframe category.

Look at what you listed. If a belief truly empowers you to define suc-

cess on your own terms, keep it. If you realize that a particular belief

isn’t empowering, ditch it.

92 Secret #7: A is for Attract

“If you’re not a little scared, you’re not doing it right.”

– from The Peach Keeper, a novel

by Sarah Addinson Allen

Wellness Biz

Wisdom Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

Rockstars repeat what works, eliminate what doesn’t, and have rituals of profes-sional renewal to be able to continue their successes. True Rockstars are here to stay.


94 Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

The Allure of the New

If you’re in the business of helping people look better, feel better and

know better, then you’re probably like me and absolutely LOVE learn-

ing new ideas.

Unfortunately, this love of the “next new thing” can be really distracting.

Be it your latest and greatest idea…•

Or a new modality to learn and add to your services... (That all •

your colleagues are doing too!)

Or being drawn into the sales pitch of multiple marketing mentors •

(hint: choose one mentor at a time, and focus on implementa-


Unfortunately, the allure of the new can leave you with a lot of half-

baked ideas, feeling all over the place, and delivering a wishy-washy


I would like to challenge you to avoid this sabotaging pattern and stay

focused on your highest payoff activities. That is, consistently con-

necting with your potential clients and serving your existing clients.

If you’re struck with new ideas, no problem. Write them down and

put them in a folder. If they’re any good, they will stand the test of

time and will be there for you when the time is right. This will help

build the muscle of staying focused on creating results in your busi-

ness, rather than being susceptible to your latest whim.

Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat 95

96 Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat 97

The problem is, when you’re constantly taking new trainings, you feel

like a newbie at it. It perpetuates the “I don’t know enough” feeling.

While continuously upgrading your skills is important, watch out for

hiding out in this place.

What can really throw you for a loop is that all of your colleagues do

this. So just when you think you could take a break from another

training and focus on completing your website, getting a newsletter

out there or giving a series of classes in your community to attract

clients, you hear of another course that would be just the thing and

you once again doubt yourself, your knowledge, your experience and

well, you sign up for another certification.

So here is a tip for handling this: For every book, course or program

you take that is all about your modality, you must do the equivalent in

upgrading the business skills you want and need to succeed.

Get Off the Certification Train (And Get On the Implementation Train)

A common way I see wellness pros lose focus is to get caught on

the certification train.

This train never stops. It doesn’t go anywhere. It just goes from

training to training to training. And the only people on it are your


Here’s how this can show up in your practice:

When you’re starting something new, you can feel uncertain about

what you’re talking about. So, you invest money in new training to

help put that feeling to rest.

98 Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat 99

But here’s the catch… if you’re focusing only on 1-3 marketing

activities, you’ll need to become really, really good at them.

So if you like speaking, schedule a workshop or interview regularly.

You will want to plan out your year and fill your schedule – say, once

a week – with speaking opportunities to your tribe. Plan things like

tele-classes, local workshops or corporate events. This will com-

pletely eliminate the feast or famine of client attraction.

Then you’ll want to go another layer deeper and learn how to give a

presentation that inspires people to sign up for your sessions and

invest in your products. And so on, until you have this marketing

activity DOWN.

None of this is difficult. It just requires a little focus.

Choosing up to three authentic lead generating activities keeps you

focused and helps you become effective, without pulling your energy

into too many directions. And doing this will establish you as some-

one with focus and clear intention.

Going Deep Instead of Going Broad

An easy way to lose focus is to be doing too many marketing activi-

ties without a clear direction. You know you are in this trip when you

feel like you’re working hard and not getting great results.

I propose an easier and more focused way of getting your message

out. Use no more than three lead-generating activities. (“lead-gener-

ating” = activities that attract potential clients)

Lead generation is about attracting prospective clients to your web-

site, inspiring them to call your office, or any other activity that has

you regularly receiving interest in your services. This can be speak-

ing, writing, networking, blogging, giving tele-classes, writing for a

local paper, being interviewed… there are many different ways for

you to do this.

The good news is that you don’t have to do them all. The key to

preventing overwhelm and burnout is to focus on one activity at a

time. And once that becomes automatic in your efforts, you can add

another one. So this is about orienting your marketing efforts around

what feels authentic to you.

100 Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat 101

A great book cover will grab people’s attention and sell your book for

you. A poorly designed book cover will get ignored. What’s inside the

book is what you know, and that doesn’t change. Would you be will-

ing to change your book cover if it got into more people’s hands? Or

would you fight to make sure it fit your idea of what your book cover

looked like?

Consider asking yourself this question: Could your vision for your

private practice come to fruition in a different way?

It may look differently than what you imagined (it did for me and many

of my clients).

Your willingness to be flexible in how your work gets expressed in the

world is one of the keys to success.

Be Flexible About How You Get There

Are you gripping tightly to a business model that may not be the best

fit for you?

An essential skill set in the wellness field is to be flexible in HOW your

work shows up in the world.

When you keep an open mind, you’ll be able to see hidden opportu-

nities in perhaps serving a specific tribe of people or under a different

message that appeals to a more engaged audience.

Another way to think about this is to imagine what it’s like to get a

book published. Publishers know a lot about what sells and what

doesn’t. And let’s say they want to put a different book cover design

and title on your book then you had imagined.

102 Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

Instead, consider blocking off regular time each week and each

month (I take the last week of every month off from clients and it’s

wonderfully restorative).

Taking time off during the week is especially important if your week-

end is filled with parenting. Sometimes all you need is once a month

and at other times, you need every Friday afternoon off.

This is essential to your success and mental sharpness in the well-

ness field.

Refuel Regularly

When you’re first learning how to be in business for yourself and help

others for a living, it’s easy to slip into overworking and making sure

everyone gets what they want at the cost of your well-being.

Working too much creates foggy thinking, exhaustion and thoughts

that make you believe something is wrong with your business.

When the greater truth is, you just need a nap.

If you don’t interrupt this pattern early on by giving yourself regular

breaks in your schedule just to BE, then you create a pattern of work-

ing too much, burning out, and then needing a few weeks off. This

crushes your business momentum.

Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat 103

It was near the end of the day at a beautiful Ver-mont Inn, and Heather and her fellow Rockstars of Wellness program members were working together in our meeting room during their Business Break-through Retreat. Everyone was relaxed, sipping tea and putting the finishing touches on their plans for the months ahead.

I was sitting with Jane, another program member, and we were discussing a decision she needed to make about the behind the scenes of her website. Out of the blue, Heather piped in from across the room with a clear step-by-step solution to Jane’s technical question.

I looked up and stared at Heather. There was something about the way she spoke and the way she looked when she offered that answer that set off alarm bells in my body. (I’m like a weird human tuning fork for seeing people’s strengths. And when this happens, I listen.)

And here’s what went down…

Me: “Hey Heather, I have a question for you.”

Heather: “Okay.”

Me: “Do you care if how you transform people’s lives looks a bit different than traditional life coach-ing?” (At the time, Heather was a life coach and working to get her practice off the ground.)

Heather: “I don’t really care what it looks like. I just want to help people have an awesome life. So yeah, I’m open.”

Me: “What I’m about to say to you would be a big change in your business but I have a hunch that it will take off like wildfire.”

Heather: “Ah! Karin! I had a feeling you were going to say that!”

Me: “What if you did tech coaching for creative

Rockstar on the RiseMeet Heather Cottrell – The Awesome Tech Coach

Your Secret Skills Are the Secret to Your Success

Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat 105104 Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we

recommend it daily.”

– Zig Ziglar

Wellness Biz


About the Author 107

About the Author

Karin Witzig Rozell is The Marketing Materials Maven,

branding wiz and all around Queen of Wellness

Marketing. ☺ She has been teaching health and

wellness professionals how to launch and grow their

business since 2003.

She started as a nutrition counselor in 1999 who knew a lot about

nutrition, but not a whole lot about business and marketing.

After learning some tough lessons as a struggling wellness pro, she

cracked the code. Now her passion is helping practitioners commu-

nicate what they do and design their business in total alignment with

who they are and how they want to live.

She is the founder of Wellness Professional Network (WellProNet.

com), the go-to place for practitioners to learn the real-life business

skills they didn’t teach in wellness school.

106 Secret #8: R is for Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

entrepreneurs like Jane here, coached them to use technology, and also offered a ‘done for you’ service for those who wanted you to simply take care of it for them?”

Heather: “But that’s totally different than what I’m doing, Karin!”

Me: “ Well, think of it this way… you’d still be coaching them on having an awesome life, except this time, your ‘tools’ would be technology instead of nutrition. You could teach them how to use these tools and also use your life coaching skills to help them with their fears of technology so they can start living their dreams. That is, creating a real business that allows them to easily share what they know and help more people.”

I turned to the group and asked: “How many of you are overwhelmed by Facebook, Twitter, website stuff, and all of that?” Everyone raised their hands.

“How many of you would love it if someone like Heather, who totally gets you, your work and what you’re about, totally took care of it for you?”

Everyone’s hands shot up.

“Would you be willing to just give this a test run? No need to change anything in your marketing materials just yet.”

Heather: “Okay, sure.”

We then quickly crafted an offer to send to her email list. She had so many sign-ups that she made more money in one month than she ever did before.

So much so that this tweak in her business funded her ability to enjoy the mobile lifestyle she desired and move into her first two-bedroom apartment (from a one-room, no-kitchen studio).

It turns out Heather has this secret skill set that she thought was no big deal, but was life changing when shared with the right people. Do you have a secret skill that you could practically do in your sleep? That may be your secret to success, too.

Visit Heather at In full disclosure, I hired Heather to manage all of my website and technical needs, too. She’s awesome.

Valuable Resources

Becoming Irresistibly Relevant in the Wellness Field is NOT a Solo Act.

Here are valuable resources to support your progress.

The WellProNet Success Circle

There’s no excuse not to get support! Join this inspiring community of holisti-

cally minded wellness pros and receive monthly, step-by-step training on

growing your business. And listen to insightful “behind the scenes” interviews

with successful wellness pros who are defining success on their own terms.

Visit to receive one month of mem-

bership FREE! (enter coupon code “book” when you register to receive the

free month.)

108 About the Author

Karin likes to keep it real and is known for her down-

to-earth and humorous style of coaching. She offers

clearly organized, step-by-step programs that de-

mystify marketing and the work-for-yourself lifestyle

for wellness pros.

She is the author of The Fast Start to Clients


In 2004, she left the big city life for true love, and is happily married

to Drew Rozell, PhD, founder of He is the “secret

sauce” to all of her coaching programs. Karin and Drew live in the beau-

tiful foothills of the Adirondacks, on the border of Southern Vermont,

with their son Alex, and their furry pets. She is Drew’s city slicker turned

country gal who won’t touch a pair of Carhartts with a ten-foot pole.

Connect with Karin online!



110 Valuable Resources Valuable Resources 111

Experience a Business Breakthrough Retreat with Karin

If you’re ready to finally get clear

on your message, your brand

and redesign your wellness

business to fit YOU, and FAST,

then I’m your gal.

Visit www.WellProNetRetreats.

com to learn more.

For more resources to grow your practice and making the work-for-

yourself-lifestyle rock, please visit

Fast Start to Clients DIY Course

Want to know how to design programs that practically sell them-

selves? What about how to price your services? Or what to say to

turn first appointments into regular clients?

This program is what I call “all the basics” to get you going fast

without doing a major overhaul of your marketing materials, brand or


If you want to look and feel like a pro fast, then check out my Fast

Start to Clients Program. It’s an 8-Week DIY Program for Jumpstarting

Your Success in Holistic Health and Wellness.


for complete details.

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