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'AJ t o n a r J i a H I S T O R I C A L i S S i ' . , rA E E Iip ^ D , K .- J . .„. i

T h is Week One Section 16 P A G E S





9 1 * t Y E A R — 3 5 t h W E E K > n i i i « l M nonai MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2S, 1060 H i* J w n P n a dstlaa Single Copy Tea Cent*

To Install Signals At Grade Grossings

.Both the New York and Long B ranch R ailroad aad the Central R ailroad o f New Jersey have ac­cepted the recom m endations of the Stale Public Utility Commissioners and mill install modern safely de­vices at three area grade cross­ings, M atawan Township Clerk Rose K. Wenzel reported yesterday. .T h e New York and Loog Branch

Rail.road has agreed to install an 'au tom atic electric, single-arm gate a t the Cliffwood Ave. crossing, scene of ■ fa ta l accident in Do- cem ber which took the live* of a M adison Township m other u d her young son.

In. addition, the Central f ttf lro ad will provide modern flasher-type w arn in g : Ughta a t the twin grade crossing* a t G erard Ave., In M ata­wan' Townahlp and Lloyd Rd.. in Keyport. The safety devices will be Installed by O ctober o l this year, the PUC said.' Werfc S d a M e e Cans* M a y T he P U C explained tha t present

Work schedules Of both railroads prohibit, any Installation until th a t tim e. M ayor, P e te r J . W aters ex- p re s s e d c o S ttm over the delay but Indicated there is little tha t can bo done to expedite the wprfc whichhas been promised. ..................

The fa ta l accident prom pted the M atawan Township Com m ittee In January to petition the PUC to p r o v i d e - g r e * t e r safeguards a t “hazardous” crossings In tha town­ship. Both Keyport and M atawan Township have been seeking w arn­ing devices a t Lloyd R d. and G er­ard Ave. for several years.

During negotiations by the mu­nicipalities to have the Central R a ilrh ad ln ftlill signals a t-G e ra rd Ave. and Lloyd' Rd.. thd' railroad offered an a l t e r n a t e proposal which would do aw ay with one of the twin crossings by construction of a road from G erard Ave. to Lloyd Rd.

The railroad proposed It would, protect one crossing If the other w as eliminated. Both Keyport and M atawan Township re jec ted Uie

of th ; c a n i t t and<,that cost ' ‘ (continued o u p a g r t b i )

• ■ V 1 '•

Bayshore Hard Hit Bv Storm.

S o m e F a m i l ie s

leave H o r n e t

WJnds o f hurricane force with gusts aii high Ss M miles an hour buffeted th e shore T hursday nIghL Trees, signs, pow er lines and win­dows' w en) blown down. Winds reached • sustained peak velocity of 71 ptlies an hour a t 9 :41 p 'm . with gusts up to S t miles a n liour, Winds exceeding 75 m iles a? f hoar are considered as hiirricuM i' ve­locity, '

The h e a w ra in s w ashed out the tracks o t the Jersey C eatrai Rail­road seashore branch neat Keans- tx.rg. Service on two tnorm ng tra ins from A tlantic Highlands to Newark and Jersey City w as can­celled. Passengers w ere picked up a t Keansburg by bus and taken to M atawan. There they were put on o ther trains.

H ardest hit by the buffeting winds and storm driven tides was the bayshore a rea from Keansburg to the M organ Bridge where maiiy low sections w ere entirely inun­dated. During the peak of the storm tides ranged three feet above norm al.

Pow er. F ailureJe rsey Central Powier and Light

Co. reported m ore than 2600 cus­tom ers throughout this a rea w ere w ithout pow er a t som etim e during the n ig h t Laurence H arbor w u

(continued an pagA s ix )

G O P Will MeetT he M atawan Township Repub*

lican Club Will hold its regular m eeting on Wednesday, M ar. 2, a t the G uadalcanal Post Home, Cliff- Wood Ave., Cliffwood, a t 8 p.m. Refreshm ents will be served.

Eagle Court O r H onor Ceremonies Held Recently

New Fire Truck For Cliffwood

T h ir d D is t r ic t S e t

U p In M a d is o n T w p .

V oters o f fire D istrict No. 2, M ataw an Township, Saturday ap­proved t t . M bonding for a new fire tra ck to r the Cliffwood Volun­te e r F lee Co. . The vbte w as >1 " y e s” an d 26 "no.

A $MM operating budget for the lire district, fo r the y e a r ^ a a ap­p roved, “ yes" and 24 "no .” John A rm ltage Jr. received 121 votes and-GeQCge K ahrs 107 votes a s unopposed candidates for r e ­election a s Qre com missioners.

W alter J iirm an w as re-elected for a three-yeyr te rm a t the elec­tion o l D istric t Two a t Cheese- quake In Madison Township, and the budget for $11,300 was approv­ed. This will be the second year te rm on tha board for Mr. J u r­m an, who Is now the president of tbe group.

In the election of D istrict One a t Laurenpe H arbor, Robert Allen and Carl Holton w ere elected as coromiasloners, snd the budget for 115,000 w as passed with but one dissenting vote.

C reate Third D istrict F ire D istric t Three, covering the

Old Bridge area becam e the third Madison Township d istrict Satur­day, with the election of the first officer staff and the approval of a ffrelw idget. •

A t the election held In the head­q uarter* o f the South O ld Bridge V olunteer F lreC om pany , which win

w e m b e rfo ra ;W ffry e itt;« e rm rJ la r . v e y ; t : Nielsen, 'tre a su re r , and m em ber for one-year te rm ; Robert L. R ltz, secretary-clerk, and two- y e a r m em ber; A lbert Denker, com­m issioner Of equipment, two-year te rm ; and Robert J . Willis, com­m issioner of buildings and grounds, one-year term .

The budget, providing lo r appro­priation of $29,664, received unani­m ous approval by a, vote of 71 to I, and the candidates for the board ran unopposed.

E m b e z z le m e n t C o u n t

Q u a s h e d O n A p p e a l i

R obert Conk. 32. |UI1I Rd., Edison, defendant to an embezzlement charge tr ied ' b e fo re . Middlesex County Judge DuBols S. Thompson has been found not guilty by s ju ry . ... '

T he defendant y ru accused of converting to his own use 580 col­lected for his employer, M atthew Solomone, who ch a rg td the offense was com m itted Jan: IS, 1059, tn M adison Township.

M r. Conk was a salesm an in tlie alum inum products business of his employer.

M r. Conk was represented by Philip J . Blanda. Raritan Township A ttorney. Middlesex County As­s is tan t Prosecutor Edwin A. Kolo- dziej presented the case for the state.

In A ppreciation I w ish to thank all who supported

m e in m y candidacy fo r re-election th e Board of- F ire Commission­

ers. F ire D istric t No> 2. Township o f M ataw an on Saturday, Febru­a ry 20th.

John A rm ltage

Award C o n t r a c t s

Contracts w ere aw ardad te the two lew b id d e n fe r the flUlag aad draining e l a (a lley a t Cliff- wood M emorial (c h e a t Tuesday by the M ataw aa Township Beard o f Education. The con trac t fee the, iu ta l l a t l a a e f tw e drains, eae • t each sad ef the school w eal to F rank P iu l, Cliffwood, for $481. The actual IllUag e l the gulley will be perform ed by Buck Bros., Inc., Highland P a rk , 'lo r H IM .

Tbe bids wer* received oo till­ing the gulley Feb. II, but as the Buck figure w u so m uch below the next figure offered, tha t a l M. F. CelUns, Cliffwood, a t $4171, the board wanted a week to study It, There w ere four other bids higher than Collin*

Duncan F. Black, a m em ber of the board ol education, told hia colleagues that hs will know In aboul two weeks whether he wUl reilgn his board post. He said h li house Is up for s i le and Ihal It Is possible he and his family will move out of the area. Board President llareld J . Deleft aald no decision has been m ads re ­garding a replacem ent, la Ihe event Mr. Black resigns.

F our bayabore a rea scouts received the Eagle badge, highest aw ard In eeeutlng a t recent court ef honor cerem onies held In Keansburg,Above, F orm er Suprem e Court Justice H enry E . Ackerson |r . , p re ­sents the badges to the scouts, left to right, John O’Shea, aon of M r. and M rs. William F . O’Shea, 1U4 Cliffwood D r., Cliffwood, Troop 19,

Cliffwood; Ralph S. Feaa, ’ aon of M r, and M rs, F rank A. Foss, (4 Osborn St., K eypert, Troop 111, K eyport; E dw srd Kelsey, son of Mr. and Mra. Thom as J . Kelsey, E vere tl R d., Holmdel, Troop 111, Holmdel, and Jam es Griswold, son Of M r, and M rs. H erbert M. Griswold, J4 !*«* Ave., M atawan, Troop M, Keyport.

Council Receives Map For Sewers

F o u r P u m p in g S t a t io n s U s e d

A m ap outlining the network of sewers, a new pumping plant and substationa Included ta a m ajof project designed to bring sewer* to all p arts of the borough was pre­sented Tuesday night to tha Mata* Wan Borough Council. ,

T h t m ap. atong w ith plans and

lu g -firm o t '*onunjitoo a n d Boyd is to be forw arded to the. State i>e- partm en t of Health to back up the borough’a application for a certifi­ca te of necessity to exceed legal borrowing limits to finance the project.

Plans call for the construction of a n e w sew er disposal plant which will be located adjacent to the present plant which haa been labeled “ Inadequate” by the S u te D epartm ent of Health. Both plahta will be used if the pro ject is ca rried out. .

Pum ping Sabatatlons Pumping' substations shown on

the m ap are located on Route 34, a t ' ta k e Lefferts, opposite the Buttonwood M anor; in the G reen and White Village section; New Brunswick Ave. section and a t the end of C entral Ave. In the F reneau section o f the borough.

Main aewer line routes follow Ravine D r., M iddlesex Rd. a n d M orristown Rd. to borough limits; Route M, F ierro Ave., Old Bridge Rd. and Central Ave. in addition to all s tree ts Included in the more recently developed areas which now do not have sewers.'

The Borough Council is seeking a certificate of necessity from the State D epartm ent of H ealth to per­m it It to bond 11,100,000 to con­struct a new sewage disposal plant and extend a sanitary sew er sys­tem to a)l parts of the borough. Plans m ust be approved before a certificate m ay be granted. .

Coats A re Estim ated Tames Boyd, a representative of

the Pennsauken firm of Remington and Boyd, consulting engineers, es­tim ates It will cost $290,000 to con-

(continued on p sg e six)

. - • ^ ____

Plan Board jWrangleOver Zoning Limits

Demand that the house s ite to be perjmitted in the 100-by-lM-foot mlnimum lot s ite tone In the south­easterly lection of M atawan Town­ship be kept down to a lim it tha t will be within the reach of .the moderate-income buyer w as made to the M atawan Township Planning, Board Thursday.-

Henry Tijnphagen Interposed thly

Some Boats Had A n Off-Season W etting Dow n

i tSevandicraft(.> M atthew 's; M M * ! *1 n e e tp e t tM 5 l i a t t f M f 'c a 4 * - ia r o a '* U « e i |a r i

veat fe r w later s t a n g s a tM i i i e c i

Matawaa Cm k la a v t r r a a Its banks. Na iterate

g 'of Ihe'meeting. Tb* fort mat p a rt o f ‘ thd board ’s, proceed­ings laated only three minutes. When Joseph Stenger, chairm an, banged hie gavel for adjournment, M r. Traphagen protected vehe­mently tha t spectato rs represent­ing ”75 per cent of the acreage tn the township w ere present’ and “we a re not getting a right to be heard ."

“ We a re here because the or­dinance wilt affect us m ore than anybody else In the community." he explained, “ I think we have a right to know w hat the board in tends to put in the ordinance,

Keyport Budget Rejected Again

W a s S u b m it te d T o

V o t e r s U n c h a n g e d

A oacfr-defcated 1960-61 Bchool budget totalling 1375,390 in local tax levies, resubm itted uncharged by the Keyport Board of Educa­tion, w u rejected for the second tim e yesterday by school district voters by a m argin of 6-4.

Both Items in the budget, strong ly opposed by the Keyport Citizen* Association, w ere rejected hy m ar­gins of 100 votes, almost (he same difference tha t was recorded in the f irs t election, Peb. 0.

Current expenses, totalling (351 115 In local ta* levies was rejected $73 to 473 while the capital outlay appropriation of (24.275 lost 575 to 467.

A lm ost S i m M argintn iha Feb, 9 election, current

(continued on page six)\ " -

E n t r y , S a f e J o b , A t

M a t a w a n H ig h S o lv e d

Joel M orris, 20, Red Bank, plead­ed guilty , T uesday, to a charge of breaking and entering the Mata­wan High School before Acting M agistrate Luther F oster In M ata­wan Borough. T he defendant was rem anded to' county Jail to await action o f the g rand ju iy .

M orrjs ad m itted . b risk in g IMS M atawan High School on Jan . 21 and breaking the combination from the safe. He did not gain anything! from hia efforts.

Borough Policy Chief John Mcl- na, who signed the complaints, said tha t M orris has already been arraigned for his pa rt In the break­ing and entering of high schools in Middletown, Rumson, snd F air Haven.

M agistrate Foster] who presides in M atawan Township, substituted for M agistra te Jam es M artin w<io is In the hospital recovering from abdominal^ surgery.

\ ;N e tfc » " ■ •New V ert Turnpike Express

$1.90 p lus ta x round (rip . F re ­quent sendee , convenient, ecooomi eat. » r t l a s aebadule ca ll COI

particu larly with regard to mini­mum house and lot sizes.”

S sys W ts Open To Publio M r. Stenger Informed him the

m eeting had been opened to the public and none had spoken up. "You did not give ua a Chance,”

w as the te rse rejolner, “ we w ere w aiting for you to go into a dis­cussion and; hearing of the new

ce iild b e iflo au eb . dlaousaiea o r h e a rin g .a s the te rm s o f the ordl. nance had only been left with tlio township attorney for I n te r p re t tlon and reduction to w ritten form in term s that will be both legal and definitive.

J . Lewis Korlenhaus, another spectator from the Lloyd Rd. ares did not think It necessary to exact­ly define the words and phraaea to be used to thresh out some of the general Ideas to be encom­passed. He felt the board would be further ahead to acquaint them­selves with m ajor m atters over coning tha t w ere dlaturblng Ihe people before going to the expense of having a lawyer define tlu- te rm s and set up iha provisions of a toning ordinance.

Assurances O ivsn Harold J . Dolan, a t>oard mem­

ber, and M ayor P e te r J . Wators hastened to assure him th^t the people w ere not being shut Out In the> m s tte r snd thst there would be s public hearing by the plan nlng board, a t which the cltltens could present objections and ask for changes. But Mr. Dolan and the m ayor did not sec how din cusslona could be .carried on with out .som ething in w riting before both the bosrd and the public. Thr m ayor added that when Ihe ordi­nance did get beyond the plannlnft board, acting aa a toning com m ission, into the handa of the township com m ittee, there would be a second hearing fo r the citi­zens, and a t thla second hearing Ihe proposed ( o n 1 n g ordinance could still be changed to meet th e ir wishes.

F o r all of this, Mr. Kortenhaus felt th e re w as one brosd Issue th a t It d id not take any precisely w rttfen docum ent to discuss. That w ss the m a tte r o f minimum house sixes. He recalled th s t a t the Jan u ary m eeting of tha board (here had been a num ber of op- ikm on m inim um house sizes for th e various Tones presented and the favored one fo r’ the Lloyd Rd - U iie Rd, a re a for sp lit levels ap- | (continued on page jlx )

: A r t r tO o r t c e Exam*; : Civil Service exam inations for jelerfc stenographer and clerk typ­ist will b e bald Sstu{j)ay, Mar. M , a t I aunt. In P erth Amboy High School, S tats SI., P ^rth Am­boy.

T he positions a re open fo eltl- te a s , 12 m en ths resident la Key­p o rt, M ita w a a Township, Ualon B each and B arHan Township. Candida I n who have tiled appllr ca tions wiU receive no farther notice te appear unless tbey are u e t qualified.

Civil Service announces Mar. IS as deslaf data'for tiling ap­plications. Mormatlea ondulles nad minimum qnallCcallons may be secured frem tbs Department at Civil Service, Treafea, Newsrk er Camdm j Applicants ara a* iHtad la lUUact muaklfal aa- j f p i l e s ’ ter sa ltq fT rd fM .' ;

Employ Fessler For Borough Hall

M a t a w a n C o u n c i l

A u t h o r iz e s B id s

Frederic Fessler. H u le t archi­tect, was employed by the M ata­wan Borough Council Tuesday night to prepare plana and specif!* cations for the renovation of the form er F arm ers and M erchants N ational B»nk building, M iln St., fo r u ie u i m w m unicipal .build­


o f the eoat o f 4 #ia ooatssct, w a s 7, ■ * * -alfO authorized 10 advertise Bfucttli cations to r hid "as soon as pos­sible." Councilman Cyrus K.Drown la id Mr. Fessler. a well* known architect, "Is doing the Job as a favor to us."

The erection of a l7-by-27-fool addition at the rear of the former bank building will be ono of tho first phases of the renovstion which also will Include the Installation ol partitions snd staircases to mo«!( fire code*.

To House Municipal OffieesMr. Fesaler has not commented

on how long It will take for the renovations to be completed. Wh*n completed, the building will houso office* of the borough clork, treas­u rer and collector in addition to a municipal hall and police head­quarters and cell b!o<;k.

The present vault, which ro* m ains in ths bulffling. will be usajd to storo municipal files, funds and

(continued on pago aix)

Brown, Richards, Decline To Run

N e w O O P D e s ig n e e s

F o r C o u n c i l N e e d e d

sWal$er P . Swanson, Republican leader o f M atawan Borough, vtlsl- cloaed yesterday tha t Councllmen Cyrus K. Brown and Rollih JRlrfa- arda both Informed tha Ofganlx* . lion a l a m eetlag Monday, t in t they will not be candidates to r n - election this year, Mr, Brown li now serving on a one-year titM * pi red term to.which he w aa elected last year and M r. Richards la com< pletlng a three-year te rm , ,

M r. Swanson said he sctieduM the meetings so M ayor Ralph R. Dennis and the other Republican m embers of the council could know wliat the situation waa palltlcill}, in so fsr as th e Republican P in y It concerned, and would have Ume to discuss possibilities for iii

Borough Workers To Get Pay Hikfc

S ix P e r C e n t

In c re a s e V o t e d

Alt municipal einpluyves wll! re celve s six per cunt salary Increase this year according to the term s of an ordinance Introduced Tues­day by Ihe M atswan DorouHh Council. All salaries will be made retroactive to Jan. I If Ihe iched’ ule Is finally adopted.

The salary boost will benefit all regular full and part tim e em ­ployees nf the borough. Not In. eluded, howevor, In the new schJd- ule s re m embers of the M atawan Police D epartm ent who received » pay hike this year, authorised by voters at the last general election.

The new aalary scale Is borouali . . . . . . .Clark. tUSOi borough treasu re r, I publican s lr a te w In withhold all

ihe^iflloit .tliev alinuUI lailfe ,frti|ii


placing Mr. Drown and Mr. Hlcli- s rd i on the ticket snd to sound out tho svallahlllty ol proipoctUo candidates.

Mr, Swanson declined to d licu is any possibilities hlmsell and ven­tured the opinion it would be Re-

Imiuo AlarmMadison Township police last

night Issued an alarm for six youths who they sold accostod an Ift-yonr* old girl nn her way homo from work and sttem pled to pull her Into thHr ca r neor th r entrance to Chtcdcquako Stato Park. Thu g irfa father arrived a t the scene In hia own car and tho youths sped away.

health Inspector, ||« 0 and boa itf /W v fte* tfWfWKn i t OW» f f t f t s * i f hpalth itfc re ta iy / ^ o o .1 > h - Leaving PuW/e M /e .

Also, court clerk, $218, Water de [ J£r. W iM f’ tn hit Otiljparlm nnt troasurer, 1850, w ater) ^ ^ It i drent collector. $1000. aewer runt collector, (030; borough superin­tendent, 15400;; w ater departm ent foreman, 14425; water departm ent employee, 13500 and sewer dopail- ment employees, $4060. .

Also, atruet departm ent employ tea, 14250 and 14080; park depart­ment empluyon, $80; janitor, $270 and election clerk. $100. Special police will be paid an hourly wage of $1 60 in hour aa well as tiiQ newly created post of police m a­tron

Mrs Isahelle Dliis, 47 Little Ht.,M atawan. was appointed aa the police matron at the recommenda* tlon of Bverett Carlitm . police com< mittoe chairm an. Presence of c m atron when female prisoners »ru in custody, is recom munded hy the state departm ent of institutions ond agencies following s recent in spection of jail facilities.

Arreit Y out hiTwo Keyport youths, among a

gang of six who refused to disperse when ordered by o policeman Iasi night wore arrnstod and hooked hy Matawan Township police on a disorderly person charge. Arrested wore Joseph Maluk, 21. and Thomas K Wood, both of i l Chlngarora Ave.


"enough" of public life, Imvltui l>cen a momlwr of tho lx>rontiii council since Jan I, 105.1. Mo has bpt*n chairm an of putillc works during most of his period on tho governing body Mr Svvanwm. himiulf a former president nf the ^mincli, hits te rm rd Mr. Drown thr* man “ who knows the most about M atawan's water ond sewer *op|j’v p iob lcn ii" ond doplored th r lact

(continued on page flu)

No Bunes Needed At New Suyre W oods South School

0 » t l Ihe elassreom e of the newly com pleted •lem eatary school s t Sayre Woods South, donated by C aste r and (ieldm sn, builders e l Ib e n e w 2M -hem e

rn s iff im m mm y walking dlstsnce. It has been compWed ahead ■ of whedule, before the cootlruetloa of new Ivmm hsd reached Ms final stage, so thst clMsryns are ready le reoelre paylis aa seea as »ew Ismlllas ■eya

A i : ; ' ) i | v. s i i 11 J ‘ I j i f i t U t

fag* Two THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.Thursday, February 25, I960

Talks Feature Birds And Bees

The R ev . Andrew A. Burkhardt Holmdel, and M ra. O ctavius Knight, also t l Holmdel, w ere the guest speaker! a t the annual conserva­tion m eeting of G arden Club RFD Holmdel, beld on Feb . 16 a t 1:30 p.m . In the B aptist Chapel, Holm- del.

The Rev. Mr. Burkhardt gave an entertaining and inform ative talk on "T h e Bees.” He has raised and worked with bees lo r over 20 years.

Mrs. Knight, assisted by Mrs. Robert Boykin gave 'an illustrated lecture oa "The Birds."

Mra. Jcwlah Hewitt, president, circulated a petition for signatures protesting the erection of a je t a i r port in M orris County. M rs. Hewitt, urged m em bers and guests to write to the legislators and Gov. Meyner against the proposal. .

An exhibit, consisting pf arrange­m ents featuring w ater reflections Including, o n * o r m ore birds and/or loees w as judged ty Mra. William Mulheron, M rs. Leonard R ead and M rs. Edwin H. B auch .

Winners were: F irst, M rs. Ed­w ard Tilton; aecond, M rs. Joseph Eatenes; th ird , Mra, Robert C. Bohn and honorable mention, Mra. V alter Zimmerer-Jr. and Miss Anna Cross.

Hostesses for the meeting were Miss Lillian Keney, Mrs. Albert Geerge, Mra. William Fiuhr, Mra. Charles P. Cisar. Mra. William Craig. Mrs. Louis K inier and Mrs. J. Raymond DeRidder.

A horticulture meeting will be he|d ia M arch, conducted by M rs. Elm ar A. Bahrenburg.

S p ir i t u a l* T o f e a t u r e

C o n fe re n c e O f W .S .C .S .

A program of Negro spirituals, depicting the Life o f Chrlat, will highlight th* annual meeting nf the Woman'a Society of Christian Service New Jeraey conference. The program will be presented by Charles Higgins, who is a mem­ber of the faculty of the West­m inster Choir College, Princeton, and the Trenton public schools.

The conference la scheduled for M ar. 2 a t the F irs t Methodist Church, Ocean City. ElecUon ef officers, reports and pledge se rv ce are on the agenda for the morning session which will begin at 10:15 A box luncheon will feature the noon hour with beverage and des­sert being strved by the host so­ciety.

The officers will/ be Installed at the afternoon session a t 1:30 p.m. Following the installation, Mr. Hig­gins will present hid program . Mra. M ark Reynolds w ill aerve a t the organist. T h a them*, ( o f ttv r day wl|| be ‘‘There's A l ig h t Upon The Mountain.”

F irs t Church ef Christ, Scientist U Bread SL, K eypert

Sunday s e r v ice and Sunday School. 11 a.m . Wednesday, testi­mony meeting S p.m . Reading room open Wednesday and Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m.

Christ Jesus’ Inspiring mission of healing and redemption will be the central topic a t Christian Science church services th is Sun­day.

T h e Leston-Sermon entitled “Christ Jesus" will include this passage from John (19:37,38): “ If I do not the works of my Father, believe m e not. But if I do, though ye. believe not m e, .b e ­lieve the works: tha t ye m ay knpw, and believe, tha t the F ather ia In m e, and I In him ."

And from the Christian Science textbook, “ Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, this citation wilj be reed (21:14): “Divine Truth, Life, and Love gave Jeaus authority over sin, siekness, and death. His mission was to reveal the Science of celestial being, to prove what God Is and what He does for m an.”

P o rt Monmouth Community Church M ala and Lydia PI.

Rev. A D. Magaw, Pastor Sunday morning there will be

Sunday School with classes for all ages a t 9:10 a.m . Jcrtin Batton is in charge.

At the morning worship service » t 11 a.m . the Rev. A Donald Ma- gaw will apeak on “ What God Ex­pects of Church Members.” Mrs. Alice Smith Is in charge of music.

Sunday evening a t the S: JO p.m. service the Rev. Mr. Magaw will speak on “ Blockades of Spiritual Blessings.” . •

Wednesday a t 7:45 p.m . the m id­week fellowship wjll be conducted when the Rev, M r, M agaw will speak oa the subject, “ fb i i t t la iu A lerted." .

H alted Hebrew Cengregatiea Broad SL, Keypert

Rabbi H. O. H. Levine Tomorrow evening at 9:19 p.m.

there will be Sabbath eve service and aermon, “ Brotherhood Con­ceivable?" Kiddush will be pro­nounced by M arlene Nisonoff and Oneg Shabbat hosta will be Mrs, S tuart G ani and children, Mr. and M rs. L arry Elsemen, Mrs. Ralph Berman. Mr. and Mra. J . Altmark, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, Mr. snd Mrs. Leon Miller.

Saturday at 11 a.m . there will be Sabbath morning service.

F i lm A v a i l a b le T o

L o c a l C i v i c G ro u p s

Citizens groups, P-TA Clubs, civic and veteran otganlilUojM . teachers, postal employee* bnd" philatelic cleties a n cordially invited tb ar? range free showlngb o f the Post Office D epartm ent's new est film,‘‘Mull Call.’ 1 M ade tn coopera tion with the !ty.S. Navy, the ‘‘Mall Call" ltlmy>narrated by the Wash- ,Ington com m entator, John Rodney. I sermon, 11 a.m . tells th e h lg h ly dram atic story ol “ ■

Calvary Methodist Church Third SL, Keyport

Rev. H. T. Williams STD.P astor ^

Junior choir will rehearae to­night a t S:30 p.m .; interm ediate choir, 7 p.m. and adult choir, 8 p.m.

On Sunday the Sunday School will m eet a t 9:30 a.m .; morning worship service, 10:45 a.m . with serm on topic, "The Word That Conquers God." Junior Youth Fel. lowship will m eet at 6: lV p.m. nnd there will be an Older Youth m eet­ing a t 1 7 p.m .

N ext Wednesday there will b e sn ."Official B oard tneetlng a t . I p.m . CottllrmsitloBtit d aa a taeeta at' 10 A.ts.j0a-Maa>' I , and there will bo k C en ffiM o ti oh Education m eet­ing on M a r jfS 'a t I p.m . • - '

St. Mary’^ ' Episcopal Church E ast F ront St., K eypert

R«v. H enry A. M ale, Rector Boy Scout Troop *4 will m eet

tonight a t 7 ,p .ih . and St; M ary's Guild, I p.m .

On Sunday, m orning prayer will be a t 7:45* a.m .; Holy Communion, S a.m .; family service, morning p rayer and Holy Communion, 9 :3 0 a.m .; Holy Communion and

m all delivery to Americans In the Armed Fprcea ln fleet units and o v e rs e te jja s e s .,

In the opening scene, Postm aster Gen. A rthur Summejrfleld and Chief of t t iv a l Operations Admiral Artelgh A. Burke, discuss the vital im portance ot prompt m i ll service and Its Value to th e ,2,500,000 Americans wfco serve this Nation in various capacities abroad.

Included in this highly entertain­ing and Informative motion picture are scenes never before filmed showing mail deliveries from car­rier decks via planes and helicop­ters to ships and submarines In all p arts of the world. Arrangements for loan of the "Mall Call" film can be m ade through local postmasters. The Him Is approximately 14 mln- utea In length.

A id e A p p o in t e d B y

E le c t r o p la te F i r m

Hanson-Van Wlnkle-Munnlng Co. M atawan, has announced the ap- polntment of Henry B. Koehler a f m anager b t e lsc tric tl sales, ' '

P rior to joining H-VW-M, Mr. K oehltr was with the Public Ser­vice Electric and Gas Co. for eight years, ie rv in g a s a pow er'rep re- teh tatlv* in tha com pany’! New Jersey territory . During this: peri- W3 h e 'primarily was concerned

' . with selling power to industrial Installations, 'l ie has been with H-VW-M since November lM ft

M r. Koehlor, and family live at 25 Berkeley P I , Cranford. They a re M em bers o f the Cranford D rln H Ciub. M r, Koehler Is a g raduate of Rutgers University

* '“ He- Is en '-ac tiv e m em ber- of -tho ; .A m erican E lectroplsters’ Society,< • A m erican Institu te of E lectrical En-

glneera, aitd hv Is Chairm an of the E lectroplating R ectifier Section of

. ' t h e 1 N ational,■ E loctrical Manufnc furera. A ssoclltion.

B a p t i s m

TN I|»p>|iin of D onna Renee ^ C a (a tt^ d a il lg li te » -« f .M r^ a n d Mrs,

J«|T19» CituJJA t a rtons St., Union B ea th , t t f k p lace Ai O rtc * Metho-

: d ls t C hurch w ith 'th e R ev, Leun . Z{nMer, - ^ t |o r , i o ffic iating on F eb .

nf,119ff, G odparent* W ere M r. e n d M rt,''^W Jley '> Io4 l» ,S ou th Amboy.

- fa r /* f ld -^ f r# ,C a tu lIo a lso a r e the jtarthb/of tw o tout; .R o y and f io m tn le ^ A fle r (he ae rv lces ai- sp a ­

' itti ^ o i ie r w a i s e rv e d ii t t h e

On Monday there will be inter­mediate choir rehearsal at 7:30 p.m.

On Shrove Tuesday there will b.1 a pan cake supper from 5.to 7 p.m. under the auspices of ti e Young Churchmen.

Ash Wednesday there will be Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m.; song eucharlst, 9 a.m .; evening prayer and penetentlal olflce, 8 p.m.; A.A.s meeting, 9 p.m.

Congregational Cburcb Central Ave., Union Beach Rev. Leon Zlnkler, Pastor

Sunday School Is held s t 9:30 a m. under the supervision ol Mrs. Edna Wagner with classes for oil sgcs.

On Saturday at 10 a.m . the youth choir will rehearse.

Wednesday a t 7:30 p.m. there will be senior choir rehearsal.

Thursday a t 7 p.m. there will be a monthly meeting of the Congre­gational Guild.

Bayvlew P resbyterian Church Cllffwood Beach

- Rev. F rancis Osterstock .Saturday at 10 a.m . the com­

municant's clasa for young people will m eet in the church classroom^

On Sunday a t 9:10 a,m . the re win be church school w ith classes for w in e ry through junior high. A t U s.m . there w llL be morning wor­ship ,wlth special m usic by the junior and -ytiuth choirs and the pasto r’s sermon, "T rue Value.” At 3 p .m : tho pasto r w ill m eet with adults who wish to 'p re p a re f o r ' church membership.

Monday a t 6:43 p.m . the Junior HI Fellowship m eets and the B ibb Study group meets In the church classroom a t7 :3 0 p.m . . . . . . .

Ash Wednesday, th e -firs t' day'-'of Lent, there will be a lenten wor­sh ip p repara to ry service for com­munion on Sunday, Mar.* t . -

AJH.E. Zion Church M ataw aa -

A fried chlckcn d inner wIII Tie given a t the home of M rs. M artha Suydsm , 30 Atlantic Ave., M ata­w an, on Saturday from 11,' noon, sponsored by M rs. Dodson for Ihe benefit of the W omen's Home and Foreign M issionary Society o f-3 ie annual conference.

Laurence H arbor : Community Church

Rev. D r, William E . W ebster,• P asto r :

, The serm on at, th e ’Sunday n tnr i- log « o r s h l^ t tr t t lC » ll t , l l r9 0 li* 4 * - wlll be “ Living on th e M argins of ife .’L S u u jju . School will be con- Uet&ktt >:43 a .m .

Cnee Methedlst Charch (fa ta l Beach -

Rev. Leon Zlnkler, P asto r Saturday at K a.m . the youth

choir will rehearse. A t 11 a.m . there will be 8th and 9th grade confirmation c last and a t 12, noon, 7th grade.

Sunday Church School will be held a t > a.m . for fourth through sixth grades; 1:30 a .m ., seventh through 12th grades; U a.m ., two- year-olds to third grade. The m orning - service will be held at II a.m . when the theme of the sermon will be ‘T h e Excellence Of Christian Love." Sacram ent of Bap­tism will be adm inistered and re­ception of new members. Youth Fellowship will be held a t 1:90 p.m.

F irs t Baptist ChurchM ala and W. TU rd Sts.

K eypert Rev. M aurice W. Phillips,

PastorThere will be a cottage prayer

meeting 8 p.m. tonight at the home ol Mrs. L. M. Hulse, 2M F irs t St. Keyport.

A cottage prayer meeting will be held tomorrow night at 8 p.m. at the hom e of Mrs. Edna Craw­ford, 157 Broad St., Keyport.1 Saturday the Young People will attend the Junior High State Con­vention at Paterson.

Sunday there will be deacons’ p rayer meeting at 9:15 a.m .; Sun­day School, 9:30 a.m .; morning worship service, 10:45 a.m . whuii a nursery la available. Youth Fel­lowship groups will meet at 0 p.m. and evening worship service, 7:30 p.m . ,

O uM pijday th e Six C ircles of the W om ans Association M il m eet at

p.m . '>Thera Wlil .b e chapel .ehplr re ­

hearsal a t 6:30 p.m .; Wednesday, also midweek service, 7:J0 p.m. and sanctuary choir rehearsa l, 1:30 p.m .

Jehovah’a WitnessesK eyport Congregation

Kingdom Hall, U Division St.The M ataw an Service Center will

m eet a t the~home of J . Gondt^y.‘ Atlantic St., M atawan, tonight at 8:19 p.m. to study the Bible sld book, "Y our W ill,Be D one.pn Earth ." * ..

The Keansburg Service Center will meet tomorrow night a t $ : |9 p.m. a t the home of A. Painter, Middle Rd., North C enterv ille ..

A. Laguna will m eet with tyKh service canters. Pre-study"groups will be conducted a t both service centers a t 7 p.m. ~

On Saturday Mr. Laguna, Cir­cuit servant lo r Circuit 4, will ad­dress the m em bers of the congre­gation at 8 p.m.

Sunday a t 3 p.m. M r. Laguna will give a public talk on "Walking Wisely ln A Wicked World.

Tuesday at 8 p.m . Bible ttlldy groups will be held a t the home of F. Anderson, 331 Wilson Avt>„ M stawan, M r. Palm er, Centerville, W. Waite, 8 Monmouth Ave., P ort Monmouth and Kingdom Hall, Key­p o rt

F irst M ethodist Church147 M ain SL, M atawaa

Rev. F rank E . Sweeten, P asto r Junior Fellowship will meet to­

morrow night at 7 p.m.Saturday at 7:30 p.m . there will

be .a .Senior M ethodist Youth Fel­lowship 'R ally In the Red Bank Methodist Church.

On Sunday worship services are conducted a t 8:45 a.m . and 11 a.m . There will be m usic by the chapol and senior choirs. Music a t the 8:45 service will bo provided oy John Valler. A t the 11 a.m .- se r­vice a supervised nursery i t p ro ­vided and junior church la con­ducted for children under ten yeara old. The church school a t t:49 a.m . is d irected by Howard A, Henderson, superintendent. -

Monday a t 8:30 p.m . there will be a , dem onstration ol llquld etn-

sored by the Laytonlan Club.Church league • bowling will be

held 7 p.m . and t p.m . Tuesday.Jun io r choir, teh earta l .will , be

held 'W ednesday a t 2:49 p.m . and jn„ the evening there will be prayer m eeting and Bible study a t 7:15 p.m , and M ethodist's M en's Club,8 p.m .

F irs t Baptist Church232 M ain SL, M ataw aa

R ev. L a w re n c e A B alley,____P as to r .

Morning worship services will be held a t 10 a .m . i and 11 a.m . on Sunday. Sunday church school Is held a t 9:45 a .m . with classes for each age group.

The Junior High Baptist Youth fellow sh ip m eets a t 7 p.m, Sunday.

The mid-week service of p ray er and Bible study ip held .tonight « t 7:30 p.m . . -

The Faith Reformed C t u t k North Centerville F ire H eaas,

Middle Rd., R arltay TeweahlyRev. Theodore C. Muller, P asto r Sunday School will be held a t

9:30 a.m . at the Middle Rd. School. .The’ Sunday morning worship ser­vice will be 11 a .m ., the serm on ‘‘Gogr and M agog," from the mtr- m oa series on the Bible, the world situation and the space age.

A nursery ia held a t th e hom e of Mr. and M rs. Charles G race, I Bromley Dr.

This evening the Guild for Chris­tian Service w ill m eet a t the fire house a t I p.m . The p rogram will be "N yaban of the Upper Nile,” a film strip pf the Reform ed Church mission work In Sudan. Hostesses will be M rs, Lym an P arks, M rs. G eorge M arshall and Mrs. F red M yers.

Tomorrow night the re will be confirmation clasa I a t 7:30 p.m. a t the hom* o f Thom as Serterides

On Monday there will b e con­firm ation class 2 a t 7 p.m . a t tne parsonsge; choir, rehearsa l, 8. p.m. at the home of M rs, L. P ark s , 19 Chestnut Dr. .

SL Beaedict'a C h u n k H sin d e l Bdieel

Helmdel R d., Helmdel Rev. Edw ard P . ' Blajska, P aato r Masses a r* held Sunday a t 7 , 1,

t. 10 and 11 a J n . and a t 12 o’clock noon. ,

Confessions ar* h e a rd ' ln the parish home Saturdays betw een .7 and t p.m.

Union Beach F ull Gespel Ckurck H I P ark Am., U bIm Beach Rev. S«th William*. P as to r

Sunday service* a r* held at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p .m .; Sunday School, with c h i s e t fo r all. age* meets a t 9:30 a.m . Yotjn* people's meeting Is held a t t:30 p .m . P n t£ er meeting Is a t 7:J0 p.m . . . i

Mid-week' a e r v I c e s a r* h e ^ Thursday at 7:30 p.m . . ■*;

David’s Tabernacle CUffwood

Elder Jam es M oss, P asto r Sunday School Is a t 10 a .m .j

morning worship, I I a .m . .On Wednesday evenings the ta rry

service Is at 8 p.m . .P rayer service la held F riday

nights at 8 p .m , -

St. John’s M ethodist Church South M ain S t.,

R aritan TownshipRev. Norman R. Riley, P asto r Sunday worship service* a re at

8 a .m ., >:30 a.m . and 11 a.m . Church school m eets a t 0:30 and 1 1 » .m . ■‘The ,eyenlng .service U neld a t 7:30 o'clock, Intei'medllfE^I m w r fo r th e sixth, seventh snd elghth grades i t ta 'tS p.m .;' Sehlor'M ethod- is t Youth Fellowship, 7:30 p.m .; Post High School M .Y.F., 7:30 p.m.

Pentecostal Church Union and Sidney Ave.,

Valeo Beach M rs, H erbert O. Wood, P asto r

Worship services a re held Sun* day a t 11 a.m . and 7:49 p.m. Sun day School It a t 9: 45 a.m.

Bible study group meets Tuesday a t 7: 43 p.m . '

Thursday p rayer meeting is held a t 7:45 p.m.

M ag Of Kings Lutheran Church Bayvlew School

Leonardvllie Rd., Middletown Rev, C. Roger Burkins, Pastor. Sunday School is held a t 9:30

a.m . and church services at 10:45 a .m . .

Pentecost Full Gespel Church Church of the Living God 197 Main SL, Keansburg

Sunday School is from 3 to 4 p.m .; 'evening service at 7:30 p.m.

P ray er meeting is held Tuesday a t 8 p.m. and Bible Class on Thursday at 8 p m.

Saturday school tor children Is h e ld 'fn n tr ltno -11 :30 a.m.

Emmanuel Assemblies Of God Middle Rd., North Centerville

Rev. Timothy Adams, Pastor Sunday School is a t 9:45 a.m .;

morning worship. 11 o’clock; Evan­gelistic service, 7 p.m. The first Sunday of each month, there Is i Communion service at 11 a.m.

Tuesday evening, young peoples' service i t a t 7:30 p.m.

Thursday evening, Bible study and prayer service Is a t 7:45 o'clock.

Browntown Community Church Browntown Union Sunday School

Routs 18, Browntown Rev. Francis Cantel. Pastor

Sunday School jfchel d . t o m 9:45 to 10:45 a.m . a n ^ f l t t jM R h serv ­ice from 11 a .m ^ m B B W o ’cIock, Everyone Is cordially Invited tit a t­tend.

F irs t Spiritual Church Ol Divine Res*

271 Main Belford R ev .P h o eb e D ailey,-Pastor

• S e rv lc e s a re -h e ld -S u c d a y -a t^ * p.m, and T u e s d a y -s t -M O a n d 8 p.m. “

Fourth ML P ltcalra Spiritual Church

2*8 Short Rd-, Union BeachRev. Katherine M ilter, P astor

Services s re held on Sunday and Thursday evenings a t 8 o’clock ahd on F riday afternoons a t 2 p.m.

G tth tem an* Lutheran Church Maple PL, K eypert -

Rev. Frederick Boos, P a s to r— There a re two services on Sun­

day: Matins a t 8:30 a.m . and the regular service s t H o'clock. Sun­day School begins a t 9:45 a.m.

SL Joseph’s Church M aple PL, Keyport

® ' f 'a S L -mornlng a t 7, 8, ►, 10, 11 andt‘Q o'clock, :

F irs t P resbyteriaa Church Route U and F raak lle SL,

M atawaaRev. Chester A Galloway,

P asto r“ Discovering God's D irection F or

Life” will be the pasto r 's serm on topic a t the 10 a.m . m orning wor­ship. The Sacram ent o f Baptism will be adm inistered. Nu: -ry ca re i t provided for children under three years ot sge whose parents desire to attend church. Sunday School m eets a t 10 a .m . Senior High m eets a t 7 -p.m. on Sunday evening. A program on the Chris­tian Science religion is being plan­ned.

Boy Scout Troop 73 m eets on 'Monday evening a t 7:30 p.m . The Women's Bible Class m eets a t If. a m . on Tuesday morning. T.ie E«- ecutive Board of the M en’s Club meets on Wednesday evening a t 8 p.m . ■

On Friday evening th e Junior High m eets at 7:30 p .m . for prx>7 gram and canteen activities. World Day of P rayer, sponsored by the women of the churches in tbe com munity, will be. observed on F ri­day, M ar. 4, a t 2 p m . In Trinity Episcopal Church, Main S t., M ata­wan. ‘

A square dance sponsored by J ie Couple’s Club will b* held on Satui day, M a r . 'I , a t l : 3 t p.m . In F el­lowship Hall. Ticket* m ay M pur­chased from m em bert of t h eCouple’s Club.

. • '. » •• - •C h u c k Of O ur Savieur

W M , U .■ ' d ( M I | l l |k | .R ev, H enry A M ale, R ector

Rev. C larence A. Lam belet, Vicar Sunday services a re . a t t:30 a .m

H ie first, th ird and fifth Sundays, the re Is Holy Communion, and the second and tourtn Sundays, morn- log p rayer. Church school m eets a t 9:30 a.m .

Special services w ill b e held a s announced. '

T he W omen's Guild p ieets the f l r t t Tuesday of each m onth 'In the church ball a t t p.m . t b e P aren t- T eachert Association of the church school m ee tt the final T uesday of each month a t 8 p.m . -

Trinity Church (Episcopal)M ain SL, M atawan

Carroll B. Hall, sem inarian In charge

Sunday Services will be held a t 8 a.m . and 10 a.m .

Church School will be a t 9:45 «.m . ■■ . r.' O niA i^i|W edne*day,- Hety Com- 'pniittbn m u be a t ( a .m . and 7:30 "d.m. • > i. ‘ ■

MargaavU* Mathedist Church M*rgaaviOe

Rev. F red H. Bowen. P asto r Church service* a re held on Sun­

day a t t a.m . and Sunday School meets a t 1< a.m .

Cllffwoed Cemmunity■ M ethodist Church

Rev. Lee Cotter, P astor Sunday m orning service will lie

a t 9 a.m .; Sunday School, 10 a.m . M.Y.F. will be in the evening at 7 :30 'p.m.

On Tuesday there will be junior choir rehearsal a t 7 p.m.

Secead Baptist Church . O rchard St., M atawaa

Rev. W. J . Hutcheson, P asto r On Saturday there will be a

chicken dinner a t the church s ta rt­ing a t 12; noon, sponsored by Rich­a rd H arris jr. and M rs. G ertrude Klah. .

Sunday a t 11 a.m . there v ill be morning worship service. There will be a guest m inister and Young Peoples D ay will be ob­served. A t 3:30 p.m . Miss Corrine Wood, Cllffwood, sa gospel singer, will p resent a song service.

On M ar. 5 there will be a chicken barbecue and steal( dinner- ut Seventh St., M atawan. The dinner la a benefit for the king snd queen contest, sponsored by LeRoy Sasa.

K eyport Referm ed ChurchW a n ts St., K eypert

Rev. Roderick N. DeYoung,. P asto r

Chapel choir reh ea rta l will be held tonight a t 7 p.m . and sanc­tuary choir rehearsa l a t t p.m .

Confirmation claas will m e e t Saturday a t I a.m . ia the church bouse end a t 10 ^.m ." there will be cherub choir r e h e a r s a l .

Sunday Schools under the supers •vision ol R obert Wilkenloh, is t:30 a.m .; nursery lo r pre-school chil­dren, 10:30 a J n . and morning wor- ahlp, 10:49 a .m . ''

Monday a t 8 p.m . there will be a budget hearing a t Trinity R e­formed Church, Plainfield. Mem­bers of the church ar* invited to attend and hear the benevolent budget for 1981 of the Reformed Church in America.

There will be a consistory m eet­ing on Wednesday a t 8 p.m.

C o n g r e g a t io n H a s

S p e c ia l V is i t o r '

A. Laguna, special representative of the W atchtower Bible And T ract Society for C entral New Jersey , is visiting the K eyport Congregation of Jehovah’t Witnesses this -week. H it purpose It to help the mem­b er! of the congregstion in the ir ministry.

A fter vlsltlog th e service centers, M r. Laguna will give a public talk Sunday, a t 3 p .m . on "Walking Wisely In a Wicked W orld." He wlU M ^ tY y ln i" a T “WJ'Ti6iWe 'o f A V . P alm er, N orth Centerville, i

M is s io n S p e a k e r *


M r. and M rs. Leonard G. Bolton, m issionaries for m ore than }5 years to the Burma-China-Tibetan Border, P akiatan and Form osa, will be guest speakers a t the Em m anuel A t * e n b l y “trf God Church, Middle R d , Norii Center­ville tonight a t7 :M p m ., the Rev, Timothy Adam s, p t s t o r , an­nounced. * . • •

Tbe B o lto u Win ttU io a ie of the ir experiences and o f the prog­ress of missions In these countries. They i r e under appointment of th» Foreign M issions D epartm ent ol the Assemblies of God, with head­quarte r! in Springfield, M o ,:

M r. Bolton w e t born In England, served In the Royal Air. Force, during World W ar I, en tered the mission field and tailed for China In Sept. 1924. Mra. Bolton had then been In China for m ore than five y e a n working among the Ltau Tribe In Southwest China.

F or years M r. and M rt. Bolton worked am ong the tribes of tiie Interior m outtln a re a t of the Burma-Chlna-Tlbetan Border. Dur­ing World W ar II the Boltons worked along the fam out Burma Road, ln 1940 they went b y road across China front Shanghai to the Burm a border. -For a while they worked am ong the lepers I t the leper colonies around Kunming. In 1953 the Boltont went to East P ak istan . They w ere stationed in Chittagong w here they opened an evangelistic center, M r, Bolton also served a t business agent for the Assemblies of God mission- eries In E ast Pakistan and dis­tributed food and clothing to flood victims.

The Boltons moved to Rangoon, the port city ol Burma w here M r. Bolton again served as business agent In addition to supervising the Assemblies of God work in Un­area . They also opened -an evan­gelistic cen ter ln .th is g rea t city. The Boltons spent three months in Form osa. P lans have been made W r~lhtM * tO 'te W m 'T h e re -a t - the conclusion of their-fUrlough.

B ir th s

Mr. and M n . Robert Lakes, 1U> 1, M organv ijier^re the paren ts of a son boro in F itkio Hospital.

Z a lkkMr. and M rs. Vioceot Z alid t, 14

Woody T e rr., W est Kea nsbu rg , a r t the parents of a son born M onday, Feb. 22, I960, a t R iverview Hos­pital;

- GuastaMMT ' ' *M r. and M rs. Charles G uentner,

421 M ain St., K eansburg, s r e Ihe parenta of a daughter born .M on­day, Feb. 22, 1960, a t Riverview Hospital.

M r. and M rs. Stanley M iller, 11 W aackaack Ave., K eansburg, a re tbe paren ts of a aon born Monday, Feb. 22, ISM, a t 'R iv e rv ie w Hos­pitaL

Walsh. :M r. aa d MnL jo te p h Walsh,

C raig-SL , H srlet, a n th e parenta of a daughter bo ra M onday, Feb. 22, 19t0, a t Riverview HospitaL

M r. and M rs. W afreo Roggeman, 1* Parkview D r., H atle t, a re the parenta of a daughter born Sun­day, Feb, 21, 1M0, a t Riverview HospitaL '

W ills FiledV itale Pasqulala

V itale Pasquinio, Union Beach, who d ied J a n . 24 left his personal property and life right in rea l prop­e rty to h is wife, M rs. Helen (La- vich) Paaquinlo, who la executrix w ith a stepson, W alter Lavlch.

F.tweod V aaPelt E l wood V anPelt, M a r l b o r o

Township, who died Dec. 18 be­queathed h it esta te to his wife, M rt. E liztbeth V anPelt who w u nam ed executrix.

The Trenton Battle M onument made of Hallowelt gran ite rises 190 feet in the a ir just north ol the business cen ter of Trenton. Steps w ere taken to erec t the monumc.it a t early as 1843, but It took more than 50 yea rs to becom e a reality.


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Thumfay, February 25, 1940 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Pcpg* ThrM

Frank Downey, Matawan* Dies

F ran k P. Downey, 61, of S Wil- Km A ve* M ataw an, died F riday. Feb . 19, 1960, a t hid * home.

M r. Downey had lived in Mata- w an 19 years. He w as bom and w as • form er resident of Newark. H e retired 17 years ago from the N ew ark D epartm ent o f Public Af­fairs, w here he. had been a me- cb anic . He w as a m em ber ot the Elks Lodge, Red Bank. .

Surviving a re his wile, M rs. Florence (P rice ) Downey; seven au is, Lawrence A., Laurence H ar­bor; John F ., Rochester, N. Y_- Jan ies R ., M etudw n; Robert N„ SayreviUe; F rank D ., Newark; M arshall W ., Keansburg, and E d ­w ard £ . , M ataw an; three daugh­te rs , Mra. G ertruda Buebrm an, Metuchen; M rs. Betty Jan e Van- kowskl, K eansburg, and M iss Ruth Downey, a t home, and 17 grand­children. •

fu n e ra l services w ere he |d Mon­day afternoon a tv_l:30. p.m . in the Bedle F uneral Home, M atawan, w ith the Rev. F rank E . Sweeten, pastor of the F irs t M ethodist Church, officiating. In terim t was in Oid Brick Cem etery, M arlboro.

Special services w ere conducted by the Red Bank Elks Lodge on Sunday evening. ~

Antonia CaraccioloAntonio Caracciolo, 82, of Arling­

ton Ave., CliffWbod, died Monday, Feb. 21, 1960, a t his home. M r. Caracciolo was 'jom In Italy a n i had lived tn Cliffwood (or the past, 50 years. He was a baker, but had re tired in 1942.

Surviving are his wife, C oncetti (D ePietro) Caracciolo; four sons, Rocco, M atawan; Thom as, John and F rank, all of Cliffwood; three daughters, M rs. Glen Hunter, Elk- ton, Md.; M rs. Dominick Briscese, M atawan, and M rs. George Nelson, Cliffwood, and nine grandchildren.

Funeral services will be conduct­ed tomorrow morning a t 1:30 a.m . from the Day Funeral Home, Key­port. Al 9 a.m . a solemn high m ass ov requiem will be offered a t S t Joseph 's Church. Intermerit will be in St. Joseph 's Cemetery.

Miss Catherine J . TanseyMiss Catherine J . JTansey, 90, ol

143 Church St., Keyport) died on Monday, Feb. 22, 1960, a t her home.

Miss Tansey was born in Keypoi I and lived In the borough "most of her life. She was s form er school teacher In Nejjfark. She was a m em ber of the Rosary and Altar Society, St. Joseph 's Church.

Surviving' a re four nephews and (our nieces.

Funeral services, a rc being, con­ducted this monUng a t-9 rJ0 stm . from the D ay Funeral Home, Key­p o r t and a t 9 a:m . high m ass of requiem .is being offered by the Rev. Cornelius J . Kane, pastor, at St. Joseph's Church. Burial will be In the church cem etery.

M artin Cogan• M artin Cogan, 60, died Mom Feb. 22, I960, -at the House of ' Shepherd. Wlckatunk. Mr. Cogjn w as born in M atawan and lived in the M atawan a rea all his life. He was the son of the late John and Ann (Trem bel) Cogan.

Mr. Cogan was a veteran of World War 2.

Surviving are a brother. John Cogan, M atawan, and a sister. Mrs. Harold Kroschwlti, Trenton.

Funeral services a re being held this afternoon a t 1 p.m . a t the Day Funeral Home, Keyport.

Mrs. E verett DeckerMrs. Gladys Decker, 51, wife of

E verett Decker, Main St., Sag H arbor L. I., died Tuesday m orn­ing, Feb. 23, 1960. a t her home. M rs. Decker was a form er resident of Keyport and had lived in Sag H arbor for nine years.

Besides h e r ' husband, M rs. D ecker is survived by her m other, M rs. Florence Tierney, Keansburg. and two brothers, Thomas Tierney* Keansburg. and Roy Tierney, C ran­ford-

Funeral services will be con­ducted at the Yardley and Wil­liam s Funeral Home, Sag H arbor, tonight s t 8 p.m . and tomorrow afternoon there will be services a t the Bedle F uneral Home, Keyport.

Charles FeaslerCharles Fessler, 88, of Route 9.

Cheesequake died Thursday, Feb . 18. 1960 at South Amboy *»emorisl Hospital.

Surviving are a daughter, M rs. K athryn Cressm an. Cheesequake, and two granddaughters.

Funeral services w ere held Tues­day morning a t 11 a jn . a t the Kurzawa F uneral Hotrie. South Amboy. The Rev. H enry A. Male, rec to r of SU M ary’s Episcopal Church, K eyport, officiated. Inter* m e a t waa ia F lushing Cem etery, Flushing, L . I. _______

Couple W ed A l Fo rt Monm outh


Miss Carol K am iew skl, daughter 0 / M r. and M rs. W alter Ksm iew - ski, 19 G arden PI., Cliffwood, be­cam e the bride of Pfc Jam es Mc- G aha. son of M rs. Leland J . Phares, Albuquerque, N. M. and the la te Jam es M cGaha, Saturday afternoon, Feb. 20, I960, a t 2:30 p.m . Col, J . A. Wilson, chaplain, perform ed the double ring ce re­mony In Chapel One a t F ort Moo* mouth while ihe church organist played traditional wedding music.

Given in m arriage by her father, th e bride wore a cocktail-length gown of lace over satin designed w tth a round neckline, long sleeves and a satin bow in the back with long stream ers. Her wsist-length veil of French illusion fel! from a crown of pearls and she ca r­ried a colonial bouquet of white carnations.

Miss Kathleen Karniewskl, Clitf- wood, was her s is ter 's maid of honor. She wore ft cocktail-length gown of mint green chiffon styled with a boat neckline, short sleeves and an accordion-pleated skirt, 'le r crown was made of m inlgreer se­quins and she ca rried an old fa­

shioned bouquet of yellow carna­tions.

The bridesm aid w n Miss Judith Bright. CUffwood, who wore the sam e sty le gown and head.'iece ss the honor attendant in yellow and ca rried t n old fashioned bouquet of m intgreen csm atkm s.

Pfc. Vernon Shilling w as the best man and ushering w ere Pvt. M arvin P erry and Pvt. Thomas Lynch, all of Fort Monmouth.

After s reception at the Cliffwood Inn, the couple left on a wedding trip . F o r traveling, the bride wore a light blue silk suit wtth black hat and accessories and s corsage o l white carnations.

For her daughter’s wedding, M rs. Kamiewskl selected a blue silk d resi with m atching h at and accessories snd a corsage of whits carnations.

The bride attended M atawan High School. The bridegroom grad­uated f r o m Albuquerque High School and was employed by the Sandia Transm ission Co.. A lbuquer quo before enlisting in the Ll. S. Army. He Is stationed at Fort Monmouth and has served two ol his three-year enlistment.

Parents Welcome New A rrivals

M r. and M rs. John Costello, (2 Southwood Dr., Old Bridge, a re the parents of a daughter, born In Perth Amboy Hospital.

M artinA son was bom in P erth Amboy

Hospital to Mr. and M rs. Voyle M artin, 64 Bethany Rd., H a rle t

LarkinMr. and Mrs. John Larkin, IS

West Jack St., Hazlet, a re the pa­rents of s son, born Tuesday, Feb. 16. 1960, in Rlvervlew Hospital.

CloenanA son was born in Rlvervitw

Hospital on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. T im othy Cloonan. 5J Fleetwood Dr., H ailey

Bllottl .M r. and Mrs. John Bllottl, 1 West

Susan S t, H ailet, are the parents of a daughter, bom Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1960, In Rlvervlew Hos­pital.

' S temMr. and Mrs. Bernard Stem , 605

South Laurel Ave., Hazlet, are the parents o t a son, born in Rlvervlew Hospital, Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1960. 1960.

GUbreathA daughter was born to M r. and

M rs. Lawrence G ilbreath, 33 Little St., M atawan, in M onmouth M edic­al C en te r , ' Wednesday, Feb. 17. 1960. '

' ' • McB t* ■ 'M r. and M n . Jam es McBee, 103

P a rk Ave., West K eansburg, tre the parents of a daughter J x u n Thursday, Feb. IS. I960, In Mon­mouth Medical Center. -

Form al.....W ear To Hire

W . S . W A L L A C E O10TBINO •

m u * i w r m U h n

W . t o * M - l i m n

A daughter was horn to M r. aad M rs. William P . DeBonia, 4 HUI SL. H ailet, on F riday , Feb . I t , I960, in Rlvervlew Hospital.

A sod w as born lo M r. a a d M rs. Clyde Sanders, S l) F lo rence Ave., Keyport, Thursday, F eb . IS,. U N , la Rlvervlew Hospital.

Second L t RoU ad U. FredetHe a n d ~ M r s . F redette , MlefcvtOe T ra ile r P ark , W est K eansburg. a n tb e parents ol a son b o ra Thors- day , F eb . IS, 1960, la P atterson A rm y Hospital.

A son w as born lo M r. a a d M rs. R aym ood Bucks. M arstna A m , K eansburg. oa S aturday, F eb . J t, IMP. io Monmouth M edical Cen­te r . ............ ' '

im u & m -S tu d io sM HUN n


. r " " ' - ........... ■— - lr- . . yaaSallsbnrjr -­

M r. and M rs. C harles VanSslls- bury. 23 Locust Dr., Keyport. are the parents of a son bom Friday, Feb. 19, 1960, in Monmouth Medi­cal Center.

WashingtonM r. and Mra. Samuel Washing-

ten, Old Bridge Rd., Old Bridge, a re thrf paren ts of a son bom Satu-- day, F eb . 20, I960, in Monmouth Medical Center.

WilburA daughter was born to Mr. and

Mrs. Philetus Wilbur, 62 Monroe St.. Keyport. in Perth Amboy Gen­eral Hospital.

DeDomlntckA son w as bom to M r. and Mr*.

Michael DeDomlntck, 12 Plersoll Rd., Old Bridge, tn P erth Amboy General Hospital.

W kkbergMr. and M rs. Norman Wickberg,

53 F ierro Ave., M atawan, a re the parenta of a son born tn Perth Amboy G eneral Hospital.

LewisA daughter was born to M r. and

M rs, Phillip Lewis, RD 1, Old Bridge ( t St. P e te r 'i G eneral Hos­pital, New Brunswick.

LeedyTwin ions were bom to M r. and

M rs. R obert Leedy. I B ryant Lane, O ld Bridge in St. P e te r 's Hospital, New Brunswick.

MastersonA ion w u born to M r. and Mra.

William M asterson, RFD 1, Old Bridge s t St. P ete r 's Hospital, New Brunswick. . -

- ■ BleakovsUMr. and Mrs. Bernard Bienkow-

ski, 21 Lover Main SL, Matawan, are the parents or a son born tn South Amboy Meinorial Hospital.

M m l n aMr. and Mn. Harold Merrison,

14) Sixth St.. West Keansburg, are tbe parents of a son born la South Amboy Memorial Hospital.

’ " IfetaMW lfctA daughter waa bora lo Hr. and

Mn; Alexander- Mttusewskl, 40 Vest Prospect Are., Keyport, la South Anboy-Meaqtlal-Hnipfl*!...

VasktyMr. and Mrs. Harold Vashey, SI

Cambridge Av«., Uata Beach, an th* parenta of t son bon Tuesday, Feb. at, m at Moomoath Medi­cal Center.

Mr. and Mr*. Maned Nieves, IU Vest Front St, Keyport, are the ftm U tf * ' HirUm SitUrday, Feb.» . 1W, at Monmouth Medi­cal Center.' ” . ’/

M r. and M n . P a trick Kuane, y o rn ln g s ld e A ve., K eansburg, a re th e paren ts o f a aoa born M ooday, F ab . I I , U N , 'H o *pftaL

Mrs. Jacob Olsen, Resident 20 Years

M rs. Laura Olsen, 75, of 71 E ast F ron t St., Keyport. widow o l Jacob Olien. died Sunday, F ib . 21, I960, a t Richmond M em orial Hospi’.s l, S tatea Island.

M rs. Olsen w as born tn Norway and had lived in Keyport for 20 years.

Surviving a re two daughters, Mrs. G ertrude Haaseth, Michigan; M rs. E sther Carlsen, Norway; three sons. Olav Olsen, w ith whom she resided in K eyport; Randolf and Bjarne, both of Staten Island; two sisters, M rs. Bertha Nielsen, Brooklyn; M rs. Jacobcns Hurst. Staten Island; two brothers, Carl Jensen, Brooklyn, Leif Jen ien , N or­w ay, and 12 grandchildren.

Funeral services were held yes-‘ terday afternoon a t 1 p jn . a t the McCallum and Rice F unerai Home, G reat Kills, S. 1. In term ent w as in Ocean v iew Cem etery. S. I.

Mrs. Johfl ArthurM rs. E lisabeth M . A rthur, 40, o t

293 Broad St., M atawan. d ied la st Thursday, Feb. 18, I960, a t St. V incent's Hospital, M ontclair. •

Bob) in Paw tucket, R . I ., M n . A rthur was the daughter o f John B um s and M arya C. (Tom ey) B um s, Lincoln, R . 1. She had re ­sided 14 M atawan for the p u t y ea r and form erly lived in Kearny,

Surviving besides her parents aro her husband, John, two sons, John R. and Michael D. and two daughters, Kathleen and M trllyn, all a t home; two brothers, MaJ. Edw ard J . Bums, U. S, Army, Germany, and R ichard M. Bum s, Central Falls, R. I. and a sister, M rs. Kenneth Sullivan, Lincoln, R. I.

Funeral services w ere held Mon day a t 8; 90 a.m . a t the Day Funeral Home, Keyport. Al S a jn . a high m a ts of requiem was of­fered by the Rev. Cornelius J. Kane, pasto r, .in St. Joseph1, Church. Burial was In St. Joseph’s Cem etery.

R ichard Tier R ichard T ier, *ix-year-o!d son of

Charles R. and Ann (Vena) Tier, 410 O rchard Ave., Laurence Har­bor, died Friday, Feb. 19. 1960, al M emorial Hospital. N. Y.

R ichard was born in Cam p Kil­mer.

Surviving besides his parents are a brother, Charles R. jr . and a sister, Robin, both at home; his m aternal grandparents, Mr. a n d Mrs. Thom as Vena, Cliffwood, and paternal grandparents. Mr snd Mrs. G ilbert Tier, Laurer.ce Har­bor.

F uneral services were held Tuss- d a y , morning, i* t <9i 30. * .m ., a t th t , D ay F unera l Home, K eypofK At 10 a.m , « m ass of the angels w as of­fered by the Rev. W alter S lattery, pastor, a t St. Lawrence's Church. Laurence Harbor. Interm ent Was in St. Joseph 's Cem etery, Keyport

Raymond Seabrook Raymond Seabrook, WaBhlngtun

Conn., died Thursday, Feb. 18, isso following an operation. Mr. Sea brook was the son of the late H arry H artahom e and May (N a­son) Seabrook. H e w as the grand sou of o n e of K eyport's early fam ilies, Henry Hendrickson anu Therese (Walling) Seabrook.

He Is survived by his sister, Mi - Alice (Seabrook) King, a niece. Mrs. Kathleen (King) Whyte, an.i three nephews, Kent, Lowell und Timothy, an adopted son and srv era! cousins.

Ths late M rs. John G. Schonck and Mrs. William L. Conover were his aunts.

John E . Scully John E. Scully, 44, of 137 Mu.n

St., M atawan, died Friday. F id 19, I960, a t Monmouth Medical Center.

Mr. Scully w u bom In South Amboy, son of the late Edwin and Ellen (Sullivan) Scully. He had Uved tn M atawan for the past (1-n years.

Surviving are his wife. Mr- M s.-garet (Leary) Scully, s douv.h- te r, Nancy and four sons. John. Nell, Edw |n and Leo, all at homr. two bro thers, T h o m a s Scully SayreviUe; Leo Scully, Keyport. tw o s ls te n , M rs. Orlando Dev. W estfield, sn d Mra. Robert P r e ­ton, Keyport.

Funeral services w ere held Tuei day a t S’. JO f m . from thr Day F uneral Home, Keyport. At 9 a m. a high m ass of requiem was ni- fered by the Rev. Cornelius J Kane, p u to r . a t St. Joseph's Church. In term ent was in the church cem etery.

M rs. Reinka L. JanssenM n . Lillian M. Janssen , S2, died

F riday , Feb. l t , I960, a t her home on . Spring Lawn Ave., Matawan. A lifelong resident of Matawan. M rs. Janssen w as s member of (be P in t B aptist Church.

Surviving a re he r b u s t> a n d. Retake L. J sn ssen ; a daughter. M n . Stephen T rojak, Bellmawr. a son, R etake A. Janssen , M atawan; th re e g ra n d c h ild re n ; five sisters, M n . a inton S. Woolley. Rahway; M n . Charles Croydon, Ocean port; M rs. H arvey Johnson, English- town; M n . C harles U Holmes, M organville, and M n . H a r r , y Lam berson, M ataw aa; and two b ro thers, F ran k L . R atcliffs and H arry R atcliff*,, both of Morgan- vUle.

F uneral servige* w ere held Tues­day a f t e m o o r i t 1 : » p.m . In the Bedle F unera l Home, M atawan, w ith th e R ev. Law rence R. Bailey, pasto r of the F irs t Baptist Church, officiating. In term ent w as in Oid Tcflneat Cem etery. .

This wadi, wfjy doot rou loot thrtoik tha wtedowi of r “ 9 i dnnai, . . from the balds, ,

Engagements Funeral Serviceskegan-V acctts ■

M r. and M rs. Joseph VeccWo, 330 Maple PI., Keyport, announce the engagement of their daughter,

O ra kaatty F uneral services w e n heM Satur­

day m orning a t 11 *.m. ia the Bedle Funeral Home for Ora Beatty, 35, of 11 V . Front St.. Key­port. who died Wednesday,' Feb . IT, 1960, In R ivervisw Hoapltai. The Rev. H enry K. Male, recto r of St. M ary’s Episcopal Church, of. M a te d and burial w u in Short* land M em orial C ardens, H islet.

Mr. Beatty was born in Newtoa. He was the son of M rs. M artha (Van Gordon) Beatty, Newton, <tnd the la te O rs Beatty sr.

Ha was a m em ber of Caeaarea Lodge, F A /U K ... K eyport, and a veteran w orld W ar II. .Mr. Beatty had Uved In Keypott tur four year*.

Surviving besides Ms m other are his wife, M n . Helen (K em per) Beatty, a (laughter. Linda Ann, a t home; four brothers, G erald, Leon­ard and Harold, all o t Newton, and Louli, F a ir Lawn.

W alter CUalaF uneral services w ere held F r i­

day morning a t 8:30 a.m . from the Muaka Funeral Chapel, Perth Am­boy, for W alter Ciesla, 39, o f H ] Penn St., P erth Amboy, who died

Feb. I I , I960, a t his home. Requieta h igh m ass celebrated a t 9 a.m , in S t Stephen's Church, P erth Am­boy, and Interm ent w as in St. Ger­tru d e 's Cem etery, Colonl*. ,

A lifelong, resident of P erth Am­boy, M r. Ciesla was a communi­can t o f St. Stephen's Church. He w u the son of Mra. Ju lia Cieala, P erth Amboy, and the la ta Joseph. CleaU. «

Besides hi* m other he ta sur­vived by tw o s ls te n , M rs. Andrew Hcgedui, Sewaren, and M n . P e te r Leff, K eansburg, and a b ro th tr , Jo- aeph, P erth Amboy. ,


Frances Anne, to Eugene Jam es Regan, son of Mr. snd M rs. John Regan. 2 Spring St.. Keyport.

Miss Vecchlo Is a graduate of Sl M ary's High School. South Am­boy Class of 1997, and Is employed by the Marlboro Slate Hospital, Mnrlboru

Her fiance, a graduate of Key. port High School, Class Of 1994. served three years In ths U. S. A r m y two-and-s-half years In Germany He presently Is em ­ployed by P Ballantine It Sons, Newaik

Budd-TansUMr and Mrs Anthony Tanskl,

15 Oak St . Keyport, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lil­lian Mae, to Donald Lee Budd,


son ol M r. snd M rs. Charles Stueke, SI F irs t S t., K eypott.

W V » V ab 4 W 61 Bt.Mary'i Hl&.Sdtofll,She is em ployed by the MetropoK. tan Life Insurance Co., Perth Am­boy.

Mr. Budd attended Keyport High School. He Is employed by the R srltan Copper Works, Porth Am­boy.

No date has been set for the wed­ding •

Folscher-LambersonMr. and Mrs. W aller Lambersnn,

RD 1, Englishtnwn, announce the engagement of their daughter, Diane, to William Folscher. son o'


MISS DIANE LAMBERSONMr. snd Mr*. Raymond Price, 201 F irs t St., K qyport

Miss Lamberson, a form er resi­dent of K eyport. wns graduolrd from Freehold Regional H i g h School, Class of 1939 She Is em ­ployed as a secretary by the N.J G asoline R etailers Association.

Mr. Folscher, a graduate f Kny port High SdwoL.C |ass of 1959. wan em ployed by A m erican F o o d Stores. He Is serving In the U S Navy aboard the U.S.!. Forrest Slwrman, DD 931.

No dal* has been set for the wedding.

' Fathers* sas-DotyMr. and Mn, Albert Doty, 313

Carr A**., Keansburg, announce Use engagement of their daughter, Patricia Aaa, to John J. Peihsr ston, son of Mr. snd Mrs. John ) Fathewton, Fourth St., West Keansburg.

Mis* Doty, a graduate of Morris Hills Regional High School, Is em­ployed as « secretary at tha Mon mouth County Nitlonal Bank la UtU* Silver.

Mr, FafbtmCoa attesdsd Keyport High gchoot a»d la employed by General Motor* la Uadett.

Harris »■ capraaa—Mrr and Mn, S m R Capraun, 29 Myrtle Ave., Keanaburf, an­nounce the engagement ol their daughter, Geraldine, to Mel via J. Harrison |r„ mu ol Melvin I, Harriaoo sr., <22 'Plnshunt Dr., CUffwood, aad Mr*. Marti Jordan,m a o r St., Huuu*.

No dgf* bplpMa atTtor (I*

’ - i • i n


HAZLET~ n «\

6?;Pag* Four

. . - V I '. I * '" '" ‘< X W" ” - ' ?T H E M A T A W A N J O U R N A L , N .

Thursday, February 25, 1960

tftlp JHatafem ,3m m ral- BST&BUIBBD 1M»

TllfTfcTTT COttU « 4 M « J. M iB tL BBOWM, P D B U U B t

* &j BBQ•v v v Thuraday at Keyport, Moaunovth County, M. J. U)WN PUBiSnUNO AJTD FIUNTKNQ COifPAiiY _

J* If tW1 Brown, t d l t e — OtraldlM V. Brows. to o d iW MHar

O m T<T hrw l

•abacrtpttoo Bates Fa/able to Advance “ 1 within U t t ) . . .

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Sm Tear "outalde atataY, One Ymut (outatda 0 . L ) .’ T h a M a ta w a n J o u rn a l la a n e w sp a p e r “oi tb a peopl* , b r <*>• P*°P}*i a a d Kor th a oaoola.** Xta Aim U lo a a rv a tb a b o at tnuwreate o f M a ta w a a i jm w id n lty t to p reS en t a n o f th a oaw a o l tb a w eek w ithou t M e* « t a a e ia a o , aana . o o n a a rv a ttv a m a n n e r. re sp e c tin g tb * tn a Hana me r lg b tc e f a o r ^ “ " t . a o o th e re b y i»>»fcing rU clf w o rth y o I to d x confidence .

BaapoaalbUlty lor typographical arrora la HmHert to tba •papa occupied by auch arm .

aoat ef tho

■ i f l s r t r - w s wmatter al tba aoat ottee at Matawaa, M. J -

878. ____________


Heart SundayH e I9 6 0 H e a r t F u n d D riv e reach es it* d lm a x n e x t

S u n d a y vyhen H e a r t S u n d a y v o lu n te e rs w ill c a ll a t th e ho i tea o f tfaelr n e ig h b o rs in co m m u n itie s th ro u g h o u t th e s ta te to s ta r t r in g in g d o w n tb e c u r ta in o n th ia y e a r 's fu n d ra is in g c am p a ig n o f th e N e w J e r s e y H e a r t A ssocia tion .

T h is h o u se -to -h o u se so lic ita tion a n d th e g e n e ro u s re ­sp o n se o n th e p a r t oi N ew J e r s e y c itiz en s sh o u ld m ak e th is one o f th e g re a te s t d r iv e s e v e r co n d u c ted b y y o u r H e a r t A ssocia tion .

T h e fu n d s co llected on th is h ig h lig h t day of the H e a r t F u n d D riv e w ill e x p an d a n d b o ls te r th o se w h ich h a v e b een ra ised d u rin g th e p reced in g w eek s of th e m on th -long cam ­p aign . O n H e a r t S u n d a y those w ho as y e t h a d n o t h a d tim e to g e t In th is fig h t ag a in s t h e a r t d isease w ill h av e th e o p p o r tu n i ty to jo in in th e b a ttle ag a in s t th is N u m b e r O ne K ille r . T h e y w ill w elcom e th e c h an ce on beh alf of th e m ­selves a n d th e ir loved ones.

U n d e r N ew J e r s e y H e a r t an d A m erican H e a r t A sso ­c ia tio n g ra n ts w ith in th e n e x t few y e a rs th e a n sw ers m ay be p ro v id e d fo r n ew a n d s till m o re su ccessfu l m e thods of p re v e n tin g o r t re a tin g h e a r t d isease a n d s tro k es.

So th is S u n d ay , w hen y o u r H e a r t S u n d a y v o lu n te e r rin g s y o u r bell, w e u rg e y o u to g iv e g e n ero u sly from th e h e a r t fo r th e h e a r t

Other Nawspapers Express Tlwir Views

The Right To KnowIn a re c e n t speech , P re s id e n t E lse n h o w e r sa id th a t an

In fo rm ed p u b lic is th i* c o u n try 's g re a te s t s tre n g th . In h is p rec ise w ords, U n d e rs tan d in g in th e U n ite d S la te s o f the Issues w e face Is a b so lu te ly e sse n tia l to o u r w ell be ing ."

F e w w ill oppose th a t v iew . O n ly a w e ll-in fo rm ed p u b lic , w ith fre e access to a ll r e le v a n t opin ions, c an reach an in ­te llig en t decision on a n y issue . B u t It is in te re s tin g to re a d th e P re s id e n t 's re m a rk s In v ie w of ru lin g s m ad e som e tim e ago by th e In te rn a l R ev e n u e S e rv ice an d th e F e d e ra l P o w e r C om m ission .

T h e se ru lin g s h e ld th a t c e r ta in a d v e r tis in g p laced b y e lec tr lo u t i l i ty co m p an ies Is n o t a leg itim a te b u s in e ss ex p en se , a n d h e n ce Is n o t d e d u c tib le fo r In c o m e -ta x p u rp o ses. T h e ad v e r tis in g in q u e stio n p re s e n te d th e In d u s try ’* side o f th e p u b lic -v s -p riv tte p o w e r is su e , w h ich f t , a n d long has b^qn, a m a jo r n a tio n a l issue . ’’ 1 ’ ’ ' '

W h at Is a t s tak e in th is is n o t on ly a n in d u s try 's r ig h t to p re s e n t i ts v iew s qn a life -an d -d ea th m a tte r w ith o u t p e n a lty , b u t th e r ig h t of th e p u b lic to b e in fo rm ed . If th e ad v o ca te s o f p r iv a te p o w e r d e v e lo p m en t a re to be m uzzled , th e a d v o ca te s o f lo c la liz a r - - - - - - -eas ie r.

Btlon wUl fin d th e going in fin ite ly

N ight R a d a g Aod Freehold(Freehold T ranscrip t)

Governor M eynei bax Inaugu ra ted a study o l. p lans to increasf annual s ta te receip ts f r .m h o ite racing, by s constitutional am end­ment to make night racing legal. He also is said to be studying tbe possibility of extending by a s irnxb as 20 days, the racing program s os tbe flat tracks and the one h a r­ness tra ck at Freehold, and to ex­tend dally cards tram eight to nine races. Racing circles figure tha t (8 ,000,000 could be added to the State coffers by extending the rac­ing s q u o n , snd another I I ,J 00,000 from t h s extended dally card. There also Is ta lk of another h a r­ness tra ck in N orth Je rsey and ~>w flat track nea r Secaucus in HuJson County. These propositions w ere advanced “a s a m ean* of ■protecting' the S tate 's gam bling revenues (24 million dollars in 1999) from rising com petition in New York and the th rea t o f pari mutuel harness racing In Penn­sylvania.”

Shades of the old time m oralists who m ade horse race betting un­constitutional m ore than seventy years ago. after track abuses stunk to the high heaven! Now th ’ states ar* in competition for the gam bling race dollar! On the other hand It piously assum es that it 's a crim e to gam ble otherwise—In any qwy In which the state doe* not profit

As for night racing in Freehold, that seem s 10 us to be the limit Even to extend the season, o r to lengthen the dally ca rd seem s un­necessary. We have the utm ost sympathy for those who live near the track and are subjected to noise aa d heavy traffic dally during, the present 50-day season. Their lives would be Intolerable If the season was extended and the tro tte rs w eie perm itted to go under the lights.

T h o se w h o h a v e th e p o w e r of decision in th e IR S an d th e F P C . w o u ld do w e ll to re a d , p o n d er a n d follow the w o rd s o f th is n a tio n ’s ch ief ex ecu tiv e .

, $till The Best Policy"A. l e t te r p u b lis h e d b y th e B e t te r B u sin ess B u re au h a s

‘ [ t o a ay a b o u t th e p u b lic in d ig n a tio n th a t follow edth e re v e la tio n s o f rig g e d te lev is io n q u iz show s, w ith ao- com p an y in g d e m an d s fo r m o re in v estig a tio n s of ad v ertis in g , m o re c rack -d o w n s an d , m o re g o v e rn m e n t regu la tions .

" T h e w ho le sh am e fu l m ess Is a d ra m a tic illu s tra tio n of th e in e v ita b le r e s u lt w h en b u sin ess fa lls to re g u la te itse lf,” s ay s th e le tte r . T h e p o in t is th a t if b u sin ess fa ils to po lice Itself, som ebody e lse , p ro b a b ly g o v e rn m en t, w ill d o th e policing.

I h e B u re a u 's p u b lic a tio n adds th a t th e s itu a tio n am o u n ts to “a c h allenge to ev e ry fie ld of b usiness to c lean ho u se , to th e re ta i le r w ho uses fic titio u s co m p a ra tiv e p rices, to th e s to c k sa le sm a n w h o m isrep re sen ts , e i th e r by w h a t h e Says o r b y th e in fo rm a tio n h e w ith h o ld s , to th e au to m o b ile d e a le r w h o lies a b o u t th e c o n d itio n a t th e u s e d c a rs h e Is selling , to th e T V se rv ice m an w h o ch arg es fo r u n n e ce ssa ry p a r ts a n d serv ice , to th e . . . W e cou ld r u n th e w hole g a m u t o f b u s in ess . E v e ry b u s in ess a n d 'p ro fe s s io n a l fie ld n e e d s contlnU dus self-scru tin y , so th a t b a d p rac tic es c an be e lim i n a te d b e fo re th e y c au se p u b lic scan d a l.” .

I f f re e , p r iv a te e n te rp r is e Is to live , i t m u s t h a v e e th ics t h a t m e e t th e p u b llo co n cep t o f w h a t is . r ig h t, d ece n t an d h o n e s t I f i t fa ils to e s ta b lish a n d m a in ta in su ch e th ics, It w ill b e a sk in g fo r p u n itiv e t r e a tm e n t '

“ R ight To Know” Bills (Red Bank Register)

It |s gratifying to see tha t the state Assembly thia week passed, 94 to 0, two "R ight to Know" bills. And it delights us that one of the co-sponsors of the m easures w a s M onmouth's able assem blym an, Al­fred N. Be id les ton.

As a new spaper which has fought long and hard to get public bodies to keep' the ir door* open and shew their records to the publib, the th o bills wUl be of g rea t assistance1, ‘Tholbeasurfes, which w ere d raft­

ed with the help of the New J e r ­sey P ress Association, now go to the s ta te Senate, where we hope they will receive the sam e af­firm ative treatm ent.

Assem blyman Besdleston 1s right when he says the bills “a re very much In the American tradition ."

We m aintain tha t the very es­sence of good governm ent Is. hav­ing a well Informed pubilo—one which can make up its mind after completely weighing all the issues.

One of the bills would provide all m eetings of governm ent agen­cies, convened to take official ac­tion, be open to tha publlo.

The o ther would open *:i records of any governm ent agency' to pub­lic Inspection.

A strong blow has been dea lt to those officials who seek to hide their ac tivities from the public.


LookinjirBackwardI t e m A b a * N k s A a i 1 U a n » • t a w I* T t a U * | A re

Fifty Y e a n A go '(Issue Thursday, Feb. 24, 1910) What will m ost likely be knqwn

aa M atawan Lodge, F. k A. M., of D istrict 13, s ta rted off under favorable auspices last F r l l i y night when G rand M aster J . C lar­ence Conover g ave the constituent m e m b .n a dispensation to organ­ise and continue In operttioh lultil the G rand Lodge m eeta In AptU, Then I t is expected a ch a rte r Will be gran ted and for he third J im s M atawan will have a M ftfhjlc Lodge, „ . . j , . ! ,

M ayor Eggleston has gone sw ay for a few day* rest. Last Week be suffered an a ttack of scu tp |u T, digestion and w as confined to .the bed several days and his p h y s ljlsn urged a vacation a s soon as he w u able to take IL Like a good soldier he Is ca rry ing ou‘ orders and hopes to be m uch benefited by the trip . 1

In the Baptist Church Sunday morning tw enty persons w ere im ­m ersed in the pool by P asto r Bowe~.

There will be an old fashioned donation supper a t .the home, ol I t r* . Cora Bodlne, .U w ^etiyakfe bV Tuesday evening, Ma«J> 1st, m tho .beoeflt o f .Cheesequake M. E. Church. A grand good supper Will be served and an opportunity gU en for a lolly good tim e. This ce!o- b rs ted ■ upper will cost the big folks 35 cents and the children 20 cents. If s to rn y the f l " ' fair night.

G esrge M. H arris , la te of Geron k '.arris, has rented the store now occupied by W. H. Dlggin and about April 1 will op ... It with n stock of hardw are, farm ers’ and pain ters ' supplies.

Alfred G. Poole, who bought the Goodheart farm over a year ago, rem oved to his p lace a lew weeks ago from the Col. Hendrtcksun farm In Holmdel Township and h o his work for the coming yearp retty well laid o u t He has bean busy getting things In shape *) Kilt him and by l ie time theground Is' f it to work, Mr. PooleWin be ready to work It. ' 1

Senator Case

Reports T o You

From Washington

Developments of Interest to the people of New Jersey flowed from a recent meeting of our Congres­sional delegation and the F ederal G overnm ent's c I v j 11 s n aviation head, Elwood Quesada. T he sub­ject: T he New Je rsey airport con­troversy.

A tm e meeting, agreem ent was reached on an Im portant point which could lead to the location of a 'J e t a irpo rt a t a site other than th ; one In M orris County selected hy the P o rt of New Y oik Authority.

Oen. Quesada agreed to recon­sider a request by Burlington of­ficials for a m ajor survey of a proposed site In tha t county. In so doing Gen. Q uestda agreed he jK O uld-httve.:.to.iQ Ok-J0.yearalnlo the future of aviation In our area In o rd er to arrive a t a sensible conclusion. >

Could Provp Far-Reaching This Is a ll to the good.’ I t Is, In

fact, essential to working o u t a solution to the Jetport controversy In New Jersey . B ut Gen. Q uesada’s agreem ent could prove to be even m ore far-reaching In Its approach. I t could open the way to a .b ra ss - tacks study of the airpo rt require­m ents of the Jet age everyw here In the United States.

We plan new airports today on a plece-m eal and often haphazard

•R B IT 'T rm H n ff lH fe t to W tw w r-* flclent unallocated airspace over a

site, tha t’s w here planners figure to put a new airport, often regard* less of conditions prevailing to sur­rounding communities. .

Gen. Quesada agreed th a t new technological advances in being and on the ^drawing board could change the airw ays picture, m ak­ing present a lrsp ac j allocations outmoded. T hat's why our frank discussion of these new technical developments w as, to my mind, oo Important, I t m ay be useful tu state a t this point some of the back­ground of thls dlspute which' has tom the people of New Jersey u have few others In my memory.

Continuing new spaper headlines attest to th s deep concern whl'jh io»ny-thousands in-M orris andTid- joining counties feel, and which ( share, about the profound changes such a project would bring to them , a s Individuals, and to ths orderly development of this Isrge section1 of our state,

Many o f nfy colleagues In tho House and Senste and I have been searching for alternatives whlct^. make sense from the standpoint' of location and servlce-abllity, safe-' ty and public acceptance. Perhaps these alternatives w ill not m eet Im testa for an a irp o rt designed fo r the Jet age. B ut It would b e very wrong for us to fall to .n ik e every P H a t n r u r i t t m n n u y u r m io determ ine the fact*. I

Princely and Jack Rabbit Shirts a re 50 centi a t R. F . Schock, Main St., Matawan, according an ad­vertisem ent ii this issue.

Thirty Years Ago(Issue Friday, Feb. 21, 1930)

The tenth anniial report of the Liberal Building k Loan Associa­tion presented by Form an it. Thompson, F inancial S ecretary of the Association, a t Its annual m ee’.- Ing, Monday night, a t the otlize of the Secretary, shows the Asso i- atlon to have progressed contin­uously i ach yea r and that the past yea r's report was the best ever presented to the Association. ~ \ i ' Association has a record of an jt- creased cum ber ot shares eacn yea r since Its organisation and C-.M a Ing that tim e it has never ios* a dollar.

The week-end storm which end­ed in a layer of ice under m e snow w as the cause of s num ber of unavoidable accidents In w '- '-h no serious dam age w done.

One of the new a ll stee l. Indi­vidual leather upholstered seat busses recently purchased by he Rollo T ran sit Corporation h as been

jtj4t'.'ljif,,*ervlee' o a ,<be Preehold-* S l B s S ’Wrf."1 T K e f n ta l s gU st m odern In design and is beautifully decorated and m ost corttforta'jle to rid e in. O ther busses of the sam e'V ind are expected withU !ie next few weeks and will be placed In serv ice on the com pany 's llnej. ' An honor window, which will por­tra y tb e “ Old Rugged Cross,” will be dedicated a t the Sunday m orn­ing serv ice - f the F irs t B spbst Chr.rcH oh M arch 2.

A special class cail.-d the Un­graded Class has been organized to the M ataw an School. T he tem ­p o rary enrollm ent Is tw elve pupils taken from the third, fourth and fifth grades.

Y esterday and to-day have been s t sum m er heat w ith the tem pera­tu re a t M and over. This Is quite a difference from the tem pera tu re o f S u n d sy ' and M onday m orning when the th en p o m ete r reg istered four degrees belbw ze ro s t s num ­b e r o f places In town. M ost of tlie week-end snow has disap­peared . -

Sophie Tucker, T he Queen of Syncopation, Is s ta rring In "H onky Tonk” a t the Rivoll T heatre . M ata­wan, bMilght and to-m orrow. '

- Tw enty Y ears Ago (Issue Thursday , F eb . 22, IMO)In M ataw an Boro snd Township

th e re h u been a n inc rease In the «u(nber of sca rle t fever, c u e s re- 'p f t te d to health officials. Since Sunday tw o new cases,' h ave been lis te d ta 'M a ta w a n BorO and four Ja M ataw an Tow nship. T hree cases tire a lto reported in Laurence H ar­bor, ’ .-. ::i v ’ U '

T h e M arlboro Township .1910 jfodget, calling for a tax ra te of |1.S7 p e r (1000 of assessed valu­ation l ^ s than la s t y ea r, w ill com e up fo r public hearing and final passage next T hursday . The budget fixes tbe estim ated ta x ra te a t # 4 .U p e r $1000 for 1940 u com ­pared w ith >46.42 in 1939.

John Givens, id, a senior In M at- (continued bottom next colum n)

• r » ~

H arm less Mold*T here 's no . need to pan ic when

you find mold on your houseplant pots o r soil.

T h a t’* the reassuring w ord from a Rutgers p lant doctor, Spencer H. Davis, who is well acquainted with the a larm that these green, white or yellow molds can cause. A per­son who knows that- a mold is s fungus often leap* to the conclusion tha t a fungus can m ake plants sick. ' . ,

T he ones you see on pots o r o r fis ts o f young plants can’t harm plants- They grow on organic m at­te r in tbe soil o r container.

In som* potting soils, you find m anure, straw o r leaf mold, which helps tb e -g row th , of. these nan- harm ful fungi a s well a s tbe plants.

G row .O a O rganic M atter ■Dr. Davis ssy* som e folks use

ground c o rn , 'p e a t moss Or o ther plant 'm aterial as m ulch In seed­beds o r cold fram es. T hese, too, support mold grow th.

So ju s t b e casual abou t the moldy su rface o f your flow er pots or fla ts. Mold Indicates th a t you have organic m a tte r in the soil, and. tha t’s good.

You can even tell your friends that you’re dabbling in m icro­biology, Sources of penicillin and streptom ycin w ere found in molds, you know.

The la tte r d rug w ss discovered at R utgers A gricultural Experi­m ent Station in a soli m o ld that m aybe d idn 't look too different from yours. ’

R em em ber I 'm willing to g e t sn sw ers to your garden questions. Just send s £ard to G arden R e­porter. College o f A griculture, R u t­g e rs U niversity, Wev. B nin jw ick

Social Security Questions

Q.—is It necessary th a t T com. pletely re tire iq o rder to d raw monthly social security benefits?

A.—Np, you m ay partially retire, You m ay res tric t your earn ings to' $1200 in a y ea r, snd you can get benefit checks for all 12 m onths of the y ea r. If In a y ea r before you reach age 72 you e a m m ore than $1200, the num ber of checks due you for tha t y ea r will depend on the am ount of your earn ings and on how m uch w ork you did la each

a e n e ra I:O M .m ootk’s benefit is hdt payable /o r each . (o r fraction of t io ) of earnings over $1X00 In the year. But, be­ginning In 1959, no m a tte r h o w m uch you ea rn In a year, you can get the monthly paym ent fo r any month In' which you neither earn wages of m ore than 11200 nor ren­der substantial services in self­em ploym ent.'

aw an High School, w as the w inner In the county prelim inaries o f the state-w ide o ra to rica l contest which the A m erican Legion Is sponsoring. The county contest w u held T hurs­day night In Red Bank Senior High School.

D r. and M rs. G erard A. Devlin, M ain St., M ataw an, a re the pa. rent* of a son, born W ednesday morning. Feb. 21, 1940, in Perth Ainboy G eneral Hospital. T h is is the D evlin 's second child, the first being a daughter, Jane.

F ancy Jum bo Shrim p a re 17 cents s pound s t the A cm e Mar. kets this weekend. O ther specials are, s tring beans, fresh frosted, one-pound, two-ounce packkge, 15 cents; tender green spinach, tw o pounds for 15 cents; boneless pot r o u t , 21 cents a pound; la rg e juicy F lorida oranges, 19 cents a dozen; U rge snow w hite heads of cauli­flower, 10 cen ts a head; fresh ground beef, 15 cen ts * pound.

D istric t Clerk R. O .'W alling, uf tbe K eyport B oard of Education, indicated y este rday th s t the sth- le tlc relationship existing between. M atawan and K eyport H igh School might- be sb rogated a s the result of dam age sustslned by a school- bus following F rid sy n igh t's bas­ketball gam es between team s rep­resenting t h e Institutions. H ie gam es w ere held on the M staw an H. S. court and afterw ards the bus which had transported Keyport roo te rs to M ataw an w u pelted with snowballs. Windows In the vehicle w ere broken and th e Ig­nition a n d light Wiring dam aged.

Better Borough SchoolsThis column i . bring printed as a

pubUo airvic. in cooperation withth» ..C onun ltt««-ro r-B «U i. M aU winB a ro u f h Schools, ,

In o rd er for you to "fully u n d e r stand th e financial advan tages of separation for the Borough, a ce r­tain am ount of_baslc cost d s tq is needed If th e o ir re n t m ove for

N um ber o f R esident Pupils Pupils, p ercen tage of total S hare of Taxes sn d Debt,

p e r cent School-iTfexeti (D ollars}— —

separa tlon^ ls successful, we wfll start.dperatlons-D n t.s e p a ra te d ba­sis beginning S eptem ber I960. This Is the reason for the com parative table being for the y e a r 1960-1961. M ost of the data presented w ss based, on, the school budget .as sdopted F eb n is ry 9, 1960. '

BASIC COST DATA FOR 1MS-1N1 '' As A Jo in t D istric t Separated Basis

■ ■' ' ■ '■ ■ Town- . .1 ’ . Borough ship Town-

T otal S hare .S h are Borough ship 2,(50 1,042 1,808 1,042 1,808

- 38.6ft 63.*% ’

S ta ts A id (D ollars) Aid (Doll

(D ollar*)[lars>Building Aid

School D ebt . .D eb t In te rest and P aym ents

(D ollars) , • _ .School T a x R ateT ax Cost pe r pupil (D ollars)

Total C ost p e r pupil (D ollars)

„ 51.5% 0 .5 %688,400 -354,000 - 334,000 279,000 409,000310,000 S3,000 227,00056,000 18,000 38,000

>91,000 511,000 482,000 448,000 545.000



>11 (D ollars) 370

39,800 37,400 J&tt <1X010.76 10.2} (.43 11.58

340 184 267 2M. ; •. ‘ 1 7 2i

, 36$ ■ J7?

T H IS W T H A T . . . P e te W ate rs , c am p a ig n in g to expe­d ite b u s in ess m a tte rs o f th e M a ta w a n T o w n sh ip C o m m ittee m ee tin g s o u g h t to lo o k in o n a M a la w a n B o ro u g h 'C ouncil session som etim e. A v e ra g e sessio n ru n s 30 m in u te s b u t w ith zo n in g o rd in an c es , s e p a ra tio n a rg u m e n ts a n d b u d g e t h ear­in g s th e sessio n s so m etim es ta k e a n h o u r . . . P re p a ra tio n oi a n e w zo n in g o rd in a n c e fo r M a ta w a n T o w n sh ip develop ing in to a ' re a l h o n est- to -g o o d n ess h ass le . J u s t fo r th e record , th o u g h , n e v e r s a w a zo n e p la n th a t d id n ’t . . . A lb e r t Siegel) m a n a g e r o f th e S p eed -W ash la u n d ra m a t in K e y p o r t :s an o ld b u d d y o f J a c k ie G le a so n . . . S ta r te d J a c k ie o ft in these p a r ts in h is C lu b M iam i . . . W in te r m o n th s n o off-season fo r m a n y p a re n ts a n d coup les. T a k e a look a t th e social p ag es of th is n e w sp a p e r a n d a d d u p th e a c tiv itie s un d erw ay , o r b e in g p la n n e d fo r th e n e x t fe w w eek s . W ives, your h u s b a n d can ta k e y o u o u t to a n a ffa ir e v e ry n ig h t th i« w eek. S u p p e rs , socia ls , e n te r ta in m e n t, c o n ce rts a n d sh o w s included . H E R E ’N T H E R E . . . T h a t B ro a d S t. d ra in p ro je c t fo r K ey­p o r t r e a lly w ill be w elcom e. A re a re s id e n ts re c e iv ed a first­h a n d o p p o r tu n i ty to d e te rm in e fo r th e m se lv e s ju s t h o w bad th e d ra in a g e p ro b le m is T h u r s d a y fligh t w h e n th e s to rm hit th e b a y sh o re a re a . P o r tio n s (a s u s u a l) o f. D iv is io n St., E a s t F r o n i a n d F i r s t S t., fo llo w in g th e c o u rs e o f th e n a tu re i flow o f w a te r , w e re in u n d a te d . . . T id es e x tre m e ly h ig h and a t o n e p o in t d u r in g th e s to rm tra ff ic b e tw e e n U n io n ^ e a c h a n d K e y p o r t a lo n g F i r s t S t w as b lo ck e d off. -O n ly w ay to th e b e a c h 'w a s u p to th e h ig h w a y a n d d o w n U n io n A v e . , . . T o u r fo r th e p re s s h e ld y e s te rd a y a t ' t h e n e w M onm outh S h o p p in g C e n te r a t E atoritoW n, F a b u lo u s is th e o n ly de ­sc r ip tio n o f th e v a s t n e w sh o p p in g a re a . G il M cD ougald on h a n d to d a y a t th e A . S . B eck S h o e C orp . s to re a t th e C e n te r G il, b y th e w ay , h a s b e e n in c h a rg e of te e n -a g e fash ions ami tra in in g fo r A . S . B ec k fo r th e p a s t n in e y e a rs . . .

S IG N S O F T H E T IM E S . . . T h e L ak ew o o d B oard »t E d u c a tio n p u lle d a n e w one a n d to ld d is tr ic t v o te rs th a t a l­m ost $70,000 cou ld be c u t f ro m th e b u d g e t. In le tte rs to loca l re s id e n ts p r io r to a second v o te on th e school budget. T u e sd ay , th e b o a rd s a id th e econom ies co u ld be effected if i t c u r ta ile d sp o rts , h a d p u p ils b r in g th e ir o w n pens, pencils, p a p e rs a n d su p p lie s to schoo l w ith th em , re d u c e d tra n s p o rts tlo n costs , e lim in a ted h e a l th se rv ice co sts by requ iring ph y s ica l a n d d e n ta l e x am in a tio n s by th e fam ily 's privait p h y s ic ian s a n d closing d o w n th e school d a ily a t 5 p m e lim in a tin g e x t r a h e a tin g an d m a in te n a n c e costs invo lved in e v en in g p ro g ra m s a t th e school. In o th e r w o rd s th e board p u t i t on th e l in e : If y q tir c h ild re n b rin g th e ir o^ro supplies

ilk f u r th e r to schoo l w h e re e x tr a c u r r ic u la r ac tiv itie s a n m in a ted , pay fo r y o u r o w n d o c to r 's r o d d e n tis t 's c h e c k u p

a n d do w ith o u t th e t a e of th e B chool b u ild in g fo r com m um i) ac tiv itie s w e c an save y o u m oney . . .T H E C U S T O M E R IS A L W A Y S . . . M o to ris ts fo r y e a rs have b e e n show ing , th ro u g h th e ir p u rc h a se s o f sm all E uropedn cars, a d e s ire fo r low -cost tra n s p o rta tio n . B u t n o t u n til ilns y e a r h a v e th e B ig T h re a of D e tro it a u to m a k e rs recogniziV th is t r e n d a n d o ffered th e n ew , “ co m p ac t” F a lco n s, C orvan a n d V a lia n ts . . . I t m ig h t be th o u g h t th a t D e tro it a t la., w o u ld be c o n v in ced th a t th e p u b lic g en u in e ly w an ts smi.K fu n c tio n a l a n d econom ica l c ars . B u t e v id e n tly th e lesson h a s n o t y e t b een le a rn e d . G e n e ra l M o to rs seem s to feel h- C o rv a ir , w ith o n ly 80 h o rse p o w e r, is a t a co m p e titiv e d is­a d v a n ta g e w h en th e F a lc o n h a s 90 h o rse p o w e r a n d thi- V a lia n t o ffers 100. S o G . M. w ill ho p u p its C o rv a ir engine so th e c a r w ill go fa s te r a n d u se m o re g aso line . A nd Foril is a b o u t to p u t o u t a ‘lu x u r y eco n o m y ’ c a r , th e C om et, with r e a r f e n d e r fin s , d u a l h e ad lig h ts a n d s ix in c h e s m o re w heel b a se th a n th e fJalcon.,. H e re w e go again .

N E W B R FiWD O F A C T O R S . . . A n im als , b ird s , ami ev e n fish a re b e com ing im p o r ta n t acce sso rie s to m o tio n pit tu re s th e se day s, tro t tin g , fly ing , o r sw im m in g b e fo re th . cam era s — a s th e ’ c ase m a y be — w ith in c reasin g frequent-) M ak in g th e ir b id s fo r zoological O sca rs a r e th e soph istica l n F re n c h a q u a r iu m d w e lle r of “ G o lden F is h ," th e circuf ch im p an zee of “T oby T y le r ,” a n d th e ro m a n tic p igeon u! “G azeb o .” D ogs, w h o h a v e a lw ay s d o m in a te d th e anim n a c tin g d e p a r tm e n t, a r e p re p a r in g to m e e t th e n e w com p e titio n . T h e e s ta b lish e d can in e s ta r , R ag s , v e te ra n of more th a n 20 film s, w ill be se e n a ro u n d E a s te r- tim e in “ V is it to i S m a ll P la n e t ,” w h ile J a m e s M aso n ’s tw o P e k in e se — In sp ilt o f a n g u ish e d c r ie s of n e p o tism fro m th e H o lly w o o d colony oi k e n n e l th e sp ia n s — h a v e w on ro le s w ith h im in h is nexi p ic tu re , “A T o u c h of L a rc e n y .”

It’s th e

How To File An Income Tax ReturnThere a re now three types of the year, or self-employment las

Individual Income tax re tu rn forms If Income on Form 1040A "available to m ost ta<j>ayers. They under (5,000, th e tax m ay be d<a re Form 1040, 1040A and 1040W, term lned by the taxpayer o r thand m ay be obtained from local. D is tric t D irector, a t taxpayer's o,nIn ternal R evenue1 offices, post of- Hon, from tM tax table set fortr flees, and moot b an k s ., A liens, itfho In th e In ternal Revenue Service da not reside within th e U nited instruction sheet. S ixh tax tabli States, ,bu t receive income from allow s fo r k deduction appraxlmai sources therelA, a re n o t.pe rm itted ing the -Standard Deduction ol li to use any . of these forms. - p e r cent of Adjusted G ross Inconu

F o n n 1040 Is the so ^ a lle d long- a n d deductions for personal exemp form , under which all types o f !rw tlans, as ,.w ell a s exemptions fo eom e'm ay be Itemized and report-'dependents.*. .N o m atte r which n ed , and advantage taken o f all a l-r the three re ta m s Is used, if Incam. low tble deductions, exclusions, ex- Is (5,000 o r m ore , ths tax must bi ertiptlons and credits.-' Any tax -1 conlptited b y ihe taxpayer. If th'payers who a re perm itted to use th e t a x 'Is com puted by the Dlstnc shorter F orm s 1040A and 1040W D irector, he will advise taxpayei m ay use the long F orm 1040. But b y m ail If additional tax Is due not ail taxpayer* who m ay .use the ' I f taxpayer com putes the tax, th' long Form 1040 a re perm itted lo balance o f ta x due. If any, shauli use the sho rte r F orm s I040A and b e enclosed w ith the return. / 1040W, which have been m ad* balance due o f less than (1.00 neu- available generally to those whose not. b e paid. Should taxpayer b. Income Is derived solely from wag- entitled to « refund, such refuni’ es, salaries, Ups, or. o ther sim ilar w ill be m ailed to U m . Refund! com[Knsatlon, a s w ell as dlvl- o f le ss thaS (1.00 wiU n o t be m»dc d e m a n d in terest which dp not tm less se jjsra te sppUCitioa I tm sd iSIg?*!*-'*2®®'-- . C 'f iy . . th e 't a x p a y e r to th e D lstrio

F orm 104QA Is the shortest o f r D irector. - th e th ree form s. I ts physical ap- ; F orm 1040W Is a new form pea ranee resem bles a . tabulating w hich taxpayers jn s y use for li1 ftathini funch-card . In o rd er to f irs t tim e in filing th e ir 19S9 rr m ake use of It, incom e, w hether tu rn s , snd is s im ilar to the lin.: K p a ra te -or c o m b i n e d w ith -two pages of the long Form 1040 spouse’*, m ust be less than (10,000, I t differs froni tbe punch-csrt consist entirely of w ages reported F o rm 1040A in th a t In tbe F onn on withholding statem ent* • (F orm 1040W a w age-earner m a y ItemUi- W-2), o r of such wages and n o t h is deductions ra th e r than claim over (200 o f Income from wages the S tandard Deduction o r comput«

V * no t reported on W -l’s, tb e t a i from th e ta x tab le. He dividends and InteresL Those who m ay also deduct un reim bursed e* claim H ead o f Household o r Sur- penses incurred fo r Tui employer, viving Spouse s ta tu s m ay not use claim aq exclusion ftrr Sick Pay F orm 1040A. In addition. F orm Included l a _w ages shown on I 1040A m ay not be used by those W-2, and ta k e a dividend: received who: (1) item ize deductions o r ( ! ) c red it and cred it for estim ated •** claim cred it for dividends received paym ents. In addition, on F or* o r to r retirem ent Income, o r (3) 1040W there is no lim itation with d s lm exclusion fo r sick pay , o r respect to th e aroooat o f salarTi (4) report Incom e on a fiscal y e a r Wages o r r im ih r compensation

126, use a method o th e r which m ay b e reported , an d sutl21 t w H - T O r a w i s n n 6 r f e j < « im K g ^ i f i - p ^ - U O T - 5 U ^ 5 5 r M s re " 6 « » ,

or (6) pay estim ated ta x daring rhown oa a W-J*

Th unday, February 25,1960 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.

Commander Guest Of VFW Auxiliary

Com m ander C harles Hobby of th e G uadalcanal P ost <745, Veter­ans xd Foreign W a n . M atawan T ow uh lp . w u a~ guest a l the m eetiag o f H it Ladies Auxiliary of the Post held in the Post Home oo Cliffwood Ave., Thursday eve- niug. -

M n . E dith K ern introduced the conjjnander who announced plana lo r the jo io t installation of the Post and Auxiliary officers to be held Apr, 30 ia the post home. He also aaa n un rfd tha t there would be a dinner honoring all the past com m ander! of the post and ait

. the past presidents of the auxiliary Mpy 28. M n . Rita Scarborough w as nam ed chairm an of the In­stallation com mittee for the atudl- U ty by M rs. K em .

Mrs. Dorothy Schar, chairm an, repo tted on Use final arrangem ents (Or th s dinner dance M ar. 12 lor

■the benefit of the post building fund. T icked a re atill available from Mrs.. R u th Williams, ticket chairm an, o r any m em ber of the aux ilia ry .' Deadline for reserva ttona h as beea se t as M ar. S ..

M rs. H enrietta Duhne thanked everyone who had helped with the successful ca rd party held in the post borne for the benefit o t the M atawan Tow nship. H eart Fund. A new m erchandise club la being formed nder the direction o f M n . Dunne.

Special prizes were aw arded to , M rs. M ary Kenney and M n . Scar­

borough, and refreshm ents were served by M n . Julia Slants, M ri, Elizabeth H ubert, M n . Pauline Wright; Mt l . Ethel Sigmund a id M r i Myrtle, DeLuca. Nomination and election of o ffleen will be held a t the* n o t m eeting M ar. ) .

Set Anniversary Dinner Mar. 26

Plans for ao anniversary dinner to be held M ar. 26 a t tbe (Ire house w ere made a t the regu lar meeting of the Cliffwood Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1 Tuesday night.

Arrangements also a re being made lo r a dance to be held in the fire house A pril 23 featuring Smoky Warren. .

F ire calls for the m onth w ere reported; House flres»~3; makeup, 1. C D. drill. I The C D drill was called Feb. 21 with Cllffwood and Oak Shades F ire Cos. participating. Location of destruction was the snack b a r a t Cllffwood Beach. Smoke bombs were used to slrnu* late fire and firem en entered the building u s i n g masks. Fully charged hoses were played on tho roof. W ater was pumped from the creek by both Oak Shades . and Cliffwood. . . . .

A tank tra ile r w as used to supply additional w ater. The tanker was loaned by Anthony Delfonso for use in the drill. F ire police were on duty blocking roads In and out of w hat was designated the de* st ruction area. Also present was the M atawan Township F irst Aid Squad The drill was pronounced a success by the officers of the fire com pan ies and the officials of the Civilian Defense squad.

M o v e s To CliffwoodMiss Florence Quigley, Derry,

North Ireland, Is making her home with Mr. and M n . Albert Petci. 115 Pomona Blvd.. Cliffwood Beacrt. Miss QvJgley will be m ark ed to Albert, W. P e tti jr ., In .November when he returns from a tour ol duty in Naples, Italy with the naval a ir ,force.

25 Y ea rs ServiceFrank E. Rynlec, 18 Chestnut St.,

Old Bridge, completed 23 yea rs of' service with the Parlln P lan t of Hercules Powder Co. In January .

Mr. and M rs. John K app and children, Arlene, Jam es, J o h n . Steven, Lois and P aul, Lakewood w ere Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and M n. G arre tt McKeen.

Mr. and M ra. R obert Bentley entertained a t bridge on Saturday evening when the ir guests w ere Mr. and M n . W alter P ike, M r. and M rs. F . Howard Lloyd Jr. and M r. and M n . Donald MacM illan.

M n . Randolph H arris en tertained tbe Wednesday evening bridge club when the prize winners w ere M rs. Thom as Siddons, Mrs. Charles P ike and M rs. W alter P ike. O ther guests w ere M rs. G arre tt McKeen, M rs. B aynard Smith, M rs. J a c A. Cushman, M rs, Kenneth P ike and M rs. Charles Mandeville.

M n . F rank Wieger and son Chris, Trenton, w ere Sunday dinner guests of M r. and M ra. Edw ard W. Currie.

Mr. and M n . G eorge A. Del Is and M r. and M ra. William Ohnsm aa w ere Saturday evening guests of M r. aad M rs. Jam es Lederm aa, Fords, ..........

Miss M iriam Sample was a guest for several days of M bs Joyce W ard.

M r. and M rs. Howard Friedm an and children, B arry aa d Jeff spent the weekend with M r. a n a M rs. Leon Osview, Philadelphia.

M r. and M n . G eorge C. B arre tt and aoni, Robert and Randolph, and M n . Robert M iller, Red Bank, w<!re dinner guests Sunday o f Mr, and M n . John Greene, Macopin to c e le b n te the birthday of M n. B arre tt's sister, M r s . M arlon Young, Macopin.

P a trick J . Devlin, a student at S t Anselms College, M anchester. N. H. spent the weekend with his parents, Dr. O ersrd Devlin and Mrs. Devlin.

M rs. Joseph B aler entertained the Thursday Afternoon Dessert bridge club. The prize w innen w ere M n . R ichard Erdm ann, M n. Leroy Sickels and M n . WiUlam Craig. O ther guests were M n. Joseph Dernberger, M n . Frank Bliss, M n . P su l Egan, M rs. G erard Devlin and Mrs. E lm ore K attner.

M rs. .F rederick K. D ederlck en­tertained a t dinner and sam ba Tuesday evening. Her guests were Mra. M arguerite Laird, M lu P a­tricia McKeen, M n . W. Oliver Dlggln and M rs. Conrad Joh^nnsen. The birthday ol M n . Laird was celebrated.

M r. and M rs. A rthur Friedm an and Mr. and M n. Philip Felgenson. Keyport, were Wednesday evening guests of M n . Ann M lnti a t “The Willows," Lakewood.

Mr. snd M n . Howsrd Blendlnger, Plainfield, -wwe-' Sunday ■ dinnerAttests* of M r.!fcad M n . R obert Butler. ■ • . " ' >. „':j

P au l B arrett, a student a t Lafay­e tte College, Easton, Pa. spent the weekend with h it parents, Mr. snd Mrs. G eorge B arrett.

Mr. a n d Mrs. Howard Krogh w e r e Saturday evening bridge guests of Dr. Chester Ralph and Mrs. Ralph. Metuchen.

Mr. and Mrs. R ichsrd Bauer have moved from the ir home on Edgemere Dr. to Zanesville, Ohio.

M n . Nicholas Francisco enter­tained at bridge on Thursday eve­ning w h e n th e w innen w ere Mra. William Ohnsman and Mra. R ichard Cermak. O ther gneet* were Mrs. Russell Weber, M n . G eorge A. Deitz, Mra. Joseph Rankl jr ., Mrs. Roy K aiser and M n . Bruce M ac- Cutcheon. ' -• >

fitn . Russell A. G. Stetler,' Mrs. Donald Robinson, M r s, David Bruce and Mrs. E linor* K attner were guests Feb. 16 for luncheon and bridge o f M rs. Howard veale, Sayrevllle. Mra. Bruce held high score.

Mr. and M rs. Charles Lockwood spent M onday at Lake Teedyus- kung, P s .

insure Your Financial Future

O p e n a


T o d a y !

Y o u r f i n a n c i a l f u t u r e s ta r t s th e d a y y o u s t a r t t o s a v e . Y o u a n d y o u a lo n e c h a r t y o u r o w n f i n a n c i a l g o a l . S m a l l a m o u n ts s a v e d r e g u l a r ly a m o u n t u p to a l a r g e s u m a i s o m e f u t u r e d a y . S ta r t y o u r f u t u r e to d a y !


M r. and M n . E dw ard W. Currie w ere guests Saturday evening at a cocktail pa rty given by M r. and M ra. Howard Edw ards, Sea G ilt, a t the M anasquan Golf Club.

M n . G erard Devlin entertained the F riday evening bridge club. The winners w ere M n . F rederick K. D ederick, M n . M arguerite Laird and M rs. F rank Bliss. Other guests w ere Miss P atric ia McKeen, M n . George BartM&eU, M rs. Wil­liam J . Rabel and M rs. W. Oliver Dlggin.

Douglas Krogh, a student at V i r g i n i a Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. spent the weekend with his parents, M r. and M rs. Howard Krogh.

Mr. and Mra. Charles P ike and M r. and M ra. John Ren wick w ere Saturday evening guests fo r bridge o f M r, and M rs. G. J . Sterling Thom pson, Middletown.

M rs. Milton Ounkle entertained a t luncheon aad bridge on Wednes­day. The w in n en a t bridge w ere M rs. Howard K rogh and M n , Rollln Richard*. O ther - guests Were M rs. D uncan Black, M rs. Winston Schaffer, M rs. E verett Carlson, Mra. R obert E rdm ann and M n . Charles Lockwood.

M rs. E . Story Hal lock h u re­turned from V ara Beach, F la. w here she has purchased a home and Mr. and M n . Hal lock plan to m ove about the first of April.

M rs. Charles E. Springhorn en­tertained at bridge Feb. U when the w lru ien w ere the hostess, Mra. Bayard Lamborn and Mra. Frank Blits. O ther guests w ere Mrs. Ralph Bedle, M rs. Leroy Sickels, M n . William R. Craig, Mrs. M arguerite Laird and Mra. Chan- ning Clapp.

M r. and M n . Charles Ralnaud entertained a l dinner on Saturday evening. Their guests w ere Mr. snd M n . Duane Rost, Mr. and M rs. Robert Sprenger, Martinsville, and Mr. snd M n . Ronald Rumsey, Metuchen. .

Mr. and M n . William C. Ludl, Summit, M r. and M n . P ete r A. Read, Middletown, aod M r. and M n . A. E dgar P alm w ere Saturday evening bridge gueats of M r. and M n . Thom as M. Anderson.

Mr. snd M n . Kenneth P ike enter­tained s t bridge on Saturday eve­ning when the ir guests w ere Mr. and M n . Charles M andeville, Mr. and M n . Baynard Smith, M r. and Mrs. Wymsn Bedle, Mr. end Mrs. Thomas Siddons and Mr. and Mra. H erbert Cottrell Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Hazlett were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and M n . Howard Hsviland. Freehold. ***, M r. and M rs. Stevenson J,„£()ier-

' en ttrtaw etf 'iA t Sumtoy after* *i)odit"for the ir son, 3am es. who Was

celebrating his 11th 'birthday. His guests w ere Glenn Pike, Thomas Henderson, DaVld Pike, Steven Tanis, Alan Pike and M ark Enter- llne. la te r they enjoyed bowling.

Dr. William Sample and Mrs. Sample have returned from spend­ing a few days attending the Super­visors Convention a t Atlantic City.

M n . Douglas W ard entertained her bridge club T hursday evening. The w innen w ere M rs. Leon Chrlstlnat, M n . William J . Miller and Mra. August Schmellng, Craw­fords Corner. O ther guests were (4ra. John Kinney, Holmdel, M rs. William Sample. Mra. G eorge Bar­rett snd Mra. W illism Wilkins.

M rs. William Bowie entertained t h e Good Neighbor Club at luncheon on Thursday. H er guests w ere M rs. G eorge Andrews. M rs. Russell Wilson, Mra. F rank Gray, M n . Jam es Benner, M rt. G eorge Wilson and M rs. William C. Noddings.

M n . Stephen C. Thompson has returned Irom s visit of several days with he r niece, M rs. N orm sn Roberts, Red Bank.

M r. and Mra. J a c A Cushman en tertained a t ca rd s Saturday eve­ning when the ir guests w ere Mr. and M rs. G arre tt J . McKeen, Mr. and M n . Randolph H arris and Mr. and M n . Thurm an E . Nealls.

M r. a n d M rt. John Renwlck en tertained a} a supper party F riday evening for th e ir son. Wil­liam , who w as celebrating h is 12th b lrthdsy. His guests w ere Geoffrey Cushman, Charles- K urica, R ichard Rem bert, Ronald Raven, William Hammond, Teddy Bailey and Rich­a rd Renwlck. Following supper they sttended the movie "The Big F isherm en.”

M rs. Channlng Clapp entertained a t dessert bridge on F riday evening when tbe winners w ere Mra. Con- row Wyckoff, M rs. G eorge B arrett and Mra. G eorge R itter. O ther guests w ere M n . John Renwlck, M rs. Lewis J . K ortenhaus. M rs. V ictor F redda and M n . J a c A. Cushman.

M r. and M n . Myrost M. Golden, w ere- ' " 'its' of

E lm ore K attner.

Red Bank, w ere-S baday -cven lflg supper -guests' M r. and M n .

C lo t s OfficerM iss M arianne O’H are . daughter

of M r. and M n . C harles A. O 'H are, 31 Schenck Ave., M ataw an, w as elected freshm an representative to the (Indent cooncil a t The S ta r of th* S ea Academ y, Long Branch. M ils O’H are Is a graduate of SI Jo seph 's G ram m ar School, Key­port, C la u o f 19M.

Sponsor SaleThe Ladies A uxiliary of the M st­

aw an Township Has* and Chemical Co. Mo, 1 w ill sponsor a rum m age sa le on S atu rday from .12, noon, until * p jn . a t the Of* bouse oa Low er M aia S t , M ataw an. , „

Pag* Flva

Rotarians Mark 55 Active Years

R otarians of M atawan today Join­ed with n ea rly -h a lf a m inion of tb e ir fellow Rotarians on aix cootl nents aa they com m em orated the t t th anniversary of tha founding of Rotary. The birthday « f th is world­w ide fellowship of business an d p ro ­fessional executives waa celebrated by the local Rotary d u b a t Its m eeting ln the Rollo P ost House.. In com m enting on the program of Rotary, R ichard P . Gillis, p resi­dent of the R otary Club of M ata w an, said:

"R ota ry activities throughout the world a re baaed on the s a m e gen­eral objectives u those of our own c lub—tbe development ol fellowship ainoag business and professional m en. t h e betterm ent of com muni ties, leading boys and girls into good citizenship, the promotion of high stsndard* in businesses and professions, aad the advancem ent of International understanding, good will and peace.

“The one basic objective of Ro­ta ry ," be continued, “ Is Its ideal of service, which Is to be thought' b l of snd helpful to o thers. T o a t­tain this objective, R o ta ry seeks all tha t which brings people to ­gether and svolda all which sepa­ra tes them . This Is the reason why R otary h u become a world-wide Institution, whose Ideals have been accepted by men differing widely la language, custom s, a n d his­torical backgrounds."

Continuous GrowthIn tracing the growth of Rotary,

Mr. Glllls said:“The first R o ta iy club w u o r­

ganized In Chicago, U. S . A., on Feb. 23, J90S, by P aul P . H arris, a young lawyer, who suggested the idea to a group o l his friends. The name. ‘Rotary1 w as selected b e c a u u r lh e flrtt^m pdtiiigs o f the clubvwere held. In rotation, tn the o K lc t^o f its m em bers. The Rotary ides is of fellowship and serv ice to o th e n soon sp resd from city to city In the U. S. A. aad Canads aad then crossed the oceans to every continent.. “ F or m are than half a century, R o ta iy h u grown In num bers and strength. In 1839, to r example, nearly 400 new Rotary d u b s were organized ln aome 90 countriea, and four regions w ere added lo R otary 's m em bership roster—Brit­ish Guiana In South America. French Polyneala and New Guinea In the Pacific Ocean, and Nepal In Asia.

‘Today, R otary Is a world-wide service organization of nearly 000,­000 business and profesalonsl ex­ecutives who are mem bers of 10,- <08 Rotary clubs In 119 countries on six continents."

Fellowship Program.R eferrtpg tQ , o M o t the proJcct*

In which th e : m ajority o l M w ry , d u b s around the world, a t e p a r ­ticipating. M r. Glllls aaid t h a t tho R otary Foundation F ellow ship pro­gram w u Inaugurated as a me­morial to th6 founder of Rotary. Paul P. H arris. “These Rotary Fel­lowships enable outstanding gradu­ate students to live and study lor one yesr In a country other than their own, u sm bosisdors ol e<h»i will, on g ran ts averaging 12000 " M atawsn R otary Club contributes to this fund, M r. Glllls added

“More than 1300 Rotary Fellow ships hsve been aw arded to itu denis from 69 countries in the paM 13 years for study In 45 countriet,. and Rotary International » nm nn In this field of Internstional und< r standing have amounted to more than $3,300,000. Through this pro­g ram of other-country student fel­lowship*. R otary Is endeavoring n foster bettef Internstional re la tion by Increasing the pen: al contai n which the nstlons of the world have with each otljer "

R otary 's I960 convention will ur h e l d In Miami-Mlam! Ueurh. Florida, U. S. A., May 29 June when thousands of Rotarians from around the world will meet to re- dedlcate them selvea to Rotary * motto of “ Service Above Self."


LOUISEH o w T o A p p ly L ip -S H c k

, w ith•ideally « a ra

i t u r r III

Dry Up* fcctore applrlo*, allow Up*,■tick to ce t a a d U r n blgi .................j ia ltH *1M t ta b lo t),

A p p ly U ptU rk well w flbls tn a r r lip U avm fl ibow lB* p a la line wt»*n •mlfc l a s ; t e f iv e p u a s a a t ra r r> optlae a t ra d e l e p jw r lip. !*»•« » mU*< H m oot!) I i ( o o wW*. 6on'i MU Jfl for* • r r t ; i f n e a i a n*r4> to b« m ad* ran*

" i s r w w s s iM t MtlMt lo u h i n t vl»M « b n u l i a s ae ae ll, m U n i UlUa h a t e r M t l i i l t b u to t t e a d r kaad .

I I i h .B e a a tr D ln u a r . o t l n r t u a F a U Je S e rv ic e k r B a r o r e s . r1 M

I I t u « a a a y B eam *4M9 la aM »e*u i l t p f i t i : A fcw hrfclr » • fc T lia K S t

"LIP-QUICK"n » w o n t 's r i m n o i i -o s u p c o « r

fejr R ic h a rd llo d au tE X C IT IN G L Y NEW ! -

EX C LU SIV ELY YOUI! t ‘« 'U P q u i c r r w o r ld s f l n t r o t t* * Up cotor--4» Um stlaSf » ! t |a a t t o l i m e a s e l O w iU ntt, »kape« a a d co lo f s u p f e l t i n t r , «wcfc* I f , M SI i t . T a k e r - tw p l a t e o f u j n & K u p U* f a a i Up I r i i l ! 'LIP Q U IO ty f l r a t a « * fa rm Up c# le rIa M y r s f i f *

•U P q ilC ft’In S falralOT* s**d+i.

f t ^ a p f t i i j a x ■ B ffm a H * .

t t V. Frat ttnet, Keypert Menu rtwfs»s Wsrl m *a 6 ii r*M ow omt

Supplementing the international aspects of R otary , M r. Gillis brief ly outlined the history o f the R o­tary Club o f M ataw aa which was organized In IMS and which now has 31 members.

M r. Gillis enum erated the pro j­ects of the M atawan R otary Club, ap a rt from tha national and Inter­national projects ia w hich they have concern, u follows:

The club Joins with the M atawan Woman's Club In the annual prize aw ards program s lo r home decora­tions a t C h ris tm u tim e. The club also takes cases from the M atawan Public Health Nursing Association for the supplying of toys, clothing snd C h ris tm u dinners to needy families a t Yuletlde.

The chib h u given assistance privately to worthy public improve- iren t program s sponsored by civic o r school o rg aa lu tk m s in the com­munity. , '

The club h u donated a trophy for ihe high school footbpU team s of Matawan and K eyport to play for and annually gives a dinner to the oenion on the** team s s t which time the firs t s tow ing of M atawsn-Keyport football gam e n ovles occur*.

The club sponsors th a (umM** gam e for 12-year-olds who will play no more in S-U baeeball and divides sny receipts left over from the expense of staging the gam e with the f ln t aid squad. T he play­ers get a memento to m ark t h e termination of their p lay lo 9*12 baseball

M a t a w a n P - T A W i l l

H a v e H e a r t P ro g ra m

The Matawan G ram m ar School Parent-Teacher Association w i l l present at the next monthly m eet­ing, Wednesday night a t I p.m . In the high school auditorium , a heart education program , sponsored by the Monmouth County H eart Associ­ation. Inc. A film, “ A M atter r t Tim e" will be preaented covering the four main aspects of cardlao dlsesses, their prevention, trea t­ment aod cure.

Dr. Myra Zlnke will speak on Ihe ■ubjecl of heart disease In chil­dren. Dr. Zlnke It a m em ber of tha board of trustees of the as­sociation. She alao I* on the medi­

al staff of Riverview Hospital, Monmoulh Medical Center and Je r­sey City M edical Center. A spe­cialist In Internal medicine. Dr. Zinks h u a private practice in M atawan. Tha public Is cordlslly Invited to attend.

M a k e D e a n ' i L i l t

A t R id e r C o lle g e

Rider College Dean o t 8tudents Robert A. McBane has announced thai 0] students have been named tb the college’s dean 's Uat for the

‘WOfiriltiDf - /*'•,4ecord|o£ to tieid'McBtiit, the

four p e r cent b f the total student body. T h o s e attaining this academ ic distinction muat receive grades of A or fi In all itibjecca.

Among the students receiving As and Bs were M iis Ellzhbeth Walling, a member of the freah* mao class, 137 Division St., Key* port, and Kenneth Crlm m lni, a Junior, 147 McKinley Ave., Laur­ence H arbor.

Mrs. Bradach Is Hostess To Board

T he regu lar monthly meeting ol the board of d ire c to n o l the ‘ lata- w an W om an's Club, Inc. w a i held Monday a t the home of Mrs. Frank Bradach. Atlantic Ave., w ith the president, Mrs. Thurm an C. Nealls, presiding. Miss Edith C lerk and M rs. William C. Noddings servod s i co-hostesses.

Mra. A lbert Abell announced that the Judging of the Vogue sewing contest and m iniature rooms con­te st will be held M sr. 30 a t the Asbury P ark W om an's Club. Any m em ber who participated in the local contest o r anyone having m ade a costum e using a Vogue pattern m ay attend. M embera should be at A sbury P a r t by 10 a .m . ■ ' - ^

Th* a n symposium w ill be held M ar. 11 a t New Brunawlck. Mrs, William Lam bert requested meitti b e n to contact her if they had any hats o r foreign headgear to be used lo r an International rela­tions program In May.

G uest night will be held Mar. 14 in the F lrat Baptist C hurch ,a t I p.m.

W om en's Club Day a l Hahne k Co.. N ew ark, will be M sr. 24.

T ix next board m eeting will D« held Monday, M ar. 21, in the Y. M.C.A. building on Broad SI.

Attending the meeting w ere Mra. P ete r A. Read, Middletown, M n . Harold H. Fogg, Mra. Joseph Shel­don, M rs. William Lam bert. Mra. A lbert Abell, M n . David M. Bract-, M n . Allan Morrison, M rs. Johnson C artan, Mra. Robert Butler, Mrs. F r tn k Drogan, M n . C a l v i n P earce , Mra. Donald Robinson, M rt. Elm ore K sttner, Mrs, A. Ed- g s r Palm , M rs. Herbert Routh and M n . Charles Rsinsud.

W a s h in g t o n 's B i r t h d a y

P a r t y F o r V e t e r a n s

A W uhlngton’s Birthday party for veterans w ss held M ondsy al M arlboro S tate Hospital, sponsored by M arlboro Unit, 4t3, A merican Legion Auxiliary. G am es w • r e

. played, gifts of cigarettes and ^ y a n d y w ere given each veteran nd

refreshm ents w ere served.Serving were M ri. Holmes Lam-

bertaon, Mr*. Chester Jam eson, M rs. Joseph LaMura, M n . Mario F rye and Mr*, Charles England, all member* ot Unit 4 (1 A rrange­ment* with the hoapltal w ere n^aJu by Mr*. Hom ar M attason, hoapltal contact chairm an for the depart­m ent, A merican Legion Auxiliary,

Now i* the tim e to advertlt* (hot* unused article* to r Ml*. A •m all ad I* th* c lau lfled column will turn them into cash lor you.

H o lm d e l G r o u p P la n t

P a r t y , F a s h io n S h o w

The athletic com mittee - of th a Holmdel Civic Association held a meeting Monday night a t the Holradel School to m ake plana lo r a ca rd pa rty and fashion show to be held Thursday night, Apr. 21, a t Ye Cottage Inn, K eyport. Faahlona will be shown by tbe Clothes Closet, Holmdel.

Committees In charge of the affair will Include: Mra. F rancla Burke, general chairm an: M rs. John Lander*, tickets: Mra. D avid Csrleon. prizes: Mr*. Russell Laggatula and M rs. J e rry W are«r, publicity; Mra. Lillian Vadez, (p ed a l events; Mr*. John O'Con­nell and M rs, Raymond S p ltu r , fashion show. A uodatK xi m em ­ber* who would like to aasist a re urged to oontact M rs. B urin, I I Crescent Rd.. Hail*t.

Profits from the benefit will be used for the children 's recreation program .

VfW S p o n s o rs SocialA social will be iponsored by ths

Veteran* o t Foreign W a n , P o tt 4740, Cllffwood Beach, Saturday night a t I p.m. tn the V.F.W. poll home, Cllffwood. R lchsrd Pavlik and hi* Blue Boyi will provide the music for dancing.

y iX u y ife i« L s a a J a a f f l f l B M L

The Extra Measure

O f Service

A b a n k 1* Judged no t on ly by it* effic iency an d aound

m an ag em en t, b u t also by th e m a n n e r In w h ich It serve*

It* custom ers.

A rep u ta tio n (o r cord ia l p e rso n al serv ice ha* m ade

m a n y fr ien d s fo r T h e F i r m e rs and M erchan t* N a tiona l B a n k and h a s been an Im portan t fa c to r tn o u r g ro w th .

W e n e v e r re lax In o u r e ffo rt lo d e ie rv * th is rep u ta tio n .

" - ‘ V " s T H B ‘


MatawanOMssi aa* Mosi Mesara Baas u, Moaaeeik Ceeatr - BiuaUias* in * Menkar Peairal I m m Ir a lw - Hsnbar Federal DssmII lamraaia

O o r f o n l l n

Sts The Olmh Shots Chsvy Shoe In color Sundays, NBC-fV—the Pit Boons Chivy Showroom wnklr, ABC-TV,


— Jim If'SlppI*, Cut L i/ t

I f you think tvc'ro enthutlaitlc about Corvalr, leaf through the loading automotlvt, iportt ami $rlenro

magatinet and ice what the ox/terti ara laying. Then, by all meant, drivo one yourtel/.

"Corrslr'i steering Ii so light that st parking ipeeda ll leeli power assisted; It is SO precise aa lo be anoltileljr without play, and ll Is fast enough lo allow complete control or%t e ie r j^ j^ l io n ." _

Sporu Cart l lh u tn u i

In Ilia C o rn lr than lo soo* standard •lie cars. . , ,"

—L. II. Houck, A u tm ttim /Vsu*

'There Is non* of llui iy|>lral »lilne normally associated with m r«ii|;liinl vehicles. Inside llie a r , llie elTerl is quite unlike enylhing we liave ever esperlenred. It,almost *eoms tli«l-there l»-tro -engine;"So fas a s -s to w in g n e i r t h e C o rn lr t r »,aim oat-*onns<w »ier«

a -W * i£ < £ ra m rta sm s li-sn d w illj---- ^ I w f eHeral eBeerirs e ipHefras-to be

"S lec tt like a feather and Ii eitrem elf q u i c k , . This Ii s besutlfully designed automobile, engineered hr real p ros., . , "

— T o n McCohill, Mecnanlx I lL u ln u i

“Most turprlilng llflnj to me outside of : ilie exstllenl handling cfuracterislic* *s*

Ibe fetUag s f roominess inside. . . . I didn't M n the senutlon of driving • -mall car sad ths headroom was greater

maneuvered without shy power sleeting, sitd io essily parked , , , It’s a let seller to unload a cart fu || o f grocerlee into a front trunk at the lupermsrkel than ItIi inm « . . . . <«m " - —

—Ito m u r y French, Popular Scimet

"I want U its te as firmly ai f can that tb* Corvair handles ss beautifully and Is a* safe ss—If Hot **f«r than—any tally car oa tbe roed todar.” .

—Jh* ITMptl*, Cat l i f t

almost uncanny."- J o h n R. B t n l H t t i t Track

"No wrlllen word can lufllw for the

Cnulns ple i l urs llu l you will reeeira hind the wheel e f America's newest

in d most adrtnc*d oontribullon to w u . portsilon ,, , , l l is a m e t car,”

— D a n m a r t , U m r U J i

c o r v a i r


w '' j ' 'i i i |m ' I ' . m i ' j f ' i i i w14M n l t i u is i t II

IOw«M 6*1040B lg i '

" M ' l i *Sht

Knights To Hold Family Breakfast

The annual fam ily communion b reakfast of SL Joseph’s Council Ko. 3402, Knights of Columbus, j : /p o r t , will be held Sunday aft*r the 9 a.m . mass.

The breakfast will be served in St. Joseph’s School Cafeteria under the direction of Charles O’Haro, substitute chairm an f o r Joseph Lackovich, the Catholic Activities Chairman, who is convalescing from a back injury.

The guest speaker will be the . ; Bev. Father Kevin, OSB, P rior oi

St. P au l's Abbey of Our Lady Queen of Peace R etreat House, Newton.- He will be accompanied by the Rev. F athe r Elias, OSB. M other Mary Loretta, superior al the House of Good Shepherd, Wick- stunk, also will be guest speaker oo the topic “Fam ily Life.” Joseph Lang, district deputy, will spe£k briefly.

There^will be a special prize for the r f f rg ts T fam ily in attendance

John Thaler and John Glocken will be the .chefs and the high school girls of the parish will serve. Tickets *aay b* obtained from Ju- seph M uscarella, John Trabachino, Anthony Traocope, Joseph Howard, F rank Hughes, Jerom e ArmelUno, F red vonRodeck, Steven Kalieta, John DeMoht, Harry Demery and Je rry Hourihan.

T H t M A V A W A N ' j f e l / R N A C #' »,«)•• . . . ■ v . . ??M lUs-T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 1 9 6 0

G irl Scout Betty Jean McGregan, Troop 56, which l« sponsored by tbe American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 321, Union Beach, ia pictured <«Mng u order f«r girl scout cookies from Mr*. H arry BnU, president of the auxiliary. Mra. Brell also Is D litrtct Four chairm an of g irl aeout cookie u ie * . District (our consists ot West K eaaabw g, Keans bare,

HotamM, Keyport, Unioa Beach, M atawaa, Morgaavifle, CSn- od CUffwood Beach. H ie mooey earned irom the aale a l the la a te d by Ihe c a a a d l I* l o f w e Camp Naanaca ia S a lth fa rg ,

If the glrT Seoul cam p for northern Monmouth Cornell. The pro fiu the troops receive la used to defray the expenses of the girls of the troop to go camping.

N a m e C o m m it te e s O f

,F i r e C o . A u x i l i a r y

Mrs. George Kehrs conducted the regular meeting of the Ladies Aux­iliary of the Cliffwood Volunteer F ire Co. No. J in the Cltttw»td fire house, during which she named her commute* appointments for the coming year.

Mrs. M aris FreeJove will be chairm an of the ways and means com mittee and she will be assisted by Mrs. John Bnezniak, Mrs. E r­nest Schar, Mrs. H arry Kern, Mrt. Robert Collins, M rs. BernarJ Dunne, Mrs. William Smith a u d Mrs. John Nicholson; Mrs Robert Collins, refreshments; Mrs. Ber­nard Dunne, welfare; Mrs. Joseph Emm, special project; Mrs. Free- love, Mrs. Bnezniak and M rs . Kern, auditing, and Mrs. Kem, publicity.

Donations were approved with $5 to the Polio Drive and $3 to tl,* H eart Fund. The special prise Was won by Mrs. William Smith and refreshments were served by Mr«. K ahn , Mrs. John Nicholson, Mrs. Hugh Boyle, Mrs. Emm end Mrs. P ete r Vena. The next meeting will be held Mar. 16 In the fire house.

P la n R e c it a l ‘

In Ea$t O r a n g e

William i W choir director i r M atawan Baptist Church, and Thom as Davis, organist of the First Baptist Church, E ast Orange, will present a lenten vpsper m usical at the P as t &Or^nge ,Church, Garden S tate P fricpay, E a st Orange. Sun­day afternoon, M ar. 6 a t S p.m.

The program wilt consist .mainly of m usic for two organs. M r. Todt and M r. Davis will both present solo number*. The public la Invited to attend tha concert.

F e t e M ra . R a s k a s k y

O n B ir t h d a y S a t u r d a y

Mrs. Antlonette Raskasky, J4. T hird St., Keyport, celebrated her 60*h birthday Saturday at a party given at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Vincent Raffa, M atawan Rd.. Cliffwood. The party was given by her children, Mra. Eugene Dot I. M ri. Albert Rosa to a n d Mrs Thomas Davenport, all of Key­port; Mrs. Jam as M auro jr ., M ata­wan, M ri. Louis Raskasky snd Miss Dolores Raskasky, ’Holmdel and Mra. Raffa.

Guesls were Mrs. K. Kelien, Mrs. F. Maydish, South Amboy; Mr. and Mrs Walter Smsle. Holmdel; Mr. and Mrs. C. Rooney, Keyport.A wire of congratulations was sent to Mrs. Raskasky from her son, Pfc. Louis Raskasky, who is sta­tioned at Hamburg, Germany.

B ir t h d a y P a r t y F o r

M i u C y n t h ia D e m e ry

Miss Cynthia Demery, daughter ol M r. and Mrs. H a rr ; Demery, ol

day,colored, s tream ers hanging from f te c ir f ln fT iiw M m i tile ’ cortiers. Th^f blrthday table waa, j e t In the drtilng rooirf With the refreshments.

Those attending were Mlaa Suspn Preston. Miaa Joanne Leach. MI'S E lalna Gordon, ‘Misa Teddy Cor­nell, M1m Sharon G allagher, Miss M ary Lyiin R odl, M iu J a n e Ca- trone. Mlaa Carol Zimmer, Mr. Peter Blake, Mr. Robert Krayblli. Mr. Steven Gordon. M r. Manay Santiago, M r. Wayne M orris, Mr. Karl Toft and William Anderaon.


SPEED WASH 15 KEYPOR?EETAround Tha C sraar F r a n Petes Appilaaes Mar*

WASH 20< • DRY I*O P E N 24 H O U R S

P ro fe s s o r s S e e k in g

N e w S a la r y In c re a s e s

Profeseora at New Jersey 's Stale Colleges aad Rutgers University are making a combined effort to have their salaries increased. Through a College Salary Committee, repre­senting all six State Colleges, the three branches of Rutgers Uni­versity. and Newark College of Engineering, the faculty members are asking the State Legislature to approve the first vstep ip a two- year salary improvement plan adopted by the State Board of Edu­c t io n .

The com mittee.asks for increases of about 10 per cent for all faculty m embers in 196041. With tables, charts and quotations it tells of the failure of college salaries to keep pace with Increases in the cost ol Jiving and ihe substantial gains jn purchasing power enjoyed by other Occupations, lt especially warns against delay because of the need for rapid expansion of the colleges following last November’s College Bond referendum.

Give Extra Funds To Seal Drive

Homeroom 32, M atawan School, finding itself with funds from the C h ris tm u party collection, has forwarded th s ^ u rn of $2.40 to the Monmouth Count; Christmas Seal Drive.

This is a most wefcotfie gift,’* Mrs* E. M. Crane, M onmouth County Christm as Seal chairm an said. “At present the fu6da re ­ceived are (731 less than the am ount received the previous year. We a re hoping, however, tha t when the books a re closed oo M ar. 3), we will have caught up to the 1958 lo u l .”

Christmas Seat funds a re used for a year round tuberculosis con* irol program aim ed at finding un­known case? of TB, helping 4m- tients and their families, encourag­ing better health h a b i t a and, through research, som eday finding an effective immunizing agent and

drug which can kill the germ. /

Everyday, according to M rs. Crane, additional Christm as Seal gifts are received a t die G eraldine L Thompson Building, headquaxv te rs of Monmouth County Organ­ization for Social Service, M l Bod* man Pl.t Red Bank. MCOSS U the TB association in M onmouth County.

Heart DaySaturday wiU be heart tag day,

It was aniwwarod by Mr*. Jefan Matawao b e s r t fund

Six Junior voluntet/s wiU be stationed la to v a to re­ceive contributions. They arc: Lather Close, Teddy Bailey, H ai- old Wats oo, Robert TommaiT&x- zo, Jam es Royster and John

Njddtpon.The chairm an urged everyone

to give generously Id order that h ea rt disease, tbe oatJoa'a num ­ber oae killer, may be com batted bry research, equipment and sur­gery.

Additional volunteers leading tbe door-ta-door campaign are M rs. Janet Carter, Mrs. Winston Schaffer, Mrs. John S. Sigmund, M rs. Joseph Guadagoe, Mrs* F rank Drogaa, Mr*. 8 . Mastefio, Mlaa Jeanne Kane and Mlaa Kathleen

S c h o o l C l a s s B a c k

F r o m W a t h in g t o n

boro Central Stdfty^ h* ,rr$fU from a two-day trip to W nhlngton. They went by ROIIOr bus from the school Thursday evening and re­turned on F riday night. There weie OS pupils and 12 chaperones.

Tho chaperones w ere Mr. Robert A. Sena, M r. Robert Kelly. Mr. Jo­seph Dignah, Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Quackenbuah, Mrs. Edw ard Beck­er, M^s. George Murdock, M r,. Sal Barbella, Mrs.. Jam es McCue, Mrs. Harvey Brown, M n . William Hansen, M ri.'E m m anuel Krln* On this trip they visited the Tomb of tha Unknown Soldier, and other points ol in teres t

F r ie n d ly , S e t W i l l

M e e t O n M o n d a y ?

Mra. Alma White, Holmdel. will b e hoatesa a t the n u t m eeting of U p Friendly Set oo Monday. A meeting of the d u b was held a t tha Soma of M n . Laura Weiss, Hotmdel, Feb. 11.

Those present were M n . Alma White, Holmdel; M n . M ary Pellett, M n . M aty McCarthy, M n . Sylvia Nordwlch, Mrs. Adele Carpowlu, a ll-o f M arlboro; M n . Betty Ber- win. M rs. Betty Votta, M ra.'O abe C rew y, Wlckatunk; M n . Evelyn Lam aro and M n . Leona LaMura, Morganville. M n . M artin Smith st. was unable to be present because of fitness.

T a x H e lp O f f e r e d A t

A r e a R e v e n u e O f f i c e

Federal income taxpayers ia the bayshore a re* who seek p r o f e a t a ' al aaslstance in preparing llwir, 1I5S returns should consult only qualified and competent (Irma o r individual#. Chris L. C roat, D irec­tor of internal Revenue fo r the Camden district, advises.

M ember, of tbe accounting and legal professions usually provide topnotch assistance, M r. G p x s noted. Frequently ta x p a y e n find business associates in the ir, book­keeping and accounting "depart­ments, and in banks o r o ther fi­nancial institutions a re qualified tn help them, he pointed out.

"Again this y ea r,” Mr. Gross said, “we are offering a full pro­gram of telephone assistance at our local office. The number especially assigned for this service 1s PR 3-1800. We urge taxpayers who have a problem to call early during the filing period so they may get quick and accurate in­formation."

Assistance also m ay be obtained a t the Intenial Revenue Service a t 401 Monroe Ave., Asbury Park; between the hours of S:30 a.m . and 4;W p.m;, but a longer w ait, in

^ ........... .travel t ^ a n d j r o mbe i ...........■Mo|'set

assistance days, when sj service may be obtained.

T h re e M a r c h A r r i v a l s

A r e B a n k in g O n F u tu re

The first boy and girl to be born in, Monmouth County, on Mar. 1 w ill enter the world w ith ISO each, presented in the form of « bank account by another M ar. 1 arrival. The gift giver, by far. tlie largest Of ,the three, la Monmouth S topping Center, which will open M ar. 1 a t U i.m .

“We want to share tlie birthday of our offspring with other arrivals in the county," aa ld Irving J . Feist, president ot Heist A Fetat,

w agers of the Sf-acre ahopplng .liter. “ We and M assachusetts

Mutual Life Insurance Co., the ow nen , lock forw ard to w atching the lucky boy and g iil grow with “ cen ter." h ea d d e d . "The offi­cials anil the people of Monmouth Kaye done m uch to a ssu re u s of

I s tart, and thes* gifts a re th e Wayi w e wont to e tp re ss


gaged in a business o f contracting to the A merican Sjneltiag I e Re­fining Co., Perth Amboy. ,

M r. R ichards inform ed M ayer Dennis and his fellow GOP coun­cil/Ren tha t he plans to study *«r an advanced degree a t Rutgers starting next September and this will not leave him with the time to devote to being a councilman that he considered desirable. He may even decide to resign with the opening of the fail term ol Rutgers In the la st week of Sep­tember, he acknowledged.

M r. R ichards had not held pub­lic office p rio r to running for the council in 1957. He is a graduate o f F reehold High School and th : F ord Naval Training Center, D ear­born, Mich. H e took up residence io M atawan In IMS w bei bepom ng an executive o f tbe M arlboro Tool gc M anufacturing Co.

Plan Board

K n ig h t s T e m p la r W i l l

H e a r A r m y S e c re ta r y

Secretary of the Army and Sir Kdlg^t Wilber M. Brncker, Grand G eneralissimo of the Grand En­cam pm ent, Knights Tem plar of the U nited States of America, wiU be th t g u e it'ip eak e r at the Past Com- m anders1 Dinner at the Hotel Den­nis, Atlantic City, Friday, Mar 4.

f . form er Governor of Michigan. S ir Knight Bnicker has an Imposing background of Army experience, w u General Counsel of the De­partm ent of Defense and served in France with the 160th Infantry, 42nd (Rainbow) Division in all that Di­vision’s engagementa Including Chateau n i e r i y , St. Mlhlel and the Meuse-Argoone.

General H eadquarters, AEF, cited Mm for bravery under fire and awardad him the Sliver Star for h li p a rt in these engagements. A member of the American Legion and Veterans o t Foreign W an , he Is also a Past National President o t the 42nd (Rainbow) Division Veterans. No stranger to Jersey Knights Templar, Sir Knight Bruck- e r Is a speaker of national reknown and an Inspiration without equal.

N o C o s t T o C o u n t y

F o r C e n t e r F a c i l i t y

A dual purpose served by Mon- tnouth’a County Rehabilitation Cen­te r on Manalap&n Ave., Freehold, la being pointed out to visitors tn # ie new insuuia tkn .

.C ounty Jail W arden Earl A Smith explains tha t the center pot only eases overcrow ding in tne county's main JaJl b u t encourages good behavior w ith recreational and tither facilities at the center acting as an Incentive.

JHe shows visitors well-equipped gymnasium and television facilities available for the men. Ail this, he relates, haa been provided out of prison welfare funds, None of the recreational equipment has come A— public funds.

p resent 80 m en a re kep t et ............................. »»Ud4i>*( ... ^ M id ^ a

idty m ight' be sta rted there ividtag a lerv ice for the touncy ‘fa re Home and to m eet other

county needs.

Bayshore Hard(continued from page one)

hardest hit where 1800 Customers w ere without power for 21 min­utes. Power was reported out in sca ttered sections of Red Bank, ef­fecting about 200 customers, but was restored by I a.m.

In K eyport, tides and heavy rains brought flooding along por­tions of E a st Front, West Front, F irs t and Division Sts. MatoWan C reek overflowed Us banks in t to w estern portion of Keyport and in­undated park ing areas at Cottrell s Restaurmnt and other places along the waterway.

Union Beach police reported that m any W e t s w e re Inundated ahd some persons w era evacuated from tbeir homes w bca w aters threaten od tbe ir boqies. Evacuees were tnken to t h , Union Beach F ire House until the storm subaided.

Flooding m i reported .a t Unlun Ava. and Brook Ave., Broadway, near West St., Bay add Edmund* Avi. a n d Dock St. In addition, po­lice sa id tha t all deadend stree ts off F lorence Aye. leading to East Point were threatened by the hiish w ater, .

(continued from page one) - peared to be a 1700 sq. ft. house.

M r. Kortenhaus wanted to know if the board members had an idea of the cost of erectiog such a house. Mr. K ortenhaus declared he had - received estim ates from reputable builders that it would cost 927,500 to put such a hou^. on the m arket.

F e a n For Properties Mr. Traphagen .declared that

this made it obvious why the Epec- ta tors were so aroused. He lound their properties were being ren­dered unsuitable as sites for homes for moderate-inoome buyers. The i/.a ike t for their properties was accordingly being destroyed. Mf. Traphagen reminded the b o n d “ this Is not Rumson” and people moving in would not Want {27,500 houses.

John B . Kenner, the assessor, ui qulred aa to the basis on whitii th e SZ7 jtO price was derived, M; Kortenhaus explained 'it was on^ao t i l per square foot construction cost (or the builder plus a 30 per cent profit.

Mr. K enner questioned tbe es­tim ate to the extent th a t reckon­ing? were based on "living space '1 and a definition of w hat constituted “ living space" was heeded. This

tha other board m em bers to point out to th s . spectators why there could be no discussion of the m atte r with any significance until the term s to be employed were to be defined. It was noted a 52-toy- 29-foot split level house would b t Involved if the tZJJHt price were to be attained at t i l per square foot construction cost.

Asks I s i u l s n t i s ’ Ideas Mayor Waters wanted to knuw

what s ite house should go up to fit tbe ideas of thp landowners. M r. K ortenhaus would not put t’j*

To Install Signals(continued from page one)

construct tbe new road would he charged to the communities.

Both G erard Ave. and Lloyd Rd. are d irect routes to the G arden S tate Parkw ay Keyport-Matawan interchange and traffic has in­creased considerably on the ipuil* In the past few years, the munic­ipalities noted.

Employ Fessler(continued from page one)

records. At present, municipal ol- ficea an d a meeting hall are rented from th a M atawan A m e r iw Le­gion Po tt. Bonaigh Clerk Arthur Hqll eaid the re is no space*to store

' at the present location. M onday night also au-

th e Issuance of $30,000 in anticipation notec tn finance

purchase of the bank building, and -property., is n o w being

searched p rio r to completion of the transaction.

l a s t yea r, council authorized a (52,000 bond Issua-to purchase the building a n d m ake necessary changes to convert the structure into a su ita b le municipal build ing Ol th a t am ount, tW .M t w as estt- m ited a s the purchase price and tbe atfyUtionfl 100.000 w as set aaide Ic r renovations.

W h en you ow n a n O lds . . . ytpu k n iV y o u 're going "first o lasa l!’

W bat m akes V new ’(0 Oldsmohile so latiafying to own? Clean, modern s ty lin g . , .Pomona Rocket Engine s p ir i t . . . th e foassurihg', stesdy wsy > R ocket "Met on any road. I f you Join the Rocket Circle of million Qldistnohile owners, you'll be making k wUfc investm ent, too . . . for this thrifty performer /a le s high in resale value. Come 0 0 over to OMa now!


M p i * m m ­. — W A T C H r o w T M I i l M * C K O S I V S H O W .W I T M * » • « * C O H O ' O N

6-1040e - r v -

Keyport Budget(ct)nturned from , p age one)

expenses lost by a 110 vote m argin while th a capital outlay- Item w ent down by .103 votes. A total o f 1071 peraont voted In yesterdaV’*" erec­tion : com pared to 1078 ’who e a s t ballotS;F*t>. 9. '

T he budget now will be sent to the borough council which m ay ap­prove local "t$x levies a s they stand o r p a re them downward. If council j decides to b>Kh no .action, the btrdget will be sent io the S tate ~ im^iissloner « f Education . to fix

approve. '•^Y esterday’s defeat m arked the second successive y e a r (hat the Keyport budget w as rejected twice by [he voters. Last year,, council slaslied m ore thao MS, 000 from t ix ic v lti Irom the budget.- This w as In addition to a MS,OOO cut effected by th4 board of education before It resubm itted the budget In 1959.

Council Receives(continued from page one)

struct a modern disposal plant a t a site adjacent U> the present plant

ed it will t o i l |7l0,000‘to extend the lew ir network to oil parts of the borough. Sewer Installation as­sessm ents against each property owner benefiUed by the extension a re estim ated a t between (8 and S10 a front foot.

M ayor Dennis aald a (1,100,000 bond issue would be required to finance th e en tire project. Including engineering and legal costs. Prop­erty owners win be perm itted to finance the ir assessm ent over a 10- year period II the project Is ap­proved. • .

M ayor Dennis said he believed tbe certificate of necessity would- be granted in view of the "haxard- ous" septic tank problem cauaed by poor digestion of soil in the bor­ough. The board of health already has term ed the septic tank problem “hopeless.", . ,•

limit in te ra u of square but held no house to cost m ore than 116,009 would be readily m ar­ketable in the a re a . Louis Ccv^i. co, a board member, felt $15,500 would be a better figure. *

M r. Traphagen acknowledged tho figure should be consistent wiih the inteaf of the planning board U» get a /s ta b le tha t would cover ai/ municip J and school c is ts . M ayor Waters pledged the township com­m ittee would be mindful cf the expressed wishes of the owners and seek information from the building inspector and o ther sources to help attain the double objective ol getting a ratab le priced to cover municipal and school cc'Us and yut keep the pricing within the reach of persons likely to move in.

M r. Traphagen w anted the ortli- nance draw n that all com ers would have equal opportunity to develop aad the landowners could get of­fers for the ir land from m ore than ooe source to p u t them in a potj*‘ to . choose on selling. Mr.

T r a ^ ig e n professed to know that an ordinance d iaw n lip in 1957 but never enacted had been worded w ith^an eye to benefiting a ie bo!Ider. -

The board pledged there would be m ore definite word oa tb e ordi­nance before the m onth w a s .o u t


ten SchultzLO 6-6281



( A S S O C IA T I O N

N A M E )

I' TH B 'JU M P ^ ro m re n t in * t o j o w n i n g ^ i / t th a

g ia n t s te p you m ay th in k , i f you see u» ’f o r l l b u dge t-fitted hom e loan. .

O u r home loans a re ind iv idua lly p lan n ed — ta ilo re d — to fit y o u r incom e. M onth ly -pay­m en ts a re p ro b ab ly no m o re th a n w h a t y o u ’ra n o w p a y in g in r e n t . . . b u t u n lik e r e n t, y o u wiU a ch ieve o v m era h vp i J u s t ^ m o d est dow n p ay - - m e n t ia a l l y o u need to s t a r t owning* See u s T jd a y l '

‘Liberal Building & Loan A ssociation159 Main Street — Malawan

Brown, Richards,.(continued from, page one)

he. would no longer be on the governing body. ' ‘

Mr.- Brown was appointed to tho council In Jan . 1, 195], to fill tlie u n e iflred te rm o f Jafnes White- hill.'.jrtsigned. Me and Mr. Dennis were" In an election a s running m ates th e firs t tim e tha t yea r and ' won. . .M r .' Brown .w as, re-elected to a'tA ill te rm on tb e council ia 1 9 5 ^ .H e did not seek re-election.

H o w le r , a t the s ta rt of jost yeajM tie1 w aa 'induced to rem ain oh coun& lby the .then M ayor Schanck to fill a . vacancy caused by the resignation of R obert Colot.

Lihjoag Resident Ol Bonmgb M r. Brown Is s lifelong resident

o f 'M a taw an and w a s one .of theOrganliers ofiJtb^tM arti* *-B row n, !(oal and oil busto iss inH M itrW hen he-oikT 'D arid M artin, his partner, sold this business in IMS, they e v

Special For The Ladies!1ft QUALITY


Reg. 75c

H O SIERY■ Beg. *1.15


M r



M o re M o n e y A t O o r S to re ,

• '■*' ’ L i r t i i t e d T im e ,

M a t a w a n B r a n c h— - - O N L Y ...........

k 'T * - .

O f T h e

131 Main Street CO 4 - io b o ' m

T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 1 9 6 0" — B dV ------------------------------------- »- r - '. 'u T'


Matawan Woman Is Guest Speaker' i w ‘ ' . 1. 1 * .

At Laurence Harbor Woman’s ClubM rs. Philip Morano, Matawtm,

w as the guest speaker a t the m eeting of the I^aurence Harbor

- R om an 's Club held in W ebster Halt of tbe Laurence H arbor Commu­nity Church, conducted by M»\>. Qlga Becker, president. M rs. Via­

. 'cen t Applegate and M rs. Norton R ogers, Cliffwood Beach, and M rs. George Joch, Laurence Harbor Were welcomed a* new member*.

M rs. Morano operates the M ata­w an Ceramics Studio on Aberdeen Rd., M atawan. She explained the procedure for making the various ceram ics she had oa display aud also dem onstrated the use o f w>)d stain on ceram ics.

A “ m ystery ca rd p a r ty ” for the benefit of the building fund will be held M onday1 evening a t Bur- lcw 's Restaurant, Route J5t Lau­rence Harbor. M rs. Law rence Hol­den, chairman* .js accepting dona­tions of table and d o o r prizes from d u b m em bers. A dinner dance c o su n it^ e w as form ed w ith M rs. Becker a* chairm an, assisted by

. M rs,. ftagnar Wang, M rs. William. Weeks and Mrs. John P erhacs. "

M em bers a re planning to attend “ Hahne Day'* M ar. 24, conducted annually by the New Jersey State Federation -of Waffles'* Chibs -in Hahne’s D epartm ent. Store, New­ark. 1 Mr**, J a m e s A rm strong, ch a irm an / atiautyfafcAT ^ ia t *jnefy- b e n may bring frierffo, 'Who can register in the club 's nam e and allow the club to com pete for tne best attendance prize.

P lan Day la Court "A Day In C oott” will be held

by m e m b ers / according to Mrs. Gilbert 0 . Tier, chairm an, who has m ade the necessary arrange­m ents for attendance at a Juvenile court session tn New Brunswick during M arch. ^ (

Mrs. August Edel reported the sending of 46 invitations to district club presidents and special g u n ts to attend Federation Day of the club Mar. 21. '

Members will participate. In the exhibition and contests M ar ‘ 30 a t

Rugs cleaned at S. JO YES... look lovelleraod last longer .Bacanta S, Bv i m j i i m tha U u ^ cleaving^, ticknSqH itUist awa«jir« 4i«k

Youru ia ra a e* of tha claaneit . . , « f« » t n |

C a l l P A Y - 1 S 8 2

Member o f IK* N itloB il IntU latc rfnd N ov J*ta«jr Inetltnte of R uf Cloaatro.

S. KoyesRug Cleaning Co.

• 4Mi m .J SUm*n« Kr%. ,-j lo a tli Amboy, N ov J im y

the Asbury P ark W oman’s Club when Judging of the Vogue d r e u models aod the m iniature room foi the fifth district will be held. Reg­istration will s ta r t a t 10 a,«n.• Th^ - d ram a and m usic depart­m ents have combined their efforij for the federation day meeting. Mrs. R agnar Wang and M rs. Rob­ert M artin, respective chairmen, held a rehearsal Tuesday evening et the tom e of M rs, John Perhacs, 348 Woodbine Way. The American Home D epartm ent will make the p rogram s and p repare the refresh* m enu , which wiU be served by Mrs. Axel Bjorken’s hospitality com mittee. - . .

An appeat-has been m ade to the Madison Township officers to re* open -the file fo r postal delivery* service by tbe civics and legisla­tion departm ent of th e club, ac­cording to M rs. George Makuk, chairm an. V t

In o rder to increase the club's donation-fo r're search for retarded children at the Vineland Ilome, Mrs., Axel B jorked's public welfare departm ent is conducting small fund-raising projects a t the month­ly meetings. Tbe m em bers of her departm ent also a re collecting la- die*' clothes and shoe*, fo r Vanity F air a t M arlboro State Hospital and magazines for the hospital library. There also Is an immedi­a te need for m en's handkerchiefs as well aa prizes to increase in­terest in the patients' social games. Concluding her report which In­cluded a visit to a resident coa> finfed a t the Holmdel Nursing Home, she announced her group would meet a t her home, 186 Cleve­land Ave., on Tuesday, at 1 p.m.

M rs. Becker and her guest, Mrt. Charles Rqperson and Mrs. Jo­seph Holub, fifth d istrict public welfare chairm an and a member of the club and her guest, Mr*. William Slendom. represented the cUib at the federation day pro^i un of the Modern M utes Club, Tomsftiv ricV eb . 11 ■ "

Charles Rogerscui asked for ytyuntotrs to help her catalogue boofci a t Madison Township public library, speniored by the woman's club, in the No. 9 School. Anyone interested may contact Mrs. 'Vil- lianj Wallis who Is arranging scheifules. *

Mrs. Florence Holmes, councilor tor the Llttlfe W om en's C\ub, has arranged to display projects dur­ing National 4-H Week (a M arch } “ Candlelight/’ the club 'publica­tion, t i 'b e in g d is tr ib u te to all the m em b ers .an d Mrs* R ichard Olden­burg Ttf Collecting coupons (o pro­v id e silverw are for the club.

M r t . G a r r e t t . W o o l le y

M a r k s 8 5 t h B i r t h d a y

M rs. G arre tt Woolley. T exas Rd., M atawan, w as honored on her $5th b irthday when open house w as held for he r Sunday in the Sunday School room of the MorganvHle M ethodist Church.

M rs. Woolley is the form er Miss Adcfte Stultz, daughter of the la te Mr. and M rs. Lewis Stultz. She was bom in M organville on Feb. 22, 1B75. She m arried G arre tt Wuo*- I y, also of M organvllle. in 1895. They had nine children, eight of whom are living. M rs. Woolley has 16 grandchildren a n d 18 g rea t­grandchildren.

More than 100 friends and rela­tives called during the afternoon to extend birthday greetings to M rs. Woolley.

Morganville Tot Birthday; News

M n . David F e rrie ra eAtertalned recently la honor o f he r »oo D avid's first b irthday. - , ■

Those attending w ere M r. a n d M rs. A lbert T aber, M r. a u ) M rs. Robert F itts and son., Robert, M r. and M rs. William Thomson, M rs. W alter Seber and son, Waliy, Miss P atric ia T aber, M r. Thom as and Kenneth T aber, Miss R ita M euse, m an, and Miss Lillian N em eth and Je rry Jam eson.

A healthy heart Is the strongest m uscle ln |hq body. E very hour tt puts fo rth enough energy to ca rry a lX-potmd. m an from the* stree t to the roof o f a three-story .bulld- Ih ftr’focerd fltg 'ib lflle, 'M air£buUi County H eart Association.



T e n n e n t R o a d

M o r g a n v l l le(Right Hand Side J u s t Off


P in a and Hot SaM sae ' 1- s S d w i t t o r , * ;


The Parent-Teacher .Association m eeting will be held 0 6 M ar. 7 A film, "Anjjry Boy" will )» shown. The discussion leader will be M rs. F reda Relnltz who holds a B.A. Degree from the University Of California and a M asters De­gree also (ram the sam e university. She also has been s m em ber of the Monmouth Cftunty Health As- soclation and an executive director of the Monmouth County Mental Health Association since 1937,

Mr. and M rs. F rank Smith and son. Newark, were Sunday visitors st the home of \ l r . and Mrs. M ar­tin Smith sr.

Mr. and M rs. R ichard Cottrell a n d family, Smlthsburg, w ere Sunday afternoon visitors at t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mil­ler and sons.

Clifford Relchenberger, son of Mr. snd Mrs. Clifford Kelchenbcr- ger, is spending a few days visiting h i. grandparents, Mr. and M r j Joseph Relchenberger, U n i o n Beech.

A id A u x i l i a r y

B u y s E q u ip m e n t

The regular meeting of the L a­dies Auxiliary of the M atawan Township F irs t Aid and Rescue

au x llia iry .* a i tpu rc fiesea -.# 'S fpve and steam table for the new first aid building. •

P lans have been made to start a m erchandise club with Mrs. Hugh Boyle as chairm an. Nomin­ation and election of officers will be held M ar. 2ft. The special aw ard w as received by Mrs. C harles Elf* lander.

H ostesses for the next meeting will be Mrs. F rank Chem ey and Mrs. Stanley Derechallo. O thers amending were M rs. Edw ard An-

-derson, Mrs. John Bainton, M rs, frhom as Brown, Mrs. P e te r Kuch- arek. M rs. Edw ard Ryan and M rs. Robert Weidemann.

Church Social At Browntown

Another "ge t acquainted” social w ill be held a t th* Browntown Community Church, Route 11, Sun­day, starting a t 8 p a l . T he re* freshm ent com m ittee includes Mrs. Thom as House, M rs. O tto Gaub, Mrs. E. W arren, M iss M arie Gaub, Mrs. H. Bur sty n, M rs. William Pitney and M rs. M. Gofton. The com m ittee com pleted plans fo r the social a t a meeting held a t ths home of M rs. House, Everly St., Sayre Woods South, last n ig h t '

The Mid-Madison Civic Associa­tion will meet a t Hill Lanes, Route 8, on M ar. 9. .

M rs. F rancis F rey, M argaret St., en tertained at ja shower a t her home Saturday in honor of M rs. Vess Hughes, also of M argaret St.

Mlsa Suzanne P itney, New York, spent the weekend a t the hom e of h e r parenta, M r. and M rs. William Pitney, .

M r. and M rs- Donald N essiage, Spots wood, w ere S u n d ay dinner guesta of M rs. N essiage’, parents, M r. and M rs. F red W. Gaub, Route 18.

M r. and M n . F rancis F rey and children, M argare t & , spent Sun­day and M onday as guests o f Mr. and M n . G eorge H e rm a n . W in- tagh , L. I.

M rs. Otto Gaub h as presented 30 m ore tabernacle hymn books to Browntown Community Church, in­cluding a special hymn book M t the organ - In m em ory of her m other, M n . Jam e s Fountain.

Brownie Troop 31S, m em bers and leaders, held a party recently ln celebration o f t h e i r successful cookie sale. Their troop cookie queen, Alisa D raiten, who sold 164 boxes of cookies, w as crowned and presented with a gilt. The next

.two highest In the sale w ere Helene Nleburg, 110 boxes, and Beth Kas- wan, 104 boxes, who also received g ins. Total sales w ere 748 boxes of cookies. They placed fifth In this soction ol Middlesex County Troop 319 is one of the newest troops s t Sayre Woods South with M n . Seymour D ralien 'a s leader •Od M n . Leonard Pulchln, as­sistant leader.

Mr. and Mrs. P aul Blahota sr., Mr. and M n . Blahota j r . , and 6on, Browntown, and daughter. Mrs. H enry M. Koegler, M atawan, RD, recently attended funeral ser­vices for the ir relative. M n . Mary Franz, in Elizabeth.

Mr. and M n . Barth Gaub visit­ed Mr. and M rs. Thom as Novack In N ew srk. Mr. Novack had re­cently returned home from Ale hospital.

W i l l A t t e n d S p e c ia l

F u n c t io n In N e w Y o r k

Plans were made by the Ayalet Chapter of the B 'aal B’rith, to a t­tend a special function in the Wal­dorf Astoria, N. Y., during an ex­ecutive meeting held in the home of Mrs. Leonard Miller, 13 Hazol PI.. Hazlet. •

The m embers will attend a donor d inner on M ar. 13.

A "Home Beautiful Show” will feature the next regular meeting to be held ia the K eyport Syna­gogue, Broad St., Keyport, on Monday. Keyport Jew elers ' will display Chlnawar*' and K alm a'i florists will display ttowvt art»n*c- ments. "

Hostesses for tha evening w ere M rs. David Lemberg, M n . Stanley S chw aru -and M n . Charles Gold- stien. •

WIDE-TRACK WHEELSW i d a - T r a c k w id e n * t h a s U n c e , n o t t h * c a r . W i t h th e ^ w i d e s t t r a c k o f a n y C a r , P o n t i a c f i v e s y o u b « t t e r s t a b i l i t y , l a s s l e a n a n d a w a y , a c c u r a t e c o n t r o l .


D O W N E S P O N T I A C' 6 2 LOWER MJUN St. U M . M M 9.r. ‘U U 'W K U S H V t U VJ'-U !


T r ip le B i r t h d a y

P a r t y >Held S u n d a y

. A . tripl* M rthday $*Htbr«jtloiM ib id Sunday, M rihe ,home><u . w aSjd M rSmpiagfo C, M accia, Ro^tfe 18. Browntown. A buffet supper waa served and those honored were Vincent M accia and his mother. Mrs. M accia, and Mrs. M accia's brother-in-law, Thom as Stsnco. Newark.

Others present w ere M rs. Thomas Stanco, Mr. and M rs. Vincent De- M auro and children. Rose Ann and Jam es, and M r. and Mrs. Henry Va! jr., all of Newark; Mr and Mrs. John Jacangelo and children Rosem arie and Annette, Nutley. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeMauro, Cliffwood. and Mias Maria Maccia and Mr. M accia, Browntown.

H a r m o n y C lu b H o ld s

M e e t in g O n T u f f d a y

Mrs. Frank FrW Was the harmony club on Tuesday nlng. Games w ere p iayM and b irth ­day gifts w e n racd v e d f r o n t secret pals. Thole receiving gilts were M n. Leo L am m en , Mrs. Henry Brautlgan and M n . Cheater Jameson. .

Refreshments w ere served. Also attending were M n , ftaym ond Brawn, M n . Holmes L am benon , Mrs Florence F arrell, M rs. Joseph LaMura sr. The next meeting will be held al the home of M rs. Leo Lammera

M o r g a n v l l le L a d ie s

A u x i l i a r y A t S e n lo n

Th*’ ladles of the M organville Volunteer F ire Co. held their reg< ular meeting Tuesday evening at the Hre house. There w ere about ten mem bers present- Final plans were made fur a dance to be held Mar 12, a St P atrick 's Day Dance. They are alao planning a Chlneao Auction on Apr. 30 w ith, M rs, Jo ­seph Shead. chairm an and MfS. Robert Seber, co-chalrmpn.

Mrs. Leo Lam m ers received a birthday gift from her secret pal In t h e auxiliary. Refreshm ents were served at the dose of the meeting.

Will Study At Oxford

A 31-year-old history teacher st Lakewood High School h a s been aw arded the f in t scholarship l-jr study, a t a British university to be provided by the Monmouth County Branch of the English-Speaking Union, it waa announced by the branch president, Mra. Frederick Frelinghuysen, Holmdel.

G erald Mlchelson, history de­partm ent chairm an and s e n I o i class guidance counsellor, h a i boon a m em ber of the Lakewood lli^h School laeully for the past six y e a n . H* was aw arded a state scholarship from A sbury P a rk Hi^h School in lM t for study at Rutger* U niversity, from which h« was graduated in I>50. He also holds an M. A. D egree from Columbia University. Mr. Mlchelaon reside , a t «MA E verg rten Ave., Bradley Beach.

. Selected over a la rg e num ber of ppllcante residing t n Monmouth W t y aiid who represent- many

d iffe ren t' ooUeges and unlvaraltlea In the U. S., M r. Mlchelson has

to Aug. II . The oouree will cover the m ain developments la govern­ment, politics, litera ture, the vU- ual a rts and ln m usic during the past century. A bachelor, he will reside at Exeter College (founded ln 1314) and will work under d is­tinguished scholars s t Oxford, In the English system of "tutorial supervision."

The purpose ot this scholarship Is to p rov ide ' sn opportunity (or a graduating college senior or practicing tcachcr residing in Mon­mouth Cuunty to absorb and pro­mulgate the commot. traditions of the English-speaking peoples of the world.

S c o u ts O n T o u r O f

F i r s t A id b u i ld in g

The M atawan F l n t Aid and Rescue Squad, Inc. entertained l i Boy Scouts from Troop 71, spon-

S red by the F ln t Presbyterian lurch, M ataw an, Monday night In

the F ln t Aid H esdqusrten .F o h n e r Captain Theodore Spieck*

e r gave a-dam onatra tlon of the equipment, and Captain William Hulaart and Robert Woolley con­ducted a tour which included In­

chosen to •tudy "The History, Lit-, apecUon of the underw ater rescue era tu re and A rts of England fm m appara tus, th e boats, skin-diving 1170 to the P resent Day” a t the suits, and the appliances and flt- Unlverslty of O x f o r d ,f r o m J u ly 4 l tlags In th e am bulances, The troop

n rwaa accom panied by Scout M aster Rudy Nedel.

Rennsalaer L. C artan reported the completion of the distribution of th* bubble banks in the stores and business places in town, which Is part of the annual D rive which ia underway. Andrew Dlodato, F in t Lieutenant, chairm an of the 1M0^ Drive, reported that coin ca rds ar* being left a t every residence ip the Boroiijjih. The filled ca rds will be picked up during May. Report­ing for the m onth ol January , Capt. Hulaart recorded 41 calls, i f em ergency transportation; 14 trans- ponsllon; ' three fires and seven accidents. .

H a v e you r*ad th* classified ad sf


1 9 5 6 B U I C K4 Dear — ledaa — Fall P*wer

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About 39 per cent of all cardlo- uscular deaths, aays the Mon­

mouth County H eart Association, a re In the age groups under W.

Your advertisem ent in this pa­per will reach prospective pur­chasers In every community In th*.* bayshore area.

Hoipilal Reports■ P erth Amboy G eneral H ospital! has reported th a t during January I 1821 patients w ere adm itted, and j they stayed an averege 7.06 dayi | each. They had 892 operation., |, 1260 x-rays and .9,324 laboratory testa. The em ergency room trm i ed 794 patients, 00 ol whom w-u- Involved In m otor vehicle acci dents. Births num bered 200. Dally 1 average occupancy ol the hospital during the m onth was J70 paiienu



R o u te 3 6

U n io n B e a c h

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felt* ftm flra ail CaMtllr 0s A ^ s e m w ~ottQMmtr«n, Kunwf}

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. This week, 'w h y don't you look through the windows of y o u r ! church . ■ . from the Inside 1


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G o o d 'N 'R i c h C a k e M i x e s


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F R O Z E N F O O D SLinden farmsORANG E JUICE 6 for 89<

M O R T O N S TV D IN N E R S 49<

River ValleyAsparagus Cut .aad Tips S fe rM 00Exce lsio r

Buttered Beefsteaks 39 *


Kraft Deluxe Oleo Mva 10* * 2 9 *

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B E LL ’S M A R K E T1 2 6 M a i n S t r e e t M A T A W A N

O P E N L A T E - 5 N I G H T S A W E E KMen. Thru Frl. 8 il5 AM. Te 9.00 P^H. Saturday 8.15 A.M. To 6:00 P.MPrice Effective T V n g fc iMturiMy, F eb ruary 77 ‘ UmUed Q m r t l t f t

‘ t •< I * t f IT 1 . I #t ^ M O i f * H it V • 4 1 1 *M V» J O H i 1 I »l I 1*1 t

PageEght THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, February 25,1960

Valentine Dance

T h* v tfc a tii* dance, sponsored S atu rday night by the Ladies Aux- fl>»ry of tha Cheesequake F ire Co., w a ^ pronounced successful by the com m ittee in charge, P rizes w ere aw arded to a Keyport resident and te M rs. Angie Soltis, M adunu Township.

Boy Scout Troop C7, Cheese­quake, will hold a paper drive Saturday, starling at 9 a.m

The Guild of ihe Church of Our Saviour will hold a card party to­morrow evening at 8 p.m.

A fa ther and soa banquet lo r Boy Scout Troop 67 will be held Saturday night. The affa ir will be given by tlKi'Mothers* A uxiliary of th e troop aad M l be &llowed by a Court of Honor.

Th* Ladies Auxiliary af Iha Cheesequake F ire Co. have m ade plans to hold a ca rd party Bn M ar.

M r. and Mr$. Edwin R y lh aod M artin Ryan, Brooklyn, were Sun­day v ia iton o f M r. aad M rs. R*y- moad Ryan, Route M.

Cheryl Ervtn, H cetow a M ., Is confined to he r h o n e With them u m p m .

Armstrong Film Made Available

As p a r t of the A noatroag Cork Company’s 100th anniversary ob­servance, the K eypert A rm urang plant b m aklag a new mol picture available for showing! to a n a civic organisations, according to P U a t K f« m » r t h o n a s M. Aa- deraon. 1

T h * motion picture, entitled L etter to M oscow," po rtrays how the A merican com petitive e n te r priae system works, using Arm* strong as a representative corpo­ration. The film is in full color and runs for U m inutes. Mr. Anderson •aid the film can be loaned for m eetings of Interested local groups.

One of the oldest m ajor corpo­rations, Antastrong was founded In P ittsburgh, Penn., In MCO by T h o m ,, Morton Armstrong, who in. vested his life savings of $M0 In a one-room cork-cutting shop. The business steadily grew until today the firm has I I plants and 14,000 employees In - the United States producing products for three m ajor m arkets, flooring and building prod­ucts, packaging m aterials, and in­dustrial specialties. Armstrong also has subsidiaries and plants abroad.

In Keyport Since lM t A r m s tro n g cam e lo Keyport In

1040 with the purchase of a plant for the m anufacture of cork atop-

Real Estate Listing Cards for I peri and has added new lines, es­ta te at this office. I peclally plastics.

Mr. and M n . William Fritz and fam ily, Cottrell RiL, w ere dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mr*. John Edinger, AllenhursL O th e r guests were Mr and M n . Edw ard Xnouber, Lyndhuist.

Mr. and M n . Henry Delbasco, M orristown Rd.. have returned home from a vacation in Florida.

M r. and M n . John Z y ra c Jd , Cot­trell Rd., celebrated their wedding anniversary this week.

M rs. M ae Eberhard t, Iselln, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mra. Alfred Fritz, Cottrell Rd. Sundsy guests were -M rs M ary Dalzell. K earny and Mr. and M rs. Whit­field Colyer; Newark.

P lans for a dance are being made by tha Ladles Auxiliary of the Cheesequake Fire Co. Tlie dance will be held May M In Uie new fire house.

Seventeen boyi of Troop 67. Boy Scouts, attended an overnight, ac­companied by Bernard Mlcheall, ■cout leader, and Henry Stoubach. tcoul committeeman.

M re . R o b e r t S o b e r I t

H o s te s s A t M e e t in g

Mrs. Robert Seber w as hostess to the social club Wednesday eve- aiog. Tbe table v u set io tbe them e of Valentines with the table­cloth, plates aod napkins. A t each piece was a m iniature basket filled w ith candy. Gaines were played including "T he P r ic e , is R ight.” Tbe special prize for the evening w as woo by Mr*. Robert Owens.

P lans were made for the next m eeting to be held a t the home ol M rs. Ddnald Miller. The dates for the re s t of the yea r w ere also pick­ed out. Those attending w ere Mrs. Edw ard Becker, M ri. H arry Kouo- walow, M ri. Louis Becker, Mis. Robert Owens, M rs. Donald MiUer, M rs. John“Wilson jr., M rs. Martin Smith jr ., M rs. Leroy VanPelt, M rs. Joseph Lanzaro sr.. Miss Sa­rah Ann Seber.

T he new motion p icture has been shown .to a ll local A rm strong em ­ployees, and special centennial pro­gram s a re planned, according to George C herry .' “The em phasis ol our fffttgnnipi program is on the future," he said, “ and we would very much like to share °f our centennial thoughts w ith o u r community neighbors who might be interested in them .”

E n g lis h H o to n sMERCURY -■ LINCOLN

M O S T A C T IV E U S E D C A R L O T , " J IN MONMQUm,fQUNTY £ i f “

M o n m o u th S t r e e t , O p p o s it e C a r l t o n T f ie t i t r e

RED BANKS H a d y s ld e 7 - 4 5 4 5 — 1 - 6 0 0 0

Plan Dinner TuesdayThe Ladies Aid Society o f tlie

F irst Baptist Church, M atawan, will give a chicken dinner on Tues­day in the church lecture room. The first table will be at 5:30 p.m. aod tbe second, 6:45 p.m. The so­ciety also will hold a food sale Tuesday beginning at 12 noon in the church.


NOTiCS B o t c w o a o r m a t a w a n

N o tice la h e re b y r iv e n th a t q u a l i ­fied v o te rs of Um B o ro u g h o l M i- ta w a n n e t a lr e a d y re g is te re d lo s a id B o rough ta u te r Um law s of N ew J e r ­s e y g o v e rn in g p e r m a n e n t r e g is t r a ­t io n m a y re g is te r o r t r a n s f e r w ith th e B o rough C le rk , or notify sa id c le rk o f c h a n g e o f re s id e n c e , a t th e d u fc * ! o ff ic e . B o rough H a lt. U i M a la S t , M a ta w a n , d u rin g b u s in e ss h o u rs o r d i r e c t to th e C o m m issio n er of R e g is tra t io n tn fre e h o ld .

O n T h u rsd a y , M a rc h 10th. IMO. tb e r e g is tra t io n books «U1 b e c lo sed uo- tU a f te r th e fo rth c o m in g P r im a ry E lec tio n to b e h eld oo T u esd a y , Ap­r i l 19th, I960.

N o tice o f c h s n g e of re s id e n c e o r epgrUcatlon fu r t ra n s fe r o t r e g is t ra ­tion sh a ll be m s d e e ith e r by w ritten re q u e s t fo rw a rd e d to th e B orough C le rk o r B o a rd o r by c a llin g In p e r ­so n a t th e o ff ic e o f tb e Borough C le rk o r C ounty B o ard of E lec tiono up to a n d Inc lud ing M arch 10th, 1960.

N o tice Is b e ie b y g iven th a t th e D is tric t B o a rd s o f ElecU on and R eg­is try In a n d fo r Ih e B orough of M ata- « a n . C oun ty of M onm outh. S ta te ot N ew J e r s e y , will m e e t a t th e p lacea h e re in a f te r d esig n ate d on

T U K iD A Y , A P R IL IMS, I M betw een th e p o u rs of seven a .m . and e ig h t p .m , (E a s te rn S ta n d a rd T im e), fo r tb e p u rp o se o f conduc ting e p r i ­m a ry e le c tio n fo r th e nom ination of can d id a tes for

O ne U. S. S enato r O ne M eg8ber of the Houee of R e p re ­

sen ta tive* i ro m tb e T h ird Congrca ' a ional D is tric t

T w o M em b ers of th e B o a rd of C hosen F ree h o ld e ra

T h e e le c tio n of th e following num -


h e r of d e le g a tes N aU onal C onven tion . . _. a t- la rg e ; 19 a l te r n a te dejei

t h e . R epub lican10 d e le g a te s

w_. . . d e le g a tes -a tla rg e : 2 d is tr ic t d e le g a tes (T jilrd Con*gcj < u ia tr ic i uo m. _g re as lo n s l D is tr ic t) ; 2 a l te r n a te d is ­tr ic t d e le g a te s (T h ird C ongresa iona l D is tr ic t) .

T h a e lec tio n of th e following n u m ­b e r o t d e le g a tes to th e D e m o c ra tic N aU onal C onvention — 24 delegates- a t- la rg e ; 19 a lte r n a te delegates>at< la rg e ; 4 d is tr ic t de le g a tea (T h ird Con-

f:ress io n a | D is tr ic t) ; 2 a l te r n a te dls> E>fs& te le g a te s (T h ird C o n g ress io n a l

■ T h e e le c tio n o f a n a m ala a n d one fe m a le m e m b e r o f th e R ep u b lican C oun ty E xecuU ve C o m m ittee fo r e a c h d l i t r l c t

T h e e lec tio n of one m ale a n d o n e fe m a le m e m b e r o f th e D em ocraU e C ounty E x e c u tiv e C o m m ittee fo r e a c h d 's lr ic l .

A t sa id p r im a r y e lec tio n oom lna- :ona shall a lso be m ad e for th e fol­

low ing m u n ic ip a l o ff ic e rs :Tw o C ouncilm an for th e full t e r mN otice la h e re b y g iven th a t quail*

fled v o ters of th e B orough o f M ata* w an n o t a lr e a d y re g is te re d to s a id B orough u n d e r ,th e law s o f N ew J e r s e y g o v ern in g p e rm a n e n t re g is ­t ra t io n , m a y re g is te r w ith th e Bor* <mgh C leik* o r no tify u l d e ie r* o t c h a n g e o t re s id e n c e , a t th e e ld tk ’s o f f le e f B o ro u g h H a l f e IM U a ln * a t .

M ataw aa^ d u rin g . _d ire c t to th e C o m m issio n er e f R eg­is tra tio n in F re e h o ld , a t a n y t im e betw een W ednesday . A p r ii a a , I M , a n d T h u rsd a y , S e p te m b e r ‘39th, UMO, d u rin g bualneaa b o u r a . . .

N o tice o f c h a n g e ad re s id e n c e a r ap p lica tio n lo r t r a n s i t s c f re^U Sra- cion sh a ll be m a d e e i th e r by w r i t ten re q u e s t fo rw a rd e d to th e B orough C le rk o r B o ard o r by ca tlin g in p e r ­son a t tb e o ff ic e o f tb e B orough C le rk o r Count)) B o a rd o f E lec tio n s up to a n d inc lud ing S e p te m b e r 19th, 1960.

On T h u rsd a y . S e p te m b e r 2£Hh, IMS, th e re g is tra t io n books w tu b e d u s e d u ntil a f te r th e fo r lh e o m ln i C e n t re ) ElecU on o n T u esd a y . N o v e m b e r Stta. 1960. *

N otice la h e r e b y g iv e n th a t D ie U lc t B o ard s o f E jec tio n a n d ft*g i* t ry la a n d fo r th e B o ro u g tr o f M e taw a n . C ounty o f M onm outh , S ta te o f N ew J e r s e y , will m e e t a t tb e p lac es h e re in a f te r d e c im a te d on

TU ESD A Y , N O V E M B E B ( tb , 1988 n etw een th e h o u rs t l t i n e n d s

td k fo r tb e o u rp o se a* coo d u rU n a e g e n e ra l elacU on fo r tb e e lec tio n o f *E le c to rs of P re s id e n t a n d Vice P resl*

d e n t 'O ne U . S. S e n a to rO ne M em b er of th e H ouae o f R epre*

sen taU vea fro m th e T h ird C o n g res­aional D is tric t

•Two M e m b e n of th e B o a rd c t C hosen F ree h o ld e rs

Tw o C ouncilm en to r th e full te rm T b e sessioaa oj tb e re g is try b o a ro

wJU be h e ld , a t tb e fo llow ing po lling p lac es : '

f l R f l l EL E C T IO N D ISTRICT 411 th a t p a r t o f t b e B o itw sb o l

M a to u a n , B E G IN N IN G a t a potrti w h e re tbe ce n te r One e l M a ts B r e e r in te rse c ta Ihe b o u n d ary Hoe e f th e Tow osnip of M staw a n , tb e o e e (1) along th e sa id e e n te r O ne e f M ain S treet tn a eoutfterly d ire c tio n 1a th e b rid g e oo M ain S tre e t, so u th a t South S tre e t: th e n c e <2) a lo e s a Oned ra w n dow n tb a c e n te r of tb e g u l toy c ro s se d b . th e a a ld b r id g e 16 L ak e L efferta ; thence. i3> ta a n o rth e r ly d irec tio n a lo n g tb e e a s te r ly e d f a of t * k e L e r . r t e l e p r o s p e r r a n t ; th en c e |4 ) a lo n g a lin e d ra w n ac ro as L ak e t u l e r i a fro m p ro e p e r i Polnl in a n o r th e a s te r ly d ire c tio n to R avine D rive ; th e n c e t5 l alo n g a line d re w n a c ro s s th e g u ile* to the left of H igh land A venue to e point a t the e n d o t L iberty S tre e t , then™ <8) a lone a u n e o s ra lie i w ith M a ta w a n R o ad to tb e gulley w hich ru m along A berdeen R oad: th e n c e IT) e ' " dow n th e se ttlo r e f thi«

al w h e re s a m e in te r .............. ce n ter Une o f M a taw an R oad; thence <•) a l e u th e earn ce n te r line of M ataw an R oad tn a no rtherly d irec tio n to th e po in t w h e re sa id e e n te r Une o f M a ta w a a R oao in te rse c ts th e b oundary tin e o f th e Tow nship of M sta w a n : th en c e ( i t e long th e U ld b o u n d ary line o f th e T ow nshlr o f M e ta w a n to th a poin t or p lace e f B eginning .

P o lling Diace, Book A L ad d e r f i r e nouse, tb b e c k of B orough H all.

SECO N D E L E C T IO N DISTRICT AU th a t p a r t o f th e B orough o«

M ataw an. B E G IN N IN G a t a po in t w here Use ce n te r line ol M alr S tre e t

tone a Une dow a ru ile y to a po in t te c tf w ith tne cei


M ataw an.w here U>t ---------------- — ------ ---------•o to rsee ts tb e e e n te i tine of C h u rch S tree t, tb eo e e <11 to e n e a s te r ly d i ­rec tion a long th e e e n te r lin e e t Cfcnreh S tre e t th en o e t t ) tn a n s a f (e r ly .d ire c tio n a long th e ce n te r ilnv o f C fiurcb S tree t to a p o in t wber* sa id e e n te r lin e ol C h u rch S tre e t ih te rs e c ts th e b o u n d ary line of th e Tow nship o t M a ta w a n ; th en c e (S ’ alo n g s a id b o u n d ary Un* of th e Tow nship o l M a ta w a n to a point w h e re s s ld b o iiu n d a rr lin e io le rse rt« tb e c e n te r One of A tlan tic A venue, th e n c e sJ l alo n g sa id c e n te r Une ot A tlan tic A venuue lo a p o in t w h e re ch. l a id c e n te r Une o f A tlan tic Avenur in te rs e c ts th e e e n te r ttne o f M alr S tre e t; th en c e J 4 ) alo n g sa id e e n te i line ol M ain S tr e e t t n s e o u th e rh d ire c tio n to th e p o in t a r p la c e ot B eg inn ing > „

P o lling p lac e , W ash ing ton E ng lm C om pany n r e H o u se o n U t t i e S tre e t

rH IR D ELE C T IO N O ISTR IC TAll th a i p a r t of th e B orough

M ataw an , B E G INN INQ a t ~w h a re th e e e n te r Um o f M a in ^ S tr e f •n te ra e c ts th e . c e n te r Une of Chur**r S tre e t , th e n c e l i ) In s so u th e rly d i­re c tio n a lo n g th e ta td ce n ta l tine el U a to S tre e t to th e gu lley so u th ot

- # r- i' '■ *■ ^ ^ ' l i f l f C A i M U N IC IPA L B U D G E T '*■*L o ca l B u d g e t o f th e T ow nsh ip of M ataw an , C ounty o f M onm outh fo r th e flsc a j y ea y i960. n

riS rH 9

I tre e t to th e gu lley so u tb ot v i id d ie to R os a • j ^

' j t r * 2------------- :---------

eouU ieiiy d ire c tlo a akHig tb e e a s te r ly ed g e oi L ake L s lfa r ta to th e can ta i Une cf S U la B igbw av M* tb eo c s

akuig tbe a a id ce n ter l la e of U te E igbw ay M lo a w este rly a i

ra c tta e to s o o m i w here tbe s a i r e e n te r One ol S lew H ighw ay m m to r s e d a th e ao u o d ary g n e ef Iha Tow nship Ol M adiaao: thanes t» l • tons tb e sa id o o a n d a a u n e of . tb* Tow nship ol M adlsoo lo a potoi w bere aaio Hoe Ui U r se c ts Um ee o ie i Une of New B runsw ick A venue tfcence to) in a n o rth erly d ire c tin ' a loog tb e ea ste ri> edge of u a k e L*< fa r ts to tbe gulJcy thal- ruoa Lo n s c t ol Locust n a c e : (hence 47) e lo o ae ^ U o e d iaw o down tb e e e n te i * sa lu cuU ey to a oou>i w h e re lb* c e n te r Une of 8chenck A venue U rse c ts tb a c e n te r line of M air S tree t; thence t l ) aJong Uie e e o ie i 3 m ol M ain S tre e t u> e o o rth e r i) d irec tion to a poiol w b e re tha sai< cc n ier Une oi M ain S tre e t in te rse c t Ihe ce n te r Une oi S ta te H ighw ay S4 thence <9) along tb e sa id ce n te r Oxm at s u t e U ig b w sj U to an ea s te r i> direc tion to a point w here sa id cen ter Une of S ta te H ighw ay M in le r sec ts ih e ro a d b eo oi th e C e o u * R a ilro ad oi New J e is e y ; thence tlo< alonp sa id roadbedi to a ootnt w h e n ss ld ro ad b ed in te rse c ts tb e e e n te i Une oi C b u rc r S tre e t; thence (11. •k in g th e sa id ce n ter Une o l C hurcti S tree t id an w este rly d irec tio n to th e00 lo t o t p lace of Beginning.

P o lling p iac e . M idw ay Hoion W ashington S treeL

rO U B T H ELE C T IO N DISTRICT AU th a t p a r t o f th e B oraugb

M ataw an bounded on th e e a s t s o d n o rth e a s t by tb e boundary Une ot(no Tow nship of M ataw an , on tb esou tb by th e n o rth e r ly ftouund a r y One01 ih e fw w n th ip of M arlb o ro , oo the w est oy tb e b o u n d a ry ttn e of t tnrow nabJp e l M ataw an a a d oo tbeno rth by • Uqs ex ten d in g a a follow s to w it:

U EG IN N IN O a t a po in t w b e re Om sc o te r tine ol N ew B runsw ick A r e one is in te rse c te d by tb e Pound s r> Une ol th e T ow nahlp Of M alaw an th en ce (1) ta a n o rth e r ly d ire c tio nalong ib e e a s te r ly ed g e o t L ak e L et (a r ts to u>e g u lley th a t ru n s to tb e b ack p i L ocua l P la c e ; tb e o e e i l ) along a « an e I r a w o dow n tb a c e n le i of aa ld g u lie r to a potnt w b e re tb e ce n ter line of S ch en c a A venue in te r se c ts tb e c e n te r lin e e l M ain S tr e e t , u m oi M ain S tre e t tn a n o rth erly lhance (3) alo n g th e so ld e e n te i d irec tion to a po ln l w bere th e sa in ce n ter Une of M ain 8 tre e t in terse c t* (he c e n te r line ol S ts le H ighw ay M : thence <41 aloo# tb e sa id ce n tec iiae oi S ta te B tf tiw ey S4 to a p e m t w beee th e sa id c e n te r lin e of S ta te H irtv way M tn le rse o ts th e ro a d b e d e f th e

~ i t r* i R s llrn a d o* New ierse<e P o lling p lac e , F re n e a u In d e p m d e n t

« irebeuee . S 'reo e au Ave.r i m t E LC C TftJN D ib lK lC l

Al) th a l p a r t o i tb e B o ro u g h o t M ataw an oounded to tb e w e s t 'b y th e b o u n d ary Une of tb a fo w n siu ^ o f M adlsnn , on th e north by Ihe b o u n d ary (ine oi tb e Tow nship ot M ataw an e n d o n tb e sou th an d eaal by a line a t te n d in g a s fotlowas l i w it:

BEO IN N IN G Si s po in t w h e re (be te n te r Une of S ta te H ighw ay S4 to te rs e c ts th e bo u n d ary Una ot Ibe rnw nsM p e l M ad ison thence H i in an e a s te r ly - d irec tio n a io n a Ibe saio c e n te r Une o t« sa ld S ta te H ighw ay W to a po in t w here tb e e a s te r ly ed** of L ake L efferta .u te rsc c ts aa ld cen te r One of S ta te tU ghw ay 94; thenr< (! ) a lo n g th e e a s te r ly e lde e l Lak* L efferta tn a n o rth e r ly d ire c tio n u p ro sp e c t P o in t; th e n c e <J) a lo n g a i tm d ra w n a c ro as L ak e L e n e r la fronn P ro sp ec t P o in t to a n o rth e s s te r ly di re :t io o to R av ine D rive; th en c e i4i along a Une d ra w n ac rosa th e su llen to th e le ft o l H lg h J in d A venue to a po in t a t th e e n d o f L ib erty S tree t (h e n ce (6) a lo n g a line p a ra lle l w iib M ataw art R oad to th e jgu lley w hicn ru n s along A berdeen n o a d : thence fl) efong a Une dow n (he c e n te r ta

^ a ld g u lle r to e O d n t w h e re earn* in te rse c ts w ith Uie c e n te r Une o i M ataw an R oad; th en c e f l ) along the sa id c e n te r line o f th e M atsw a n R oad in a n o r th e r ly d irec tio n to th e o o ln t w h e re thv s a id c e n te r Une a* M ataw an R o ad In te rse c ts th e bou n <arv Une of th e T o w n a h lp o f M ata w an *

P o lling o lae e , B orough B uild ing a r


w . m m VftLUE

' A l H i m N rf tm u m > Cwrwln n f i r t m ;• S l ta l l lh n w tti l • fr»d ilon-D ck.d O r n l t i y l l• Httfc-Amr Coiucl, • 1IQ’ ikI.»l»lt«| *

. O u n b l H c iin T iib .1• MMmafTmiihniMl* r«n nMlty• • M

V * M CwtnR • U ^ n n t ContnMW 111* « H h r S r i * M . . 9 9 , I M O ,

: « r ( t f H i r M S ^ H y l> iH lw in tw il

M&M ELECTRICAPPLIANCE, Inc......................

I t i s h e re b y c e rtified t h a t t b e b u d g e t a n n e x e d h e r e to a n d h e re b y m a d e a p a r t h e reo f ia a U ne copy of the b u d g e t a p p ro v e d b y reso lu tio n of th e g o v ern in g b o d y o o th e t t h d a y o f F e b ru a ry , 1900.

- R 0 3 E K . W E N Z E L ■C le rk

" • T o w lish ip HaU. M ataw an . Wew J e r s e y• ’ ' • . A d d ress

CerU &ad b y m e ' r L O S-1076T h l a ^ g j d a y o l F e b ru a ry . IfliO.- , , , ' P h o n e f lu m b e r "

It Is h e re b y ce rtified th a t th e b u d g e t a n n e x ed h e re to ao d h e re b y m a d e a p a r t b e o o f Is an ~ei(act copy of th e rig ln a l on file w ith th a c le r t f o f th e g o v e rn in g b o A , t h a t a l l ad d itio n s a re c o r re c t and th a t aU s ta te m e n t l in e d h e re in e r g in proof. . '

one a re c o r re c t and th a t aU s ta te m e n ts con-

JO S E P H J . SEAMANR eg iste re d M u n ic ip al A ccountant

430 M a rk e t S t . P e rth A m boy, N. J .

C ertified b y m e 'Thin 8 th d a y of F e b ru a ry . IMP.

u i i - i a *Address Phone N u m b e r

B u d g e to f ‘ RESOLV

LOCAL DUDOBT NOTICEof th e T o w n sh ip of M s ta w a n , C ounty of M onm outh for th e fisca l y e a r i960. iLVED, th a t tb a fo llow ing _( ta te m e n te Of re v sn o a s and a ra ^ o p rta tio n s s h a l l c o n s^ iu to th e locala i n V « M i i N m skwft __ i^ L ..J . . . k i _ .,k u .i i i_ k . .< i v . ««.<-

D a IS n M N b«C > U | HIOlb u d g e t fo r th e y e a r 19g0. ' • ..* .-• .> ' t r , " ,; B E J T .F U R T H E R R ESO LV ED , t h a t s a id b u d g e t b« . pu b lish e d in The M g la w a ^ JouH val In th e Sfiliie of th e 29th

............ w ______________ ______________ te T o w n A lp o f t f a ta w g n d o e s h e r e r - " -‘J - - *** - *■--T ow nsh ip o f M a ta w a n fo r th eL y e ftr 1BS0. /

------- ---------- ‘ r . ^ a t e n , M r. K aw aU lff.,M r. M a n .

d a y o f .F e b ru a ry , I960.T h e g o v ern in g body o l

R e c o rd e d V o te ; . , /N otice J f h e re b y g iv en '{ h i t —- ___________ ____

Tow nship o f M a ta w a n , C o tu ity o f M oom outh . un tb eIt th e b u d g e t and ta x re a p luUon ~ w a i approvi " * “ : g th d ay of r e b m a r^ .,1

^following a s - l th e .b u d g e t of th e

ijf t h s IV)wnship d o m m itte e of th e

A h e a r in g on tb s b u d g e t sn d ta x reeolu tion will be h eld a t M atsw a n Tow I960, a t S o 'c lo c k ’ [P r MT). a t w h ich U m e an d p lace o b jec tio n s to s a id b o 4 of W atew an fo r th e y e a r i9fl0 m a y b e p re se n te d by ta x p a y e r s o r o th e r In q

,r t lp H a ll, o n th i . . . . e t a n d t a x resoh iU on

a te d personal

of M erch , e T o w o sh ip

EXPLA N A TO RY STA TEM EN T SUM M ARY O F C U R R E N T FU N D SECTIO N O F B U D G ET G E N E R A L A PPR O PR IA T IO N S FO R :1. Municipal purpose* ....... - ........................................3. n e a e rv a a fo r u n co U scted T a x e s—B ased on E sU m eted P e rc e n t of T ax C o llections..-

Y&AH 1960 Y EA R

. $179,974.09 I s i T . m n1246*160

4. T ola] G e n e ra l A n5. LESS: A nticipate*

irop rla tlona ...... ....................—............................ .............R evenues _O ther T h a n C u rre n t P ro p e r ty T ax ‘ ‘ 1 from r



0. D IF F E R E N C E ! P ro p e r ty T a x fo r S upport o f M unicipal B udget A p p ro p ria tio n s '{ A s fo llo w s); ._ ( a ) L ocal T a x fo r M unicipal P u rp o ee a Inc lud ing R eear v e fo r U ncollected T a x e s US.dS0.l2


B u d g et A ppropria tions—A dopted B u d g e t ...... ....................B u d g e t a p p r o p r ia t io n s A dded by C h a p te r 159. p . L, m e .......E m e rg e n c y A ppropriaU ons ________ - ........ _________________

’ T o ta l A p p ro p ria tio n s — — - L.+.,z.....

E x p e n d itu re s : ' ‘ * ‘P a id o r C h arg e d ________ - ■ ■■.......

an c e s C ancelled

;r ^W ^xgendltW ei siid. Unexpended Balances

G e n e ra l W aterB u d g e t . U tility

., *310,231.73 f 50,725.00

.. . TrS0Q.00 ,•-i t.000.00 S.000.(

3 1 g ,7 ^ .7 S , ' 6i.72S.00

a i9 4 i i .B ^ 1 ,108.3d 1.S1B.S4

; > fig,723.00

Overex^kndituret^• \ v ' '

» ' i l ' '/ - .E x p liin g U o n of A ppro p rta tlo n s fo r **Other R x p A i s g t f * ' .• _. T h e a rn ^ u n lr a p p ro p rla te d u n d e r th e U ue of " O th e r E x p e n se a " a re fo r o p e ra tin g c o e ta ' & h e r th a n " S

and ^ a g e s . 1

M a te r ia l , '' su p p llee •;an d "nonbond«5ie" equ ipm en t.

w a g e s .** " s %r ■. , AS e tae o f th e l te ^as Included in ^ O th e r Expenses** a r e :

. H e p . ln . n d m . l n l . n . n c , o t b ia id liiH , M u ip m m t. r o , d i . « lc . ’ ,v f / . " •> ‘P.?!!!.r.*c , u , , ■ '■ 'Vlc.i l o r R ir b iK . a n d i r . i h r « n o v i l . tire K jd r .n t » , r v i c , . a id to v c l t m l « r ftT , '«inlt>*nlM ,- H r . O U U IIu , p r ln U n , an d a d v tr tU I n f , l iu u r in e * I n d m .n y o t t i n l u m a t o Um M rv te M m d a r a d W .

n u n lc u a ! (o v .r n m < n t . ■ e . ' ^ : - . •1 Sm B u d g ,t.A p p ro p rU lle n H e m , r t W a rlc r tT o M a J j M o l co lum n " E a p t n d r t II

■ W M N t n i r (T A T E M K N T 1M» B U O O B T — T O W N U II^ o r M ATAW AN':. . . I tL> tu lla u il.a a j_______T h e T ow nsh ip C o m m ittee p re s e n t h e rew ith th s foU owing re v e n u e s s n d s p m ^ r l a t i o t i g

M unicipal B u d g e t fo r th e T o w n sh ip o t M ataw an . i. A ll ap p ro p ria tio n s co n ta in e d h e re in h av e been e s t im a te d co n se rv a tiv e ly ‘s n d t t U

TAX R A T E t o P ^ d e th s n e c e s s a r y ae rv icea to th e T ow n sh ip ta x p a y e r s . ,- ' - ■ - | j 7 7 9 *100.00 o f A s ie a te d V alunU ons a * ,c o m p a r e d w ith

V a lu a tio n s , a d e c re s s e o f - 94 c e n ts . ; ' ■ . y^ r - i r w r e i h h f f i f M T i X 'l e v f ^ l i l d T « ^ t f r i T T i r W B e w f i tf

w h ich ' c o m p rise th e

fe lt a m p le a p p ro p ria t io nj-v ^ v O A -’x ...

T h e T a x B a te fo r Ih e y e a r h a s b e e n e s tim a te d a l J h e J M i T s x R a te o f 9 li.73 - * .— ---------— p e r $100.00 of A ssessed - w , w ,

A caw TnrrsT ive '~sffkiyirtror-o>e ' n Bro,~sctuav 'a n f l~ m e -ig K re iirm T (W ~ Q X '. Y e a r (950 . Y e ar I960

A c tu a l A c tu a l E s t im a te d E a d m a te dJo in t School T sx

— C ounly T ax—.T ! ? 1 * ™ T a x R i t e T a x L e v y T a x R a le o r D e c re a s e " _ „ 1 o n o £ - -

L ocal P u rp o ie T a x .

. $337,683,00 30.70.« ~ 4 4 ,n « jg 2 .~ ~ » ~ S ,0 1 . A .1 5 8 .2 9 3 .3 3 B.02

r n . \ r ^100,000.00..

$500,831.04' 10,73"



T a x R a le In c re a s e

-D e c r e a s r .47*

- - i J r -

17.70 <r

LOCAL P U R P O S E TAX . . , ,' T h e . local p u rp o se b u d g e t Is th e on ly o n e o v e r w hich th e T ow nship C o m fttltiee h a s a n y co n tro l a o d fro m th e

T h e f in an c es o t (h e T ow n sh ip a r e ln _ .v e ty fo o d c o n d JU o n L an d -e v ery . e f f o r t - “ -------C o m m itte e to m atn tn tH 'th is cbnaiU oh b y o p e ra tin g the .rnun»c ioalU v In a busln— i


G E N E R A L R E V E N U E S • 1 , : .

1. S u rp lu i A n U d p a te d ______ .........

9. S ifrp lus A n U d p a ted w ith P r io r W ritten C o h s e n t 'o f D lre v io r n f L o ca l G o v e rn m en t . . ___________:.....

3, M iscellan eo u s R ev en u e s: ■ • '•?L lce n aes: ■ I- ■■ -fc- .• A lcoholic B e v e r s g e s l _. ..,f : . b . v . ■• ■..Fees a n d P e rm lts t . . , • .■ ' . . . . .

- A nU ctpated fo r 1900 fo r 19S)

--------------- jljo .o o b 'o o $150,00000

R eaU te d In C aiK In U39



" ' A , ’ ' - t uF in e s

M a t a w a n In te r e s t and- C ost* ' e n T k x es



l i o o o u e

" 'S .T W je


IJM 3.W. 3,«9S.D»

■ 9 .T M A

L E G A L N O T I C E LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICEB u s R e c e ip ts T a x e s -------- — ------- ------F ra n c h ise T ax e s — — ............... — ............................................... — —— -G ross R ece ip ts T a x e s ...... ----------------------------------------—— •— ---------------M<rfor F uel T a x R efu n d s ....... ....................*— --------------

T o ta l M is<idianeous R ev en u e s -------------------- -

4. B ece ipU fro m P e h o q u e n t T a x e s ---------------------- -----------------------------------

5. S ub-T otal G e n e ra l R ev en u e s < I te m s 1, 3 a n d 4) ...... — ....g P ro p e r ty T ax fo r S u p p o rt o f M u n ic ip al B u d g e t A p p ro p ria tio n s .

( a ) L ocal T ax fo r M unicipal P u rp o ses In c lu d in g R e se rv e fo rU ncollected T a x e s ------- — .............................. - .............................. —............

T o ta l P ro p e r ty T ax fo r S u p p o rt o f M unicipal B udget A ppropriaU ons

7. T o ta l G e n era l R ev en u e s N o t e T h * ‘am o u n ts ”R oads aU otted. an d ‘



. $ 65,054.00



$ 72.536.00

, « » . o ifc ,14U J*<1^Ug.O

T jn .8 9 g .4 7

__ 37,540.00 37^500.00 1U .74S JJ

252.958.00 .: 285.058.00 39LC94.48

...- 143.650.13 158.393.33

.... H43.d50.12 $158,39333 $191045.34. $ 3 8 8 J0 6 12 $ 4 ti,4 4 9 J3

"the f a r co lu m n to th e r ig h t r e p re s e n t S ta to .Aid lo r b d o t o ca sh b y th e S U le. o r io p a r t re c e iv e d in 1909 an d in p a r t h e ld in c a s h by tfae S ta ta . ........


itod . ' lo r 1939

8- G E N E R A L A P PB O F B lA T lO N S (A ) O perations

G e n e ra l G o v e rn m en t: A d m in istra tiv e and E x ec u tiv e .

S a la rie s e n d W a g e * ...— IO th er E x p en se s .P rin tin g and ’ ~~

Advertising F in a n c ia l Adm i

f o r 1999'- B f E m e rg e n c y .B ceoiu tloq

_______ A dm inistraU onS a la rie s a n d W ages — «. OLher Expense*

A ssessm en t of T a x e sS a la rie s a n d W ag es ..O th er E x p en se s .. . . . . .

CoUecUen o l T axes . S a la rie s and W ages —

O ther E x p e n s e s —P u o lie B u U d in si a n d G ro u n d s

S a la rie s a n d W sgt ' 'O th er E x p en se s _

L iq u id a tio n of T a x T itle ,L iens j n d F orec losed

P r o p e r ty - O th e r E x n a n ies L s jra l S erv ices s n d C osts

O ther E x p en se ^ ......Z oning C osts

O ther E x pens e s —T a x M a p R ev ia ioa ,

O th er E x p en se s In s u ra n c e '

W «»riu»en's C am p ens s t ton in s u ra n c e

O th e r In su ra n c e , _Group lnaurance Plan . for Empieyor-


X 0 » M - 2,890*09

8J00.09 . 2.290.08




l.o o i^ o

. 400.00


7 .4 . . . . .9.000.00

1 8 0040


i , m m I


T o ta l to r lSa» a s

M odified B y AU

T ra n s fe r s



• WISO# 00t S o oo .l.OM.OQSJOO-M


M i.1 0


E x p en d e d 1959

m is.

B faarvw *

$ 7,408.00 I ■1 1 0 U » aas.41

l.M S-53 "V 314 47

1 6 0 0 4 01T4O J0

1 1 2 1 « 30.00, 3 8 7 4 9 . ' 4 3^3

t s s s a ’ 34.47

1 43143

■ - ^ i

' " 1 4 7 5 J 0 ‘ *■ 4 * ^ W7.8U

s u m

■ fin " 'ii\

i s s r

P ro te c tio n to P e rs o n s - a n d P ro p e r ty : •

F ir e .P ire m e n 'a Com pensaU on—

O th e r E x p en se s .....O th e r E x p en se s -----------

F tr e H y d ra n t S erv ice P o lic e

S a la rie s an d W ages ---------O th er B s p e s s e s -------

M o a f ^ p a l C o u rtS a la rie s a n d W ag es -----------O ther E x p en se s ...... — *•.....

In sp ectio n o f B uild ings S a la rie s and W ages ~— ~~

C iv il D efeaae a n d D is a s te r C eotro l

O ther E xpensesF ir s t A id O rg an isa tio n

C on tribu tion (40:0-2) — -----------S tre e ts an d R oads;R o ad R e p a irs a h d •M ain ten an ce

S a la rie s an d W a g e s -----O ther E xpenses .......................-

C o n stru ctio n , R cconetouctton , R ep a irs a n d M s ln te n a n c e with

S ta te A id b y F o rm u la S tr e e t L igh ting

O ther E x p e n se s . ;A >itat‘ 'S anltaU oni

G a rb a g e an d T ra sh R em ovalO ther E x p en se s ......—

H e alth Snd C h a ritie s :B o ard o f H ealth

S a la r ie s and W ages --------------O ther E x p en se s ----------

A dm in istraU on o f P u b lic - A ss is ta n c e

S a la r ie s an d W ag es PubU c A ss is tan ce—

(S ta(e Aid A g re e m e n t) -S e rv ic e s of V isiting N u rss

(Contrart) ................. — ——R ecreaU on an d E d u c a tio n :

O lW r E x p e n s e s .........A id |o P r iv a te ly O w ned LUpTary

O ther E x p en se s ~ — ,

T o ta l O p era tln n a ( I te m g (A i) 1210.590,00 (B ) ConU ngent ........ — I J Bi QM

1.93100 1,4*0.00—





1.400.00' . • $200.00

25300 . 292.00

1 ^ %




31138.00 7 4 4 3 4 9 ...

■' S3 aft 17 61


S.730.00 300.00 * - S o o 19 t a

1.000.00 1,000.00 1498.00 14984)0

1.500.00 1,000.00 1 3,000.00 SJ3.19 1,076 Hi

3.000410 2,000.00 3,000.00 s.ooo.oo


27.000 00 30.000.00



46 ao 353 M




1000.00 7,787.07 *r.

. 94 JS

n .o o tfo o ’ 17,g00.b0 • 19,940.00 15,040.60-



1 3.044.00108944

3,044.00 ' 3481.14 i , . 86 «W

1,000.00 • 1,000.00 1,000.09 1,000.00 .

6.000.00 5.000.00 B.00040 5.000.00

4.300.00 4,3004)0 4,300.00 — ' 4,900.00

44NMKOO 4,0004)0 - \ v 3,-31040 . - 1.08100 ,1.746 .tu

;.»flo.oo ^ 3450.00 *\ . . ' * 1 3 9 0 .0 0 ' 1,250.00

1214,100.00to o o ^ »

T o ta l O p e ra tio n s InehicHng C on tingen t , WIOJPO.OO $211.10000

D e ta ils •S a la r ie s a n d W ages 02,540.00O th er E x p e n se (Includ ing

C o n tin g e n t) .............. tffl.OflO.OO



C a p l t l l Im p ro v e m e n ts ^ ' ' "

a '000 0°


4,449 12 1,235 14

$218,100 )0 $200,4d9.M , $ 0.8M 2«


u e , 02*00

le tm etion

T o ta l C ap ita l Im p ro v e m e n ts ... < 29,000.00

(D ) M unic ipal D e b t S erv ice p a y m e n t o f ' ‘ '

7,500^0 " T o m S T

B ond P riiie fp e lIn te re s t on Bonda *--- -• -


T o ta l M unicipal D e b t S 4 rv ic e $ 22,131.00

(E J D e te r re d C h a rg e s a n d . ,Statutory Expenditures ,M tig id p a l .E m e rg e n c y A u th o rlza tio n i

C ontrm uU on to: rP u b lic E m p lo y ees’ . \

R eU rem en t S ystem -S octai S ecu rity S y s te m .

( Q A . S . I . ) _________ ____C om oU dated P o lic e a n d -

-F irem e n ’a P e n s io n F u n d P olice an d F lre m e n 'a •>;> ,

R s llre m e n t S y stem o l If . J .~ . n tic fp a tc d ' D e f ld t in r . r D ed ica ted W at«r UUUty

B u d g e t R ev en u e - .....


« 21,327.00

H 3 0 0 M

• 1,000.00 $ 6,50000


. 00,029^5




* 102 7 5



10,000^0s ^ s i .a o

$ 21.327:00 $ 2L28CS0



2 , 7 0 0 .

1 * 0 0 0





9.159.00 11.999.73

T o ta l D e fe r re d C h a rg e s .a n d - S ta tu to ry E x p en d itu re s -^ '1 -J^ u n lc lp s l . $ 12.959.09 I 72,799.73

(H ) T o ta l G e n era l A ppropriation*fo r M unicipal P u rp o se s I Item * 8 5

(A) to ( 0 ) . Inc lusive ) $279.97109 $$17,718.79F o r Local D in trlct School Shirpoee^(L) Suh*Total G eneral-7 - ; ■ -

A ppropriaU ons ( I te m s (H ) . “an d ( K) ) - .......................... $279.97109

94,300.00 54,300.00

1,000.00 008.00 195 IK)

1.500.00 1.185.90 3)4 44

1100.00 t .o ra .s i . t,O0?

' u o o .o o

* * <*■> . i f , ■~ lt . 809.73


• 'hs 11.999.73

** 2M-ISV

9 8 71799.73 * 70-,fi88.49 *• 1,83a J*•* Tl ■ *'

I 1.000.00 $316,71173 " $310418.09 $ 8,971) iH

$317,788.73 $ 1,000.00 $311788.73 9310,216.89 f 1570 »*

118.230.03 125.682.60 129.882.017 12S.603.00<M) R c s , r v . (n r U ncolltctrfd

T.ZO I ..... — ...........— ........ -

9. T o n i G .n e r a l A p p m p rl.l lo n j *3»a.20«.ll M ti.44S.33 , 1.000.00 U 44 440 U H31.B7B.2CI | 1 J70 M

^ o ic a I t k d w a t e V u t u j t y b v o o e t


O^r^Ung Surplus. Anticipated with Prior Written Consent ofA n tlc lp s ted

f o r J 9 « f o r l 9 «

d ire c to r of L o c a l G o v e n u a e n i R en ts ........Mi - •Deficit (General Budget) r :__ ^

T o ta l W a te r UUUty R ev en u e s..

. | 1,144 *1

. 30,00000

. 2,700.00

. 1 1 * 9 .0 9 .

$ 4408.07: . 38.429^0

4,000.00 : i i jM 9 .n

*■— !R ealixedIn Cakh

‘ J n lf*59

$^ 4.096 Ir, 'J8 .030 95

J 17S0 06' J

, $ 45,000.00 $ 56.7234)0 1>8S,056 tl

D e b t S e rv ic e : . . . .P a y m e n t a f B ond P r in d p a lIn te r e s t o a B o n d a ___Interest on N o tes ....... .

D e fe r re d C h arg e e a n d v; S ta tu to r y E x p e n d i tu re s : ' .

E m en g e n ey A uthorlzaU oos C rm tnbu tlon i to*

, P u b lic E m p to i’e e t B eU rem en t S y ste m . .

Social S ecu r ity S y ste m ( O A A L )

Total Water Utility AppropriaUons

. for 1MMEmergency BesoluUon Trai

' s n .

iA e s e n e d

^ * f 41uT <1034

t l s q o o o


$ 4100100 ** » B im o tf ■ v» 1000.00 : 8 81*23.00 V S S7JOfii, d 1.818.04D e d ic a tio n b y a i d e r —R . S . 4 0 :2 -ia .l “ T h e d e d ic a te d re v e n u e s e o U d p a to d d u rin g , t h s y e a r 1909-fro m D o * W cerise* a r e h e re b y a n U d p a te d a s re v e n u e a n d a r e h e re b y a p p ro p r la to d fo r th e p u rp o se s to w U e h s a id re v e n u e la d ed ic a ted b y s ta tu te o r o th e r le g s ) r e q u ire m e n t/* - f \

C s iA a n d In v e s tm e n t!fH ate 1 Hoe d -AM A lto tm e n te R ecelvsihle R ece lv ab lea w ith O ffse ttin g R ese rv es :

T a x e s R ece iv ab le .

A PpK N D flC TO .B U D G E T ST A T E M E N T C a rrem t F a d B a lan c e M e e t D e c e m b e r 31, 19S9

A SSE TS - • • ? ; C e m p a ra tiv e S ta te m e n t$251548.98: , - a n d C h tn g e ‘ '

T a x T itle L ien s R ece iv ab le P ro p e r ty A c q u ired b y T a x T it le

. i J e a -LbQUidaUon ... • ...| . , .



O th er R ece iv ab les _ ............ _D e fe r re d C h arg e s R e q u ire d to be in

i960 B udget

T o ta l A ts e tt

S u rp lu s B a la n c e J a n u a r y l i t . C U R R E N T R E V E N U E ON A

CASH B A SIS:' C u rre n t T a x e s „ ”

• ( P e r c e n ts r e co llec ted : 3959 * 5 * . 1958 82%)

. D e lin q u e n t T a x e s

fraen t e f C urrow t F s n d O p ifa tto a i la C u rre n t S v rp h ss H a r e o a e . ^ - , , --------------- Y e a r 1959 Y E A R ”. _ . , 1 M 9 Y E A R l&M

. n < i . t n . u

t u m » !lU ,J 4 « 4 t . « ...«1 JSO «

. L tA B IL IT IF A R E S E B V E 3 AN D SU R PLU S•C aU i U a b l l l l l f , ____________________;_______ « J7 .B I7 HR e s e r v e s .fo r R e c e iv a b le s — .,r i a u i f tS u rp lu s —......... 238.734412

T o ta l L ia b ilitie s. R e s e rv e s s n d S u rp lu s .,


M u n icip al A pproprisU ons School T a x e s (In c lu d in g

L oca l a n d R eg ional)

S chool T a x L ev y U n p a id L e ss : S chool T a x D e fe r re d

* B a)a n ce In c luded tn A bove

. C ountv T a x e s (In c lu d in g a . A dded T a x , A m o u n ts ) .

S p ecia l D is tr ic t T a x e s __O th e r E x p en d itu re ? an d

, D ed u ctio n s from in c o m e ,

T o ta l E x p e n d itu re s an d ^ T s x R eq u ire m e n ts ___

31g.798.73 j ’; m « 0 - 0 8 .

3Z9.T42JK :^ 8 1 7 M 9f

,99,103.83 ' 7.23S.34 1740 .OC

' r* ^ ;

.L b asr ’BnaeeM Blurts i»v be ■ « 8 n . M V F u tu re T a x e s .T e f a l A d justed E x o e n d ita re s

. s i td T e x R e i u l r e r e e n t s _

*U se ne a r s s t even p e r c e n ts c e j

Ifiundfay, February 25,1960 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Pag* Nine -

JVasear Dinner Open To Fans

. ' l i e eighth annual NASCAR Vic­to ry dinoer-dance will U ke place

; M >f| 19 a t Donohue's Restaurant, S a u te J3. in Wayne. Old Bridge

T jS M fam will be NASCAR In 1960, *® tbe event should be inform ative a s to kScal racing this year.

In itia ted in > 1953 to pay tribute 4 9 champion d rivers ia stock car, sport* ca r and midget ca r racing

v a k t tg tbe east coast, the affair has - developed into the largest attended

f* d fi* J 0d a l in the United Slates.C b a in san of th e cnm npi^ff is

W sa ll . one-time Indianapoiis /'S peedw ay com petitor, world record

holder on d ir t tracks and the 1933 ea ste rn sprin t c a r champion who

. i*i n o # national field m anager for . NASCAR of D aytona Beach,

Fla. • . . . .R eturned F rom F lartda

8*0 has just returned from the Spaed Weeks ac tiv ity , in Florida, alO Bgw ilh N at Kieinfiekl, veteran ta r in g announcer and publicist for th e Trenton International Spe*d- w ay, the Flem ington Fairgrounds a n d Old Bridge Stadium, w in will b a m aster of ferem onies a t Dono-

i public m ay attend the Mar., U "p a rty ” aad witness the prescn-

t a t* * of troptaks an d o thercoveted p tb e a to the d rivers and owners w ho .w oo tra c k championships in

f o r t

D R U G G I S T |( o r tn y

[ profession*/ m an) \

Hnd h i m f m t i n the


Prize Fo r Area Egg Farm er LabreCfJUC H ead sCounty MS Unit

, M rs. Catherine Orlande, secretary t l Ladwif Vasa, MbrgaeviDe F arm , displays th ree Mae rfh lxa* lak es by c tunpetltka with 99 q g farm ers la tb* s u i t . H m •w arded la the egg farm er division a t tha raeeat New Shaw a t T rentao. M r. Vaas la a dist ributer a l J u t e y a State Seal p n p i m far M ayfair M arkets.

owner i f the Vaaa la

J a n e ; T a n a

half a d o n a states. Antony the celebrated speed m erchants present will be J im Whitman. Wood-Ridge, N .J., 1999 national midget auto rac­ing cham pion and Vince Conrad, Kutrtown, Pa., N .J. Slate stock c a r racing champion and runner-up for the national crown.

'•rooming their c a n for the third annual lOfr-iap championship race Mar. 9, the east coast’s top speed­way drivers w 111 com pete this Saturday night In the weekly midget auto races a t th e Teaneck Armory S tarting time for tbe seven-evenl slate ia 4:19 p.m . The m ain attraction is the 14-lap sweep, stakes.

H a v e you read the classified ads?

S t a t e A p p r o v e * P la n

F o r T w o N e w W a l l s

The S tate W ater P o tky and Sup­ply Council Thursday approved an applica tion of the W est K eafiiburg W ater Co. to increase ita w ater supply source.

The West Keansburg W ater Co. asked for perm ission to drill a new well east of Union Ave. in R aritan Township and another south ol Bethany Rd. in Holmdel Township.

Atthoagh the ( ta la tm it approved the two new well*, It authorised the company t s draw only 1,919.909 gallons a day from each. Instead df the 1.900,001 gallons the firm asked for.

T . - 1 ■ : • • *. 1 • ; i i

i > ‘ ; \: i i»* • ^

A m



Here is another way of wonderful new Norge Auton No longer need you lift heavy cW and out

the 3aa DryeFt-

tiesbasketa in . . no longer need your clothes dry,

creased by clothes-pin, dirtied by clothea-Hney wind-whipped and sun-bleached beyond recog­nition!

t '

NO! . . . the 1960 Norge Automatic Gas Dryer d o e s all the drying work , (you “tote” no m o r e ) .

N o r g i T d f l e B it g e n t l y , xand b e t t e r . . . and * o f

course quite independently o l the weather I

Li addition . . . the SALE PRICES now In ef­fect represent a greater saving to yon than Norge has ever before offered! Yon must act now, however, to take full advantage!

N O R G E C L O T H E S D R Y E R f t

5’Ifrar JWatrant/fO H A L L D R Y E R P A R T S


Theodore J . Labrecque ] r„ Red Bank, has bees appointed Moo- m outh-C ounty C hairm an to r Iha 1960 Multiple Sclerosis Hope Chest Campaign, it has been announced by Sen. R ichard R. Stout, Honorary Chairm an for the county and m em ­ber of the Board of D irectors of the Central New Je rsey C hapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis So­ciety, which serves Monmouth, Burlington, Hunterdon, M ercer and M iddlesex Counties. ,

Mr. Labrecque is an associate with the law firm of Parsons, La­brecque, Canzona and Blair, Rod Bank. M r. Labrecque, w ho gradu­ated from Viilanova College Vi 1JW, served as lieutenant, J.g., N aval Re­serve from 1991 to 1999 in Korea. He graduated from F ordham Law School in 1990. M r. Lahrecque lives with his wife, Joan, a t 91A Throck­morton Ave., R ed Bank. "T he causa of multiple sclerosis," sa id M r. Labrecque, vls - one which should have particu lar appeal lo young m arried people, since It usually strikes between the a^es of » and 49.

‘MS strike* suddenly an d w ith­out w arning ," he continued, “ a id lla progress is e rra tic . M any pa­tien ts have only a m ild attack, other* becom e progressively c rip ­pled. This works g n a t hardship n the fam ily a s well u th e patient. I t can tru ly be sa id th a t “ H om vis

where the hurt Is, when MS hits."Only County Organisation

"The Central New Je rsey Chap­ter, which is the ogly organisation in the county affiliated with the Na­tional Multiple Sclerosis Society," Mr. Labrecque announced, “ raised money each yea r through tb s MS Hope Chest Cam paign. The goal for Monmoutb County this y ea r fl $8500. Forty per cent of funds re­ceived a re devoted to the research program of the National MS Society and the rem aining I t pe r cent is used to bring com Jort and relief to MS patients in th is area .

"The service program for pa­tients," be concluded, “ is dh en- tensive one which Includes paym ent lor home nursing visits, physical therapy treatm ent*, hom em aker service, medical w am laatlons. transportation and tha loan of ap ­pliances and equipm ent such aa w heelchain, crutches, braces, hos­pital bed* and w alkers.”

D r iv e r H o n o re d

A local over tb e road truck driver, John C lark, Route M, Key­port, is a m em ber of a Specter Freight System, Inc., highway team which has sccom piiahad the usuaual (eat of driving m ore IIm i a mill and a quarte r consecutive miles without a a accident a t any kind. The 09 d r iv e n la Iha grgup operate Irom the com pany'* New York and Newark term inals. T h e y w ere honored a t a dinner by presentation ol a plaque symbolising the ir achievement by W. S taahaus, p re d dent of Spector, ana o t th* nation 's lsrgest m otor freight can te r* .

N e w C h a i r m a n


Charles W. Engelhard, ch a ln ru n of the board and p res id e d of Engel- hard Indw tri**, Inc., Newark, will be chairm an o t th* day-kng 11th annual Business Conference to be held a l Rutger* U alvarsity M ay IL

Announcement tha t M r. Engel­hard will head Ihe m eeting t ) lead­ing New Jersey bm iasaim en cam * from D ean George R. E s le r ly c d h * State U niversity’s School a t Busi­nas* Adm inistration and R obert W. Guthmuller, president. Sale* Ex. ecutlve* of Northern New Je rtey , rtp rreen llng Conference s p o o n n .

Noting th* Conference ha* a t­tracted a capacity 'attendance ot

over 1000 for several years, Mr. Engelhard aaid, "This y e s r we shall broaden our com m ittee so tha t sm all businessmen and rep re ­sentatives from all 21 New Jersey oounties may have an opportunity to take part in the Conference “

A r b i t r a t io n M e t h o d !

D e s c r ib e d In B o o k le t

D r. Mason W. C ross, Chairm an of the New Jersey S tate Board of

Mediation, tod*y announced th* publication o f a brochure, available for public distribution, which da> scribes t h e p eace m aking tech­niques of the labor re la tio n ageuey which he heads.

The 31 page booklet describee th* purpose* and function* of tbe labor Medial loo Board. T he negotiating ol * labor dlapute a re detailed froi the day nolice o f the dispute is re- ce'ved a t the board'* offices, until a settlem ent of the atrike Is con­cluded and w ork re turned.


S a le s - M E R C U R Y - S e r v ic e

SCHANCK * SIHLER1 0 L a f a y e t t e P la c e , F r e e h o ld

F R 8 - 1 2 5 0

H ig h w a y 3 4 , M a t a w a n • L O w e l l 6 - 4 2 3 9


C ^ r o c i ' r y 1 jfcatttrem PINEAWU-OflANGl * APRICOT-ORANGf

Juice to<"’d |K*ci<** 3 $1*ooIDEAL ’

G reenStamps


C~ f r > < i t t




Pork & Beans 25£ 55®M a c FROST or DOMINO

Sugar g r a n u l a t e d JS47 . _____i» & r J-4* RIB ROAST



5-39.- 2#

i W /Ki m

k*» 19. 35.D O U

Pineapple 37»DOU

D ftlCIO U i

M L , A * ‘J r o r t t d t j e j ,Q y C Swordfish Steak sli«d »49>

Tesle C f Se*

O V E N R E A D Y .LA N C A S T E R B R A N D ,b -

. — m . LANCASTIR BRAND-90Nf IN _____n a n J I H B S i

Pineapple ■», ”-31* Chuck Roast ‘ 43«" ' ‘ LANCASTER KANO ^ H W I W U r B W *

Arm Pot Roast * 59' <7nai.Hsh Sticks 1*0 65*

slSpaet °r40<Alcoa Wrap *-27.

CZooL'ttSititc o b l l s ”

U ncailer l o t Brand pkff *

f l i l l l r V I Uv U H i/m f# „WNCA5T(AKAND_| ------------------- VISClNIAUf _ . . _ ^ ..

Ground Chuck fc 69* Dutch Apple Pie _ VIWINIA Ul-Wain, Sum. Clnnaiaoe '

S e e Y o u r N o rg e D e o le r o r G o t C o m p a n y

R e p re s e n ta t iv e B e fo re M o rc h 1 9 / I 9 6 0 S U R E

31<FUSHB 1 - — , W HOU orn a m shank hahM U S S ' S l t d o

m e * m m 4 J h VIJOINiA Ut-Nain, Sugar, Ci_____»43cHAif»49« Donutsm VMOINIA u i

Bacon >» 39* Fruit StollenBologna uwcAsmMioon * 49« m ,M idge t Salami 79 * U l if f O n C a k e

* 1 3 1 «tMpikm i I M m * » • * M u m M

> 4 9 s


ROUTE 35 and 36 Plenty Of Free Parking

THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, February 25, I960

? s ,

s Mar. 5M ftam rn will b e tbe firs t of the

local M m t* (wing Into s ta te ^ to u rn am en tac tio n . The M aroon and

ia scheduled to p lay the ir quarteisflaal, C entral Jersey , G roup II , gam e w ith Point P leasant next Tuesday a t th e new N eptune Town sh ip High School court. W hatever th e outcome, the ' Huskies a t least w ill have had the satisfaction playing in the m ost ornate setting y et provided for basketball ln the shore area .

D espite the 58-57 victory of the O arnet Gulls over the Huskies in the "B " playoffs, M atawan, with better adeptneis in getting inside a rone and more accuracy in shoot­ing from quarter court, should pre­vail in Tuesday's re tu rn contest w ith Poin t P leasant. The Gulls best hope is to change from “ bomb­ing” the basket from backcourt to truly “ pumping” from the outside w ith highly arched shots tha t will

■ drap io the inside where the ir tall rebounder* can use the ir height advantage under the boards.

T h e ,g a m e w ith Point Pleasant will Initiate tha defense by the

: M aroon and Steel, o f the C entral Jersey , G roup II , champiottship they won. ln 1959. M atawan: ,Josf in the tournaments last year to Riverside, - the eventual • * t a t e champions, in the .quarter final round o f s ta te p lay a t Camden Convention Hall, f ,

As fo r Keyport, the Red and White is drawing a qualifying round bye In Central Jersey , GWVP HI. and they will not swing into action until Mar, I when they engage Hunterdon Central (Flemington) in a quarte r final round {ante. Their gariie will b e the seco n d h a lf of i

Turkey ShootTurkey Shoots, sponsored by the

N orth Centerville F ire Co. will be held at re a r of Holmdel Inn, Route 35, Centerville every Sunday s ta rt­ing Feb. 28 until Apr. 10, from 12 o 'clock noon; until dark.

85-Point Score By KHS Frosh

R iver gan»e''«t Mf4(I|etiWii ship High court M ar. 1.

The. schtdule’-of gam es In Cen tra l Jersey l o t qualifying and quarter-final round play is as fol­lows:

Mar. 1 Af Middletown High

8:00—Toms River vs. South R iver (Cen. Jersey, Gr. III).

At Neptune High 8:00—M atawan vs. Point Pleas­

ant (Cen. J e n e y , Gr.' ll),At Woodbridge High

7:00—Union vs. A sbury P ark (Cen. Jersey, Gr. IV).

8:30—New Brunswick vs. P eith Amboy (Cen. Je n e y , Gr. IV).

M ir . 2 A t Nepttin* High

8:00—Ocean Southern vs, Car­te re t (Cen. Jersey, O r. II).

. At N w th Hunterdon High

ley (Cen. Jersey , G r. I ) .M ar, 4-

A t U ts U itf 8 : 00—Somervjflo’vS.

w lck-Perth Amboy ?w |Jersey , Gr. IV). :

At M d d le to n te f l j ih ' 8 :00 -B rick T o w n ilf% * . High­

land P a rk , (Cen. Jersey, G r. II).A l N tptune High

8:00—Trenton v i. Long Branch (Cen. Jeraey, Gr. IV).

At New Brunswick High 8:00—Sayrevllle v s -E jr tn g (Cen.

Jersey, O re 111);-At St. M ary's High, South Amboy

8:00—Manasquan vs. BoundBrook-Watchung W llswln|ier(C<sp. Jersey, Gr. 111). : 1 '

. M ai. 5.i, i . f iAt Asbury P a rk C onn itK 4:H aU 7:OOpNeptune vs. TomS River-

South i River winner (Cen. Jersey , Gr. I ll) , . . .

S: 3ft—Keyport v>. Hunterdon Cen­tra l (Cen. Jersey , G fi 111), .'2

At Site To Be Named 8:00—Linden vs. Unloii-Asbuiy

Park Winner. ; '' A t N eptune High

8 :00 -S t, R ose vs. Holy Spirit (AC)-Blshop E u s ta c e ,p in n e r (So. Jersey , P ar. B). ' "

At Notre D am e High) .T ru to n , 8:00—Jam eibu rg v i. Pennington

(Cen. J e n e y , G r, I ) ;

Keyport High’s freshman basket­ball team exploded Saturday KHS court to c ru s h . Red Bank Catholic's first yea r team under 85-49 score. The victory gave the Keyport yearlings an 8-2 m ark on the season, ranked ihem w ith Long Branch, Freehold Regional and Asbury P ark a s schools with out­standing first yea r combines.

The Caseys w ere ham pered by the loss of Chip Reed, their early season high scorer, Reed was ranked by sports observers who saw him- play as the freshman ''f in d '' a t the shore in basketball this, y e a r and destined to be the top player of the a re a in years to come.

H ie gam e between the Red and White and Green end Gold first year team was a .normal sized basketball gam e for- the first half, the Keys leaving the floor by the m oderate lead of 33-22. But in the second half, the KHS yearlings rolled up the startling total, of Si po in ts.• „' Tliey posted some Individual

M arks for themselves. Pete Roth­enberg took in 21 rebounds In a

:g im e for the second tim e this year. The total point of Danny Houra­han, 11, was four under the record of the Keyporl freahm ep play and gave prom ise he might some day break the all-time single gam e KHS m ark , set by Sam Shaw in IWO, of 42 points. Sklppy Van Pelt made 13 baskets, also close to an all-time m ark for a KHS freshm an player. < -

Coach BUI. Douglas' 1B63 KHS team Is expected to m ove a s a unit Into Junior varsity competition next yea r when the o ther m embers of the present KHS Jayvee squad will be expected to move up to the varsity o r out.

Keyport Freshm en (I I )G F P

W. Jannarone, I H ourahan, f V an P elt, tH a n ry .-I . -*P . Rothenberg, e 5 0 4

**& -•».- -. ■ ~ .... 0 0 0

Matawan 16-3 On Regular Season

M atawan scored a M-M victory over Toms R iver a t the Indians' court F riday to close out the M aroon and Steel regu lar season with a 1&-3 record. And the Mafe- w an Jayvees called it quits for the season with a 13-5 m ark for Assist-

Coach Dan Stankiewicz by trim m ing the Toms R iver seconds 4M6.

The Maroon and Steel 'varsity moved out to ao early lead and then coasted through the game. The Maroon Indians gave the home fans a big thrill by closing the gap piom entarily a t the end of the third quarter. The Huskies prompt* ly responded by popping jn five baskets inside of a minute and a half a t the s ta rt of the fourth quarter to take any doubls about the m atter away.

Whitey Andrews, the Tom s R iver flash, started in as though be were to have a big night and set one shot and drove fo r another to have the Indians out in front for the first two m inutes of the gam e. Bob Rankl supplied .the Jarring note for the R iver fans by tossing in a deep court set to put M atawan in the lead a t fW.- .

M atawan N ever H eaded And M ataw aa w as never to be

headed o r even seriously threat* ened again. RolJie P eterson re-. Burned his ‘'dead-eye Dick** ’ rolo a fte r Rankl’s shot, popping in

Hank M ajeskl, form er A merican League star, now a coach for the world*! champion Los Angeles Dpdgers, told a gathering of 123 boys a t the V.F.W. home in Cllffwood Thursday all about tne th ings, ooe m ust do to work toward a career in professional basebalL P layers from Cllffwood and M atawan boys league w ere present; Al C an u o brought io a delegation from Keyport and Aody Taylor, who arranged the show, had p lay en from the R aritan Township boys leagues loo hand. Carl Stephens, ex*MHS hurler, and Danny Bahr, M iddletown H. 8 . pitching ace of 1959, w ere on hand to witness the procedure# tha t Majeskl described aa leading to their being signed^ by the D odgers.

M ajeskl now Is a t the Dodgers training cam p in F lorida w here he > taking over the Infield coaching duties relinquished by Pee Wee

Rec»e, The picture above shows M ajeskl ln his playing days with the Cleveland Indians In pre-gam e baiting practice. '

Desposlto, f Browne, f

c d iK v ' -F a r iie r , c F itzpatrick, c

Kelly, g Scrlvanl, g W cFadden, g

I M. E n tire Week! « ' •"

Today U r n Tuesday) Never s i Few Are The

M ompats L e tt . For'P'OVe!F rank S inatra

, C lan L*Uobrlgida !)', P eter U w to rd '

. Steve McQueen .R ichard Johnson

• . Paul ty n re ld “N EV ER SO FEW ” ClnemaScope-Color

- And - A dventure In Tho . 4th Dimension! - "T H E 4-D. MAN" Color by Deluxe

■ M S C H M

2 0 4 10 11 31 U X VA rii

•' *• /5f'v 0 0 10" r V ® 0 0. v . *3’ ! « 2

— J 1 7

' 36 13 83Red Bank Catholic F re sh (41)

’ » O F P


8 431

’A -13110


2 14 1 9

I * 9 & 2a 4l 3 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 0


N w y P q r k w a y M a p I s

I s t u e d B y A u t h o r i t y - .

The 10th edition of the official G arden State Parkw ay m ap was Issued yesterday. The new. issue 'n f the . parkway m ap folder aga |n In­cludes (he novel “ Send k e lp " sign ipanel to r drivers in distress, and the directory of exits Hating of rium btred turn-off points for some S00 destinations and connections.

The Slate Highway Authority, which operates the parkw ay, pub-. Ilshes the detailed m ap for free distribution to the m otoring public. Mora than 4,000,000 m apsjtave been Issued b y . the authority since the first edition In 1954. '■

Copies of the m ap folder can be obtained from attendants a t Park­way toll booths, o r 'b y mall from the Public Relations Division of the N. -J . Highway Authority at 12 Broad St., Red Bank. A large self­addressed envelope should b e en­closed to expedite the reply.

Cage Tourney To Keyport Quintet

The Keyport Aces won (he Bay- ihore Invitation Basketball Tourna­ment by defeating the E arle Mu­rines, 83 to 88, In the final playoff held a t Baibach’s Hail, Keanaburg, Sponsored by the R aritan Athletic Association the tourney featured outstanding basketball team s in the bayshore area.

T he Aces took an early lead on the ffne p ivot shots ot Joe B runner but J e r ry D e r e r , outstanding th io u a h n u lih a tnarney. « m « |d J points to keep the Leatherneck* within striking distance in the first

ere r ^ tossed In another ,10 points, .diirIng the second quarp*r as jfre Marine**; rallied to take a 38 ti> J J lc a d a th a l f time. Midway In the third quairter the Aces tied ihe score a t 49-all on a four-basket •purt by R ay Tom askl and con- liliited on a t a , f a s t pace to lead the M arines 58 ‘to 52 at the end of the th ird quarter, ', • rD *rer H its F o r Seven .

A'ftothei'' sevfe'n points w ere ta l­lied by D erer' durtftg the third qtkslrter to a id the Marines csubo. Ace "Cottrell cajne: through with Wms fine play during the period.

\ WNfHon b»d Cottrell pusB- s A ces into a 69 to 59 lead

,wl>Mej«S,U?an pix niinutes to play f n a .tne,' A te i ': k ep i^ tl ij pressure on dur|ng the rem aining m inutes o f- 'th a gam b to wind up with 85 to 68 victory.

D erer scored 74 points ln the three gam es th e M arines partic i­pated ln and w as aw arded tho m ost valuable p layer aw ard for a itfkfttog team . The talent ot D erer Is sought by 14 colleges, Including Nlrfgarh, ftliaribva and Penn State, upon" completion of his service In the M arines.

The m ost valuable player aw ard on the winning team went to Joe B ru iinv . Bill F ash , form er Uni­versity of-Syriicuse s tar, cilnchod the m ost.valuable player aw ard for a r losing d u b by scprlrg 46 polhu

■J two gam es. I. :.J n the first round of the tourney IB -Earle M arines . defeated the [onniouth. Dukes, • 63 to'144i Rarl-'

tan Athletic West All-Stars defeated F ort Hancock,' t l to 45; and tho Keyport Aces won out over the Rurltan A thjetlc East All-Stars, 74 to 65. . . . - , - ,

The Keyport Aces drew a ty e In tho second round!to m ove.in to the finals with Jhci E iule Marines who defeated the West All-Stars, 71 to 5 3 ., ' . . V ' '

WIIKOAYt C ________1QWOATI OHIT-OflH i.JO-MOVlM AT ABiTiiiliiinniilii.TffllA itllH H U IlB

Twmw-n gnutogouNO


r a jE E B $ lBNUiWI-NllBil -

* M -------u d t u k k utKino

F R E E p T lcwmgiiuBKs i ; t o

Shore C o n fe re n c e

Standings (F loat)A Division

W L P ebNeptune ^ 4 , 10; 2 .833M annsquan J<d.867Long Branch 7 5 .‘,563Asbury P a rk 7 5 .583Red Bank \ 5 7 .417Middletown Tw p. ' : 3' t .l&SFreehold Reg. 2 10 .167

B Division (N orthern Section) ’■ " . W L P et.M staw an. ' : . ' 10 0 1.000Rumson 7 3 .700Keyport , ~ 7 3 a 700Atlantic Highlnnds - 4 6 ,400South Amboy '. 0 8 .000Wall Twp. 0 10 .000

B Division (Southern Section)W L '-P ct

Point P leasan t' : - ‘ 8 J .800Toms R iver . 1 7 3 .700Brick Twp. . - 3 .5 .500Lakewood . i I I .500Ocean Soutl|ern: ; . . 4 6 ,400Ocean C en tra l' '• - : X 8 .100

open from 1 i

Keyport Boats At Coast Show

Heading the colorful show fleet a t the Jersey Coast Boat Show In size s re two sleek spo - skiffs, each a 32-footer, m ade by Kulas Boat Works, K eyport, and Hans Pedersen, also of Keyport. Rang­ing close behind in size a re a 28- foot Clipper C raft, also m ade in K eyport, and a spanking 27-footer en tered by Luhrs o f M organ.

T he Seventh A nnual J e rsey Coast Bcat^Show* spoll\gtA(ng a re c o i l num ber of exhibits, opened in Con- v en jW r i ^ l% l? '% tu r d i ^ w l lh a a p a jiln g j r ^ - ( i f ; '^shQ w :Q ueens” lebding the>huge fleet a le tte annuul pleasure boating exposition.

The huge m arine panoram a, which runs In the m am m oth beach­front exhibition building d a 1) y- through next Sunday Includes more than 200 exhibits by leading pro­ducers tn d .t j^ iie rs of powered and ailing pleasure" craft ln every

price c s ie g n r® t. ,V lsltoni j a t^ i e show, which is

m. to 11 p.m. daily, .7 p.m. on Sundays,

{{%!' opponunitjr a / r e e boat ‘being chanced

d t t b / t h b D l f ^ I e d American Vet­erans of W rk , as well aswin special prizes in a photo con­te st, i sponsored by .(he show man- ag'ement, for* photographs taken during the run of the show of any scene inside Convention Hall.

A host of free instruction courses ‘In safety snd boat handling, a fish­ing tackle “Spectacular" by "Cap­ta in" Charlie Fossano, Including f r e e courses in tying and wrap­ping rods, as well as instructional exhibits by the State Department o t Navigation are also included.

&0 th levels- of the Convention Hall a re cram m ed with gear,' equip­m ent/ inboard and outboard powei p lan ti (friiT)ilst About every con­ceivable; (tern dear to the heart of the boat lo v i r . ;

Among local exhibitors and Items featured an ;: '; ' Hans Pedersen A Sons, Route 36, Kpypprt, displays a 30-foot raised dw k .v shelter cabin fishing ami cruising skiff, along with o t h e niode|s. V ;' H in ry Luhrs Sea Skifts, Inc., w ith 'headquarters at Morgan, ex­hibits their well known, custom built c raft In 26-foot and 28-foot models. .

C, C. .Galbraith f t Son, Keyport, shows a Boston Whaler fiberglass boat . and features a large display o t "S tyrodoat" floating docks and swimming rafts made pf Styro­foam floatation m aterial.

Kulas Boat Works, Keypor>, has On hand their crack 32-foot spoils fisherm an, equipped with con­vertib le dinette, complete galley, monel. Ice chest, fish tank, flying bridge, stainless steel bow rail and te a k and walnut trim panels.

A-& B'.Boat Sales, Belford, dis­p lays a pow er driven Catam aran which can develop speeds claimed tip' to 70 mph. '.-.(Jlrichsea’s , Keyport, has a "Jor-. sey Clipper for tha Skipper" on display on the m ain floor of the A sbury P ark show.

brace of baskets to put M atawan lii the van 10-7. T im M agee jum p se t one and Dan K uzm a, grabbed

rebound for a layup dnd the Indians w ere out of th e gam e.

Even* though (heir, shooting ac­curacy and the ir general play re­laxed notably, the Huskies went out ot the half ahead. 32-2J. Mike Bloom, Dick Byrnes and Andrews combined for the th ird q u arte r set •hooting tha t brought the Indians to only a 43-37 deficit a t the end ot th a t fram e.

Finding the need to take things seriously again, M atawan never re­sponded In m ore convincing form. T im M agee swished through two ju m p shots, Peterson csm e in for l layup and T erry M agee and P eterson m ade step-ln-and-shoot plays In such rsp id fire o rder st the s ta rt of the fourth quarter thfet both the Tom s R iver players and ihe crowd w ere left numb. It Was o t a sudden 54-37 against the Indians and MHS Coach Bruce MacCutcheon began filtering in substitutes to finish out the gam e.

Jayvees Come (From Behind The M ataw an Jayvees had to

com e from a 25-21 halftlm e deficit tp win. Bob Wltkowski and Bl'ly Collins hit qultk ly with three bas­kets s t the s ta r t of the second half to put the M aroon and Steel seconds ahead. But the Tom s R iver seconds w ere full of fight fn d they cam e back tp knot ihe

qA .lesb than fo u r 't im e s in jairtor. ' ' 'D iv e G regory ae t-a

| lo n j one a t the bell to le( M atawan go out of the th ird qo arte r ahead 36-34.

T he fourth quarter was a dog­fight’ as the MHS seconds kept pulling aw ay and Tom s R iver kept closing In. Bill Bowte m ade two (ine side shots midway of tho Quarter which appeared to -have .clinched I t 'f o r M atawan a t 46-40.' But the Indian seconds w ere full of k{cka)>ot lulce and they would not< stay put. Billy Manns stole the! ball tw ice on the easlng-oft MataW aners and dribbled down co u n fo r.layups to m ake It again onty a two-point m argin. Gregory sank a b race of fouls BT save the da)" f o r the MHS jayyees' for P a t

'B r d m e ' looped one: In. fo r -Tom s R l m ^ w lth 39 seconds ,td go to m a |e ' i t 48-<l6,' Mataw4rt hung on fo r{dear life until EUjbh blew his horp, ~ '' j' Mstawan (14) ’

Keyport Youth Athletic League

Tlni M agee, ( Kuzma, t Carpthers, f Kuchareli, t T e riy l M agee, < Wltkowski, c Peterson, g RankI. g %»f£ t Bowie, g M aratea, g

' An all-time record ot 10,822 deer w ere legally taken tn New Jersey during the 1959 open deer season. T he Division of Flsh and Game re- P°rted tha t 3583 deer were reported tfk e n during the special three-day u itle rle s s .s ea sd n ln December,

F P0 18 5 11 0 15 15 03 15Oi 250

Byr ies,Da'i is,' f . Fra a tf .'f .'M - Fra ik, ri , Moi Hs, e Lille, c Andrew*, g F eidm oif, g ­out . r ,g • Bio^m, g

' Tom a M r t f (H )25 14 84

I' ' 0

F P i l l 0 0 0 4

2 01 B 28 0 0 I I 12 0

»„ ' ,18 20 56Score by quarters;

M atawan ‘ ’ ‘ 19 1J U 2 1 - «Tom s River r U 10 16 19-8#

Matawan J. V. (41) ..............................O; F P

E W elstead, I w iidm an, f > H ensler,-! - Bowie, e Wltkowski, e . ■ W. Collins, g Flynn, g Grefcory, g

i -

0 03 ‘ 4 10 0 '0 0 4 0 8t : 0 1 04 2 10 2 0 41 2 6

20 8 48Toms River J. V. (48)

1 1 , O F FR Lawl*, t . H ILoefftor, _______ > 0 jjBrowne, f ; . , # HTim m erm an, c Cunningham, -.c. Sprague, g- Ruchytsky, g Manns, g 1

0 0 < 10 0 2 111

; . 18 14 48• r Scote by. quarters: -

M b t t o t e ^ V P . ' U » » » - *T o ijj |jfc h w 1 f/T .: H M 9 12-48

N ats and Celtics had things p re t­ty much to them selves a t KHS court Saturday, engaging in a bit­te r 24-22 battle . This provided all the fireworks fo r the day as the Knicks w ere only a sad shadow ct their form er selves In bowing to the Hawks 22-8 and the Pistons could not hold the ir im proved form, going down before the Lakers 24-13.

The Nats had to stop the Celtics who had overcom e them in a p lay­off of a protest. A Celtics victory would have put the league race at an end and the N ats were still sm arting from the going-over the Celtics gave them F eb . 10.

F o r the first half, th e gam e was a Mexican standoff, the score being 10-aM at halftlme. The Celtics had the N ats Bill G tig e r tied up and Don Nuss and P ete Burke were struggling to keep them afloat. The big three trio of the Celtics, .Joe F lsehler, Rtig D ane and Bem ie De­laney, were not finding the going much to the ir liking either.

- Ding-Dong Affair The gam e continued a ding-dong

affair to a 18-all tie a s th* end of the„third 'qu arte r neared , Then G eiger finally shook off Ml Celtic guards to- drop In a pa ir o j lay­ups. A quarter-court shot by Roy Schwartz h s d 'th e N ats In the yan by four polpts, bdt D ane got- in a side shot a t th e bell to cut the Nata advan tage, to 20-18.

The final quarte r w as one o f In­tensive /nan-to-man guarding. The N ats seem ed to have It sew ed up when G eiger pushed In another shot, B ut-the C eitics' Sparky G ar­cia drove ln to r a Jump shot down center court. Schw arts restored the N ats four-point advantage with side sef. B ut th e n .R o g Dane took a pasa off to go In for the basket to m ake It tenSe w ith leas than two minutes to g|o a t 24-22,

The N ats m aintained possession for m ost of the rem aining tin ie ip save themselves.' But' with 15 sec­onds to go, the hsrd-pressing G ar­cia recovered the ball for the Celtics. But the bent of league players to play up to th e big scorer of the ir team s Instead of driving ai)d trying to score them selves un­did the Celtics here. G arcia passed to D ane In back of him and the ball sailed past D ane to go o u t qt the N ats end of the court. T he N ats took over, m ade an easy pass- out under their own basket and hung on to the final w histle to win and go into a tie fpr the league leadership with the Celtics.

Kaleks H ave Relapse The Knlcks Bhowed not even a

sem bU nee of the down court pass­ing to .Penny Schultz and the fast b reak in g .th a t ca rried them td two V ictdnbs‘eartleY/'TAfcfc DUtlMs jiijt the Hawks oot in a com fortable lead over the unscoring Knlcks by halftim e,, and he and Jack Beach put the gam e on Ice for their side in the third quarter.

The Pistons did m anage to throw a score Into the L skers when they cam e up from a 14-3 deficit m id­way o t the third q u arte r to m ake lt only ’14-12 against them . Unable, to score a field goal In the* f ln t half, Bill S trang shot *'tw o ^and Danny Halloran one fo r them w ith­in two minutes to make the contest close. • .

But If-d id not s tay tha t. way. Tom Fallon cam e through fo r-th e Lakers ln this tight spbt and S tretch Moody dumped In a pa ir of baskets ' I n ‘the la st quarte r a s a clincher; A fter the ir flilriry ,;,the P istons lapsed Into the ir old. profit­less ways and could no t score from the floor again. W hitey Hpstrup played * Strong floor gam e 'fo r them In a losing cause. . ■

Thia coming S aturday, the Cel­tics w|U take on the Lakers and the N ats the Knicks. The Celtics appear to be ln the m ore danger­ous spot. The Hawks will try to pick up on the leaders against the slipping P istons. - ' ' • • .

The league standings!ff' .L Pc.

Celtics 3 ’■Nats 4 . . , ;t f a w k s / > . .,i.\

Knlcks; -Pistons -.’ . • • ‘ /cv

'Nats (14)- .............

Sjcliw^rte, ( - v ^ s '.? b l ‘$Lawlor. t :, - ■ . : ,:0< • .0 f i e i g e r r f *. • ; t - o '- i Muscarella, '( . ; . . # 0 tlNustf, c Jqbyleip .:' qurke,;'g J t Croe^ g » ie a ,-g ,.

Keys Win Again From Foul Line

K eyport rung down the curtain on its regular season in basketball F riday , beating Hoffman High 76 63 a t the South Aipboy school’, court. The Red and White wi .up with an 114 record.

F or the second tim s in a the Keys pulled it o u t from

them nearly as strongly as did At­lantic Highlands Feb. 16. The Red R aiders beat the Tigers by mak­ing 30 out of 39 fouls and Friday they again m ade 30 fouls, this time in 42 chances, to down the Am- boyans.

Exceeding Keyport for work at the foul line is only one other team , M anasquan. The Big Blue worked the ir way into the Shore Conference playoffs F riday by m aking 36 fouls ln 50 chances in beating Red Bank. It strains the imagination to think of one team giving another 50-free throws.

Wilson, O’N eil Shine The big, bright spot of the Ke/-

p o rt win a t South Amboy, with the s ta te tournam ents coming on, was the contlnued'lm provem ent of Jim ­m y Wilson and L a rry O’Neil. The R ed and W hite would have been beaten had i t n p t been for the first q u arte r Showing of these two play­e rs who between them scored ti l but one of K eyport's points In tha t fraine, Wilson w as carry ing the burden p ractica lly alone as Bob Poetsch an d 1 G eorge Reick were hustling Hoffman aw ay to e 104 lead . But O ’Neil then clicked on th ree rebound plays to put KHS into a lead they never rellnquirhed.

In the second quarter, the Key­po rt teaqvfom ped around the court a t w ilt, scoring 13 points ln a row, and led by Wilson and Johip Ken­nedy, went out of the g am e 'a t haif- tlm e , inJerp>lsslon t ahe^d by. tbe prohibitive m argin o f 4033. To thls Juncture they had m ade 10 of 13 foul ChahCes, Indicating they ruled the g^m e from the floor.

B ut in ti\e third quarter, t h e G overnors S tarted closing the fcap and stood behind 52-40. And in thfi fourth quarter, th e South 'Am boy team em ulated the A tlantic High­lands team three days betore to v irtually press the Keys off the court. The G overnors cam e on to whittle the m argin against .them to only six points, 68-80, with the Am­boy fans scream ing. But while they w ere being rushed .off the court, the Keyport team was apply­ing the sam e steady polnt-for-point- by-foul pressure they had against Highlands, making the amazing total ot 16 free throws In 19 chances In the quarter. Again was the case of a team m aking a valiant uphill ‘ b a ttle to overtake them breaking under the burden of auch accuracy and K eyport moving on to w-l n going away.

i f .

prized victory being a "revenge" 40-37 win over M atawan a t A sbury P ark Convention Hall in the gam e m ade unique by the fact neither team could score a basket ia th$ last quarter and the Keys took if from the foul line.

Keyporl (71)C F P

J . Kennedy, f 4 8 11J . Wilson, f 8 * 2 5C. Brown, f 8 • ♦Poole, f 0 0 1O'Neil, c 4 1 8T. Pleper, c • 8 8W. Kennedy, g 3 I IBuhler, g ’ a • »Bruce Jackson, g 4 . i »Wenzel, g ■A ♦F. Rothenberg, g ‘ f • •

J» 78H e ttn u u (*3)

C F PBloodgood, I ^ 1 1 *Poetsch, f ■!H 1 2 18Jarusiew ici, f m • « SK eller, c 1 0 2Dennis, c 0G. Reick, g . * 3 21J . Reick, g 1 t 2Lopez, gForm osa, g 1 1 )White, g . 3,1 6Inm an, g , v 0 0 #

17 9 ( 0Score by quarters;, . .

Keyport 15 25 U 24-78South. Amboy 12 1 U 7 3 H O ,

• K eypert J, V. M )_ . . j . . ..... F . , ? .

H ogan,. t , 1 : 1 , 4 ,Sakin, f c 0 .* *H ourahan, t .Van Pell, f 0 ,0 «J . Lawson, f ■ I 0 2W. Jannarone, t 0 0 0Poland, c • 7 3 17P . 'Rothenberg, c 0 0 0.Leonardis, g 1 • 0 1. JJ . S tulti, g 0 0 #L. Brown, g 0 1 I

18 15 47Hoffman J. V. (43)

G t PJ. Reick, f 3 0 8Long, f . 0 0 0M o r a n ,f - 1 0intnair, f - • . •,-» a »P’orm osa, f 3 0 83. W ernett, c - », 9 *Lopez, g 9 0 18Selover, g 1 0 2

20 >43Score by quarters:

K eyport “South Amboy

8 12 13 14—<7 12 12 8 1 1 - 0

Jlow about business ca rd s? W*. can supply them quickly and a t th- right price Come and try us.

" “ ’•Walder ’ Jayyegs Pull I t- (hit ' l(O n the J a '^ i i l n d B 'lM R ly s d la B 'no sUch canterV 'They pulled lt out 47-42 over the Hoffman seconds in the la st half a lte r tra iling a t end of two q uarters 24-20. Again foul- shooting w as the saving grace, as the ,R ed and 'W hite Jayvees shot 10 in Ti chances while the ir opponents Were m aking only three In 11 free tosses. L arry Poland and Bill Hogan offset the rushes of Hod­m an 's Chick Lope*, t h e Amboy high scorer--went o u t on fouls in the last quarter, Then it w as that D anny H ourahan, easily tied up by the Amboy jayvees before, could g et loose fo r a brace of baskets and three foul shots a t the end to decide the contest. ,

T he K eyport Jayvees, coached by Bob Zampello, . wound up the ir sea­son w ith a 9-9 record, the ir most

WJU, MO MlM a r . 1 0 t h

W s & s a r. an ts AnllftM*, mm


Added. Feature—Tennis H atchW oaun’i W orld T n w li C h tap to ii


K A R O L F A G E R O SOoldin OoddeM or ita* m t Wtold


Xiekita I U I , t U I B IN H t <M H am N

( M t. I I A 1 n .A s l m t j R

Dlsl IBaspM l 4-4JM

J ; F ischier, f f( . D ane. I O ih iso i. f . de laney , C .. G arcia , c Kirk, g M um fora, g ’ V argas, g B. M errill, g

J .D u B o l s , f D unham , f

H u g S S f T ~ P a n ie r a . f Beach ' b ison; c Ferguson, e S. Hansen, g J a m is o n , 'g . La Conte, g

1 9 4 22(continued on page e le v e n ) '

: • . t s ' ' - 1 ; - ’T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 25, 1 9 6 0 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.

Point Pleasant Shore Conference ‘B” Champs, Edge Matawan 58-57M atawan yielded the Shore Con­

ference "B ” crown they won from Poin t P leasan t la st yea r back to tha t team Monday night a t Asbury P a rk High School, going down X-

_ 57. M issed foul- shots in the lact 12 seconds w ere charged with the M ataw an defeat, but the truth is t h a t m issed opportunities far ea rlie r in the ga m e than tha t ruin­

’ ed the M aroon and Steel cauie. The Huskies w ere strong oo re bounding but way below form un laying up crip s after they had re­covered the ball. Being w ay below p a r on shoving in the easy shots in the first half w as the true source of MHS defeat. '

The Point P leasan t team , identi cal except for one player, with the team M atawaa defeated last year, presented I peculiar so rt of a game. They bombed the basket from backcourt in the expectancy tha t the height advantage over the Ma- a w a i players of 6 ft. 4J4 in. John VanDruten and 6 ft. 3 in. Roger Williams would lead to m any bas­kets by rebounds. The tru th is tha t the G arnet Gulls w ere m iserable rebounderi and M ataw an cam s up with the bait with unfailing regu­larity , Dan Kuxma and Tim M agee being on the terrific side. But cam e tha la st th ree mimites and tb e o id saying of “ tha t’s the w ay the ball bounces” cam e into play against th t Maroon and Steel. The lofty V anD n ten suddenly found t h e missed P o in t P leasant shots from the outfide dropping right Into Ms hands and he had only to loft la two of these and it waa tha h il t -gam*.' .

In the .early stages of the gam e it appeared tbe G arnet Gull height artvautaga w as too. m uch tor M at­aw an. A fter Tim M agee opened too scoring with a long set, VanDruten, Stan Ewell and Schriber all hit in' a row to ’ laax* M atawan 7-2 be. hind. But Kuzina got busy, laid in an overhand him self and passed off to Roll Peterson who m ade a jump shot and M atawan w as back In there.

Gulls PuD AwayThe Gulls pulled aw ay a second

time. Williams, the ir big s c o re s who had been muffled by M atawan to that time, did spot a pair of one han d frt a t the end of the first quarter. Then Ewell sank a layup and Schrtbef , a pop shot and *he Maroon and Steel looked truly bad off, behind 17-9.

But the Huskies response to hi« bad situation was a delight to the heart of - every M ataw an roOter. Kuzma again rallied the-M aroon and Steel to p e t with a tw u t sbot, Peterson allotted one frpm tbe out­side agd Timmie M agee charged througfi the G ulf zone for a layup. Kuzm4 fii^aho(LwhSt,he had, s ta rt­ed by |jwii ' ” ' ’ ' “the nagesboundctrs. , . - , — . , -desperate deep se t 's n o t, the only Guil scoring in seven minutes T erry M agee drove for a crip a t the bell and M atawan w as ahead a t halftim e by 0-18.

In the th in l quarter, Williams virtually played the whole Mata- wan team . Coach Jack L«ntz, Point P leasant, w a s apparently dis­illusioned a^ o u t the rtbounding o* his G u lls 'ta r t ie pulled Williams back to do tbe shooting from the outside. The Gull s ta r kept his team alive when Tim M agee and P eter­son threatened to m ake a runaway of the gaine in -the first tljree min­utes of .the la |J half. T h e Gulls were down_a ra th e r hopeless-loofc- Ing 3 2 - 5 h 5 5 l ^ ( ^ * a » . S o * of the ball gam e b u tfo r th ree loo* shots by W illiam ^

H o s U a s S ta r tT a W I l t The M ataw an team , playing with­

out relief, began to s to w some signs of tiring snd W illiams 3 0 I In two more shots from w ay out to bring his team back into the ball gam e. Tbe acore w as 31-33 snd the team s traded baskets to the end of the quarter. Peterson got In the la ir shot so tha t the M aroon and Steel could go Into the final quarter ahead IM S.

VanDniten, out since the first quarter, cam e back for the s ta rt of the fourth quarter. The Gulls posted him anew in s ide ., The elon­gated one w as no asse t to the Gulls for: th s 'f i r s t six m inutes ol the quarter^ a s .- M atawan players ran all a m m d a n io v e r him . WU* Hams a n d Schfiber h ad to h it with an unb<elieviably high percentage of shots frbn) the O utside. to keep Point P leasan t within striking dis­tance of « sUtglng M a(awan teatn. Gull rebounding w a i Just a s bad as it ever was^ T be Gulls caught up and the score- w as Ued three times a t tw o and one-half minutes to go. The tw o spectacular back- court shots by Schriber sent ihe team from O cean County ahead Si- 49. ' , •. -

Kuzma : slam m ed ’ in two bounds to resto re the MHS lead a t 93-92. I t w as b e n th s t the ball a t la st s ta rted to bound off the board on m issed abuts a s the Gulis had been wishing I t to do all along.A wild backcourt looper bounced off into -.VanDruten’* la n d s and he hit w ith a layup. T im M agee’s free throw m ade it 54-all.

. ^MMher RebenadAnother m issed long shot bounced

into VanDruten’s g rasp an d he tn d another^ layup over the hands cf the frantic MHS . defenders. . Ih e Maroob and Steel never looked bet-

J e r_ th M L 0 t l_ lh e _ n e x tp U y w te " they d r p r the Gulls’ to n e into<m overshift a n d T e rry M agee dashed in for a layop to t i t the score.

But right after this fine play. T erry dropped into erro r. He need­lessly fouled Schriber in .overeager- □ess to force the play. The fuul shot resulting was missed but the ball rolled down into VanDruten’s hands and the tall guy looped in tbe deciding basket easily. He was fouled on the shot and missed, but the miss w as email com fort for MHS as Tiro M agee went out ot the gam e on personals.

Je rry M aratea cam e in for the Huskies vith 30 seconds to go. Tlie new MHS player posted himself in a corner behind the Gull defease and got 1 pass-in. But he rushed to shoot from tba corner driving in and missed. He was fouled after the shot but missed the foul. In the scram bling tim e tha t ensued, Peterson waa fouled trying to g e t off a shot for (he tying basket with five seconds le f t He m issed the firs t fre t throw. M atalran stra tegy struck a 4 _ here for he w as perm itted to n u k e the second foul shot instead of merely trying to bound the ball off the backboard to Kuzma for a bil­low shot, Tha foul' ooly m f d e l t close a t 58-57. The Gulls messed up tbe paat-in and M atawan had the ball again, only to loss i t and foul without getting a shot off.

Inep t a s they were ssirebounders, nothing can ba ta k e y away from th s Gulls to r the way they made tbeir desperation long shots pay otf In the second half. Such deeper- ition m easures do not auger well for them In the ir meeting with M ataw aa In the state tournament Tuesday, as such a percentage of shots m ade cannot be reasonably


Foul-shooting was below p a r fo r t jehampionshlp game. Matawcn

.m ad e seven in IS chance* a a d ijo in t Pleasant only six out of 12.


Tim Magee, f Kuzma, f M arstea, f T erry Magee, c Pete n o n . g Rankl, g

G F P S I 17 I 3 19 ( 9 9 3 1 7 9 2 14 ( I t

19 7 97Peta l Pleasaat (11)

R. Williams, f Schriber, f Van Druten, c Siegfried, c Ewell, g Kelly, g W. Smith, g

G P P 9 1 19

1 17 1 11 I I X 6 o 0 0 0

: - 26 191S c a n by quarters:

M aUwan 9 13 17 19-57Point P leasan t U S 19 20-5*

K e y s Score Uver- Matawan Bowlers

K eyport High bowlers defeated M atawan a scsoad tim e th is s in Shore Conference bottling Feb. 17. As in the ir first m eeting, the trium ph was by a 2-1 m argin in games.

T h e Keys were denied a sweep when the Maroon and Steel rose vp in the last game to sm ite them by 37 pins. This despite the fact the lone 200 gam e o f the ir m atch was rolled by s Red and White bowler In th is gam e. Law W*fls’ M l. Hat th s t alone but th* - - a n d Kigji individual KHS score of tlie iligbt was posted by KHS kegler Tom Pleper in tH s gam e, a 194. H ie best s M atawan bowler could do w aa E d Schuber’s 199 In tue final garnet

P leper waa largely responsible for the Keyport triumph ss he was high three-gam e average-m an with

U3. Schuber was the best aver- a g t man fo r the Marooa aad Steel a t 171

N either of tbe local team s la s serious factor In the northern di­vision r t r t th ls yen r. Middletown is .close to seising up the champion­ship. two gam es ahead of ’ Long B randi, the only team with a chance to bea t them out.

Wharton US U1P leper 174 191 194Infin tl • i o m i n

170 149 201Sproul • V '; }9S 172 144Kelly JM

’■%'i ■ 901 77* 092M ataw aa (1) .

Perrine . 117 192Hinds 178 153Healy i » ■ 169Schuber 160 l«2 199Cordt * 194 194 196Kalma 194 141

___774 772 n o

Three of the five schools in the Conference, Middletown Interm edi­ate, K eansburg and Union Beach, a re on the entry list of the fourth G arden S tate E lem entary Basket- Bowl Tournam ent to be contested at Convention Hall, Asbury Park, from M ar. 4 to M ar. 16 Inclusive.

The elem entary school tournn- ment, open to all public and paro­chial schools in the state , will in­clude this yea r 28 team s, making it one of the m a jo r gram m ar school leagues in the E ast. The fast-growing tournam ent has been dubbed the “ M0MM” L e a g u e (Monmouth - Ocean ■ Middlesex • M ercer), according to G e o r g e Zuckerman, publicity d irector of the city of Asbury Parip.

Expanding rapidly (firing the few yea rs of its existence, the tournaipent gam es will be played in the afternoon for the m ost pa rt, with semi-finals and finals being played off on the evenings of M arch 14 and M arch 16, for the City of A sbury P ark Trophy . 1 Last year’s w inner w u th a Ocean Town' ship School.

T he schools taking p a r t this year, o ther than the Bayshore 00- tn n t s , wiU liMfrda: Wall; St. Jam es G ram m ar S c h o o l , Red Bank; Asbury P a r k G ram m ar School; Spring Lake Heights; S t C atherine's, Spring Lake; Avtai; West Long Branch; S tar of tha Sea, Long Branch; Tlnton Falls; SL Rose G ram m ar School, Bel- m ar; Neptune TbwnsHp; B rid le; Ocean Township; H o l y Croes, Rumson; S t Jam es, Trenton; Bead Street; Sacred H eart, South Am­boy; S. E . SchiiU School, P e rth Amboy.

AUo; Shrewsbury Borough; B rad­ley Beach; St. F rancis. Trentoo; Highlands G ram m ar; Point P leas­ant Borough; St. Jerom e, West Long Branch and Central G ram ­m ar Regional of Ocean County, according to Lester Eddlnger, principal of the Bond Street School, com m ittee m em ber In charge of scheduling the tournam ent dates.

M embers of the tournam ent com­m ittee Include also, Paul Peluso, P resident of the A sbury Park Board of Education, G eorge Zuc­kerm an. City Publicity Directur and Sherman M lichler, Asbury P srk Beach Director.

Trophies will go this yea r to tlw runner up team snd winner of the consolstlon gam e, as well s s to the outstanding player in the tourna­ment, selected by the sports writ­ers. All m em bers of the cham ­pionship team , and runner up team , will be taken on a tr ip to a w a college tournam ent gam e at -MaiUnin Square G arden ia i* w ;.Yoi I t , . -1.

A separata- phase o f the tourna­m ent will be cheerieading contests with cheering squads of all com­peting team s eligible to enter.

F o r fu tu re planning, the cqm- m ittee is giving consideration to Inviting. a top g ram m ar school i m b f i a i i team from Mexico or Canada to com pete against the winning team here In a post-season gam e, crea ting In effect, a “World Series'-* of g ram m ar school basket­ball.

Matawaih E lem entary moved Into position to challenge Middletown Interm ediate fo r the lead lo thefr gam e- nex t Tuesday by taking Keansburg into cam p 30-15 and. R aritan Township also, by a 39-17 count. K eansburg le t the poteat M ataw anerr ge t aw ay tn a ' first quarter lead o f 'M under the lead­ership of G eorge M orrell that proved decisive. F ritz Handel and Dick Molok rallied the K eansburg team In the second q u arte r to d o se the gap to 19-12 s t halftlm e. M or­rell kept driving througho&t the second half to m aintain the Mata- wan advantage even though Coach Bill DeMaio bad his charges well schooled on bow to tie up M ata w an 's-tall centerpian, G eorge Sle­bert. -

The R aritan gam e w as settled quickly by a M atawan first period onslaught an d all the M atawan subs got a chance to b reak into the scoring column la te r in the day.

The standings:

Holmdel Biddie Playoff Saturday

Holmdel Biddie League basket­ball, relatively new 19 th a t of K.-y- po rt's B-U league, w as shown to have a ways to go yet to get to a p a r with the group in the bor­ough when Coach Al C aru so s Cel tics, Keyport league leaders, took over a Holmdel league team 46-19 last weekend.

The Keyport tesm storm ed sw ay to a 19-2 first quarter lead with Joe F ischler and Rog D ane leading the charge. T hereafter p lay weut no m ore evenly between the .e a rn with Holmdel uu(scoring the ir fa­vored rivals in the second quarter.

N ext Saturday, a t Holmdel Rd. School gym, at 2 p .m ., the HolnvM Biddie Basketball League bolds its championship playoff 'g am e. lnt> m ediately (allowing th e gam e th e n will be a cake sale, the proceeds of which will go tow ard defraying Iha costs of the recreation p ro ­gram .

The R ecreation C om m ittee an­nounces th a t tha voUey-ball pro­g ram w ilt-s ta rt M sr. 9 a t 1 p.m. a t the Holmdel E lem entary School,

In o rder to continue and broaden Helmdel’a recreation ' program, ca rd party and fashion ah&w #111 ba beld on Apr. 21. Those wishing to help in this program a re asked to con tact Mrs. Burke at CO A. E. Judd, the public relations director announces.

Celtics (M )

J. F ischler, f R . D ane, f Rudnick, f Caruso, f Delaney, c - G arcia, cKirk, gM umford, g Vargas, g P. Kennedy, g B. M errill, g

Peg* B>vt

Halmdel A M ta rs ( I t )

Griffo, f TOmpklns, L E rd e n , c Crossley, g Salvatore, g Scholl, g

« L P e tMiddletown _ '

in term ed ia te S 0 LONM atawan E lem entary > I -M3K eansburg 2 4 J DUnion Beach I 4 -200R aritan Twp. • ' 4 . .(M

M ataw aa E lem eatary (19)O F P

Triple Bill At KHSA frljlrh rnH w h r

Fund will b e held a t Keypert High gym , 7 p m Friday, with Ihe feetm e t e be an M l l«af*e gam e between the tw» lemma leafing the K eypert Yoath Alb-l e t l c - l ^ W C e l M - a a d tM - £N ats. The gam e wffl b e played without tbe elx-mlnute ru le beiag appfitd , a s ■ lest e f w hat' o a best players itn eacb te a a can do when playing under highschool roles. J 1' -

There will be gam es bM w eer 'grown up” team s. T b e Keyport

Dokes, m em bers of ; theRed P -n k R ecreation League; ’*

V . . :he team s to participate. If Coach F raak Zampello caa

a rrange it o a sach short order, a re p d a tla n bigh acbeel gam e wOl be p layed le tane a p <h* q « p e r t te am | n ^ ' |i>a>j p m

Central M ar. &

Andrews, f D'ApoUta. f W. F arre ll, f Slebert, c Wot j s t , e M oueO, g M irag u e , g J. W alker, g Jim M ehta, g E . Eovino, g



• •2 29• t• 2 t • • I

K eansburg (B )11 4 19

Kite, f Handel, I Molok, f

Kalkhof, g Connors, g . Santisiero, g


0 F 4 0l l1 • » » • I 1 •

Andrews,- f D A pollts, f Dolan, f . ■W. F arrell, f Slebert, c B n d le y .c Coon, g ,Wooley, g

f- 12 1 n

c r - r

M A a iiM i #( • ' ' ‘




a F ps 1 1 19 1 171 • at • i3 t #2 1 80 0 00 0 00 0 09 0 09 • 0

22 2 40( » )

G F P0 0 04 0 80 0 00 0 04 ) 10« 0 0

9 3 18StandingW L

4 I3 23 2a 2a a

11 o “" S ' " ’

‘ Royals “ Hawks

KnlckaP istons- ’ ‘Celtics ■

- wartkff*

Royals 11; Celtics 6. Pistons 19; Hawks 17. Knlcks 29; W arriors 1

•Second half champion. • ’F irst half champion.

B r id g e P a in t in g B id s

S c h e d u le d B y S t a t e

The state highway departm em will receive bids M ar. 9 on three 109 per cen t s ta te financed con trac ts for pain ting highway b rldgri in A tlantic, M iddlesex and Mon­m outh Counties. Io Monmouth, thr R oute W bridge over th e Shrewt- bury R iver between Sea Bright and Highlands and th s Route 19 bridge over Cheesequake Creek are to ho painted under one c o n tra c t Work will Involve painting an estim ated 1410 tons of steel.

The la rgest bridge Involved in tur day 's ' b idding will b> the Roate 9 Edison B rides over the Raritan River between SayreviUe and Porth

A m boy In Middlesex County. Over 9450 tons of steel a re to be paint nd under this contract.

fo r FRHS fondA basketball gam e and dance

sponsored by the Freehold Re­gional High School Parent-Tenchcr A ssociation will be beld at thr school gymnasium Saturday, ai 7:10 p.m . The gam e is to be (layed

ween the v a n ity and fscuity m em bers. AH proueed: a re to un tow ard the scholarship fund. Thr gym nastic team will perform dur­Ing half tim e.

e e e e « e e »e e » e « e > M e w e»


MATAWAN'S F O O T B A L L SCHEDULE is a t la st completed. Coach Barry Rizio took over as athletic director just in tim e to be confronted with four withdrawals from M atsw an's schedule by Shore Conference schools without ad­vance notice. The M aroon and Steel athletic director has DO ob­jection to other schools drsarlng their (Kkadules as they wisbsd but woni of termination of an sssoci- atioo of y e a n standing would have helped. When M atawan found out they w ere going to be faced with all these gaps on the ir grid slate , other schools around had com ­pleted their I960 slates. . It was hardly a good aaslgnment for one taking over as athletics d irector to find games where gam es,did not exist, so to speak. But now the Maroon and Steel will h iv e a full slate of nine gam es next fall. Two phone calls from South Je rsey as­sured this Tuesday. Oddly enough, the Maroon and Steel will make two Visits to the sam e town, Pennsauk- en. it is s suburb o f C sm den where two tine new schools have aona up to relieve overcrow ding la the Camden city school d is tr ic t Playing twice In the town, M ata- Wan w111 get good notice in the Philadelphia and Camden T>apen and college football talent icouta will give them a look over. This Is far more than they could have hoped lor playing la th e ' Shore Conference.

THE I9W SLATS Is SI fdUOWl; Sept. 24, Brick Township, away; Oct i, Leonia, away; Oct. 9, Bishop Eustace H. S., Penniauk-

.en, away; Oct. 19, Rumson, home; O ct 22, Neptune, aw ay; Oci 29, Pennssukan High, away; Nov 9, M snasqusn, sway; Nov. 12. Wall Township, home; Nov. 24, Keyport, home. All but three of the games s re played sway, RlZZQ explains, because of the bad con­dition of the M atawan field. The MHS athletics director h s i prom ­ise of the use of K eyporl'i field, if needed, lor the Rumson game and the advisiblllty of playing the Thanksgiving Day gam e again sl Keyport will be gone Into Isn-i Ritzo notes that playing sll these gam es sway this year will give Matawan the option of a very fine alste of return home gsmea In 1961 if a new athletic field ts resdy b y 'th s t time, fn addition to the schools already slated, Florence High, always s powerhouso In South Jersey tool- ball, has signified Interest In get­ting s spot on M staw sn s sched­ule In 1981. The gam e with the North Jersey snd South Jersey schools adds a high touch of o d o r te the M staw an grid slate.

Industrial Tour Planned By Board

Howard W. VanNess, vice chair­man of the Monmouth County plan nlng Board, announced today the M onmouth Cuunty Planning Board with the support and co-operation o f the New Je rsey N atural Gas Co., Je rsey Central Pow er t Light Co., Monmouth County Bankers Association, New Jersey Bell Tele phone Co. andf the various m u­nicipal Industrial commissions sponsoring a tour to review In­dustrial sites in Monmouth County M ay « . •

luvitations a re being extended to prospective Industries, (riant loca tioe consultants, contractors ipe cializlng In industrial building and industrial realtors. Jack Richards. Industrial sales m anager of the Nsw Jersey Natural Gas Co. and chairm an of the Monmouth Coun­ty Planning Board Industilal Com­m ittee com m ented, "w e a re Inviting the people who a re influential and Io s lru m en U in iocs ting Industry to view firsthand th e m any spacious industrial sites available for indus­try in M onmouth County,

“A unique feature o f the day will b e a d a m bske which will follow the review < ‘ choice Induatrtal sites in Um county ." Mi;. VanNess added “ the county la 1900 is sa- ten iity ing its efforts lo a ttrac t d e ­s irab le industry aad to reinforce tb a line efforto of municipal in­dustria l commissions.

Ap|4 ep rla llaa le t“ An appropriation of U I MO Is

ea rm arked specifically fo ^ a «MI rounded advertising and promotion p rogra ip ' 1 H ie ftHindation of (ac­tual in tonftatin) n ecess ity to ado- quately process ! inquiries has bera laid | a d tha planning board Is o r ganlzed to promptly handle any Inquiries.

Details on ths entire- ■ program will /be released al ■ la ter data. Serving on the various com m itters working out ths details for Ihe various phases ol the program ar.. B. Donald S terner, Norman Foy, Willla Conover, Richard Sharpe, Roger Williams, Reid Dickerson. F rsnk Wllgui snd C harlra M Pike. ■ •

Senk, c K ,' Schultz, Roman, gMoody, g

Plstoas (11)

• 9 • 0 0 •I 0 •3 0 *

II 0 24

Strsng, f Thomas, f . Sappington, f H sllorsn, c Gordon, c K. Kennedy, g T La Conte, g H oitrup, g Semenza, g G. Campbell, g Hohensloln, g

f r T T I I

1 7 I I


Rutgers U niversity 's C ooperative Extension Service will fill a gsp in its specislist atsff next Tuesday when Dr. B ernsrd L. Pollack wiU begin work a s asaociste vegetable specialist.

Jam es B. Faw cett, associate di­rector of ths E stenilon Service, has announced the appointment of f>r Pollack, 40, a native ol Detroll. H ie appointee received bachelor ind advanced degreea s t Pennsylvania S tats University, w here he has

■a assistan t professor of plsnl breeding.

Extension work smong vegetable grow ers has been short-haiKlod since the retirem ent Iasi sum m er of Charles It. Nlssley, lor many years s m em ber of the ita ft. Dr. Pollack will share responsibilities o l Ihe program with W Bradford Johnson, extension apeoialiat w lu haa been worklne ekmo since Mr. Nloaley's retirement.

If you need printing of any kind, we a re here to serve you. Our quick service and resso i«b le prlccs will please you.

Freem an, g 9 8 0

Keyport Youth(continued from pftgo ten)

Knlcks (8)O F p

P. F lschlrr, f 0 0 0Dietrich, / 0 0 0D. Schullz. f 0 0 0C Campbell, f 1 0 7R. Pleper, c 0 0 0E. Lawsoo, o 0 2 2J . U w io n , g 1 0 2Anucrsbech. | • • 0S lc i, g • 0 0

2 2 6

Lakirv (14J

Pal Inn, t O i l t fA. Fliichlftr, f P Hanien, f R. M errill, c

F P l • B>


G ASY o u G e t C le a n , O u ic k

H e a l * o r C o o k in g

P r o m p t , E f f i c ie n t

S e r v ic e

KEYPORI CAS CO.• n r n s i * «

Kiv uHT m m & s u m . Y c o .

T e l. L O w e l l 6 - 1 8 7 2

C l i f f w o o d

TV LEAVY111 Middlesex Rd., Matawan

LO 6-6210T e le v i i lo n S e r v ic e C a l l * A n iw e r e d D a y *

A n d E v e n in g s

A l l S e r v ic e C a l l * H a n d le d B y

T o m L e a v y P e r s o n a l ly

T H IS I S m w w

WE MUST MOVE - Store Wide Clearance - LAST DAYS

L. Tom asello, g G eriufsen, g J . W alker, g J im M elna, g P . Eovino, g C raig, g

■ a itta a lfc p . (17)

Sterling, f Cole, f

Cohn, f Negelsmlth, BoUger, g

Spade, gM clnnes, g

17 I 31

O F F1 9 42 9 4I I t.

t I 17

‘ R o l le r S k a t in g

’S O U T H A M B O Y


S t e v e n s a n d 6 t h A v e i .

; S o u th A m b o yOpe* E very NlgU E s n p l

i Mswday/ 7:11 M L i* 11 P.M.

Maflaee Sabsrday, Saoday. .' a l IWMaya , ' - iM tatapiM

ADULT SCRABBLERef. $2.98 $1.88


Toy METAL STOVE R * $ 2 4 9 $1.49


f o $4.95 $2.50 SEWING SETS ~Rag. $1.00 6 6 c

■H CINDYA Beautiful Doll

b f . $11.95 $ 7 . 4 9

BEAUTY KIT l » $ 2 .9 8 $1.88DOLL-E-BATH

l w t u t


b « . $6.95 $3.50

SPALDING TRACK SHOESReg. $10.95 • $12.95



Reg. $1.98 $ 1 4 4


Reg. $27.95 $15SPALDING

BASEBALL SPIKESReg. $6.98 $3.99

SLEEPING BAGReg. $18.45 $12.67




6 Player CROQUETReg. $9.98


ACCESSORIES 1/3 Off___Aluminum Thermos

BOTTLES - PintReg. $2.19 $1.63



Reg. $13.95 $9.40BAIT CASTING


BICYCLE MIRRORReg. $1.25 7 9 c

H » O T r a in S e i» O v e r 4C%Qtf

A n y B l f y d o T i r e $ 1 .5 9

A n y B ic y d o T u b e $ .9 9 .

100 's O f M o d e ls T o C h o o s e

F r o m '— O v * r 1 / 4 Oft



Poge Twelve THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, February 25,1960


■, . r e s . is ■ ^ t e a m W L

The M atawaa Journal 40 21R aritan Bakery m mP ine Knot 39 24M at-Key 300 B ar 3914 2714Schanck’a H eaters m mWslt’s Tavern 33 39K eller b O’Brien 3214 30UCerlioae’s Greenhouse 27 39Kahle ft Reed 29 37Split Rock

299 d u b9 99

R ay H eu tchM 201T . M antlick 204W slt Buchwald 209John Higgins 230H ina G rot 203R*y Pedone 213

- Jam es F co tl 232Stan Launer 201Dan M cKenna 217Tom H art;, 204E d L y iaa 213H. D icU e 239Bob MuojuM , an

. Bob D n ig u .• ■ „ 144w.R«ni . 203

FRIDAY M T E EARLY BIRDS: ■ . . M , 11 ... ■

Taam : ' 1 v ' * . LR aritan Roller*. 42 24Ken-Brad C onst - 40 26

M at-Key Recreation South R iver E lectronic! Leitereg’* Dell Nick’* Beauty Shop F our Deuces B*y D rug Co., Keyport B aum an 'i D ally . F our O'*

Mika TobU

Fred Wolff Howard Smock Jack Olten John Magala Geo. R aab Dan Bill Bill Slendorn

31 29 X U35 3132 34m m31 3S 30VJ3SW 14 S3

- 223-227*193—642mchik

290204210209210 203 213


TM m W LS t Ann'* No. 1 44 22S t M ary 's No. 1 3?14 mB ayibore Catholic Men 3 M 2914Holy Fam ily No. 2 » 1 4r a n / H 28St. Joaeph‘l 37J4 2SMHoly Fam ily No. 1 37 2*B ayibore K o l C No. 2 2»HHoly Fam ily No. 3 39 31S t Agne* No. 1 34# 31ftS t Agne* No. 2 33 31S t Catherine’* No. 1 3214 3314S t Benedict’* No. 2 U K 3414



P . O . B O X \S>6 K E 6 - 5 7 8 7

A ll Types O f Secretarial Services

Performed Days o r Evenings '

By Experienced Typists And


S t Catherine'* No. 2 St. Mary** No. 2 S t Dorothea'*SL Ann’* No. 2 St. Benedict’* No. 1 Bayshore K of C No. 1 S t Jam es

Walt G arnerM i

Bill G arner John B e lled P ete Brady ■ J im MaUey Jack W ant Joe McCoy A rt Scott'Tom Grennan Carl Hillmaan Tony De S tdaao Jack Healy Pete Manning P a t McDonough

31 3930 38 r f i 38W t i » 23 41 2114 **% 21 49

234-193-199—923 ■ b ■'




TeamLorri'* B ar Suburban Gulf Service State F arm Iqnirence Luigi'*Petnick Construction Lakevlew Inn Cam bell Trucking ' Middletown Lane*

200 Chib Don Peck Walter McCue Frank Renelcke Doug Chandler Gene Hohenitein

W39393*30m mm m27 3922 44




Team W LMat-Key 300 Bar 47 19Angelo'* Liquor 41 29The Keyport Weekly 49 29Garbor** Supply 3714 3914Stewart'* 39 39 49M ft O Transportation 2&Vi 3914 Car Town 29 39Byrne* 27 39Morgan Pharm acy 24 42Dutch Boy 20 41

Rut* Knoell 300-119-214-109 390 Club

Fred SUehle • 213Bob Drug** 202Ken Benin 201Tom H art 207Len B e llen a 211Chri* Gallo 219K u u Knoell 209-214BUI Walton 210Walt Wlckley 203

k e y - m a t c m m a i w o m m F eb. M

TeamKeyport B ap tilt .St. Mary* $S t John* 4Matawan B ap tilt ’Keyport Reformed Calvary I Bayvlew ”M atawan M ethodiit S t JosephM atawaa Preebyteriaa M atawan Trinity Lutheran II Calvary II Lutheran I


m m»V4 3914 17 29m m39 39m m m m44 12 14 32 13' 11 12 14 29 1922 44m m

Iren* Medwick 173-299-19J-914 3*0 Chib

2S9-209-200-212 224-204

222-219-204-201-203 21»

21S-212-209-202 309 203 201

20J-W2 • i :

■ 1 ■ "V 209

Irene Medwick Ruth Dolaon Jan e t P leper 'Eleanor Walling Ann D lrichien H arriet Noorgard Ruth White Ruth Eovina Celia Owen H arriet Baker Ellen Male N orm a Hendrick*K ay PrudenMinerva Woolley 200


P alm er E**o ... . ' 49 .23Burlew’* Re*t«urant 19 29Patio P it , 1 9 ^ 2 * ^RapoUa’* M arket M 2*Tourine’* Tavern 1 1 3 0Jag ’* Sport Good* ' I 1 DAtlantic Tile • H ' . ' l 4 VLarry’* U pholitery Shop 2814 34V4All Bros. . •’ .

Woodworking ComMiay *7 39 Old Mill D airy . IS 49

' 199 C U f y'-.

Magnolia Ina m mTidt-Tock Cleaners n *Wickatunk G arage U 39Bert's Aluminum Service 11 32Lavoie Lab*., Inc. *>14 3214Raritan Window Cleaning 23 49M arlboro Auto Wrecker* 2014 42V4300 Bar 21 42

999 SeriesErwin Taper 234-210-1*7-941

299 ChibErwin Taper 234-210Bob P erry ’ 217Bill Netzel . ' 211

F. Brlen S. Bellezza C. Pennetti R. Barbette J . Tom uello M. DonitelU R. Tomasello J . SyuloA. SklilakE. Bilderfcack L. Bafetta S. Lauro R. SmithB. Belker

112" m


■ : »3, > m



; w m m


Team W LGalluccTt P a ltry . 43 ' 23f t M cGuire’* Oak* 3914 3JWHidden Brook Grinding 38U 24WJeffries Flying “A " m m

& *> 0 0 A ^ Se< ^ar * J

i960 Buickt are bringing in more trades than we have room for. Rather than our disposing of this stock to wholesale buyers, we've decided to pass this substantial saving along to you.

Retail Value , SALE PRICE’59 BUICK LeSabre 4 Dr., H. T., Turbine Drive, R & H $2650. * 2 4 9 558 BUICK “75” 4 Dr. Riv. Sdn., Full Fewer . . . . . . . . . ^ 50 .........’58 FAIRLANE “500” 4 Dr. H. T., Fordomatic R and H1; ; 1935.’59 DKW German 2 Dr. H.T., R andH. ;1715.’57 MERC. Montclair 2 Dr. H. T., Double Power— . ; i ;1655.’57 FAIRLANE “500” 2 Dr. H. T., Fordomatic, R & H, Ps 1555.’57 CADILLAC, Sedan DeVille, Double Pow er 1. 2840.’57 CHRYSLER, Windsor 2 Dr. H T., Double Power. . . . 1650.’57 BUICK, Special Conv. Cpe., Dyna., Rand H,P. S .. .V 1630.’57 CHEV., Bel Air T 2 Dr. H .T.,Pwrgl,R a n d H . . . 1565. „ „

f56 BUICK, Rdmstr., 2 Dr. H.T., Full Power . . . . . . . . . . 1250. 1 0 9 5’56 BUICK Special, 4 Dr,Sdn., Dyna^RandH,P.S.. . . 1250. 1095’55 DODGE, Ciist. R6yal2 Dr. H. T., Pwrflt, R and H .. 995.’55 FORD, Fairlane a8” 4 Dr. Sdn.* Fordomatic, R and H 8&5.’55FO R D ,FairlaneT,2 Dr.Sdn.,RandH . .. 775.’55PLYM., B elvedereV ,2 Dr.H.T.,Pwrflt.,RandH. 835.’54BUICK,Super2 Dr.H.T.,Dyna.,Rand H ....... , 725.’54 BUICK, Special 2 Dr. R T., Dyna^R and H . . . . . . .,'6 1 5 .’53 CADILLAC, “Fleetwood” 4 Dr. Sdn., Full Power ct*. 790. w ’53fACKARD,2DoorCoupe, RandH . . . . . • . . (^odBu^aT’53 RAMBLER, Custom 2 Dr., Station Wagon rTh Good Buy at 4 7 5952FORD, C u s t o n i 2 Door, R andH. . . . . . . . Good Buy at 2 5 0

[ ,,52HUpSON,Hornet4Dr.Sdn.,Autom.,R&H. .Good Buy at 2 5 0M iecM 2 Door Sdn., Dyna., R suid H . Good Buy at 2 5 0

StRAUB MOTORS, IncH w y . 3 5 , K e y p io r t



C O 4 - 4 0 0 0k -H i


Team WSt. John’* M ethodlrt ,M atawaa B ap tilt No. I Matawan Bapti*t No. 1 St. Jo ieph’*Bayview Preebyterian

No. 1Keyport Reformed No. 1 Keyport Reformed No. 2 Matawan Preabyteriaa

No. 2 ■ , • 39 13Keyport Baptist 1914 3314S t Mary-* No. 2 19Vi 33V4MaUwan M ethodilt No. 2 34 19Gethiem ane Lutheran 14 19Trinity Episcopal ' UV4Calvary Metbodlut 33 19Hebrew Coogregatioq 11 39Faith R e fo rm e d 12 17M atawaa P reabyteriaa

No. 1 • ■St. M*ry’» No. 1 .Matawan MetbocHit No. 1 29 Bayvlew Pre*byt*riaa

No. 2M9 C b b

Rev. H. M ale , •Beriing ;Longitrekt .

A. Shortlldge ■B. BUdeiback W, Jonea - P. Wright - K /H endertoa B, lam ber*oo R. Cornell M. 'H. . .


I I 19m m' 41

24 49

20)2102092 11212213W204209


KEYPOBT M a m E M M E m i F eb . I f

Middletown Lanae P ro Shop

Ed. Pennetti Roofing Brlgadooa V illage Middletown Lanes Ei-Moe-K Boathouse Taverm Atco Tile Co.Circle Chev.Keyport Wloe ft l iq u o r Keyport Cleaner*Buck Smiths Scora* C oast


49 21 44 29 41 29

m m39 39 39 31u u u u**71 **7i33 39 39 39 39 49 29 43 11 99

Straniero 183-191-246-920R itter 210-194-197-901

299 Game* .Preston 213DiUlon 239M errell 211Bennett 209G randinettl . 229Citk- 202Kula* • 202Eib 203Poland 232H aniea 1 219Schnoo* 221G arcia 202McDaniel - 249




KEYPORT INDEPENDENT '■ ’- ' i F e b . a "

T eam - Rollo Poet House Keyport .Lum ber G reat J e n e y M ortgage Wrode House Sllvestri Contractor*

41 40 40 39 37

Art* Home Improvement* 37 Shore Point Inn ~~Molly P itcher Home*Dee C outructlonTrabachlno

399, Club Vernon Brow n.Julius Adolf <U m Britlio Al Joan* .John McGinty 'J im Jen tan , .Carm en Cerrato John Perkins

L 2922 n 34 39 39 39 414 3 : 41

100101 214

311-300" ' : * u




Team V LTetro'* Caaiae 94 19Zrto's 49 23C f t C Builders 4414 2414H ft H Gulf 19 UT ierney 's Beverage X 19H ygm de Foods 2514 4314Jo e’s P e t Shop M SAndy's Sporting Good*

2*0 Clubu s i

John Whitehead 201Clem McQueen 219J ack Muiiphy 200Dan BUI 222-211F rank Hawkin* 209C arl Duncan 241E d Zito 202E rnie Cupele 201V ia Lamimo ■ 213W alt G ryner ‘ 212Virgil Boncada 114


Team V LOK Sale* ft Service 42 39K eyport Jeweler*. 3114M at-Key Rec. 49 32SaveOn-Drug* 19 34Dorl’a New* Service 39 MDowse* Pontiac 39 17W alker f t Walker 14 aNo N am e 13 39Stultz FUel Oil 31 41M artin f t Brown ' 3914 4114

Dr. Howard P ieper 209-297-309—917 390 d a b

D r. Howard P leper 299-297-209 F rank Manley 294Jam e* Forse 309Al CogUano 31SE d F lahe rty 262-219F rank Johannem an ar. 229John Moffett ' 207M ildred H ourahan ' 209M arie G aliao 393Alicia M ahler 3 0

C ardiovaicular m ore than half the death* la th* 49-94 age group, report* the Mob* m outh County H eart Association.


T«h9.«tiM—oHfrwiA*i |• nLU R tM M lM M

100% Nylon-'Wool• U n e te u n — Vinyl — Rabber

Asphalt - C w t J l le * '

S a n d r a n — F o rc q s t V I N Y L S 6 f t . W i le

A c c o lo n — B ir d s - > 1 . 4 9 * * trd.

.. E ^ e t t laetaDatlew < • ■

M a m w a n F i o o i C o v e r i n c C o .

: i - 1 4 1 M a f n S t r M t ' ' '

L O 6 - 4 3 3 5

141 Main Street* Matawan L O 6 - 4 3 3 5

" W h a t i s t h i s t h i n g

c a l l e d H o u s e p o w e r ? ”

I t ’ s h o w t o g e t y o u r w a t t s ’ w o r t h !

Full Housepower is the adequate •wiring you need to run all of your electric appliances the way they werp made to run. Without It, appliances work sluggishly, and there are not' enough outlets to plug them all in. Lights dim. Fuses .blow. Even your TV picture shrinks. I f you have any of these symptoms in your home, you’re not getting your money’s worth out of the electricity you’re using. ~~

‘H ,

JC P & LJersey C e a tn l P ew er f t

. lY iK W U‘ » U ' » Jl 'V ..'iSVA '.I IU i-J. h.


‘•in' ‘ C M 41 SiilV » » M tl

thunday, February 25,1960 THE /IATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. f q » lW r tm i

Shopping Center Resident Aide

Eroeat M. Perkins, West Long Branch, b u been named resident manager ot Monmouth Stopping ■Canter, the management aad real­ty firm of Feist & Feist announced today. Mr. Perkins has terved at field Supervisor (or Msssarhu setts Mutual Life Insurance Co., owners Of the center, since early 1959. In

. that petition, he h u been res poo alble lor general supervision cf con-


atructlon, cost control and field modification ot plans.'' ,, Located on Route JJ at Eaton- town Circle, Monmouth Shopping Center ia the largest center in iNew Jersey south pf Newark. Its grand opening wiU taka place at j0:0# a.m., Tuesday.

S T U L T Z 'Sf 'F U E L K I D S



• UJCAt fftAMMAAKft hOf course, our Fuel Oil give* (be best beat. Geti the most ooi of your furnace - with less-coat Phono right now.

S r U L T Z J t r,HCf as ftNCc /Q09*

a 13 u o o a d s r . A iy/'.'- 'f

In his new position, Mr. Perkins will be responsible for all main­tenance, security and traffic con­trol for tbe 64-acre center. His responsibilities will include main­tenance of the center's approxi­mately 20 acres of gardens and la w n s , including a four-seaaoa planting program designed to fit) the center with growing color the year round.

“Fresh And New Looking” "Our intentioo is to‘keep MSC

as fresh and new looking in the yean ahead aa it will be for Us grand opening,” said Irviag J. Feist, president of Feist ft FeisS, "and Mr. Perkins is well qualified to supervise this task,

"The design of the center will help us tremendously,” he noted. “The cluster am agem ait of the liuiMings will tend to draw (hop­pers into the central landacapud areas, and the center staff can concentrate on keeping these areas relaxing, pleasant and beautifuL”

Prior to.joining th* MmunouHi Shopping Center team, Mr. P n U n served w constnictlaa supervisor with the Board of Education pt Newark. ’

C o n t a c t L e n t * * P ro v o

V a lu a b le J p - A t h l v t n •

Many college students would have a better chance of making freshman or varsity athletic teams If they wore contact lenses, says Dn. William Sumpf, president of the Moomouth and Ocean County Optoraetric Society which Is ob­serving ^aUonai Save Your Vision Week, Mar. 6 to U.

He adds that many football, baie* ball and hockey players now wear oootapt leases, f o r ,, professional sports, and that " m r e a it prttt fighters who wear the tiny vista aids.'* '

Colleges and universities, aware of the importance of vision to per­formance, now include vision cart service as part of their athletic scholarship programs, says the op­tometrist. Single copies of a ftew folder, "What Everyone Asks About Contact Lenses" may be had by writing to the New Jersey Op- tometric Association, 163 West State St., Trenton 8, N.J.

forD R I V E W A Y S I

h e r e 's w is h in g y o u a B o n V o y a g e

and our planning mefaip tt rlfh tl

You’re aure of fun on that cruise or ocean v o y a g e wbeo you count on qb to make all the arrangem ents.

Brown Travel Bureauoar canti l u a a-uai - n i M st- rotfe tHM

t s m i n r . *«rp«rt - xi«iu calm co s-san

$ S A V E T H IS A D $

NEW BAYSHORE FISHERYH ig h w a y 3 5 ( A t T r a f f i c L ig h t )

C l i f f w o o d

L O w e ll 6 - 2 3 8 9 - 6 - 9 7 2 1


i * .

F is h D e e p F r ie d . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 .0 0

S h r im p D e e p F r i e d ............................... $ 1 .5 0

S c a l lo p s D e e p F r ie d . . . . . . $ 1 £ 5

S m e lt s D e e p F r i e d ...............................$ 1 .0 0

E e ls D e e p F r i e d ......................................$ 1 .2 5

H l b 7

. 7 5

* S. 5 0

.6 5

C la m s F r i e d .......................

O y s t e r s F r i e d ...............

D o z . M D o z .

$ 1 .0 0 .5 0

$ 1 . 0 0 M


i e e • • • • «

F r e n c h F r ie s .

C o le S l a w . . .

P o t a t o S a l a d ..................................

T a r t a r S a u c e .............................

C l a m C h o w d e r .............................

.2 5 p e r

J30 lb .

.3 0 lb .

.3 0 • 4 or.M q t . M p t .


25<F O R T H IS W E R O N L Y

' O n A n y F is h

O r d e r '

W i t h T h is A d

A ls o a C o m p le t e l i n e o f F r in h S e a fo o d

F i s h , S h r im p , S c a l lo p s , O y s t e r s , C r a b m e a t ,

lo b s t e r s , K in g C r a b , . L o b s t e r T a i l s , C lo m s ,

.S m o k e d F is h a n d E e ls , H a r d C r a b s , S t e a m e r s .

W e (u u /b f-ta n d k e d k o f H e m e w a j d a y I


U f f N tMrahed Q»fp*4

19>«95 '9»S5*

W f t V

Moats far Bablas 2 * » l 9 V

Kara Sy rapNm UM

Milk anpltfor

ww ww

Chosolsts OriikWMto Hm m brand

Man* '* 1 f » l t SMh ,L |. • *

firoaa Blast SaMes Corn

C nan i 17 m. | f | ityk • um


NsxelaOltuUdi, b«kfn|

Sweetheart SsapQ*mb1natieR I muI ule

« “ « •

Palmollvi SoapBuy ) at repulsr prUa

I lor I cent Imdt^ I ref. M |Ufotfcar " u i n

Palmolive Soap

* * £ » *

Camay Soap

< 2 . 1 9 s

OamySeapli»iiM yht m hatk

- ■ i ± »

B i z

fatiiafuiil/raili u4 dlAnWith I . affU M & » •

OxyfclBatarfaathrynw laaadiy

% 9 S «


■ '■ a a e # i • cm

T r e a d

UfiMDstarxeitT a fa e M e § I U | | «

m a r

A 4 ^ 1 F a m o u s " S u p e r - R i g h t " Q e a l l t y M e a t s ,

PORK LOINSi n u s — i m i s

( M I « I R ite ) A V IU M M II I .

M l N A lF-fllU . WIT J « I lH f t IlMMVtd

1011 M I F - n i U IUT

It Mwp Iw m t

2 5 1 3 5 1 3 7 1 4 7

f tplb.


READY-TO-COOKF i r F r l e i i tM , I t i w l i i i r I i U I i

"SHper-RKkt" M d

39*45 *

Loin Pork Chops £ v69* Stowing Veal k69'Sliced Bacon lib . 49‘Frank* ip Z Z S S Swordfish ”u“ S91



Ground Boof ,k49*Top Sirloin Roipit V.: ‘ 99* Boof Kidnoys v29‘Sausa90^7.T37',ir65*

O m V fa ll w ith N i k i

AU Irwd-Ow Hkm) Qasllt*

Applesauce 2 27*A « rS n .d -O w n s a i« Q a il l# .

Sauerkraut 2' 29(U Ow Meat D«pt.

Fresh Sauerkraut ! ;29(H*mo StjrW

Red Cabbage 2'{T39(

Bologna N Uvsrwwit fupor-Klfhf—ly tli« pItso 4 9 .

Qulck^roien SoafoodlCaf‘n Jebn*aFried Seallepa FTiiiuhrFlllil

I C B E R CF lra , C r ls i

2 9Frosh TomotiWwtm-fllB M BOLDEN

Delicious Apples *19*Itawy—T n tl

Red GrapesTm Iwi M if ■

Fresh Carrots 2 U 1 9 '

LOOK WHAT I9< BUYS YOU AJ 4 *P!lire* lyi—Qalclt-Fr«ii«—frtilk llyli

Green Beans X I 9*4 ilo k -F n u * — Wkilo labjr

Libby’s Okra *19*AIP Irn M ilit-F m H i««. |.

Baby Lima Beans 19*

R t f i l i r l l f l i i r

H O. Quick Oats ^19*lp i |k * t t l i l Nt. I iisi.pk«.

R o n z o n l 1 9 *N m p y lf ln M ln n

Libby's DrinkM anflltlftnm l

Al pti rp«H

Swool, JmUjt lb. 19*

* I f n i ’ t i r * ' tiisi-Frmi »o« , 1*.

Mixed Vegetables 19* FlourIklokM, Tirker, Im I— Q ilak-Friua W an t h f* r

Banquet Pies !C 19* Kitchen CharmAM I raid—Qalak-Frtiaa— Hall I mI

Strawberries X

1 9 *


19' Liquid Starch

£ 1 +100 ft. r«fl

19*' M'< i n #k .w . I T

> . . 2 3 ' r , 3 9 ‘

T ta if , Tii4*r— WAIHID

SpinachIwHtar, #»la»

Pascal Celery *19*Far Tsar M i« Mil

Fresh Salad Mix till. k«9 19*Fill d IslM b .|* fl ka|Wl>

Fresh Lemons 21* 39* F r o i e n Food V a lu t i l------

Dais’s Plisappla JhIm 2 IZ >5* Damyflaka Panaakas 2 ^ 19* BlnftEyi Rhubarb . . “£25* Artleliolia Heart* •~4J*Ratb’a Part OhaHHo

AAF IriM Itlll Fwk

White Tuno Fish 2 63'Fan llrawkMry

Preserves T'59'Bsrry’a Ooeklee ftafirfvlth CrtiUn ,k |. t S

Oseoa Bflarsl i ‘rM*Whaat Qerm "

I CKeeoUti 1 Davor tyrgi

Nastls’i Evartady Oaaos . Yin Barry Milt Iwpplomont

Marcal Papar Napklai .^11'


.110 1

. . . . 1 5 .

liklM*—Flili ar |i | ir Hnif

Graham Crackers -C33'Ikaaalilt Oklp

Cookies 72~25*Betty OreefcerOeld Madal Floar ' 49'Parfcay Margarlaa '^ 25*White Tune Flth “ 7l39* LuroIimb Moat ' 19'Ooppar Bio Ooppsr Pallih X 33*

FMStlcb Cip'n Mi*'( * X *9'

Ji m F»fk*r—l«|ulirly Prlca Al 69c—Sara 101

BLUEBERRY PIE r 59Plaeaspie Twlit ,wi| cax| 19* AaiilFoaiOaka ,IH* 99*

99* Ralala Paaid Oaka "Devil Feed Bar w o e i ic io " J U V

48 o«r own &4S< 16 OUR own a * i6 4 ^ . 0 ^ 4 9 *

‘ 5 3 *

Dairy FavorltnlFaaar Wlisaaila—NILB LOM NOM

Cheddar Cheesefmt Hem* Mad* Pbu«

Mozzarella SlleeeMILO—Pwfauriwd PrMtaa

AiMrlaasSlltsa 2X99'Bordai’s Chateaur^CU a*af»T '" U a»99' Italian Romas* imftrtti akmi lk.S9*Daaaoa Yepirt °f*y«y,*"w* 2 .*.p S7*Kraffi Party Sascki 2 «1»Fresh MilkHeawfoftlud J S . 2 9 - W

OIIAf ASUmtC * tu t t tc TU COMIAWV, IMC

uper (M arkets

DeNdous supplement to low-calorie diets!

m i J A N E P A R K E R


t r i f * Him U h u 4 t g , M . 17th In 9 * p » t MaHia4i and M f.U rr lc * t b t n a a ly >« N tw Ja rM y /S fM M I l l M d / lU tk t i n d C*UHfy.

K N Kt w a it , M - D K - f f a i . l h n ,

W tM g V M W tM .

xt.m a t c urrwooo m ,axrrm K om i . • , • • ' -

i > j t • !■ r tu a t i m m r

T kaa ,. Wad. - A n , ( M l I WM* • • f i U t f V M M M i .

m i ,F H d v W rtl U 9 M .

fc fle fouiieen THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, February 25,1960

MHS Drubs Neptune, Plays Squan For Conference Title Tomorrow

M ataw an moved Into the final s CBHd of tbe S to re Conference

-cHRgpionship series by defeating N eptune 70-60 a t F reehold Regional High School court last night, la a p relim inary gome, M anpsquon topped P o i n t P leasan t 59-46, so tom orrow ni£ht a t the Freehold gym the M aroon and Steel and the Big Blue will tangle for the Con-

■ ference title. In a preliminary consolation gam e, Neptune, regu­la r season G roup “ A" titiists, will oppose P t. P leasant, "B “ champs.

Precision in shooting carried the Huskies along to victory. Tim M agee was a tremendous f ig ^ e in the M atawan victory. H u five deftly placed Jump shots in \a row In the last quarter broke the back of Neptune resistluice when the Scarlet FU erj w ere pressing a tir­ing M atawan side the hardest.

The M aroon and Steel trailed only at the outset. Neptune got the Jump on Henry Moore’s long le t shot and foul. Appropriately, it was Tim M agee who scored first from .the floor for Matawan. A pair of jum p shots by Al Kern gave the Scarlet Fliers their best lead a t 10-7, Then Tim Magee w ent to woifc afte r Dan Kuzma and Rollie Petersop ta n k fouls, ■

Mage* Ga m Ta WorkThe Benior M agee scooted ln for

a layup, then quickly grabbed off a rebound and cam e back for a Jump shot to put the Maroon and Steel ahead. More foul-shooting by Peterson and Kuzma made the Matawan lead a healthy one. Bev Irv in 's onehander made it close for the Fliers, but the clutch-play­ing Tim Magee cam e through in the tight spot again with a Jump

, ahot to spread the MHS lead. Kuz- 'm a aad Peterson mSde U so (hat somebody else besides Tlmmle could (core from the floor for Mb'-

'M W and the Marpon and Steel lead was 17-11 as th* .first quartet ended. ’ '

Kuans, Tim M tgge^tnd brother Teriy quickly widened the MHS advantage to a ten-ppint 23-19 early in the second quarter and the Huskies hung onto this lead until a few seconds ol halftlme when a deep set by Moore and cutahot at the bell by Irvin reduced It to 37-31.

Peterson, held to o n e basket In the f in t half, broke loos* for two

W o m a n M o t o r is t H u r t

W h e n A u t o H i t t P o le

M rs. Christine Cottrell, VanCleaf Lane, Cliffwood, was adm itted to P erth Amboy General 'Hospital with injuries sustained when her c a r hit a utility pole Saturday night. , .

Hospital authorities said c h e W - fered a possible fractured skull and cut* on her left leg. Police satd Mr*. Cottrell wa* traveling toward Old Bridge on M orristown Rd. when her ca r failed to negotiate a curb and struck the pole. ..­

Foster Ruling Clears Currie

M agistrate Luther A. Foster, M ataw aa Township, Tuesday ruled K b ttr t T* Currie, 30, of 25 Fourth St.. West Keansburg, not guilty of careless driving in an accident case in which the other driver, W alter Tyika, 40, Amboy Rd., Cllffwood,curtained in ju ry and was taken by M atawan Township F ' * ~ '

as the third quarter opened to ex­tend the MHS lead. Kuzma grab*

. F irst Aid Squad td a South Amboy physlciia tor treatm ent. ;

M r. Currie related to the court that he was headed south on Route 35 Feb. 13 when he observed a line of traffic stopped near Hub Cap Joe's. The defendant stated he duly tried to bring his ca r to a halt but that a can of shoe blacking carried under the seat of the car rolled out and mounted against the brake pedal. causing his foot to roll off U. The Currie ca r struck the last stopped car In line, that of Mr. Tyska’s, before he could push the shoe polish ca$ out of the way with his foot and regain control of the vehicle.

Patrolm an F r a n c i s Cherney, township police, issued the sum* mons. The court allowed that Mr- Currie had shown a dlie precaution for stopping his ca r and had been prevented from doing so by an unaccountable chance. The court w as also willing to give credence to Mr. Currie 's claim not to have been going fast by report o f the dam age sustained by the vehicles.

Investigate Two Accidents Township police investigated two

LEGAL NOTICET o w n sh ip Clerk* o r C oun ty B o ard o t E lec tio n s up to a n d Inc lud ing M archlOtto, 1960. -

Special sittings for registration will be ia the office of the Township Clerk in the- Municipal Building on Monday, Uarcli 7. i960, from 7 p.m. to S P in., and Wednesday, March 9, JtKJO. from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.Notice la hereby given that tba

District Boards of Election and Reg' ittry ln and for the Township of Matawan, County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, will meet at the

, place hereinafter designated on TUESDAY, APRIL 19th, 19«

between lb hours of seven a.m. and eight p.m. 'Eastern Standard Time), for the purpose of conducting a pri­mary election for the nomination of cendidatew for

One U. S. Senator One Member of the House of Repre*

sentatives from the Third Congress­ional District

Two Members of the Board oi Chosen Freeholders

The election of the following num­ber of delegates to the Hepublican

.National Convention — 10 delegates- at-large; 10 alternate delegates-at- large; 2 district delegates (Third Corv*fres&ional District); 2 alternate din- rict delegates (Third Congressional

District).- The--election of the following, num­ber of delegates to the Democratic National Convention — 24 delegates* at-large: 12 alternate delegafes-at*large; 4 district delegates (Third Con­gressional District); 2 alternate dis­trict delegates (Third Congressional District). '

The election of one male and one

LEGAL NOTICEfemale member of tha Republican County Executive Committee lor each district

The elecUon oi one male and one female member oi the Democratic County' Executive Committee for eachdistrict.

At said primary election nomina­tions ahall also be made for the fed* lowing municipal officer*:

One Member of the Township Com­mittee for tbe full term

One Tax Collector for the full term Notice Is hereby gives that quaii-

fled voters of the Township of Ma­tawan not already registered io said Township uader the laws of New Jersey governing permanent regis- traUon may register with the Town­ship Clerk, or notify aaid clerk of change of residence, at the clerk's office. Municipal Bidg., 147 Lower Main St., in the Tcwnship ot Mata­wan. duriog business hours or direct to tbe Commissioner of Registration In Freehold at any lime between Wed­nesday, April 20th. 1960. and Thurs­day. September 2»th, ia60.

Notice ol change ot residence or applicaUon for transfer of registra­tion shall be made either by writ­ten request forwarded to the Town­ship Cl^rk or the County Board of Election on forms provided by aaid Township Clerk, or Board or by (ail­ing In person at the office ol the Township Clerk or County Board of Elections up to and including Sep­tember 29Ut, 11*60.

On Thursday, September 29th. I960, the reglatraUoa books will be closed

LEGAL NOTICEuntil after the forthcoming OenarmJ Election oa Tuesday, November fib, I960. .

Notice la hereby given that District Board ef Registry aod Election tn and for the Township of Uatawen. County of Monmouth. State ot New Jeraey. will meet at the pieces bare*Lo after designated oo

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER fttfa, ISMbetween the hours of 7 a.m. and g p m. for the purpose of conducting the general election for the elecUon qU

Electors of President and Vice Presi­dent f

One U. S. Senator One Member of the House of Repre-

tentative* from the TIUrd Congres­sional District

Two Members of tit# - Board of Chosen Freeholders

One Member ol the Township Com mlttee for the full term

One Tax Collector for the full term The sessions ol tbe registry hoard

will be held at the following polling places: '

FIRST ELECTION DISTRICT The First District comprises Oak

Shades. Kane Terrace, Atlantio Ave­nue, Valley Drive. Churcb St., Lloyd Road. Line Road and New Bruns­wick Gardena.

Polling place, Matawan Township Hose and Chemical Company Fire House, 75 Lower Main St.

SECOND ELECTION DISTRICT The Second District comprises tbe

northwesterly side of Matawan Creek to the boundary line of Middlesex County; thence along Middlesex County line to Whale Creek, thence


whsla Creek to lie tateneo*tion with tbe northwesterly’ prolong** Uon of tbe easterly edge of U tta r Road, tbcoc* southeasterly along the

• ‘ * i of Lenox Road* thenceeasterly e d g e _. . . . .southeasterly along the easterly _ of Lenox Road to a point on Cmfwoof Avenue where Cliffwood Beach anaso u th easte r] o f L enox “ point on <..... . . . . . . . „ —fwood Be___ —tb e t r a c t know n a s Cllffwood B eacbPark Join ustog tbe former ora ty Una of Cllffwood Beach and C wood Beacb P ari, continuing south td Prospect Avenue and following the Cliffwood Bead proper!? line to the Keyport meadows, end thence still along aaid property Use to Ma- tawan Creek-

Polling Diace. Flrchouse. Cliffwood.THIRD ELECTION DISTRICT

Tbe Third District la bounded oa the south by Matawan Creek: on the . cast by Raritan Bay; on the north by Whale Creek to tbe intersection of Whale Creek and the easterly line ot Lenox Road produced northwest* er)y. thence Ln a southeasterly di* ‘ rcction along Lenox Road to e point on Cliffwood Avenue where Cliff* wood Beach and Ihe tract known is Cliffwood Beach Park foln using the former property line of Cliffwood Beacb and Cliffwood Beach Perk, continuing south to Prospect Avenue and following the Cliffwood Beach pionerty line to Keyport meadows, and thence still along said property line to Matawan Creek.

Polling place. Veterans Memorial Home, corner Cliffwood Ave.. *04 Hawthorn Street. Cliffwood.

ROSE K. WENZEL. ' Township Clerk. .

J3 $60.00 .

'T h a J o n e a ’ g o t a n a u to m a t ic d is h w a s h e r i a ( h e W a n t A d s — a r e n 't w e g o n n a k e e p u p w i th t h e m ! ” . - The Matawan Journal Classified Ads

bed I rebound, w u fouled and made the c lu rity throw and the Maroon and Steel m argin w is back at ten points, 44-34.

Neptune Cloaca In The "iron m an” M atawan team

appeared to tire a bit a t this . ,

tide oncbander by Kem brought the Scarlet F ilers close, 48-44 Kus* ma spiked this Neptune drive with his reboundings, tossing ln a crip to move the Maroori a^d Steel away again. ^ te A b n ;,lo l l iw e d with a J u n n & ^ > i t o f t Inavitably would b e ' (lie rbl«: o tT lm Magee to come through with a loul and Jump shot here to make the Hus­kies secure again w ith * nine point lead as the third quarter, enijed. Neptune still had the ir’. 41, but M ataw an's 46 had become 53.

accidents In the past fortnight. John Borger, 59, of 74S Woodmere Dr.,

Tim M a g e e , single-handedly, m atched the F iler team oti baikets for the first 'six m inutes ot the last quarter. Neptune got close os 61-55 with four m inutes left, hut with only two minutes remaining; Tim M agee's steady pop-lns from the side had vaulted the Maroon and Steel advantage; td 66-58. P ite r- son cam e oui -of freeze twlqe In the rem aining nilnutes for easy pop shots t i get MHS on the TO m ark. -

In tbe preliminary .game, Point P leasant stayed with Manasquan until Rog Williams strained a ,eg muscle In the fourth quarter. The Big Blue played for a large part of the gam e without H arry.D om - broskl. He returned with the score tied a t 40-ali a t the end t / the third quarter and proceeded to so completely dominate the boards for Squan th&t they could win going away. -

Cliffwood Beach, claimed tha t sun and haze at 7:30 a.m. Thursday caused him to run over onto the wrong side of the road on Cliff­wood Ave. and collide with a ve­hicle driven by David McGrattf,‘ x>4 Ave., CUtfwood, at

trolman Jaines ljj>yt,-towAhlp |XK lice, uivestigaMft

Sgt. John Kinnane, township po­lice, Is investigating an accident at 2:30 a.lh. Feb. 14 in which the ca r of Jam es Hodge, 87, County Rd., Cllffwood, rail into a utility pole on County Rd. at Route 33. Township police have an alarm out for the hit-run driver who atn ick the track of Ralph Haspel, 10 W. Prospect St., River. Gardens, fh l le It was parked overnight n es r the Haspel residence Feb. 13.

R e v e r s e s C o n v ic t io n ;

O n T r e s p a s s in g C o u n t

Monmouth County Judge John C Giordano Friday upset a Manila- pan Township court conviction of three P alaw an hunter* charged with trespassing on posted prop­erty. The three men. C. Randolph Heuser and Andrew Dlodato, both Main St., and Stanley R. Jones, Ravine Dr., all of M atawan, ad­mitted on the witness stand they were on property owned o r leasod by E rnest Snyder in Lafayette Mills Road, Manalapan Township, Nov. 21.

But they said they saw no signs warning trespassers off, which Mr. Snyder said encircled the property They said they left the property when Mr. Snyder ordered them off,'J u d g e ‘Giordano said hunters a re

entitled to be w arned against tres­passing. If they leave another's property as speedily as possible when told, he said, (hey can 't be convicted of trespassing. The de­fendants w ere represented ln their appeal by Ralph Heuser, brother of C. Randolph Heuser. Both are lawyers. Judge Giordano voided fines of (25.


e a pubUA, hearing will be held

ship. __M arch.p re v a ilin g ......

and all*penKtpe' fhtftetTed will be giv­en a n ' opportunity to be heard ~ ~ earning such ordinance.

ROSE K. WENEEL Township Clark




M atawan (71)

e i ' . t ‘Tim MajKuzma, . ,M aratea, t . ' '■<*',? ‘

Peterson,‘ g Rankl, .


. « F f 13 137 4 8 14 0 0 0 4 o rB 3 19 1 0 2

Kern, ( .Hodge. (

.Irvin, t iBeauford, c W. Jones, e‘ Holland, g

■ Moore, g - Ramsey, g

30 10 70

go'Ttf'-P ; ? . , 3 19

d a o I I 9I 2 4I I J 1 2 4

10 131 0 0 0

A n n o u n c e O p e n in g s

F o r H e a lt h P h y s ic is t

The United States Civil Service Commission annodhces thati'appll- cations d ie now being accepted for H ealth Physicist positions ta t e fill­ed .a t the U.S. Naval Radiological t fe fe u e : Laboratory. San ^ f r a n - clsco, Calif., M are Island N aval SlJpyfird. Vallejo, Calif., N aval Re­search Laboratory, Washington, D, C „ the Naval Shipyard at Ports­mouth, N. H. and at many other Federal activities throughout t h e United States. The salaries range from 15430 to $8810 a year.

To 'qualify , applicants m ust have had a Bachelor's Degree, o r the equivalent, ln physics, chemistry, biology o r engineering, and ln ad­dition from .one .to three years ol professional experience or graduate study. F urther Information and up. plication forms may he obtained by w riting to the. Executive Secretary, Board o f U.S. Civil Service Exam i­ners ' {pr .Scientists'and Engineers, -1030. E ast Green St., Pasadena,Pfur,.- -__________ '

W e e d S p r a y P ro g ra m

R e a d ie d B y S ta te •

The New JerSsy State Highway D epartm ent will Vecfclve bids Mar. 9 fo r .I ts '1900 rosdslde weed spray' program . Contractors will bid i

C a s e E n d o rs e d F o r

N e w T e rm B y G r o u p

Sen. CLUfprd Cate was given the unanimous endorsem ent for re» election by the New Jeraey Con- td W ifc 'W frth a ijq N q ^ ijq n i f Bet- t e f Government a t i t t i p u a v ifn ing in the N U u R r t l t ' _This is an organization of 80 busi­ness, Industrial, professional and political leaders from all partB ol the state.

R etiring chairm an Kenneth A. Roe, Ridgewood, stated tha t the Conference, in endorsing Sen. Case was repeating the action by the same organization In lS M 'vhen lt selected and batked Mr. C u e us the senatorial candidate opposing pem qcratic en tran t Charles Howell. ' / 'T h e Conference w a s J b rm e d orlg ttally In 1133,'* Mr. Roe said, "tp make possible a meeting ground for those interested’ In find­ing b e tte r candidates a n d im proving government through po­litical .activity . 'Sen ." Case has shouty himself as an able repre­sentative of the people of New Jer- sey.’V M r. Roe said, “ and his lecord in support of President Elsenhower has been outstanding during the psst six years."



That an ordlnanee adopted on De* cember 3, 1909, entitled, “An Ordi* nance providing for the Regulation of Boats Operating and Plscea Upon or in the waters within the Territorial LimlU of ths Township of Matawan In the County of Monmouth and Pro* vidlng for the Enforcement Thereof and fixing Penalties for the Violation Thereof," be and hereby Is rescinded and repealed. .

P U B LIC N O T IC l: I , h e r ,b y (Iv eri that the.foregoing Ordinance waa intro* ducpd at the regular meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Matawan in Ihe County of Men* mouth, New Jersey, on February l l 1900, end passed on first reading; ana the same was then ordered to be published according to law, and that such ordinance will be further cen* sidered for final passage at the reg* ular meeting of paid .Township Com? mlttee' to be held at the Matawan Township MunJolnal Building at No. 147 Lower Main street, in said Town* ship, on Monday, the seventh dsy of March, I960, at eigbt o'clock, P.M.. prevailing time, a f which time and

FOR SALEAluminum Windows

Venetian BllndaF ree Estim ate*No Money Down

Karl A. F rantz, COlfax 4-1401 wjtI

USED refrigerators, 149.95 and np Good condition. P ete 's Inc-, COl

fax 4-2700 o r K Eaniburg M100.. ; wjtl


Large selection to choose from VILLAGE TV, E. Front 1 Broad St.. Keyport,_________________ wjtf

M aaasquaa (U )

d a n c e y , I Met*, f V C. M agee; f Dombrosld, c Pandolfl, c ■ K abu, g M undy, g , ■ Jenkin»; g’v :

33 )4 60

G F P12 0 241 3 t I ’M 7 , 2 162 1 8 0 0 0 1 1 3 • 0 0

M at Yleaiaat (M)R . WUIIains, I Ew ell, » - — - B nino, f '

tw o contracts, one for the northern and one lo r the southern half of th e 'y ta te . In all, over 900 miles of the sta te highway system will be sprayed with the weed control herbicides, o r nearly double t h e scopq of the 1959 program .. A reas to be sprayed will Include

roadsides, center Islands, traffic circles and interchange a rea s. Last y ea r's experience with tho chem i­ca l method of controlling weeds has been very satisfactory and en­couraging, a departm ent spokes­m an said. The treatm ents, applied between Apr. 4 and Sept. 1, nol only cu t mowing tim e and costs, but also added a m ore attractive appearance to tho highway Itself, the spokesman said '■ The. site of ths Hamllton-Burr duel h a s : been ; presS rvecT by ~a m arker a t a small prak in Woo- hawkcn. I t was at this spot that A lexander Hamilton, t h e first Secretary of tho T reasury o f the

» . ; i »> ‘

G F R)8 5 17 0 - 3 2 0 0 0 S 4 14 0 1 1 0 1 13 3 9 1 United S tates, was. mortally, wound- i i ®.- J I «|d- P am llton’a son, Philips jiad beei

Van D ruten, c■W. Smith,' g . ■■■•■Kelly, g S chriber, g ­

* 1 , . - I-w,-^ I n a m i i t o n - a son, H im p, had been

U IS 461 th re eV e a rs ilrU e r." " ’1 three years ilkrller: ’ '1 '’ "/ ; > i) v;f.v. , i )

“ M an O f The Year"H- Cornell Kahle, a n agent in

Red Bank for Connecticut General Life Insurance Co., haa been se­lected "M an of the- Y ear" by his associates at .th e Newark bran-'Ji office. The awvfd Is made annually, to the m em ber of the agency who has m ade the m ost outstanding contribution during the past year to his clients, the life Insurance field and the community.


S ea le d ' B ld i’ o r p ro p o sa ls fo r th e fu rn ish ing of A th letic S u p p lie s , andE q u ip m en t fo r th e achool y e a r iJMto-fll, w ill b e 'r e c e iv e d b y • th e • M ataw an Tow nship B o ard o f E d u ca tio n In theHigh School B uild ing , B ro ad s tre e t ," . . . ^ . .Matawan, N. J., on Monday evening, Mnrch 21. i960, et 8:15 P.M, EST, The Board of Education in session at that time will open the sealed bldi for the purpose of conalderaUon,

Specifications and bid form may be obtained et the office of the 6e6re< tary, Memorial School Building, Church Street, Matawan, N, 3,, Mon> day through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

The Board of Education reserves the right to Inapcct the quality of all material and demand an analyses ot other material. - •

The Board ol Education reservee the right,to reject any or all blda,Item M r Item, — ________ ____

, Harry, TroUer, Secretary For the Matawan Township

. _ - Board of Education •J » 15.22 -



That an ordinance adopted on De* cember 3, 1939, entitled.' "An Ordl* nance Creating The Harbor Commit* slon of the Township of Matawan ln he County of Monmouth," be and

Is hereby rescinded jn d repealed.PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giyen

thnt the fofegolng Ordinance wasTntro* duced at the regular meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Matawan In the County of Mon* -noutb, New Jersey, on February 10. .9e(r. and passed on flrat reading; and the same was then ordered to be

plaee a public hearing will be held and all persons interested will be g iv “ ah>opportunity to be heard coo*,

ming auch ordinance, . <. ROSE K. WENZEL

*m i u b g s sclosing date for filing applications March 18. 1980. For applications, dutiea, and minimum qualifications, apply to Department of Civil Service, State Houae, Trenton. New Jersey or 1100 Raymond Boulevard, Newark, New Jeraey or City Hall. Camden. New Jersey. • . .

Candidates from Matawan Township who have filed applications will tp- oelve no further notice to appear un* less they are not qualified. . *

iffhese examinations will be held Sat., March 20, 1960, Clerk Steno

~ ‘ er end Clerk Typlit e t 9:00 A.M.' irt to Perth Am-

NEW and used piano* and organs.Highway 35. Hazlet. COlfax 4­

4077. wjtl

HELP WANTEDBUS DRIVER, com m ercial ex­

perience necessary, bus ICC or PUC common ra r r ie r experience helpful, steady work. Apply . Rollo Transit Corp., 275 Broadway, Key­p o rt ' wjtt

NURSES AIDES. Apply in person, Brookdale Nursing Home, High­

way 85,' H azlet, between 7 a.m . and 3 p.m. wJ33

RUQS never used. 9 X 13 — 130, 9 x 15 - 135. G. & Vsctium 120.

Call until 7 p.m. SHadyside 1-1429.wjtf

TYPEWRITERS, A D D I N O m a chines. All m akes, new or u sed

Guaranteed. Easy term s. “ Buy /anti where they fix ’em .” Low a | $15. Serplco’s, 101 Monmouth St.. Red Bank. Next to theater. SH7*0485. J wjtl

EXPERIENCED full tim e o r p a r t tim e Home Improvement Sales­

man. Apply


COLFAX 4-3200w]28

M OBILE HOME 1958 Skyliner, 36x8, 2 bedrooms, completely

furnished $2400. Call COIf«c 4-71H i f t e r 5:30 p.m. ____________ ?»tJ23

Xratoher-------------ppiicanta win . . . . .

boy High Sohool. State Street, Perth Amboy, New Jersey.

Open to citizens, 12 month* resident tn Matawan Township.

Clerk Stenographer, Salary, Contact Municipal Authorities for Salary Rates.• C le rk Typist* S a la ry , C on tact Muni- c lo a K A u tn o ritie s f a r S e le ry R ates.JIO 113.44 .

12690 00 1008 00 1 BOO.00 2110 .00 1590.00 212 00

..... 850.00

...... ieo8.no130 00


, A .ORDINANCE a n o r d in a n c e f ix in g t h e sal­

a r ie s OF .THE • REGULAR EM­PLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF MATAWAN. N. J .It la-hereby Ordained by the Mayor

and Council of the Borough of Mata­wan, N. J. that the sslarles for the year 1980 for the regular employees of the Borough of Matawan ahall be as herein below set forth:Borough Clerk ............ .....Borough Treasurer ..........Tax Assessor ........... ........Tax Collector .... ...... .M agistrate.........................Court Clerk .....................Water Department

Treasurer .Water Rent Collector___Sewer Rent Collector.......Borough Superintendent ....... ..............Water Department Foremen.... 4425.00 Water Department Employee 3500.00 Sewer Department Employee 4080.00 Sewer Department Employee 4080.00 Street Department Employee 4250.00 Street Department Employee 40*0 “Board of Health Inspector ...... 1000Board of Health Secretary ...... 400Special Police ,

per hourly r a t e ............... iPolice Matron

per hourly rate .................. JPark Department Employee. . 80.Jan ito r ............................ tl5.Election Clerk ................. 100,Borough Attorney —----- 800—

This Ordinance shall take effect im­mediately upon Its passage, approval and publication according to law.

Arthur C. Hall - Borough Clerk.

Ralph R. Dennis Mayor

__ NOTICEThe foregoing Ordinance waa Intro*

duced and patied 'first reading at a regular meeting of the Mevor and Council of the Borough of Matawan held on Tuesday, February ttrd , 1980 and Will come up for final consider* atlon and Dasiage et ‘ *

air* *


J i v i J M M






- . . . * , t.




VsFREE ESTIVATESGiv e u s a c a l l a t

LOWELL 6-4361



it ■ re,ul«r meet- g bodv to be held 8th. 1980, at 8:00

I n f o f aa id govern lnon Tuesday, March ............ . ...P.M., at the Council Chembera in the Boroush Hall, Matawan, New Jersey at which time end place ell persons desiring to be heara thereon will be irlven full opportunity.■Attest ------1----------A rth u r C. HaH B orough C lerk .

Ralph R. Dennta Mayor. _

ft* 3)2 24

p u b lish e d ac c o rd in g to law . a n d th a t su ch - o rd in an c e , w ill b e fu r th e r con* s id e re d fo r fin a l p a s s a g e a t th e reg*

Tmnuhlp Municipal Bullilns at Nil. J|47 bower Mein street*, In said Town*


« JO W N 8 H IP O F MATAWANNotice Is hereby elven that quail*

fled voters of The Township of Ma. tawan, not already registered In ssld Township under the levs * of New Jersey governing permanent, regis­tration may register er transfer with theTow nthip Clerk, or notify said clerk or change of residence at the clerk s office. Municipal Btdg,, 147 Lower Main BL, in the Township of Mntawan. during business hours; or direct lo the Commissioner of Regis* t rot Ion - In -Freehold. —---- -------

’ransyJvanla E vergreen Seedlings We hava the best for X inas Trees.

Pine's, Sp'rucei, F l r i ^ Send for lisHng today. '-/j'.v.SCHROTH'S NURSERY


ritiC rlD A lR E, 10 cublc fio t, good condition, $45. Call LOwell M106.

- 125

RUMMAGE'-SALE sponsored by t i d i e s Auxiliary of theJ M staw an

Townshlp FIre D epartm ent a t M ata­wan'-Township Hose & Chemical Company No. 1 Flrehouse, lower Main S t., M atawan. F ebruary 27th from 12 noon until 8 p.m. j25r

NATIONAL CONCERN, la rgest In Its 'fie ld , is lookjng for one m an

who w ants to .ge t ahead . In tiie world for. l)lm se|l W his 6unlly. Qualifications a re m arried and have a t least one child. M ust be willing to work after dinner hour when necessary. Apply Holland Furhace Co., '488 A m boy; 'Ave., Woodbridge. ; WJ25

FOR RENTpLfcASA W burnished rofara in Key-

port; nea r schools, bus line, ra il road station. Write Box A la 'ca r* o l this new spaper. 1 w jtl

BACHELOR’S Haven, S room s left.P r iv a te ' ceram ln b a t h and

showers. All pew furnishings, linens and towels supp lied .. Plenty o f room for parking cars. On bus line. Call for appointment COlfax 4-4187K, J ' w jtf

MODERN apartm en t, 4 rooms bath , qus stops s t door.. Call

LOwell 64218. r " ' w j»

APARTMENT, 4 room s and bath, nea r b u j line, unfurnished, heat

and w ate r supplied by owner. $90 p e r month. References requ ired Carlton H. Poling, R ealtor, 38 Hlgth w ay 38 (between Broad and Atlali-' tic S ts .) Keyport. Call-COtTax 4-19(8, ,y .--;C ; • KJ25

APARTMENT, J o r 4. rooms, heal.hot w ater and gas supplied. Call

HBIcrest 2-1980. . ~ ;w)25

HOUSES FOR SALE ,SPACIOUS 2 family home, S rooms

and bath, down stairs, 4 room s' and bath up italrs , full cellar, ell ' steam heat, aluminum screens and storm windows. N ear schools', bus line, shopping center. $13,200. Carlton H. Poling, Realtor, 38 Hlghwsy 36. (between Broad and Atlantic S t,.) , Keyport. g a ll COl­fax 4-j918- . wJ2J

CORNER HOME, dining room, liv­ing room, kitchen w ith knotty

pine cabinets, 3 bedrooms, 1 ^ baths, te O a r,” o it hot w ater heat. $12,000. Carlton H. Poling, 39 Highway 38, (between Broad and A tlantic Sts.), Keyport. Call COl- - fay 4-1918.___________________ wJ21


NEAT m ature woman to ca re for 2 pre-school children In the ir own

home, R lner G ardens area , while m other works. Call LOwell 8-3908.


CASHIER, m ale o r fem ale, *7 a.m .

JohAson's Parkw ay, Che?S9 juake.' ''j wJ25

AUTO SALESMAN, neat and ag­gressive only. Apply Schanck' &

Sihler, 10 Lafayette P lac^,. F ree­hold. , wj25

Experienced CarpenterA W y , :


COLFAX 4-3200WJ25

Situation Wantedw i l l w ayb -aad .tron all tybe» ol

curtalnsj' also stretcb c u rtf ln s In ffl) own b o o l* , . Prom pt .service. Call PArkWay 1-3551 wjtl

MIDDLE AGED .woman will do baby sitting a n d ' light house­

keeping. -j 'E xce llen t references. Cali LOwell 6-0292. _ wjtfPART TIM E work w anted 4 to 10

P.M. Call Lee Seeley CO. 4-5133 after 4 P.M; _________ • w jtf

How about buslness caW i? f re

can supply , them - quickly and- Al

the righ t p rice ,: C o n jf l^ d t f y j a .

EXPERIENCED .ava ilab le lo r long o r short trips, anytim e

Call LOwell 8-2727. V wjtf WILL CARE for 1 or. 2 children in

m y own h o m e : fo r working m other. Cliffwood a r ia . Call LOw. ell 6-5389. : J25

APARTMENT, ftiroM ied. a d d l t t Oifly. Call K Eansburg 8-4804.

, ’ WJ25NEWLY decorated furnished room,

$10 per w ee^ P riva te entrance. Inquire Dutch Motel, Highway 3J and Holmdel Road, HazleL Call COlfax 4-4142. wJ25MATAWAN, apartm ent, furnished,

3 rooms, , 011 utilities! secluded woodsey, A oat fac llitiia . Short dis­tance to shopping .an d railroad Couple only, $90 p e r month. Call

b r?

[ell 64235. •miV■a w ^ v *:e z w a y . g a r a g e , , e x c e l l e i

_ ise,ire ezw ay . g ^ c a g e , , excellent

neighborhood, available Immediate­ly. $115 per month. Call VAlley 8-0548._________________________ j25


son S treet, Freehold. A retire­m ent home of distinction for men and women; all, the com fort and convenience of you r ow n home. For further Information call FReehold 8-0567 o r Holmdel Nursing Home, WHItney 8-4142. fe]tfINCOME TAX re tu rns filed. John

J . Warnock, COlfax 4-2374, J . F. M cQuarrie, COIfax 4-105?. Week days a fte r Ti>,m., S a tu rd iy s 9 a in . to 5 p .m . * - w jtfINCOME TAX filed by G raduate

Accountant and tax e x p e r t (N.Y.U. 1928) a t your home o r mine by appoin tm ent C. Walters,; 52 Crescent S t . K eansburg, K E M U XPARKER Boarding Home for aged

m en and nom en; 24 hour super­vision; Individual diets. Licensed by State of New Jdresey. Reason­able' ra tes. IM m iles south ol M atawan light. Highway 34; oppo site-W hite G ste I n a Call LOwell M 61L •' - JtfINCOME Tax R eturns prepared.

Maximum saving assured;* nine years ln a r e a M argery Trovato, OSborn 1-1289. ' J25CARPENTER, hom e repairs, alter-

atlons, in terior painting and floor tile. Call R. Sica, LOwell 6-1511.

, . J10*

, Highway 18, H azlet v . COlfax 4-5213

'■> Open 1 O aya .

7 R O O M SPL IT LEVEL - A specious Luxurious 3 bedroom

home, with recreation and utility ropm, wall to wall carpeting, aluminum com bination windotys and doors, (y tjone fence. M ortgage can be assumed at 4!£% Interest. F.H.A. appraised, 30 yr. m ortgage available. ,$1,600 down. Selling P rice J16.W0- 'h? ' ' • ‘ ^ X '

%’\S* *£ • * x‘» . . i

CAPE COD .— 3 bedroonts with /a jum lnurnald lna conitructioo and,

slS tnlnuiif com bination * windows and doors* j*Lo$et«a n ea r tn>na« ■portotftMi • U id school. 1950'down. Selling price (9,500.

. . wJ25

HAZLET 3 bedroom ranch, 4 ^ assum ption, $3^50 down, no leea.

Approximately $87 monthly. Owner tran sfe rred Call COIfax 4-5663.

__________________________ WJ25

KEYRPRT bungalow, 4 rooms, bath, autom atic heat, im mediate

occupancy $8000. Sterling McCann, Real E sta te , 353 Broad SL, Key- port. COIfax 4-1378.___________J25

TRUE value, 4 bedroom Cape Cod in M ataw an w ith’ fu ll basem ent

and garage. $15,900 ' S te rlin g M i- Cann, Real E sta te , 253 B r o t t . ^ . , Keyport. C 0 1 l« 4 .W 6 ; ' ' : - ;^ 25 MATAWAN ranch, 3 bedroom s,

breezeway, attached g a r a g e , large lot. - JlS^OO, Sterljtag'.M e- Cann, . Real E sta te , 253 Broad SL, Keyport. COlfax 4-1376. S ,125

INSTRUCTIONLEARN to sew a t The Sewing

Studio. 187 Washington St., Key­port, 3 classes dally. COlfax 4­6584. w jl7

M u i i H i a i i i i s s i i i a M i i i n i i w i i i i i w i i

WANTEDLISTINGS desired to fill requests

for homes and rentals in keypo rt, R aritan Township, M atawan, Jlolm- del, Cllffwood and Union B e a c h - ' Carlton H. Poling. Realtor, 38 High­way 38 (between Broad and A tlan­tic Sts.), Keyport. Call .’COlfak 4-1918. ' v w]25

a w a i i i i s i a i a i i i i S H i i a a i n n i i

BIJSINESS SERVICES ------- ------------------— — T ~ ~ t i « n i s a a f i a

T e le v is io n

WANTED TO BUYSTOCK o f F arm era & M erchants

Bank. Bid $48.00. Call CApital 2-4000. Jtf


On Thursday, March 10th, 1960, the registration books will be closed un- Hi forihcomtng PrimaryS I ' S t f h'" 1 on TuMd*^ A>-

Notice of change of residence or application for transfer of reglstra* linn ahall be made either by writ* ten request forwarded to the. Town*

T ow nship C le rk o r B o ard o r bjr c a ll. *■' ln» In p e r ,o p a t t ( i t | o l ^ th i

l#51~FORDr.-4 * d o o rs c ila n ,-g o o d condition, new tires, $190.00.’ Call

LO 6-3327. .______________wjtf1957 DODGE station w agon ,-like

new, $1195. Call evenings 'COl­fax 4-3870. ' wtf1953CHEVHOLET, g reen , four door

sedan. Radio, hea ter, a tandard iJtL. o rig inal ow ner. P rice $310. alj CQlfax 4-0690 before 3:30 p.m .

or inquire -24 Walling Terrace, Key­port. <’ , -_____ wJ25*

DON’S TV SERVICEFor fast efficient rad io and te l* vision service call LOwell 63844^

. . j '..-J: 'w jtl



OHRYSLER - 1960-SA V E $700.00



TWO , Beagle puppies T h u rsd ay ,

m m * * - * * * * -LOwell 6-4542,Hi. U - / I

Ma ta w a n ! 'C a l iwJ25

PERSONAL SERVICE 30 YRS.' r............. w jtl

S l ip C o v e r s


Upholsteiy, custom m ade, choose 1960 fabrics a t home. F ree esti­m ates. Call - Dorothy Smith, LO­well 8-1298. wj 3/31/60

RICHARD'S DECORAT1NO - Slip covera and D raperies m ade I t order. Your fabric o r ou rs at low prices. Paym ent* arranged. 534 Beers S t., H azlet COlfax 4 1544. urtl

U p h o ls t e r y

RICHARD'S DECORATING Chair bottom s, K ; sofa bottom s $10; expertly repaired * a t your home. 534 B ett* t f i u le t COli fax 4-1544. Wtf

C e r a m ic T i le


158 Broad SL, M atawan J LOWELL 66094 •' F R E E ESTIMATES


M iic e l l a n e o u t

-{iAi’ETY-BELTSF o r all m ake car*. L arry ’s UphoI< s le ty Shop, 33 U ttlo SL. Matawan. Call LDweU MOW. ““ -w jtf

M a in t e n a n c eHOME REPAIRS, additions, ca r-

pen try , cabinet m aking, painting, lock repairs, m a jon ry , glazing.


w jtl


HAVE your kitchen floor, any size cleaned, waxed and polished pro­

fessionally fo r $1 JO. Call Ed. Ken­nedy, COIfax 4-3C3. wjlO

Your advertisem eut In this pa­p e r wfll' reach prospective pur- c h a se r r ln every com m unity In the

Contractor!tA R P E N T E R and building contrao- .

tor, J . G. Metsger, Florence Ava, Keyporl ‘ New homes, garages, an alterations .and repalra. Cali COl- tax 4-4159. . wjtfPAINTER & DECORATOR. F re e '

estim ates Norman SoltysDc. Call : LOwell 64>446. , » J4 /lj


386 M aple P lace

F ree . E stim ates- CO 4-OT9B Wjtf

PAINTIHG and decorating ,‘ f ree i estim ates. Call a fte r 8 p .m ., '

COlfax 4-4421 - V. WJ31/10

A n t iq u e *


We b u y a n d s e l lA n tiip ie E a n im ira ^ ; _BHo-a-brac. China. Glaaa, Dolla. ; Jew elry. U. S- and Foreign stam ps. 'Hi- M atthews, 115 Broadway, Key- ' p o r t- COlfax 4-1446.- w jtf I

R u g C le a n in g

F 4 J rog cleaners. .Von S d trad e r ’ V ;m ethods. C lean in you r hosnft

a t .08 per square foot. C an 1burg 8411117. wJ2S ’

Police School Is Topic Of Talk s

M onmouth County Prosecutor Vincent P . K euper offered to le t up I Monmouth County police training school. He told official* from JJ m unicipalities be felt tha t u c tha t would offer a two-wcek ba ilc course Of instruction to men M o r e they a re put Oo local police forces is needed. There would be no local cost lor this, he said.* M r. Keuper addressed the Feb­

ruary m eeting ol the Monmouth M m udpal Association in the H om o Stead R estaurant, Spring Lake. He u k e d th a t the association set ud a com m ittee to work out Arm plans for the school. The associ­ation jn a d e no im m ediate move for a iW dution to back up the p rosecutor's recom mendation.. 'A nother speaker w u M ayor Dan­te) J . ’'M aher, Long Branch, who urged th a t M onmouth County do m ore In the line of publicity and advertising to show the nation Ihe reg io n 's . n a tu ra l a ttractions and bring in m o re tourists.

' ' ' Split V«UBy a sp lit vote, the association

b e d d e d in favor of * resolution offered by Long Branch Commis­sioner G eorge R . Woolley tha t a le tte r go out to the Board of Freeholder! ask ing just w hat is being done to prom ote the county through publicity and how, p e r ­haps, it can be done better. '

I t Invited F rank Wilgus, the county's publicity director, to sp e ik oa this a t Its M arch m eeting a t Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury,

In appealing to the , audience of about 100 persons. M ayor M aher advanced the question: "W here are

Thursday, February 25, IMO THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.

Checks Sea l'O n Voting Machines

T hom as W. H ere in , left, chief custodian of tha cauaty Voting M achine Warehouse, checks sea l as custodian* W alter F lak aad i .E a rl Tilton place cover an the m achine. A total of I I I vating a iacMa ** w ere used In the recent school b o trd elections aad each m achine w as sealed for IS days under election laws. Tb* county m aintains a total • f IM machines In the warehouse o a the form er K araglteuslan trac t • a M analapan Aviv, Freehold. The warehouse is but mm a f the m any uses te which the eeunty put form er rag com pany buildings. Construction af sim ilar s tructures would have cost m any tim es tbe original purchase price ef tko entire tr a c t

we lax; why are we not exploiting tbe trem endous advantage* of Mon­m outh County?" He left it to the freeholders " to go out and solicit tou rist trad e for us."

RENAULTd > | 0 \n i n o »

STOP IN AT................. INC..,,, Renault FrnatMsjrDealer 'Ifarti iuM Berries -

H a u t e 3 S M o * g a n - P A t - 4 4 2 5

D rive T h is New 1960 Renault Up to 43 Miles on a GaHba of Gasoline

No Money Down --46 Mo.. . S e e L a s t o r M a g e e O r F r a n k G a b r ie l

R e v o k e L ic e n s e s O f

T h r e e A r e a M o t o r is t s

Acting M otor Vehlelt D irector Ne<J J . P arseklan today announced th* revocation of th re e licenses of bayshore Residents under the State Point System. Suspensions ranged from two to four mouths.

M otorists penalized were Loris Lohsen, W, of lackson SL, Keyport; Luigi Siano, M, of RD I, M atiw an and Eugene Zleder, 91, of Bertrand St.. Old Bridge.


for the had of hearing

C - C R U S A D E R i

with PHONi M A G N ETTmI * e Crmmit. N ot



n ffp r so m any features fo r m od e m conven ienceT h e re ’* more th an m eets th e eye in today's

; beautiful color phom!*. T h ey cam e packed- tr i lh convenient features: (1 ) Lightweight

receiver— easy to grasp a n d bold. (2 ) T ran sp aren t facile d ia l - w i th num bers p a

: th e outside for quidcef, easier reading. ( 3 ) ^ S p i r a l co rd ^ s tay x tk ly a n d o u t o f the w ay.

( 4 ) Bell volum e control— adjusu for as ‘ loud o r toft a ring a l you like. M any o p ­

tiona l features a re available, too, a t small a t n . c o t : (5 ) Voice volum e contro l—•lets you adjust for Ihe degree of loudnessf o u w ant (especially helpful for t l x h a rd

o f hearing). (6 ) Bell cu t-o ff . switch'— • eliminates ringing on extensions w ho* ■ knee i t w anted. (7 ) Dial n ight ligh t— nukes for c a s r a n d convenience a t night. (8 ) Exclusion n ritch :—le ti you cu t o f f * • extension from o ther phones w hen privacyf * M i H n l Vnr m a n ; In fflrrYialin n — o r t o

order— simply d rop in o r call your T ele­phone Business Office,

f t f t l t r u tU m iU t tb r f t m n r f t tm a j . tm u m n M , U*. And Ml r f ta U f i p im tt a n p u t m in i f t t K M

# E W j £ R S 6 Y ? E L L ' 0 '

YMCA Camps Set For New Season

Ted Ressler, Youth D irector ef the Perth Amboy YMCA announced today tha t applications w ere being accepted lo r places in the resident cam ps of the P erth Amboy YMCA. The P erjb Amboy YMCA supports two resident cam ps, one Camp Wawayanda in the CatskiU moun­tains and the o ther Cam p Speers in the Pocono mountains.

Cam p W awayanda which Is the second oldest cam p In th e United States is operating fo r the third year on its brand new site, a 2700 acre piece of ground In tbe top of the CatskiU m ountains located ia F rost Valley.

The cam p which Is coopera tive ly owned by nine YMCAs and the Central A tlantic A n a YMCA h a t a boys cam p which h as a capacity of som e 200 cam pers. The cam p is divided Into villages of oabln groups, the cabins a re all eight- boy cabins with toilet and shower facilities located hi each cabin.

I Ml IMW »li h«a Nik d wIHLM XIuM M aM .



Dally aa d Saturdays I A.M. t* I P.M .

F ridays t A.M. t e t P Jtf. C M All D ay Wednesdays

3 0 W . F r o n t S t . ,

K e y p o r t - .

C O I f a x 4 - 2 0 2 0

Each boy has a bunk w ith its own window and storage space. The dining hall is brand new and the lake which was com pleted last yea r ia approxim ately a mile in length.

Camping P rogramA fine program of camping skills

an J training and aquatics is offered by a Staff which ia m ade up (if college men from all parts of the United Slate* and some from o ther countries. The highest quality p ro ­g ram is offered to cam pers a t a very small cost.

One of the high points of the cam ping season a t W awayanda u the T ra ilb laier program for boys 13-17 years of age. This p rogram includes trips to Lake Oeorge, the CatskiU tra ils , the Adirondack*, along the Neveraink R iver; Me Appalachian Trail, th* F u l t o n Chain, and other northern New York Tripa.

Camp Speers which is located is

th e Pocono m ountains of Pennsyl­vania operates under the sam e pro­g ram as Camp W awayanda with th t sam e high calibre of staff and p ro g ra m ,, '^Parents seeking Infor­m ation o r applications to r either of these cam ps may obtain sam e by calling the P erth Amboy YMCA a t Hillereitl 1 -JM2 o r w rjting to Ted" Ressler, 182 Jefferson S t., P erth Amboy.

C o n g e n i t a l H e a r t

D is e a s e S y m p o s iu m

Leading h ea rt specialist* from the United State* and several other countries w i l l gather ia Phila­delphia this spring to pool their knowledge ib o u t congenital heart disease. Th* occasion will be pebo rah Hospital s second In ter­national Symposium on Curreut Concepts In M edicine, to be held

Apr. 21, 21 and M ia the BellevueStratford Hotel, Philadelphia.

Newest developments in the diag­nosis, trea tm en t and surgery of h ea it defects present from b lilh will be presented by specialists in those areas, drawing from their own experience with actual casty.

Through this broad exchange of expert information it is hoped tha t the most successful methods ol saving heart sufferers will guin wider acceptance among prac* titicmers, and that the way will be opened for the discovery of even-* better method*.

Page Fifteen


R E O P E N IN G M A R C H 2 n d



G o o d F o o d — R e a s o n a b le P r ic e s

H ig h w a y 3 5

L O w e l l 6 - 9 8 3 3

C l i f f w o o d

S A V E * 2 0 " ■ ’ 3 0 " - ’ 4 00 0





Ross W. Maghan Agency


Over A Q uarter Of A Century Of Insurance Service

L O 6 - 0 0 0 3

R E A L E S T A T E - IN S U R A N C E S A V E w i t h S A F E C O 1 3 8 M A IN S T ., M A T A W A N

ha Sm Cash n i Sfaip wfti $md Vi/oi’i Um Mm

6 * f r t 9 j8 8 S 2 i f a v o

t o f t . ' - * *

VIA _^ A V A M C R I C A J V

jo Ritrto ft*0•V tn* tfc* DOMINICAN RCPUtUC m — hIpw lM M lM T l

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I’- f 1-----—«■ - FlNlGINIM4 COHTlOil —

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W UHttlO-25 15(

I M M I W U T M K M » P U I

P U S H ‘ *h i i i h i i m

Page Sixteen THE MATAWAty JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, Felyuqry 25,1960

— F e b r u a r y 2 9 , 1 9 6 0REDWULOUSLY PRICED TO MOVE!!




*1.00Sizes 10-44 - Values 9.98Asst. Colors and Patterns

B la c k 2 T ie r

W rought Iron StandCan B e U s e d F o r P la n t s o r A s h T r a y

R e g 2 . 9 8 7 7 cC h e n ille


^ 1 .9 9Assorted Colors and Sizes

Ladies' Dresses‘ • ■ ’ •• ■ *L -

7 7 cSlut • Broktn Values To 8.98

TOY APPLIANCES6 O n ly — O v e n * — R a g . $ 8 .9 8

2 O n ly — D l ih W a ih e r * — R e g . $ 6 .9 8

3 O n ly — D o u b le S in k * — R e g . $ 6 .9 8

3 O n ly — R e f r ig e r a t o r s — R e g . $ 7 .9 6

2 W a s h e r D r y e r s — R e g . $ 7 .9 8

$100 e a d i


R e b u ilt E le c tro lu x

Vacuum CleanerAll New Attachments

$If New Would Be Over $100.00


C lo se O u t

i. 39* Pf. — Sizes 62 to 82

0 ^



1 9

8COOP1 Ushloa contoured eh sir— ^come, tee'taw comfortable II U. H n poly foam-caibloned, with plastic cover la choice e| 7 colon. Black wood left.

SAVE $2.00



K i g . 9 . T 7

So handaoiiie and practical—um nvtral as room divider*, uie beside couch or chair. Black enamel with brau center and Upe, and I metal (haded lampt Jn choice ol white, ^lack, mocha ar multicolor (Uriah. Pole Mjiuata Irom

' T I” to »’ 4” la height.

Im po rte cT

P o rta b le - E le c tric




” F L A N N E L_ A sst. C o lo r s

Reg. 33c

A Y a rd 2 1 cyd.

"Charge It'


99Ktg. t.tr

SAVE Mel Work-aaver Wer (tool table with dectrU outlet. jSpjli (o any ipot oa cuten. Rod, yellow, pjnk. turquolae or rhho enamel flalsh. U*3U2»W

P la st ic

2 C e ll

FlaskLightR e g. 25c

9 <


A ll


Name Brand

Records4 5 R P M

G r e a t H i t s

N e w b e r r y 's

l o w P r ic e

Stitch-O-Matic Control

Save 16.95! Hoover STEAM-DRY IRON

Convert! at flick o( (Witch, Fabric! dial for diy-trao-1 lqg. Oae telling

l^lor ataai»t>naa< lag. Extra 'UM- m 1 8 .9 5weight *

etc Wrought Iron

Magaxfoe Rack

Reg. Price - $3.98

j : : - ' - : ' , . .B r a s s W r o u g h t I ro n

Magazine Rack

!1 ;$ 9 R e g ..P » ic o — $ 4 .9 8


Duchess .

Facial Quality

6 ^ 4 9850 Sheets

Reg, 10c Roll



M ads la A m erica dlnncrware w ith dain ty blue-bonnct flow eri so white around. Sm art m odern inapca. Cups, cream er, augar lined with turquoise. Slight Im perleo tlon* h ard to And. ' . IF PERFECT 6.98

A Variety Of Colors and Patterns Sizes 32-38 ~ Reg. 2.99

T h re e L e g M e ta l


3 Only

Val. 6.98

B la c k W ro u g h t Ir o n


Reg. 3.98

W e ig h te d B o tto m (W o n ’t T ilt )

$ * * 9 97.95 Val.

'i ., ■' r '^>77^-

M e ta l F i^ m e

Plastic Seat and Tilt Back

$ C 9 9Reg. 16.98

W o o d F ra m e

Occasional ChairPlastic Seat and Tilt Bdck

$ 0 9 9Reg. 27.98

I T ’S S O E A S Y T O S A Y

"CHARGE IT PLEASE"O p e n A N e w b e r r y

C h a r g e A c c o u n t T o d a y

NAM E . . . . . . .



.5!“:-. *'*.• v Kt* *•* ** ** •••** * •••••• •••••«•• ity** ■'•***••■•**?.*• * fiio w iid n ............

r -T i 'T T '.:Just Cut Out This Coupon and Drop ft O ff Or

' Mall It To Newfarry's Keyport. ; / It's TTiat Easy; ' ’

top related