digipack deconstruction sex pistols

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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Digipack Deconstruction


A digipack is an effective tool in publicising and promotion of an album. It also demonstrated a great way of developing the artwork, and removes the obvious barrier the consumer had to the album, the only downfall being that the case tends to become battered easier.

The genre research I carried out on Punk-rock bands showed me that they can either be conceptual or just downright mad, although there are a few characteristics that are carried through almost every band.

This is their only studio album.

Front Cover

The front cover is loud and in very bright colours, made to stand out which is something common in the punk rock genre. The band in question where known for their outlandish image, and being rather loud and outspoken.

The album title is a rather plain text, making the band name stand out, an image which the band adopted as their logo.

The fact that the album title and band name merge could connote the idea that the band should be known for their music.

Back Cover

The back cover, as with many bands, contains the track listing, however in this case, the tracks are neither numbered or in any discernible order. The could be because it is the bands only album, as they used to play live, so people wouldn't know what was going to play next until they played it.

The style is in keeping with the band name, a recurring motif of cut-up, ransom letter-esque words.

Inside Cover

The inside cover mirrors the back cover, with the exception of there being no barcode. This is rather uncommon with albums, as often there would be a picture here, or a description.

This further adds to the unpredictability of the band image. Again, the colours are bright, loud shades, making the album stand out, something the punk rock movement was all about.

Disc Tray

Atypically to the rest of the album, the CD tray contains neither bright colours nor pictures. This would draw focus to the CD, connoting the idea that the band are concerned with music more than an image.

The lack of a band photo either here, where commonly one would be placed, or otherwise through the album further supports the idea of the focus being on the music, not the band.

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