digital copywriting presentation

Post on 26-Aug-2014



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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Digital Copywriting

Online text behaves differently.

Clickable Scrollable Copyable Searchable

Do People Read Differently Online?

Online users view text rather than read it.

They scan, skim and scroll.

Normally at high speed.

79% of online visitors don’t read. They either scan or skim.

16% will read word for word.

–Nicholas Carr

“Once I was a scuba diver in a sea of words. Now I zip along the

surface like a guy on a jet ski.”

“Digital media doesn’t have the same physical constraints as traditional media. Your audience can engage with content where and when they

want to.”

In other words……they have a choice.

4 objectives of online copy:

1. Share information 2. Engage the reader

3. Build trust * 4. Encourage the reader to take a

certain course of action

1. Share Information

- NO COPY ON PRODUCT PAGES: Writing content on each product page helps you express what your product does and build trust with consumers.

- DUPLICATE COPY: Don’t just use manufacturer’s copy. This creates inconsistency across the site and is a lost opportunity.

Common eCommerce Mistakes

Don’t make your audience work for it.

Do Provide:

Clear product descriptions Simple instructions Prominent payment & shipping info

Write Visually.

Use: - indents - sub-headings - bullet points - numbers

Bullets -> 15.9% improvement

2. Engage the reader.

Online copy should address

consumers as participants, not just readers.

Always think about things from the user’s perspective.

(Embrace your inner psychologist!)

Be Useful.

What’s in it for me?

Why should I care?

Here, the Magic Word is Get.

3. Build Trust.

Don’t lie.

Your reputation is at stake.

Avoid superlatives.

“The hard sale is dead.”

4. Encourage the user to take action.

(Insert soothing microcopy* here.)

*those little words and phrases that enhance the user experience, add personality & most importantly, have the ability to reduce friction and get people to take action.

The “no additional costs” text was added because hidden costs are the #1 reason why people

abandon shopping carts.

11.3% in conversions

Calls to Action (CTAs)


Add to Cart



Review Order

Veeam’s visitors wanted to see prices, but they couldn’t display them due to partner agreements. They tested changing the phrase from

“request a quote” to “request pricing.”

The result? A 161.66% increase in clicks to their lead gen form.

“Continue” was causing confusion and cart abandonment. Tested “Almost Done” and “Review Order”. RO-> 39.4% CTR

“Data has the power to prove wrong all your instincts, gut feeling, intuition and the like.

It doesn’t matter what you think—results matter.”

The Power of Data

What a/b testing shows us is that we never know all the answers…

PLAY, LISTEN, see what works and what doesn’t—and respond accordingly.


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