digital marketing for hotel industry

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Digital Marketing For

Hotel Industry

by:-BenErg Software Solutions

Traditional Advertising does not have that much power anymore in a world where multi channel digital marketing is increasing by as much as 137% backed by an even awesome 500% increase in brans using multiple digital marketing channels.

72% of Consumers are already connecting with brand through their various Digital Marketing channels and activities.

Importance of Digital Marketing for Hotel Industry

1. It connects you with consumers on the internet

2. It generate Higher Conversion Rate

3. Digital Marketing saves you money

4. It enables real time customer service

5. It connects you with the mobile consumer

6. It helps generate higher conversion rate

7. It Delivers high ROI from your campaigns

8. It can help you compete with your competitors

About BenErg▪Globally established

company with Industry experts▪5+ years experience in

Digital Marketing & Advertising industry▪Works with 20+ industry

domains or sectors across India, UAE, USA market.

Approximately 81% of people search the internet before making a purchasing decision. We ensure you get founded by those relevant audiences when they browse online.

Why BenErg Software Solutions

▪Performance based company focused on results

▪Customized services and solutions for each client

▪Users search tools to track competitors marketing strategy

▪Accountable, confidential & ethical company

▪Affordable pricing for any size business

▪Talented designers & marketing experts

Email Marketing



Social Media


Responsive Website

Mobile Application

Why SEOSEO helps reach your targeted audiences from around the globe who are lookingfor

relevant information about your product & services.

With SEO, you’ll appear in the organic results and get the majority of clicks for most searches.

Organic Search Results

Search Engine Ranking

Quality Backlinks

BenErg’s search engine optimization is crucial to the success of our client’s website by

Better Click Through Rate (CTR) than traditional advertising

Branding benefits for client in terms of recommendations and high referral traffic

Position ownership: Lower maintenance in achieving the organic position which benefits in longer run

SEO Performance

1. BenErg employs “Performance SEO” in order to track, analyze and reach to the results in real time.

2. BenErg’s advanced technological methods and creative Search Engine Optimization techniques will generate quality traffic to the clients.

3. Based on our deep understanding of user flow, we work clients to define goals and funnel traffic to goal completion.

4. Classic SEO methods such as content optimization and keywords research increase organic search traffic from search engines. Technological methods will funnel visitors to targeted pages.

Our SEO Process

1. Keyword List is the first step is to identify the actual words your prospects are typing into Google (and the other search engines).

2. On Page is a technique of SEO in which we optimize the website based on the parameters and aspects suggested by search engines in order to make the website SEO and user friendly

3. Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine results page (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO with link building but it is not only that. It also includes Content Sharing and Marketing.

SEO Process

Keyword Research

On-Page Optimization

Off-page Optimization

WhySearch Engine Marketing (PPC)

● Over 2 trillion search queries annually

● Search impacts all areas of Marketing

● Not so expensive but strategic

● PPC vs Organic

SEM Process

1. Keyword Research

2. Ad-group, Ad-copies & Campaign Creation

3. Landing Page Creation & Optimization

4. Geographic Targeting

5. Bid Management

6. Conversion Setup and Tracking

7. Analytics Performance

Search Engine Marketing for your Business

● Generate Website visitors to your website uptime, When your website has exposure to different search engines, you are departing to get website visitor every hour, everyday.

● It grabs the attention of your audience at the right time

● It’s easy and quick to implement

● It’s measurable

● It helps raise brand awareness

Social Media Deliverables● BenErg proposes an end-to-end approach, with a clear short term and long term objectives

● All social properties are customized according to its branding guidelines, and in the light of achieving user engagement.

● Dynamic content and campaign strategy, driven by metrics of user behaviour in the social channels.

● Creating a series of strong social channels to communicate with its Target Group, and hence achieve substantial business growth

Event Ideation and Implementation

Strong Integrated Marketing Communication

Optimized Customer Connect

Social Media Deliverables

Social Media Deliverables

You Can Visit to know more About us.

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