diploma in weight loss...diploma in weight loss part i @shawfits presented by: sarah devine course...

Post on 19-Jun-2020






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Diploma in Weight Loss Part I


Presented by:

Sarah Devine Course Educator

BS Health EducationEQF Level 4 Personal Training

Lesson 8

Shopping & Planning Your Weight Loss

Lesson 7 You have learned what the Dawn effect is and

how this impacts our metabolism

You have gained the knowledge of how to plan a

healthy diet that suits your lifestyle

We explored the pitfalls that cause us to eat

calories unknowingly

You have increased your healthy eating habits

You have developed the skills to understand how

to make smart food swaps

Lesson 8 You will learn what causes mindless eating

You will gain the knowledge of how improve your

eating habits that lead to overeating

We explore the nutritional value of different foods

You will increase your knowledge on overall

healthy eating



Let’s Begin

Our Food Choices

We make over 200

food decisions

a day

90% of them we

are unaware


The best diet is the one you don’t even know you are on

The only real weight loss diet is a healthy, whole food diet that adapts to YOUR lifestyle!

Mindless eating is classified as any reason other than hunger to eat

Sight, smell, stress, taste, texture, boredom, anxiety

No reason at all….

Conquer mindless eating

Should food be eaten for energy?

Food should be eaten for pleasure

‘’Food is a great pleasure in our life – not something we should compromise. We simply need to shift our surroundings to work

with our lifestyle instead of against it“~ Brian Wansink

Your eyes choose

Freezing vegetables

Minimise the microbial growth and spoilage

Plant enzymes are switched off for auto digestion

The nutrient content of frozen vegetables is roughly the same as fresh

Higher levels of Vitamin A and Beta-


Lower levels of the antioxidant


Raw Diet The Healthiest?

What about cooking vegetables

Heat causes a chemical and physical

change to food

1. Increases digestibility

2. Increase flavour

Cooked vegetables

Are any nutrients gained during cooking?

Cooking Tomatoes

Increases the amount of lycopene – the heat

breaks down the plant cell wall so you can

absorb the nutrients that are also bound to the

thick wall

Cooking Carrots

Increases their level of beta-carotene.

The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A,

which plays an important role in vision, reproduction, bone growth and regulating

the immune system

Cooking increases nutrient content

• Buy little and often

• Freeze food you are not using for a


• Store fruit and vegetables in a low

temperature room

• Prepare fruits and vegetables just

before cooking

• Using a sharp knife for cooking

reduces disruption of cells

• Eat the skin of fruit and vegetables

Maximise Nutritional Content of Food

Eat smart

Forgotten calories in some foods

Food Calories

Ketchup ( 1 tbsp./15g) 15

Mayonnaise (1 tbsp. /15g) 100

Butter 15g 40

Fruit preservative 42

Two Sugar cubes 20

Olive oil (1 tbsp. /15ml) 80

I after dinner mint 30

Grated parmesan (5g) 22

1 cough sweet 40


Food Serving size Calories

White crust roll 50g 140

Brown bread 1 slice 70

Don’t guess

Portion size illusion

Mindless eating

Watch other factors

• Watch mindless eating

• Manage stress

• Don’t eat alone

• Eat until you are full not until the plate is empty

• Eat without distractions

• Eat sitting down not on the go

• Eat slowly put the fork down for a minute

Common mistakes when trying to lose weight unveiled

Don’t focus on scale weight

Why exercise is always beneficial

Keeps your heart healthy

Improves the immune system functioning

Releases Endorphins – the feel good hormone

150 MinutesModerate

75 MinutesVigorous

Muscle burns more weight than fat

Muscle mass and muscle tissue burns more calories, even at rest compared to fat mass

Muscle is metabolically active so requires energy in the form of calories even at rest

1 pound of muscle would burn 50 calories in a day spent at rest, while 1 pounds of fat would burn 2 calorie a day at rest

Calories needed to burn

55 Minute



2 Hour


15 Crisps

12 Minutes


Glazed Doughnut

26 Minutes


Pepperoni Pizza Slice

30 Minutes


Chocolate Bar

52 Minutes


Spiced Latte

40 Minutes


Cereal & milk

35 Minutes


Iced cupcake

40 Minutes


500kcal/day =

1lb/0.45kg a


Be Careful Of Liquid Calories

An Hour After Drinking Coke

So What About

Diet Drinks


Don’t recommend purely liquid diets for weight loss

WHY?Most juices are missing fibre and protein, both are needed to help slower digestion of food and feeling satisfied therefore helping you to drop the


That said, enjoying a juice with a meal or as a snack can help you downsize—particularly if you're swapping a higher calorie snack with a

juice as the water and nutrient benefits are still in a juice

Smoothies or Blender Juices

1. Adding all your healthy fruit and vegetables into a blender is more recommended

2. Keep the fibre, vitamins and minerals and just add water

3. Going for more vegetables than fruits will help keep the fructose and calorie count down

4. Adding a bit of apple to sweeten ant recipe instead of sugar

5. Adding a natural yogurt especially to berries and banana is a much healthier satisfying desert

A Mean Green

2 broccoli stalks

2 medium apples

1/2 medium cucumber

2 stalks celery

1/2 medium lemon, peeled

½ lettuce head

1 Kiwi

(optional add barley grass for extra nutrients )

Combine all ingredients in a juicer. Alternatively, you could also combine them in a blender and add water to make a blender juice.

What's stopping you make the change?

Having expectations that are unrealistic


Course Complete

Course RecapWeek 1: Lesson 1 : Body Measurments & Blood sugar Balance

1. Blood sugar levels and cravings

2. Insulin resistance

3. How to reduce the carbohydrates digestion and absorption for balancing blood sugar


Lesson 2 Hormones, Cravings and Metabolism

1. Missing Micronutrients

2. Metabolic Balance

3. Hormone Disruption

Course Recap

Week 2: Lesson 3 : Food Addiction and Binge Eating

1. Binge eating and anorexia

2. Common disorders and disease that result from an eating disorder

3. How to manage triggers and plan a more positive approach

Lesson 4 : Does Fat Make You Fat?

1. Why do we need fat in our body?

2. What are the different types of fat and their benefits?

Mono-unsaturated, polyunsaturated and essential fatty acids

3. Why too much fat can be harmful

Course Recap

Week 3: Lesson 5 :Digestive Health for Weight Loss

1. Why dieting doesn’t work

2. Why it is important to have good gut bacteria

3. What foods can benefit our gut flora and provide support for


Lesson 6 : Is Suagr a Drug?


1. Why sugar is like a drug

2. Where the hidden sugars lie

3. What is the difference between processed and raw honey

Course Recap

Week 4: Lesson 7 : Factors Influencing Eating Habits and How to

Manage Them

1. Eating a breakfast is vital for health and weight loss

2. Managing blood sugars and insulin spikes

3. Looked at alternative foods that won’t sabotage your waist

Lesson 8: Shopping and Planning your Weight Loss

1. Mindless eating in different forms

2. Food composition for health

3. Implementing healthy eating

Almond Pumpkin Butter

Method 2 cups roasted almonds (unsalted)⅔ cup canned pumpkin1 Tablespoon chia seeds 1 teaspoon cinnamon1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice1 teaspoon maple syrup¼ teaspoon sea salt10 drops vanilla

InstructionsBlend the almonds in a large food processor and process until they turn into almond butter (12-15 minutes)Through in the remaining ingredients and process until smooth (5 minutes)Store in the fridge and keep for up to a week

Thank You from the Nutrition Team

Thank you! From you educator


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