discover real estate results network

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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For this select group of agency Principals and their teams, Real Estate Results Network represents a powerful new direction for leadership, advice and

competitive edge strategies.



Love your independence Engage with like minded peers

Aspire to be your best Deliver Results


Real Estate Results Network is designed for Principals of Independent Agencies who are looking for new and

fresh ideas for growth.



If you’re like most Principals, you’re looking for a fresh approach to developing your people and your business.

The real estate landscape is changing. When you see these changes as an opportunity instead of a challenge, you’ll enjoy even greater satisfaction while growing your marketshare.

Imagine bringing the best Independent Agencies across Australia and New Zealand together into a non – competing Network that is all about accessing, sharing and learning the best real estate strategies on the planet.

Then add the most advanced business support and training systems and you start to appreciate the power Real Estate Results Network could offer you and your business.


Since joining RER Network in 2006 our business has not looked back going from strength to strength each year. The key driver for this success apart from the amazing training and coaching we get from Michael has been the commitment we made as a team to make Network Membership work for us. By utilising the training schedules from KickStart in Feb right through the year to Getting Set in Dec it means we are always on our game and ahead of the competition. We are in such rapidly changing times that it is critical in business today to ensure you are armed with all the options in your tool kit and Michael, Shane and the team certainly deliver on that. So to enjoy the benefits of being associated with 45 of some of the top agencies in Australia provides us with not only with the best connections but also with Agents who are willing to share their secrets. There is simply no other Network like it in Australia and being a Member is an opportunity to take that next step in business growth and success.

John CunninghamCUNNINGHAMS


What you will discover

11 What is Real Estate Results Network?

11 The Idea Behind the Network

12 RER Network Member Results

14 A different kind of Network

17 Core Elements of RER Network Membership

Business Planning & Leadership Development

Team Development

Systems & Resources

Branding & Marketing

Recognition & Awards

Exclusive Marketing Area & Networking

24 Our Vision & Mission

25 What Can You Expect to Gain From

RER Network Membership



Growing a business consistently at 30% doesn’t happen by chance. We have been fortunate to have Michael as our coach and be a part of RER Network for 7 years now and without him and the chance to draw from an incredible pool of talented principles in the RER Network we would not be anywhere near where we are today!”



The Network is exclusive in the fact that once we begin working with your agency, we do not work with any other agencies in your primary marketing area.

It is unique in the way that we support your independence and individuality whilst gaining your commitment to grow and develop your business.

It’s an opportunity to join a high-performing group of agencies that are dedicated to achieving outstanding results.

Real Estate Results Network primary purpose is to empower agents and principals with the strategies, tools and the mindset to achieve their goals, improve their personal business outcomes and take their career to the next level.

The Idea Behind the Network Some of the best ideas in the world are incredibly simple. The idea behind Real Estate Results Network is exactly that – to help progressive independent principals and their teams produce outstanding results in business.

RER Network CEO, Michael Sheargold is dedicated to improving the service standards, professionalism and reputation of real estate agent’s across the country, and this is a message that is reiterated often at our public events, and our Network events.


Other impressive results include:

1 RER Network won “The Best Training & Education” Award in the 2014 REB Awards

2 RER Network was the most nominated Finalist of any Australian Real Estate Group in the 2015 REB Awards, being a Finalist in: “Best Training and Education”, “Best Boutique Network under 99 offices”, and “Best Innovator”

3 RER Network CEO, Michael Sheargold was a Finalist in the “Industry Thought Leader” Award in the 2015 REB Awards

4 In 2014, RER Network was ranked 8th in the Top 20 Real Estate Groups across the country (Real Estate Business online). Given that the top groups in the country have a massive number of international and Australian offices, and some have been operating for over 170 years, this is a great achievement!

5 RER Network saw 10 agents in the REB Top 100 Rankings – including the #1 and #3 positions. This was the second highest result from any network across Australia

6 Cunninghams ranked 10th in the REB Top 50 Sales Office 2015

7 Newton Real Estate, Caporn Young and Cunninghams were all listed in the Top 50 Sales Offices around the country

Over the last 12 months, RER Network Members have…

WON 12,961 LISTINGS A 10% increase from the previous year

SOLD 10,719 PROPERTIES An 11% increase from the previous year

SOLD $8.8 BILLION worth of real estate

MANAGED OVER 32,000 PROPERTIES by Property Management teams

8 Bree Higgins from Cunninghams won the REINSW “Award for Excellence – Corporate Support”

9 Cunninghams won the “Award for Excellence - Residential Sales Team” in the 2014 REINSW Excellence Awards

10 Lucas Real Estate won the “ Agency of the Year Award - Private Sale” in the 2014 REIV Awards

11 Dylan Emmett from Lucas Real Estate won “Residential Property Manager of the Year (Principals)” in the 2014 REIV Awards

12 Explore Property won “Awards for Excellence - Best Medium Residential Agency of the Year” in the 2015 REIA Awards

13 Dylan Emmet from Lucas Real Estate won “Awards for Excellence - Best Residential Property Manager of the Year” in the 2015 REIA Awards

14 In 2015 REB Top 100 Rankings, RER Network Members: James Tostevin from Marshall White ranked first place, Marcus Chiminello from Marshall White ranked third place, Hamish Tostevin from Marshall White ranked 15th, Steven Kourdis from mcconnell bourn ranked 21st, Andrew Lutze from Cunninghams ranked 29th, Zali Reynolds from Marshall White ranked 45th, Stefanie Dobro from Caporn Young ranked 61st, Kaine Lanyon from Marshall White ranked 64th, Paul Caine from Caine Real Estate ranked 91st and Jill Henry from mcconnell bourn ranked 96th

15 RER Network Agencies: Cunninghams, Morton, Caporn Young and Lucas Real Estate were all Finalists in the 2015 REB Awards Group Categories

16 Caporn Young named Finalists in “Best Innovator” 2015 REB Awards

17 Newton Real Estate named Finalist for “Residential Sales Team” in the 2014 REINSW Awards for Excellence

18 Bruce McLachlan from McLachlan Partners named Finalist for “John Greig OAM Community Service” Category in the 2014 REINSW Awards for Excellence

19 Reece Coleman from The Agency won “Best Real Estate Agency Australia” in the 2015-2016 Asia Pacific Property Awards

20 Caine Real Estate’s Alex Subotsch named Finalists in “BDM of the Year - Property Management” and Paul Caine named Finalist in “Best Sales Campaign” in the 2015 REB Awards

21 Ewan Morton from Morton named Finalists in “Industry Thought Leader” and “Principal of the Year - Metropolitan” in the 2015 REB Awards

22 Morton’s Damian Kennedy named Finalists in “Rising Star” and Paige Sanderson named Finalist in “Office Administrator of the Year” in the 2015 REB Awards

23 Steve Lambley from Cunninghams named Finalist in “Best Sales Campaign” in the 2015 REB Awards



RER Network represents a different kind of NetworkOur Principals are some of the most progressive in the country – leading the way with innovative business systems and setting a new standard for the profession.

Our Agents are some of the best achieving and most respected across the country - reaching milestones, bettering their personal bests, becoming stand out agents in their market place, and doing so with integrity and heart.

Most importantly (to us) is that our Members genuinely love being a part of our Network – they are our raving fans – they see us as partners in their business. At the end of the day, their success is our success and as a team we are constantly looking to improve their experience, their results and their success.

We are proud of our Members and the results they achieve everyday, and whilst we have big plans of expanding the Network and making a difference to many more independent agencies our true focus is on our Members. And we love it….

We are one of a kind. There is no other Network like ours, and we are proud of that.




We love the Network! There is so much to be gained from the incredibly open sharing of ideas in all aspects of our real estate business. Being in non competing markets allows members to share unreservedly what’s working, what’s not, new ideas, innovations etc with no need to re invent the wheel. Strategies can be implemented immediately with tweaks for our own business and market place and we get a kick out seeing our ideas used across the ditch. The friendships and “networking” opportunities alone are fantastic but combined with Michael’s energy, enthusiasm and incredible knowledge I would absolutely recommend the Network!”



The Core Elements of Network Membership

Leadership Development & Business Planning

Your business will never outperform your leadership. When you become a Member you’ll gain access to the Leadership Development Programs as well as the online KnowledgeBase with a range of resources to enhance your leadership skills.

This program is designed for you to network with fellow Members as well as evolve your leadership skills to a whole new level. When you evolve, your business will go along for the ride.

One example of this is the Principal Bootcamp, where for two days you’ll work alongside Michael Sheargold together with a small group of like-minded Principals from Australia and New Zealand who also have the drive to achieve better results in their business and life.

This workshop is conducted on the Gold Coast or Sydney and is your chance to step away from the day-to-day and really look at where you are and importantly, where you want to go as an agency. You’ll clarify your vision for the future, identify your biggest opportunities for growth and develop a Growth Plan for your business.

Team Development

Our goal here is to help you and your team get smarter, faster – in such a way that you’ll lead the field in the strategies and tactics for market leadership.

Few in house training programs really deliver what Agents need to be massively successful. With RER Network we change that for you.

While variety is the spice of life, when it comes to a highly successful real estate business, developing a consistent platform of high quality training and coaching is a key for sustained growth.





Being the Owner and salesperson of a real estate office with 20 on the team can sometimes be quite challenging. RER Network gives us the tools to cope with both the day to day issues that arise and long term business planning goals and management tools. Also being a country agent, the Network has mechanisms in place designed specifically to assist rural agencies that find it difficult to travel to capital cities for team training so we still get all the benefits. We find this is fantastic for time management, productivity and team moral.

It’s great to meet, liaise, learn and grow with non-competing agents from around the country, so there is good camaraderie and benchmarking as a bonus so you can track performance. Put simply, since joining RER Network turnover and profit have increased.



The old way of “hit and miss” training where Agents and Principals try to sort through what might add value is extremely costly in both time and money.

Many hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars per year are wasted in ineffective training. This often leads to a team not motivated to learn.

With RER Network on your team, you’ll benefit from a model of learning and development that builds on prior knowledge and appeals to the different levels of skills and performance.

The advanced training and coaching programs are designed to support you delivering to your team the skills, strategies, dialogue and mindset to have them winning much more business.

Add to this our focus to help you recruit and retain great people and your business will develop faster towards your goals.

Systems & Resources

You’ll quickly discover at RER Network we live by… “If it’s worth doing again, create a system for it.” So you’ll benefit from leading edge systems all designed to streamline your business and have you and your team operating more efficiently.

All systems have been tested and proven in high performing agencies. So you gain the benefit without the development time and hassle. We call this “Plug and Play” systems. Rather than building every new idea or system from the ground up, you’ll be able to “grab” a system from the Network and then simply customise it for your market place.

Importantly, the online KnowledgeBase takes coaching support to a whole new level with a powerful search capability. This provides to you





Our business has gone from strength to strength since joining RER Network. I believe the training provided to our team, and the support and networking opportunities provided to us as principals, has been instrumental in our growth. Due to the calibre of the agents within the Network, we are constantly challenged to be at the top of our game…to improve…and to implement!



and your team “just in time” coaching along with standard letters and forms that will have your team well on the way to even greater results.

This KnowledgeBase provides a new level of access to what you want and when you want it – you’ll simply enter the keyword or topic and up will come a list of resources to help on that topic.

All of this is designed to radically increase your speed to market in a positive way.

Brand & Marketing

If you’re a progressive Principal, you already know the importance of your brand. You’ve invested years and many thousands of dollars creating a strong position in your market.

So our goal is to help you make your brand even stronger in your marketplace. A simple but powerful concept is building a Community Brand Integration Model where over time, your brand becomes known as the agency of choice in your market.

Once appointed as a Member, you’ll have access to a Public Relations strategy along with the rights to use Real Estate Results Network Member logo to further differentiate and support you market position.

One of the first projects after joining the Network is a detailed Brand Review. We look at the Market Position you want to own and then see how your brand and marketing collateral supports that position.

Add to this the annual Marketing Showcase where every Member showcases their marketing materials. Because the Network is based in sharing openly, you’ll be able to pick and choose ideas that will take your brand and marketing even further.

Recognition & Awards

Being able to recognise your team members effectively is an important aspect of retaining great people. The Network supports you by delivering a range of targeted recognition and rewards programs.





When it comes to real estate coaching in Australia – Michael sets the bar. Over the last 16 years that Michael has coached our group he has, year in and year out, been acknowledged by our Company for the clarity that he has created through our entire team – not only from the Directors – but from the sales and property management teams. Michael has been instrumental in our groups achievements and success – which has positioned Marshall White to where it is today. Michael has been coaching and mentoring us through the good and bad time – he has empathy with each and everyone within our organization – Michael’s contribution has been invaluable and immeasurable to all of us. Michael’s leadership, passion and dedication to the success of our people – and their standard of service – makes him not only an amazing real estate coach, but one of the most successful all round coaches in Australia!



Recognition programs include Results Accredited Agent designation for your agents, The Performance Recognition Levels as well as The Total Volume Sales Club (which is the total properties sold in an agent’s career).

We then add to this an Award system that includes quarterly performance per state in Australia and in New Zealand for agents.

Annually the ARERA’s (Australasian Real Estate Results Awards) is the night of nights for the Network where outstanding performances are acknowledged for the previous year.

All the awards and recognition programs are designed to further support your team and your agency as a leader in your market.

Exclusive Marketing Area & Networking

A key element to Network Membership is knowing you have exclusive rights in your specific marketplace. This means in your Primary Marketing Area no other competitor can gain access to Real Estate Results Network. As you integrate Network strategies powerfully into your point of difference, you’ll have yet another unique benefit to building your business.

Being in business can be a lonely place. Knowing how you’re tracking and who to turn to for advice and support can be difficult. As a Member of Real Estate Results Network, you’ll be joining a Productivity Club. Each club consists of up to 7 agencies and is a chance to work on your business. This helps you identify where you’re strong and importantly what will give your agency the biggest lift in performance. Through the Productivity Club you’ll do a Business Performance Review on a six monthly basis.

High-quality networking further enhances this with like-minded real estate professionals. Networking occurs for both Principals and Team members through events, online webinars and “connecting” Members together to build on the success platform you’ve built for your business.



Our Vision is simple…

To be the most dynamic Network of forward thinking Estate Agents who set a new benchmark in the real estate profession.

And our Mission is... To deliver the best business support system that creates awesome results in real estate professionals business and personal lives.


What you can expect to gain from RER Network Membership

Business Innovation Growing Marketshare Profit Performance Asset Value Growth Team Productivity Balance and Lifestyle


The power of an idea is in its implementation

Real Estate Results Network PO Box 9239 Gold Coast MC QLD 9726

t: 1300 273 785

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