diy non-dairy milk

Post on 14-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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These slides are from the May 16th airing of Healthy Cooking with Mama Renee. They will teach you the benefits of Non-Dairy Milk products, how to make them and how to use the by-products to supplement your diet and create a delicious and healthy cookie.



-Cholesterol Free and Heart Healthy-Lactose Free and Easy to Digest

-Low in Fat and Calories Ideal for Weight Management -Contains Protein, Calcium, Vitamin D and other Essential Nutrients-Low Environmental Impact

Soy Milk Benefits

Healthy Cooking With Mama Renee

• A Great Alternative for Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Low in Saturated Fats & Cholesterol Free

• Recognized by FDA & Nutritionist as being equal to animal protein

Complete Protein Source

• Scientifically Proven to Support Healthy Bone Development

Supports Bone Health

Creamy Black Soy Milk RecipeIngredients:1 cup Eden Foods Organic Black Soy Beans

soaked overnight in 2 cups water1 Tablespoons Rolled Oats2 Tablespoons Raw Sugar, Honey or Agave

Nectar½ Eden Foods Celtic Sea Salt4 cups waterInstructions:1. Drain soybeans and rinse several times.2. Combine Soybeans with remaining

ingredients in a blender and puree at high speed for 3 minutes.

3. Add puree to cooking pot and heat on high, stirring the bottom constantly to prevent sticking.

4. Bring to a boil and remove the pot from the heat immediately.

5. Pour mixture into a heat proof bowl lined with cheese cloth and let cool.

6. Twist the cheesecloth closed and press against the side of the bowl, using a jar or masher to remove any additional milk.

Okara (Soy Pulp) Benefits

Healthy Cooking with Mama Renee

• Leftover from Soy Milk production, it is an inexpensive way to stretch your food dollar further

Economic Food Source

• Contains protein, iron, calcium, fiber and riboflavin

Nutritionally Rich

• Can be added to a variety of dishes to enhance nutritional value or to stretch a meal

Taste Neutral & Filling

Brown Rice Benefits

Healthy Cooking With Mama Renee

• Lactose, Casein, and Nut Free so it is safe for those with Sensitivities to other Milk Alternatives

Low Allergy Risk

• Rice Bran Proteins that are found in Rice Milk have been clinically proven to help lower cholesterol

Proven to Lower Cholesterol

• Supports Metabolic, Immune and Nerve Health

Good Source of B Vitamins& Anti-oxidants

Brown Rice Milk Recipe

Ingredients:1 cup Eden Foods Organic Brown

Rice Flakes2 Tablespoons honey, agave or raw

sugar3 cups water1 teaspoon ground vanilla beansInstructions:Combine ingredients in a pot and

bring to a boil.Remove from heat and strain

through cheese cloth.Cool and enjoy.

Raw Almond Milk Benefits

Healthy Cooking with Mama Renee

• Supports healthy bone growth, helps build immunity and has been linked to reducing Osteoporosis and Dementia Symptoms

Good Source of Vitamin D and Calcium

• High in vitamin E which supports healthy skin and reduces the signs of aging

Supports Healthy Skin and Hair

• The amounts of Vitamin A found in Almond milk support the health and function of the eyes

Supports Eye Health

Raw Almond Milk Recipe Ingredients:1 cup raw almonds2 cups water for soaking2 cups fresh waterCheese cloth

Instructions:1. Soak almonds in 2 cups of

water overnight.2. Drain and rinse several times3. Add to blender with 2 cups

fresh water.4. Blend almonds to a pulp. Let

mixture sit for 5 to 10 minutes.5. Strain through cheese cloth to

remove granules.

Courtesy of Brandi Rollins Author of:

Bonus Recipe: Almond Cookie Recipe

Ingredients:½ cup coconut oil¼ cup blond coconut nectar¼ cup raw sugar1 egg1 cup almond meal1 ½ cup unbleached flour1 teaspoon ground vanilla beanInstructions:1. Cream the coconut oil, coconut

nectar, raw sugar and egg together until fluffy.

2. Add the egg and mix for 1 minute3. Add the almond meal, unbleached

flour and vanilla bean4. Mix thoroughly5. Spoon onto a baking sheet and

bake at 350 for seven minutes.6. Remove and cool.

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