dominican recipes

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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Dominican Recipes


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  • Dominican Recipes, Traditional

    These are traditional Dominican recipes. We have tried to make the recipes as easy to understand as possible, and

    suggest substitutions whenever we know an ingredient might be particularly difficult to acquire outside the Dominican


    You will find here authentic Dominican dishes and meals, just like Mami makes them, however, and as we constantly

    remind our visitors, they may differ from the ones that you have tried in your own home. Remember that each family has

    their own cooking style and secrets.

    Asopao de Pollo (Chicken and Rice Pottage)

    If you've been paying attention, you'll notice that we didn't publish our usual weekly post last week. I apologize for that,

    and there was a reason for it: I was traveling. More on that later, but for now I hope that this recipe for Asopao de Pollo

    (Chicken and Rice Pottage) -- a very popular Dominican ...

    Ponche de Chocolate (Chocolate Eggnog)

    It's the last day of the year! Where has time gone? This has been a bumpy ride of a year for our family. The lows have

    been very low, and the highs pretty up there. Despite the losses and the headaches there's always a reason to toast to a

    new year. As a chocolate lover myself, ...

    Pasteles en Hoja de Yuca (Cassava and Chicken Pockets)

    I bet half of our readers are knee-deep in food right now, and the other half obsessing about what food will be on the

    table tomorrow. And on many of those tables, Pasteles en Hoja de Yuca (Cassava and Chicken Pockets) will be one of

    the stars of the evening. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and no other occasion ...

    Camarofongo (Lighter, Non-Fried Garlicky Plantain and Shrimp)

  • We all know and love the classic mofongo, but that ball of garlicky goodness has a bajillion calories (rounding up). I am

    here to bring the kind of life-changing good news that one hopes to get this time of the year: This Camarofongo (light,

    non-fried version of shrimp mofongo) is every bit as good as ...

    Chocolate de Maz (Roasted Corn Cocoa)

    When my daughter tried Chocolate de Maz (Roasted Corn "Cocoa") for the first time this week I had no hopes that she'd

    like it. Kids are fickle creatures, and knowing what they'll love or hate is difficult to predict. Amazingly she loved it. I'm

    glad she did, because I'm planning to make it often. After all, ...

    Batidas de Zapote / Granadillo / Nspero (Fruit Shakes)

    A heat wave is hitting us hard down here in PuntaCana, just like it does this time of the year. And I start whining about it

    just like I do every year. Like every year, I start sharing my famous (infamous?) summer dishes, drinks and paletas

    (popsicles), some of our preferred weapons against the heat. Along ...

    Baked Kipe (Kibbeh)

    Nearly two centuries ago a wave of immigrants from the former Ottoman Empire found its way to America (the

    continent), fleeing persecution and economic hardship. With them they brought bits and pieces of the rich cuisines from

    a territory that surrounded most of the Mediterranean, and the Red and Black seas. Kipe / quipe, as we Dominicans ...

  • Moro-Locrio (Rice with Pork and Black Beans)

    Sometimes some dishes just don't work. Don't worry, I am not talking about the moro-locrio (rice with pork and black

    beans). This one actually did. I love experimenting with food -- isn't that obvious? Inspiration for new recipes come from

    everywhere, and sometimes things work in my head much better than they turn out in reality. That is ...

    Empanaditas Dulces (Fruit Jam Turnovers)

    You would think that because I post recipes for desserts so frequently it must mean that I have a sweet tooth. The answer

    to that is yes... and no. Not to confuse you or anything (I'll let my grammar do that), but the truth is, savory is my thing.

    Sure, I do love a good dessert -- ...

    Avena Caliente (Oatmeal and Milk Hot Drink)

    The best part of keeping this blog, and having it become the de facto digital Dominican kitchen, is that we get to show

    you recipes that may not longer be as popular in the Dominican home, but that definitely deserve a revival. They deserve

    to be shown to the world, and adopted for the wonderful ...

    Tocino de chivo (salted goat meat)

  • And I am back! After nearly three weeks of practicing the art of barajar (doing nothing), I don't really feel relaxed as

    much as I feel just... lazy. I could get used to this. I cooked a lot, tried a few new recipes (that I will share with you in the

    future), and spent a lot of ...

    Arepa (Dominican Cornmeal and Coconut Cake)

    Dominican arepa is a cornmeal and coconut cake, traditionally prepared in an iron pot on top of red-hot coal. A metal lid

    is placed on the pot, then more coal is put on the lid. This led to the expression "como la arepa: fuego por arriba y fuego

    por abajo" (like an arepa, fire underneath, fire ...

    Coconetes (Rustic Coconut Cookies)

    Coconetes (rustic coconut cookies) are very popular in the Dominican Republic. You can walk to any colmado (corner

    store) and you will in all likelihood find them. The reason I have called them rustic coconut cookies is because they have

    a rustic texture, a little bit on the dry side. That doesn't mean that they aren't full of ...

    Berenjenas Guisadas con Cerdo (Braised Pork and Eggplants)

    If I were to write a book titled All the Things I Know Little to Nothing About, anthropology would be there somewhere.

    Even so, I am going out on a limb and say that a country's socio-economical situation must influence its culinary culture.

    To me it seems self-evident. This would explain why dishes like this berenjenas guisadas con ...

    Suspiritos (meringue kisses)

  • Our baby turns 12 this month. It's hard to believe it, isn't it? Time flies so fast. Oh, wait, I am not talking about my

    daughter, I am talking about our blog(s). Yeah, it's been 12 years, and I can hardly believe it! I had no idea what I was

    getting myself into, or that I'd ...

    Dominican-Style Farina Cream of Wheat

    It's hard to believe, but this cream of wheat recipe for Dominican-style farina is one of the most searched for in our blog.

    At least I find it quite surprising, after all it is a very simple dish that I thought most people could cook without a recipe.

    In the meantime, let me tell you of my ...

    Casabe (Cassava Bread)

    If you don't know what casabe (cassava bread) is, Aunt Ilana wrote a fantastic article that explains it all. You'd be well-

    served to read it. If you know what casabe is, you are probably asking yourself why I have to write a recipe for it. After

    all, Dominicans don't make casabe at home. We just walk ...

    Buuelos de Viento en Sirop (Choux Pastry in Syrup)

    I have been receiving requests to add this recipe for a long time, years in fact. I have to say that it isn't just

    procrastination that has caused this, if you know me well, you know that I am not a big fan of fried foods. As a food

    blogger that documents a lot of our ...

  • Arenque con Huevo (Herrings and Egg)

    Since the dawn of time, people have associated certain foods, fruit and vegetables with sex. The ancient Greeks and

    Romans who were famous for their bacchanals and orgies even had treatises and writings about the effects of various

    foods on their libidos. Some of these beliefs, whether true or not, endure to this day. There is ...

    Panecicos (Cassava and Pork Crackling Rolls)

    While I would love to think of myself as an intrepid investigative writer, travelling the Dominican countryside in search

    of hidden treasures of our culinary culture, the fact is that I am nowhere near that. We just travel aimlessly around the

    country from time to time, sampling the local foods and befriending perfect strangers on ...

    Pasteln de Arroz (Rice Casserole)

    A few years back, as part of an advertisement campaign, a certain local company had a funny commercial in which a

    newlywed husband called his wife on his way home to ask what she was cooking for supper. We never see the wife, but

    the husband gleefully repeats what she says: - "Pasteln de arroz?!" The following ...

    Pan de Batata (Sweet Potato Cake)

  • About ten years ago I was in Denmark, where my husband hails from, spending the holiday season with his family. With

    a full schedule of eating and more eating ahead, I had the "brilliant" idea of treating everybody to an "authentic"

    traditional Dominican pre-Xmas Xmas meal on the 23rd, including a delicious pan de batata (sweet potato ...

    Bollitos de Yuca (Cheese-Filled Cassava Balls)

    Locavores are those who are part of a global movement that proposes the consumption of locally-grown food. It's a

    movement fueled by concerns about the environment and the nutritional quality of food that has travelled from afar, and

    subjected to diverse methods of preservation. As with anything, there are several sides to this argument. As with any

    non-centralized movement, ...

    Empanaditas de Yuca or Catibas (Cassava Pasties)

    It was love at first sight with Mr. Queso de Hoja, the cheese vendor, whose, uh, balls of cheese were always the

    freshest Oh, how I miss the street vendors. All vendors really, but in particular, and in no small part due to their

    multitude, the food vendors, of course. The travelling hair accessories guy is ...

    Locrio de Pica-Pica (Rice and Spicy Sardines)

    If you've been around for a while you may have noticed that my versions of traditional recipes, like this one for locrio de

    pica-pica (Dominican rice and spicy sardines), are often modified to make them healthier, and sometimes some extra

    vegetables are included. There is a reason for that: I write the recipes the same way ...

    Ponche de frutas (fruit punch)

  • In an introduction to Dominican party food for our book, Jill Wyatt wrote: "Just as a child's birthday cannot be

    appropriately celebrated without a sugary fruit punch in which banana slices are set adrift, it appeared that mourners

    could not properly grieve, nor could merrymakers effectively make themselves so, without some alimentary offering".

    Jill has a talent for capturing the small but ...

    Paleta de Batata y Coco (Sweet Potato & Coconut Popsicles)

    In my head paleta de batata con coco (sweet potato and coconut popsicles) and summer are indelibly connected. When I

    was a kid I spent many a summer in the Santo Domingo neighborhood of San Carlos, where one of my aunts lived. Back

    then it was the kind of old-fashioned middle class neighborhood you see in ...

    Chop Suey

    Many of our readers have let us know how much they appreciate the background information we provide on many of our

    dishes, their origins and cultural context. What you may not know is how much we enjoy doing this research, learning

    about our food and culture, and about the people that have given them to ...

    Albondigas de Pescado (Fish Balls)

    Summer, summer, summer! It's everywhere. It's "summer this", and "summer that". Girls in bikinis, over-tanned idiots

    and kids playing with garden hoses. Will the cliches never end? But I'm going to let you in on a little dirty secret:

    summer is my least favorite part of the year. If you don't understand why I just don't feel as ...

  • Pepino Silvestre con Cerdo (West Indian Gherkin & Pork)

    This is a post about rediscovering, about meeting traveling old loves again, about more than 300 miles into the past. It is

    not only about a dish that I had not seen or tasted in decades, it is about going back to a place I haven't been in for an

    almost equal amount of time. It is ...

    Pastelon berenjenas y queso (eggplant & cheese casserole)

    First of all, what sort of vegetarian are you? What the airlines describe as 'lacto'? 'Lacto-ovo'? These curious categories

    have long been obsolete everywhere except airline ticketing codes. They mean vegetarians who eat dairy products and

    vegetarians who eat dairy products and eggs. Are you a fishetarian? That means a vegetarian who eats seafood (my

    definition). ...

    Tipili (Bulgur salad)

    Let us tell you the story of tipili (bulgur salad), and how it arrived in our shores. Immigrants from the Middle Eastern

    region, mainly from Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt came to the Dominican Republic and other Latin American

    countries in the late 19th and early 20th century. At the time, most of the Middle East and ...

    Mondongo (Tripe Stew)

  • We once took a poll amongst our readers called "Mondongo: Yucky or Yummy?", which sparked in me some reflection.

    My money was on a landslide victory for the Yuckies. I admit it, I voted more than once, in order to better register my

    enormous dislike. The Yuckies lost. By a lot. For those innocently unaware, "mondongo" is ...

    Previous Posts

    Aunt Clara's Kitchen is a collection of traditional Dominican and Dominican-inspired recipes, home ideas, crafts, and the chronicles of the Aunties' adventures.


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    Lunch Club Books, LLC. All rights reserved. Please do not reproduce without permission.

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    Morir Soando (Milk and Orange Juice)

    Avena Caliente (Oatmeal and Milk Hot Drink)

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