dr freckles frog

Post on 22-Sep-2015






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  • For my mother Mandy, who has always loved this story,

    but not nearly as much as I love her!

    I love you Mam X.

  • Gingers Wood.

    Dr Freckles Frog.

    Dr Freckles sat quiet and nervous one sweet summer

    morning in amongst the long grass, he checked his old

    tiny pocket watch once, then once again shortly after.

    1 o'clock, I must be there at 1 o'clock.

    Seeing it was only 11:30, he relaxed slightly when he

    realised he had time to gobble down his tasty dinner of

    wriggle worm pie, then he would have to hop off to be

    part of the biggest day of his life his wedding day.

    He had spent no less than one whole week drying out his

    wet slippery skin so his suit would fit perfectly and would

    not become drenched, at last he was dressed and


    Oh, it doesn't matter if I'm early.

    He said cheerfully before getting up and making his way

    around the outskirts of the lake towards the waterfall

    church, suddenly

    He let out a cry as a hurried little reed warbler flew

    quickly out from behind the tall reeds causing him with

    shock to jump back, then

  • SPLASH !

    He tumbled down the steep little banking and landed

    back first into the merky water, First he felt silly,

    then he felt angry, and he soon began to yell and cry


    Oh RERP IT ! Rerp it, Rerp it all!

    He said slapping the shallow water with his small

    clenched fists.

    Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your wedding and not splashing about in the lake using that language?

    Dr Freckles looked up onto the banking and saw Hector

    Hedgehog starring down at him. he then lifted him out of

    the water.

    I was ready and now my suit is ruined, I'll never make it now!

    Come on we'll go to mine, I have a warm fire, we'll get those clothes dry in no time.

    Once in Hectors home he made himself

    comfortable in an armchair after he had

    wrapped himself in a spiders silk towel, and

    Hector Hedgehog put his clothes carefully on

    the fire grate to dry.

    MY HAT!

    Dr Freckles suddenly shouted, frightening poor


  • I've left my hat behind, I cant get married without it, it's been in my family's weddings for generations, it is our tradition to play a pipe and dance around it after the wedding, how do I

    get it back?

    Just then a knock came at the door and Hector

    left the room to answer it, it was Ruby Red

    Squirrel, Hector told her about Dr Freckles

    and as always she was more than happy to help.

    She headed straight away down to the lake and soon enough she spotted it on the head of a great

    crested grebe, he was clearly quite fond of his new hat and Ruby new right away that it would be

    difficult to get him to part with it, knowing that grebes are not the smartest of creatures she decided

    to make up a story to scare him of the hat,

    she approached him on the banking.

    Good day Sir!

    Oh hello Miss.

    He said slapping his long beak as he spoke.

    Oh I see you have the dreaded cursed hat Sir

    "The what did you say?

    He asked becoming quite concerned.

    The cursed hat.

    Good Lord, cursed you say ? how?

    It is said that who ever wears that hat for more than a day becomes terribly allergic to water.

    The grebe quickly tilted his head forward and the hat fell to the floor in front of them.

  • Allergic to water ! Oh good lord, well I never.

    Shall I get rid of it for you Sir?

    Yes please do dear, what a most dreadful

    thing. Good day then Sir!

    Ruby picked up the hat and headed quickly back, Dr

    Freckles then had his hat, and was so very grateful, his

    clothes had dried nicely so the wedding went on as

    planned behind the small waterfall.

    Dr Freckles loved Lily Lou in her beautiful

    water lily dress and spider silk veil.

    After the celebrations he performed his

    ancestors dance around the family hat.

  • The following summer they had new additions to

    their family Terry, Thomas and Toby, three baby


    They grew into small frogs soon enough of course, and

    now every Saturday morning Susie Spider delivers a silk

    bundle of blue bottle flies for them.

    And Dr Freckles goes out to collect a few fresh worms.

  • They then head out onto the middle of the lake for their weekly

    lily pad picnic, I have not as yet encountered a frog family

    so wonderfully happy or jolly, I often wave to them as they sit

    together munching the blue bottles, as I pass the lake

    on warm Sunday evenings, they are never bad tempered or

    rude, they are only ever pleasant and kind, just a perfect example

    of a comforting love filled


    The End.

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