drawing day one

Post on 06-May-2015






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A brief introduction to the uses of drawing.

Drawing has a long and varied history. It has been used as a

form of expression and communication since someone first discovered

how to mark on a surface.

Children begin drawing at a

very young age and their drawings

express thoughts and ideas in

incredible ways.

This is one of my first drawings.

Practice drawings are helpful

starting points for future paintings or sculptures.

Every culture has it’s own history of image making and

drawing is somehow tied into all these traditions.

Before cameras were invented,

drawing was a way of recording nature

for science and study.

It is also a means for political satire

and humor.

This Picasso drawing was used for to express a political viewpoint.

This artist has used small drawings to create large, calligraphic


Technical drawings help to map out how something works.

Drawings are used to propose projects for city planning-- this one is a proposal for

public transportation.

Of course, we are all familiar with children’s book illustrations which are another great outlet for artists who


Comic strips are often beautiful, expressive drawings.

In book illustrations, a drawing needs to show information that moves the story forward.

We are all familiar with Andy Warhol’s paintings and prints, but did you know he

made a living drawing before he was a famous artist?

Drawing from observation will be the main focus of this class. If you can learn to draw accurately from life, you can successfully work from your imagination later on.

This drawing is from the imagination, but it is based on very basic principals of observational drawing.

This drawing is also from the imagination, but it uses rules of perspective, composition, and value.

Though filled with action, this piece uses perspective, composition, and figure drawing rules.

Aubry Beardsley made his stunning drawings from his

imagination, though he was well-versed

in observational drawing.

When you have mastered observational skills occasionally you can master abstraction as well.

Drawings can often be simple and offer immense detail at the same time.

Every day this artist draws what she buys.

Some artists use humor and shock value in their drawings. This piece also draws on a

popular cartoon icon.

Throughout history, occasionally an artist would be called upon to draw something from description only. This lion was not drawn from life, but most of the characteristics still make sense.

Some artists who make large art work will also make drawings to plan what the finished piece will look like. These drawings can also be sold when a large installation piece may be temporary.

This artist, Matthew Buchinger, was born in 1674 with no legs and short, stubby arms. However, he drew this self portrait. It is in such great detail that the Lord’s Prayer is actually written in the curls of his hair.

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.


Many artists use sketchbooks to record their ideas and practice techniques.

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

For this class you are not required to keep a sketchbook, but you can attempt the Moleskine Challenge for extra credit.

Go on MyCR to read about this extra credit opportunity.

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