ebook csr100 kingbold version

Post on 17-May-2015






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Understand CSR100 Terminology

UPTREND-----> a series of rising peaks and troughs (L, H, HL, HH dan seterusnya, bahasa

mudahnya trend menaik)

L - Low, H - High, HL - Higher Low, HH - Higher High

DOWNTREND-----> a series of descending peaks and troughs (H, L, LH, LL dan seterusnya,

bahasa mudahnya trend menurun)

H - High, L - Low, LH -Lower High, LL - Lower Low

SUPPORT -----> terjadi apabila price/market dari atas ke bawah gagal melepasi satu garisan /

zone dan patah balik ke atas. "Any part at which the market stopped going down and turned


RESISTANCE----> terjadi apabila price / market dari bawah ke atas gagal melepasi satu

garisan / zone dan patah balik ke bawah. "Any part at which the market stopped going up and

turned down"

ROLE REVERSAL-----> "Support atau Resistance" telah bertukar fungsi, SBR dan RBS



BREAKOUT-----> Price berjaya melepasi Support atau Resistance dan selalunya adalah

point/garisan/zone di mana berlakunya pertukaran fungsi "Support n Resistance"

TP = Target Profit

SL = Stop Loss

Tips Melukis Chart

1. Kenalpasti di mana Support atau Resistance

2. Kenalpasti di mana berlakunya breakout

3. Kenalpasti dimana Swing high atau Swing low selepas breakout.

4. Tandakan PA

5. Tandakan dimana SBR atau RBS

6. Tandakan 1st Retest

7. Standby untuk masuk post pada 2nd Retest.


- TF 4H show uptrend

- Zoom TF 1H untuk tgk trend n price action ngan lebih jelas

- Zoom TF 15M untuk tengok setup

Best Pair

GU, EU, GJ , EJ, NU, AU, Ucad


Jenis Setup

Creeping Setup (Menjalar)

- Permulaan Trend

- Lepas breakout, akan menjalar masuk zon bertindih. Zone SBR or RBS

- Enter 2nd Retest

Normal Setup

- Pertengahan Trend

- SBR or RBS terjadi pada Line

Creeping Setup (Menjalar)

Lepas breakout, akan menjalar masuk zon bertindih. Zone SBR or RBS

SBR or RBS terjadi pada Line yang sama, bukan Zone

Lepas breakout, akan menjalar masuk zon bertindih. Zone SBR or RBS

- Bleh masuk 1st Retest, tp must tight SL

Blow Off

- Hujung Trend

- After breakout, price akan retrace, tapi tak sampai bertemu S & R dan membentuk gap

zone SBR or RBS

- Masuk 2nd Retest

Note : Semua retest, mestilah significant retest or retracement

Formula Asas Trading

1. TRADE WITH THE TREND -----> Trend is your friend, jadikan trend sebagai girlfriend

anda. Jangan sekali-kali melawan trend (pantang larang utama trading ni). Lebih mudah untuk

untung jika anda "Trade with the Trend" di bandingkan dengan "Trade melawan Trend".


2. BUY AT SUPPORT ------> Buyers enter the market at Support and take control from the

sellers. Maksudnya enter Trade BUY hanya di Support sahaja. Simple kan . Kalau BUY di

Resistance kira cari nahaslah. Lu fikirlah sendiri.

3. SELL AT RESISTANCE -----> Sellers enter the market at Resistance and take control from

the buyers. Maksudnya enter TRADE SELL hanya di Resistance sahaja. Simple kan. Kalau SELL

di Support kira cara bala lah. Lu fikirlah sendiri.

Cara Buat Analisa CSR100

Step 1: Pilih TF yang anda nak TRADE

Jika anda pilih TF15, sila lihat TF 1Hr/4Hr untuk Cari Trend Semasa.

Jika anda pilih TF1Hr, sila lihat TF 4Hr/Daily untuk Cari Trend Semasa

Nota: Pilih TF yang lebih besar untuk tentukan Trend Semasa

Step 2: Tentukan Trend

UPTREND-----> a series of rising peaks and troughs (L, H, HL, HH dan seterusnya, bahasa

mudahnya TREND MENAIK)

L - Low, H - High, HL - Higher Low, HH - Higher High

PA UPTREND = L, H, HL, HH, HL, HH & so on


DOWNTREND-----> a series of descending peaks and troughs (H, L, LH, LL dan seterusnya,

bahasa mudahnya TREND MENURUN)

H - High, L - Low, LH -Lower High, LL - Lower Low

PA DOWNTREND = H, L, LH, LL, LH, LL & so on


Step 3: Analisa TF untuk di "TRADE".

Objective utama ialah mencari SBR/RBS Line atau Zone;

1. Tandakan area untuk S+R Line.

2. Tandakan breakouts.

3. Tandakan 1st Retest selepas Breakout = Confirmed SBR/RBS Line/Zone

Intai Peluang Untuk Masuk Trade di 2nd Retest or 3rd Retest

Stop Loss: Beberapa Pips from SBR/RBS Line (Very Minima)

Secara peribadi untuk TF 4 Hr biasanya saya akan setkan sekurang2nya 50 pips dibawah atau

di atas 1st Retest

Take Profit: 1st TP - New Support or Resistance Line. Next TP - Pending on market situation.

Rules Untuk CSR100 Method

1. KENAL PASTI ARAH TREND -----> Setiap TF mempunyai Trend sendiri, pastikan kita Trade

with the Trend dengan higher TF. Trading with the Trend on one TF higher akan memberikan

keputusan yang baik, manakala 2 atau lebih sama Trend dgn higher TF akan memberikan

pulangan yang lumayan.

A1. Jika anda trading di TF 4 HR, gunakan TF Daily/Weekly untuk melihat Trend

A2. Jika anda trading di TF 1 HR, gunakan TF 4 HR/Daily untuk melihat Trend

A3. Jika anda trading di TF 15m, gunakn TF 1 HR/4 Hr untuk melihat Trend



A. ENTER POST -------> Selepas berlakunya Breakout dan membentuk New Low, biasanya

Price akan RETRACE dan Retest beberapa kali di garisan SBR. (1st RETEST, 2nd RETEST atau

3RD RETEST). Jika Price masih gagal melepasi SBR setelah beberapa kali mencuba (RETEST),

ini menunjukkan SBR itu cukup kuat dan seterusnya meng"confirm"kan ianya SBR yang sah

atau valid. Sebaik-baiknya tunggu 2nd atau 3rd RETEST untuk enter Post.

B. TP --------> Lowest point selepas Breakout (New Low / Latest Support). Anda boleh hold

Post kerana kemungkinan untuk Price break Support adalah tinggi di sebabkan kita Trade with

the trend. Min TP untuk CSR100 = 100 pips.

C. SL--------> Beberapa pips diatas SBR atau ikut MM yang telah anda rancang, berapa pips

kah anda sangup rugi!


A. ENTER POST -------> Selepas berlakunya breakout dan membentuk New High, biasanya

Price akan RETRACE dan Retest beberapa kali di garisan RBS. (1st RETEST, 2nd RETEST atau

3RD rd RETEST). Jika Price masih gagal melepasi RBS setelah beberapa kali mencuba (RETEST)

, ini menunjukkan RBS itu cukup kuat dan seterusnya meng"confirm"kan ianya RBS yang sah

atau valid. Sebaik-baiknya tunggu 2nd atau 3rd RETEST untuk enter post.

B. TP --------> Highest point selepas Breakout (New High / Latest Resistance ). Anda boleh

hold Post kerana kemungkinan untuk price break Resistance adalah tinggi di sebabkan kita

Trade with the Trend. Min TP untuk CSR100 = 100 pips.

C. SL--------> Beberapa pips dibawah RBS atau ikut MM yang telah anda rancang, berapa pips

kah yang anda sangup rugi!

Skill Untuk Plot S&R Line Menggunakan Price Action

Cuba mahirkan tentang PA dan permudahkan Chart untuk kelihatan lebih simple. Saya

berpendapat untuk TF 4 Hr terlalu banyak garisan support n resistance yang di lukis. Kita kena

fokus pada significant PA (Peaks & Troughs).

Tiada specific berapa banyak kah horizontal line yang perlu di plotkan / dilukiskan pada Chart

CSR. Semuanya bergantung kepada Significant Peaks & Troughs (PA). Dengan bahasa mudah

Significant Support & Resistance.

Untuk sesuatu SETUP -------> Contohnya UPTREND------>

1.Pastikan PA mesti di mulakan dengan Low (L). Kemudian cari Significant Resistance yg

pertama iaitu H (high). H mungkin hanya sekali RETEST atau mungkin 2 dan lebih RETEST.

Lebih banyak RETEST menunjukkan lebih kuat Resistance tersebut.

2. Sampai di Resistance yang kuat biasanya Price akan membuat RETRACEMENT lalu

membentuk HL (higher low).

3. Price akan cuba sekali lagi memecahkan Resitance dan sekiranya berjaya breakout biasanya

ia akan membuat New High atau New Resistance iaitu HH (higher high). Breakout ini

menunjukkan Trend semasa masih berterusan atau Valid.

4.Jika Price gagal menembusi HH, biasanya ia akan membuat RETRACEMENT ke Resistance

terdahulu (H). Resistance itu akan bertukar fungsi menjadi Support (RBS/ HL) . Inilah yang di

namakan FENOMENA ROLE REVERSAL. Di sinilah masa terbaik untuk kita intai peluang

memasuki post BUY di RBS (Resistance Become Support). Sebagai FILTER......di nasihatkan

untuk enter POST pada 2nd RETEST di SBR. Sekiranya Price membuat RETRACEMENT tetapi

tidak sampai ke garisan/zone RBS....let it be....maksudnya tiada SETUP CSR100 di situ. SL

paling AFDAL di letakkan beberapa pips di bawah RBS 1st RETEST. Sekiranya ianya

HIT SL......let it be....hanya minima LOSS aja.


Step 1 ------> Buka MT4, pilih mana2 pair kegemaran anda dan lihatlah chart kosong ala


Chart 1 : UC TF 4 Hr 21-12-2010 -----> Chart Kosong

Step 2 ------> Kenalpasti di mana kedudukan support & resistance dan tandakan pada chart.

Chart 2 : UC TF 4 Hr 21-12-2010 -----> Support & Resistance

Step 3 ------> Lukis garisan/zone SBR/RBS secara manual di dalam chart

Chart 3 : UC TF 4 Hr 21-12-2010 ----> Garisan SBR telah di kenalpasti

Step 4 ------> Melabel chart untuk memudahkan melihat setup & kedudukan entry point, TP, SL

dan sebagainya

Chart 4 : UC TF 4 Hr 21-12-2010 -----> Setup CSR100 dah Hit TP

Step 5 ------> That's all folks. Done

Chart 5 : UC TF 4 Hr 21-12-2010 -----> Complete chart CSR100 ala JGV100

Professional Advice

Nasihat dari Bro Vegas - Mr Tunnel " I am going to give you the only bit of professional trader


(1) Investigate a method that you believe makes money over time and stick with it.

(2) Try to understand the theoretical underpinnings of the model.

(3) Trade small until totally convinced method works.

(4) Your success [profits] comes from implementing the method correctly, not guessing

where the market is headed.

(5) Read number 4 again.

(6) Give up thinking during market hours. Thinking comes when the machines are

turned off, not in the heat of battle"

Sedutan dari Article Masta PA Mr Nial Fuller

Professional traders know that their winners have to out-pace their losers to make

money, because most professional traders only win about 50% of the time. If you have

no edge in the market that can get you to the point of winning at least around 50% of

your trades, you are probably going to only breakeven over any series of trades,

assuming you still implement a risk reward of at least 1 to 2.

Most traders do not implement risk reward properly; they take profits of less than 2

times risk which inherently forces them to have a very high overall winning percentage

to make money. By taking a profit of less than 2 times risk, you are basically

PURPOSESLY putting the odds against you, because you then will have to win over

50% of your trades to make money, and most trading strategies do not give you an

edge that will allow you to consistently win over 50% of your trades.

A high quality price action setup allows you to set and forget your trading while still

giving you a higher than 50% chance of winning any given setup. What this means is

that with price action and risk reward you have a nearly stress-free way to trade the

market; you can wait patiently for obvious price action setups that develop from

confluent areas and/or in trending markets, enter a risk reward of 1 to 2, and walk

away until the trade is closed. If you actually do this with discipline, by only taking

obvious price action setups and rigidly implementing a risk reward of at least 1 to 2,

you will become profitable over a series of trades.

Other than being able to control your emotions and remaining disciplined enough on a

consistent basis to not over-leverage or over-trade and implement proper risk reward

on every trade, the biggest variable that can influence your trading success is whether

or not you know what your edge is and when you should trade it. This is where proper

forex trading education on a high-probability trading strategy like price action comes in.

I have been successfully using simple yet effective price action setups to trade the

markets now for years.

When you combine price action setups with a thorough knowledge of risk reward

implementation and a mastery of trading plain vanilla price charts, you will begin to

think like a professional trader.

Pro traders see the market in a completely different way than amateurs do; they do not

over complicate anything. First they check the market to see if their trading edge is

present; if it is not present then they leave the computer or not look at the charts for a

period of time, typically at least 4 hours. If their trading edge is present, they will then

move on to the next factor to check; whether or not a risk reward of at least 1 to 2 is

logically attainable. If a risk reward of 1 to 2 is attainable then they enter the trade and

walk away, that’s it.

The reason a professional trader thinks and trades like this is because they don’t get

attached to any one trade; they know that each trade is just one out of a series of

many that they must take in order to see their edge play out. Amateur traders get

caught up on each trade; they react to the emotion of each loser or winner because

they simply cannot see the forest for the trees, typically due to a lack of experience and


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