edited the feasibility

Post on 02-Mar-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility






  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility



    Mission Statement

    To provide qualit ri!e a"d #ervi!e t$at %eet# it# !u#to%er #ati#'a!tio"(

    Vision Statement

    To )e t$e "u%)er o"e ri!e retaili"* #tore i" Co"!ep!io" 1+ Sariaa ,ue-o" a"d to $elp !o%%u"it

    ) *ivi"* $i*$ qualit a"d a''orda)le ri!e(

    Co%pa" I"'or%atio"

    Sole Proprietor#$ip i# a tpe o' )u#i"e## or*a"i-atio" t$at i# o."ed a"d !o"trolled ) o"e i"dividual a"d i"

    .$i!$ t$ere i# "o le*al di#ti"!tio" )et.ee" t$e o."er a"d t$e )u#i"e##( T$e o."er re!eive# all t$e pro'it# /#u)0e!t

    to taatio"2 a"d $a# u"li%ited re#po"#i)ilit 'or all t$e lo##e# a"d de)t#( Ever a##et o' t$e )u#i"e## i# o."ed ) t$e


    Fa!tor# t$at .ere !o"#idered i" !$oo#i"* #ole proprietor#$ip a# t$e 'or% o' )u#i"e## or*a"i-atio" o' T$ree

    Ri!e Retailer(

    1( T$e 'or%atio" o' #ole proprietor#$ip )u#i"e## i# ver ea# a"d #i%ple( No le*al 'or%alitie# are i"volved 'or

    #etti"* up t$e )u#i"e## e!epti"* a li!e"#e or per%i##io" i" !ertai" !a#e#(

    3( T$e e"trepre"eur o."ed t$e !o"trolled t$e )u#i"e## alo"e( T$e e"tire pro'it *oe# to $i# po!4et( T$i# %otivate#

    t$e proprietor to put $i# $eart a"d #oul i" t$e )u#i"e## to ear" %ore pro'it(

    5( T$e e"trepre"eur ta4e# all t$e de!i#io" o' t$e )u#i"e##(

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    6( Ea!$ a"d ever a#pe!t o' t$e )u#i"e## i# loo4ed a'ter ) t$e proprietor a"d t$e )u#i"e##(

    7( T$e #ole proprietor#$ip )u#i"e## i# u"derta4e" o" a #%all #!ale( I' a" !$a"*e i# required i" t$e )u#i"e##

    operatio"+ it i# ea# a"d qui!4 to )ri"* t$e !$a"*e#(

    8( T$e #!ale o' operatio" o' #ole proprietor#$ip i# #%all a"d al#o t$e e%ploee# .or4 u"der $i# dire!t #upervi#io"+

    t$e proprietor %u#t %ai"tai" t$e $ar%o"iou# relatio"#$ip# .it$ t$e e%ploee#(

    9( T$e !o#t o' 'or%atio" o' a #ole proprietor#$ip i# to %i"i%al )e!au#e "o !o#t i# i"volved i" it# 'or%atio"

    e!epti"* t$e li!e"#e 'ee i" !ertai" !a#e#(

    :( T$e di##olutio" o' t$e #ole proprietor#$ip i# al#o ver ea#( Si"!e t$e proprietor i# t$e #upre%e aut$orit a"d

    "o re*ulatio"# are appli!a)le 'or !lo#ure o' t$e )u#i"e## $e !a" ea#il di##olve $i# )u#i"e## a" ti%e $e li4e#(

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility



    A( Co%pa" ;e#!riptio"

    Nature o' t$e Bu#i"e##

    O"e *reat 'a!tor i" t$e #u!!e## o' a )u#i"e## i# it# "a%e+ 'or it .ill *ive t$e 'ir% it# o." per#o"alit a"d .ill )e

    di#ti"*ui#$ed 'ro% ot$er )u#i"e##( It .ill #ta"d a# a 'la*o" .$i!$ la# t$e per'or%a"!e o' t$e )u#i"e##( ( T$i# .ill *ive a" ea# re!o*"itio" )e!au#e ever

    Filipi"o love# to eat ri!e t$ree ti%e# a da(

    Rice retailinge"terpri#e i# a 4i"d o' )u#i"e## t$at #erve# a qualit o' ri!e to a !o%%o" people+

    $ou#e$old# or eve" t$e !o%%u"it( T$i# )u#i"e## i# u#uall or*a"i-ed ) a #ole proprietor( T$i#

    i# )uild 'or t$e !o%%o" i"tere#t o' t$o#e !o"#u%er# t$at !a" a''ord o"l o"e+ t.o or t$ree 4ilo#

    o' ri!e 0u#t to 'ill t$eir da?to?da "eed#(

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    @ar4et pla!e

    T$i# 'ea#i)ilit #tud .a# !o"du!ted to deter%i"e t$e via)ilit o' Ri!e Retaili"*

    Bu#i"e## lo!ated at Co"!ep!io" 1+ Sariaa+ ,ue-o"( It i# a #%all !o%%u"it t$at $old# le## t$a"

    3 'a%ilie# a"d 1+35 $ou#e$old#( A" i"dividual .or4er $a# a .ee4l i"!o%e o' P 6+7((

    Co#t o' produ!t#

    Name of Rice Kilos Price/Kl Price/sack






    NFA Rice


    450 Kilos

    400 Kilos

    50 Kilos

    !50 Kilos

    50 Kilos

    "00 Kilos

    50 Kilos








    P13+ 833(7

    15+ 8(

    :+ 37(

    9+ 13(

    :+ 37(

    16+ :97(

    1+ 9(

    #otal !$ 550 Kilos %&'()0kg %*"$ *5'(50

    Spe!i'i! !o"#u%er#

    Co"!ep!io" 1 i# ) 'ar 'ro% !e" tral %ar4et# t$at .$ t$e !o"#u%er te"d# to *o to

    =Baa"> or @ar4et(

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    T$ere are #everal =#ari?#ari> #tore# lo!ated i" Co"!ep!io" t$at al#o o''er# ri!e( T$e !a"

    )e our *reat !o"#u%er )e!au#e part o' t$eir )u#i"e## i# to #ell retailed ri!e(

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    Si"!e our %ai" !o%petitor i# o"l o"e+ .e !a" !o"!lude t$at t$i# e"terpri#e i# !o%petitivel

    adva"ta*e( Our %ai" 'o!u# 'or t$i# propo#ed )u#i"e## i# to #ell ri!e a"d t$e #urrou"di"*

    !o%%u"itie# .ould al#o )e"e'it i" e#ta)li#$i"* t$i# e"terpri#e( Ri!e i# a #taple diet a"d a

    "e!e##it+ it i# $ard to t$i"4 eve" o"e Filipi"o .ill "ot )u ri!e( Fro% t$at+ t$ere i# alread a"

    a##ura"!e t$at t$i# )u#i"e## .ill #u!!eed )e!au#e )uer# are alread t$ere(


    I"du#tr ;e#!riptio"

    Our propo#ed )u#i"e## o' Ri!e Retaili"* i# to )e lo!ated i" Co"!ep!io" 1+ #pe!i'i!all "ear t$e

    = la"d%ar4+ o."ed ) @r( Aveli"o L( A"dal( It i# "ear t$e Natio"al

    $i*$.a( It i# ver a!!e##i)le to t$e !o"#u%er# )e!au#e it i# alo"* t$e "atio"al road(

    Si-e o' t$e pri%ar tar*et

    T$e %u"i!ipal o' Sariaa i" ,ue-o" Provi"!e+ !o"#i#t# o' 65 Bara"*a#( Co"!ep!io" 1 i# o"e

    o' t$o#e Bara"*a# lo!ated i" Sariaa ,ue-o" .it$ a la"d #i-e o' 98:(1 $e!tare#( A!!ordi"* to

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    t$e re!ord o' NSO or Natio"al Stati#ti!# O''i!e+ a# o' 318 t$e total populatio" o' Co"!ep!io" 1

    i# 7+:35(

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    Si"!e lo!atio" i# a 4e 'a!tor t$at deter%i"e# t$e #u!!e## o' t$e )u#i"e##+ t$e propo"e"t# de!ided to #ituate at

    Co"!ep!io" 1+ Sariaa ,ue-o" "ear t$e la"d%ar4 o' =

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    Pri!i"* a"d Gro## @ar*i" tar*et#

    Name of Rice Kilos Price/Kl Price/sack



  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    Bu#i"e## i# .$o t$e !o%petitio" i#( @a" people are tired o' *oi"* or loo4i"* 'or ri!e to t$e

    %ar4et a"d at t$e #a%e ti%e di''i!ult to !arr )e!au#e o' it# .ei*$t( T$e propo#ed )u#i"e## o'

    Ri!e Retaili"* i# advi#a)le )e!au#e i"#tead o' loo4i"* or *oi"* to t$e !e"tral %ar4et t$at %a

    !au#e our epe"#e# to i"!rea#e+ t$e tra"#portatio" !o#t o' a" i"dividual .ould )e le##e"( Si"!e

    our !o%petitor+ t$e Sa"tia*o Store o''er# o"l t.o 4i"d o' ri!e a"d t$at are t$e 4i#?4i# a"d

    %ala*4it .it$ di''ere"t pri!e#+ our )u#i"e## .ill "ot 0u#t o''er t.o 4i"d o' ri!e )ut #eve" /92

    varietie#( It i# i%porta"t to $ave a variet o' ri!e 'or t$e di''ere"t ta#te a"d availa)ilit o' t$e

    !o"#u%er#+ )e!au#e .e are di''ere"t i" %a" .a#( T$e pri!e# o' our produ!t are ver a''orda)le

    t$at t$e !u#to%er# .ill !o%e )a!4 ti%e a'ter ti%e+ or .$e" t$eir #to!4 o' ri!e di%i"i#$e#(

    Re*ulator Re#tri!tio"#

    1( E%ploee# %u#t )e polite at all ti%e#(

    3( Proper $*ie"e %u#t )e %ai"tai"ed i"#ide t$e .or4i"* area(

    5( Tardi"e## %u#t )e eli%i"ated to avoid #a"!tio"#(

    6( Cu#to%er# are al.a# ri*$t(

    7( Rea#o" 'or a)#e"!e# #$all )e reported t.o da# )e'ore t$e da o' a)#e"!e(

    8( No .or4+ NO pa(

    9( I" !a#e o' e%er*e"!+ t$e e%ploee# %u#t !o"ta!t t$e o."er at t$e da i"!ide"t o!!urred(


    1( For t$e 'ir#t o''e"#e o' t$e a)ove poli!ie#+ t$e e%ploee .ill )e #u)0e!ted to ver)al .ar"i"*(

    3( For t$e #e!o"d o''e"#e+ a .ritte" .ar"i"* .ill )e *ive" to t$e e%ploee(

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    5( Ha)itual violatio" o' t$e#e poli!ie# .ill )e *rou"d 'or ter%i"atio"(


    @a"a*e%e"t i# a purpo#ive a!tivit( It i# #o%et$i"* t$at dire!t# *roup e''ort to.ard# t$e attai"%e"t o'

    !ertai" pre?deter%i"ed *oal#( It i# t$e pro!e## o' .or4i"* .it$ a"d t$rou*$ ot$er# to e''e!tivel a!$ieve t$e *oal#

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    o' t$e or*a"i-atio" ) e''i!ie"tl u#i"* li%ited re#our!e# i" t$e !$a"*i"* .orld( I" pla""i"* a )u#i"e##+ t$ere i# a

    "eed 'or )etter u"der#ta"di"* o' t$e 'or% o' or*a"i-atio" a"d a proper de!i#io" %a4i"* o" $o. to e''e!tivel a"d

    e''i!ie"tl %a"a*e t$e %e"+ %o"e+ %aterial#+ %a!$i"e# a"d %et$od# to attai" t$e !o%pa" o)0e!tive(

    Or*a"i-atio"al C$art


    HelperD;river 1 HelperD;river 3

    O."er#$ip o' t/e om1an2

    Sole %ro1rietors/i1 is a t21e o3 siness organi6ation t/at is owned and controlled 2

    one indi7idal and in w/ic/ t/ere is no legal distinction etween t/e owner and t/e

    siness( #/e owner recei7es all t/e 1ro8ts 9s:ect to ta;ation< and /as nlimited

    res1onsiilit2 3or all t/e losses and dets( .7er2 asset o3 t/e siness is owned 2 t/e


    Pro'ile# o' t/e management

    ,uali'i!atio"# o' t$e )oard o' dire!tor#Do."er#

    1( T$e %a"a*er i# t$e o"e .$o %a"a*e a"d #upervi#e# t$e overall operatio" o' t$e )u#i"e##(

    3(A# t$e o."er o' t$e )u#i"e##+ $eD#$e $a# t$e re#po"#i)ilit o' t$e 'ir% de)t# a"d ot$er

    o)li*atio"# o' t$e 'ir%( (

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    5( HeD#$e i# al#o re#po"#i)le i" de!i#io" %a4i"* a"d ot$er %atter# .it$ !o""e!tio" to t$e )u#i"e##(


    Si"a"do%e"* T$i# ri!e i# al#o %o#tl )ou*$t ) people )e!au#e i' ou !oo4ed it t$e *rai" i# #o't

    a"d deli!iou#( S.eet pre'erred 'or $ou#e$old !o"#u%ptio"

    ;i"urado D ;e"orado ;e"orado ri!e or @i"doro ri!e a tpe o' ri!e popular i" t$e P$ilippi"e# )e!au#e o' it#

    *reat !$ara!teri#ti!#+ quite epe"#ive t$a" t$e ot$er ri!e( T$i# ri!e i# te"der+ #li*$tl

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    #ti!4 .$e" !oo4ed #.eet a"d pearl .$ite !olor( Good 'or $ou#e$old !o"#u%ptio"

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    6( To u"der#ta"d t$e %ar4et pla!e a"d !o#tu%er "eed# a"d .a"t#(

    Co%petitive Adva"ta*e

    ;eter%i"i"* t$e !o%petitive ed*e o' t$e )u#i"e## a*ai"#t t$e !o%petitor# .ill $elp t$e )u#i"e## to i%prove

    t$e produ!t# a"d #ervi!e# t$at t$e )u#i"e## o''ered( Si"!e t$e )u#i"e## T$ree Ri!e Retailer i# a lar*e ri!e retailer i"

    Co"!ep!io" 1+ t$e )u#i"e## %u#t $ave %ore )a!4 up #to!4# o' ri!e !o%pare .it$ t$e !o%petitor#+ t$e 'ir% al#o

    o''er# %a" varietie# o' ri!e( T$e propo"e"t# al#o o''er 'ree deliver to volu%e !o#tu%er(

    Gro.t$ Rate

    ommercial =sinesses /a7e a good 1er3ormance in once1cion &$ sinesses

    ecame stale and /a7e a /ig/ growt/ o3 income t/is is ecase o3 a increasing

    1o1lation in t/e area(

    Tar*et @ar4et

    U"li Ri!e Retailer .ill 'o!u# o" t$e "eed# o' %ar4et# e#pe!iall to t$e $ou#e$old# "ear t$e lo!atio"( U"li Ri!e

    .ill al#o 'o!u# i" t$e area .$ere t$e tar*et %ar4et i# ide"ti'ied(

    @ar4eti"* Strate*ie#

    U"li Ri!e Retailer i# a ri!e retailer t$at o''er# %a" variet o' ri!e 'or t$e !o#tu%er to $ave !$oi!e# i"

    )ui"* ri!e( U"li Ri!e Retailer i# t$e o"l ri!e retailer i" t$e Bara"*a Co"!ep!io" 1+ Sariaa ,ue-o" to

    o''er 'ree ri!e deliver t$at $elp# t$e !u#to%er# to %ai%i-e t$eir ti%e(

  • 7/26/2019 Edited the Feasibility


    Pricing Strategy

    Setti"* t$e ri*$t pri!e i# a !ru!ial #tep to.ard a!$ievi"* t$e pro'it( U"li Ri!e Retailer i# i" )u#i"e## to %a4e a

    pro'it+ )ut 'i*uri"* out .$at a"d $o. to pri!e a produ!t %a "ot !o%e ea#il( U"li Ri!e Retailer depe"d# it# pri!e

    .it$ t$e produ!tio" !o#t# %ar4?up .$i!$ i# 3 o' t$e #upplier(

    Promotion Strategy

    Adverti#i"* a"d pro%otio"al pro*ra%# are o"e o' t$e e##e"tial 'a!tor# t$at t$e )u#i"e##

    #$ould ta4e !are o'( T$e rate o' t$e popularit o' o"e 'ir% depe"d# o" $o. it i# i"trodu!e to t$e

    %ar4et( It i# ver i%porta"t t$at t$e %a"a*e%e"t .ill $ave e''e!tive a"d i"'or%ative adverti#e%e"t a"d

    pro%otio"al pro*ra% to )e a)le to *et t$e atte"tio" o' it# pote"tial )uer#( T$e#e are t$e pro%otio"al

    #trate*ie# t$at t$e )u#i"e## .ill )e u#i"*

    1. lyers

    T$e#e pro%otio"al paper# .ill )e di#tri)uted to t$e pu)li! to i"!rea#e t$e popularit o' t$e )u#i"e##(

    !. Tar"a#lin

    T$e#e pro%otio"al %aterial .ill )e u#e to epa"d t$e epo#ure o' t$e )u#i"e##+ it .ill )e po#ted to t$e pu)li! area

    to attra!t# %ore pote"tial !u#to%er#

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