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English Edition

Official azette of the

Protectorate of South-We5t flfrica in Milituy Occupation of the Union Forces

Published by Authority

Price 6 d Wind h u k., 24th December 1919 No. 25

l'lt4H L .\ U \ 'II U '~

IIY Ill'- 1111\tH 1: :-,11 , I ll\11 1\ II 11 11\\" \i:JI I. \L.\\1 t ,ol: t.r :-, h~l/.111 ' l ll \ l\1 \'\111·.1: 01 TIIF \l t lS'I' lll'-,ll'\t , l l'-111 I> Ol:l l l r. ()( '-,\1'\ I ,\l lt : l l ,\1 ~1

\'\ l l '-\ l \ 1 l .l·.ll l: tol · .\ \II \ llll-. 1: (JI 1' 111. ,,cl\ \I \ 11 1111.1 \'\ lll: l l ll ' \ l r'JI'\h l l: \"Jill I){• 1111·. I'I:OII:t:IUI \.\'1' 1 ~ Ill 'oil( Ill \\1· .... 1 \JJ: H \ I'\ \1111 1\I!Y ot : t : l ' l '\ llll'\ Ill- l i t!: I '\ Il l'\ Hll!l .l-''-1.

;-_ '· If; t1 ltl iY. J

\X 'IIUH AS it is dcsirahh.: t.1 at ll l.!lld th!! pr ,,.ISIOit'-' 11 i lht "Sunda) l1 .tdin~ Pt H:launtinn, 1()19''.

~0\\' I ll fl-?1 F< mr tutd l.'t and 1)\ \ i r tu t• o f the rm\ er.., 111 ll ll' 'est• d. I th lh•reh_, d cla rl.', procla im and tHake kil O\\ 11 that til e "urd.., '' and 10 a. 111 . and hel\\ ttn th t' hour.., of 110011'' slw ll bt and at c ht n·h\ dt•h ied from cl .tll::,c (a u i sedion '2 of th e ·'Sunda,- I radi u~ Pro­d ·lntati >11 , I Ul ()• ·

I ; () I l '-1 \\'I . I' Il l ld '\ <,.

Cii\c!!l under Ill.' h :tnd tiJi .. lOth d:t \ 11 1 N ' l\'Cllll'kr, I 0 I 9.

'o. 17 ll I<)J O.!

E. II L. (;l) JH;J- -.; \c!lnin i ' lt.,tlnr.

\\ ' t I FI ~ LA~ it is tle::.i t .tblc tn amend fiH· law n •lating lo th e rrc\·cntion and pu nio;;hm1 nt 01 crud t_v to <l llimals,

NOW ·1 li[l~EH>I~E. undl:r a nd hv virtu e of the po wers in lliL 'cstl·tl I d o hl'n h\ d··cla re, proclaim and make- hilO\\ n as follo\\'s:

I. The prm isio ns 01 th e Pt L\' t nt ion of C ruelty to Animal" Act, I<JII. of the lJni:lll P a rliam eut shall, m uta ti s n1 11 ta n d is, he ,ol fo rce and effect \\'i thin th e Pr.ncd.>ratl:.

2. Section .31i() (13 of the Imperia l Cit·rman Criminal Cotlc s hall 11 0 l on~c-r h :l\ c fort\' ot l'ffect \\'ithin the Protcctnratc.

3. This Prddamatioll 1na_\ be citl.'d lo r all purpo~e; as tht' ''Pre\ cntion ' If Crurlt\· to An'im ::J is Pro­clamatio n, 1919", and shal l cc)mmcncc and come 11rtn operation on th e first cia: nf Jnnuar_,., 192().

tiO IJ S \\ I. l I II. I \.I\(, .

Cii\•en under my hand at \\' indhul-. thi s :2nd d<J\' of December, I Q I Q. • •

J-.. II . L. t.OJH;r-..s \II mur i-, tra tor.

'\. I. ("- ll i ( l t)fl.l

\\ I i L Rl:.·\ ~ ir i .... dt~ir:thl L' !11 t·nurrxJI lhc: " "-r>o rt oi g.,Jd 1r 1111 tilL Prokl'lora! t .

0\\ II II Rl:TO I·U· undu t' ld In \ i rHIL <if l ht: (l0\1'\ r-.: in m e: \L~ tl'tl I d'" hc>reby <i•·rlar·c, procbilll and lll :tkl• h lld\\ :, :r ~ l Oll(}\\~:

I. fh .. L ' rwt o t ~ol d roin (L ''- ·pr as JH' rsonal cas h in amouut no t C \ ~'L'tUin ~ li\1 puuudc; and of gol d bullinn .rnd of ~old ornament'> "an• under a utho r­ity ol a permit i-..suetl h\ thc. S<·cretan· for t he P rntel'tdrak i.., prohibited.

~ - .\ ,J ~ Jh:r:-:.on \\ lm con tr,l\'-.lll,. or a ttu npts to 1' \ a de Ill\' 1 r J\ bion ol tltio; Proclamati<>ll or \\'ho inci tes vr indllLL.:i <Ill~ Hhcr PLr~on so to tlo or who alters, C;lU!lll:rfcib or ::,uhstitutc~ any per111it or \\ i10 f:tiJ... or rcfU~lS to exhibit :til)' p••rmi t upon d ema nd madL b~ any magistrate or mcmh1•r o f the 1 ,fit:L shall hl. guilty o f an offt>nce and upon COil\ idtou shnll bL liable to a fine not cxccediug fl\t: hundred pounds or in dcl'ault of payment to impnsonment \\'ith o r \\'ithout hard labour fo r a per i'ld l.>t L '( C~,;• ding t\\·o yt'ars or to both such fin ~: am! ~uch imprisonml:'nt.

3. fhi~ Pt o~clama ti on ma ~ be cited for all purposes as th ~.- ·•Control 0 1 E'\.porr of Gold Proclamation, 191 9".

r.o J) o.; \\I~ TilE Jd 'l'G.

Oiven unJer m" hand "t \XIi nuhut< this 2nd da" of Oec..:mber Jl) l ll. • ·

N11. l tl of 1()19.1

E. lJ. L. GOH(;I-:S

\ dill ini sl r:tlur.

\XI 1-1 ERCAS cer ta in conr e;;sions of rights over o r iutl r~s ts in lantl <~r min erals '' i01in the Pr~tcctorate or 111 the krritori al \\ aters tht n of and L'Crtain other LtlllCeSSI,>IlS \\ er~.: g rantt·d or recognised by tl11 late 1U 11\ ernment o i fhe P rokcto r:ti.l',

A ;'\i I) \X1 1i t R EAS it is 11 cccs ... a ry and expedicn t in th e tnteresb •>f the inhabi tants -of the Protectorate- {hat a ll concessions oi \\'hatsoc\ er n a tur~ granted or rt>­

cog-nised b)· the I:Jt.L Go\1 rnml'nt should be <·xamined in order thnt th~.: Union 0 0\ crnrncnt shou ld be in a rosit­ion to determine \\ h1•th1 r such concessions or any of them ..,Julllld he rccogni..; c<.l, modifi<'d, o r termina t ·d,

Official (}ucttc. 2-tth December!..' ..:.1..::.9.:..1().:..·:__ ______________ -:-

" :Six th Schcdul~

" Probation Rer~ulations for Suspt'ndcd Scntrnccs (~ 3H2

"1 The circumstances unde r \\'hich a Court of Lla\\' " rna\· entrust the care or supcn'ision Qf offenders " whose sentences of impfi.sonm:cnt ha.vc been post­" poned or suspended un~er this Act ~o a pro-" batiou o.ffioer shall be as flollows, nam ely, ,wh~n-11 e\·cr the Court considers that there .is -som~' pro-" spcct of such ca.rc or s~per.vision .~onducing t.~ 11 the pcforma ti on 1or bencftt o l thl' o ttcndt·r o r ha~ " dependents In such cases tht Court ~~all 'C.I~trust " the . offender to th..: care or supcrns10n ?' th~ " nearest probation officer during ttw pcrtod ot " postponement o r suspension of his s~nh·noe "2. A person "ho·e scntenct· has bt:·L·n postponed o r u suspended a nd wl10 has been t;>1accd .urider the 11 ca11e or super\'is iou ·or ;1 probat.•o n of.ftcer shall. 11 during the p eriod of suspens10~ of ~cnte~oc, " foliO\\ and Qbsen ·e such of the IOII O\\'Jng ruh:s " and conditions o r an\' other rules and 'conditions " which may be deterniined by thl• Cou rt from time " to time:-" (a He shall report himself imml'diatel~· to the


probation offi<:er and as often t~~r.l'aft<!r as nta\ be fixed b\' the Cnurt, or, iallmg s uch, as ·may be reqLiired b_,. th l: pr0.ba.tion o~icer.

(b) He shall not go beyond t~~ htmts nsstgned to him br the Court, o r, fa1hng such, by the prohatiOJ1 10fficer from time to time. .

" (cJ He .shall immcdiatelr inform the· t>robahon officer 10i a•~r change ·of his address w·ithin his local limits.

" ll

" (d1 H·c shall, failing aJzy other direction or __ r<:· quircment 1under paragraph (a ·~ on the tarst of e\·cn· month furnish a. report to the pro­bation o fficer verbally or in writing as may be requireQ Lw him.


'· (e) He shall ~ot. enter any bar, tap, beer-hall, or canteen where intoxicating liquor is ('X·

posed for ak or obtain such liquor ther~­from. "

" · (f He shall not drink intoxicating liqoor (g' fie shall not associate with . criminals or ••

'· persons of kno\\'n bad reputation. . . " (h) He shall in all respects conduct h1mseh

" honourably and soberly. . " (i He shaU work .dilig~ntly and honestly for hun-" ll

.. " ,, ••

" ••

self and his employers. (j; 1Where specially ordcn·d by. tht· Court .h<·

shall allo"· the probation off1cer to rccl1W his wages from his cmpkl)'crs p1:riodically as ther become dUl· and to adminiskr th<' same for the benefit of himself and his family.

(k H-e shall promptly and truthfully answer all enquiries directc·d to him by the· probation officer

(11 H•e shall commit no offence 11 (m) H·e shall consult with 'the pro.bati·on. officer

as his best friend and follow has adnce ll

11 (n, H•e sball carry out faithfully all conditions " imposed o n him by the Court. 11 On the report of the probation o~fi.cc.·r thl· ~ourt 11 may relax or vary any of the condattons preVJous-1' ly imposed· by it. 113. The Administrator may app:>int during pleasure " such probation •officers as he may trunk fit " Payment to a ny such pe.rson sha!l .not be hdd " to constitute him a publtc sen ·ant tor th e pur " poses of any Public Scr\'ice Act. 11-1 . A probation officer shall obey all ~ir~ction.s ?f " the Administrator and of the C'..ourt satllng watht:n " the area assign c.-<! to him, and shall:-" (a) make all preliminary investigations required

by the Court as to any person, and prompt!~ report results;

· • ' (b, watch over the person e-ntrusted to his

•• " ,, I•


" II

supervision o r care ami serrc as his bc.st lriend ;

(c ensure \\'hen·n'r possible tlw carrying out by the person concerned. of tlw conditi~us ol his sentence, warning htm of the penalties of fai ling to do so; .

(d, ,-isit the person entrusted to h1s care ·at least once a month, and require such person to \'isit him ut least o nce a fortnight, both in so far as may he practicable and at all times be prcp<~rcd to aid him " ·ith ach·kc and sympnthy;

'' (e immediHtcly im·cstigatc any breach of con-,, ,,

" ..

ditions ; (f. report to the Court or to the Administrator

as rna\· be n ecess:~rv, any ~erious breach of couditio ns; ·

(g furnish periodical reports as may be re­quired by the Court or by the Administrator;

'• (h , keep such reco rds as may be directed by (I

" ••


" "

the Admiuistra tor; (i , \\'here practicable and add~ablc rccciw

wages l'rolll emplny~rs on bchal ~ of any per-sou plaocu in his care where slll:h has been ordered by the Court or ·has been consenh-d to in \\'ritiwr bv such person, and administer the sa me fo1? th.e benefit of such person and his family.

"5. The Adminis trato r may also utilise the scn·iccs " of any such probattou officer or voluntary worker

~ •· ifl counection \\'ith such offenders as be may " think fit, and may require ·him to visit such " offenders at their employers' or th~ir own hom<'S •· or else\\ her<·, and to furnish such reports 1as may " be requireu from tinw to time, and gcn-: rally to " carry out such instructions as may be giren to '' him.'·

No 21 of 191lJ.J 1WHEREAS it is desirable to introduce Roman

Dutch Law into this Pro tectorate, to amend thl' Law constituting pro,·isional Courts for the administration of justice in criminal ~ascs therein, to t•stablish Courts of Civil and Criminal jurisdiction, tlo establish a police force and to constitute certain public offices which havt· become necessarY,

NOW THEREFORE under and by virtue of the powers in me ,-eslt'd I do 'hereby dl'clare, proclaim and mak•e known as follows:-1 (1 , The Roman Dutch La\\' as existing" am.l applied

in the Produce of the Cap1· of Good Hopt· at .tlw date of the c:.>ming into effl'ct of this Proclamation shall, from and after the said date, bt· the Com­mon Law of the Protectorate, all(! all Laws with· in the Protc.:ctnrate in conflict thl'n·with shr1ll, to the extent of such conflict and subjt·ct to till' pro­visions of this Section, be rep<·a led.

(2 Not\\'ithstanding the prndsions of parag-raph (I) of this section, all Proclamations \\'hich ha,·e be1·n issued during the Military occupatiou of the Pro­tectorate aud arc still in forcl' on1hr said date shall contiuuc to be in te rce.

(3J All rights, pri\'ileg-cs, obligations or liabilities ac411ircd, accrueLI or incurred prior to till' s:Jid date shall he tlch-rmin t d acc.mliug to the law in .force iu th e Pr;)tectorate at tlw tinw of ac­qitisition, accrual or incurrence.

'2. All offences committed prior to the date of the cOllling into effect of this Proclamation shall be tri1·d and determined by tlw Court ha\·ing jurisdicti,Ht undt·r this Proclamation aecurding" ~o the criminal Ia\\ in force in the Protectoral<- hefor<· th,· said date, and any criminal case pcuding in an~ Court established prior to the said date may be continued and dl·ter­mined in the Comt ha,·ing jurisdiction under this Proclamation as if this Procla.mation had not been

I f~ :S( ~) Officia l Gazette, 2-tth Den·mbc r, 1919. 5

issued ProYided th at wh ere the perso n cons tituting such C ourt s ha ll no t be i hc sam e perso n as con­s ti tuted th e Court before which the o ffc uc<· w as o rig inally bro ught the proceeding s sha ll h l' com­menced d e 11 o \" o.

3. (1 Th ere sha ll b e and tlwn• is hcn·b~· created and constituted fo r the Pro tecto rate a Supe rio r Court to be know n as th e Hig h Court o f South-W est Africa w hich sha ll be a Court of Rec"Ord and which shall, s ubject to th e p rod s ions of pa rag raph (7 o f this Section co ns is t o f and be holden by and b efo re one Judge to be a ppoin ted by the Ad­minis trato r.

(2~ The judge of th c Hig h Court s ha ll receive a sala ry of .1.: 2250 per annum , a nd he s hnll, in reg ard to fi xi ty o f salary, lea\·c o f absencl', tc nun· of office, pension and superannuation, ha\·e all such rig hts as a re held a nd p ossessed by any Judge of th e Cape Pro,·in cial Divisio n of the Supreme Co urt of South Africa appo inted after the comm encement of the judges' Salari,·s a nd Pensions Act, 191 2, o f the Union Pa rlia m ent, and shall he und er all such o bliga tions and d is­abiliti es a s a ny such judge.

(3 T he said High C o urt s hall han· and use as occasio n may require a seal bea ring a ckvi ce and impress io n of the Anu s of th e l lnio n of So uth Africa within a n cxcrg-u c o r label surro unding the same with this inscri ptio n, "The Seal o f the High Court o f South-W est Africa . H et Zegcl ,·an het H ooggercchtshof \·a n Zuid -W <'St Afrika' ' . n1 e said seal shall b e dclin•rcd to and s h:.lll he kept in th e cus tody of the R'cgistra r o f the said Court o r "the o ffic er fo r the time beittg acting as such.

(-1' The scat o f the H igh Co urt sha ll be a t Windhuk, and, subject to th e pro \"is ions of this Pro cla­matio n, it s ha ll exercis e within the Pro tectorate all such jurisdictio n as may lawfully he ex ercised "ithin the provi nce of the C ape of Good Hope hy the Judges o f th e Ca pt· Pro\"incia l DiYis io n of the Suprem e Court.

(5~ The Judge o f th t: Hig h Court s hall, s ubjrct to th e appnwa l of the Adminis tra tor, fram e rules fo r the co nduct of the proccndings o f the said Court ll n til such rule!\ s1 tall ha,·e h~~u pro mul­gated, the rules rdating- to practi cc· athl procedure in fo rce in the Cape Provincial Di,·ision of the Supreme Court of South Africa s ha ll govern the pra ctice and procedure in the High Court.

(G' The law of pro cedure and ~ · ,· id1 · n cc in Ci\"i l pro ­ceedings b efo re the Hig h Court shall be that for th e tim e being follow ed hy tlw Cape Pro\·inci al Dirisio n of the S upreme C ourt of South Africa a mi the la w of prDcedurc .and cvide nct· in C riminal pro ceedings hcfo rr tlt P Hig h Court shall be that pn:scri bed by any such modification of •the C riminal Pro cedure a nd E\·idcnCI' Act, 19 17, o f th e Unio n Pa rli a ment as m:n · h e in fo rce in the terri to ry a t th e date .9f comi ugjrrto cf(ect her<'Of.

(7} T he juri sdi cti o n of th e Hi gh Court fo r the trial and punishment o f crimes a nd offcnc('S s hall be exercised by the Judgl' the n·o.f a nd two members appointed thereto from t ime to time as occasion may requi re by the Administrator who shall be ad\·ocatcs o f no t less tha n fh·e years s tanding or persons ho lding o r qualified to hold within th e U nion o r th e Protecto ra te the o ffi ce o f Magis trate.

' T he Judge of the H igh Court sh :-~ 11 b e the pr.·sident of th e Cou rt. and the decision of the m a jo rity of th e me mbe rs of the Court shall he th.· judg me nt of the Court

(8) The re shall b e a ~egistrar o f the Hig h Court who s hall be app~ inted by the Adminis trator a nd s ha ll ha,·e all such po \\·e rs a nd perfn rm a ll such duti·es :1s may he assig ned to o r imp.oscd upon him by the rules o f the said Court o r by any

Jaw. T he Registra r shall recl· in · 0 11 bchaff o f thl' Administ ra tion s uch fees as shall b e prescribed by th e Auminis t ra to r by no tice in th e Gazc.tk

4. The Reg istra r if thereto n •quesh'd by a ny part~· in w hose fa,·o ur any judg me nt o r o rder has been gin~n o r made In- an,· Di,·ision of the Supreme Cour t oi South Africa, sitall , upo n the dcpoSft with him of a n a uth entica ted copy o f such judgm ent o r o rder a nd on proof that th e same rt= mains unsatisfi ed, issue a writ o r o ther process fo r the execution of s uch judg ment o r o rder, and thereupon s uch writ l()r o ther process s ha ll be exl'cuted in like ma nn er as if it had been o rig in ally issued f rom the H igh Court of South-Wes t Africa .

5 A Sheriff o f the Pro tecto rate _s hall be appointed by the Adminis trato r. Such Sheriff a nd any lawful d e­puty of such s ha ll ha,·e all such rights, ex ercise a ll such powers, and be sub ject to all such obligations a s the Sheriff o f the P rovince of the Cape oH}ood H ope o r his lawful deputy rcsp ccti\·ely. T he S heriff s hall recct,·c on lwhalf o f th <' Administrati on such fe.·s as sha ll be prescribed by the Adminis trato r by no t ic<' in the Gazette

6. (1 1 A Master o i the Hig h Court shall b e appointed bv the Admi nis tra tor.

(2 The pro Yis io ns of the Ad lll inist ra tion of Esta te Act, 19 13, and o f th e luso l veHC~' Act, 1916, of th e­Unio n P arl iament shall , so far as circumstances permi t, be of fo rce aud rffect within the tl' rrito ry, a nd in respect o f the s aid Acts o r ·o f any o ther la w of the P rotecto rate the pe rson appointed to be the M as te r of the Hig h Court of South-W est Africa shall have all s uch rig hts, ~xercisc all suclt powers, ami be s ubject to all such obliga tions as the Mast-e r o f th e Cape P rovincial Divis ion of the S uprem e C ourt o f South Africa.

I . F rom and after the d a te o f tlw a ppoint111ent of a Master o f the liigh Court, the O ffice of Public Trustee creatl'd by Pro clamatio n of the i\.\ilita ry Go\'ernor of the South-W est Africa Pro tccto rak No. 20 of the 2:>th October, 19 15, shall b e abolis hed, and all an d sc, ·cral th e po wers a nd functio ns o f tlw, Public Trus tee shall devoh·c upon the Maste r of the Hig h Court of the terri tory, a nd a ll mo nies and o ther as­sets held b,· the said Public T rustee a t tne d ate. afo resaid sliall becom e \=cskd in , ai1d a ll liabilities of th e said Public T rustce shall d r voh·c upon, the said Mas ter.

8 There sha ll b e appoi11 ttd by t lw Adminis t rator an o ffi cer styled th e C rown Prosecuto r o f ·south-West Africa who sha ll, in reg ard to the prosecutio n of crimes a nd o ffences whi ch 111 ay have been o r m ay be co mmitted w ithin the Pro tecto rate, have aTI such pow ers, a utho riti es a nd functio ns as a re held a nd exercised by th e Atto rney-General in any of the Pro­vinces o f th r Union under and by y"irtue of Section 129 of the South Africa Act, 1909, o r any o ther1aw, a nd who shall further discharge such o ther d uti-es as m ay be assign ed to him by th e Administra to r.

9. ll ' Magiste rial Dist_ricts may b~created ana a ltered and .Mnr,istra tcs' Co urts const ituted N>r t he P ro­tecto ra te by the Ad ministra to r wh o' to r this and a ny o ther purpose l1e rcund(.•r s ha ll ha ve like powers as arc conferred upon the Governo r­Gen eral a nd the Minis tr r o f J ustice o f the Union by the Magis t ra tes ' Cour ts Act, 1917, of ,t he Union Parlia m ent. The Courts of Mili tary, M agist ra tes and the Mag is te rial D istricts exis ting " ·ith in the Protecto rate at the date o f the comini into efiect o"f t his P nocla ma tion s h"all b e deemed to be Magis trates' Courts and "Magisterial Di­stricts created and co ns tituted under this p ro­,·ision ; but no person h okling a t t ha t date the o ff ice of Milit::~ ry M_agis t ratc or Assistant Military Magist rate s hall become a Magist rate, Additio nal Mag istrate o r Assis tant Magist ra te .unless so a ppointed by the Administrato r .

O fficial Gazette, 2-Hh December, 19 19 .

(2 Magi tra te ' Courts within the Protectorate s hall ha,·e the same jurisdictio n and s ha ll o bscm· the Sittllll' proccaurt: in a ll matter-; aS arc prCSCt'ibt d in the Ma~istratcs' Cou rts Act, IQ17, of th e lln io n Pnrliumcnt a nd all\ amendtncnt then•o f n r rules th ereunder fo r th e ·timl' b eing in fore.· \\·ithi n the Unio n

(3; Subject t~> the prcJ\ isions of pa ragrap h (2 o f this Section a II and several the pro,·isions of St-dio n 3 (fi 1o f t! tis l>r~ cl <.llnation itt respect of law of pr<)Ledur-: and c\·idcncl' s hall apply t :-> proce,•din O"S i!t ,\\ ag; trate- ' Courts.

( -1 An appc;JI shall lie t .~ th e 1-lig h Co urt front a decisio n ~> f ~~ .l'v\ a~i strute's .Conn i1t the same circn111s tan ces and 0 11 li ke tcr111 s und conditio ns as an appeal may be had under tiH· ,\ \ agis tt .tks' Comts Act, 1917. of th e Uni on Parliam ent or any amend ment then·ol nr rules f·o r th t• tim,· bci11g existi ng thercumk r to a Pru\·incia l o r Loca l Di­Yis io n o f th e Supreme Co urt of South Africa fro 111 a deci'> ion () i any Ma~ i s tratc, and upon such ap­pea l th e ll ig h Court ·hall ha,·c likl' po \\ crs as arc posses ·cd hy a Prm in cia l or Loca l I )i,· isio n o f the Suprcm~ Court o f South Airi ca.

(5) The proceedings of Mng is trah;s' Courts s hall be re\ ic\\'ctl by tht H igh Co urt i n tltl· sa till' mantt.T and s ubject to the Sclln c co nditi ons as procl'edings of Magis trates' Co urts "ithit t the Uni on arc n·­' ie\\ ed hy tht: Supnllll' Court of South Afri ca, Sa\·e tha t an \· criminal case in \\'lti ch a scntl'ntl' io; passed b). a .'vl agistrate sha ll be r,·\'i<·,n.•d by th e Hig·h Court. All and e\·eral thr po\\'e rs and d uti es o f th e 5upremt Court of out h Afri ca n·­\'ie" ing any · uch proceedings within thr Uni ott s ha ll be c:-.crcisld a ttd re rformccl lw tit .· Judge o f tit c H iglt Court

HI. ( l 1 Noh\·iths t;l ntling a n_\ of th e pror i::; io ns of tlti ~ Pro <:la matiuu, the f~ourb o i J\'\agh;t ratc shall co n­ti nue to c:o.crci l' th e tun ctions ami lwrc a ll th.­jurisdiction ant.! p O\\ c rs o f th e Military Magis­tra tes' Court ... t:s rablis h d urulcor Sl'ctions I, 2 and 3 o f Procla mati on I I o f l () l j in reg-ard to offen ces against ,LJ1y Ma rtial La\\ Regu la tio ns :1r n·otices a nd may iii re · red of s uch offc tt c1·s intpose th(' penalties prO\ id1:d b\ S1 cti o n 3 o t till' · sa id Procla matio n.

('2, There s hall he no a prH"a l to, o r IT\"il'\\" hy, tl h· liig lt Court o t Sou th-West Africa against an_,. judg men t o r cn tcncl' :1f a i\1\ agistra tl in te rms of this Sectio n, bur :1 ll s uch judg meJtt<; and sen­tenet:> sht~ ll he rc\'ll'\\t·d h,· th, Adtninistrato r \\'It O s hall co nlinn e t::> e:o.erdsc in r.·ga rd ther,1:o th e r o " er hitherto exnciscd by him .

(J Wh t:ncYcr by n·ason uf its natlJn• or lllagnitud<' <lll offence a~·a it: '>t an\· Ma rtial La\\ Regu la tio n o r notitc is un · nitablc · for tria l b.\ a .\'\agist rate'3 C<Jttrt, ·uclt o ffence s h:.li l h e i.ha lt \\" ilh it t ac­co rd anc.: "ith lh\! pro,·is ions of SLciions 3, li, 7 and 8 .>f Prnd:t m<ni on 11 of 19 15 b_1 :1 Special C rim inal Cou rt , and all a nd SC\tra l th e aid prc1,·isio ns ha ll ap ply in tlte cusl: of -.; uch offence.

( l1 In respect of tlt c prosecutio n and tri a l of off (• Jtces aga inst ,\\artial La\\" Regulati ons and notices, the C ro \\ 11 P rosect no r s it a ll ha\ e and c xercisl' :1!1 s uch pO\\"ers as :trc ht ltl o r exntiscd b_r him und,·r Sectio n S of thi s Proclamat ion in regard to cri111c:. and o lfcn ce~

11 (I An _1 person cn tit lct.l i v practi ..;l· or to he ad mitted to practi ·c a, c~n ath ocate o r attorn ey in an_1· Prn­Yincial o r Lu cal !Ji, ision of th e Supreme Court of South Africa s hall be entitl ed to be admitted b1· the Court io practis,e as an ad\ ocate o r at­to rne_, as the case ma~· lw in th C" High Co urt o f , outh-West Africa upon the payment of uclt fee o r charge HS ma_\ be pr<·scrihcd by tlw Ad ministrator.

. (2) Upon tlt c certificate of the Administra to r that

the perso n named itt such certificatt' was at the date of the com mencement of the Military occupa­tion enti tled in the 'Courts of German South­WcstAfrica to practise a!> an advocate or practi­tioner of equal status o r as an ,attorney or practi­tioner of equal status, and tha t such person is a fit and proper perso n to be admitted to practise as an ad,·ocatc o r attorncr as th e case nHt \' bl' in the Co urts ofthe Protecto ra te, such perso n s hall, with­out the paylllcnt o f any fcc or chargl·, b · Pntitled to be admitted by th e Co nrt to practis" as a n 1ad­,·nca tc or attorn ey as th e case' may lw in the· High Court of South-West Afri ca

(3 , No perso tL s ha ll be admitted by thc· Co urt to practise both as an ad,·ocatc and as an attorney.

(•It Any person \\'ItO has been admitted as an :ittorn cy of the Co ur t a nd who is entitled to practise in an\" Pnwi ne~:: nf the Union o f So uth Africa or to be. ad mitt ed !H· <t il \ Provincial o r Loca l l)i,·is ion of th e Suprem-e Court of 'outh Africa to practise as a notary public o r oom·cynnrcr s hal l he e- ntitled to he ad mitted by the Court to practis<' as a notary public or oonreya ntcr or both as a nota ry publi c and cott\'C_,·anccr as thl' caSl' 111 11_1 11l', upon pa~ ment o f , uch icc or rlwrg c· as ma ~· hl' pr~·-crill ed lw th e Adm inistr;tto r.

(5, Upo n the ce rtifi cat e of thl' Administ rator that an_,. person w ho has been ad mitted as an alto rney of th e Co urt was at the date of th o C'Oill lll <' ll llCilh' llt

of the Military occupation entitled to pradisc i n Gen nau So uth-Wes t Africa as a no ta rY or at­tome~ 1r practi tioner of equ al s ta tuo;;, ;tttd tha t such perso n is a fit and pro per person to he ad­rnitktl ,to practise as a nota ry publi c or con­,·eyancc-r o r both as a nota r_\ public and cott ­vc~·:tncer in the Pro tecto ra te, such pc rson'Sha ll without the paymen t o f any f C(' or charg-e, be entitled to be admitt c·d by th<· Co urt to practise as a tto ia r_v publi c o r convcyaHccr o r bo th a· a nota ry publi c and com·e_l'<tttcer, as the case mil \' be

(l.i PrcH: I a n~ation ~<l "3 dated the '23rd da,· o f ;'v\ar, 19 11). i~ h c reh~ rept<lil'd, but ttO t\\'ithstandirig s uch rc.:pcal any per 0 11 \\·ho in h·rms of s uch Prc.cla tn ati ott w as permitted to practi~L' as a no ta ry pnbl ic in tlt e r> r~tectorate shall fo r th e period of one lltOn th afkr thl· date o f tlh· couting into effect •of this Proclamatiuu coutiuuc to he enti tlct.l t .> pnctis<' on till' lc'nns and cou­diti(JIIS of s nch pctmission.

fhc Adm inistrato r ma v bv n o tic~ in the Ga­:r.ette iss ue rl'gul ati;Hts fo-r 1io tari es public and for the c:o.a mina li o n o r th eir protocols, aud unti l such rcgula ti >> ns arc iss ued th1· re rYulation.., in force at u'tc dat e of tlw coming into .... d ft•ct oi this Proclanwl ion s hall co ntinu e itl fo rce

(7) E\ c ry person adm itted hy thl' High Court of South-W est /\I' rica h practise as an nlh ocate, a ttotne_,, t to tar~ publ ic o r co n\·eyanccr shall, a t the tim e ,;1f s uch adm ission, tak .: and s tthscrilw the like oa ths as a rc no \\' IQ r s ha ll lwn·alt.· r bv Ia\\ be tak en and s ubscribed by perso ns udmittcd to p ractise :ts s uch by the Cape Prm·inci·t l Di ­visio n o f th e Supreme Court o f South Africa.

(8 Tile t-li ~ h ( -> llrt s ha ll c:o..:rcis1· -;i milar ju ris­dict ion in respect oT any ;)d\ oca t ~. a ttorney, nota ry public, cum c.va nccr or other pn-.:on ad­mitted I<~ practise in tcnn s o f th is S1"Ctionn a 1 exercised by tlw Cape P rovincia l Dt\ is ion o f tltt• Supreme Co urt of Sou th Aft i c:~ in rc-;pcTt of lik t• practiti unct ~ in t he ( a pe Pro\'incr

(9 All} pcrsou otdntit tul to practise as an :ttl \ oca!t­or :~tt cmH'\ in tlt e Hi tr lt Co urt ot South -W est Afrk a lll<t_\' a lso appear and plcau in an_) action o r proceed i 11gs bc ion· <t n ,. ,\1\ag i-> tra !<- \, Co urt \\"it lt i11 th e Pr,H~:ctora t e

If~, J • i ( 1 )

O ificia l Oazdtc, 2-lth Dt!ccm bcr, 191 9.

(10 The Administra to r may, by notice iri the Gazette, prescribe f ees to be p-aid by advocates, •attorneys, no taries public, com·e~rancers and s wo rn trans­lators upo n admission by the Court to practise

12. (1 ' There shall be rs ta blis hcd as from the ~first day of Janu ary, 1920, a po lice force for ·the terri­ton· entitled the South-West Africa Plo lice which shall be unde r the command, superintende nce and contro l of th e Commission·e r appointed under Sectio n 5 of the South Africa Police Act, 1912, of the Unio n P arli a ment.

(2 • All and several th e pro,·isi rm s o i the South Africa P o lice Act, llJ1 2, of the Union Parliament and o f <1 ny a mendm ent thereof o r regulation th ereund er shall mutatis mutandis be ap­plicable to th e South-Wes t Africa Police ; and the off icers and m cmbl'rs o f that force shall be s ubject to the pr~visions m uta ti s m uta n di s of the Public Service a nd P ensi ons Funds Act, 191 2, o f th e U nio n P arlia ment and of any amend­ment thcrc,>f o r r<'gulatio n the reunder in like mann er a s if the\' ,,·crl' officers or me mb:-- rs for the tim e bei ng of th e South Africa P olice

13. (I ..An office fo r the rugistration of all deed s a nd docum ents requiring registratio n under a ny law in the Proltdorate shall be established at Wind­huk. Tlierc shall b e arpo intdl by the Adminis­h·ato r a Registra r of Deeds who shall have and exercis e at Windhuk all th e functi ons and author­ities in resp ect of such reg istration f·ormc rly assig ned to and exercised by the s•e \'l'ral district Judges at Windhuk, Kcetmans hoop, Swakop­mund, Luderitzbuch~ a nd Omaruru.

(2 Where in co nnectio n \\'ith the regis tration of any such deed o r document the posting up at a ny particular place of a ny no tice o r 'informatio n is r e­required under any 1·xisting provisio n of law it shall be sufficient if s uch no tice o r information be exhibited at th e office o f thl' Registrar at Windhu k. -

l .J As S<)D II as ma~ be after a n.\· proclamation s ha ll have hc<.: ll promulgatc·d by the Administrator, the Secreta n · f o r the Prokcrora tc s hall cause two fair copies o·f s uch proclamatio n, one b eing in the Eng lish aud the o th er in th e Dutch language (one of which copi es shall be s ig ned by the Administrato r,, .t o be enro ll ed or n·oo rtl in th e officc ,of the Registra r of the Hig h Co urt ; a nd such cvpi.e.; s hall be oonclusive e,·id ence us to tiH' provis i'Ons of cv.cry s uch law, and in case of conflid bet ween th e two· copies thus deposited that signed by the Administrato r sh all prc,·ail.

15 Proclamation No. (j dated th e 16th d ay of May, 19 1li, is hcrd)y um cndcd by the deletio n of the words "or J udgc of the Supre m-e Court" and the insertio n of th e w o rd "or" imm ediatelv after the word "Uoverno r-U eneral " and before" the word ''Ministe r" occu rring in C lause_ h and bv the d~>

lt! tion of the \\' ho le ot C lnusl'S 4 a nd 5.

l6 This Proclamati on may be Cit ed for all purposes as th e " Adminis tratio n of Justice Proclamation, 1919", and s ha ll co me into force a nd eff·oct o n the firs t d ay o f Janua ry, 1920, save as regards the date of the appointm ent ,of the Judge of thr Hig h Court w hich shall t ake effect as from thn fo urtoo.n th day of October, 1919.


U i,·en under 111\' hnnd at Windhuk this 12th da\· of December, 1919.· •


E. II. L. (GORGES Administr ntor.

No . 22 o f 1919.)

:WHERE AS the provisions -of Proclamation No . 9, dated 18th july, 1915, anti ProclamatioJ1 N'O. 19, dated 20th October, 1915, dealing with the prospecting, mining and traffic in diamonds in the Protectorate are no longer necessary;

NOW THERE FORE under and br , ·irtuc of the powers in me , ·ested I do hereby d(·d are, p[1()()laim .and make kno wn that th e said Pro cla ma Hons shall be and arc hereby repe aled.

AND I do further declare, procla·im and makP known as fo llo ws:

(l l All a.nd sing ular the provisions of the Ia\\' r elati ng to prospecting for, mining and dis posa L ot rough or uncut diamonds as it exis~ed in th·c. Protectorate o n the -Hh August, 1914, shall again become of full foroe and effect from the date of this Pr6clamation-

(2 F o r the objects and purposes of the said law the Administrato r mav assume such functi ons of the Ciamond Regie of the South-W <'st Africa Pro­tectora te as he may docm fit.

(3) f or .the pun ishment imposc>d by Section 7 of the Ordi.na ncc o f th e G ovemor regarding trade and tra ffic .in ro ugh and uncut di amonds, dated 21st October, 1908, as a m0nd ed o n 3 1s t May, 19 11, shall be substituted a fin e no t cxoeclling onp thousand poun:ds s terling, 10 r imprisonment wi th o r witho ut h ard la bour fo r a period not exceeding five years, o r bo th such fin e and sud t im prison­Ill en t.

GOD 'SAVE TilE 1\.lt\G.

Oivcn unde r m,· ham.l at Windhuk this 12t h dav C>t December, 19 19.'

E . II. J.. ~;OJ:G ES

\<1 111 ini" t•·:•tu1·.

No. 23 of 19 19.1

WHEREAS there is doubt as tu t he \'a lidih· o f mini·ng rig hts held by certain companies ca r rying on business in th e Pro tecto rate;

A:--iO WH ERBAS a Commissi,on has been appointed to 'enquire into and report upon thc'va lid it~· o f th l· said · mining rights am ong o ther matters,

AND WHERE.\ S by ag reements bl't\\'t'-e n these oompJnies and the late German G overnme nt o r otlK'r­wise the said companies have exercised antho rity to levy charges fo r o r in respect of prospPcting claims, mining claims, royalti es a nd oth e r matters cOJllll'ctcd \\'ith such mining rights, ·

NOW T HEREFORE und er and by \'irtu e of the po\\'ers in me \'est rd, I do hereby d t•clarc, pro claim and ma ke kno \\·n that a ny existing p rovision of law and a ny act o r o missi on ol the pr.~sent Administra tio n of the Pro tecto rate notwithstanding, no rig h ts wh atever deemed or claiml'd to be ' fmld by any of th-<· compa nies mentio ned in the Schedule herdo are recognised or admitted by the pr.esent Administration of the Protec­torate and a ll mon ies payable to the said companies under any autho rity ,exercised by them by virtue ~f s uch rig hts shall from the date hePcof be paid to this Administratio n, to be held in trust by it until such time as the oonti111uance 'O r otherwise of the said mining r.ig hts is decid ed upon.


C..H\'t' ll under my hand at Windhuk this 12th day of December, 1919.


E. II.. L. 'GOHGES Adminis lrator.

Deutsche Kolonial-Oesellschaft fi1r Siidw cstafrika. O ta vi Mine n- und Eisenbahn~Gescllschaft. The South West Africa Company, limited .

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