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  • Educational Assessment of Students7e

    Susan M. Brookhart & Anthony J. Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

    Chapter 1

    Classroom Decision Makingand Using Assessment

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Key Concept #1

    • Assessment provides teachers with information to make decisions about teaching and provides students with information to make decisions about learning.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Assessment Helps Teachers Make Instructional Decisions

    • Before beginning teaching

    content, materials, student abilities, activities and objectives, organization of lesson

    • During teaching

    is it going well? what should I do? what feedback should I give? are the students learning?

    • After a teaching segment

    are the students achieving? what grade should I give? how effectively did I teach and how effective are the materials?

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Key Concept #2

    • Different kinds of educational decisions require different types of assessment information.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Using Assessment to Make Decisions About…

    • Instructional diagnosis and remediation

    What learning activities should I use to best adapt to this student’s individual requirements and thereby maximize the student’s opportunities to attain the chosen learning objective?

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Using Assessment to Make Decisions About…

    • Feedback to students

    How can I give specific guidance to students about what to do to improve?

    • Feedback to teacher

    How well have I taught? Should I re-teach before proceeding?

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Using Assessment to Make Decisions About…

    • Modeling learning expectations

    Assessment should embody the learning target

    Assessment should help students identify the criteria for judging how well they are learning and what’s important to learn.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Using Assessment to Make Decisions About…

    • Motivating students

    Assessment should help students understand what they need to do to improve

    Assessment should help students realize that they are capable

    • Assigning grades to students

    Assessment provides a variety of evidence on which to base grading decisions

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Using Assessment to Make Selection Decisions

    • Placement decisions

    assignment to different levels of the same general type of instruction, education, or work

    all are served; no one is rejected

    • Classification decisions

    assignment to different but unordered categories, jobs, or programs

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Using Assessment to Make Decisions Involving…

    • Counseling and guidance

    series of assessments facilitates exploration and decision making

    • Credentialing and certification

    assessments that reflect whether a student has attained certain standards of learning

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Data-Driven Decision-Making

    • Analyzing, interpreting, and using data in a manner that contributes to improved instruction and increased student learning

    for ALL types of decisions

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Key Concept #3

    • Assessment, test, measurement, and evaluation are different but related terms.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Important Definitions

    • Assessment: process for obtaining information for making decisions about students; curricula, programs, and schools; and educational policy.

    • Test: instrument or systematic procedure for observing and describing one or more characteristics of a student using either a numerical scale or a classification scheme.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Important Definitions

    • Measurement: procedure for assigning numbers (usually called scores) to a specified attribute or characteristic of a person in such a way that the numbers describe the degree to which the person possesses the attribute.

    • Evaluation: process of making a value judgment about the worth of a student’s product or performance.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Key Concept #4

    • Classroom formative and summative assessments provide teachers and students with the information they need to improve learning.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Formative Evaluation of Schools, Programs, or Materials

    • Judgment about quality or worth; made during the design or development of instructional materials, instructional procedures, curricula, or educational programs.

    Used to modify, form, or otherwise improve the school, program, or educational material.

    Teachers engage in formative evaluation when revising lessons or learning materials based on information obtained from their previous use.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Summative Evaluation of Schools, Programs, or Materials

    • Judgment about quality or worth of schools, already-completed instructional materials, instructional procedures, curricula, or educational programs.

    Summative evaluations appraise the effectiveness of a particular educational product as well as the conditions under which it is effective.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Formative Assessment of Students’


    • Judging the quality of a student’s

    achievement while the student is still in the

    process of learning.

    “Sizing up” a student allows a teacher to

    determine the necessary next steps for


  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Summative Assessment of Students’ Achievement

    • Judging the quality or worth of a student’s achievement after the instructional process is completed.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Key Concept #5

    • High-stakes assessments provide those in authority with the information they use to classify and sanction.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    High-Stakes Assessments

    • Used for decisions that result in serious consequences for administrators, teachers, or students.

    As far back as 1850 (Horace Mann)

    Explosion after educational reform movement in 1980s

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Accountability Testing

    • Assessment that is used to hold individual students or school officials responsible for ensuring that students meet state standards.

    Required as part of No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Standards-Based Proficiency Requirements

    • Content standards: Facts, concepts,

    principles that students are expected to learn.

    • Performance standards: Things students

    can perform or do once the content standards

    are learned.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

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    Standards-Based Proficiency Requirements

    • Under NCLB, the goal originally was for 100% of students in each school to achieve proficiency by 2014.

    • Schools were to show adequate yearly progress (AYP) toward this goal or have sanctions imposed.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Failure to Meet Standards

    • NCLB sanctions and corrective actions for schools that failed to make adequate yearly progress after 2 years were restrictive and punitive.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Failure to Meet Standards

    • Since 2011, the federal government has allowed states to apply for waivers if: they demonstrate that they have college- and

    career-ready expectations for students, in at least reading/language arts and mathematics.

    they develop differentiated recognition, accountability, and support.

    they develop evaluation systems for teachers and principals that use multiple sources of data.

    they remove school administrative reporting requirements that have little or no impact on student outcomes.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Disaggregation of Test Results

    • NCLB requires that test results for the total population of students are separated in order to report on individual subgroups of students

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Assessment of Students With


    • Under NCLB, all students must be assessed, including students with disabilities and students with limited English proficiency.

    95% of students with disabilities must participate in the assessment.

    alternative assessment methods must be found to assess those students who cannot participate even with accommodations.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    The Current Climate

    • Whether NCLB assessment and accountability requirements have improved or hindered education is controversial. Pro: Assessment is a way to ensure that all

    students demonstrate that learning has occurred.

    Con: Corruption of test scores when stakes are high; Tests may not be instructionally sensitive; NCLB conflicts with IDEA

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Key Concept #6

    • Professional guidelines for assessment competencies and assessment literacy are available.

  • Educational Assessment of Students, 7eBrookhart & Nitko

    Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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    Guidelines: Selecting and Using Classroom Assessments

    • Be clear about the learning objectives.

    • Select assessment techniques that match the learning goal.

    • Be sure that the selected assessment techniques serve the needs of the learners.

    • Whenever possible, use multiple indicators of performance for each learning objective.

    • When you interpret—or help students interpret—the results of assessments, take the limitations of such results into account.

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