educational media for children

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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By: Stephanie Clavey

What is educational media for children? These are non print materials that are

selected by librarians and teachers that provide educational benefit to the students

These materials include:movies, computer software, educational

applications and multimedia (web resources and video games)

Educational Media

Teachers and librarians choose materials not only for their educational benefit but also for the quality and variations of types of materials

Media huge in this day and age and lots of children are constantly using technology everywhere and anywhere

By having these educational outlets we can encourage learning even more

General Selection Tools

N.I.C.E.M. School Library Journal


NICEM-National informational center for educational media and are committed to educational media improving learning

The audiovisual database contains over 440,000 bibliographic records, representing 640,000 items of nonprint materials

Paid subscription

School Library Journal

School Library Journal, is the leading print magazine and now with serves librarians who work with the youth in school and public libraries.

Gives librarians up-to-date information Integrate the library into the school

curriculum, technology, reading, information literacy

High quality collection


Kids in Mind

Purpose: to provide parents and other adults with complete information about a film's content so that they can decide, based on their own value system, whether they should watch a movie with or without their kids.

3 objective ratingsSex/nudityViolence/goreprofanity

Kids In Mind Continued

0-10 rating scale and describe in detail as to why it has that number rating

Good for educators and librarians who would like to show or recommend movies

Search by title, browse by alphabet letter and a list by rating

Common Sense Media

Not for profit organization Provide age based reviews for media

content on how appropriate it is for the age and also the learning potential

4 different ratings in the reviewsOn-age appropriatePause-some content may not be suitableOff-not age appropriateNot for kids-content is not for children of any




A popular site to use when trying to sort out/through recourses

Started early on in 1996 online The software is rated from a 1-5 on

Kid friendly/appealPrice valueProduct support

Great starting point


A well known commercial site for technology reviews

Touches upon all areas of technology and provides many reviews for educational software

CNET uses lab based testing, hands on use, and user opinions to provide trusted and unbiased reviews to show product quality features and value

Educational Apps

Fun Educational Apps

This site provides the best apps for kids for iPad, iPhone, iPod and tablets

Offers a new way for kids to develop and learn with these fun tools

Goal is to provide reviews for the top best and new apps that are out there

Fun Educational Apps Continued

General browse, top picks Categories by age, subject Free giveaway apps as well Provide the prices which is important


Another way to purchase apps Each app has a description and price With having an iTunes account it makes

it so much easier to download and manage the apps

End of Presentation

I hope you enjoyed my presentation and learned a lot and will use these review sites in the future.

Thank you!

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