edufest 2015 at iit madras - presentation on middle school years by madhav rao

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Middle school is an institutional drag where is vision is lost

Majority fail to reach proficient levels

Middle school is about mediocrity- No intense engaged learning

Learning gaps impactLess stress- auto promotion

Less parent involvement

Hurricane of hormones•Self Exploratory •BullyingSelf esteem

More about Peer acceptanceHero worship

Who can change our Middle schools

, “If you are the warm, nurturing, motherly, grandmotherly type, you are made for early childhood education. If you love math or science or English, then you are the high school type. If you love bungee jumping, then you are the middle school type.”Middle school is the weak link

The Pocantico Hills Middle School staff believes that each student is a complex and unique individual. We are committed to helping all our children realize their complete personal potentials—academic, creative, emotional. We will ask all our students to stretch themselves and we will help them to discover the rewards of working hard.

We will establish a learning community built on mutual respect and compassion. We will encourage all students in our care to become productive, empathetic members of this community and of society at large and so, we will help them develop into educated, honest, fair, kind and self-disciplined young


1. English2. Maths3. Maths4. Science5. Geography6. PE/Art/library/Music7. Second language8. Third language/ICT

Students sit all day, and sitting is exhausting

Students are sitting passively and hopefully listening during approximately 90 percent of their classes.Teachers are talking all the time!

You feel a waste all day long.

Majority of students leave school every day without having any conversation with their teachers

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