effect of weeding and row direction on rice

Post on 02-Nov-2015






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  • RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 1

    Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology ISSN: 2319-3395(online)

    Volume 4, Issue 2


    Effect of Weeding Regime and Row Direction on

    Growth and Yield of Rice in Bangladesh

    M.A. Alam1, M.M.H. Tipu

    2*, M.M.I. Chowdhury2, M.H. Rubel3, M. A. Razzak1 1Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Instutite (BSRI), Bangladesh

    2Bangladesh Agricultural Research Instutite (BARI) , Bangladesh

    3Noakhali Science & Technology University, Sonapur, Bangladesh


    Weeds are always a disturbing pest in crop field. The success of cultivation mainly depends on

    proper management of weeds through different approaches. The study was conducted in boro

    (dry) season during the period from November 2010 to May 2011 to investigate effect of row

    direction and weeding regime on growth and yield of rice. The experiment was consisted of

    ten weeding regimes and two row directions. Almost all growth parameters, crop characters

    and yield parameters were influenced significantly due to weeding regimes and row

    directions. Weeding at 15 days interval was found to produce the tallest plant (88.70 cm), the

    greatest number of tiller hill-1

    (14.79) and the longest panicle (23.87 cm) under East-West row

    direction. The highest amount of total dry matter production (63.88 g) was found from

    weeding at 15 days interval and East-West row direction at 60 days after transplanting. Grain

    yield (4.46 t ha-1

    ) was 130% higher with weeding at 15 days interval over no weeding under

    East-West row direction. East-West row direction also produced 46% higher straw yield (5.06

    t ha-1

    ) from weeding at 15 days interval over no weeding.

    Keywords: Rice, row direction, weeding regime, yield

    *Author of correspondence E-mail: tipubari2013@yahoo.com

    INTRODUCTION Rice is the main food crop of Bangladesh and

    about eighty percent of her people depend on

    agriculture, especially on rice cultivation. In

    Bangladesh, rice cultivation covers 79% of the

    total cropped area. Boro (dry) season rice

    covers 35.69% of the total rice area and it

    shares about 48.52% of the total rice

    production [1]. Rice was cultivated in 4.15

    million hectares of the area with 13.44 million

    tons of production and the average yield was

    3.24 t ha-1

    during boro (dry) season [2]. The

    yield of rice can be increased with improved

    cultivation practice like optimum planting

    time, planting density, fertilizer management,

    adequate spacing, proper row direction and

    weed management. It is often mentioned that,

    "Agriculture is a fight against weeds" [3].

    Among the factors, the infestation of weed is

    one of the most important constraints in the

    cultivation of crop [4,5]. The prevailing

    climatic and edaphic factors of Bangladesh are

    highly favourable for luxuriant growth of

    numerous species of weeds which offer a keen

    competition with rice crop [5]. Many

    investigators reported a great loss in the yield

    of rice due to weed infestation from different

    parts of the world [6]. It was reported that

    weeds may reduce the grain yield by 68-100%

    in direct seeded Aus rice, 16-48% in Aman rice

    and 22-36% in modern Boro rice [7]. Weed

    depresses the normal yield of grains panicle-1

    and grain weight [8]. Yield loss depends upon

    some variables like magnitude of weed

    infestation, type of weed species, time of

    association with crops, fertilization,

    competitive ability of the variety and cultural

    management accomplished with control of the

    pest [9]. A number of studies showed that

    weed control through both traditional and

    chemical methods influence plant height, tiller

    number, crop growth rate, yield attributes and

    yield of rice [10-12].

    Proper row direction may help to produce

    maximum Leaf Area Index (LAI), higher light

    interceptions, etc. which are more congenial

    for photosynthesis as well as higher yield of

    rice. Row direction of rice may have a

    remarkable influence on the yield and yield

  • Effect of Weeding Regime and Row Direction on Rice Alam et al.

    RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 2

    components of rice [13]. Rice scientists

    reported that East-West row direction showed

    better performance over North-South row

    direction [14]. Improper row orientation may

    affect the physiological activities of rice plant

    and can reduce potential yield by 15-25% [15].

    So, adjustment of row direction is necessary to

    eliminate light competition and to create

    suitable micro-climate for obtaining the

    maximum grain yield of rice through receiving

    maximum solar radiation, thereby, increasing

    photosynthesis. Researches on row direction in

    rice are limited under Bangladesh condition.

    Research on this aspect thus warrants due

    attention. The present study was, therefore,

    undertaken to analyze the effect of weeding

    and row direction on growth and yield rice.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiment was carried out at the

    Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh

    Agricultural University, Mymensingh during

    boro (dry) season starting from November

    2010 to May 2011. The soil belongs to the Old

    Brahmaputra Floodplain agro-ecological zone,

    having non-calcareous dark grey floodplain

    soil [16]. Soil in the experimental fields at 015-cm depth was silt loam in texture with pH

    of 6.2, organic carbon of 1.29%, sand of 32%,

    silt of 60%, and clay of 8%. Weather

    information regarding temperature, relative

    humidity, rainfall and sunshine hours

    prevailed at the experimental site during the

    study period has been presented in Table 1.

    Table 1: Monthly Air Temperature, Rainfall, Relative Humidity and Sunshine Hours During the

    Growing Per from November 2010 to May 2011.

    Month Air temperature (0c) Rainfall


    Relative humidity



    (hrs.) Max. Min. Avg.

    November 2010 28.98 16.87 22.93 14.00 82.86 224.80

    December 2010 26.23 13.97 20.10 18.00 81.61 197.10

    January 2011 23.72 12.49 18.00 3.40 80.86 138.80

    February 2011 27.34 16.41 21.87 26.60 73.93 199.10

    March 2011 29.61 20.57 25.09 83.60 80.61 171.50

    April 2011 31.61 22.37 26.99 153.0 78.90 223.22

    May 2011 30.42 22.42 26.42 453.4 82.61 192.39

    The experiment consisted of ten weeding

    regimes, viz. T1= Rifit 500 EC @ 1.0 l ha-1


    T2= Sibafit 500EC @ 1.0 l ha-1

    , T3= Rav

    500EC @ 1.0 l ha-1

    , T4= Ichlor 5G @ 1.0 l ha-

    1, T5= Superhit 500EC @ 1.0 l ha

    -1, T6=

    Control (no weeding) T7= Weeding at 15 days

    interval, T8= One time hand weeding at 25

    DAT, T9= Two times hand weeding at 25 and

    45 DAT, T10= Two times hand weeding at 35

    and 55 DAT and two row directions, viz. S1=

    East-West row direction, S2= North-South row

    direction. Herbicides used in the experiment

    were systemic and pre-emergence type. For

    the hand weeding treatment, one hand weeding

    was done on 25 DAT.

    In the case of two times hand weeding, one

    hand weeding treatment was done 25 DAT

    followed by second hand weeding at 45 DAT.

    For another two times hand weeding, one time

    hand weeding was done 35 DAT followed by

    second hand weeding at 55 DAT. For no weed

    control treatment weeds were allowed to grow

    in the plots from transplanting to harvesting of

    the crop. But in Weeding at 15 days interval

    treatment, plots were kept moderately weed

    free up to harvesting by hand weeding at 15

    days interval.

    The experiment was laid out in a randomized

    complete block design. There were 20

    treatment combinations. The treatments were

    replicated thrice. Each replication was divided

    into 20 unit plots where the treatment

    combinations were allocated at random. Thus

    the total number of unit plots was 60. The size

    of each unit plot was 4.0 m 2.5 m. Distance

    maintained between unit plots and replications

    were 0.75 m and 1 m, respectively. Rice

    variety BRRI dhan29 was used as the

    experimental material. Seeds of BRRI dhan29

    were collected from Bangladesh Rice

    Research Institute, Gazipur. The seeds were

    sown in the nursery bed on 02 December 2010

    with appropriate care. Fertilizers were applied

    in the plots @ 120 kg ha-1

    , 60 kg ha-1

    , 40 kg

  • Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology

    Volume 4, Issue 2

    ISSN: 2319-3395(online)

    RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 3


    of N, P2O5 and K2O in the form of Urea,

    Triple Super Phosphate and Muriate of Potash,

    respectively. Gypsum and Zinc Sulphate were

    also applied @ 60 kg ha-1

    and 10 kg ha-1



    The entire amount of TSP, MP, Gypsum and

    Zinc Sulphate was applied at final land

    preparation. Urea was top dressed in three

    equal splits at 15 days after transplanting

    (DAT), tillering stage and panicle initiation

    stage. Seedlings of 52 days old were uprooted

    carefully from the nursery bed and were

    transplanted on the well puddled experimental

    plots on 24 January 2011 at the rate of 3-4

    seedling hill-1

    , maintained row and hill

    distance of 25 cm 15 cm. Flood irrigation

    was given to maintain a level of standing

    water up to 2-4 cm until maximum tillering

    stage and after that, a water level of 7-10 cm

    was maintained up to grain filling stage and

    then drained out of the field after milk stage.

    The crop was harvested on 07 May 2011.

    The harvested plants were tied into bundles

    plot wise, then threshed, cleaned and dried in

    the Agronomy Field Laboratory to record the

    data on grain yield and straw yield. Prior to

    harvest five hills per plot were selected

    randomly (excluding border hills). They were

    uprooted carefully, cleaned and tagged

    properly. Data on different plant characters

    were recorded from the five hills plot-1


    yields were taken from plot-wise harvest and

    eventually converted to t ha-1


    The collected data were plant height, total

    tillers hill-1

    , effective tillers hill-1

    , panicle

    length, grains panicle-1

    , 1000-grain weight,

    grain yield and straw yield. The grain yield

    was adjusted at 14% moisture level. The data

    were analyzed statistically by using the

    ANOVA technique. The mean difference was

    adjudged by Duncans Multiple Range Test (Gomez and Gomez, 1984).

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Effect of Weeding Regime on Growth and

    Yield Plant height was statistically affected by

    weeding regime (Table 2). The tallest plant

    (85.41 cm) was found from the plot with

    weeding at 15 days interval which was

    statistically similar with two times hand

    weeding at 35 and 55 DAT treatment. Leaf

    area (cm2) was significantly influenced by

    weeding regime at all sampling dates (Table

    3). The highest leaf area (371.35 cm2, 718.40

    cm2, 954.00 cm

    2 and 1601.53 cm

    2 at 15 DAT,

    30 DAT, 45 DAT and 60 DAT, respectively)

    was found in weeding at 15 days interval

    treatment. Total dry matter production was

    significantly affected by weeding regimes at

    all sampling dates (Table 3). The highest

    amount of total dry matter production of plant

    (9.61 g, 21.42 g, 44.92 g and 59.02 g, at 15

    DAT, 30 DAT, 45 DAT and 60 DAT

    respectively) was recorded from plants with 15

    days interval weeding treatment. The number

    of total tillers hill-1

    was significantly affected

    by weeding regime.

    The highest number of total tillers hill-1

    (14.40) was observed with weeding at 15 days

    interval condition at maturity. On the other

    hand, no weeding treatment produced the

    lowest number of total tillers hill-1

    as weed

    growth was vigorous which offered severe

    competition with rice plants in terms of

    nutrient and space [17].

    The number of the effective tillers hill-1


    also statistically significant on weeding

    regime. The maximum number of effective

    tillers hill-1

    (13.22) was obtained from plants

    with 15 days interval weeding plot. On the

    other hand, the lowest number of effective

    tillers hill-1

    was found in no weeding treatment.

    Panicle length was not statistically influenced

    by weeding regimes (Table 2). However,

    numerically the highest panicle length (23.25

    cm) was found from 15 days interval weeding

    treatment. Number of filled grains panicle-1

    affected significantly among different

    treatment by weeding regime (Table 2).

    The highest number of filled grains panicle-1

    (121.12) were obtained from plants with 15

    days interval weeding plot whereas lowest

    number of filled grains panicle-1

    (89.91) were

    obtained from no weeding condition. Grain

    yield of rice was significantly affected by

    weeding regimes. The highest grain yield

    (4.16 t ha-1

    ) was recorded from plants with 15

    days interval weeding treatment and the lowest

    (1.78 t ha-1

    ) from no weeding treatment. The

  • Effect of Weeding Regime and Row Direction on Rice Alam et al.

    RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 4

    highest grain yield may be favoured by crop

    characters like effective tillers hill-1

    , panicle

    length and number of grains panicle-1

    . This

    result showed conformity with the findings of

    another research [18]. Weeding regimes

    exerted significant effect on straw yield. It also

    followed more or less regular trend in response

    to different weeding regimes, similar to grain

    yield. The lowest straw yield (3.32 t ha-1

    ) was

    recorded from no weeding treatment which

    was increased with other weeding treatments

    and reached the peak (4.86 t ha-1

    ) at 15 days

    interval weeding treatment which was

    statistically similar to Superhit 500EC @ 1.0 l


    and two times hand weeding at 35 DAT

    and 55 DAT treatments. The highest straw

    yield was found may be due to the tallest

    plants and more number of tillers hill-1


    Table 2: Effect of Weeding Regime on Growth and Yield Components of Rice.

    Weeding regime Plant height


    Total tillers


    Effective tillers

    hill-1 Panicle length (cm)

    T1 84.00 11.87 9.81 22.28

    T2 80.11 11.25 8.76 22.57

    T3 84.95 11.99 8.67 23.00

    T4 82.63 11.60 8.65 22.55

    T5 84.75 12.90 9.42 22.18

    T6 78.68 9.15 6.37 22.20

    T7 85.41 14.40 13.22 23.25

    T8 82.94 12.72 8.01 22.25

    T9 80.66 12.83 7.88 22.48

    T10 85.10 12.97 8.76 22.58

    CV (%) 4.41 6.45 6.78 7.45

    Level of sig * ** ** NS

    Weeding regime Filled grains




    Grain yield

    (t ha-1 )

    Straw yield

    (t ha-1)

    T1 100.27 23.25 3.15 4.01

    T2 96.39 23.28 2.93 3.63

    T3 96.46 23.32 2.92 3.88

    T4 97.14 23.13 3.24 3.94

    T5 103.03 23.01 3.33 4.74

    T6 89.91 22.79 1.78 3.32

    T7 121.12 23.45 4.16 4.86

    T8 100.72 23.27 3.32 4.30

    T9 92.30 23.01 2.89 4.20

    T10 103.01 23.37 3.27 4.57

    CV (%) 3.45 3.47 4.52 6.22

    Level of sig ** NS ** **

    T1 = Refit 500EC, T2 = Sibafit 500EC, T3 = Rav 500EC, T4 = Ichlore 5G, T5 = Superhit 500EC, T6 = No weeding, T7 =

    Weeding at 15 days interval, T8 = Weeding at 25 DAT, T9 = Weeding at 25 DAT and 45 DAT, T10 = Weeding at 35 DAT and

    55 DAT, DAT = days after transplanting, *= significant at 5% level of probability, **= significant at 1% level of

    probability, NS = Not significant.

  • Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology

    Volume 4, Issue 2

    ISSN: 2319-3395(online)

    RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 5

    Table 3: Effect of Weeding Regime on Leaf Area (cm2) and Dry Matter (g hill

    -1) at

    Different Days after Transplanting of Rice.

    Weeding regime Leaf area (cm2 )

    15 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT

    T1 327.14 569.26 862.63 1248.44

    T2 319.80 554.77 787.40 1328.41

    T3 261.29 515.39 794.05 1384.97

    T4 224.65 478.10 718.56 1557.78

    T5 321.54 584.57 871.60 1518.93

    T6 309.88 490.37 808.71 1359.42

    T7 371.35 718.40 954.00 1601.53

    T8 332.05 773.48 871.56 1511.28

    T9 322.85 608.79 904.26 1518.49

    T10 352.45 560.19 921.85 1499.48

    CV (%) 17.41 13.76 10.59 10.17

    Level of sig ** ** * **

    Weeding regime Dry matter (g hill-1)

    15 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT

    T1 5.94 11.28 34.85 47.75

    T2 6.09 13.77 39.77 55.30

    T3 6.59 17.45 41.11 55.71

    T4 5.47 17.25 43.29 52.40

    T5 6.96 16.72 41.26 52.72

    T6 3.07 7.87 18.93 31.26

    T7 9.61 21.42 44.92 59.02

    T8 7.34 15.93 38.37 47.56

    T9 5.42 10.86 31.02 41.53

    T10 9.57 20.78 40.02 56.57

    CV (%) 15.17 14.83 10.45 6.89

    Level of sig ** ** ** **

    T1 = Refit 500EC, T2 = Sibafit 500EC, T3 = Rav 500EC, T4 = Ichlore 5G, T5 = Superhit 500EC, T6 = No weeding, T7 =

    Weeding at 15 days interval, T8 = Weeding at 25 DAT, T9 = Weeding at 25 DAT and 45 DAT, T10 = Weeding at 35 DAT and

    55 DAT, DAT = days after transplanting, *= significant at 5% level of probability, **= significant at 1% level of

    probability, NS = Not significant


    GROWTH AND YIELD Row direction did not influence plant height

    significantly in rice (Table 4). However,

    numerically taller plant (83.33 cm) was found

    from East-West row direction. Row direction

    had significant influence on leaf area (cm2) at

    15 DAT, 30 DAT and 45 DAT except 60 DAT

    (Table 5). It was observed that leaf area (cm2)

    was increased progressively with advancement

    of time and growth stages. However, the

    higher leaf area was recorded (367.51 cm2,

    630.16 cm2, 901.88 cm

    2 and 1481.14cm

    2 at 15

    DAT, 30 DAT, 45 DAT and 60 DAT,

    respectively) in East-West row orientation

    might be because of capturing of more solar

    radiation. Row direction had significant

    influence on dry matter accumulation of plant

    15 DAT, 30 DAT, 45 DAT and 60 DAT. It

    was observed that dry matter accumulation of

    plant was increased progressively with

    advancement of time and growth stages (Table

    5). The higher dry matter accumulation of

    plant was recorded (8.00 g hill-1

    , 16.33 g hill-1


    38.58 g hill-1

    , 49.51 g hill-1

    at 15 DAT, 30

    DAT, 45 DAT and 60 DAT, respectively) in

    East-West row orientation might be because of

    plant received adequate space, light, air, water

    and nutrients for their proper growth. Row

  • Effect of Weeding Regime and Row Direction on Rice Alam et al.

    RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 6

    direction exhibited significant difference in

    producing number of total tillers hill-1

    . The

    higher number of total tillers hill-1

    (12.39) was

    recorded in East-West than in North-South

    row orientation might be due to capture more

    solar radiation. The number of the effective

    tillers hill-1

    was statistically affected by row

    direction. The higher number of effective

    tillers hill-1

    (9.18) was in East-West row

    direction (Table 4). Panicle length was

    statistically influenced by row direction (Table

    4). The longer panicle (22.84 cm) was

    produced in East-West row direction than

    North-South direction (22.20 cm). The number

    of filled grain was significantly influenced by

    row direction (Table 4). It was observed that

    higher number of filled grain panicle-1

    (102.03) was obtained from East-West row

    direction than in North-South row direction

    (98.04). However, weight of thousand grains

    was not statistically affected by the row

    direction. Numerically higher thousand grain

    weight (23.37 g) was found in East-West row

    direction. Grain yield significantly influenced

    by row direction (Table 4).

    The higher grain yield (3.29 t ha-1

    ) was

    obtained from East-West direction than in

    North-South row direction (2.91 t ha-1

    ) which

    was statistically significant. Various

    researchers also reported the same [20,21].

    Straw yield was not significantly affected by

    the row arrangement (Table 3). However,

    numerically the higher straw yield (4.20 t ha-1


    was found in East-West row direction and the

    lower straw yield (4.09 t ha-1

    ) was found in

    North-South direction.

    Table 4: Effect of Row Direction on Growth and Yield Components of Rice.

    Row direction Plant height (cm) Total tillers hill-1 Effective tillers hill-1 Panicle length (cm)

    S1 83.33 12.39 9.18 22.84

    S2 82.52 11.95 8.73 22.20

    CV (%) 4.41 6.45 6.78 7.45

    Level of sig NS ** ** **

    Row direction Filled grains panicle-1 1000-grain-weight (g) Grain yield(t ha-1 ) Straw yield (t ha-1)

    S1 102.03 23.37 3.29 4.20

    S2 98.04 22.95 2.91 4.09

    CV (%) 3.45 3.47 4.52 6.22

    Level of sig ** NS ** NS

    S1 = East-West row direction, S2 = North-South row direction, NS = Not significant, ** = significant at 1% level of

    probability, DAT = days after transplanting

    Table 5: Effect of Row Direction on Leaf Area (cm2) and Dry Matter (g hill

    -1) at Different Days

    after Transplanting of Rice.

    Row direction Leaf area (cm2 )

    15 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT

    S1 367.51 630.16 901.88 1481.14

    S2 261.09 540.55 838.55 1424.61

    CV (%) 17.41 13.76 10.59 10.17

    Level of sig ** ** * NS

    Row direction Dry matter (g hill-1)

    15 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT

    S1 8.00 16.33 38.58 49.51

    S2 5.21 14.34 36.13 48.45

    CV (%) 15.17 14.83 10.45 6.89

    Level of sig ** ** ** **

    S1 = East-West row direction, S2 = North-South row direction, NS = Not significant, *= significant at 5% level of

    probability, ** = significant at 1% level of probability, DAT = days after transplanting

  • Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology

    Volume 4, Issue 2

    ISSN: 2319-3395(online)

    RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 7



    GROWTH AND YIELD The interaction effect of weeding regime and

    row direction on plant height was statistically

    significant (Table 6). The highest plant height

    (88.70 cm) was observed in interaction of

    weeding at 15 days interval and East-West row

    direction at maturity. Interaction of weeding

    regime and row direction for leaf area (cm2)

    was significantly influenced at all sampling

    dates except 60 DAT (Table 7). The highest

    leaf area (464.94 cm2) at 15 DAT was found in

    interaction of weeding at 15 days interval and

    East-West row direction. At 30 DAT, the

    highest leaf area (804.46 cm2) was observed in

    interaction of weeding between 25 DAT and

    45 DAT and East-West row direction. At 45

    DAT, The highest leaf area (1097.24 cm2) was

    observed in interaction of weeding at 15 days

    interval and East-West row direction treatment

    combination. Numerically, the highest leaf

    area (1661.28 cm2) at 60 DAT was found in

    interaction of weeding at 15 days interval and

    East-West row direction which was

    statistically insignificant. Interaction of

    weeding regime and row direction for total dry

    matter production was also significantly

    affected at all sampling dates except 60 DAT

    (Table 7). The highest amount of total dry

    matter production (12.49 g) at 15 DAT was

    found in interaction of weeding at 15 days

    interval and East-West row direction treatment

    combination. At 30 DAT, The highest amount

    of total dry matter production (22.40 g) was

    found in interaction of weeding between 25

    DAT and 45 DAT and East-West row

    direction which was statistically similar with

    interaction of weeding at 15 days interval and

    North-South row direction treatment

    combination. At 60 DAT, The highest amount

    of total dry matter production (63.88 g) was

    found in interaction of weeding at 15 days

    interval and East-West row direction.

    Interaction of weeding regime and row

    direction exhibited significant influence on

    number of total tillers hill-1

    of rice (Table 6).

    Table 6: Interaction Effect of Weeding Regime and Row Direction on Growth and

    Yield Components of Rice.

    Interaction Plant height (cm) Total tiller hill-1 Effective tiller hill-1 Panicle length (cm)

    S1T1 85.31 11.24 10.27 23.67

    S1T2 82.77 11.90 8.57 23.10

    S1T3 81.20 11.67 8.44 22.27

    S1T4 82.73 11.53 8.65 22.77

    S1T5 86.57 13.43 10.13 22.83

    S1T6 83.89 9.86 6.34 23.18

    S1T7 88.70 14.79 13.83 23.87

    S1T8 82.27 12.94 8.12 21.40

    S1T9 79.38 13.22 8.30 23.55

    S1T10 85.55 13.31 9.13 23.83

    S2T1 85.55 12.51 9.35 22.83

    S2T2 77.45 10.61 8.95 22.03

    S2T3 83.64 12.32 8.91 21.87

    S2T4 82.53 11.67 8.64 22.33

    S2T5 82.93 12.37 8.71 21.53

    S2T6 73.47 8.44 6.40 22.17

    S2T7 84.36 14.00 12.61 21.40

    S2T8 83.61 12.55 7.90 23.00

    S2T9 81.94 12.43 7.45 21.47

    S2T10 84.70 12.62 8.38 21.33

    CV (%) 4.41 6.45 6.78 7.45

    Level of sig * ** ** NS

  • Effect of Weeding Regime and Row Direction on Rice Alam et al.

    RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 8

    Table 6: (Contd).

    Interaction Filled grain panicle-1 1000-grain-weight (g) Grain yield (t ha-1 ) Straw yield (t ha-1)

    S1T1 105.43 23.62 3.25 4.12

    S1T2 100.45 23.41 3.26 4.05

    S1T3 97.26 23.36 3.10 4.08

    S1T4 99.17 23.51 3.15 4.00

    S1T5 102.46 23.31 3.86 4.97

    S1T6 85.40 22.88 1.94 3.46

    S1T7 125.65 23.86 4.46 5.06

    S1T8 102.19 23.07 3.22 4.03

    S1T9 97.07 23.55 3.25 3.86

    S1T10 105.20 23.14 3.37 4.32

    S2T1 95.11 23.28 3.05 3.90

    S2T2 92.33 23.14 2.60 3.22

    S2T3 95.65 23.27 2.74 3.67

    S2T4 95.10 22.74 3.32 3.87

    S2T5 103.61 22.70 2.79 4.55

    S2T6 94.41 22.71 1.61 3.17

    S2T7 116.58 22.75 3.85 4.66

    S2T8 99.24 23.47 3.41 4.56

    S2T9 87.53 22.52 2.53 4.54

    S2T10 100.82 22.87 3.17 4.81

    CV (%) 3.45 3.47 4.52 6.22

    Level of sig NS NS ** NS

    S1 = East-West direction, S2 = North-South direction, T1 = Refit 500EC, T2 = Sibafit 500EC, T3 = Rav 500EC, T4 = Ichlore

    5G, T5 = Superhit 500EC, T6 = No weeding, T7 = Weeding at 15 days interval, T8 = Weeding at 25 DAT, T9 = Weeding at

    25 DAT and 45 DAT, T10 = Weeding at 35 DAT and 55 DAT, DAT = days after transplanting, *= significant at 5% level of

    probability, **= significant at 1% level of probability

    The highest number of total tillers hill-1

    (14.79) was observed in interaction of weeding

    at 15 days interval and East-West row

    direction which was significantly superior to

    that of any other interactions. Number of

    effective tillers hill-1

    varied significantly due to

    the interaction of weeding regime and row

    direction (Table 6). The highest number of

    effective tillers hill-1

    (13.83) was observed in

    interaction of weeding at 15 days interval and

    East-West row direction. Interaction of

    weeding regime and row direction had no

    significant influence on panicle length,

    number of filled grain and weight of thousand

    grains (Table 6). Panicle growth and

    development was mainly controlled by gene

    not by the environment [22]. Interaction of

    weeding regime and row direction had

    significant influence on grain yield of rice.

    The highest grain yield (4.46 t ha-1

    ) was

    observed in interaction of weeding at 15 days

    interval and East-West row direction. The

    interaction of weeding regime and row

    direction did not show any significant

    influence on straw yield.

  • Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop Science and Technology

    Volume 4, Issue 2

    ISSN: 2319-3395(online)

    RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 9

    Table 7: Interaction Effect of Weeding Regime and Row Direction on Leaf Area (cm2) and

    Dry Matter (g hill-1

    ) at Different Days after Transplant of Rice.

    Interaction Leaf area (cm2 )

    15 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT

    S1T1 402.63 709.88 835.53 1229.80

    S1T2 389.47 606.55 799.00 1355.65

    S1T3 327.43 514.07 796.99 1355.49

    S1T4 192.95 464.24 923.67 1614.69

    S1T5 300.17 590.14 787.90 1601.63

    S1T6 363.82 506.36 975.29 1321.95

    S1T7 464.94 667.39 1097.24 1661.28

    S1T8 410.09 778.28 828.95 1540.65

    S1T9 406.20 804.46 895.58 1490.92

    S1T10 417.41 660.23 1078.62 1639.29

    S2T1 251.66 428.63 889.72 1267.08

    S2T2 250.13 349.66 775.40 1301.16

    S2T3 195.16 516.71 791.11 1414.44

    S2T4 256.35 645.30 984.34 1500.87

    S2T5 342.90 578.99 955.30 1601.43

    S2T6 255.94 474.37 642.12 1396.88

    S2T7 235.61 550.19 755.30 1376.57

    S2T8 199.15 768.67 914.16 1481.91

    S2T9 336.49 632.34 912.94 1546.07

    S2T10 287.49 460.15 765.09 1359.66

    CV (%) 17.41 13.76 10.59 10.17

    Level of sig ** ** ** NS

    Table 7: (Contd)

    Interaction Dry matter (g hill-1 )

    15 DAT 30 DAT 45 DAT 60 DAT

    S1T1 6.47 9.18 39.55 49.96

    S1T2 5.75 15.31 43.86 53.58

    S1T3 5.55 21.20 41.73 51.47

    S1T4 6.24 19.72 42.98 51.28

    S1T5 8.35 17.33 40.66 50.06

    S1T6 3.32 8.5 17.50 30.49

    S1T7 12.49 21.08 45.25 63.88

    S1T8 10.58 15.77 39.68 45.84

    S1T9 8.35 22.04 30.94 42.15

    S1T10 12.86 18.12 43.65 56.41

    S2T1 5.41 13.39 30.15 45.55

    S2T2 6.42 12.23 35.67 47.01

    S2T3 7.63 13.70 40.50 49.95

    S2T4 4.70 14.78 43.61 53.53

    S2T5 5.57 16.11 41.87 55.39

    S2T6 2.82 7.24 20.35 32.03

    S2T7 6.74 21.76 44.60 54.15

    S2T8 4.11 16.09 37.06 49.27

    S2T9 2.48 8.59 31.11 40.92

    S2T10 6.27 19.52 36.38 56.74

    CV (%) 15.17 14.83 10.45 6.89

    Level of sig ** ** NS **

    S1 = East-West direction, S2 = North-South direction, T1 = Refit 500EC, T2 = Sibafit 500EC, T3 = Rav 500EC, T4 = Ichlore

    5G, T5 = Superhit 500EC, T6 = No weeding, T7 = Weeding at 15 days interval, T8 = Weeding at 25 DAT, T9 = Weeding at

    25 DAT and 45 DAT, T10 = Weeding at 35 DAT and 55 DAT, DAT = days after transplanting, **= significant at 1% level of


  • Effect of Weeding Regime and Row Direction on Rice Alam et al.

    RRJoCST (2015) 1-11 STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 10

    From the above results and discussion it is

    revealed that weeding regime and row

    direction had significant influence on growth

    and yield of rice either alone or in

    combination. Individually weeding at 15 days

    interval and East-West row direction

    performed the best in terms of grain yield.

    Similarly, when the interaction of the two

    factors were considered, weeding at 15 days

    interval and East-West row direction

    combination reflected the highest grain yields

    compared to that of any other interactions.

    CONCLUSION Based on the results of the study, it may be

    concluded that weeding at 15 days interval in

    East-West planting direction is the best among

    the treatments regarding growth, yield and

    yield attributes of rice under the AEZ-9 in

    boro (dry) season in Bangladesh.

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    Cite this Article MA Alam, MMH Tipu, MM I

    Chowdhury, et al. Effect of Weeding

    Regime and Row Direction on Growth

    and Yield of Rice in Bangladesh.

    Research & Reviews: Journal of Crop

    Science and Technology. 2015. 4(2):


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