egypt test review - white plains public schools

Post on 22-Feb-2022






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Egypt Test Review Chapter 3 Lessons 1, 2, 3, 4

Question 1

What direction does the Nile River flow?

Question 2

What is a delta?

Question 3

How did the Nile River affect life for the ancient Egyptians?

Question 4

What is the longest river in the world?

Question 5

Ancient Egyptians called this the “giver

of life:” ____________________

It provided ancient


with water they

needed to


Question 6

What was a result of the annual flooding

of the Nile?

Question 7

Egyptians developed a writing system

known as:

Question 8

What was the importance of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone?

The Rosetta Stone had the same

passage carved in 3 languages.


scholar Jean Champollion was

able to read

one of the languages (Greek).

Since the

stone had the same passage

written in

3 languages, Champollion could

translate the Greek and decode


Question 9

When Upper Egypt attacked and conquered Lower Egypt, what represented the unification of these two kingdoms?

Question 10

This person had ALL power and authority in the government of ancient Egypt.

Question 11

Who was the first female ruler known in history?

Question 12

How did Hatshepsut become the first female ruler known in history?

Question 13

Who was the MOST important god?

Question 14

Pyramids were built as ___________ or burial places for the pharaohs.

Egyptians used their skills in _________________ to help build them.

Question 15

How did Egyptians take control of the Nile river?

Question 16

What were the 3 languages carved on the Rosetta Stone?

Question 17

Were the Hyksos able to conquer Lower Egypt? WHY OR WHY NOT?

Question 17 continued.

What types of technology did they (Hyksos) use that allowed them to conquer Lower


Question 18

Which Pharaoh was monotheistic and tried to force Egyptians to become monotheistic and worship one

god, Aton?

Question 19

Why type of government did ancient Egypt have?

Question 20

A series of rulers from the same family is known as a:

Question 21

Who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen?

Question 22

Egyptians thought of their gods as ½ ____________ and ½ ___________

Question 23

Why did Egyptians want to take over (annex) Nubia?

Egypt Watned Nubia’s Natural Resources.

Question 24

Why were the Kushites able to conquer Egypt?

Question 25

How did the building of pyramids effect Egypt in

the long run?

Question 26

How did Egypt create an empire? Strengthen?


Created: conquered many nearby lands (ex: Kush) Strengthen: Strong pharaohs (Hatshepsut, Amenhotep I) developed allies, increased trading increased wealth Weaken: Weak pharaohs (Amenhotep IV aka Akhenaton), many of the conquered lands regained independence.

Question 27

The Egyptians had a very strong influence on the Nubians and people of Kush. Another social studies term we can use to explain this influence is:

Question 28

What goal did pharaohs want to achieve by building pyramids?

Label: Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Lower

Egypt, Upper Egypt, Sinai Peninsula, Nile

River, Nile Delta

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