einhander info graphic

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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BACKGROUND : "Set in the future, in an age of chaos, when the people of the earth are at war with the moon, Einhander throws a few unique elements into the established shooter style. Einhander also looks substantially better than most games of the same genre" -IGN This video game is one of the very first 3D side scroller shooters , and probably one of the most difficult games known to man. Im doing this because the world should know about Einhander , and the people who do know, well hats off to them.

Target Audience : I want to reach out and touch people, physically and mentally , with Einhander. Anyone from the ages of 18-45, people who pull all nighters just to beat the final boss in silent hill, gamers, activist, men and woman, college students , graphic designers all over the world, animators, anyone who enjoys video games, and most likely still purchases old throwback titles.

Objective: To help the audience remember a great video game , and to inform you how badass it is

Obstacle: Some might think Einhander is demi god that may open a portal to the nether realm. I have to prevent that from happening.

Key Benefit: Sexual Eruption

Support Statements: Because Einhander is awesome, and everyone should know that.

Tone: Vibrant, Technical, Sci-Fi , Fun, Specific, Bold, Ballin

Media: Poster, Blog, Editorial

Creative Considerations: Its pretty open minded to all creeds

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