el significado de la marca o el nombre dela bestia o el numero de su nombre ingles

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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"THE 666"

The Bible says in Apocalypse, cap. 13, vers. 16

and 17": he/she Also made that to all, small and

big, rich and poor, free and slaves, put them a

mark in the right hand or in the forehead. And

nobody could neither to buy neither

to sell, if he/she didn't have the mark

or the monster's name, or the number

of their name."

The purchase and the sale of any

class of well it is the result and

imposition of the man's spirit for the

social exchange, according to the

traditional economic order of the


The human spirit connects to the

mind with a specific objective of to

structure and to order the ideas.

In turn this same spirit wraps to the

soul to condition the affective,

emotional area and of will of to the


Lastly, the same spirit finishes its

work catching to the body, that is to

say, the individual's instinctive or

sensorial part.

The current society is organized,

controlled by an economic régime,

which presents some well-known

characteristics, based on the central

element of the money like

purchasing power of the things. In

this system the monetary value

determines the real action of

acquiring a product or material.

The monetary value of the things is

measured according to the quantity,

it obeys this factor, which presents

an effect multiplier that rotates with

base in the currency unit,

representative for the operation of

each country in the economic area.

The purchase power and sale that

he/she rests on a production structure

and commercialization is

characterized totally by the element

of the quantity, inclined this with the

intention of possessing or of holding

primarily. The use characteristic and

of satisfaction of the necessity it

depends on the possession attitude.

The spirit or human heart is the

original author of the purchasing

power of the currency in quantifiable

terms and not according to the

internal securities of the person's

moral and spiritual development

inside the economic system. The

intention of this spirit alters the

nature and intention of the Spirit of

God, that is to say, the truth is

changed by the lie.

The law of the purchasing power of

the things by means of the money,

enslaves the man to this rotten spirit,

characteristic of the human nature

that has not been perfected and that it

acts obeying the intimate desires and

inclinations of its heart.

The spirit or the man's heart

consolidates its objective in the

classification of the social economic

plan of all nation through the human

mind. The mind programs, it

associates and it defines the current

social system, which has as nucleus a

sui géneris marriage of

characteristics tunes and consequent

of the essence of the human spirit not


It is so it arises a second structure

that it is wrapped up inside the first

one and macro structures economic;

this second system calls himself the

social one, which has as origin the

family through the matrimonial pact,

of characteristic own, like it is the

one of satisfying the reproductive

factor humanly and it is dependence

aspect, mental, emotional and

sensorial between two people.

The man's spirit represented in the

purchasing power of the economic

system, and organized in a social

system by means of the mind whose

nucleus of this last one is the peculiar

associative form of the traditional

families they extend on the area of

the soul to influence directly on the

characteristics of the products that

offer so that they not satisfy the

human natural tendency transformed

of its emotions, affections and will.

Finally sandal that human spirit the

area of the body to design products

according to a demand of some

instinctive sensations of natural


In such a way it is explained the

sequential line of the essence and

behavior of the human spirit

belonging to the current economic


The tally of this part of economic

system would come to be the one

wanted by the Heart or Spirit of God,

which doesn't govern the material

production in its operation for a

structure that is based about the

factor quantity and the attitude of

possession of the things, but on the

contrary, the value of each product is

measured according to the quality

and good fucionabilidad, and

according to an attitude of necessity,

of use and of service; this attitude of

divine character has the tendency of

thinking of the necessities and

problems of the other ones, more in

solving that in possessing.

The economic system of God is

based in the moral power, ethical of

the divine spirit whose function is to

serve to the other ones, and the

delight and intention of The in this

case it is the state of satisfaction, and

permanent joy, security, happiness

and interior peace, inherent to its

same essence.

The system social content inside the

this economic system that God wants

to implant in the human society

corresponds to a spiritual

matrimonial pact among The and

each individual that it liberates the

human being of the obligatory, suited

interpersonal dependence this for

laws coming from a deviated heart of

the man of the divine Truth. In such

a way the person recovers her

individuality, her freedom to decide

and to act voluntarily, without

impositions of bonds of type of

natural cultural sociabilización; the

man no longer acts for obligation,

contractual human, but for service

and of good will; not to satisfy his

selfish natural instincts, but for the

very common one.

And when he/she says God": AND

nobody could buy neither to sell, but

he/she had the mark, or the name of

the beast or the number of their

name", it means, according to the

previous explanation, which

confronts the economic and social

current reality of all the countries

that the individuals are being

enslaved subjected and marked by

the deceit spirit, for that" me"

enthroned in the heart and mind from

the man when obeying, when acting

according to the laws of such

systems, that is to say, when

participating of the economic

exchange by means of the purchase

and sale with base in the factor

quantity of the value and monetary

purchasing power of the products.

The mark of the Beast is placed to

small, big, rich, poor, free and slaves

when it is enslaved the individual to

a system of economic type with base

in the monetary value of the things. "

They put them a mark in the right

hand", it means the purchase power

and sale of all product by means of

the measure of the monetary value of

the things. The human being in this

state spreads to possess, not to serve;

its production is not well managed,

because it is to wing he/she expects

from having, of personal

consumption and not of satisfying

the necessities of the other ones; it is

full with prejudices and

obligadamente works, that is to say,

the free service doesn't exist, with

that which the creativity, the

affective and healthy freedom, the

independence is limited to act and

the corporal sanity.

The mark in the" front" of the on

beast to people means the slavery to

the current social system, represented

in a state of family life, of education,

working that maintains the

committed individual socially in a

selfish way, losing their originality,

freedom and personal wealth. The

spiritual value of God is changed by

the born securities of a natural spirit

of perverse tendency.

The appearance of pity and of justice

they deceive the mind of the human

being, establishing laws of

subjection, of manipulation, of

exploitation, of oppression, of

dominancia of some envelope others.

That mounted plan on a social

structure of selfish character, with

appearance of justice symbolizes the

mark of the beast placed in people.

Due to this mark, the individual loses

the originality of the intellectual

production, the freedom to act, his

will to decide, the true recognition of

the spiritual securities of God, the

internal joy and the spiritual security.

The human being is chained to the

economic and social traditional

system, and therefore its interior will

depends on these systems and not of

the divine system, which offers a true

freedom, production and joy to the

man's spirit.

The" dragon" or satanás represents to

the spirit or deceiving heart of all

human being.

The" monster" it represents the great

prostitute, manifested in the soul and

the human natural body.

And the" false prophet" it means the

man's mind, sustained in all kinds of

human wisdom.

That is to say," the dragon" it is the

spirit of power from the not well

equivalent one to the same

purchasing power of the money of

the World Economic Traditional


" The monster" it represents all those

laws of affective, emotional behavior

that control people, according to the

dependence and satisfaction of the

instincts and natural or carnal

tendencies. There is more a physical,

apparent or external indulgence that

subjective that doesn't really identify

the securities or divine virtues inside


And" the false prophet", it is the

social plan or of social exchange,

located in the human mind to

associate the power, the knowledge,

the emocionalidad, the will and the

human instincts with the purpose of

solidifying a structure of obligatory

subjection of some with other, and

don't liberate and voluntary.

The previous analysis you confirms

in Apocalypse, cap.13, vers. 18":

here the wisdom will be seen; the

one that understands calculates the

monster's number (beast) that is

man's number. That number is the six

hundred sixty six."

The acquisitive system of the things

or products and services in the area

of the education, of the professional

or labor development, in the affective

field, in the emotional one and in the

purchase and implementos sale for

physical use as feeding, toilet, dress,

housing, corporal and other health

presents the following ones

characteristic, contained inside the

First Natural Knowledge, and then

conserved in the Second Religious

Knowledge of Law or


- The description of the securities

of the human being is quantified,

asignándoseles a material

measure, according to the

individual acting.

- They are kept in mind factors

like: initial investment of capital,

fixed assets and currents,

represented in localization, in

furniture and immovableses, in

resources or means of production

(raw material, teams, machinery,

tools, etc. =), in physical means

of distribution commercialization

and sale, capacity of financial

back, acquired technology,

experience tradition and

dominancia on a market.

- On the other hand, also, of the

factor holding or private property

of tangible tangible assets and of

the privatization of specialized

technology as of the recognition

of traditional mark of a product

and of a famous good company

will, it accompanies to the

Current Economic System the

valuation of the manpower, or

production human resource.

- The physical material resources,

the technology privatization, the

purchase capacity and of

financing, the mark recognition

and of a good will and the

manpower production they are

measured in the current system

starting from the holding, that is

to say who first he/she settles

down and dominate a market it

dominates on the other producers.

- Of this system they derive

characteristic, such as the

competition in inequality of

conditions, the longing of

production of certain product in

massive form to monopolize the

market, the stagnation of the

development of new products, the

domain peculiar of prices, the

political manipulation through the

economic might, the imposition

of laws of particular convenience,

the valuation of the human work

in terms of acquisition through

the monetary value (of

quantification) and not according

to the person's integral study.

- Implicitly this System limits and

the production free intellectual

disappears in most of the cases,

the investigative character in the

field of the education, the

stimulation and motivation of the

individual aptitudes.

- The human factor in the society

obeys laws of materialistic

production with origin in the

growth economic matter,

supported fully by government

laws, under a focus of economic

domain, and not considering the

development and the human

being's integral constitution. The

person's valuation is not

respected, assisting to the

capacities, abilities of individual

type, as well as neither the aspect

of the particular necessities.

- The individual's originality goes

in continuous extinction.

- The purchase common

denominator and sale, based on

the quantity close the doors to the

individual's growing intellectual,

moral, moving potential.

- There is a physical growth,

apparent at organizational level,

multiplying the occupational

element or the employment

exclusively in a sense of

conformism, of the scarce

satisfaction of basic necessities,

giving way the limitless and rich

physical-natural and spiritual

potential that is present in all


- The investigative level and the

satisfaction of necessities of

integral character, and according

to the human nature they are

excluded of the great majority.

- Each individual's material and

spiritual wealth are not

stimulated, getting lost the social

welfare, and stiller the normal

level of the personal


- The current commercial and

economic transaction factor

thoroughly prevents to observe

the nature of a true freedom

singular and of the free will.

- The technological development

and the good quality of products

and services don't satisfy the

majority necessities, but to some

few ones.

- The improvement of the level of

life doesn't have open support,

preferably in the underdeveloped


- There is a great isolation, a

growing solitude of all individual,

by reason of that is limited,

he/she is conditioned in their

innate attitude of exploring and of

knowing more and more in the

field an intellectual and spiritual,

basic elements and configurativos

of the human being.

- The immediate answer,

satisfactory to the person's

growing development it is


- The unit and intellectual

standardization of so much

securities, as physical and

spiritual are detained, still in the

current social system, due to the

prevailing economic system.

- The deepening, recognition of

internal spiritual laws in all

person is hidden for the encircling

external layer of the traditional

system, mainly in the countries of

the Third World.

- The human being requires urgent

a special attention, as for

stimulating its development non

single physique, but spiritual,

since the interior man's factor

transformer and of a reach of a

stable social system that gathers

the complete requirements,

obeying the two noted aspects

originates and it regularizes

starting from the second factor,

that is to say, the spiritual one.

- This whole mensuration chart,

characteristic of the System

Economic Current debit side to be

seriously revised, since it is only

assisted to elements of physical

quantification, as the time, the

effort, the grade of complexity of

a work, the risk, the

responsibility, the grade of

previous knowledge, and other

exclusively physical recognition

factors, and not assisting to each

individual's constant and

permanent intellectual and

spiritual development. This

negligence absorbs in a restrictive

way the freedom and the true

social unit.

- The man's continuous exploration

and the spiritual freedom and

intellectual of her own nature

should impact quickly about the

Change, the transformation of the

economic and social system in

which we live.

The characteristics of the Economic

System as solution and an upward

step toward a good development in

all society, according to the genuine

Third Knowledge and Third Pact of

the Spirit of God that it allows a

bigger approach to the Will and the

divine Wisdom, are the following


- The description of the human

securities should obey the dual

nature that the man is formed,

that is to say, to the physics or

natural (visible) and the spiritual

nature (the premeditation or

attitude, origin of all human


- The mensuration of the growth

and the individual's development

should be managed and

controlled by the free power of

action of the intellect and the

inherent spirituality to each


- The value of exchange of the

products and the services should

keep as high-priority element the

functional objective and

destination for which were

produced, that is to say, the full

satisfaction of the necessity of

other or other people, so much in

the area of the physical thing as

the spiritual thing.

- The" quantification" of the

value of the things debit side to

go by a change in the man's

mind of possessing to serve; this

way it is granted to the himself

the actual value that

corresponds him in a

qualitative way, and using the

physical resources in good


- The spontaneity, speed and

attention to the necessities of the

social means accelerate for the

normal development of the

human being.

- The individual intervention and

equally particular production you

increases by means of the

acceleration in the exchange of

knowledge, resources and

services, generating the stimulus

to the originality, to the

innovation and the free behavior

of solidary character.

- It is deepened in the knowledge

and the discernment in the fields

of spiritual material production of

the human being.

- The social unit, the social

exchange increases on real bases

of objective necessities and of the

natural tendency of knowing new

situations, since each individual

contributes something new; it

happens a much deeper and wider


- The freedom of the constructive

and edifying will of the human

being is liberated.

- The only exchange objective is

the pursuit of happiness physique

and spiritual of the other ones.

- The liberation of all oppression of

obliged subjection and of

interests matters only disappear.

- The man becomes preponderant

factor to transform and to be

transformed in the interior aspect

as overseas.

- The voluntary and solidary

service is increased.

- The intermediate decisions and

the deviation of the intention and

same exchange go disappearing.

- THE direct service and the

knowledge of each case in

particular increases.

- The interrelation grade, personal

experiences and communication

is increased.

- The varied problems and in depth

they are known directly, what

allows a bigger approach of some

with other, a knowledge and more

integral relationship, as well as

the motivation to innovate, to

improve and to value the

subjective aspects that are

manifested physically of the

spiritual behavior, which untie to

the human being of so much

isolation and that they allow the

social unification, combining the

material exchange with the

spiritual one. This last one,

primordial in the process

transformer and of the interior

individual change starting from

the same man in their communion

with God or the truth, and with

collective repercussion on the

whole society.

- You ends up knowing by means


SPIRIT the change and the

physical and spiritual reality of

the integral development of the

human being, respecting the

process of growth, first of the

Natural Knowledge, second of the

Religious Knowledge, and third

of the Knowledge of the Spirit of


Writer: Diego Navarrete Durán.

Personal telephone: 4466865, Cali,

Colombia, South America.

Electronic mail:


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