elh ms guidelines

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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ELH MANUSCRIPT GUIDELINESPlease carefully review the manuscript guidelines in the checklist below before submitting your article. ELH follows The Chicago Manual of Style for most editing issues, so please consult the most recent edition for issues not addressed in these guidelines. If you have questions please contact the ELH editorial office at elh@jhu.edu. While all the guidelines below should be attended to, we have set in bold () those items that authors most often overlook and that cause delays in preparing manuscripts for publication. Please pay particular attention to these items. Please note that failure to follow the manuscript guidelines may result in the return of your manuscript for editing and in delay of publication of your article. MATERIALS TO SEND TO ELH An electronic version of your essay, emailed to elh@jhu.edu, in Microsoft Word format. An abstract of your essay, totaling no more than 100 words, for use in online indexes and search engines. Please email the abstract to elh@jhu.edu as a separate file. A signed, original copy of the ELH publishing agreement. Please send the agreement by regular mail to the address noted on the agreement. MANUSCRIPT LAYOUT Double-space all text (including endnotes, quotations, references, captions, and poetry). Indent paragraphs one tab space and block quotations three tab spaces. Use one space after ending punctuation marks (such as periods and question marks). Do not space twice. Number pages sequentially. If your article is divided into sections, please number each section with a capitalized roman numeral. Underline book titles, foreign words and phrases, and other words that will be italicized in the publication. Do not use italics or boldface in the manuscript. Leave right margins unjustified. GENERAL EDITING PRACTICES ELH discourages the use of scare quotes. (Scare quotes are unattributed words or phrases appearing in quotations like this.) ELH discourages the use of italics unless they are used to emphasize words from quotations. ELH tries to limit the use of hyphenated words. Whenever possible, please convert hyphenated words (such as post-colonial) to compound words (postcolonial). Please use American spelling conventions. (Leave quotations in their original spelling.) Use the full first and last name when first mentioning a person in the article. Thereafter, use only the last name. (For example, write Ben Jonson in the first instance and Jonson thereafter.) If your article refers to two or more people with the same last name, be sure that it is clear at all times which person is being cited. ELH recommends the use of initials in place of first names to distinguish between authors (e.g., M. W. Shelley and P. B. Shelley for Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley.) CITATIONS Provide exact page citations for each quotation in the article. If a sentence and/or paragraph contains more than one quotation, be sure to specify sources and/or pages for each. If italics within quotations are not original, append my emphasis or my emphases. Please note that ELH assumes that all other italics are original to the quoted material. Texts that are referred to six or more times should be cited parenthetically within the body of the article. (Text referred to fewer than six times should be cited in the endnotes.) If more than one text is cited parenthetically, please clarify the source by use of an abbreviation. ELH convention is to abbreviate the text by a letter. For example, Letters of George Eliot might be abbreviated as L in the article, and the endnote citation would include the following: All references to this text are hereafter cited parenthetically by page number and abbreviated L. Parenthetical references would appear as such: (L, 100). Parenthetical citations should be placed at the end of the sentence unless multiple quotations appear in the sentence, in which case a parenthetical citation may be placed after each quotation. Do not place endnote numbers mid-sentence. All endnote citations must be placed at the end of the sentence. When quoting poetry, please cite either line numbers or page numbers but not both. When citing by line numbers, please ensure that the number of quoted lines corresponds to the number of lines cited. Please use a virgule (/) to separate poetic lines that are not used in block quotations. Epigraphs must include the first and last name of the author and title of the work. Bibliographic information is needed only if the author, work, or quotation is later cited in the body of the article. ENDNOTES Use endnotes, not footnotes. Endnotes should be numbered with Arabic numerals. It is crucial that endnotes be managed automatically by your word processor (i.e., do not type in endnote numbers by hand). Make sure endnotes are numbered sequentially, and that each endnote has a corresponding reference in the text. Do not make intranote citations. (For example, do not include See note 5 within an endnote.) Do not use Latin phrases in the endnotes. For example, use and others instead of et al., and following instead of passim. When citing a journal article, include the issue number only if the journal does not practice continuous pagination (i.e., only if the journal starts each issue with page one). For journals that practice continuous pagination, cite only the volume and year of publication. When citing a quotation from a journal article, cite only the page number on which the quotation is found (not the total pages for the entire article). When citing a multivolume work, please include the total number of volumes and, if applicable, the range of years of publication. For titles of foreign works, follow the capitalization conventions of that language. Cite page numbers by roman numerals only if they refer to an introduction or preface. ILLUSTRATIONS Provide clean black-and-white glossy prints of photographs. Provide clean black-and-white prints of charts, graphs, and art. Digital versions (of at least 350 dpi, in TIFF format) may be submitted instead of physical copies. Label all illustrations with the number of the illustration, caption, and credit. Do not write on the back of photographs with ballpoint pens. Use felt-tip markers or attach an adhesive label. Indicate the topside of the illustration. Provide written permission from the appropriate institution or copyright holder for all illustrations. Indicate clearly the preferred placement for illustrations.

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