elizabeth echols ac transit board of directorselizabeth echols 37 conrad court _ oakland, ca 94611...

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Elizabeth Echols

37 Conrad Court _

Oakland, CA 94611

February 6,2009

AC Transit Board of Directors

1600 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612

Dear Board of Directors:

I am writing to express my interest in filling the vacant Director At-Large seat on the AC Transit Board

and ask for your support.

In a field of many outstanding candidates, I believe that I have the strongest combination of

qualifications to fill this important position.

My passion to serve on the AC Transit Board comes from my belief that public transportation really

matters now more than ever. I know this from my own experience. As a child growing up in Berkeley,

I became dependent on public transportation at an early age. My mother was a single Mom with four

kids. She worked and attended school so she did not have much time to drive us places. My sisters,

brother and I relied on the bus to take us to school, after school activities, and to our friends' homes.

Bus service was relatively reliable and available, and my link to the outside world. In fact, I did not

own a car until my late twenties.

Today the need for public transportation, and especially bus service, is crucial to our community as a

gateway to opportunity - transporting people to school, jobs, and medical care. For the 32% of AC

Transit riders who do not have a car in their household, reliable and affordable bus service is a lifeline.

For those who have only one car, cannot afford gas or cannot afford the cost of driving locally, bus

service is a necessity. We need to make sure that youth, seniors, and others that are economically

vulnerable have access to a reliable transit system.

I want to bring my enthusiasm for bus transit, combined with my executive, fundraising, governmental

experience and contacts on all levels to ensure that today, in our difficult economy, the AC Transit

system will be so reliable, fast, and convenient that those who have the option to drive, will choose AC

Transit instead. My experience at Google gives me the knowledge and ability to show how we can

improve customer experience by better leveraging technology to give riders more real time trip planning

information. For example, AC Transit could offer riders the option to subscribe to alerts about delays on

the riders' regular line.

Cleary, a well functioning transit system is critical to getting people out of their cars and reducing our

carbon footprint. AC Transit investments in 'clean buses' combined with solid delivery of service will have a tremendous improvement on our air quality. As a Director, I will work to ensure that AC Transit

has the resources to continue to improve air quality and protect the environment by cleaning up diesel

engines and expanding the hydrogen fuel cell program.

As you well know, in order to achieve this vision or even to maintain current service levels, AC Transit

needs more funding. Funding is the biggest issue facing AC Transit, especially now. As a Director, I

would leverage my skills, experience, and relationships to help get more funding for AC Transit. I have

unique federal contacts, in that I spent the last three months working as a member of the Obama

Transition Team in DC and have developed close relationships with senior incoming officials.

The experience and qualifications that I would bring to the Director's position include:

Public Policy Experience: I have over 10 years of public policy experience, including as a member of

the Obama Transition Team, Clinton Administration appointee, and Director of Policy at Google.

Management and Board Experience: I have extensive management and board experience, including the

most significant skill, working cooperatively and effectively with fellow board members. These

positions include:

* Senior management role at Google (2004-2008)

* CEO and Board Member, OpNet Community Ventures (2001-2005)

* Executive Committee, Alameda County Democratic Central Committee

* Executive Board Member, National Women's Political Caucus (local caucus)

* Board Member, Alameda County Democratic Lawyers Club

* Board Member, Greater Metropolitan Oakland Democratic Club

Strong relationships with public officials at the local, state, and national level: In addition to my ties to

the Obama Administration, I also have worked with and earned the respect of our state legislators and

local officials through my work on the Executive Committee of the Alameda County Democratic

Central Committee and as a Member of the State Democratic Central Committee. These relationships

help to make me an effective advocate for AC Transit, particularly on funding issues.

If selected for the AC Transit Director At-Large seat, I will dedicate myself to working tirelessly on

behalf of the people and stakeholders in the entire district. I have the time and the energy to go beyond

the call of duty and work with elected officials, community activists, and concerned citizens on behalf of

AC Transit. Most importantly, I would work to build close relationships with my other board members

so that we can meet the challenges ahead and build a stronger AC Transit system together.

Thank you in advance for your time and the courtesy that you have shown in making this important

selection. I would appreciate your vote to give me the honor to serve with you on the AC Transit Board.

Sincerely yours,

Elizabeth Echols


37 Conrad Court, Oakland CA 94611 (510)338-1088 e-mail: elizabethechols@gmail.com

OBAMA-BIDEN PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION TEAM, Washington, DC - Member (Nov. 2008-Jan. 2008):

• Co-led agency review process for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration focusing on

Internet, telecommunications, and digital television policy issues.

• Interviewed current Administration officials to determine key issues and options for addressing them.

• Developed strategy papers and briefed Secretary-designate in preparation for Senate confirmation hearings.

• Provided input on technology issues for Economic Recovery Plan.

UNITED DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN, Oakland, CA - Co-Chair (Sep. 2008-Nov. 2008):

• Developed and implemented strategy for Democratic coordinated campaign, including voter targeting, literature,

and get-out-the-vote efforts, as well as out-of-state phone banking for Obama.

• Raised nearly $70,000 for coordinated campaign and Obama for America.

• Helped recruit over 800 volunteers.

GOOGLE INC., Mountain View, CA - Director of Policy (2004-2008):

• Managed development and implementation of global policies for ads, syndication, trust & safety, and nearly 40

consumer products, including Blogger, Groups, and Picasa.

• Co-founded StopBadware partnership http://www.stopbadware.org to combat the spread of spyware and

malware. Developed concept, identified and executed partnership with key industry and non-profit leaders.

• Led policy simplification initiative resulting in estimated 30% time savings for ads reviewers.

• Built Policy Team of 30 people responsible for global content policy for all Google products.

OPNET COMMUNITY VENTURES, San Francisco, CA - CEO (2001 - 2004) & Board Member (2004-2005)

• Managed the strategic development, communications, fund development, program and financial administration

for nationally recognized non-profit that prepared low-income young adults for careers in the technology industry.

• Developed and managed partnerships with the technology industry, community organizations, and government.

• Promoted organization's mission through speaking at national and regional events.

THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, D.C. - Executive Director, E-Commerce Working Group (1999-2001):

• Developed and implemented Clinton Administration's strategy on Internet and e-commerce issues.

• Managed the E-Commerce Working Group consisting of approximately 60 members representing the White

House and fifteen Federal agencies with diverse interests (e.g., Commerce, Treasury, State, FCC, FTC, FBI).

• Initiated partnership to bridge the global digital divide resulting in over 50 leading high-tech companies,

foundations, and non-governmental organizations committing resources valued at over $20 million.

• Negotiated G-8 Charter on Global Information Society to promote the growth of the Internet.

• Promoted Administration's policies on Internet and e-commerce through frequent speeches and press interviews.

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - Senior Advisor to the Secretary, Washington, D.C. (1998-1999)

Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information (1995-1998)

• Advised Secretary Daley on domestic and international telecommunications and information technology issues.

• Negotiated agreements on range of Internet and telecommunications issues with top foreign government officials.

• Served as Vice Chair of the U.S. Delegation to the U.N. International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Plenipotentiary Conference involving ministers and other senior officials from the ITU's 188 member countries.

• Planned and directed first China-U.S. Telecommunications Summit led by Commerce Secretary Daley.

• Developed and promoted U.S. goals and objectives at Ministerial Conference on Information Society in South

Africa hosted by Nelson Mandela involving over 40 ministers from Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.

STEPTOE AND JOHNSON, Washington, D.C. - Associate (1990-1994):

• Counseled clients on a variety of investment and international trade issues, including market access, export

control, and commercial agreements. Supervised junior attorneys.

• Received business origination award for bringing in new client business.


(page two)



Note Editor, Stanford Law Review

Co-Chair, International Law Society

Member, Stanford Journal of International Law

Member, Stanford Law and Technology Association

Volunteer, East Palo Alto Community Law Project

THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Graduate Diploma in Economics, June 1986

Rotary Foundation Scholar in Economics

YALE UNIVERSITY, B.A. in Economics and Political Science, May 1982 (Cum Laude with Distinction)

Founder and Co-Director, Yale Externship Program (establishedprogram that enables 100 Yale

undergraduates to work with alumni in areas of career interest during spring vacation)

Research Fellow, London, England (awarded grants to conduct independent research for senior thesis)

Vice Chair, Yale College Council

Treasurer, Elihu Senior Society

SUMMER CLERKSHIPS; (received permanentjob offers at both firms)

AKIN, GUMP, STRAUSS, HAUER & FELD, Washington, D.C. (6-88 - 8/88)

Summer Associate: Researched and prepared legal memoranda on international, legislative, and labor issues.

PILLSBURY, MADISON & SUTRO, San Francisco, CA and Washington, D.C. (6-87-8/87)

Summer Associate: Drafted commercial agreements and legislation. Researched and wrote legal memoranda.


Featured by Business Week as "Mover and Shaker" in E-Business

Profiled by The New York Times, Wired Magazine, Business 2.0, CIO Magazine, The National Journal,

Working Women Magazine, and Stanford Lawyer

Member, Democratic State Central Committee

Elected Member and Executive Committee Member, Alameda County Democratic Central Committee

Executive Board Member, National Women's Political Caucus (local caucus)

Board Member, Alameda County Democratic Lawyers

Board Member, Greater Metropolitan Oakland Democratic Club

U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medal (1996) (Highest honorary award granted by the Secretary of

Commerce). Received for leadership in achieving U.S. goals and objectives at the Information Society and

Development Ministerial Conference in May 1996.

American Bar Association Section of International Law and Practice Award (1993). Received for "outstanding

work and tireless efforts" in drafting Report on the International Tribunal to Adjudicate War Crimes Committed in

Former Yugoslavia, Special Task Force of the ABA Section of International Law and Practice (July 8,1993).

Member, California Bar (admitted 12/89) and District of Columbia Bar (admitted 12/90)

l^EE?™9581* (ttaltfornta Jittste Senate TEL.9161 651-4OO9 ^w»~~ ..~-—~ ~ »-»~ £7^ ~<~~~ (^ *-* »v* * *, ON ELECTIONS

fax 1916) 327-1997


oUakuVn2pO2ca94612 LONI HANCOCK tel. 51 oi 286 1333 NINTH SENATE DISTRICT fax I51OI 286-388D

February 2, 2009

AC Transit Board of Directors

1600 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612

RE: AC Transit Board of Directors Appointment

Dear AC Transit Board of Directors:

I am writing to express my support for the appointment of Elizabeth Echols to the At-Large seat on the AC Transit

Board of Directors recently vacated by Rebecca Kaplan. Elizabeth is an exceptionally qualified candidate who will be a

highly effective and dedicated board member.

Elizabeth brings a unique set of skills, talent, and experience that is particularly needed by AC Transit at this time. She

has a proven track record as an effective advocate and a productive and collegia) board member. In particular, her

relationships with senior Obama Administration officials may help give AC Transit an inside track on federal funding


I got to know Elizabeth after she returned to the Bay Area in 2001 following her service as a senior political appointee

in the Clinton Administration. She quickly emerged as a leader in the community through her tireless energy,

commitment, and dedication to improving the lives of others and protecting our environment. In 2004,1 asked

Elizabeth to serve as my Alternate on the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee. 1 was impressed with the

strength of her advocacy, communication, follow through, and judgment in knowing when to take the lead and when to

defer to her colleagues. Because of her significant contributions to the Central Committee, she was appointed

unanimously by her colleagues to fill a vacant seat in 2005. She also was asked to serve on the Executive Committee.

Elizabeth's demonstrated commitment led to her successful election to the Central Committee in 2006 and re-election in


During this fall's general election, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and the Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Alameda

Labor Council recruited Elizabeth to serve as Co-chair of the Oakland United Democratic Campaign (UDC). The result

was the largest and most successful UDC operation Alameda County has ever seen. Elizabeth and her co-chair

recruited over 800 volunteers, and in a very short period of time, raised nearly $70,000 for the Oakland UDC and

Obama for America. When I visited the Oakland UDC, the place was buzzing with a large number of volunteers

reflecting the full diversity of our community. Elizabeth's demonstrated leadership, energy, and ability to organize

people and money to get results could prove extremely valuable to AC Transit to gain support for future ballot measures

and for the implementation of local projects.

Elizabeth puts her heart and soul into everything she does. She possesses a rare combination of considerable

experience, talent, relationships, intelligence, and dedication. Her unique set of qualifications are particularly important

in these difficult economic times and will enable her to hit the ground running.

Thank you for your consideration of Elizabeth Echols for the AC Transit Board of Directors.








Vice President
















BARRY GILES, ieed faculty 8inoi«cwistuc

Eiecuthre Director


Legal Counsel






February 1, 2009

AC Transit Board of Directors

1600 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612

Dear Board of Directors:

I am writing to support the appointment of Elizabeth Echols to the AC Transit Board of


I have known Elizabeth since the fall of 2001 when OpNet's Board of Director's hired her to

serve as our CEO. OpNet's mission was to create significant economic opportunities for low-

income young adults in the technology industry through training and career development

services, with a particular emphasis on people of color, women, and new immigrants. I co-

founded OpNet and formerly served as CEO, Vice Chair, and then Chair of the OpNet Board.

Elizabeth took over the reins of OpNet just after the dot.com crash and 9/11. The economic

landscape for non-profits, and particularly technology non-profits was bleak. Elizabeth,

however, enjoys big challenges and was undaunted. Her vision, tenacity, and advocacy on

behalf of OpNet and our students enabled her to secure grants and other funding to grow and

expand the program in spite of the difficult economic times.

Elizabeth's interest in transportation issues stems from her own experience depending on

public transit for many years, as well as her concern for the environment and commitment to

creating access to opportunity for others. At OpNet, Elizabeth experienced firsthand the

difference that access to transportation can make in gaining education and employment. Many

of OpNet's students simply could not afford to participate in our training program without free

or reduced price bus passes. Elizabeth worked diligently to secure access to grant programs

that could supply these students with free bus passes.

Elizabeth is extraordinarily hard working, dedicated, and energetic. My fellow board members

and I enjoyed working with Elizabeth tremendously both during her tenure as CEO and later as

a board member. She is always well prepared, insightful, and skilled at raising the right

questions to guide the board's work. She has a strong vision and good ideas, and at the same

time is always respectful of her colleagues.

Elizabeth has a rare combination of intelligence, drive, and humility. Her management, board,

and public policy experience, combined with her many talents, including excellent advocacy,

vision, fundraising, and interpersonal skills, would enable her to add a lot to the AC Transit Board.

Elizabeth is an exceptionally well^qualified candidate and has my highest recommendation.


'Dan Geiger

Executive Director"

U.S. Green Building Council

Northern California Chapter

130 Suiter Street. Suite 600 San Francisco, CA 94104 tei 415.738.5520 fa> 415.738.5530 www.usgbc-ncc.org



Office of the City Attorney (510) 238-3601

John A. Russo FAX (510) 238-6500

City Attorney ^ . ~~nrtrt TDD (510) 839-6451 February 3,2009

AC Transit Board of Directors

1600 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612

Dear AC Transit Board of Directors:

I am writing to urge you to appoint Elizabeth Echols to the vacant AC Transit At-Large seat.

Elizabeth is extraordinarily well qualified for this position. I could write volumes about her

extensive experience, talents, and skills. Instead, I want to tell you about Elizabeth the person -

the person who I have known since she was a teenager.

Elizabeth and I went to college together at an Ivy League university where we both felt

somewhat out of place. Elizabeth though was highly in tune with those who were made to feel

even more uncomfortable than we did. Following several racial incidents, some involving the

campus police and others involving students, Elizabeth together with African American,

Hispanic, and Asian students organized a Committee on Race Relations. The committee

confronted the campus police about their actions and worked to educate other students about

appropriate behavior.

I first got to know Elizabeth after she and other members of the committee came to my

residential college to raise awareness about some racist incidents. Even at the age of nineteen,

Elizabeth was an eloquent and persuasive advocate for equal justice. At an age when most

people are focused on themselves, Elizabeth had the courage to confront an unjust situation, take

on the campus police and other students, and organize people to stand up for what is right.

Living in the East Bay today, this may sound like the obvious course of action. However, this

was a very different time and place, and Elizabeth's actions were anything but ordinary.

I tell this story because it demonstrates many of the qualities I still admire about Elizabeth today:

integrity, courage, compassion, commitment to justice, and the ability to see the world through

the eyes of another. I would be honored to serve on a board with someone of her caliber.

I hope that you will agree that Elizabeth is an exceptional person and would make an excellent

addition to your board.

Sincerely yours,

John Russo

Oakland City Attorney

Marge Atkinson

1045 Key Route Blvd.

Albany, CA 94706

510.684.9582 (c)

January 31,2009

AC Transit Board of Directors

1600 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612

Dear AC Transit Board of Directors:

I am writing to urge your support for the appointment of Elizabeth Echols to the vacant At-Large

seat on the AC Transit Board.

Elizabeth has a strong track record as an effective advocate and community leader. In addition, her

public policy, management and board experience combined with strong relationships with public

officials at the local, state, and national level make her uniquely qualified to be a valuable AC Transit

Board Member.

I have gotten to know Elizabeth as a community leader and activist. Her vision, dedication, energy,

and ability to build coalitions continue to impress me. Elizabeth is passionate about environmental

protection and creating access to opportunity for underserved communities. She understands the

importance of a well functioning transportation system to reducing our carbon footprint and as a

gateway to schools, jobs, and health care. Elizabeth also has a demonstrated ability to understand

complex problems with many moving parts and build consensus around solutions. She is the best

positioned of the candidates to represent the At-Large district since she has used AC Transit in both

Alameda and Contra Costa counties for many years. She also has gotten to know both counties

through work on numerous campaigns and through her experience on the County Central Committee

and the State Central Committee.

Elizabeth's board and management roles in the private, non-profit, and government sectors also

make her an excellent candidate. She has the experience to know what questions to ask and to work

cooperatively with other board members to achieve desired outcomes. Elizabeth's deep

understanding of data and technology issues gained through her work at Google and in the Clinton

Administration will be particularly helpful in guiding AC Transit to better use new and existing

technology to improve service.

Elizabeth is clearly dedicated to public service and is passionate about transportation issues. She will put in the time and energy necessary to be a highly effective board member.

1 hope that you agree that Elizabeth is an exceptional candidate and will support her appointment to the AC Transit Board.


Marge Afjcinson

Mayor of Albany

Thursday, February 05,2009 2:17 PM City Council District 5 510-981-7155 p 02

Laurie Capitm;|!i Bcitf Ipv l" i < y C O '.! n i. ! '.

:.■> i -, 111 -.- * r,

February 5,200S

Rocky Fernandez, President

Alameda Curttio Coats Transit District

1600 Franklin Street, 10th Floor

Oakland. CA 94612


510-891-4705 FAX


Re: Endorsement of Elizabeth Echois for AC Transit Board of Directors, At Large

Daar Director Fernandez,

This week I had the pleasure of discossing wifr Elizabeth Echola her application to serve on the

AC Transit Board of directors I was Impressed with Elizabeths grasp of the challenges facing

our public transit systems and AC Transit in particular. After -eviewing her history and service to the community, I wholeheartedly endorse her for the position of Director at Large on your Board of Directors.

Elizabeth would bring to the board a unique blend of ecucation and experience. She nas worked

in the private sector in communications and policy, and served in a wide variety of capacities .n

the public sector. Her Knowledge of and strong relationships with all aspects of government -local, regional and national - will prove hvaiuaoie as tne ooara moves fcrward witn planning tor

the future. And as an East Bay native, she will unders:and the cultural and historical context of transit policy.

Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in on this most important decision. I hope you elect Elizabeth Echois to serve out the term left vacant by Director Kaplan

Please include this letter In any related packet of correspondence available tc all the AC Transit Board Members.


Laurie Capitelli

Berkeley City CounciCDistrlct 5

Cc: Elizabeth Echois

"10C M:iv:r S'.ieel. &sri.e;ev. CA

Laurie Capitciin feb,,2009 Berkeley City Council c»STTOCTSEcnErAJW8 „ . . . . - office District d

February 5, 2009

Rocky Fernandez, President

Alameda Contra Costa Transit District

1600 Franklin Street, 10th Floor

Oakland, CA 94612


510-891-4705 FAX


Re: Endorsement of Elizabeth Echols for AC Transit Board of Directors, At Large

Dear Director Fernandez,

This week I had the pleasure of discussing with Elizabeth Echols her application to serve on the

AC Transit Board of Directors. I was impressed with Elizabeth's grasp of the challenges facing

our public transit systems and AC Transit in particular. After reviewing her history and service to

the community, I wholeheartedly endorse her for the position of Director at Large on your Board

of Directors.

Elizabeth would bring to the board a unique blend of education and experience. She has worked

in the private sector in communications and policy, and served in a wide variety of capacities in

the public sector. Her knowledge of and strong relationships with all aspects of government -

local, regional and national - will prove invaluable as the board moves forward with planning for

the future. And as an East Bay native, she will understand the cultural and historical context of

transit policy.

Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in on this most important decision. I hope you elect

Elizabeth Echols to serve out the term left vacant by Director Kaplan.

Please include this letter in any related packet of correspondence available to all the AC Transit Board Members.


Laurie Capitelli _

Berkeley City Council, District 5

Cc: Elizabeth Echols

218O Milv/3 Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 51O.981-715O Fax: 510.981-7155 Icapitelli^ci.berkeley.ca.us


P.O. BOX 942849

SACRAMENTO. CA 942490018


FAX (916) 319-2118






FAX (510) 583-8800















February 10,2009

The Honorable Rocky Fernandez

AC Transit Board of Directors

1600 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612

Dear President Fernandez and Board of Directors:

It is my pleasure to write a letter of support for the appointment of Ms. Elizabeth Echols to the

AC Transit Director At-Large seat recently vacated by newly elected Oakland City

Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan.

Among a field of highly qualified candidates, Ms. Echols stands out as she brings a unique set of

skills and experience, along with the energy, dedication, and drive to be an effective board

member. I am impressed by her strong vision, tireless work ethic, commitment, and leadership.

She is adapted at bringing together diverse groups of people to work towards a common goal.

Over the years, Ms. Echols has developed strong relationships with local, state, and federal

officials. In particular, she spent the past three months working as a member of the Obama

Transition Team (OTT). Ms. Echols was asked to join the OTT because of the high regard given

by former Clinton Administration executives in recognition of her previous work for them. The

relationships gained with senior Obama Administration officials and through her experience on

the Transition Team may prove invaluable for AC Transit.

In addition, Ms. Echols brings an exceptional understanding of management having served in

executive roles among the public, private, and non-profit sectors. While employed at Google in

a senior management role, she provided guidance on how best to leverage technology in order to

optimize customer service and maximize efficiency; a quality of great importance not only to

them but also to public agencies.

I hope you will consider Ms. Echols' candidacy favorably. Thank you for your time and

consideration. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.




Printed on Recycled Paper

AIJCG , supervisor, third district


Health, Chair

Social Services

Unincorporated Services


February 9, 2009

AC Transit Board of Directors

1600 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612

Dear Board of Directors:

I wholeheartedly endorse Elizabeth Echols for the vacant AC Transit Director At-Large position.

Elizabeth's proven leadership in the community and her passion for public transit will make her a

highly effective board member and a strong advocate for AC Transit. Her extensive management,

public policy, business, legal, and political experience gives her the ability to hit the ground running

on the AC Transit Board.

I am impressed with Elizabeth's knowledge of the AC Transit system and her vision for how it can be

improved. Elizabeth's commitment to improving public transit stems from her own experience as an

AC Transit rider since childhood and her personal understanding of the important role that public

transportation plays in our community. Her experience with AC Transit both now and when service

levels were at their peak during the 1970s gives her a valuable perspective on the transit system.

Elizabeth has over 10 years of public policy experience and understands how to get things done at the

state, local, and national level. She is well liked and highly regarded by the many local and state

elected officials she has gotten to know through her leadership role on the Alameda County

Democratic Central Committee. These relationships, along with the contacts she has gained through

her work on the Obama Transition Team, will be very important to the future success of AC Transit.

As an elected leader, Elizabeth is a highly effective advocate and coalition builder. She understands

that any successful outcome requires marketing and ultimately buy-in from the stakeholders involved.

She enjoys solving hard problems and is skilled at bringing people with diverse interests together to

achieve results for our community.

Elizabeth's impressive credentials, along with her considerable personal attributes, including vision,

creativity, commitment, intelligence, relationships, and political savvy is exactly what AC Transit

needs in a board member, particularly with the challenging times ahead.

Elizabeth will make a superb AC Transit Director and I encourage you to vote for her appointment.

Sincerely yours,

Alice Lai-Bitker

President, Alameda County Board of Supervisors

OAKLAND OFFICE: 1221 OAK ST., ROOM 536, OAKLAND, CA 94612 • (510) 272-6693 • FAX (510) 268-8004

DISTRICT OFFICE: 15903 HESPERIAN BLVD., SAN LORENZO, CA 94580 • (510) 278-0367 • FAX (510) 278-0467


FEBlla0 February 6,2009 CTS


Dear Members of the AC Transit Board,

You will soon be making an important decision about appointing a board member to fill the AC Transit at-large seat vacated by Rebecca Kaplan. The Executive Board of the National Women's Political Caucus, Alameda North, voted unanimously to urge you to appoint one of the two highly qualified women: Pamela Belchamber or Elizabeth Echols. There is only one woman on the seven member AC Transit board, even though women make up more than 50% of the population of Alameda and Contra Costa County, and women make up the majority of AC Transit riders. Women rely heavily on bus service to get themselves and their kids to school, shopping, hearth services, and jobs. For those reasons alone, it is important to have more than one women represented on the Board. A woman's perspective is vital when considering transit issues. A women's concerns may differ from a man's, and it is important to have both perspectives.

Fortunately there are two well-qualified women who have presented themselves as candidates. We think that each one has unique qualities and would be an

outstanding addition to your Board.

Pam Belchamber has excellent credentials in transit policy, planning, and implementation. Pam worked for 25 years as Superintendent of Transportation for the City of Vallejo where she built a local and regional transportation system from the ground up, successfully competing for and winning regional financial support for all projects. Specifically, Pam is credited with envisioning and delivering a multi-modal regional transit service, including local bus, express bus to BART, a high speed ferry service to San Francisco, and special services for the transrt dependent community. Pam is also a dedicated environmentalist and an experienced and effective board member, currently serving on the Executive Board of NWPC as fund-raising chair, and Community Conservation Centers, Inc. a non-profit recycling agency. Pam is active politically, and most recently worked on Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner's campaign, and then served as co-chair of the United Democratic Campaign in Berkeley, Albany, and Emeryville.

-Elizabeth Echolsha>s excellent credentials in public policy and management in the private, nonprofit, and government sectors. Elizabeth served in a senior management role at Google and as CEO of OpNet Community Ventures. Elizabeth is an experienced and effective board member, having served on a number of boards, including the NWPC Executive Board. Elizabeth worked on the Obama


FEB 12 2009

February 8, 2009 ohto OFFICE

AC Transit Board President

1600 Franklin Street

Oakland, CA 94612

Dear AC Transit Board President,

1 am writing in support of Elizabeth Echols' candidacy for AC Transit Director At-Large. She is incredibly smart with significant policy and management expertise, and passionate about the importance of reliable public transportation for our

communities. Elizabeth will be an incredible asset to the Board of Directors.

Elizabeth brings with her tremendous policy and management experience. This experience was very valuable for the Obama-Biden transition team, where I recently worked closely with her. Elizabeth was asked to join the team because of her policy expertise on technology issues. Her ability to ask tough, insightful questions, get

data and assess important issues quickly were extremely valuable, especially as the team prepared for the upcoming budget, policy and governance decisions. '

Similarly, Elizabeth was also very well respected at Google, where she served as Policy Director and as part of the senior management team. She has an excellent understanding of sound management principles and is skilled at making smart, cost

effective decisions without compromising important values. As part of the Global Online Sales and Operations team, Elizabeth gained first hand knowledge on how to use technology to improve the customer experience. Her team respected her judgment and her ability to provide critical policy direction. Elizabeth's strong relationships with local, state, and federal policy makers, as well as her ability to navigate policy issues at all levels were an asset at Google and will be an asset for the Transit Director position. Moreover, Elizabeth's deep understanding of technology and how it can be used effectively to improve operations and the customer experience will enable her to bring this innovative perspective to AC


Elizabeth is well known for her management expertise from the Clinton

Administration, Google and the various boards on which she has served, including OpNet Community Ventures, National Women's Political Caucus, Alameda County

Democratic Lawyers Club, and Greater Metropolitan Oakland Democratic Club. She is known to make well qualified, thoughtful and fair decisions after uncovering the relevant facts and data, and is always well prepared for every .meeting. She is able to get to the heart of issues quickly and uses her policy and management experience

to consistently offer effective insights and direction.

Finally, while her policy and management expertise are important, Elizabeth understands the critical role that public transportation plays in our communities.

When growing up, she and her siblings relied on public transportation to go to

school and after school activities. She continued to depend on public transport well

into her late twenties. She knows only too personally the importance of public

transportation to the families in the East Bay.

These and her many other experiences will make Elizabeth an excellent AC Transit

Director. Her management and policy experience, along with her close relationships

with local, state, and Obama Administration officials, and her understanding of the

importance of transportation for all communities will make her an invaluable

addition to the Board.

Having worked with her very closely during the transition, knowing her reputation

at Google and the boards on which she serves and having watched her effectively

navigate local, state and national issues, I can't imagine a better person for director.

I have no doubt that Elizabeth will be a tremendous asset to the East Bay, California

and the nation. Please let me know if you need more information.



Director, Google

Board Member, Obama-Biden Transition Team

Endorsements/Support for Elizabeth Echols

Candidate for AC Transit Board of Directors

(as of February 6,2009)

State Senator Loni Hancock

Assembly Majority Leader Alberto Torrico

Assemblymember Mary Hayashi

President, County Board of Supervisors Alice Lai-Bitker

BART Director Bob Franklin

Peralta College Board Nicky Gonzalez Yuen

Albany Mayor Marge Atkinson

Alameda City Councilmember Lena Tarn

Alameda City Councilmember Marie Gilmore

Berkeley City Councilmember Laurie Capitelli

Oakland City Attorney John Russo

Oakland City Councilmember Pat Kemighan

Note: State Senator Loni Hancock is listed as a supporter. She has not formally endorsed

anyone in this race. Everyone else on this list has formally endorsed me.

Endorsements/Support for Elizabeth Echols

Candidate for AC Transit Board of Directors

(as of February 11,2009)

State Senator Loni Hancock

Assembly Majority Leader Alberto Torrico

Assemblymember Mary Hayashi

President, Alameda County Board of Supervisors Alice Lai-Bitker

BART Director Bob Franklin

Peralta College Board Trustee Nicky Gonzalez Yuen

Alameda City Councilmember Lena Tarn

Alameda City Councilmember Marie Gilmore

Albany Mayor Marge Atkinson

Albany City Councilmember Peggy Thomsen

Berkeley City Councilmember Laurie Capitelli

Berkeley School Board Director Beatriz Leyva-Cutler

Oakland City Attorney John Russo

Oakland City Councilmember Pat Kernighan

Richmond Vice Mayor Ludmyrna Lopez

Richmond City Councilmember Dr. Jeff Ritterman

San Leandro School Board Member Diana Prola

San Pablo City Councilmember Cecilia Valdez

Note: State Senator Loni Hancock is listed here as a supporter. She has not formally endorsed

anyone in this race. Everyone else on this list has formally endorsed me.

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