emlt meeting 4 - 3

Post on 24-Jan-2017






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Interpretation of Results of the EMLT Survey of Graduate Education, Employment and Employability (Czech Republic)

- 100% Masaryk University (578 responses)- Faculty (576 responses): most important parameter, e.g. for the reasons for choosing the

o Faculty of education only: 533o Faculty of education and Faculty of Arts: o Faculty of Economy: 2

- graduation 2010/2015

Remarkable results:

- most respondents from the Faculty of Education (533 out of 578)- most work as teachers, the results are:

o most have achieved master’s degree (82.3%) which is a necessary prerequisite to perform the teaching profession at public schools

o A7: Why did you choose your degree subject? passionate about my subject – 77.3% good career prospects – 25% making the most money – 0.2% easy to get a degree in – 8.5%

interpretation: the data collected in this question (A.7) are rather specific for the teaching profession

- little mobility (85.9% did not take part in any mobility program, 0.7% in national mobility, 13.8% international mobility)

o interpretation – this might be an overall tendency for Czech students we could check, if this number is getting higher depending on date of

graduation - little work placements, little internships (only 11% did)- language knowledge from the university

o 46.5% one language + 5.1% two languageso 48.6% - no

- main sources of incomeo paid work 70.6%o family 51%o scholarship 8%o student loan 0.2%



- B1 – current jobo 52.7% - no experience of unemploymento 29.9% - experience of unemploymento only 1.4% - no job since graduation (check how recent graduation in these cases is)


o 10.3% - doing something else and not looking for a job

- B2 – current job – full time job?o 85.9% - yes

- B3 – current job is graduate job?o 70.7% - yes


- B4 – other jobs before your current job since graduation?o 61.1% - noo 38.9% - yes, out of these 185 people, 47% had 1 other job, 33% 2 other jobso previous job was not a graduate job in 49.2%


- B6 – How did you first find out about your current job?o 36.5% - already worked for this employer during my degree o 20.3% - personal contacts

interpretation – known is better than unknowno surprising: only 1.7% via social media and professional networking sites and 0% via

university career centero activity: via advertisements (21.9%) and approaching employers (22.4%)

- B7 – Why did you decide to take your current job?o 57% - It was exactly the type of work I wanted and closely related to my degree

subject interpretation: very stable system of teacher education and teacher

employment in the Czech Republic, also viewed as such by the graduates themselves

very complex question, check the combinations of answers


- B9 – too many- B 10 – Public or private sector?

o 66.7% public, 25.5% private interpretation – graduates of the Faculty of Education

- B 11 – lob located in sectoro 63% - educationo 11.1.% - human health and social work


- B 12 – country of occupationo 461 responses, 4 UK, 3 Slovakia, 1 Spain, 1 Canada, 2 Switzerland, 1 Austria, 1

Germany, 1 France- B 13 – did you have to relocate in order to get your current job?

o 87.6% - no, 11% - yes, to another city, 1.5% - yes, to another country boring

- B 14 – moneyo very low

- B15 – currency?o 96.6% in CZK

- B 16 – level of education most appropriate for current job?o 65.2% - master’s degree

teacherso 15.4% - no graduate job, no degree necessaryo 11% - bachelor’s degree

interpretation: no real use for bachelor now


- B 17 – most appropriate field of studyo exclusively my field of study (50.3%) or closely related field of study (27.7%)

- B 18 - what is most important to your employer about your qualification?o soft skills 63%, experience 52%, knowledge and skills gained from the subjects

studied 39.1%o degree 21.6%

interpretation: surprisingly informal!- B 19 – encountered following situations

o positive situations in about 30-60%o little skill improvement – 25.5%

need for further education of employees!o negative situations in about 3-10%, but fear of losing job 24.2%


- B 20 – job satisfactiono overall satisfaction 408 to 48o job matches my education 351 to 112o satisfaction with the pay negative 201 to 247

- B 21 - If you could choose any job, would it be your current job?o 60% yes


- B 22 – would like my children to do this jobo 12.2% yes!!!

Section C: Job satisfaction

- C1: highest degree of dissatisfaction in e (98), f (93), l (the way company policies are put into practice, 116), m (pay and amount of work, 162), dissatisfaction with career advancement (n, NUMBER MISSING), the way the co-workers get along with each other (r), dissatisfaction with the praise for one’s work (t).

- Surprisingly, the feeling of accomplishment (t) is there- 21.7% work in non-graduate jobs and are looking for graduate jobs

Section D: Experience of unemployment

- D1: Only 18 persons responded to questions in this section, 4 of them did not understand the question and wrote 0 – that is out of about 580 persons, only 14 have had experience with unemployment


- Longest period of unemployment is 25, average is 7.7 months- D2: How long have you been unemployed since the last job?

o Only 14 responseso One of the is maternity leave, one says 120 months, one says 0o Average for the remaining 10 people is 6 months since the last job

- D3: Why do you think you are unemployed?o 18 responses (but some of them are not really unemployed, they just did not read

the question properly)o 8 say “few job in my field of study”, 10 say other reasons!!! (what does it say about

the questionnaire?)

- D4: Looking for work in the last week?o 19 responses. That means that somebody responded here who ignored the whole

section except for this question.o 42.1% have been looking actively for work in the last week

- D5: What have you been doing to help you find a job?o 17 responseso 70.6% have registered at a job centre (which is obligatory in CZ)o 52.9% have been doing further education (interpretation: active)o Again: 47.1% also do other things (bad news for the questionnaire)


Section E: Seeking graduate employment

- About 110 persons responded in this section, which means that most respondents did not feel addressed by the section

- E1: What steps have you taken to help you find a graduate job?o 58.2% - have asked personal contacts, family, friendso 43.6% - registered on social media/professional networking sites

This is quite a discrepancy compared to question xy, which says that social media etc. have been of little use when seeking for graduate jobs

o 32.7% have registered at local job centre (public), but only 10% use the service of a private employment agency

o 28.2% further education/professional trainingo Surprise: only 1.8% unpaid work placement, but on the other hand: 17.3% volunteer

- E2: How useful are your social networks when seeking graduate employment (friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances)

o Extremely useful when finding information about job opportunities (a) and very useful when directly obtaining employment (c)

o Further education is usually not paid by the family (f)o They are not useful for completing application, setting up one’s own business or

finding work placements


- E3: your chances of finding a graduate job in the next six months? (comment: who is supposed to answer this question – only those who have no graduate job at the moment?)

o 116 responseso 43.1% good, 22.4% bad, 34.5% not sure

- E4: Do anything of the following to improve employability?o 111 responseso Further training in field of study 82%o Further training in a different field of study 50.5%o Distance learning training modules 44.1%o Relocate 14.4%


Section F: Overall degree experience

Here again more than 500 responses

- F1: How did your degree prepare you for graduate employment?o 58.5% satisfied, 24.9% not, 16.6% do not know

- F2: To what extent has your degree provided you with the knowledge and skills to seek graduate employment?

o Satisfaction with preparation for personal growth (f) and for performing current work tasks (d)

o On the contrary, what was not considered at the university was the development of entrepreneurial skills (interpretation: Faculty of Education)

o Overall also c (further professional development) and e (future career) do not look as bad


- F3: degree to which your degree experience provided you with skills for graduate employment

o Great contribution: self presentation, applying new knowledge, analytical skills Interpretation: graduates view their degree experience as refined school of

old and complicated thought. It’s surprising for me, because most of my colleagues try hard (verbally) to be

practical. o Little language skills, computer skills, leadership skills

- F4: As a result of your experience of employment so far, would you have chosen the same degree at the same university?

o 62.1% - same degree, same universityo 4% - same degree, another universityo 22.8% another degree

- F5: how to interpret this?- F6: General statements on the graduate labour market

o Summary of the responses: it is hard for graduates (in all fields) to find jobso Employers should do moreo Graduates do not know the trends in the labour marketo Graduates are individualists which is easy to understand


- F7: Graduate labour marketo University is good for personal development, less good for career, hardly good for


Section G

- Gender: 87.2% female!- Age: around 30- Marital status: 49.3% married, 17.9% in relationship, 27.3% single- Children: 49% no children, 17.9% one, 33.1% two- Almost 80% in sum traditional core family- Nationality: about 95% Czech



To sum up: Czech results are rather boring.


It would be very exciting to look at cooccurences, that is, to examine individual sets of responses/data.

Do not know how to deal with questions like B5 (months in current job), B7 (too many different factors, hard to interpret), B9 (too many different occupations put differently)


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