enchanted wedding ministries business plan

Post on 11-Apr-2015






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Ms. Jennifer C. Morgan


Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC

Contact Information:



I. Executive Summary

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC is a full service bridal consulting/wedding planning company that specializes in the fulfillment of brides’ dreams for the most beautiful, romantic day of their lives-their wedding day. President/CEO/Founder/Owner, Ms. Jennifer C. Morgan, is the mastermind behind the dream, conception and birth of this company. As a professional bridal consultant, she debuted in the wedding industry with award-winning experience at one of the nation’s highly recognized bridal shops. As a student of the American Academy of Wedding Professionals and a bridal show representative for a major wedding company, she continues to educate herself in her field of expertise. Her dedication, passion and commitment to her dream speak for itself through her relentless development of this business. Needless to say, she is a well-qualified and experienced to share her expertise, credentials, knowledge and passion with brides all across the state of Michigan.

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC can be recognized for our services. We exclusively offer services for the engaged and married. We provides an array of services for our clients, geared towards the consulting/advising, planning and execution of weddings, maintaining the romance and healthiness for a successful marriage, and the spirituality aspect of pre-marital counseling and life-long marriage counseling. Specifically, we offer day of coordination services to full service consultation. Furthermore, the company holds a high standard of excellence, integrity and elegance that can be expressed in the intricate process of development, planning and orchestration of a wedding. We believe in helping our brides achieve success not just on their wedding day but in their marriage, respectively.

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC has entered into the wedding industry on a solid potential to be very prosperous and successful. According to the Wedding Report, there is an estimated 2.2 million weddings expected to take place this year alone and an estimated 2.3 million weddings by 2014. Because of this massive growth explosion, our company has great expansion potential.

In order to take advantage of this growth, we have to target our market. Our potential clients are brides between the ages of 18-35, residing in the Metro Detroit and the Ann Arbor area, to start. It is our goal, to take this company all across the country in cities such as New York, Philadelphia and Houston, to capitalize our growth. We will be able to be accomplish this by our constant professional development, customer base and most importantly, our intensive exclusive internship program, training women to become CEOs of our offices, leading Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC to financial success!

II. General Company Description

Don't just dream about your wedding, materialize your dream wedding!

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC is a start-up bridal consulting/wedding planning company that specializes in passion, purpose and precision in the enchantment of weddings.

Passion. Purpose. Precision.

The Business Philosophy

We are a full service consultation company that’s available from the time of engagement to the honeymoon, according to the bride's needs. We are dedicated and committed to helping our clients to create vision, accomplish dreams and fulfill destiny for the most enchanted, romantic and beautiful day of their lives-their wedding. Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC is not just another wedding planning/bridal consulting company. We stand for Passion. Purpose. Precision. We have an intense passion for the uniqueness, elegance and the creativity of a wedding. We are captivated by the enterprise of love that is celebrated at a wedding. We thrive on creating the ambiance, enchanting creativity and romancing the planning process.

Furthermore, our purpose speaks for itself. We believe that our purpose exists in helping others to accomplish their dreams and greatness, leaving an imprint in our clients' lives, not just in their weddings. We are designed to help our clients to create the wedding of their dreams and get the best value for their dollar. We believe that our God-given talents and gifts, coupled with our desire to help others succeed and to leave a legacy with millions of people, will make a huge difference in the community and in the world. Lastly, we plan, coordinate and execute our weddings in a very precise, timely and organized manner. We are meticulous and detail-oriented, being careful to plan our clients' weddings with the utmost attention to detail. We believe that the beauty and elegance of a wedding are found in the personalization and details of the wedding.

The Enchanted Difference

Not only are we working to fulfill our client's dreams, we are also focused and concerned about what happens after "I Do" and the honeymoon. We are concerned about the success of the couple's marriage as well. Marriage is ministry within itself. When two people come together in a sacred union, they are one body now. They must be able to cater to each other's needs and wants, continue to cultivate a loving relationship and share values and beliefs. We have a division of our company, Enchanted Romance, where we will personally helping our clients to maintain a health, loving and prosperous marriage. We have pre-marital counseling and marriage counseling, using the word of God and practical techniques.

Just as the story of the Good Samaritan who helped and took care of a certain man in Jericho who was wounded and left for dead, we are dedicated and committed to helping our clients, even if they may be of a different race, ethnicity, creed or background than us. We are giving God the honor and the glory because this is what His Son did for His people.

Furthermore, the most important part of our mission and purpose is to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to all. After everything is said and done, what have we really accomplished if our purpose is only to help our clients create the wedding of their dreams, build wealth and have everything that we ever dreamed of? Matthew 16:26 states, "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" We are concerned about our clients' salvation and their standing with God. We accomplish our goal of ministry through our creativity, personality and character. Matthew 5:16 says, Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. We have a ministry mission because I really have a heart for people. My ministry is in my life itself, how I live, think, act and carry myself. We are the Bible made flesh that people can read, when some wont read the word of God. My ministry is through servant hood, serving our brides and catering to their need. If we can help our client to have the most beautiful and romantic wedding, then I know that our purpose is not vain.

Finally, we believe that money is just a by-product of the service that we provide. If we focus on meeting a need, fulfilling a dream or goal and serve our clients, then the money will come. Galatians 6:7 states, "Don't be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." We want to share our passion, gift and experience with the world. We also would like to let them know that someone cares about their heart and their spirituality.

An Enchanted Vision

The Company's Goals

Looking into the future one year from our potential launch date, August 8, 2009, we see the company, having helped 50 couples to realize their dreams for their weddings, 25 couples to have success in their marriage and succeeding financially, making at least $65,000/year. We plan to plant, "The Enchanted Headquarters" in the heart of downtown Ann Arbor, MI. Taking a peek at the future in next five years, we plan to begin hiring a staff to include an executive assistant who can assist the enchanted extraordinaire in her personal as well as business endeavors, a webmaster and receptionist. Then we plan to develop an internship program, where we can have individuals who have for have a heart for people, passion for weddings and a strong entrepreneurial mindset to assist in the enchanted process of planning, consulting and execution of a wedding. These interns will be under the leadership of our president, where they will receive exclusive training, Enchanted Boot Camp, on how to succeed at wedding planning and later, succeeding in business, eventually, becoming the CEOs of the satellite offices all over the country. This will lead Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC to a multi-million dollar company, gaining Fortune 500 company status, and a spot on the Forbes list. In addition to our business goals, we plan to win a lot of souls to Christ and help our clients achieve personal and spiritual greatness.

The Booming, Prosperous Wedding Industry

As a whole, the wedding industry is definitely growing in spite on the economy. There are reported approximately 2.2 million weddings expected to take place in the United States for this year alone. According to The Wedding Report, this number will be soaring steadily to 2.3 million by 2014. There is definitely a lot of potential in this industry. The average cost of a wedding is soaring to $28,000. Interestingly, there is around $40 billion spent on weddings, each year. This year alone, there is an estimated $57 billion spent on weddings, according to the industry's market value.

Going under the surface, there is a great demand for wedding planners and bridal consultants. Since brides are spending huge amounts of income, there must be advice and consulting given on how to spend those dollars, getting the best value for their hard-earned dollars. Also, a lot of brides are often busy with their careers and don't have the time needed to plan the one of the most important days of their life-their wedding day. Or many would enlist of the help of bridal consultants just because of the wealth of information, etiquette tips, resources and vendor referrals that they provide because of their diligent and knowledgeable research and experience. According to the Wedding Report, there is an average spending of full service consultation of $1, 816 and is expected to increase drastically to $2,000 by 2014. More importantly, there is an estimated $684 million dollars market value for full service consultation.

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC will be poised to handle the soaring growth of this industry by first and foremost, consistently and persistently updating our reservoir of information in our minds about all things weddings. We will be constantly attending seminars, workshops and conferences both locally and nationally, to further engage ourselves in our area of expertise. Then incorporating what we learn into our services, being able to better serve our clients and provide them with our knowledge, wisdom and experience. Additionally, we will be always be promoting our business through social and business networking at various events. We will also be increasing the awareness of our services by effective marketing on the internet, trade publications such as Premier Bride and in the community, locally and nationally. We will expand our market to the national network, having offices in the cities that naturally soar in the wedding industry such as Orlando, New York and Los Angeles. For it is our intention and goal to build our small business to a big business, employing hundreds of individuals just like us and develop franchises. As explained earlier, we want to share our passion with the world and brides and grooms deserve to have bridal consultants and wedding planners who not care about their wedding, but their success in marriage and their standing with God.

Enchanted Marketing

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC propagates our services to a target market of couples from the ages of 18-35, who are either engaged, seriously considering engagement, or married. We use various resources to market our services from the internet to local publications to trade and bridal shows to social networking.

An Enchanted Vision meets a Ministry Mission

History of Business and Background Experience and Our Strengths

President/CEO/Founder, Jennifer Morgan, is the mastermind behind the dream, conception and birth of this company. Affectionately and professionally known as "The Enchanted Extraordinaire," she brings a lot of her character, personality and professional background to our new business venture. To start, she attended Bowling Green State University from 2004 to 2008, earned her bachelor's degree in fine arts and performance studies. During her tenure at BGSU, she participated in various leadership, personal development and extra-curricular activities that catapulted to find her true calling in event planning and helping others to succeed. She led her peers to academic excellence and personal achievement in a minority mentoring program called S.M.A.R.T. (Students Mentoring Aiding Retaining and Teaching). She also founded a minority book award, called "A Gift for a Lifetime S.M.A.R.T. Book Award for S.M.A.R.T. Mentees." Additionally, she helped and tutored students to excel in mathematics and writing. She always loves to help others succeed and achieve greatness. She loves to teach and mentor others, later; she found out that this was her calling. In late 2007, she discovered and unfolded her passion for weddings while working for a major retail chain.

After contemplating on some events that happened in early years in high school, she came to the conclusion that all these events, experience at BGSU and her passion and purpose culminated to the intense desire to own her own wedding planning and bridal consulting firm. So she set out to learn everything that she could about all things bridal. She has an extensive background in event planning and a debuting and award winning experience in the wedding industry. She desires to expose herself to the world of weddings. She is currently enrolled in the American Academy of Wedding Professionals (AAWP), taught by America's premier planner, Deborah McCoy, to become a certified professional bridal consultant. Additionally, she worked for one of the nationally recognized bridal shop chains in the country as a wedding consultant at David’s Bridal. Currently, she is a bridal show representative for WedAlert Corporation. Not only that, she has applied for an internship position for a local wedding planning company, where she may be a event planning assistant, increasing her expertise in her field. Some of the strengths that she possesses that will help carry this company to spiritual, personal and financial victory are a willingness to learn persistently and consistently about the industry and business, the tenacity to accomplish her dreams, her leadership skills, her utmost intense passion for weddings, her desire to help others succeed, her experience in the industry, her ability to be creative and organized and most importantly, her attitude to win and succeed against all the odds and obstacles.

Enchanted as a Corporation

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC has chosen the legal form of ownership of Limited Liability Corporation because it uniquely combines the benefits of a partnership and a corporation. It combines the tax advantages and management flexibility of a partnership and the liability protection of a corporation. It also allows the company to deduct its expenses more efficiently.

III. Products and Services

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC provides an array of services for our clients, geared towards the consulting/advising, planning and execution of weddings, maintaining the romance and healthiness for a successful marriage, and the spirituality aspect of pre-marital counseling and life-long marriage counseling.

We offer the following:

Budget consultation and analysis

Vendor referral and selection

Complimentary initial consultation

Wedding etiquette consultation

Timetable creation and schedule development

Strategic decision making

Wedding Website development and retention

Brainstorm ideas and create "inspiration" for wedding

Floral arrangements and centerpieces


Event decor

Setting the "romantic ambiance" for honeymoon suites

Development and orchestration of wedding themes

Schedule and attend appointments with vendors

Assistance with rehearsal and coordination of wedding day

Plan romantic dinners and evenings for the engaged and married

Pre-marital counseling marriage counseling, along with workshops, seminars and retreats

E-mail and telephone consultations

Monthly and weekly planning schedule for wedding for effective planning

Set-up and take down of ceremony and reception site

Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Provide exclusive planning materials

Assistance with guest list and seating arrangements

Our services are uniquely designed in "Pieces of Enchantments" packages.

An Enchanted Day

*Beginning at $500*

This service is for the bride and groom who has the fine details established for the most beautiful, magical and romantic day of their lives and has a need for an experienced professional to "enchant" their day with the finishing touches of their hard work and effort though the planning process and assist with the coordination and execution of the wedding. This package allows the bride to be a bride on her wedding day, relaxing and pampering the couple to enjoy their day.

Three consultation meetings prior to the wedding day, to harmonize the wedding details of the planning process and the tools needed to construct the day

Assistance with rehearsal(1-hour)

Assistance with actual formation of wedding, setting up of ceremony and reception site

Final confirmation of vendors

Creation of schedule of events for the big day, according to the "Enchanted Clock"

Make certain of vendor arrival in a timely, organized manner

Incorporation of Mistress of Ceremony at the reception

Emergency Kit

Setting up the "ambiance" of honeymoon site, if applicable

Enchanted Princess Royale

*Beginning at $1,000*

This service is for the bride and groom who has some of their wedding already planned but may not have the time to fully commit and dedicate to the exciting yet exhausting and stressful planning process. This is great for the woman in the boardroom to the stay-at-mom or a couple with little ones that need their constant love and attention. Although the bride may not fully partake in the planning process, she can enlist the help of a meticulous, experienced and knowledgeable wedding consultant to iron out the wrinkles of her wedding. This ultimately de-stresses the bride and leverages her time, still allowing her to relax and be a princess in her court on her enchanted day!

Scheduling and attendance at vendors

Complimentary initial consultation

Unlimited emails and telephone consultations

Etiquette consultation

Monthly and weekly planning schedule

Wedding website development

Timetable development

Consistent follow up consultations with vendors

Assistance with guest list and seating arrangements

Everything included from An Enchanted Day Enchantment

Enchanted Fairytale Love Story

*Beginning at *$2,000*

These services are for the bride and groom to experience all the luxuries, pampering and catering of all their dreams, needs and wants of the planning process. A story is meant to be told. The couple's love story will be told throughout the careful execution, exquisite attention to detail, enchanted creativity and romantic personalization of the planning process and their wedding. This enchantment package is the ultimate, exclusive package where we can trust us to help you unfold the wedding of your dreams! You won't be disappointed!

Available at the time of engagement

Assistance with the development of "inspiration" and ideas for the wedding day

Complimentary initial consultation

Provide couple with exclusive planning materials

Unlimited emails and telephone consultations

Assistance with budget development, consultation and analysis

Schedule all appointments with vendors and attendance

Monthly and weekly planning schedule

Wedding website development and retention

Vendor referral and selection

Wedding etiquette consultation

Assistance with strategic decision making

Timetable creation and schedule development for wedding day

Strategic decision making

Consistent follow up consultations with vendors

Development and orchestration of wedding themes

Assistance with ordering invitations and wording

Assistance with guest list and seat arrangements

Everything included from An Enchanted Day Enchantment

Enchanted Destination

*Beginning at $1,500*

This service is to provide our clients with the opportunity to explore the dynamics of creating the wedding of their dreams in a place that is beyond the norm, where the bride, groom and their families can go away to their enchanted destination of choice.

Assistance with vendor location

Assistance with travel options and hotel accommodations

Available at the time of engagement

Assistance with the development of "inspiration" and ideas for the wedding day

Complimentary initial consultation

Provide couple with exclusive planning materials

Unlimited emails and telephone consultations

Assistance with budget development, consultation and analysis

Schedule all appointments with vendors and attendance

Monthly and weekly planning schedule

Wedding website development

Vendor referral and selection

Wedding etiquette consultation

Assistance with strategic decision making

Timetable creation and schedule development for wedding day

Strategic decision making

Consistent follow up consultations with vendors

Development and orchestration of wedding themes

Assistance with ordering invitations and wording

Assistance with guest list and seat arrangements

Everything included from An Enchanted Day Enchantment

Enchanted Enhancements

This packages are additional "enchantments" that can be added to any package to enhance the enchanting experience! Or they may used alone by a qualifying client.

Enchanted Ambiance

*Beginning at $200*

This service is to provide serious couples considering marriage or engagement, wanting to celebrate their love and dedication. It can also be used as an event for a romantic evening or day that would result in a engagement proposal. Or for the married couple, it can serve as a mechanism to put that "spark" of romance in their relationship.

Assistance with event decor and setting the atmosphere and mood

Assistance with preparing and cooking the food by wedding consultant or qualifying personal chef

Assistance with theme development

Assistance with activity development and sentiment preparation

Enchanted Romance

This enchantment enhancement is comprised of two components, Enchanted Eternity and Enchanted Bliss, where we offer services to help couples to ignite the spark of romance in their relationships and minister to them about how to maintain a healthy marriage, using the word of God and practical techniques.

Enchanted Eternity

*Beginning at $800*

This service is to provide the married couples with spiritual principles and practical techniques to grow and maintain a healthy relationship with their spouse. In an article, titled, "Marry me now, love me forever," on the About Weddings.com website, it states, "The average couple will spend an estimated 273.75 hours over a twelve-month period planning for one day-their wedding. Care to guess how much time is spent for preparing for the success of their marriage? Less than two hours." Marriage counseling is very vital to the success of a marriage. Most people believe that they don't need it because either they believe that they have it all together, they don't need help from a "professional" and they might not have time for marriage counseling because of their careers and children. It's time to wake up and see that you need help and help is here for the right couple. We have a team of individuals, specialized in this field to be able to fulfill this need and mend your marriage or even maintain the healthiness of it.

marriage counseling with certified counselors and pastors

workshops, couple's retreat, seminars

Enchanted Bliss-The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

*Beginning at $350*

This service is to provide our clients, along with the planning process, some sessions where they can discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their relationship. This will help them better prepare for the relationship. It's not just about the romance, the butterflies of being engaged, but it's about planning and preparing for your marriage.

Enchanted Elegance

*Beginning at $600*

This service is to create the "enchanted" factor in your wedding. We offer intriguing designs to romance your reception space, creating the ambiance and overall appeal of the reception.

Create elegant centerpieces and floral design

IV. "Expand the Brand" Program

21st century marketing- Enchanted Style

When we look at the market, we are looking at the wedding industry in terms of buyers and dollars, who will make an investment in our services and how much they will spend each year, as the wedding industry keeps the climbing the charts. We are also empathetically analyzing our target market, determining their demographics, spending habits and lifestyle traits, to better serve them.

The Enchanted Dynamics

Looking the dynamics of the economy of the wedding industry, it is definitely growing. There are approximately 2.2 million weddings in the United States for this year alone. According to The Wedding Report, this number will be soaring steadily to 2.3 million by 2014. There is definitely a lot of potential in this industry. The average cost of a wedding is soaring to $28,000. Interestingly, there is around 40 billion spent on weddings, each year. This year alone, there is an estimated $57 billion spent on weddings, according to the industry's market value. According to the National Mail Order Association, the wedding industry is estimated to generate $35 billion in sales from wedding rings, wedding apparel, flowers, receptions, honeymoons, gifts and other related expenses. It also generates $70 billion a year in purchases related to new life together, such as insurance, financial services, automobiles, etc. WedLink.com actually breaks down the numbers into averages of how much brides are spending in each wedding-related expenses and investments.


Engagement Ring-$3,000


Wedding Ring- $1,100


Rehearsal Dinner-$800

Bridal Gown-$800

Bridal Accessories-$200






Formal wear-$500


Full Service Consultation-$1,816

In addition to the vast amount of money being spent by consumers in the wedding industry, it is a time where many bridal consultants and wedding planners have great potential to be successful in their careers and businesses. Not only do wedding planners and bridal consultants consult and assist with important tasks such as vendor selection, rehearsal and timeline development, they also consult and advise their clients in the most important part of the planning process, the budget, which could sometimes make or break their wedding. This is why wedding planners can play a lofty role in the amount of revenue that the wedding industry brings in each year in the United States. Making sure that their clients are getting the best value for their dollar and sticking with their budget is vital in the success of the wedding.

Here are The Wedding Report’s projected earnings for wedding planners in 2009:

Certified Wedding Planner Services

2008 Average Fees No. of Weddings Market Value

A La Carte Services $851 132,775 $112,991,848“Day Of” Coordinator $679 265,551 $180,308,966

For Getting Started $641 132,775 $85,109,019Full Service $1,940 376,197 $729,822,005

Month-of-Direction $995 154,905 $154,130,087Total Market Value $1,262,361,925

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC has targeted their market of couples, particularly women between the ages of 18-35. Since there are a lot of brides who are busy professionals, constantly making career changes, they don't have a lot of time to spend with families and friends, not alone time to focus on planning their dream wedding. According to Hallmark, 50 percent of brides stress over details and worry that they will forget something important and with so many minute details to keep track of, a bridal consultant can really provide a lot of relief. So wedding planners and bridal consultants can and must be considered as a necessary luxury because not only will we be able to help brides leverage their time, we also help them to get the best value of their dollar. We advise them on their budgets and share our expertise and knowledge on all things weddings, commodities that they would not receive if they opt to plan their weddings themselves.

According to The Wedding Report, the 2009 trends among the brides’ preferences are:

Smaller weddings with fewer guests Destination weddings or destination type weddings closer to home Accent colors on dresses and cakes with the most popular being greens and blues Increased use of green and echo friendly products and services Simplified decorations, centerpieces and wedding invitations Increased use of online RSVP’s vs. traditional mail-in RSVPs Off-peak weddings; Mornings, Afternoons, Fridays, Sundays, October becomes the new June Buffet meals, Hors d’oeuvre, and cocktail receptions Cheesecakes, cupcakes and miniature cakes All-inclusive packages

A company of caliber size such as Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC has tremendous growth potential because of the quality of our services that we provide, our dedication and commitment to marital and spiritual success and our constant continual update of learning and applying financial literacy. A lot of wedding planning companies, unlike ours, are not interested in their clients when it comes to helping achieve great success in life, just success in their weddings. With the explosive growth of this industry, we will be able to serve our clients more by studying their preferences and consumer trends.

Despite our high standards of excellence and our philosophy, there are several factors that could potentially hurt and hinder the company from reaching its potential. Because Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC is a new company, many brides may be apprehensive in taking advantage of our services because of our lack of experience. Right now, the company has no prior experience in planning a wedding but has the enthusiasm, patience and energy that it needs, respectively. We are working to gain more experience by assisting some of president’s family members with planning their weddings. Then the president plans to have

an internship with one of the best local wedding planning companies, where she will be working along side a team of wedding experts, increasing her knowledge and expertise. Also, we will express and convince to our potential clients why they should let us plan their weddings.

Another potential hindrance is in the high cost of marketing. One of the largest investments in the company’s budget is the marketing costs. Marketing is not a cheap investment, however, it is well worth because of the awareness of the company and its services and it is going to give the company credibility the more people are exposed to the company, its philosophy and the quality of services. Despite this hindrance, we will plan and budget effectively to anticipate these costs.

Finally, people may be turn away from wanting to use our services because of our spiritual foundation. We have a goal to help win souls to Christ and a personal satisfaction of helping others to succeed spiritually. People may become biased and judgmental because they may be used to someone judging them by their actions that may not be pleasing to God. But who are we to judge them? We hold an integrity and standard to love and serve the person in spite of themselves. We are not in business to preach to our clients nor are in business to downgrade individuals based on their faith. We are a faith-based business who really has a heart for people and a passion for weddings. We will handle this hindrance by being able to explain what our mission, vision and philosophy to our clients who really desire our services.

From the Enchanted Clientele Point of View

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC has a lot of great services that provide at affordable prices. The most important services/packages are the day of coordination and the full service consultation “enchantments.”

An Enchanted Day

Three consultation meetings prior to the wedding day, to harmonize the wedding details of the planning process and the tools needed to construct the day

Assistance with rehearsal(1-hour)

Assistance with actual formation of wedding, setting up of ceremony and reception site

Final confirmation of vendors

Creation of schedule of events for the big day, according to the "Enchanted Clock"

Make certain of vendor arrival in a timely, organized manner

Incorporation of Mistress of Ceremony at the reception

Emergency Kit

Setting up the "ambiance" of honeymoon site, if applicable

One of the most amazing benefits of this package is that there is a chance to meet with the president of the company to discuss the essentials and dynamics of our wedding, how everything will be finely orchestrated and executed our wedding day. Another important piece of enchantment is that they provide us with an emergency kit for the wedding. This is definitely a lifesaver! Wedding days can be very unpredictable. If someone in the bridal party needs extra deodorant or bobby pins for their hair and even if (heaven forbid) something happens and there are spills on the formalwear or dresses, we have some stain remover to remove it. Additionally, we have someone that we trust to determine the structure of the ceremony and how we are supposed to lined up and how the processional and the recessional is supposed to be timed just right. With the many details of our wedding, we need someone who is emotionally stable and highly organized to make sure that we are on schedule, most importantly, helping to keep us sane and calm. We can count on Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC to make sure that our wedding goes off with a bang, making it a very important, memorable event of our lives.

Enchanted Fairytale Love Story

Assistance with the development of "inspiration" and ideas for the wedding day

Complimentary initial consultation

Provide couple with exclusive planning materials

Unlimited emails and telephone consultations

Assistance with budget development, consultation and analysis

Schedule all appointments with vendors and attendance

Monthly and weekly planning schedule

Wedding website development and retention

Vendor referral and selection

Wedding etiquette consultation

Timetable creation and schedule development for wedding day

Consistent follow up consultations with vendors

Development and orchestration of wedding themes

Assistance with ordering invitations and wording

Assistance with guest list and seat arrangements

This is by far, one of the most comprehensive, all-inclusive packages that we have ever seen. One of the greatest benefits is that we have someone to help us to gather ideas, creating that personal touch to our wedding. Many of us only have so many ideas about our wedding day. We have an expert to be able to determine whether our ideas will be able to work nicely together. Also, we really like how the company gather our ideas and develop themes for that extra touch. Then there are unlimited emails and telephone consultations within the normal hours that can really help because we are getting our questions answered and our concerns and worries properly handled. What’s also nice is that they give us some planning materials which a lot of companies won’t do. They also create a realistic timeline of the wedding preparation and everything needs to be accomplished each month and week right up to the wedding day, to stay ahead and on schedule. Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC also helps us to use budget monies wisely and effectively, getting us the best value for our dollar. The company as a whole is someone we can count on to see us through the whole planning process!

After the wedding is over, Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC will continue to follow up with the clients on an informal, consistent basis. Generally speaking, a lot of people think highly of a company or an organization who gives follow up calls just to see how their lives are going. In the wedding industry, although there are no repeat customers, there is a lot of room for follow-up and referral. If the couple sees that we are sincere and genuine about following up with them, then they would be more likely to refer us to their bridesmaids, family members, co-workers and friends.


Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC will have a huge customer base, prospectively in the future. From the major cities such as New York, Orlando, Philadelphia, just to name a few. However, on the small scale, the company’s potential customers consist of those in Southeastern Michigan, particularly in metro Detroit and Ann Arbor Area. These individuals are particularly brides, however, includes grooms, their parents, and families. Even though we are serving mainly brides and grooms, many of their families often pay for their wedding. According to Deborah McCoy, America’s premier wedding planner, it has been tradition for some centuries for the bride’s family to pay for the wedding.

Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC has a target market of brides and grooms between the ages of 18-35. Their demographic profile looks as follows:

Age: 18-35

Gender: Female and male

Location: Southeastern Michigan, particularly metro Detroit and Ann Arbor area

Income level: $20,000-55,000 a year

Social class: Low to middle class/white and blue collars, executives

Education: high school, college degree and master’s degree

Market Analysis

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Potential Cus-tomers

Growth CAGR

Brides & Grooms 5% 1,500 1,575 1,654 1,737 1,824 5.01%

Family Members 5% 5,000 5,250 5,513 5,789 6,078 5.00%

Other 5% 1,000 1,050 1,103 1,158 1,216 5.01%

Total 5.00% 7,500 7,875 8,270 8,684 9,118 5.00%


Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC exists in Southeastern Michigan/Ann Arbor Area. We are competing against our bridal services other event and wedding event planning companies in our area. The major companies that I am competing with are:

Two Foot Creative

DivaZstyle Upscale and Savvy Event Planning

Luella’s Creations

A Happening by L&L

We are competing against each other on all levels, in all services, location and customers. 3 out of 4 of these companies are event planning, not just wedding planning. They assist with planning corporate events, birthday parties, graduations, bridal and baby showers, just to name a few. They are well-established companies, some 10 and 15 years of experience. They also have coordinated numerous weddings into the hundreds. There are hundreds of wedding planners in the southeastern Michigan and we are all fighting for customers to serve.

The Enchanting Touch

Although Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC is not an event planning business and doesn’t have a lot of experience, we still are poised to attract and serve our target market and cater to their needs. As mentioned earlier, not only are we working to fulfill our client's dreams, we are also focused and concerned about what happens after "I Do" and the honeymoon. We are concerned about the success of the couple's marriage as well. We also offer services that cater to the engaged and the married. We also are founded on spiritual principles. We have a heart for people, an intense passion for weddings and a strong desire to help our clients to fulfill their dreams of their wedding. Plus, we offer floral design and event décor to enchant their reception space. Unlike our competitors, we understand that money is just a by-product of service. We are most importantly focused on meeting and fulfilling a need, not making money. The more people we serve the more money and the wealthier we become. Finally, we have a constant goal of personal and financial development. They are important to the continuous growth and success of our company. We are concerned about learning about the wedding industry and applying and making adjustments to fit our clients’ needs.

The Enchanting Uniqueness

President/CEO/Founder, Jennifer Morgan, has a passion for designing events, constructing floral design and orchestrating magical centerpieces. Most importantly, she loves creating the ambiance, setting the atmosphere of the ceremony and reception. She believes that there must be a certain atmosphere to the enchantment factor of a wedding. Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC has a unique corner of the wedding market of event design décor and floral centerpieces. Another core portion of the unique market is that her company offers pre-marital and marital counseling. A lot of wedding consulting companies are only concerned about making their clients’ wedding a magical success, but what about the success for the rest of the days of their lives. There are too many divorces occurring in the United States. Her company has the potential to change this issue, catapulting her clients into greater marital bliss and success. She ministers to people of God through servant hood. As mentioned earlier, we stand for passion, purpose and precision.


Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC will be using various, effective ways of promotion and advertising to reach its clients in Southeastern Michigan. First and foremost, the company will be doing most of their advertising in print and online publications. Today’s brides, when thinking about their wedding, will be reading bridal magazines and researching online for all things bridal. Some of the publications where we will be targeting our market and marketing our target are:

Premier Bride (Local Guide)

Perfect Wedding Guide


Then some of the online wedding planning websites and publications are:


Martha Stewart Weddings

Wedding Wire



Then we will be marketing and advertising our services using social networking websites such as:

Cass Tech High School Alumni Website



Black Business Space




Then we will be advertising at trade shows, bridal shows and business networking events locally and nationally. We would also be using vendor referral marketing, where our vendors can refer us to their clients. Then we use word-of-mouth techniques and a network of professionals and friends. In addition to advertising, we will incorporate our logo design on brochures, business cards, website and letterhead. Since there are no repeat customers in the wedding industry, we will thrive on personal and professional referrals.

Lastly, we want to project an image of excellence, integrity and spiritual values. We want to let the world know about our sincere, genuine passion for helping others and planning elegant weddings. We strongly desire for our customers to see as a helping hand in the time of need, a wedding expert company and a company who really has a heart for people and willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure our clients will the most romantic, beautiful and elegant day of their life-the wedding day.

Promotional Budget

The Enchanted Wedding Ministries, LLC budget is divided into two portions: the start up budget and the operational budget.

Start-Up Budget

Business Cards $150

Website development $150

Brochures and letterhead $400

Purchase of domain name and hosting $20

wedding planning software and other computer equipment $450

Bridal Consultant Certification (AAWP) $795

Advertising $800

Memberships to trade associations $500

Webinars, seminars, conferences $900

Office Supplies (binders, pens, paper) for clients $100

Digital Camera/Memory Card $200

All in one printer, copier, scan fax machine $300

Phone and internet $160

Flash Drive, computer storage drives $30

Operational Budget

Initially, Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC is a home-based business, however, we expand our services into an office building in the heart of downtown Ann Arbor, in 2014, where we will have a staff assisting the president. However, before we get there, we must be able to operate in the capacity that has been set out for us. The president will be meeting with her clients at local coffee shops, libraries and eateries. To run a successful business from home, we would need:

Business phone and internet-$160

Advertising costs on a monthly/yearly basis-$800

Web hosting-$20/month

Office supplies-$100

Business cards, brochures-$400

Yearly membership dues to trade association and networking-$500

Business conferences-

Financial education-


Today’s wedding planners and bridal consultants have several options to price their service. First, there’s “by the hour.” Additionally, some of bridal consultants charge their clients, a percentage of their budget. Finally, there is a flat rate fee, which according to Deborah McCoy, is the best way to charge our clients. First, there are hourly fees for someone who is in need of wedding advice or for same day coordination. Then you have the percentage of the wedding costs that a bridal consultant may charge. Deborah McCoy says that this way is sticky and not advisable. The third way to charge for consulting services is by a flat-rate. This is by far, the most easiest and effective way because there are no hidden costs, McCoy says. Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC is opting to charge flat rate fees so our clients may know what they are getting charged for and so that there are no hidden costs.

Our prices are relatively around the same price as our competitors. Price may be considered as important because of the economic recession; people are looking to save money. However, when we think that about how the wedding planners charge for their services, high price does not high quality. We believe that we can provide high quality services to our clients at economical, affordable prices.

Lastly, after our clients hire us to plan and coordinate their wedding, we will sign a contract, confirming the service of choice, payment deadlines and deposit requirements. Not only will we have our clients sign it but we will sign it as well because it is a legal binding document. Since this economy thrives on credit cards, we will offer credit card payment options.

The Divine Location

Since Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC will be starting out as a home-based business, we intend to expand into our office in downtown Ann Arbor in 2014. This location is important to our clients because this is where all of our consultation appointments will be held. We will hold pre-marital and marriage counseling sessions in our office. Since downtown Ann Arbor is very busy and not enough room for parking, however, there are numerous parking structures for a very minimal fee. The office will be consistent in our projected image and our standards of excellence. The company’s competition is on the outskirts of the city, Dexter, MI, Southfield, MI and Detroit, MI.


Because Enchanted Wedding Ministries LLC is a service based business, the distribution channels that we will incorporate is wholesale, web-direct and by our own sales force. Since we are charging a flat fee, the cost will be based on wholesale. It will be web-direct because on our website, we will offer a spot where our clients can be able to pay for our services online and then finally, then our own sales force because we will be marketing and promoting on a consistent basis, independently.

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