endangered animals of the poles

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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All the species living at the poles are inter related.

When you see a Polar bear, you

see a whole food chain

along with it.

• Earth's polar environments host rich webs of plants and animals that face the change in clime, and are endangered.

• Some of such endangered species are featured here…

• Walrus are called the bottom feeders, and are in trying times because of the melting ice that deplete the seafloor food, algae.

• Another animal that could see problems as food on the sea floor decreases is the spectacled eider an Arctic sea duck.

• Polar Bear is one of the Arctic mammals most sensitive to climate change, because of their reliance on a sea ice habitat.

• And the Seal, that is fast reducing in quantity as the ice melts, makes life tough for the Bears….

As the polar bears depend on Seals entirely for their food.

• The sand flea, lives in the water just below the sea ice and depends on the ice's microscopic inhabitants as its source of food & are at risk as temperatures rise.

• Diatoms (Planktons) are fast declining as the water under the ocean in the poles are getting warmer which is bad other living things that depend on them for food.

They are the principal food source for many animals

krill is apparently the key species of populations declining heavily that depend on sea ice

When the ice disappears, so do they.

• The dissolved CO2 makes the water in the ocean more acidic hindering the development of shells for these creatures, and they are at high risk.

• Although it is inevitable that some flora and fauna will go extinct in the coming years, as the climate gets warmer….

Experts agree that the poles will not become a dead zone. There will still be life, but the residents will be different ….

And we shall get accustomed to it. That’s a different story… if we cant stop the melting ice/raising temperatures, at least we can/MUST try to delay/postpone it..

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