enterprise 3 teacher's book

Post on 19-Oct-2015






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    AExpress Publishing

  • Ente rprise Prel ntetmediate Cou rsebook


    A. CoursebookUnit 1 Read my Lips ..................................... 5unit2 In the Public Eye ..............................., 8Unit 3 Around the World .............................. 10Unit 4 Travellers' Tales ................................ 13Unit5 EnjoyReadin9...................................15Unit 6 The Lost World ................................. 18M od u Ie Se lf -Assessment(Units 1. 2. 3. 4, 5, 6)UnitT A GhostlyWelcomeUnit I Hard Times .........Unit I In the Land of the Pyramids .............Unit 10 Citizens 2050 ...................Unif 11 Narrow Escapes ..............Un,1 12 The Vikings ....................Module Serf- Assessment(Units 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12) .................................Unif 13 Nalure's Fury ....................Unit 1 4 Tricky Jobs .....................Unit 15 Panic is Rare.................Unit 16 London s Burnin9...........Unit 17 Scary but Lovely to Watch ...............Unit 18 Problems of the Planet....M od u Ie Se If - Assessrnent(Units 13, 14. 1s, 16. 17. 18) ...........................Unit 19 Quality or Ouantity?Unit 20 Earth 3,000 ..................Unit 21 A N4odern MythUnit 22 fne Return ..................M o d u I e Self-Assessment(Units










    D. WorkbookUnit 1 Read my Lips ................................. 113Unit 2 In the Public Eye ..................... ....... 114Unit 3 Around the World ............................ 114Unit 4 I rave||ers Ta1es .............................. 1 1 5Unit 5 EnjoyReadin9................................. 116Unit6 TheLostWorld..,...,..........,............. 117Unit 7 A Ghostly Welcome ....................... 118Unit I Hard Times ........ 118Unit I In the Land of the Pyramids........... 119Unit 10 Citizens 2050 .....,......,...... ............... 121Unit 1 7 Nanow Escapes.............. ............... 122Unft 1 2 fheV1kin9s ...................... ............... 123Unif 13 Nature's Fury.................................. 123Unit 1 4 f ricky Jobs ..................... ................ 124Unit t5 Panic is Rare ,...................,............. 125Unit 16 London's 8urnin9........................... 1 26Unit 17 Scary but lovely to Watch .............. 127Unit t8 Problems of the Planet .................. 128Unit 19 Quality or Quantity? ..,.................... 129Unit 20 Eafth 3,000 ..................................... 130Unit 21 A l\4odern Myth ............................... .130Unit 22 the Return...................................... 131

    E. Video ProjectsUnit2 StarWars........................................ 132Unit 5 Batman Returns ............................., 132Unit 7 Casper ................. 133UnitS FreeWi11y.........................................133Unit I CIeopatra......................................... 134Unit 10 fne Empire Strikes Back ............... 134Unit 1 2 Erik the Vikin9 ................................ 134Unit 1 7 Wnne Fang ..................................... 135Unit 79 Frankenstein................................... 135Unit 2O W aterworld .........................,........... 136Unit 21 The Return of the Jedi .................... 136


  • IEnterprise Prelntermediate Courcebook - lJnit 1: Read

    Unit | . Read My Lips..... 113

    .......... 114.......... 114

    ............. 115.. ...... I to

    ............ 117

    ......... 118........... 118r........... 119............ 121

    .......... 122............. 123.......... 123

    ............. 125.. ......... 126............. 127

    ... 128... ......... 129............ |,tu. ........... 130............ 131

    .............. 132

    ............... 133

    . . ... .......... 134

    .............. 134

    .............. 134

    .............. 135............... 135

    ............... 136

    ......_........ tJo

    F Objectives IVocabulary: words related to people's physical ap-:earance, character, clothes, likes/dislikesReading: reading for speciJic in{ormationLrstening: listening for specific information / identifying:.op e / note-takingSpeaking: talking about people; buying ctothesPronunciation: I sl, lzl, ltzlG rammar: Present Sjmple, Present Continuous - stative.:'cs. discourse markers (an4 also, but, on the other^ a.d, howeve4Writing: a letter to a penJriend (friendly)

    T elicits answerstrom Ss andwrites them onthe board.)(Suggested answers)-nature, kjnd, warm, loving, shy, deceitful, serious,sociable, happy, lively, enthusiastic, lazy, interesting,^ervous, decisive, bossy, energetic, ambitious, self-:entred, reserved, mean, sensitive, secretive, intellj-!ent, careful, determined, polite, rude

    Ss read the adjectives under each picture, then theysten to thetape and tick accotdingly. T does not check

    Ss'answers but asks them to read the tert of Ex. 3 ancl.heck their answers.)tull lips: responsible/decisive/bossythin upper lip with a lutt tower tip: energetic/ambi-i ous/self-centredthin lips: determined/caref ul/reserved/meanlips with down-turning corners: generous/intelligent/sensrttve

    Reading (p.6)Decisive people arethose who make decisions quicklv.Bossy people are those who like telling people what todo.Energetic people are those who work hard and likeparticipating in a lot of activities.Ambitious people are those who wantto be successfulin life.Self-centred peopie are those who seem to care onlyabout themselves and they sometimes lorget aboutother people's feelings.Determined people are those who know what theywant and do all they can to get it.Careful people are those who do their work with a lotof attention and thouqht.

    Reserved people are those who don't like showingtheir feelings or expressing their opinions.Mean people are those who don't like sharing things orspendrng money.Generous people are those who love giving things toother people and helping them.Intelligent people are those who understand ditficultsubjects quickly and easily.Sensitive people are those who get upset easily so youhave to be careful of what you say to them.

    F Lead-in(p.6)

    ) Speaking (p. o)


    Brad Pitt has got lull lips. lt means he is decisive.Bruce Willis has gotthin lips. lt means he is determinedand carelul.Richard Gere has got a thin upper lip with a Iull lowerlip. lt means he is ambitious.fI asks Ss to /ook at thei paftnels lips and talk abouthislhet character.)

    ) Lungr"ge Devetopment (pp. 7-8)(T elicitslexplains the meaning for each adjective thenSs fi in the table.)Positive: sel{-conJident, caring, imaginative, outgoing,helptul, easy-going, cooperative, active, loyal, polite.Negative: rude, stubborn, selfish, disorganised, shy,forgetful, lazy, arrogant.

    (Ipresenfs theory about Linking ldeas and draws Ss'attention to how these discourse markers are used Ssthen do Ex. 5.)(Suggested answers)1. Roger rs friendly and (atso) caring.2. John is intelligent but he tends to be self-centred

    at times.3. Andrew tends lo be stubborn and (also) disorgan-

    tsed.4. Paul is cooperative. On the other hand, he can be

    torgetful at times.5. l\ilichael is energetic but he can be bossy at times.(Suggested answers)1. Mary is self-confident and also cooperative.2. John is imaginative but he can be lazy at times.3. Paul is outgoing. However, he tends to be selfish

    at times.4. Sue is helpful. On the other hand, she can be

    arrogant at times. etc.

    7 1. early 3. mid2. lale 4. eatly

    5. late6. late

  • 1l1. go with 2 f\t 3 suits 4 matchlss wotk in closed pairs T checks round the classii",

    ".i " t"t" pr its to act out their dialogues')

    19 I elicitslexplainsthe meaning ofthe words in boldthen,'- 5";;;;;o" ise. T points out that the words given intie list can be used more than once )1. casually. formally neatly dressed2. upturned, hooked nose3. bright, dark eyes4. dark, golden, silky hair

    8 The two people described are A and D'

    9 1. F 2. E 3 B 4 cHeight: short, tallBuild: PlumP, wellbuilti6iiitir.r"i lir.rv *enties in his earlv thirties' in herlate sixties' middle-agedFace: oval, long, squarerl'# ;;;' Lr""-t

    "ltrv' long black' shoulder-lensth

    waw orev, shon greyEveit-bto*n green, large dark brownMluth: small, wideNose: small, quite large, rather big

    10 lhb can be assigned as wriften HW after T has asked'" i",jr"G i-a"""iiioe thei best friend orc y in class')

    (Suggested answer)My bestfriend istall, slim and is in her midteens She'so& un ouurta"", her nose is small and she has lovelyXio trl-"

    "v".. sn" r'tas alovely characterand isalways

    i"""Ju "# J""rr"l. She

    s very generous and I canl[,iir/.i"iv J";;; out she tend;6 be a little seltish attimes.

    m. waistcoatn. tracksuito. bow tiep. overallsq. tlat shoesr. polo-necks. high-heeled shoest. l-snlnu. tralnersv. leggingsw. tie

    ) Gt"tmar in Use (PP'8-9)

    ' 1.f 3 a2.d 4. c

    15 1. works 52. is directing 63. is staying 74. is flying

    (f can rcfer Ss to Grammar Reference Section at the'iaci ot tne Student s Book The relevant gtammalii"oiiioi

    "u"i ,nit ls presented thefe ss can use r)/s

    'sJctiLn-eacn time tney come across a Grammar in Use



    11 . a. suitb. denim jacketc. V-neck jumperd. scarfe. fur coatL evening dressg. dungareesh. shonsi. baseball capj jeansk. mini skifil. shirt

    . (Suggested answers)

    . We use present simple to describe permanenr

    "i",* .Jr'"Orr"O actions (timetables) and likes

    "'iJaLrix".- w" use present continuous to de-

    "lriu" ""tion. happening now' temporary situa-

    tions and future arrangements'



    16 1. T 3 T2.F 4 F

    /f ca, ask Ss fo lustify the use of each tense'e.g. 1. wotks: Pemanent state )

    /s/ lzl Irzlwatches



    c, Irt, T

    casual: denim iacket. V-neckjumper' dungarees base'i.rr

    ""ilJ"nJ.l""ns mini si(irt' tracksuit overalls flat

    ino"i. poro-n"il, r-shirt leggings trainersilrrui'-"uit, scarf, fur coat, evening dress' tie' shirt'waistcoat, bow tie, high-heeled shoes

    a) gym: shorts trainers, T-shirt tracksuit leggingsbaseball cap

    uf trioiJenim jacr

  • IEnteerise PreJntermediate Coursebook - Unit 1: Read My Lips



    19 (First, T goes through the information under each pic-ture with Ss. Secondly, T divides the class into twoteams, team A and team B. Thirdly, f chooses two Ss,one frcm each team. The S from team B chooses apicture. The S trom team A asks three yes lNo-questionstrying to find who the person is. ff helshe tinds theperson, hislher team wins one point. lf helshe doesn'ttind the person, then the other team wins one point. Tchooses two othelSs, one from each team, swaps rolesand Ss play the game again. The team with the mostpoinb is the winner.)(Suggested queslions to be asked by Ss)ls it a boy/girl?Does he/she live in ...?ls he/she ... years old?ls he/she short/tall/slim/plump'iHas he/she got long/shorvbrownltail hair?Does he/she like/hate ...? etc


    TeamASl: ls it a boy?Team B S1: Yes, it is.Team A 51: Has he got shorT brown hair?Team B 51: No, he hasn't.Team A 51: Does he hate maths?Team B 51: Yes, he does.Team A 51: /l's Sfeyen/Teacher: Very well! Team A wins one point.(T swaps rcles)

    Team B 32: ls it a boy?Team A 52: No, it isn't.Team B 52' ls she frcm Canada?Team A 52: Yes, she ls.Team B 52: Has she gotfair hair?Team A32: Yes, she has.Team B S2: lt's Ann!Team A 52: No, it's Sally.Teacher: Team B doesn't win a point. Team A

    wins a point.

    (Suggested answers)John is Australian and he is twelve years old. He is shortand slim and has short, brown hair. He is friendly andkind. John likes swimming but he hates watching TV.Ann is Canadian and she is thirteen years old. She is talland slim and has Jair hair. She is generous and caring.Ann likes playing the guitar but she hates watchinghorror lilms.

    Sa//y is Canadian and she is thirteen years old. She istalland plump and hastair hair. She is polite and caring.Sally likes going to the cinema but she hates watchinghorror tilms.

    Steyen is Australian and he is twelve years old. He isshort and slim and has long brown hair. He is generousand kind. Steven likes watching TV but hales maths.

    thenen in

    tt thenmar: lhlsI USe

    lnentlikes) de-;itua-


    ) worasof Wisdom(Ss qtl lo guess fhe meaning of each sentence. T helpsthemunderstand the meaning, then f asks Ss to memorise thesentences- T checks in the nert lesson.). People judge you by what you wear.. You can tell a person's character by looking at their

    eyes.. What's good for one person might not be good for

    another. lt's a matter ot taste.. People can be very different from whatthey seem to be

    on the outside.. The first opinion you form about someone doesn't

    usually change..lIl

    F writing (p. s)20 1. b 2.c 3.a

    (T explains the plan then asslgns Ex. 21 as written HW.T points out that this is an informal lefter thereforc westariwith Dear + your pen-friend'sfitstname and signoft with Best wishes I Yours + your titst name. T alsopoints out that the lettet should be divided into para-grapns.)

    (Suggested answer)Dear Julie,

    lvly name is Jane Glynn and I'm lrom America. I livein Washington with my family and dog. There are threeot us; ldon't have any brothers or sisters. My mum isa housewife and my dad is a bank manager.

    l'm thirteen years old. I'm about 1.51 cmtalland I'mquite slim. As you can see from the photograph, I've gotblue eyes and long blond hair. I usually wear dunga-rees and trainers.

    I love music. l\ily favourite is pop music. I also lovereading and horseback riding but ldon't like swim-ming.

    Write back to me soon and tell me about Vourself.Send me a photograph of yourself.

    Best wishes,Jane

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