entrepreneurial leadership thoery supported in business accelerator programs

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Entrepreneurial Leadership Theory Supported in Business Accelerator ProgramsGREGORY PRICEINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LEADERSHIP AND EDUCATIONMARCH 29, 2014

How Many of You….• Have started your own business?• What was the most difficult aspect of taking it to the

next level?• What would you do different next time?

A Proposal for Research

Your Participation in this Process• You are invited to be candid in your assessment

• Criteria can include:• Identify new approaches• Identify areas that are not well defined or understood

Presentation FormatPART I

• Introduction• Problem Statement• Purpose of

Research• Research Questions


• Theoretical Framework• Methodology• Data Sources• Data Collection• Data Analysis


• Significance

Introduction• Entrepreneurs are known risk takers• Passion, energy, and perseverance• Financial, psychological, and social risk• Follow a different set of rules• Rely on their own understanding of the world around them

Bann, C. L. (2007).(Cook & Yamamoto, 2011).

Part I

Small Business by the NumbersCompanies with Less than 500 Employees

2002 2008 DirectionU.S. 48% 46% - 2%

(United States Census Bureau, 2011).

Business Survival Rates by Time• 40% => 3 year kill rate• 67% => 10 year kill rate

Imagine if support for entrepreneurs were given at a higher degree. What would be the result?

The Size of Small Business in Washington St.

Employment in Categorized Sized Firms

Firms operating in Washington


Employees against total Washington

State employment

(%)1 – 4

employees61% 6%

< 20 employees

88% 21%

< 100 employees

96% 38%

(United States Census Bureau, 2011).

Business Incubator & Business AcceleratorINCUBATOR

• Over 50 years serving clients• Inexpensive shared services• 1,400 operating in US in 2006


• First one in 2007, growing fast• Investor-oriented• Fast-paced, 3-4 month


(Carr, 2012)

Possible Solution?• Entrepreneurship is Experiential Learning• Accelerator Program is learning• Why take hard knocks • Learn from the best!

Agility Leadership

The problem being researched is.....• Frequent failure of small businesses • which may be caused from a lack of entrepreneurial leadership

agility. • Startup phase of a business • supports the entrepreneurs core competency • limited opportunity to develop leadership skills

• Organizational development phase • leadership skills play a much more important role• business accelerator programs target this phase of the

entrepreneurial enterprise

Suppose for a Moment...• Imagine what a 10% solution could do.... • could have a tremendous positive impact on the tax base,

reduced unemployment rate, and improved standard of living.

Nonfarm Corporate and Non-corporate Shares of Receipts and Employment 2007

  Revenue   Employment  Small


Large Busine


  Small Busine


Large Busine


Total 30% 70%   49% 


Source: Statistics of U.S. Businesses, 2007 and Nonemployer Statistics. U.S. Census Bureau


Research QuestionsGENERAL QUESTION

• What method or methods of training in a business accelerator program do entrepreneurs indicate most useful to their leadership development?


• How do entrepreneurs describe the aspects of a business accelerator program that resulted in their leadership development?• What specific leadership skills did

entrepreneurs take away from their experience in the business accelerator program? • What types of training were most

useful in an entrepreneurs’ leadership development?

Descriptive Study

Explanatory Study

Theoretical Framework• Qualitative, Case Study

• Experiential Theory• Learning through knowledge, skills, and values• Learning by doing real-world activities

Part II

(He, 2013).

Theoretical Framework• Entrepreneurial Leadership Theory

• Leadership Theory• Combining strategic vision with influence• Motivating others through a cultural process in the organization

• Entrepreneur Theory• Create opportunity beyond the resources the individual controls

Roomi, M. A., & Harrison, P. (2011).


• Performs complex solo duties • Organizational structure not

defined• Personality traits may be

complex• Skills needed are varied


• Performs duties in an organization• Org structure is firmly


Theoretical FrameworkEntrepreneurial Leadership Theory

(Vecchio, (2003); Mattare, 2008).

Data Sources

• Accelerator Programs• Entrepreneurs• Artifacts• Journals• Audio

Data Collection (3+ month process)  Study

Participant AStudy

Participant BStudy

Participant CStudy

Participant D  Inter








tion  Pre-entry Interview


kMonth One

1                2                3                4                

Data AnalysisWe







Real-life simulation


• Developing a stronger understanding of Entrepreneurs


understanding of methodology and results


teaching methods• Build upon the

body of literature

Part III

QuestionsFollow up:Twitter@GregPriceMBA



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