enumeration of medicinal plants -...

Post on 16-Apr-2020






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A ; Anantapur District

CH : Chittaor District

CU : Cuddapah District

K : K u r n d District

C : Chenchus

N : Nakkalas

S : Sugalis

Y : Yanadis

Ye Yerukalas

Ln : Local name(s)

Loc : Locality

Restr : Diet Restriction

* : Unreported medicinal plant

** : Endemic to Rayalaseema Region


HCycas M r m i Dyer (Photo 27 & 28)

Shrubs, 50-75 cm tall. Stems clothed with closely i m b r i a t e leaf

bases; r achis su b-quadr angular; leaf lets linear, I-nerved, spinous acuminate, 0

margins strongly revolute. Plants d$cious.

b.: Tirumala (CHI NN 900 Ln: perita

The crude stem flour (pith) is eaten or given internally wi th

milk t o treat stomach ulcers (Nl.


Clematis gowiana Roxb. ex DC.

Climbing shrubs. Leaves bi or tti-compound. Flowers light yellow

in dense axillary panicles. Stamens glabrous, connectives hooded. Fruit an

etario of achenes.

k: Kuppam (CHI NN 317. Ln: Gowri-kuntala

Seed paste is applied externally for one week fw the

destruction of lice (Y).

Naraveiia zeyknim IL.) DC.

Large climbers. Stems woody. Leaves trifoliolate. Flowers pale

green or light yellow, in axiliary or in terminal panicles. Achenes with long,

twisted, persistent, plumose styles.

Lac;: TirumaIa (CN) NN 373 Ln: Pedda-gowri-kuntala

Stems are used as tooth-brushes t o cure toothache. Crushed

roots emit smeH, which is said to relieve headache (N).


Micbeiia drampacB L.

Trees. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, coriaceous, glabrescent. Flowers

axillary, solitary. Stamens numerous; anthers linear, apiculate. Fruit a

cluster of warty follcles. Seeds subglobose.

toc;: Tirumala (CH) NN 259 h: ManusampengalCharnpakamu

Stem bark is used as a digestive stimulant. Flowers and fruits

possess antiseptic propetties and are abo useful in renal disorders and

gonorrhma (N, Y).


AmoM cherimola Mill.

Trees, 5-6 rn tall. Flowers with a peak during April-July, with

stray ones throughout the year.

h Chandragiri (CHI NN 344 In: Lakshmana palamu.

Roots are dried, boiled and a swp is prepared; salt is added to

the soup and given as a remedy for blood in faeces.

*MiIiusa tornentosa (Roxb.) Sinchit. ; Saccopetalum tomentosum (Roxb.) Hook.

f. & Thorns.

Large deciduous trees. BranchIets tomentose. Leaves ovate,

elliptic, tomentose h e a t h . Flowers solitary or fascicled in the axils. Fruits

a ring of subglobose carpels.

k: Nallamalais (KJ NN 430 Ln: Gadidalotta

Leaf and seed paste is used in the treatment of rheumatoid

arthritis (Ye).


Arumirta -ulus (L.) Wight dr Arn. ; Menispermum cocculus L.

Large climbing shrubs or huge lianas with long panicles drooping

from nodes of the old wood.

h.: Puttur (CHI NN 1029 In: Kakumanu/Pelakayalu

Leaf and seed paste is mixed with coconut oil and applied to

the scalp before bath t o treat dandruff. Fruit paste applied on the forehead

t o cure headache (Yl.

CissampeIos pareira L.

Slender climbers. Leaves peitate, broadly cordate. Flowers

d i ~ c i o u s ; male inflorescence pendent, sub-corymbose cymes; female in

thyrsoid clusters. Drupes ovoid, hirsute, scarlet when ripe.

h.: Pattikonda IK) NN 318 Ln: Adavi-hnka ttega.

A paste made from 3-4 root pieces is taken orally twice daily

in fever and body pains due to cold (5).

One pill is made using three leaves of the herb and given daily

at the rate of one pill per day for three days during menses. This treatment

will check conception in the month it is applied (C).

Root decoction is given as a drink to prevent abortion and in

Promoting menstruation (Ye).

hirsutus (L,) Diels

Straggling or cl imbing hirsute evergreen shrubs. Male

inflorescence in ax i lary panicles; female in axillary fascicles. Drupes

ktwally compressed, reddish-purple.

h: Dhone (K) NN 1890 Ln: Dusarateega.

Entire plant is boiled and i t s decoction is given in promoting

menstruation (C).

Kmqma cocdifolia (Willd.) Miers ex Hook. F. & Thorns. (Photo 29)

Climbing succulent shrubs, bark papery at f irst , corky later.

Leaves ovate~ordate, entire. Flowers greenish-yellow in racemes or panicles.

Drupes sessile, red.

k.: Penukonda (A) NN 548 Ln: Tippa teega.

The infusion of the entire plant, administered orally with honey

to induce vomiting (as a purgative).

Leaf powder (about one teaspoonful) is given in milk, twice a

day or maceration of the plant is taken for 60 days to control diabetes.


Argemone mexicana L.

Prickly herbs. Leaves sessi le , mottled green and white ,

pimatifid, lobes ending in spines. A11 parts of the plant yield yellow latex.

Flowers yellow. Capsules elliptic, spinous, apically dehiscing. Seeds black,


k.: Sidhout (CU) NN 8 10 Ln: Kusuma pah

The Iatex from the leaves is mixed with turmeric powder

(Curcuma lonp,a) and the mixture thus obtained is apfled externally to cure

skin diseases.


R q h w s satiws L.

Herbs; tap root tuberous. Lower leaves lyrate-pinnatisect, upper

ones lobed, chartactous, margin dentate to crenate. Fio wers pinkish- white,

disc with stalked glands.

h.: Pattikonda (K) NN 613 ; Tirupati {CHI NN 327 Ln: Mullangi.

Leaf juice mixed with leaf juice of Smilax perfoliata Lour. and

given as a drink to treat rnenorrhagia.


*is sepiaria L.

Much branched armed shrubs, branches densely pubescent. Leaves

el l ipt ic or elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, mucronate. Flowers in axillary or

terminal corymbose sub-umbels. Berries globose, black when ripe.

k: Uravakonda (A) NN 359 Ln: Nalla uppi

Leaf juice (about 20 ml) is used in the treatment of


Capparis zeylanica 1.

Large climbing thorny shrubs. Branchlets stellate-tomentose.

Leaves elliptic or lanceoiate. Flowers in supra-axillary dusters, white, turning

rose. Berries obovoid or globose, reddish brown.

k: Rajampet (CU) NN 269; Kalahasti (CH) NN 305 Ln: Adonds

The juice of the leaves and root is mixed with 'ghee' and

'jira' and the mixture thus obtained is applied externally t o cure skin


Crataeva magna (Lour.) DC. ; C:religiosa Forst. f. var. nurvalz (8uch.-

~arn.) Hook. f. k Thorns. ; C. religiosa sensu b n

Deciduous trees, bark grey. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers

corymbose, yeilowish-white. Berries ovoid, yeliowish-grey when ripe.

Inc.: TarnbaIlapaIli (CH) NN 369 Ln: MaralingamulUskarnanu

The liquid obtained after boiling the leaf and root is used in

throat infections; leaves are chewed in case of spongy gums and toothaches



C%ome gymxka L.; Gy~ndropsis pentaphylla (1.) DC.

Annual erect pubescent herbs. Leaves Sfoliolate. Flowers in

corymbose racemes, pink or white. Capsules glandular.

k: Rayachoty (CU) NN 831 In: Vaminta

Leaf juice used as ear drops to relieve ear-aches or ear-



wybanlhs enneaspermw (L.) Muell.; Ionidium suffruticosum (L.) Gig.

SmaU herbs. Leaves simple, linear-lanceolate. Flowers rose,

axillary, sohary. Capmrks globose, slightly hairy.

k: chandragiri (CH) NN 469 tn: Rampurrusha

Infusion of the plant is given with cashewnut, dry grapes and

sugar to increase potency (as an aphrodisiacb


*Cochlwpermum religiosum (L.) Alston ; C.gossypium DC. (Photo 30)

Deciduous t r e e s , 10-12 m tall. Leaves 5-7 lobed, lobes

tomentose below. Flowers golden-yellow in terminal subcory mbose panicles.

Capsules obovoid. Seeds numerous, curved, woolly.

k.: Tirumala (CHI NN 395 Ln: Kondagogu

Leaves and flowers are macerated with water and given orally

2-3 times a day in promoting menstruation (S).


Casearia elliptica Willd.; C. tomentosa Roxb.

Deciduous trees. Branches pendent, downy pubescent. Leaves

elliptic, pubescent. Flowers many in axillary fascicles. Capsules globose, 3-

valved, yellow.

Loc.: Talakona (CH) NN 438 tn: Vatabedhi

Fruit juice mixed with honey t o cure gas in stomach and colic

pains. Red pulp of the fruit is used to cure tonsils (Ye).

F h c a r h indica (Burm. f.) Merr. ; F. sepiaria Roxb.

Small trees. Leaves fascicled at apex, ovate, orbicular. Flowers

pale green. Drupes furrowed, indehiwnt, purplish-black when ripe.

Is.: Kurnool (K) NN 427 Ln: PutikatadalPu~lerika

Fruit juice is given in viral jaundice and enlarged spleen and

the s t e r n h k is cooked in sesame oil {Sesarnum indicum) used as a liniment

in gout and rheumatism.


Polympaea aurea Wight & Arn.

Perennial woody undershrubs. Leaves opposite linear, needle-like.

Flowers small, pinkish-scarlet in terminal compound racemes. Capsules oblong.

keds compressed.

Inc;: Madakasira (A) NN 366 h Ra jumaJbmmasari

Paste of the plant applied externally to cure heat boils and

swellings and also given in jaundice.


Talinum ptulacifotium (For sk.) Asch. et Schw.; Talinum cuneif olium (Vahl)


Succulent shrubs. Leaves cuneate, obovate. Flowers purple in

terminal panicles.

h.: Puttur (CH) NN 437; Uravakanda (A) NN 116 Ln: Thotapavalil Paalaku

Leaf powder is mixed with the leaf powder of Gyrnnerna

sylvestre (Retz) R. Br. ex Schult., about one tablesponful given with milk

twice a day for 30 days to control diabetes.


*Hyperimin jwicurn Thunb. ex Murr.

Erect annual herbs. Branchlets glabrous, 4-angled. Leaves

elliptic-ovate auricled at base, +nerved. Flowers orange-yellow in axillary or

terminal cymes. Stamens monodelphous. Capsules ovoid. Seeds oblong.

h: Tirurnala (CH) NN 251 Ln: Guntachamanthi

Leaves are pounded and paste applied on the fractured part to e

relip? pains and quick heafng.


**Shores turnbuggab Roxb.

Large trees 10-30 rn tall. Leaves ovate, cordate at base, entire,

acute to acuminate. Flowers in terminal or axillary panicles. Capsules

enclosed with wing like aecrescent sepals.

k.: Tirumala (CHI NN 280 In: Tumba jalari

The tree yields resin, which is used for local rheumatic pains.

Decoction of the stembark is given in stomach ulcers (N).


A b u t i h indicum (L.1 Sweet

Shrubs with spreading branches. Leaves cordate at base, ovate-

acuminate. Flowers orange-yellow, solitary. Seeds glabrous or sparsely hairy.

W.: Lakkireddi palli (CU) NN 249 Ln: Tutturubenda

Leaves and flowers are made into juice mixed with jaggery and

given orally for scorpion and snake bites; leaf lotion is given in rheumatism


*Hibiscus vitifolius L.

Annual or rarely perennial erect hispid herbs. Leaves alternate,

simple or slightly lobed, cordate with soft tomenturn. Flowers axil lary,

solitary, y e l b w with pink streaks, purplish inside. Capsules hairy, winged.

k: Kcdur (CU) NN 1322 h: tsuka ravi

Three flower-buds are collected just before blooming and mixed

with water left after washing of rice. One such bud makes one dose. The

female concerned is given one dose oraIiy daily on the 4th, 5th and 6th days

of the menses. The appliction i s repeated for 3-4 months for permanent

sterilization (Ye). Root decoction is given in vaginai discharges which cause


Sida cordifolia L.

Much branched undershrubs. Leaves ve lve t ty . Flowers pale

yellow, solitary or in clusters. Fruits covered with calyx lobes, awns longer

than calyx. Seeds brown to black.

Is.: Tirupati (CHI NN 273 Ln: Chiru-benda

Decoction of fresh root applied with a soaked materia l on

paralysed part for 2 weeks to treat paralysis.


Byttneria her- Roxb.

Small herbs o f t e n climbing. Sterns pubescent. Leaves ovate

lanceolate, acuminate, dentate; a linear gbnd on the lower side of midrib.

Flowers in axillary cymes, reddish-purple. Capsules, thin bristly, globose.

loc.: Rajarnpet (CU) NN 398; Tirumda (CH) NN 262 h Rudraksha

Plant paste applied externally for rheumatic swell ings and

elephantiasis. Roasred seeds are used in the treatment of stomach troubles.

HeIicteres h a L.

Shrubs or small trees, 1-4 m tal l . Leaves obovate, obliquely

cordate, serrate, pubescent beneath. Flowers bright red in axillary fascicles.

Fruits of 5 spirally twisted follicles, pubescent.

km: Cud&pah (CU) NN 191 Ln: Gubatada

Pods are fried and mixed with milk and later on given to

children to kill the intestinal wormslgerms.

Fruit and seed powder is given in milk to cure diabetes; sugar,

sweets, spicy foods, etc. should avoided. Aqueous extract of the seed is given

in dysentery and stomach-aches (Ye).

Root decoction mixed wi th turmeric powder and applied

externally to cure cuts and wounds.

m l i a w m ~ Roxb. (Photo 31)

Trees, bark whitish, papery, peeling off in flakes. Leaves,

palmately 3-5 lobed, crowded at the ends of branchlets. FIowers pak green

within with bright red centre, yellowish without, scented. FolIicles 4-5 lobed

with rusty brown stinging hairs. Seeds black, oblong.

h.: Kadiri (A) NN 146; Tirumala (CHI NN 267 h TapsilErrapoliki

The stembark i s pounded and made into small pils (about 2-4

gm). Two pills twice a day are given to patient for a week in the treatment

of rheumatic pains; also, the paste is tied on fractured part 6).


Erythroxylum mamogynurn Roxb.

Evergreen shrubs or small trees. Leaves ellipticavate. Flowers

pale grten with white disc, axillary, solitary or in clusters. Stamens Connate

at the base. Drupes oblong eliipsoid, red when ripe. .

k: NallamaIais {K) NN 364; Tirumala (CHI NN 329 Ln: Devadaru

Leaf juice given oraUy as a cooling beverage (5).

Oil extracted from the stembark o f the plant and seed of

Strychnos nux-vornica is used in the treatment of eczema M.


Tribulus terrestris L.

Prostrate, villous herbs. Leaves paripinnate; leaflets eHiptic-

oblong. Flowers yellow, solitary, axilhry. Schizocarp with sharp, divaricate


Imcz Kadiri (A) NN 841 Ln: Nelapalleru

The fruits are credited with diuretic and tonic properties and

are used for the treatment of calculous affections and painful micturition.


IBiophytum sensitiwm (L.) DC.

Erect herbs. Leaves paripinnate, crowded at the top o f stem;

leaflets obovate, truncate. Flowers yellow in terminal umbels with short

pediceh. Capsules ellipsoid.

k.: Kodur (CU) NN 328; Tirumala (C) NN 384 Ln: Attipatri

The leaf is ground and applied externally to cure hydrocele and

leaf decoction given in gonorrhoea.


*tiens h h m h L.

Erect herbs. haves ovate-lanceolate, sparsely pubescent, acute.

Flowers pale pink with a spur at the base, solitary or in dusters.

k: Talakona (CHI NN 331 & NN 292 Ln: Chitaka mukku puvvu

Flowers are used as cooling agent; paste of the whole plant is

used as an external application to burns and rheumatic pains rY).


Mle rnarmelos (L.) Correa

Small deciduous armed trees. Leaves 3-foliokite, ovate, acute.

Flowers white in axillary panicles. Fruit a berry. Seeds numerous embedded

in fleshy pulp.

Is.: Cuddapah (CU) NN 1479; Ahobilam (K) WN 874 Ln: Maredu chettu

Root infusion i s given or powder mixed with petroleum j e l y

applied over the affected part for the treatment of snake-bites (C).

Fruit-pulp and stem-bark decoction is taken internally with

cumin seeds t o treat stomach disorders and diarrhwa (C).

Leaf decoction i s given in diabetes.

Leaves are burnt and ash eaten with ghee to treat stomach

worms We).

Atabntia rnonophylk (L.) Correa (Photo 32)

Much branched thorny shrubs or small trees. Leaves ovate,

obtuse, coriaceous. Flowers white in umbels or corymbs. Fruit a k r y ,


IAC.: Dhone (K) NN 873; Rajarnpet (CU) NN 1117 Ln: Adavi nirnrna

Fruit paste applied on paralysed part for 2 weeks; oil from

fruits (a f e w drops) mixed with milk given in the treatment of paralysis


*GIy;cosrnis ptaphylla (Retz.) DC.

Small evergreen urwrned trees. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate;

leaflets alternate or sub-opposite, elliptic-lancedate. Flowers white, fragrant

in axilhry panicles. Fruit a berry, gbbose, pinkish.


Ailanthus excels Roxb.

Trees, 10-1 5 m tall. Leaves impari-pinnate; leaflets 15-20 pairs,

alternate or subopposite, elliptic or rhomboidal, unequal at base, irregularly

dentate. Flowers yellow in large a x i l l a r y or terminal panicles. Fruit a


k.: Chandragiri (CH) PIN 431 Ln: Feddamanu

Vapours of boiled stembark inhaled for colds and coughs; bark

deccction given in chronic bronchitis and asthma.


b i t e s acgyptiaca (1.) Del.; 8. roxburghii Planch.

Perennial shrubs or small trees, branches yellowish-green. Spines

straight,axillary. Flowets greenish-white, fragrant, axillary, few or many

flowered cymes. Fruit five ribbed, woody.

k.: Hindupur {A) NN 428; Atmakur (K) NN 287 .h Gara

Seed paste given internally thrice a day is said to be a very

effective drug in conception (oral contraceptive) (C, Ye).


Ochna obtusata DC. var. garnblei (King ex Brandis) Kanis; 0. garnblei King

ex Brandis (Photo 33)

Small trees. Leaves elliptic-obovate, crenate-serrate, nerves

irregular, prominent. Flowers bright yellow in umbellate panicles. Drupes


k: Kodur ICU) NN 272 Ln: Kukka-mogi

Decoction of the root given in menstrual complaints and

poisonous bites.

O ~ M obtusata DC. var. dtusata ; & squarrosa auct non L.

Small trees or shrubs. Leaves simple, shining above, obovate

acute. Flowers fragrant, yellow in short umbellate or corymbose panicles.

Drupes ovoid.

k.: Tirumala (CHI NN 344 Ln: ErravuddilErra adugu

Stem-bark infusion is prescribed as a drink or paste applied

externally in cobra-bites (N).


93aswellia ovalifoliolata Bal. & Henry (Pbto 3 4 )

Deciduous trees, bark ash coloured, peeling off in thin papery

flakes. Leaves irnparipinnate, alternate or crowded at the ends of branches;

leaflets sessile, ovate-oblong, unequal at base, glaucous beneath, veins

reddish. Flowers in axillary panicles. Drupes trigonous, consists of 3 bony

winged pyrenes. Seeds compressed.

k.: Tirurnala (CH) NN 254 Ln: Konda Sarnbrani ISeemaguggilamu

Cum oleoresin obtained from the stem and is dried, powdered

and dissolved in water, the extract obtained is mixed with curd given

internally to cure amoebic dysentery while the stem-bark decoction is given

in joint pains or rheumatic pains (N).


mrachta indica A. JUSS.

Large trees. Leaves i m p a r i p i n n a t e ; leaflets 9- 12, ovate-

lanceolate or ell iptic, as yrnrnetr ical, serrate. Flowers white, in elongated

axiilary panicles. Fruit a drupe, oblong.

k.: Uravakonda (A) NN 424; Tsllndupalli (CU) NN 179 h: Vepa

Leaf paste or seed oil applied externally in the treatment of


Leaf juice taken internally to cure chronic skin diseases ($1.

*Cipa&ssa hccifera (Roth) Miq. ; C fruticosa Blurne

h s h y shrubs. Leaves imparipinnate, coarsely serrate; leaflets 4

pairs. Flowers small, white in panicles. Fruit a drupe.

k.: Tirupati (CH) NN 884; Punganur (CHI NN 361 tn: Potti-vepa

Stem-bark is boiled, the decoction so obtained is given as a

drink twice a day during menses to cure menstrual pains (Sl.

M e k amhrach 1.

Trees. Leaves 2 or 3-pinnate; leaflets 3-5 pairs. Flowers liliac in

long axillary panicles. Stamina1 tube dark purple. Fruit a drupe, oblong, i


k: Sidhout (CU) NN 252; Kadiri (A) NN 132 Ln: Turaka vepa

Poultice of leaves and stem bark applied externally as ointment

for boils and wounds. Stem-bark decoction mixed with bulbous root powder of

Cyperus rotundus L. taken orally in the treatment of skin diseases (5).


O p i l i amentacea Roxb.

Climbing shrubs. Leaves eUiptic, acuminate, rounded at base.

Flowers green, in axillary or extra-axillary racemes. Drupes oblong, apiculate,

with fleshy pericarp.

W Chittoor (CHI NN 412; TambaUapalli (CHI NN 415 Ln: Pacha necheri

Root paste is used as an antidote for snake bites. Leaf powder

mixed with equal amount of rock salt and filled into the cavities of carious

teeth in alternative days to arrest infection and swelling (5).

Flowers and fruits are cooked in coconut oil, then oil filtered

and applied to scalp for hair growth and in dandruff W).


Celasttus paniculatus Willd.

Unarmed stragglers. Branches prominently lenticebite. Leaves

ovate, acuminate, dentate. Flowers polygamous, pale yellow in terminal

paniculate cymes. Capsules g l o b , orange when ripe.

k.: Kuppam (CHI NPI 307; Srisailam (K) NN 377 h Jotismati

Stem-bark is boiled along with the root of Fnichelia charnpaca

and i t s tea is given twice a day in the morning for 3 days to induce

abortion of three to four or even up t o six months old pregnancy. 'Sharkth'

(solution of sugar in water) is given after the medicine to keep cool and

normal diet is allowed (YX

Seed oil given in mild paralysis; seed paste applied externally as

ointment and maceration of powder given internally twice a day for the

treatment of psoriasis (C).


*- chinensis L. . 2 5 priortoides DC.

Shrubs. Branches divaricate, glabrous. Leaves elliptic-lancedate

or oblong-elliptic, coriaceous, glabrous, minutely crenate-serrate or entire,

shortly acuminate, obtuse. Flowers yellow in axillary fascicles arising from

smalI tubercles.

k.: Ra jugunta (CHI NN 826

Root-bark powder given with lime water, as an effective remedy

for diabetes W).


Ventiliago rnaderaspatana Gaertn.

Much branched woody climbers. Leaves elliptic-acuminate.

Flowers green in terminal or axillary panicles. Samaras green, wings bifid at


k.: Kodur (CU) NN 420 Ln: Etta sarugudu

The decoction of the root bark mixed with powder of cumin and

black pepper used in the treatment of stomachic.


-115 paUida (Wight k Am.) Planch. ; Vitis pallida Wight & Arn.

Stout rambling shrubs with glaucous stems. Leaves ovate-

orbicular, cordate at base, cuspidate. Flowers pale yeflow in umbellate

cymes. Fruit a berry, pyriform.

Lac;: Puttaparthi (A) NN 879 Ln: NaUa teega

Pouitice of the plant applied externally on broken bone for

effective bone-setting.

C k m @angularis L. ; Vitis quadran~uiaris (L.) Wall. ex Wight

Fleshy tendril climbers with glaucous sterns. Leaves ovate,

reniform. Flowers red in umbellate cymes. Berries red, globose, apiculate.

M.: Puttur {CH) NN 1031 Ln: Nalleru

Beaten stems are mixed with egg albumin, applied externally in

the treatment of fractured bones; fleshy stem and leaf juice given internally

once a day for 3 days to cure stomachaches.

Paste prepared from mixtures of plant and ragi (seed of

Eleusine coracana (L.) Caertn.) is baked on fire and cake eaten to cure

rheumatic back pains.


Cardiwpcrmum - Wall .

Tendri l lar , c l i m b i n g herbs; stem deeply furrowed. Leaves

biternate, pubescent on both sides. Flowers in long peduncled umbellate

cymes. Capsules inflated, subglobose, triangular, not winged.

k: Punganur {CH) NN 236 Ln. Tella BudarnalPedda-budama

Plant juice is squeezed into ear to dear the foul smell and ear-

aches (5).

-1chera olema (Lour.) Oken ; S. t r i j u ~ Wilid.

Large deciduous trees. Leaves lyrately pinnate, opposite; leaflets

2-3 pairs. Flowers pale yellow. Fruit echinate.

h: Srisailam (K) NH 851; Ra jampet (CU) NN 816 Ln: PuIisaral&rsichettu

Paste of the stem-bark applied externally in the treatment of

skin diseases; stem is cut into small pieces and tied on the fractured part as

a pktster for the effecthe bone setting (C, S).


-&urn d d e n t a k L.

Small spreading trees. Leaves obtuse, cuneate at base. Flowers

yellow streaked with pink colour, in terminal, prominently bracteate panicles.

Fruits resinous greenish-grey; nut on a yellow or scarlet fleshy peduncle.

Lnc.: Tirupati (CHI NN 878 Ln: &dimamidi

Oil obtained from the fruit kernel applied externally on the

affected part of the body in skin diseases, eczema and warts (N).

&rchanania axilkis (Desr.1 Ramam.;.B, an~st i fo l ia Roxb.

Trees. Leaves oblong-elliptic, base and apex obtuse. Flowers

white in terminal panicles. Drupes compresse6globose.

k.: Cudclapah (CU) NN 320 Ln: Morli, Sara

The gum benzoin from the plant dissolved in a glass of water is

given in rheumatic pains; fried seed powder is prescribed as an effective

digestive stimulant.

*Rhus r n m s i s G. Don

Thorny shrubs. Leaves alternate, trifolioiate, terminal leaflet

iar gest. Flowers minute, yellowish-green in axillary and terminal panicles.

Drupes small, brawn, glabrous, shining.

k: Chandragiri (CHI NN 220 In: SundarilKada purugudu

Leaves and flowers pounded with garlic and black pepper (3

seeds) made into pills and administered 2 pills a day for 15 days and paste

applied externally as ointment to treat piles; leaf and fruit used as poultice

in rheumatism (Y).

*-pus m d i u m L.f. (Photo 35)

Trees. Leaves thick, glabrous above, rusty villous below. Flowers

pie yellow, in terminal branched panicles. Drupes reniform, hypocarp fleshy.

b.: Tirumala (CHI NN 374 Ln: NalIa geedi

Seed oil ap~lied externally cure cuts. The oil is also applied

externally for the extraction of thorns without any pain; seed and hypocarp

used as vermifuge and in cancerous diseases.


Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn.; M. oleifera a w t . non Lam.

Moderate-sized trees. Leaves tri-pinnate; leaflets eiliptic.

Flowers white.

k.: Cuddapah (CU) NN 811; Punganur (CHI NN 372 h Munaga chettu

Roots are ground into paste with cow's milk and administered

internally for nine days in the treatment of epilepsy; root decoction is also

given in the treatment of sexual diseases gonorrhoea and syphilis (SL

Leaf and stem-bark juice used as eye-drops in eye disorders.


Abrus -torim L.

Perennial wiry twiners. Leaves pinnate; leaflets deciduous.

Flowers whitish-pink in axillary racemes. Fruit 3-5 seeded. Seeds red with

black patch on hilum, shining.

k: Sidhout (CU) NN 315 Lfl: Gurivinda

Root paste mixed with cow's milk given in dysentery.

Leaf decoction is given to cure dry cough and throat infections.

Atylosia xarako ides (L.) knth.

Slender twiners. Branches clothed with pale yellow or grey

pubescence. Leaves trifoiiohte. Flowers yellow in short axilfary racemes.

Pods covered with brownish soft haris, 2-4 seed&.

k: Proddatur ICU) NN 387 tn: Adavi kandi

Decoction of the leaves given in dysentery; it is aIso mixed

with honey and given to women in labour pains.

Seed powder given with cow's m i k in improving vitality (as an


B u w monosperma (Lam.) Taub. ; & frondosa Koen. ex Roxb.

Moderate sized deciduous trees. Leaves trifoliolate, glabrous,

coriacews, broadly obovate. Flowers appear before leaves, orange-scarlet

coloured. Pods flat, indehiscent.

k.: Dhone (K) NN 282; Punganur (CHI NN 423 h Moduga

Roots are ground with rice and washed with water and paste

applied on neck for the treatment of goitre.

Seed powder made into a paste with honey and applied into the

vagina before coition. This is repeated every time (C); seed paste prepared

as a soft porridge and eaten to expel stomach worms (S).

Cyamopsis tetrapnoloba (L) Taub.

Erect annual herbs; stems grooved. Leaves 3-f oliolate; leaflets

elliptic, hairy on both sides. Flowers purple in axihry racemes. Pods s u b

tetragonal. Mostly cultivated in fields.

k-: ~handragiri (CH) NN 331; Kodur (CUJ NN 702 h Motikkayalu

Fruits are boiled and its d m i o n i s given or fruits are used as

fried curry to cure diabetes.

Leaf juice ve tzed into eyes to a r e night blindness.

M m m pruriens (L.1 DC. ; M. prurita Hoqk.

Slender climbers. Leaves Efoiiolate; leaflets rhomboid-ovate.

Flowers purple in axillary racemes. Fruits with appressed brown stinging,

bristles, '5' shaped. Seeds subrenifwm, glabrous.

Loc.: Cbandragiri ICH) NN 382; Kodur (CHI NN 467 Ln: NaJlateeta Kanthiril

Doolagondi kaya.

lnfusion of the leaves is given as a drink in scorpion stings.

Seeds are boiled and its decoction i s prescribed as a drink t o cure snake

bites and scorpion poison (C).

Seeds are also used as an aphrodisiac; seeds are boiled wi th

mwYs milk till the latter becomes thick. Seeds should now be decwticated

and pounded and fried in 'ghee' (clarified butter) and made into a confection

with sugar. The resultant mass steeped in honey and consumed daily for the

said property (Y).

wia w jeinensis (Roxb.1 Hochr.; & dalbergioides Benth.

Moderate-sized, often gregarious trees. Very pretty when its

masses of rose-coloured flowers are open before the new leaves appear.

k: Nalhmahis (K) PIN 832 h. Vanda~muchettu

Sttmbark decoction mixed with black pepper (3 seeds) used in

urinary disorders; plant juice given in dysentery (S, C)-

malea cohylifolia L.

Subshrubs. Branchlets glandular-pubescent, warty. Leaves 1 - foliolate, ovate. Flowers purpfish-violet in axiilary racemes. Pod indehiscent.

Seed solitary, reniform.

Lor;: Srisailam (K) NN 353 Ln: Bavanchaalu

Seed powder mixed with few drops of sesame oil (Sesamum

indicurn) and given with lime water for urinary disorders and leucoderma (C). -

-rpw santalirms L.f. (Photo 36 & 37)

Moderate-sized trees with blood-red heart-wood. Leaves 3-

foliolate; leaf lets ovate, rounded at both ends, slightly emarginate. Flowers

yellow in axillary and terminal racemes.

k: Ra jampet (CU) NN 41 9; Tirupati hills (CHI NN 290

In: Raktachandanamu

Leaf paste is applied externally in the treatment of skin

diseases (N).

Stem bark made into fine powder given with soft porridge for

the treatment of diarrhoea.

Drinking water in wooden cups given as a drink twice a day or

decoction is given to control diabetes.

fPueraria tuberosa DC. (Photo 38)

Large climbing shrubs with huge tuberous roots. Leaves 3-

foliolate. Flowers bluish to light red in dense panicles. Pods flattened,

covered with bristly hairs.

k: Srisaihm (K) NN 341; Tirupati (CHI NN 311

Ln: Magasirigaddalvidarikanda.

The tuber acts as an aphrodisiac, for t h e medicine mixture

inwlves; first boiling the tubers in goat or cow% mik and later the dried

extract is made into powder. To this powder nutmeg, mace and cardamoms

are added and the mixture consumed daily at bed time (C).

Root paste mixed in mustard oil and applied over the joints in

the treatment of rheumatiod arthritis M.

S s h h grandiflara (L.) Poir.

Small soft wooded trees. Leaves pinnate; leaflets oblong,

pubescent. Flowers large yellowish-cream in terminal racemes. Cultivated in


h.: Punganur (CH) NN 279 . Ln: Avisa

Sternbark juice given in fevers; leaf decoction given in the

treatment of kidney stones.

Flower juice used as eye drops for night blindness (5).


Caesalpinia uista L.; C. bonducella (L.) Fleming

Large straggling shrubs armed with prickles. Leaves pinnate;

leaflets obovate, with large foliaceous stipdes. Flowers ye l low in racemes.

Pods oblong, inflated with silky hairs, stiff when dry.

k.: Rayachoty (CU) NN 379 Ln: Gatchakaya

Leaves are macerated with biack pepper and garlic given for

preventing abortion (anti-abortifacient) while leaf juice administered

internally in the treatment of epilepsy (Ye). Seed docoction i s given oraily in

rheumatism and paste applied to the testes for the treatment of h y d r e l e .

Cassia absus L.

Viscous annual or biennial herbs. Leaves paripinnate; leaflets 2

pairs, ovate, membranous. Flowers red or flame coloured in racemes. Pods

glandular hairy, 7 seeded.

IXK;: Puttur (CHI NN 762 h. Chanupaala vithulu

Leaves are pounded with egg albumin and applied externally as

a plaster for bone-settinghone fractures (Y).

The whole phnt is pounded with tubers of Aspara~us ~onoclados

Bak. applied an breasts to increase milk secretion (as a galactagogue) (Y,


.Cassia amicuJaia L.

Erect shrubs. Leaves with a gland between each pair of leaflets;

stipules foliaceous and reniform. Flowers yellow in terminal or axillary

corymbose racemes.

k.: Kodur (CU) N N 1 14 Ln: Tangedu

Juice of the leaves and flowers with fruit powder of Terminalia

pallida given orally for 40 days to cure or control: diabetes. - fistula L.

Medium-sized trees. Leaf lets glabrous, ovate. Flowers bright

~euow in long racemes, drooping.

h: Chittoor (CH) NN 802 h: Rela

Maceration of the stem-bark prescribed as a drink to cure back-


Maceration of roots is given thrice a day to cure asthma.

Seed paste is given with hot water to treat constipation (Ye).

+Cassia mmtana Heyne t x Roth

Perennial shrubs. Leaves without glands; leaflets usually 9 pairs

or more, ovate or oblong mucronate. Flowers yellow in corymbs. Pods flat,


Loc.: Penukonda (A) NN 397 Ln: KonQtangedulPagadatangedu

Leaves are warmed with fresh cow-dung and bandaged on painful

body parts to cure body-aches.

Cassia omidentalis L.

Glabrous herbs. Leaves pinna*. Flowers yellow in axillary

racemes. Pods many seeded, glabrous, flat. .

k.: Rayachoty (CU) NN 822; Allagadda (K) NN 701 Ln: KasindalPedda


Root and leaf juice mixed with f ew drops of sesame o i l

(Sesamum indicum) and is given to treat skin diseases, scabies; one

tablespoonful of leaf powder is given daily with milk to control diabetes (C).

*Pterolobiurn hexapetalum (Roth) Sant. & Wagh ; 5 indicum A. Rich.

(Photo 39)

Prickly climbing shrubs. Leaves bipinnate; leaflets 4-8 pairs.

Flowers white in bx axillary or terminal racemes. Pods I-seeded, reddish-

brown, winged at apex.

k.: Tirupati (CH) NN 274 In: Erra-sikaiicheeki

Tender leaves and pods made into decoction to treat diarrhoea,

Constipation while seed paste applied externally in the treatment of piles


Acacia niIotica (L.1 Willd. ex Del. ssp. indica (&nth.) Brenan ; A. arabica

(tam.) Willd.

Medium sized armed trees. Leaves 2-pinnate; Ieafkts 1520

pairs, linear-oblwtg, sub-sessile. Flowers minute, yellow in globose heads. Pod

a lomenturn.

Loc.: Puttur (CHI NN 323 h TummalNalla thumrna

Infusion of tender leaves is applied locally in case of eczema.

Gum obtained from bark made into decoction with garlic and black pepper is

given in viral hepatitis (Ye).

Dry fruit kernel is made into powder, about 2 gm given to

women twice a day with goat's milk in arresting leucorrhoea 0.

Dichrmtachys cinema (L.) Wight & Am. (Photo 40)

Small thorny trees. Leaves bipinnate; leaflets small, sessile.

Flowers in dense cylindrical spikes; upper yellow, lower pink. Pods twisted.

k.: Srikaiahasti (CH) NN 265 h: Veluturu chettu

Infusion of the root given internally in urinary calculi and renal


Tender shoots of the plant are bruised and applied to the eyes

in cases of eye disorders (Y).

Entada rheedii Spreng. ; E. pursaetha DC.; & scandens auct. non knth.

(Photo 41)

Unarmed lianes; branches twisting. Leaves 2-pinnate; leaflets 4

Pairs, ovate-acuminate; rachis with strongly forked hooked tendrils. Flowers

Pale-yellow, scented in axilhry spikes. Pods large falcate, woody, valves

splitting transversely into 1 -seeded segments. Seeds bony, shining.

k.: Talakona (CHI NN 589; Nallamalais (K) NN 872 h: Gilatega

Seed powder admin i s t ered internally with cold water for

effective cure in snake-bites (C).

Seed paste applied on affected part of the body, legs t o treat

rheumatic pains (N).

+Mimosa pudica L.

Prostrate prickIy undershrubs with sensitive leaves and purple

flowers in heads.

k.: BanganapalIi IK), NN 367 h Attipatti

Root i s said to be a very effective drug t o prevent conception.

Three pieces of well washed root each about three-fourths t o

one inch tong are crushed and ground thoroughly and then three pilb are

made out of this mass. From the third day of the menses t h e female

concerned should take orally one pill daily for three days after the bath in

the morning, with about half a glass (or palmful) of water (S).


Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.1 Roxb.

Large deciduous trees with bluish grey, fissured bark. Leaves

crowded at the end of branchlets. Flowers greenish-yellow in axillary spikes.

Fruits ovoid, brown-pubescent.

Lot.: Palamaner (CH) NN 424; Rajampet (CU) N N 197 Ln: Tandrakaya

Dry fruit kernel made into powder, about one tablespoonful is

given in hot water twice a day orally in the treatment peptic ulcers (Y).

Fruit powder with cotyledons of Emblica off ic inal is and fruit

p w d e r of Terminalia chebula are mixed in equal parts and given orally twice

a day for 15 days to treat piles (5).

Terminalia chebuk Retz.

Trees. Leaves obovate, densely woolly below. Flowers yellow in

terminal or axillary spikes.

Loc.: Cuddapah (CU) NN 165 h Karaka

Fruit powder given internally with hot water once in a day to

treat peptic ukers.

-Terminalia pallida Brandis (Photo 42)

Small sub-evergreen trees . Leaves ovate, rounded a t base,

obtuse or emarginate at apex. Flowers yellow in terminal or axillary spikes.

Fruits obovoid, 5-ridged.

k.: Tirurnala hills (CHI NN 388; Kodur (CU) NM 165 Ln: TeUa-karaka

Fruit decoction given as a drink in diarrhoea. Also, infusion of

the dry fruit kernel w i t h root of Pimpinella tirupatiensis is given in the

treatment of venereal diseases and peptic ukers (N).

Maceration of fruit powder is given orally as a drink, twice a

day for 25 days in diabetes (5).

Psidium gua java J..

Medium sized trees; bark thin and smooth, exfoliating in flakes

Flowers white, axillary, solitary or in pairs. Fruits greenish-yellow. - . . . . .-,+-

Lac-: Sidhout (CU) NN 314 ' h Jarna . : 3 .. u.5

-. :

9 2

Root decoction given orally twice a day to cure venereal

diseases (Ye).

+*Syzygium alternifolium (Wight) Walp. (Photo 43)

Trees. Leaves alternate, primary nerves many, united close t o the

margins. Flowers yellowish-white, scented in lateral cymes. Berries spherical.

Lnc;: Tirurnala (CHI NN 1 I41 Ln: MogilAdavinerudu

Seed powder given orally with water 3 times a day after food

as a remedy in controlling diabetes.

Syzygium cumini (L.1 Skeels; 5, jambolanum (Lam.) UC.

Large evergreen trees. Leaves ovate-lanceolate. Flowers in

paniculate clusters. Berries oblong-globose,deep purple when ripe.

k.: PulivendIa (CU) NN 255; Tamballapalli (CHI NN 309

Ln: Ailaneredu

Juice of the tender leaves, stembark and seed given orally to

cure blood motions and &a used in dissolving the kidney stones 6).


-lon u-mm Burm. f.

Moder ate-sized semi-evergreen trees. Leaves leathery, shining.

Flowers bluish-white in umbellate cymes. Berries globose.

k.: Puttur (CH) NN 829; Cuddapah (CU) NN 881 L n : P e d d a a 1 1 i I

Nlichettul~ukka alli.

Leaf d e c ~ t i o n given orally t o cure leucorrhoea and decoction of

inflorescence given in psoriasis.


b m i a baccifera L.

Erect subaquatic herbs. Leaves linear-oblong. Flowers minute,

red in dense clusters in the axils of leaves.

Lac.: Pahmaner (CHI NN 434 Lm Agnivendramu

The plant i s prepared as a liniment and applied locally for

burning pains in the eyes.

Decoction of the plant administered w i th ginger and Cyperus

rotundus root for intermittent fevers (YI

lawsmia k m i s L.

Glabrous deciduous shrubs. Leaves lanceohte. Flowers white in

terminal panicles. Capsules globose, irregularly bursting.

k: Srisailam (K) NN 271 Lxl: Gorintaku

The leaf is rubbled on a stone and the paste so obtained is

applied to cure pimples; fine leaf paste with l i t t l e water administered

internally twice a day for 15 days t o control bleeding piles. Restr: Tight

clothing, Tamarind.


Rmica panaturn L.

Shrubs or smal l trees. Leaves oblong, obovate-oblanceolate.

Flowers red. Fruit globose with thick coriaceous reddish-brown rind. Seeds

numerous, pulpy.

Loco: Kalikiri (CH) NN 281 Ln: Danimma

Stem-bark decoctiotr given as a tonic; the decoction of

immature fru i t i s (about 15 m l ) used t o prepare soft porridge and given

every morning t o cure peptic ulcers.

Flowerbuds are boiled and drunk twice a day to treat blood in

faeces and dysentery.


Carica papaya L.

Soft wooded, rapidly growing trees. Leaves large, palmatifid,

with long hollow petioles. Flowers dioecious; male flowers in long drooping

panicles, female i n f e w flowered clusters.

k: Rayachoty (CU) NN 962 Ln: ParindalBoppayi

Innerbark of the stem is boiled and decoction drunk twice a day

in dental caries (Ye).

Milky latex obtained from green, immature fruits is extensively

used as anthelmintic and green fruits particularly effective in expulsion of

lumbrici; seed powder is added to porridge to cure amoebic dysentery.


Citrdhs colocynthis (L.) Schrader

Diffuse hirsute herbs. Leaves deeply-lobed, triangular, rigid.

Flowers monoecious, pale yellow, solitary. Fruits sub-globo~e,~triped with

green and white when young; yellow when ripe. Seeds many.

Loc.: Sidhout (CU) NN 830; Penukonda (A) NN 385 Ln: Chedu pucchal Verri


Infusion of root, leaf and fruit is considered an effective

remedy for stomach worms We).

Coccinia grandis (1.1 Voigt ; C. indica Wight & Arn.

Climbers; Stems much branched, angular. Leaves entire t o

palmately lobed with a few glands on the lower surface. Fruits subglabrous,

round on both ends; pulp red, juicy.

h.: Kadiri (A) NN 32 Ln: Kaaki-dondalDonda

Leaf decoction is drunk to cure stomach worms (round and tape

worms), also fruit juice given orally to cure stomach worms.

Root powder given with water i n the treatment of head-aches

and diabetes.

Corallocarpus epigaeus {Rottl. & Willd.) Clarke; Bryonia epi~aca Rottl.

(Photo t 4 & 45)

Glabrous climbing herbs from a large tuberous root stock. Leaves

variable in shape. Flowers monoecious, greensih-yellow, axillary. Fruits

ellipsoid, scarlet in the middle, green at both ends.

Loc.: Srikalahasti (CH) NN 418; Srisailam (K) NN 1036 Ln: Nagadondal


lnfusion of the tubers given orally in snake bites (C, Y).

&enaria siceraria (Molina) Standley; L. vulgaris Ser.

Climbing or trailing herbs.

k: Palamaner (CHI NN 275 Ln: AnabapadulSorakay a

Seed powder mixed with sugarandy, dry grapes and cashewnut

given, in increasing vitality, (as an aphrodisiac). Ash of the plant is given in

urinat y disorders.

Momordica charantia L.

Slender twining annual herbs with yellow flowers.

k: Punganur {CHI NN 877 Ln: Kakara

Twigs are pounded along with the root of Alan~ium salvifolium,

black pepper and this juice is administered internally; also, paste applied

externally for 20 days in the treatment of piles, Restr: Chillies, fatty oil W),

Fruit juice or fried curry given once in a day for 21 days to

control diabetes.

*Momordica cymbatari Hook. f.; M. tuberosa (Roxb.) Cogn. ; Luffa tuberosa

Roxb. {Photo 46)

Perennial woody climbers with a tuberous rootstocks; tendrils

filiform. Leaves orbicular, reniform, glabrous, cordate. Flowers monoecious,

yellow, 2-5 mak flowers in racemes;, female solitary, axillary. Fruits dark

green and ribbed, pyriform or broadly fusiform. Seeds blackish grey.

lor;: Pulivendla (CU) NN 886 Ln: Kasara

Juice of the fruit given in diabetes.


Trianthema par-trum L.

Annual prostrate, glabrous herbs. Leaves opposite, obovate.

Flowers small, white, axiUary, sheathed by the base of the petiole. Fruits


k: Pungamrr (CHI NM 266 Ln: ArnbatimadulYerra-gali jeru

Leaf juice (about one glass) is given daily once for 5 days to

cure bronchitis.

Leaf and stem powder mixed with turmeric in water; applied

to cure vaginal discharges (5).


Centelk asiatia (L.) Urban; Nydrocotyle asiatica L.

Prostrate herbs, rooting at the nodes. Leaves orbicular palmately

nerved. Flowers sessile red, axillary.

k.: Banaganapalii (K) NN 391 Ln: KudakasagalSaraswathiaku

Plant decoction given in the treatment of leprosy; also juice of

the plant given in nervous disorders.

"Pimpinella tirupatiensis Balkr. et Subram. (Photo 47)

Erect herbs with tuberous root-stocks. Lower leaves simple,

upper leaves palmately 3partite. Flowers white in compound umbels.

Loc.: Tirumala hills (CH) NN 1620 h Adavi KotimeeralKomaligadda.

Infusion of the tuber pounded with coconut, sugar, cashew-nuts

and boiLed in cowts milk taken orally twice a day for ten days to promote

potency (considered as an aphrodisiac) (Y).

R o o t powder (about 250 mg) mixed with fruit powder of

Terminalia chebuIa Retz. in hot water given orally once in a day for 3 days

in peptic ulcers (N).


Alangium dvifoIium (L-f.) Wang. ; larnarckii Thw.

Small deciduous trees. Leaves alternate, elliptic, unequal at the

base. Flowers whitish-green in axillary fascicles. Berries ellipsoid.

h.: Pulivendla (CU) NN 106 Ln: Udaga

Leaf paste appiied externally twice a day with hot water in the

treatment of piles. Restr: AlcohoIic beverages, cycling.

Decoction of the leaf and stem-bark administered internally the

to cure rheumatic pains and body swellings.

Gardenia wmmifera L.f.

Large shrubs to small trees. Leaves in whorls, sessile, shining

elliptic-ovate, sub-acute, glabrous, stipules connate. Fruits ellipsoid.

k Atmakur (K) M N 1842 Ln: BikkilManchibikki

Gum from the stem dissolved in water and given in constipation

and as an effective drug in stomach worms (tape worms and round worms).

*Haldim cordi fo l ia (Roxb. 1 Ridsdale; Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Hook. f. ex


Deciduous trees. Leaves cordate, pubescent beneath. Flowers in

globose heads. Capsules in clusters; seeds many, winged.

k.: Nandikotkur (K) NN 887 Ln: Pasupu kadimilRudra ganapa

Decoction of the stem-bark given in fevers and diarrhoea;

stipules and sternbark of the plant is ground into a paste with bkck pepper

and sesame seeds given to women twice a day for three days in menstrua!


k l y o t i s pubwuh (G. Don) Am.; Oldenlandia umbelbta L.

Diffuse biennial or perennial herbs, often woody at the base.

Leaves sessile. Flowers lilac in small irregular, axillary peduncl td umbels.

Capsules globose, crowned wirh calyx teeth.

lac.: Palamaner (CHI NN 876; Lakkireddy palli {CU) NN 295 Ln: Chiriveru

Maceration of the whole plant given in dysentery and diarrhoea.

*Nawka orientalis (L.) L.; Sarcocephalus cordatus (Roxb.) Miq.

A medium sized ornamental tree.

Lac.: Tirumala hills (CHI NN 450 Ln: Ra jakadambarnu

Decoction of the stem bark given orally t o cure rheumatism and


Rubia cordi foh L.

Climbing scabrous herbs. Branches quadrangular. Leaves in

whorls. Flowers greenish-yellow, in terminal or axillary paniculate cymes.

Berries globose.

Loc.: Tirumaia hills (CH) N?I 333; Nallamalais {K) NN 393 I n : Man jista


Leaves are made into decoction used for healing chronic

stomach ulcers. Stem-bark powder mixed with unboiled milk of goat, garlic,

black pepper and wild turmeric and then filtered. The juice thus obtained is

given into stomach to cure epilepsy and blood pressure.

Spermacoce hispida I. ; Borreria hispi& (L.) K. Schum.

Annual procumbent hispid herbs. Leaves opposite, obovate,

sessile. Flowers bluish-purple in axillary cymes. Fruits of mericarps,


h.: Rayachoty (CU) NN 444 Ln: MadanakadalMadanabudatha

Root and seed powder consumed with sugar and considered i t as

an aphrodisiac; the plant juice given with black pepper and garlic in the

treatment of jaundice.


mipta prostrata (L.) L.; E. alba (1.1 Hassk.

Erect or suberect, strigosely hirsute herbs. Leaves elliptic-oblong

strigosely hairy. Heads white or pale blue, axillary, terminal, solitary or in

pairs. Achenes compressed.

loc: Chandragiri (CHI NN 67 Ln: Guntagin jaraaku

Juice of the plant given twice a day for 2 days in jaundice.

Diet: buttermilk and curd (yogurt) without salt and spices.

Also, flower buds are ground in sesame oil and rubbed on

temple as an effective remedy in headaches (Y).

*-a grandiflora DC. {Photo 48)

Fleshy gIabrous undershrubs. Leaves obovate or lanceolate.

Flowers pale yellow, turning green, in homogarnous heads.

Lor;: Kuppam (CH) NN 840 Ln: Kukkanaiukaku

Leaves and stems are made into juice, mixed with bitter-gourd

(Momordica chacantia L.) powder and is taken internaUy to cure hydrophobia;

leaf decoction is given in the treatment of dog-bites (Ye).

* h i 0 tenuifoli~ Burm. f .

Annual slender, much branched herbs. Leaves sessile, pinnatifid.

F l o w s yellow.

k: Puttur (CHI NN 546 Ln: Kottirneera chamanti.

Infusion of the plat1 t rnixed wi t11 sugar is given internally 3

times per day t o cure amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea.

weranthus ind im L.

Aromatic herbs w i t h glandular hairy winged stem. Leaves

obovate-oblong, serrate. Flower in heads, small, ovoid, pink.

k.: Kadiri (A) NN 82 Ln: Bodataramu

Sap from the flowers used as eye drops in eye irritation and

eye diseases.

Fruits are boiled and its tea is given in stomach worms (round

and tape worms); juice of root and flower buds is drunk in filariasis.

Vernonia anthelmintica (L.1 Willd.; Centratherum ant helminticum (L.) 0.


Small shrubs or stout herbs. Leaves obovate, hairy. Flowers in

heads, purple.

k.: Srisailam (K) NN 836 Ln: Adivi jeelakarralGaritakmmi

Fruits are boiled with black pepper and garlic and its decoction

given in diarrhoea; infusion of the plant given in stomach worms (round and

tape worms) (C).

Vemmia &ea (L.) Less.

Much variable erect herbs. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute.

Heads pale pink or purple-violet in terminal panicles. Achenes clothed with

white hairs.

k.: Srikalahasti (CH) NN 126 bx Sahadevi

Entire plant is g r a n d into paste and mixed with few drops of

sesame (Sesamum indicurnl oil used externally t o treat boils and blisters.

Also, t h e plant is pounded along with a little salt, applied

locally with sesame oil and juice administered internally t o cure piles (Y).

*Vim indica (L.) DC,

Erect, suffruticose herbs. Leaves sessile, auricled at base.

Flowers light-yellow heads. Achenes villous.

IK.: Tirumala (CH) NN 338 Ln: Sale chamanti

Leaf juice given internally to cure cough and inflammation of

the body. Seed paste applied to temples in case of headaches. Root paste

applied locally to relieve scorpion poison and smoked with cotton cloth to

reduce the suffering (N).

Plumbago a u r b t a lam.; P. capensis Thunb.

Bushy shrubs, grown as an ornamental.

Lac.: Nallamalais (K) NN 862 Ln: Chitrika

Maceration of root and seed given in pyorrhoea and dental


Plumbago zeylanica L. (Photo 49)

Scandent under-shrub, often wmdy at base. Leaves ovate, long

petioled, often auricled at base. Flowers white in terminal, panickd spikes.

G p s ~ l e s oblong, enclosed in gtanduiar persistant calyx.

h: Shikalahasti (CH) NN 182 Ln: Chitramularnu

Root is fried in the fire of 'paddy huski, then taken out and

pwdered. Approximately 3 g of this powder is given orally with water to

the female concerned daily in the morning on empty stomach for three days

beginning with the 3rd day of the menses, repeated for 4-5 months in the

same manner for complete sterilization (Y).


*Ardisia soinacea Roxb.; -- A. humilis auct. non Vahi

Glabrous, branched shrubs. Leaves crowded at the ends of

branches, fleshy, shining, ovate-oblong. Flowers pale pink to rosy white in

axillary corymbs.

k.: Tirumala (CHI NN 479; Hotsely Hills {CHI NN 1004

Lm Pagadamulaka.

Infusion of the leaves and flowers with black pepper and garlic

given in whooping cough; decoct ion of the root given in diarrhoea and

rheumatic pains (N).


Madhuca hn@folia (Koen.) Macbr. var. latifob (Roxb.) A. Cheval. ; Bassia

latifolia Roxb.

Trees. Leaves clustered at the ends of the branches. Flowers

pale-yellow, scented in dense panicles. Berries ovoid.

hc.: Atrnakur (K) NN 1661 Ln: lppachettu

Oil from the raw fruits mixed with milk administered internally

in the treatment of leprosy.

Flower juice is given in bronchitis (Cb

Mimusops ebengi L.

Evergreen trees. Leaves eiiiptic-ob iong to lanceolate. Flowers

=reamish-white, solitary. brries ovoid, fleshy. Seeds black.

h.: Punganur (CHI NN 1 146 Ln: Pogadachettu

Leaf powder is given in milk twice a day for 40 days in


Juice of the stembark and fruit given in dental caries.

Flowers are consumed by women to control menstrual pains (S).


*Diospyros chlorouylon Roxb.

Shrubs. Branchlets pubescent. Leaves sparsely hairy above,

tornentose below. Flowers unisexual, white, male in capitate cymes; female

solitary. Berries globose.

Loc: Alhgadda (K) NN 1357 Ln: Ullinda

Leaf decoction (about half a glass) given in diarrhoea; also, fruit

powder (about one tablespoonful) is added to porridge in hot water and eaten

as an effective remedy in diarrhoea (C, 5).


Azima tetramntha Lam.

Much branched spreading shrubs, armed with Csharp spines at

each node. Leaves elliptic-obovate, mucronate. Flowers white, small in groups

of sessile, axi tlar y fascicles. Berries globose, gre yish-white-

Lac.: Srikalahasti (CH) 337 h Tellauppi

A handful of leaves mixed with equal quantity of leaves of

Toddalia asiatica are pounded and the juice is squeezed out through a cloth. --

A red hot shaft of iron is plunged into the liquid and then administered for

the treatment of fever with shivering and rheumatic pains.

*Salvadora ~rs i<ra L. var. w i g h t i a ~ (Planch. ex Thw.) Verdc.; - S. persica

sensu Roxb.

Large evergreen shrubs with drooping branches. Leaves elliptic-

oblong, chartaceous, acute, apiculate. Flowers small in axillary panicled

racemes, creamish-yellow.

LOG: Chandragiri (CHI NN 902 Ln: Turaka gogulvaragogu

Leaves are burnt and the smoke is inhaled to treat nasal


Root decoction with black pepper and garlic is given as a drink

t o treat gas in stomach.

About 10 gms of fresh bark is crushed and boiled with a pinch

of black pepper powder, garlic and a s@ck of salt in 200 ml water. I t is

taken with cooked rice as juice to treat pain in the limbs.

About 10 ml of juice using stembark of the plant and given

daily once for three days during menses. This treatment w i l l check

conception in the month it is applied.


Car- spinarum L.

Thorny s h r u b s w i t h zig-zag b r a n c h e s . Leaves ovate or

suborbicular, entire, acute. Flowers white in axillary cymes. Berries globose,


k: Pulivendla (CU) NN 404 In: KalirnilKalivi

Decoction of the ieaves given intetnauy in the treatment of

intermittent fevers.

Holarrhena pubescens (BuchrHam.1 Wallkh ex G. Don ; antidysenterica

(Roxb. ex Fleming) Wall.

Trees. Leaves ovate or elliptic-oblong. Flowers white in a x i k y

and terminal corymbose cymes. Follicles of 2 terete elongate, mericarps

paired, curved.

h.: Kuppam (CHI NN 297 h KolamukhilKodisapala

Stem-bark of the plant is boiled and its tea given in dysentery

and blood in faeces; root-bark decoction with seed powders (1 gm) of black

pepper and cumin given internally with curd in diarrhoea.

Ichnocarpus frmwm (L.1 R. &.

Extensively branched climbing evergreen shrubs. Leaves elliptic-

Ianceolate, glabrous above, pubescent beneath. Flowers white in axillary and

terminal panicuiate cymes.

Loc.: Tirurnala (CHI NN 299 . h NallateegalIllu-katte

Root-juice given orally to cure cold, cough and chronic fevers;

root powder mixed with root powder of Curculi~o orchioides given with milk

t w i c e a day for 15 days in improving the potency or virility {as an


kwoLfia serpentha (L.) Benth. ex Kurz.

H e r b a c w undershrubs mostly in cleared forest areas also,

cultivated in gardens.

k: Chandragiri (CH) NN 386 Ln: Sarpagandhi

Root infusion given as a drink to treat snake bites; also root

ÿ ate applied externally t o treat eczema (Y).

Decoction of the stem-bark used during bathe or inhale steam

to treat epilepsy.

*Irightia arborea (Dennst.) Mabberley; W. tornentosa Roem. k Schultes

(Photo 50)

Deciduous trees. Branchlets tornentose. Leaves pubescent on the

nerves above, tomentose below. Flowers pale yellow, in terminal corymbose

cymes. Fruit with rnericarps united throughout, grooved.

Loc.: Talakona (CII) NN 870 Ln: Jeddapala

Stem-bark (about 40 gm) along with sternbark of Ficus

ben~halensis, root bark of Alan~ium salvifolium and sesame seeds (about 10

gm) are boiled and the decoction given internally twice a day for 25 days as

an effective remedy in piles. Restr: Chillies and fatty oils IN).

Stern-bark and seeds are cooked and eaten to treat stomach

upset in children; also juice of the stembark given in inflammatory swellings

and rheumatism (Y).

Wrighth t W i {Roxb.) R. Br.

Medium sized deciduous trees. Leaves ovate-elliptic. Flowers

white in terminal or axiliary cymes. Follicles narrow, jointed at the ends.

k.: Tirupati (CH) NN 108 Ln: PalavarenilReppala

Leaves and stem-bark are boiled and thus obtained decoction is

administered. Simultaneously paste applied externally in infected piles.

Infusion of leaf and fruit given in rheumatism.


Calotropis giganiea (L .I R-Br.

Large milky shrubs. The branches, leaves and inflorescence

covered with loose soft white wool. Leaves opposite decussate. Flowers

white, in compound cymes, axillary. Grolla lobes recurvtd.

k: Sidhout ICU) NN 78 Ln: Tella j illedu

Latex from the stems mixed with tamarind (Tamarindus indicus)

juice and given in menstrual pains. Root paste applied externally to cure


Calotropis procera IAit.) R. Br.

Milky shrubs. Flowers pink, purple spotted in axillary cymes;

corolla lobes straight.

k.: Sidhout (CU) NN 79 Iln: Yerra-3iUedu

Roots pounded in water and mixed with oil from fruit of

Madhuca lon~ifol ia (Koen.) Macbr., and administered internally to treat


*Carduma adscendens (Roxb.) Haw. var. adscendens

A fleshy leafless herb among bushes.

Lot.: Tirupati (CHI NN 371 h Kundelukommulu

Fleshy stems given in stomach disorders, also considered as

anthelmintic and cooling beverage.

*Caralluma adscendens (Roxb.1 Haw. var. attenuata (Wight) Grav. dc

Mayurnathan & attenuata Wight

Perennial, leafless fleshy herbs. Stems 4-gonous, gradually

tapering towards the end. Flowers yellow with dark purple tinge on the lobes,

on elongated branchlets. Follicles in pairs, slender.

k.: Tirupati (CHI NN 125 Ln: Kun janakommu

Fleshy stems are made into juice given about one teaspoonful

twice a day in stomach disordersJabdomina1 pains.

*Caralluma umbeilata Haw. ; Boucerosia umbellata (Haw.) Wight ti Arn. ;

Caralluma campanulata (Wight) N.E.Br. (Photo 51)

Erect succulent herbs; stems angled. Leaves absent. Flowers

terminal in many-flowered umbels. Corolla lobes variable in colour with deep

pur pte mar kings over a y e l i o w background. Follicles cylindrical, hooked at


k.: Tirumala (CHI NN 867; Penukonda (A) MN 380 Ln: Kundelukommulu

Fleshy stems are eaten in the treatment of abdominal pains (Y).

@q=gia b u l b Roxb.

Slender, fleshy twining herbs with tuberous roots.

k: Srisailam (K) NN 150 Ln. Manchimadana/Nimataigadhlu.

Decoction of the tubers given as a tonic and also considered

digestive stimulant.

bopegia juncea Roxb.

ZI Twining h e g with tuberous roots; w i t h fleshy sterns. Leaves , .

lanceolate, deciduous. Flowers brownish-pur plc, solitary or iu cymes, axillary.

Follicles cylindric.

k: Lakkireddipalli (CU) NN 330 Ln: Bellagadda

Decoction of the stem and flowers given in dysentery and

diarrhoea; juice o f the plant given w i t h c o l d m i l k and honey in

equiproportions to cure all bilious complications and liver disorders.

Gyrnnerna sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br. ex Schultes

Large, woody, much branched climbers. Leaves ovate-elliptic or

ovate-lanceolate, base rounded. Flowers yellow in axi 1Iary pedunculate umbels.

k.: Rayachoty (CHI NN 149 Lm Podapathri

Leaves either chewed or infusion given orally to treat diabetes.

Root is macerated with few drops of sesame (Sesamum indicum) oil and

given as a drink to treat any poisonous bites.

Leptadenia re t idata (Retz.) Wight dr Arn.

Twining shrubs, latex watery. Leaves ovate, grey-pubescent.

Flowers greenish-yellow in axillary umbels. FollicIes thick, sub-woody with a

curved obtuse beak.

kc: Pattikonda (A) NN 348; Puttur (CH) NN 421 Ln: Palateegal


Plant juice given as a tonic. ~uice ' of the leaves and roots

given orally to cure skin affections and wounds; root paste is considered for

habitual abortion in women (Y).

pergularia daemia (Forssk.1 Chiov. I-- hernia extensa {Jacq.) R.Br.; Permlaria

extensa (Jaq.) N.E.Br. - Twining milky shrubs. Stems clothed with spreading hairs. Leaves

broadly ovate or sub-orbicular, deeply cordate at the base. Flowers greenish-

yellow in axillary, long pedunculate cymes. Follictes paired, refltxed,

lanceolate, spiny.

b..: Sidhout {CU) NN 183

Juice of the tender shoots mixed with honey is given to cure

whooping cough; also, the paste of the plant is used together with cow's milk

in rheumatism.

Wm~ne e h (Retz.) R.Br. ex khultes

Straggling shrubs. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute. Flowers yellow

in lax, axillary, sessile. Follicles divaricate.

b Tirumala (CHI NN 316 Ln: Kondapak

The leaf juice is used as emetic and anthelmintic; fruits are

boiled and pounded with a little table-salt and applied to cure tooth-aches

and dental caries.

Tyiophora indim (Burm. f.) Merr.; T, asthmatics (L.f.) Wight & Am.

Much branched climbers. k a v e s elliptic-ovate, thick, pubescent

below. Flowers greenish-yellow in axillary or lateral umbellate cymes.

Follicles sharp, pointed, hceohte.

k.: Lakkireddipalli (CU) NN 261 In: Mekameyaniaku

Leaf juice (about 5 ml) or powder b u t 250 mg) in hM water

given daily in the morning for the treatment of asthma fie).

Wattakaka volubilis (L.f.1 Stapf ; Dre~ea volubitis (L.f.1 Benth. ex Hook. f.;

Marsdenia volubilis (L.f.1 Cmke

Large hoar y-pubescent twiners. Leaves ovate to suborbicular.

Flowers green in dense drmping umbels. Follicies paired, divaricate.

lac.: Penukonda (A) NN 370 Ln: Pedda juttutegalDudipala

The whoIe plant is boiled and paste applied to the affected part

or leaf infusion given orally in poisonous bites and snake bites.


*Cryptostegia grandiflwa R.Br.

Climbers. Leaves ovate-elliptic with undulate margins. Flowers

light-purple. Follicles linear-Ianceolate, 3-winged.

k.: Tirurnala (CH) NN 277 h: Rabbarupoola chettu

h t e x obtained from the plant and is applied an the affected

areas of the body to treat leucoderma (N).

Wecakpis hamiltanii Wight & Am. (Photo 52)

Large glabrous, climbing shrubs with jointed branches. Leaves

opposite, orbicular, emarginate. Flowers white minute in axilhry, peduncled

cymes. Fruits of 2 thick, lanceolate follicular rnericarps.

k: Tirurnala (CH) NN 2164 Ln: ~aredugaddalulBarresugandhi

Powder of fascicled tubers (about one teaspoonful) given twice a

day with hot water for 40 days to cure diabetes; also, tubers are made into

pickle given orally to cure blwd pressure.

Fruit infusion given orally as a tonic in labour pains.

mmi&smus indicus (La) R.Br.

Twining undershr ubs with woody rootstocks. Leaves variable,

l ~ g , linear and narrow. Flowers yell owish-brown, crowded in subsessile

axillary cymes.

LOC.: Srisaiiem (K) NN 390; Rayachoty (CU) NN 304 Ln: Sugandhapala

Root decoction together with sugar to prepare soft porridge,

given internalIy to cure menorrhagia.

Root extract is alw considered as blood purifier.


Stryctmos nux-vornica 1.

Moderate-sized trees. Leaves opposite, cariaceous, broadly ovate-

orbicular. Flowers light-green in ax ilary cymes. Berries orange-yellow when

ripe. Seeds flattened.

lac: Tirumala (CHI NN 1179 Lm Mushtichettu

Roots are boiled and the decoction .administered; followed by

powder put on bitten part of the body as effective treatment in snake bites

m 1.


hh6'terna d h e (Imrn.1 R a y d ; Llittorale a m . non Blume

Perennial erect herbs. Leaves linear-oblong or ellipticloblong.

Flowers white in dense axillary clusters.

LOC.: Nandyat (K) NN 435; Tamhilapaili (CHI NN 875 Ln: Nelagurugudu

Infusion of the whole plant given in the treatment of skin

diseases (C).

The juice of the plant mixed with plant juice of Evohuius

alsinoide~ given in fevers and the powder is given with milk twice a day for

15 days to cure diabetes (5).


tlytalaa z e y h i c a (L.1 Vahl

Sub-succulent, spreading herbs. Leaves e l l i p t i c - o b l o n g ,

charmeous. Racemes lax, axillary or terminal. Capsules globose; seeds

minute wrinkled.

k.: Yerpedu (CHI N N 241 Ln: Neli-nakshathralu

The decoction of the plant given orally 3 times a day for the

treatment of cough.


Heliotropium indicum 1.

Coarse annual herbs. Leaves hispid-pubescent, alternate or often

sub-opposite, ovate-oblong. Flowers pale violet in terminal spikes.

Lac.: Srikalahasti {CHI NN 804 Ln: TelumanimokkalNagadanti

Leaves are macerated with sugar cane (Saccharurn officinarum)

juice and given as a drink in insect and scorpion stings.

Leaf paste applied externally to cure boils and wounds.


*Argyreia -ta (Willd.) Ker-Cawl.; Rivea cuneata {Wilid.) Wight (Photo 53)

Erect shrubs with silky branchlets. Leaves obovate or e l l ip t i c ,

Cuneate a t base, nearly glabrws above, grey silky-villous beneath. Flowers

bright purple in axillary 3 or more flowered cymes.

M.: Talakona (CHI NN 72 Ln: Samudra pala

Leaves are pounded in water with black pepper and given orally

twice a day for the control of diabetes.

Juice of the plant given in rheumatism.

*mmoea %piaria Koen. ex Roxb. (Photo 54)

Perennial twining villous herbs. Leaves variable in shape and

size. Flowers white or creamish-yellow in axilary umbellate cymes. Capsules


k.: Punganur (CH) NN 371 Ln: Metta tuti

Juice of the plant administered for the treatment of rheumatic

pains and rheumatism.

Rivea hypxrateriformis (Desr.1 Choisy

Climbing shrubs with milky latex. Leaves cordate, orbicular.

Flowers white, solitary, axillary. Capsules globose-ovoid, brown.

k.: Puttur (CH) NN 442 Ln: Bodditeega

Leaf paste dissolved in fruit decoction of Solanurn indicum and

applied externdy or given orally twice a day t o treat venereal diseases.

Plant juice (about 15. ml) given orally and simultaneously paste

is applied externally in bleeding piles.

*Rhea ormta (Roxb.) Choisy

Erect or straggling shrubs. Leaves orbicular thick, silky

Pubescent beneath. Flowers white or light-yelbw in axillary pedunded cymes.

k.: Horsely Hills (CHI NN 342; Koilakuntla (K) NN 278 h Boddi

Plant paste applied locally as an ointment to treat piles (5).


k t u r a metel 1.; D. fastuosa L.

Stout undershrubs. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute, entire.

Flowers white solitary, axillar y. Capsules covered with sharp numerous


k.: Kuppam (CHI NN 283 Ln: Ummettha

Infusion of the leaf and seed (about 3 ml) mixed w i t h

sugarcandy and is given or paste applied externally in scorpion stings and

snake bites.

Root and seed decoction (about 5 ml) given in severe cold and


*Solanurn surattem Burm. f.; S, xanthocarpum Schrad. dr Wendl.

Prickly undershrubs with yellow spines. Leaves glabrous, ovate-

elliptic, pinnatifid, obtuse. Flowers bluish-pink in extra-axillary racemes.

Berries yellow or whitish-green blotched.

Fnc.: knukonda (A) NN 1586 Ln: ChallamuhgalNelamulaka

Fruit juice mixed with sesame oil and considered very effect ive

i n paralysis; decoction of the plant given twice a day for 3 days in chest


Fruits and seeds are boiled and decoction obtained, is given

orally twice a day to cure cold and cough.

Wanurn torvum Sw.

Large prickly shrubs. Leaves ovate with shallow lobes. Flowers

white, many in dense cymes. Berries yeIlow when ripe.

k.: Tsundupalli (CU) NN 1237 tn: Konda vustelUsti

Dried or raw fruits are cooked and eaten by worner! after each

menstrual cycle for 5 days. It is said to check conception and thus serves

the purpose of family planning. Generally 2-3 fruits are taken at a time.

Tender shoots and r a w fruits are made into powder and

consumed with lime water t o control diabetes.

Juice of the plant given orally as digestive tonic (5).

Solanurn trjlobatum L.

Prickly trailing undershrubs, with hooked prickles. Leaves ovate,

3-5 lobed. Flowers bluish-purple in cymose clusters. Berries scarlet-red.

Loc.: Kuppam (CHI NN 532; Sidhout (CU) N N 281 h Utchinta teega

Leaf and fruit decoction given orally in the t rea tment of

bronchitis; leaf paste applied externally for healing of boils and wounds (YE

Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal

Erect branched undershrubs. Leaves ovate, entire, acute. Flowers

green or pale-yellow in sub-sessile umbelliform cymes. Berries enclosed in the

inflated calyx, 5-angled, red when ripe.

h.: Lakkireddipalli (CU) NN 257; Anantapur (A) 396

Ln: Ash wagandagaddalPenneru.

Root paste is made into pills (pea-nut grain size) and given

daily 2 pills for 15 days in rheumatism and also considered as an aphrodisiac.


Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell ; Moniera cuneifolia Michaux; Herpestis

monnieria (L) KB.K. Mov.

Fleshy herbs, rooting at the nodes. Leaves sessile, oblong-

obovate or spathulate. Flowers blue, axilldry, solitary. Capsules sept icidal,


k.: Kuppam (CHI NN 296; Tadipatri (A) NN 260 Ln:Sambrnifimokka/Brahmi

Plant extract consumed as a cooling beverage and also used in

bathes for epilepsy.


*Dolichandrant e t a (WaH. ex DC.) Seem.

Small deciduous trees. Leaves pinnate; leaflets 7, orbicular,

obovate-obcordate. Flowers white, scented in axillary few flowered racemes.

Capsules flat, falcately curved.

Inc: Nandikotkur (K) NN 293 Ln: Chitti-oddi

Stem-bark juice given orally as an antidote for poisonous bites.

Leaf juice mixed with turmeric powder and given to pregnant women in

rheumat ism.

Oroxylurn indicum (1.) Benth. ex Kurz

Medium s h e d trees. Branchlets lenticelled. haves 2-3 pinnate;

leaf lets ovate-acuminate. Flowers dark pinkish-purple with yellow throat in

terminal racemes.

k.: Srisailam (K) NN 426; Talakona (CHI NN 1006 Ln:AkumanulDundilamu

Seed paste given with hot water as an antidote for scorpion

poison; powder of the stern-bark along with seed powder of Hordeum vul~are

L. black pepper given for 3 to 5 days in diarrhaea and dysentery.


Pedalium murex L.

Glabrous spreading succulent annual herbs. Leaves opposite,

ovate-oblong, sinuate. Flowers yellow, axilkry, solitary. Drupe indehiscent,


k.: Pulivendla (CU) NN 339; Cbandragiri (CHI NN 441 Lm Enugupalleru

Juice of the whole plant mixed with sugar and given internally

as effective remedy in leucorrhoea; ako, juice of the plant given with garlic

and pepper in kidney stones.


*Martynia annua L. ; M. diandra GIoxin

Coarse pubescent glandular undershrubs. Leaves decussate,

pubescent and sticky. Flowers purple or white with yellow throat in racemes.

Drupes with 2 strong apical claw-like hooked beaks.

k: bkkireddipalli (CU) NN 45 Lm Gaddagorul'lelukondikya

Leaf decoction given orally for 15 days in epilepsy or leaves are

made into paste with garlic and warmed on a piece of earthern pot and

given orally for epilepsy We).


Andrographis panicdata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees. (Photo 55)

Erect herbs. Leaves linear-oblong, acuminate at both ends.

Flowers white with pink tinge in axilIary or terminal panicles.

k.: Tirumala (CHI NN 409 Ln: Nelavemu

For all respiratory troubles, leaves are made into paste and with

a glassful of warm water given orally thrice a day for one week. Root

decoction is given as a powerful antidote for poisonous stings of insects;

infusion of the plant given in maiarial fevers.

hler ia cristata L.

Hairy undershrubs, usuaily with blue, sometimes with pink or

white flowers.

k.: Tirupati (CHI NN 1021 Ln: DesembaralulKodikannu *

Leaf juice given in catarrhal affections of t h e children. Root

paste applied external ly on bitten part or administered with lime water

simuItaneousIy in snake bites.

*Hygrophila auriculata (Schum. Heine; Asteracantha longi folia (L.) Nees

Stout armed herbs. Leaves whorled, o b l o n g - l a n c e o l a t e or

oblancmlate. Flowers bluish-purple in a whorl of 8 at each node.

k: Tarnbalapali (CH) NN 347; Elanganapalli (K) NN 746 Ln: Gobbil

Neerugob bi

Root macerated with garlic and b k k pepper, mixed in 50 ml of

butter-milk and given in the morning on empty stomach for 3 days in the

treatment of jaundice.

Root and seed powder applied t o underwear in the treatment of

amenorrhcea (5)

Wygrophifa salicifolia (Vahl) Nees; H. an~ustifol ia Cooke

Erect herbs, rooting at lower nodes. Leaves linear-oblong or

laneeolate. Flowers pale purplish-blue in axillary whorls.

k: Kodur (CU) NN 417; Nandyal (K) NN 1636 Ln: Chitt i gobbiisadhu


Seed powder (about 5 g) given with goat% milk and sugarcane

(Saccharurn officinarum) juice twice a day for one week to increase vitality

(as an aphrodisiac),

Roots are made into dedoction and given orally as diuret ic and

atso for the diseases of urinwgenital tract (S).

Justida adhatda L.; Adhatoda vasica Nees

Much branched shrubs wi th foetid smell. Leaves ovate-

lanceolate, acuminate. Flowers white in axillary and terminal spikes. Usually

cultivated along the hedges.

k.: Chandragiri (CH) NN 604 Jn: Addmrarnu

Leaf decoction mixed with few drops of honey i s given orally to

cure whooping cough.

Leaf paste mixed with turmeric powder and applied ex terna l ly

over the body for small-pox.

& h i m t h u s nasw (1.) Kurz ; - R. communis Nees

Erect shrubs. Leaves entire, softly pubescent below. Flowers

white in terminal cymes and on short lateral branches.

k: Uravakonda (A) NN 349; Tirumala (CH) 760 Ln: Nagamalle

Maceration of the plant mixed with honey and few cardamoms,

given daily in the morning for 15 days to increase the potency bs an

aphrodisiac); the fresh root and leaf extract with lime water is considered as

an anthelmintic.


~ d m l r u r n inerme (L.1 Gaertn.

Straggling shrubs. Leaves elliptic or obovate, obtuse or

=marginate. Fbwers white, in axillary pedunculate cymes.

b ~ : Kodur (CU) NN 602 Ln: Pisangi

Root decoction given internally twice a day for stimulating


serratum (I.) Moon

Shrubs, 2-3 m tall. Leaves ovate-obovate acuminate, serrate.

Flowers purple or violet in terminal panicles.

kc.: Tirumala (CH) NN 289 Ln: GantubharangilBarangi

Root decoction is considered as demulcent and an effective

remedy for gonorrhoea. Leaves and roots are made into a decoction, given

with tamarind juice in fevers and rheumatism.

*tmelina asiatica L. {Photo 56)

Large straggling shrubs. Leaves small ovate-obovate. Flowrs

bright yellow in axiiiary and terminal raceme. Orupts obovoid, yellow when


k.: Chandragiri (CHI NN 734 Ln: Adavigummidi/Chittigummadi

Fruit pulp with mucilaginous juice applied to m l p before bath,

once a week fw four weeks t o cure dandruff. Fresh root juice is given

orally in the treatment of gonorrhoea

Lantana camara L. var. zculeata {L.) Mold.; - L. aculeata L.

Armed straggling shrubs. Leaves ovate, serrate. Flowers with

variable colours, in short umbels.

h: Rayachoty (CU) NN 1225 Ln: PuIikampaaku~Akshintapoolu

Leaves dipped in water in a folded handkerchief and squeezed

into the eye t o treat sore and itchy eyes.

Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene; Lippia nodiflora (L.) A. Rich.

Perennial much branched prostrate herbs; rooting a t nodes.

Leaves sub-sessile, spathulate, serrate. Flowers whitish-pink in capitate


h.: LakkireddipaLli (CU) NN 374 Ln: BokkenakulNiru pippalikada

Piant juice given orally as digestive stimulant and antidote for

poisonous bites (Ye).

Vitex negundo L.

h r g e shrubs. Branches densely clothed with white tomen turn.

Leaves 3-5 f oliolate; leaflets lanceolate. Flowers bluish-purple in peduncled

paniculate cymes.

k.: Rayachoty (CU) NN 84 Lar: Vavili

Leaves are burnt and exposed t o smoke under blanket to cure

severe coughs or dry coughs.


Ocimurn gratissirnum L.

Branched undershrubs, stems 4 angled. Leaves ovate, wedge

shaped at base, softly hairy or nearly glabrous. Flowers greenish-yellow in

long racemes.

k: Uravakonda (A) NN 97 Ln: Ramatuhsi

Juice o f the leaves rubbed externally on bitten part of the body

to cure scorpion poison (N).

Ocimum termiflorum L.; 0. - sanctum L.

Erect much branched undershrubs cultivated in t emples and

common in house-yards.

k.: Tirumala (CH) NN 838 Ln: Tulasi

As an oral contraceptive; the leaf juice with one spoonful

powder of Mentha arvensis given after menstruation twice a day for J days.

Ordwrsiphan rikundus (Dm Don) Benth.

Perennial erect herbs. Leaves ovate-oblong, base cuneate,

dentate, coarsely crenate. Flowers white-lilac in terminal racemes.

kg: Lakkireddipalli (CU) NN 842 h: Kamrnaga j jara

Tubers are cooked and eaten with honey t o cure colic pains

(Ye 1.


*Plantago erosa Wall.

Perennial, erect herbs with stout rootstock. Leaves radical,

elliptic-ovate. Flowers creamishyellow in long bracteate spikes. Seeds many


Inc.: Tirumala (CHI NN 893 Ln. Isabugolu

k d s are used to reduce heat in the body.


Boerhavia diffusa L.; 0. repens L.

Diffuse herbs. Leaves rounded or sub-cordate. Flowers red or

pink in long-stalked axiIlary and terminal umbellate panicles.

h.: Proddatur (CU) NN 281 Ln: PunarnavalAtikamamidi

Leaves are cooked without salt or about a teaspoonful of

powder given in butter milk for 3 days in the treatment of jaundice.

P i b &ta L.

large thorny climbing shrubs. Leaves opposite, elliptic-ovate.

Flowers grenish-white in dense corymbose axihry cymes.

k: Chandragiri (CH) NN 425; Madakasira (A) NN 308 h Embuddi

Leaf and root macerated with 'ghee' and applied t o joints to

relieve rheumatic pains; root powder mixed with honey and considered

effective remedy for scabies M.


AgrW lanata (1.) Juss. e x Schultes

Erect branched herbs. Leaves elliptic-obovate or sub-orbicular.

Flowers greenish-white small, in dense axillary spikes.

Loc.: Rajampet (CU) NN 544 Ln: Telagapindi

Maceration of the plant is given twice a day for 5 days in

kidney troubles.

Fruit powder dissolved in hot water and is used to rinse oral

cavity for the treatment of dental caries.

Amanthus viridis I.

Annual erect, much branched glabrous 'herbs. Leaves ovate.

Flowers pale green in small axiIlary and terminal dusters.

ImC;: Rayachoty (CU) NN 22 Ln. Chilaka. thotakoora

Smoke from the plant is inhaled for dizziness.

Digera muricata (L.) Mart.; I). arvensis Forssk.

Annual, slender, s u k e c t glabrous herbs. Leaves ovate-elliptic.

Flowers pink in axillary, elongated spikes.

Lor;: Kadiri (A) NN 136 h Chenchelikoora

Infusion of the flowers and seed given as a drink to cure

urinary troubles.

*Pupalia lappama (L.) Juss. ; - P. atropurpurea (Lam.) Moq.

Erect or straggling undershrubs. Leaves elliptic-ovate. Flowers

greenish-white in clusters in terminal spikes.

k: Penukmda (A) NN 937 Ln: Tella uttareni

Leaf juice or powder given w i th jaggery or paste epp i i ed

externally as an antidote for scorpion stings.


Aristolochia bractealata Lam.; A. bracteata Retz.

Trailing perennial herbs. Leaves reniform or broadly ovate,

stipules foliaceous. Flowers purple-green, solitary in axils.

h.: Chandragiri (CH) NN 47 h Gadidagadapaku

Root infusion is given internally or paste appiied on bitten part

in snake bites. Juice given as a drink to cure stomach ulcers and juice i s

also used to rinse oral cavity to cure aphthous ulcers.

Aristohbk indim L. (Photo 57)

Herbaceous twiners with stout woody root-stock. haves oblong-

obovate to linear-oblong. Flowers gr eenish-white in axillary few flowered


k: Srisailam (K) NN 217 Ln: Isarla teegalTella-eswari

The whole plant i s pounded and the juice is squeezed out, This

plant juice is dropped into nostrils, eyes and mouth or root juice is applied

to the affected part (bite) in snake-bites (C).

The root decoction is also used in bil ious fevers and chronic

skin diseases.


Yis~lrm anidaturn Burm. f.

Leafless parasitic shrubs. With slender branches, drooping. Stems

jointed, striate. Flowers very small, 1-3 in axillary, fascicles.

k.: Tirumala (CHI NN 324 Ln: Kadabadanika

Paste of the plant is applied to heal wounds. Also, leaves are

burnt into ash mixed wi th petroleum jeHy to cover the wound for quick


* V h m orientale Willd.

Much branched parasitic shrubs, branches terete, nodes swollen.

Leaves opposite, elliptic-lanceolate. Flowers sessile, clusters of S5, in axils.

Berries purple.

h: Tirumala (CH) NN 399 Ln: Kammibadanika

Ash of the burnt plant is used to cure itches and earaches. Leaf

and stem powder mixed with goatt$ milk and given thrice a day for uterine

diseases; also, decoction of the plant given internally and followed by sheep

or goat meet in epilepsy (N).


Santalum album L.

Small evergreen trees. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate. Flowers purple

small, in axillary or terminal panicles. Drupes globose, pwicarp black.

k: Tirumah (CH) NN 104 tn: SrigandhamulChandanarnu .

Stem-bark decoction is given 3 times a day or a few drops of

oil from bark is given in hot water as effective remedy in dysmenorrhoea

w 1.


weynia vitis-idaca (Burrn. f.) Fischer ; B, rhamnoides (Retz.) Muell.- Arg.

Shrubs. Leaves membranous. Flowers rnonoeciws, minute; male

in small axillary fascicles, female soiitar y, axillar y.

Loc.: Srisailam (K) NN 890 Ln: PandupacharilDevadari

Smoke of the leaves inhaled under blanket to treat throat

inflammations; as a nerve tonic: leaves are ground and applied with fresh

milk on scalp before bathing.

*Chrozophora rottlwi (Ceiseler) Juss.; C, piicata Hook. f.

Armual erect herbs, densely hispid or stellate-tomentose. leaves

broadly ovate-orbicular to oblong. Flowers yellow, in axillary or terminal

bracteate racemes.

k Puttaparthi (A) NN 350 In: Lingamirapa

Decoction of the leaves given in paralysis; fruit decoction given

as a drink t o a r e high b l o d pressure.

Cleistanthus collinus (Rowb.) Benth. ex Hwk. f.

Deciduous trees or shrubs. Leaves elliptic-obovate. Flowers

mmwciws, yellow in axglary clusters.

hc.: T. Sudupdli (CU) NN 37% Tirumala (CHI NN 1241 h Odisel Vadisaku

Infusion of the pIant parts (leaf, bark dr green fruits) used by

tribes as a suicidal agent and considered as a defence mechanism IS, N).

*(kypetes rdurghii (Wall.) Hurusawa ; Putran jiva roxbur~hii Wall.

Evergreen trees with pendu!ous branches. Leaves elliptic-oblong

or lanceolate. Flowers monoecious, greenish-yellow. Drupes globose or ovoid;

seed solitary.

k.: Tirurnala (CH) NN 298; Palarnaner. (CHI NN 835 h:Purra jivalKudta juvi

Root-bark and seed powder consumed especially by tribal women

as a fertility regulating agent (N).

Stem-bark juice is given orally in elephantiasis M.

*Eupharbia fusifarmis Eluch.-Ham. ; E. acaulis Roxb. (Photo 58)

Acaulescent glabrous herbs with large f usifor rn tuberous root

s t ~ k s ; latex milky. Leaves radical, thick, oblanceolate, margin wavy, base

cunate. Cymes from the crown of the root-stock, dichotomous, involucre

hemispheric with 5 glands.

Lnc.: Tirumala (CH) NN 315; Nallamalais (K) NN 839 h Barripala

~oot -s tock is cut and boiled in sesame oil, and made into a

paste; applied externally in the treatment of rheumatic pains, swellings and

gout (N, C).

Root-stock is given to ladies for increasing lactation after child

birth W).

hphorbia hkta L.

Annual hairy, erect or decumbent herbs. Stems hispid, latex

milky. Leaves ovate-oblong. Cyathia greenish-red in pedunculate cy mose


k: Rayachoty ICU) NN 579 Ln: ChanubalakuiReddivarinanubalu

Plant decoction together with black Fepper giver! oraliy t o

relieve coughs.

*Euphorbii nirulia Buch. - Ham.

Small deciduous trees in rocky hills. Leaves sessile, oblanceolate,

cuneate at base. Cymes twice forked on the leaf-scars, towards the end of

branchlets. Capsules 3-lobed.

k: Hindupur (A) NN 448 Ln: Aku jemudulJemudu

Decoction of burnt root is applied with soaked material on

paralysed part for 2 weeks. Afterwards, burnt mixture of snake, bones,

python skin applied with petroleum jelly on incisions made on the paralysed

site t o treat paralysis (Ye, 5).

Wivotia rottleriformis Gri ff.

Deciduous trees. Branchlets white stellate tomentose. haves

alternate, ovate or orbicular. Flowers pale-yellow in axillary or subterminal

racemose or panicled cymes. Drupes ellipsoid.

k.: Pulivendla (CU) NN 381; Nandyal (K) NN 1621 Ln: Tellapoliki

A t h i ck poultice prepared from the seeds and mixed with

Pon~amia pinnata seed oil or paste applied externally as an ointment for

psoriasis 6).

3atropha eracas L.

Erect shrubs, 1-2 m high. Leaves palmate, 3-5 lobed, ovate or

subwbicular. Flowers yellowish-green in dichasial cymes. Capsules rugose,


k: Hindupur (A).NN 1114 Ln: Peddaerin j alNepalamu

One seed is ground and soaked overnight ir: water and small

amount of extract is given on empty stomach to treat intestinal parasites.

Maceration of the seed is considered as an abortifacierrt. Root decoction is

given to rinse the oral cavity in toothaches and sore throat.

Mallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell.-Arg.

Medium sized trees. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Flowers

pale yellow in axillary cymes and paniculate at the end of branches. Capsules

covered with crimsowred powder.

Loc.: Tirumala (CHI NN 649 Ln: SindurilKumkuma puvvu

The decoction or infusion of the fruit given with a pinch of salt

for expelling stomach worms (round worms) and also, considered as diarrh-1


Phyllanthus amarus Schum. dc Thonn. ; P. niruri auct. non L.

Small erect herbs. Leaves alternate, leaflets elliptic-oblong,

obtuse at the t ip . Flowers unisexual minute, greenish-white. Capsules

depressed globose, smooth.

k; Lakkireddipalli (CU) NN 249; Chandragiri (CHI NN 350 Lm Nelausiri

Fresh plant (about 15 gm) is ground with black pepper '(3) and

garlic (1 piece) in buttermilk made into pills (about 500 mg) and given 3 pi&

a day for 3 days as an effective remedy for viral jaundice.

rethJatu Poir.; Kirganelia reticulata (Poir.) Baill.

Straggling shrubs or small trees with drooping branches. Leaves

Oblong-elliptic. Flowers small, man-ious, solitary. Berries dark-purple when


LW.: penukonda (A) NN 1627 Ln: Naliapu!ugudulNa!la poolimokka

Tender shoots are pounded with sesame (ksamum indicurn) seeds

and jaggery and is eaten for 20 days in the treatment of piles.

c o m m m i s L.

Erect shrubs; cultivated.

U: Kadiri (A) NN 73 Ln: Arnudapuehettu

Maceration of the seed to prepare soft porridge and eaten daily

in the morning for three days to induce abortion of three to four or even up

to six month o ld preganancy.

Leaf 'powder {about 1 g m ) m i x e d w i t h leaf powder of

Phyllanthus amarus given in butter milk for 7 days in the treatment of viral


V ~ u m insigrse (RoyIe) Benth.

Deciduous trees. Branchlets thick and fleshy, latex milky. kaves

crowded at the ends of branchlets. Flowers manoecious in terminal, panicled

spikes. Capsules Iml i c ida l .

Loc.: Nandyal (K) NN 834; Tirumala hills (CHI NN 1474 In: Carbhasulal


Latex (about 5 mi) is given twice a day with hot water or fruit

Paste applied externally as an ointment to cure psoriasis and also vertigo.

w i n e g a lewopyrlrs (Wild.) Muell~Arg.; Fluaea leucopyrus Willd.

Large glabrous shrubs. Leaves obovate. Flowers greenish-white in

axillaty clusters. Capsules globose with a fleshy pericarp. Seeds red.

k: Penukonda (A) NN I266 Ln: TeIbpulimokka/Tellapulugudu

Leaf juice mixed with tobacco powder and applied exter~ally as

an antiparasitic.


W i a zeylanica (I.) Benn. ; P, indica (L.) Gaudich.

Slender herbs. Leaves ovate-acute, strigose above, pibse below,

3-nerved from base. Flowers monoecious, white in axillary clusters. Achenes,


Lm.: Tirumala (CH) NN 335; Allagadda (K) NN 256 Ln: Rakkasichettu

Entire plant is boiled and its decoction (about 10 ml) given

orally twice a dai for the treatment of gonorrhoea and syphilis IN, C).


FICUS benghalensis L.

Large evergreen trees with numerous large aerial roots. Leaves

thick, coriaceous, elliptic-ovate. Flowers unisexual in receptacles. Figs in

axillary pairs, sessile, globular, silky pubescent, bright red when ripe.

k: Vempalli {CU) NN 76 Ln: Marri

Latex of the plant spread on a piece of cloth and placed on the

neck to relieve throat pains due to cold; abo, stem-bark is pounded and its

paste applied to the neck for throat infection. Latex applied loeally and

juice of aerial roots pounded with a little salt given internally to cure piles.

Restr: Tamarind and physical strain.

ebstica Roxb. ex Hornem.

Large evergreen trees, as ornamental and cultivated in gardens.

k: Tirumala (CHI NN 118 h Rabbaruchettu

Latex of the plant mixed with honey and given internaiiy for

expelling stomach worms (round and tape worms).

*Ficus hispida L. f.

Trees. Branchlets hispid, internodes hollow. Leaves opposite,

hispid pubescent on both sides. Receptacles green, ovoid, hispid, fascicled on

old wood.

k.: Tirumala (CHI NN 401 Ln: BommeduJBrahmamdi

Paste of leaves and stem-bark applied as ointment t o cure

leucoder ma.

F~CCLS miaocarpa L.f.; -- F. retwa a m . non L.

Trees with a few atrial roots. Leaves broadly obovate or

rhomboid. Receptacles globose in axillary pairs, orange-red when ripe.

k: Nandyal (K) NN 850 Ln: Yerra juvvilKon& juvvi

Root powder mixed with latex of the p h t and a pinch of salt

is taken orally in the treatment of dental caries and pywrhoea.


Caswrina litorea L.; C. equisetifoiia L.

Tall trees. Leaves reduced to scales. Cultivated in hedges and


k.: Putrur (CH) NN 92 In: Sarugudu

Fruit (young) juice given oral ly early in t h e morning for



e t w s ~ i o s u s (Koen.) J.E. Smith

Perennial herbs with creeping tuberous root-stocks. Leaves with

basal sheathing, spirally arranged, elliptic-oblong, lanceolate. Flowers w h i t t

with yellow tinge at throat in dense spikes.

lac;: Nallamalais (K) NN 375 tn: Chengalva KoshtulKevukenna

Fried root mixed with milk and later on given to children t o

kill the intestinal germslworms. Plant with rhizome is washed and pounded t o

extract the juice given orally to cure filariasis.

Also, the root is dried and powdered; about one gram of this

powder is taken oially with milk or water for three days beginning wirh the

9th day of the menses. This application is repeated for 2 more months for

permanent sterilization (birth control) (C).


Musa paradiska L.

Stoloniferous plants. Leaves large, erect or ascending. Spikes

drooping. Fruits oblong, yellowish-green when ripe.

k.: Ra jampet (CU) NN 29 Ln: Aratikaya

Inflorescence is boiled and extract so obtained is used for bath

in rheumatism and headaches.

Root paste mixed in water and taken i n palpitation and

tkumatic complaints.

Juice of the green fruit given daily once early in the morning

to cure stomach ulcers.

Raw fruit is boiled and its decoction is given for heart pains.

Exudates obtained from rhizome (after the above ground part is

cut) is given in the treatment of peptic ulcers.


-vieria roxburghiam Schultes dr Schultes f.

Perennial, stout fleshy stemless herbs with stout root stocks.

Leaves basal linear, apex flat, tapering, base subterete. Flowers pale green in


k.: Rdjampet (CU) NN 55; Tjrupati (CH) NN 303 Ln: Adavichaagal


Root paste is given in hot water twice a day or paste applied

externally in the treatment of piles. Leaf juice is squeezed into the ear to

relieve ear-aches (N).


Curculigo ordioides Gaert n.

Erect herbs w i t h tuberous rootstocks. Leaves linear t o

lanceolate. Flowers yellow, axilhry, solitary or in simple racemes.

Lot.: Tirurnala (CH) NN 174 Ln: Nehthadigadda

Tubers are cooked with honey and consumed by tribal men,

considered as an aphrodisiac and tonic-

Juice of the tubers used as eye-drops t o cure blindness and

white spots on the eye ball (N).


qpmitifolia L.

Twining herbs with cylindrical or fusiform perennial tubers.

b v e s elliptic-oblong, 5 nerved from the base. Flowers unisexual, yellowish-

green. Capsules 3-winged.

Loc.: Nandyal (K) NN 284; Palarnaner (CH) NN 882 Ln: YelIagadda

Paste of the tubers used as an external application to reduce

swellings and antidote for scorpion stings and snake-bites (Y).

Di-ea p t a p h y k L.

Twining herbs. Stems prickly towards base. Leaves uppermost

simple, pubescent; lower leaves 3-5 foliolate. Flowers unisexual in axillary

panicles. Capsuks oblong, 3-winged.

h: Tirumala (CHI NN 322 Ln: DukkapendalamuIAdavi-genusu teega

Tubers are cooked and eaten with honey in the treatment of

peptic ulcers (Ye).


*Stemwra Lour. (Photo 59)

Trailing herbs with fasciculated tuberous roots. Leaves alternate

or opposite, ovate or ovate - lanceolate. Flowers green with purple nerves,

axillary , solitary.

k: Tirumala (CH) NN 291 Ln: Kanipu-teega

~ubers are made into paste, applied on affected part of the legs

in the treatment of rheumatic pains.

Also; the root powder mixed in equal proportions w i t h the

Powder of the seed of Hy~rophi la suriculata, Fedalium murex, Mucuna

pruriens, bmbax rnalabaricum and with the powder of Curcuiila 0:chioidcs

roots and is taken with milk and wgar for one week to improve potency and

tribal men considered it as an effective aphrodisiac (N, Y).


w vera (L.) Burm. f.

Stoloniferous herbs. Leaves fleshy, rosette, ensiform, margin

spiny. Flowers reddish-yellow in long scapes.

a: Pulivendla (CU) NN 134 h Ooti-kalabandalMancRi Kalabanda

Root decoction given orally in the treatment of venereal

diseases. Root decoction is also used t o wash wounds and juice mixed with

turmeric powder t o cover wounds for quick healing.

Fleshy leaf juice given twice a day for 3 days in viral


Also; leaf juice (about 10 m i ) administered in ternally and

sirnuttarieous~~ paste appiied externally in infected piles.

Restr : Tight clothing, chillies, alcoholic drinks.

*Asparagus gonodados Baker

Armed woody climbers with fascicled tuberous roots. Leaves

reduced t o recurved spinescent scales. Flowers white in axillary racemes.

LOG: Tirumala (CHI NN 291 Ln: SalIayi gaddalu

Powder from the tubers mixed with leaf powder of Gyrnnema

sylvestre (Retz.1 R. BY. ex Schult. is given in hot milk twice a day for 40

days to cure diabetes. Sugar, sweets, spicy iood are completely avoided

during the prescription.

ww r-mosm WiI!d.

Climbing spinous shrubs wi th fascicled tuberous roots. Leaves

reduced to spines. Flowers white in axillary racemes.

h.: Palamaner (CHI NN 436; Dhone (K) NN 843 Ln: Piili-teegalul Satamuii

Tubers are cooked and mixed with sugar, mi!k, cashewnut and

dry grapes is eaten twice a day for 2 weeks in improving potency (as


Tubers are squeezed on breastslnipples t o increase the milk

secretion (galactogogue); also, powder of the tubers mixed with powder 0 1

rmt bark of Salacia chinensis given in diabetes.

Wrginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth

Herbs with perennial tunicated bulbs. Leaves appearing after

flowering. Flowers brownish-white in lax racemes on slender scapes.

Tirupati (CHI NN 889; Tadipatri (A) NN 1326 Ln: A d a v i u l i i ,


Maceration of the bulb is drunk 3 t i m e s per day i n

dysmmwrhoea (Y).


Smi lax perfolia~ Lour. ; 5.prolifera Wall. ex RoxB

Large climbing shrubs with prickly stems. Leaves alternate,

broadly ovate. Flowers green in axiliary umbels.

k: Tirumala (CH) NN 2061 In: Pirangi chekka

Leaf juice given internally to cure rnmorrhagia. Root decoction

given in the treatment of rheumatism.


~ y p e r u s rotmdus L.

. Perennial rhizornatirs herbs; stems triquetrous. Leaves ?Tar!?. ifa;.

nerves prominent; sheaths brown. Spikelets oblong in sin~ple ur c-urt~ pilu::kl


Loc.: Tirumala hills (CHI NN 1206 Ln: Tt?u~tga illt'bilnl

Oil from the bulbous root, applied exrcrrrally in ttic trcalrrlulil

of skin diseases.

Pholo 30: Cochlospnmum rcligiosum &.I Alstm

Photo 32: Aralantia rnu~lopliylL i L. * t : - .

Photo 35: Semecarpus anacardium L.f.

Photo 36: Pretocarprrs santalius L.f. - a tw&

Photo 37: Pterocarpus santalinus - Heart-wood.

Photo 38: Pueraria moss DC.

Photo 00: Dichrmtachys cinerea (L.1 Wight & Am.

Photo 41: E n d rhed i i Spreng.

. - . . . . - - - . . - - . - - . - - - - - -

Photo 42: Terminalia pallida Brandis

Photo 43: Syxygium alternifolium (wight 1 Walp.

Photo 46: Momordim cymbalaria Hook= f-

Photo 49: Plumbago zeyhnica L.

Photo 50: Wrightia arbor- (Dennst .) Mabberley

Photn 5 1: CaraJIuma umbellata Haw

Photo 52: L)ecalepis hamiltonii Wight & Arn.

Photo 53: Argyreia cmeata (Willd.) Ker-Gawl.

Photo 54: Ijmmoea sepiaria Koen. ex Roxb.

Photo 55: Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees

Photo 56: Gmelina asiatica L.

Photo 57: Aristolochia indica L.

Photo 58: Euphwbia fusiformis Buck-Ham.

Photo 59: A s e t t l e d Yanadi medicine-man collecting tubers of Stemona tuberosa Lour. on Tirurnala forests.

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