envases de plÁstico descartable - exportapymes · 2011. 3. 28. · envases de plÁstico...

Post on 26-Aug-2020






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Puntos introductorios: Número interno: 10 (diez) * Fecha de elaboración y vigencia: 10 de agosto de 2007 hasta febrero de 2008

* de acuerdo al formato del “Manual de Procedimientos de Programación Comercial” 2006

Puntos generales:

1. Posición arancelaria: - 3920.43.90– Film de PVC Posición arancelaria: - 3923.90.00– Envases de plástico descartable. 2. Costo de nacionalización

De acuerdo a la información obtenida de empresa naviera local, los fletes marítimos rondan los U$S 2000 x 20 pies y U$S 3600 x 40 pies, más bunker (porcentual de combustible) cuyo costo varía según el valor del barril de petróleo, pero se puede calcular entre un 10 a 15% del valor de flete.

a) Tarifa arancelaria australiana

P.A. 3920.43- 5% no hay tratamiento preferencial. P.A. 3923.90- 5% no hay tratamiento preferencial.

Tariff Heading



HS Code SS Units Description Rate #


3920.4 - Of polymers of vinyl chloride:

3920.43.00 -- Containing by weight not less than 6% 5% of plasticisers CA: Free


50 kg .Not exceeding 0.08 mm in thickness

51 kg .Exceeding 0.08 mm but not exceeding 0.25 mm in thickness

52 kg .Exceeding 0.25 mm but not exceeding 0.5 mm in thickness

53 kg .Exceeding 0.5 mm in thickness


.Not exceeding 0.08 mm in thickness:

57 kg ..Food grade film

58 kg ..Other

63 kg .Exceeding 0.08 mm but not exceeding 0.5 mm in thickness

69 kg .Exceeding 0.5 mm in thickness

Tariff Heading



HS Code SS Units Description Rate #


3923.90.00 - Other 5% CA: Free

Of polymers of ethylene or of propylene:

07 No .Collapsible plastic tubes

08 No .Other

Of other plastics:

09 No .Collapsible plastic tubes

10 No .Other

b) Impuestos locales GST (Goods and Services Tax), que asciende al 10%

c) Despacho aduanero El costo de despacho de aduana puede ser desde U$S 60 hasta U$S 112, dependiendo del volumen (a mayor volumen menor costo) d) Costo de apertura de carta de crédito En general oscila el 2,5% sobre el valor FOB e) Otros gastos- no hay f) Costo de nacionalización de la mercadería: El régimen preferencial en Australia es de carácter unilateral.

Se advierte una tendencia creciente a emplear contenedores y recipientes de plástico susceptibles de ser reciclados para su uso posterior. Al respecto, se consigna a continuación información sobre las tendencias y regulaciones de origen voluntario existentes:

• Tendencias: http://www.pca.org.au/uploads/00373.pdf muestra la evolución, cambios y tendencias de los diferentes tipos de presentacion y empaquetado de productos a la venta.

• National Packaging Covenant que es una iniciativa voluntaria entre el gobierno y la industria para reducir los efectos del empaquetado en el medio ambiente. Se trata de minimizar el impacto ambiental producido por la eliminación de las envolturas, la conservación de recursos a través de un mejor diseño, procesos de producción y facilitar el re-uso y reciclado de los materiales del envoltorio. http://www.packagingcovenant.org.au/

• La organización australiana Cleanaway, operadora principal dedicada al manejo de desechos, y a

brindar soluciones para su recoleccion, transporte, procesado y eliminación provee información estadística y técnica http://www.cleanaway.com.au/clwywr/lib51004/fact%20sheet%20plastic.pdf

• Los productos fabricados con plásticos reciclados se encuentran identificados por códigos; en la página de la Asociación de la Industria de Plásticos y Químicos (PACIA - The Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association) se informa los distintos tipos materiales, codigo identificatorio, caracteristicas y productos recliclados.

Ejemplo: en vaso descartable fabricado con poliestireno espumado (foam) en su base se puede ver el

logo con código de identificación

PACIA - The Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association- http://www.pacia.org.au/index.cfm?menuaction=mem&mmid=008&mid=008.002

3. Documentos exigidos en aduana

• Facturas comerciales • Australian Packing Declaration (muy importante) . Formulario se puede obtener en la página

de internet del Departamento de Agricultura, Pesca y Forestación: http://www.affa.gov.au/content/publications.cfm?ObjectID=8B244A3B-CC23-4A7A-9F21F1DE30BB73E3

4. Requisitos Es muy importante que los contenedores en los que se transporta la mercadería así como los embalajes de madera en que ésta se encuentra acondicionada sean fumigados siguiendo la normativa sanitaria en vigor. De no cumplir con este requisito, al llegar a Australia los contenedores serán abiertos y tratados l localmente a un costo aproximado de U$S 900 por cada contenedor. Información sobre los requisitos sanitarios exigidos para el tratamiento de los contenedores y los embalajes de madera puede ser obtenida en la siguiente dirección: http://www.daff.gov.au/content/publications.cfm?ObjectID=90AE2E1C-BD98-406F-914BECBE8EF22C37

5. Estadísticas de importaciones

P.A. 3920430050- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), not exceeding 0.08mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2006 3920430050 Germany Kilograms 10526 37,802.68

2006 3920430050 Thailand Kilograms 1027 12,373.48

2006 3920430050 U.S.A. Kilograms 10200 19,614.51

P.A. 3920430051- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), > 0.08 mm but =< 0.25mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2006 3920430051 Germany Kilograms 935 1,274.00

2006 3920430051 Japan Kilograms 7954 61,813.05

2006 3920430051 Sweden Kilograms 79612 211,604.60

2006 3920430051 Taiwan Kilograms 300 1,144.42

P.A. 3920430052- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), > 0.25 mm but =< 0.5mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2006 3920430052 Japan Kilograms 200302 1,113,260.82

2006 3920430052 Netherlands Kilograms 4203 24,840.52

2006 3920430052 U.S.A. Kilograms 3617 42,362.76

P.A. 3920430053- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), exceeding 0.5mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2006 3920430053 China Kilograms 848 12,409.27

2006 3920430053 Finland Kilograms 13069 26,653.48

2006 3920430053 Germany Kilograms 55 1,359.59

2006 3920430053 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 10185 19,377.49

2006 3920430053 Israel Kilograms 2449 6,058.98

2006 3920430053 Italy Kilograms 4831 30,260.71

2006 3920430053 Japan Kilograms 27123 126,069.84

2006 3920430053 Netherlands Kilograms 5940 19,569.84

2006 3920430053 Taiwan Kilograms 123115 276,742.29

2006 3920430053 U.S.A. Kilograms 6090 11,995.37

P.A. 3920430057- Flexible.food grade film of polymers of vinyl chloride, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), not exceeding 0.08mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2006 3920430057 Belgium Kilograms 501 10,527.38

2006 3920430057 China Kilograms 351438 704,466.97

2006 3920430057 France Kilograms 23864 100,274.27 2006 3920430057 Germany Kilograms 42333 176,698.05 2006 3920430057 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 31162 204,642.95 2006 3920430057 Italy Kilograms 3397 17,120.36 2006 3920430057 Japan Kilograms 7563 22,998.40 2006 3920430057 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 21393 66,818.37 2006 3920430057 Malaysia Kilograms 68794 114,821.08 2006 3920430057 Singapore Kilograms 78441 199,809.33 2006 3920430057 Taiwan Kilograms 6853 51,531.46 2006 3920430057 U.S.A. Kilograms 288 1,945.86

P.A. 3920430059- Flexible plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. food grade film, HS 3918 & 3919), =< 0.08mm thick

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2006 3920430059 Brazil Kilograms 53104 182,525.20 2006 3920430059 China Kilograms 188091 135,407.19 2006 3920430059 Finland Kilograms 10453 27,510.09 2006 3920430059 France Kilograms 5446 25,912.87 2006 3920430059 Germany Kilograms 8375 64,172.64

2006 3920430059 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 5825 20,689.24 2006 3920430059 Italy Kilograms 113722 533,074.07 2006 3920430059 Japan Kilograms 469776 1,940,274.68 2006 3920430059 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 69072 307,394.87 2006 3920430059 Malaysia Kilograms 24213 71,535.91 2006 3920430059 Netherlands Kilograms 4850 7,326.66 2006 3920430059 Spain Kilograms 88656 354,761.15 2006 3920430059 Taiwan Kilograms 6520 18,692.47 2006 3920430059 U.S.A. Kilograms 9571 54,100.09

P.A. 3920430061- Flexible plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), > 0.08mm but =< 0.5mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2006 3920430061 China Kilograms 172943 512,926.48 2006 3920430061 Finland Kilograms 190619 418,140.97 2006 3920430061 France Kilograms 581 5,740.60 2006 3920430061 Germany Kilograms 44164 528,992.87 2006 3920430061 Ireland Kilograms 19428 227,967.84 2006 3920430061 Israel Kilograms 42554 102,770.68 2006 3920430061 Italy Kilograms 53127 166,241.32 2006 3920430061 Japan Kilograms 778977 1,469,056.71 2006 3920430061 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 1000 5,688.91 2006 3920430061 Malaysia Kilograms 131298 908,936.59 2006 3920430061 Netherlands Kilograms 57589 101,722.96 2006 3920430061 New Zealand Kilograms 87 890.47 2006 3920430061 Spain Kilograms 380 4,375.83 2006 3920430061 Switzerland Kilograms 4 2,654.97 2006 3920430061 Taiwan Kilograms 2006422 3,367,671.69 2006 3920430061 Thailand Kilograms 27523 35,145.08 2006 3920430061 United Kingdom Kilograms 317 8,862.22 2006 3920430061 U.S.A. Kilograms 90671 750,104.39

P.A. 3920430062- Flexible plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), exceeding 0.5 mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2006 3920430062 Belgium Kilograms 444 7,049.78 2006 3920430062 Canada Kilograms 1977 7,754.42 2006 3920430062 China Kilograms 71348 156,741.29 2006 3920430062 Denmark Kilograms 1950 8,140.74 2006 3920430062 Egypt Kilograms 10906 25,467.95 2006 3920430062 France Kilograms 112359 379,199.93 2006 3920430062 Germany Kilograms 106425 400,425.26 2006 3920430062 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 20 1,536.19 2006 3920430062 India Kilograms 1531 3,849.91 2006 3920430062 Israel Kilograms 15965 42,736.78 2006 3920430062 Italy Kilograms 9228 50,401.79 2006 3920430062 Japan Kilograms 697834 1,690,531.11 2006 3920430062 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 2300 13,386.68 2006 3920430062 Netherlands Kilograms 9561 53,059.40 2006 3920430062 South Africa Kilograms 3720 21,400.79 2006 3920430062 Sweden Kilograms 58697 126,800.91 2006 3920430062 Switzerland Kilograms 310 1,863.46

2006 3920430062 Taiwan Kilograms 267793 876,535.74 2006 3920430062 Thailand Kilograms 19335 18,029.23 2006 3920430062 United Kingdom Kilograms 115973 640,461.87 2006 3920430062 U.S.A. Kilograms 126306 434,102.92

P.A. 3920430050- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), not exceeding 0.08mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2005 3920430050 France Kilograms 28 1.52

2005 3920430050 Italy Kilograms 2 0.38

2005 3920430050 Japan Kilograms 2747 11.32

2005 3920430050 Taiwan Kilograms 5256 9.23

2005 3920430050 U.S.A. Kilograms 18815 50.63

P.A. 3920430051- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), > 0.08 mm but =< 0.25mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2005 3920430051 China Kilograms 3721738 5,051.62

2005 3920430051 Finland Kilograms 8287 20.35

2005 3920430051 Germany Kilograms 17530 42.27

2005 3920430051 Japan Kilograms 18574 41.62

2005 3920430051 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 64095 240.05

2005 3920430051 Sweden Kilograms 78457 213.52

2005 3920430051 Taiwan Kilograms 754685 1,091.69

2005 3920430051 Thailand Kilograms 2625 3.39

P.A. 3920430052- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), > 0.25 mm but =< 0.5mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2005 3920430052 China Kilograms 18600 24.10

2005 3920430052 Finland Kilograms 11862 28.75

2005 3920430052 Germany Kilograms 233 2.00

2005 3920430052 Israel Kilograms 113223 247.45

2005 3920430052 Italy Kilograms 33363 126.06

2005 3920430052 Japan Kilograms 282309 1,698.10

2005 3920430052 Netherlands Kilograms 4203 22.78

2005 3920430052 Taiwan Kilograms 514052 726.96

2005 3920430052 U.S.A. Kilograms 829 20.16

P.A. 3920430053- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), exceeding 0.5mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2005 3920430053 Australia (Re-imports) Kilograms 11759 44.57

2005 3920430053 China Kilograms 38749 62.53

2005 3920430053 Finland Kilograms 16088 29.38

2005 3920430053 Germany Kilograms 29193 128.96

2005 3920430053 Iceland Kilograms 3949 10.23

2005 3920430053 Israel Kilograms 13267 63.10

2005 3920430053 Italy Kilograms 1967 8.89

2005 3920430053 Japan Kilograms 72555 196.36

2005 3920430053 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 4244 27.22

2005 3920430053 Netherlands Kilograms 3578 28.30

2005 3920430053 Taiwan Kilograms 640388 962.96

2005 3920430053 Thailand Kilograms 25054 59.30

2005 3920430053 United Kingdom Kilograms 9119 28.17

2005 3920430053 U.S.A. Kilograms 41608 252.23

P.A. 3920430057- Flexible.food grade film of polymers of vinyl chloride, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), not exceeding 0.08mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2005 3920430057 Belgium Kilograms 17017 80.61

2005 3920430057 China Kilograms 424711 901.10

2005 3920430057 France Kilograms 16868 78.38

2005 3920430057 Germany Kilograms 149645 611.67

2005 3920430057 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 18743 112.95

2005 3920430057 Indonesia Kilograms 252 2.30

2005 3920430057 Italy Kilograms 7414 54.84

2005 3920430057 Japan Kilograms 11383 37.57

2005 3920430057 Malaysia Kilograms 81366 126.24

2005 3920430057 Singapore Kilograms 27852 63.82

2005 3920430057 Taiwan Kilograms 3262 30.08

2005 3920430057 U.S.A. Kilograms 1000 4.00

P.A. 3920430059- Flexible plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. food grade film, HS 3918 & 3919), =< 0.08mm thick

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2005 3920430059 Belgium Kilograms 500 1.41

2005 3920430059 Brazil Kilograms 69691 118.14

2005 3920430059 China Kilograms 159760 282.59

2005 3920430059 Finland Kilograms 111397 236.15

2005 3920430059 France Kilograms 9920 47.36

2005 3920430059 Germany Kilograms 5131 41.53

2005 3920430059 Italy Kilograms 116625 485.92

2005 3920430059 Japan Kilograms 278214 1,181.20

2005 3920430059 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 12269 38.25

2005 3920430059 Netherlands Kilograms 14430 23.14

2005 3920430059 New Zealand Kilograms 20 0.48

2005 3920430059 Spain Kilograms 33111 165.74

2005 3920430059 Taiwan Kilograms 49328 148.01

2005 3920430059 U.S.A. Kilograms 23942 81.72

P.A. 3920430061- Flexible plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), > 0.08mm but =< 0.5mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2005 3920430061 China Kilograms 88642 258.48

2005 3920430061 Colombia Kilograms 215 1.68

2005 3920430061 Denmark Kilograms 80 0.28

2005 3920430061 Finland Kilograms 106410 218.58

2005 3920430061 France Kilograms 30 0.70

2005 3920430061 Germany Kilograms 155114 1,991.25

2005 3920430061 Ireland Kilograms 30656 165.87

2005 3920430061 Japan Kilograms 684637 1,171.27

2005 3920430061 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 141533 394.49

2005 3920430061 Malaysia Kilograms 77796 706.47

2005 3920430061 Netherlands Kilograms 24657 62.83

2005 3920430061 Norway Kilograms 101409 200.71

2005 3920430061 Spain Kilograms 70 0.74

2005 3920430061 Sweden Kilograms 19932 51.24

2005 3920430061 Switzerland Kilograms 126 2.84

2005 3920430061 Taiwan Kilograms 2308570 3,942.14

2005 3920430061 Thailand Kilograms 116798 163.98

2005 3920430061 United Kingdom Kilograms 844 9.69

2005 3920430061 U.S.A. Kilograms 100380 807.81

P.A. 3920430062- Flexible plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), exceeding 0.5 mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2005 3920430062 Austria Kilograms 11 0.34

2005 3920430062 China Kilograms 39285 108.95

2005 3920430062 Denmark Kilograms 2945 25.97

2005 3920430062 France Kilograms 151794 462.39

2005 3920430062 Germany Kilograms 175940 613.56

2005 3920430062 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 1775 4.46

2005 3920430062 India Kilograms 5890 18.15

2005 3920430062 Ireland Kilograms 22 0.94

2005 3920430062 Israel Kilograms 29634 124.84

2005 3920430062 Italy Kilograms 80033 273.45

2005 3920430062 Japan Kilograms 562622 1,484.22

2005 3920430062 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 25544 128.94

2005 3920430062 Malaysia Kilograms 2353 6.70

2005 3920430062 Netherlands Kilograms 11504 54.65

2005 3920430062 South Africa Kilograms 4800 26.36

2005 3920430062 Sweden Kilograms 23732 45.84

2005 3920430062 Taiwan Kilograms 156004 501.35

2005 3920430062 Thailand Kilograms 15837 14.33

2005 3920430062 United Kingdom Kilograms 80125 357.97

2005 3920430062 U.S.A. Kilograms 126761 338.75

2005 3920430062 Viet Nam Kilograms 70 4.46

P.A. 3920430050- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), not exceeding 0.08mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2004 3920430050 Japan Kilograms 140 0.60

2004 3920430050 Thailand Kilograms 230 0.79

P.A. 3920430051- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), > 0.08 mm but =< 0.25mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2004 3920430051 China Kilograms 6037677 7,818.24

2004 3920430051 France Kilograms 5068 18.71

2004 3920430051 Germany Kilograms 5923 14.89

2004 3920430051 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 2500 3.09

2004 3920430051 Japan Kilograms 123503 179.15

2004 3920430051 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 236934 735.08

2004 3920430051 New Zealand Kilograms 100 0.50

2004 3920430051 Spain Kilograms 12466 37.25

2004 3920430051 Sweden Kilograms 98072 268.83

2004 3920430051 Taiwan Kilograms 958134 1,272.83

2004 3920430051 Thailand Kilograms 107782 133.30

2004 3920430051 U.S.A. Kilograms 11958 36.81

P.A. 3920430052- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), > 0.25 mm but =< 0.5mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2004 3920430052 Belgium Kilograms 7800 14.58

2004 3920430052 China Kilograms 18500 32.15

2004 3920430052 Germany Kilograms 360 0.45

2004 3920430052 Israel Kilograms 113690 216.86

2004 3920430052 Japan Kilograms 240686 1,509.52

2004 3920430052 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 103072 384.19

2004 3920430052 Taiwan Kilograms 868518 1,070.37

2004 3920430052 United Kingdom Kilograms 987 8.35

2004 3920430052 U.S.A. Kilograms 2003 15.02

P.A. 3920430053- Rigid plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), exceeding 0.5mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2004 3920430053 China Kilograms 15333 60.57

2004 3920430053 Germany Kilograms 40828 140.78

2004 3920430053 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 24 0.20

2004 3920430053 Israel Kilograms 163 1.07

2004 3920430053 Italy Kilograms 80504 215.21

2004 3920430053 Japan Kilograms 117975 275.80

2004 3920430053 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 5140 26.73

2004 3920430053 Sweden Kilograms 10 0.37

2004 3920430053 Taiwan Kilograms 546406 768.02

2004 3920430053 Thailand Kilograms 844 7.95

2004 3920430053 United Kingdom Kilograms 213 4.39

2004 3920430053 U.S.A. Kilograms 12488 149.01

P.A. 3920430057- Flexible.food grade film of polymers of vinyl chloride, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), not exceeding 0.08mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad '000 u$s

2004 3920430057 Belgium Kilograms 15841 65.07

2004 3920430057 China Kilograms 492838 838.86

2004 3920430057 France Kilograms 815 23.17

2004 3920430057 Germany Kilograms 41508 160.11

2004 3920430057 Italy Kilograms 7503 27.46

2004 3920430057 Japan Kilograms 3852 18.04

2004 3920430057 Malaysia Kilograms 83502 97.67

2004 3920430057 Netherlands Kilograms 1069 2.58

2004 3920430057 Taiwan Kilograms 37125 205.90

2004 3920430057 United Kingdom Kilograms 41689 83.15

P.A. 3920430059- Flexible plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. food grade film, HS 3918 & 3919), =< 0.08mm thick

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad ‘000 u$s

2004 3920430059 Belgium Kilograms 3768 10.18

2004 3920430059 Brazil Kilograms 24968 54.71

2004 3920430059 China Kilograms 33593 26.76

2004 3920430059 Finland Kilograms 31240 53.11

2004 3920430059 France Kilograms 20935 65.19

2004 3920430059 Germany Kilograms 26367 128.49

2004 3920430059 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 291 1.83

2004 3920430059 Ireland Kilograms 25 2.09

2004 3920430059 Italy Kilograms 158238 617.93

2004 3920430059 Japan Kilograms 320541 1,270.56

2004 3920430059 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 31958 94.80

2004 3920430059 New Zealand Kilograms 130 0.61

2004 3920430059 South Africa Kilograms 155 0.60

2004 3920430059 Spain Kilograms 108797 535.10

2004 3920430059 Taiwan Kilograms 156998 322.79

2004 3920430059 Thailand Kilograms 220 0.21

2004 3920430059 United Kingdom Kilograms 9 0.35

2004 3920430059 U.S.A. Kilograms 98616 258.35

P.A. 3920430061- Flexible plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), > 0.08mm but =< 0.5mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad ‘000 u$s

2004 3920430061 Australia (Re-imports) Kilograms 372 2.42

2004 3920430061 Austria Kilograms 432 12.32

2004 3920430061 China Kilograms 70015 159.43

2004 3920430061 Finland Kilograms 186249 383.35

2004 3920430061 France Kilograms 5154 14.71

2004 3920430061 Germany Kilograms 303947 2,827.90

2004 3920430061 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 464 1.87

2004 3920430061 Indonesia Kilograms 4032 33.32

2004 3920430061 Ireland Kilograms 5686 207.27

2004 3920430061 Italy Kilograms 454 1.78

2004 3920430061 Japan Kilograms 553355 838.56

2004 3920430061 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 191696 506.31

2004 3920430061 Malaysia Kilograms 73057 447.18

2004 3920430061 Netherlands Kilograms 32471 122.98

2004 3920430061 New Zealand Kilograms 413 5.74

2004 3920430061 Norway Kilograms 132611 213.58

2004 3920430061 Spain Kilograms 600 3.84

2004 3920430061 Sweden Kilograms 6970 9.58

2004 3920430061 Switzerland Kilograms 953 11.13

2004 3920430061 Taiwan Kilograms 3997517 5,407.41

2004 3920430061 Thailand Kilograms 117083 120.37

2004 3920430061 United Kingdom Kilograms 717 6.69

2004 3920430061 U.S.A. Kilograms 63703 763.77

2004 3920430061 Viet Nam Kilograms 729 1.35

P.A. 3920430062- Flexible plates, sheets, film, foil & strip of PVC, non-cellular & not reinforced, laminated, supported or combine with other materials, contain by weight => 6% of plasticisers (excl. HS 3918 & 3919), exceeding 0.5 mm in thickness

Año Pos.Ar. Origen Unidad Cantidad ‘000 u$s

2004 3920430062 Canada Kilograms 840 6.44

2004 3920430062 China Kilograms 71771 136.72

2004 3920430062 Denmark Kilograms 1096 4.67

2004 3920430062 France Kilograms 112764 365.09

2004 3920430062 Germany Kilograms 176960 561.69

2004 3920430062 Hong Kong (Sar of China) Kilograms 800 8.04

2004 3920430062 India Kilograms 7888 29.43

2004 3920430062 Israel Kilograms 14325 49.06

2004 3920430062 Italy Kilograms 112577 577.83

2004 3920430062 Japan Kilograms 470562 1,120.54

2004 3920430062 Korea, Republic of Kilograms 65143 248.76

2004 3920430062 Malaysia Kilograms 1669 4.93

2004 3920430062 Netherlands Kilograms 16020 100.68

2004 3920430062 New Zealand Kilograms 12901 60.34

2004 3920430062 South Africa Kilograms 4200 24.93

2004 3920430062 Spain Kilograms 100 18.71

2004 3920430062 Sweden Kilograms 8668 28.47

2004 3920430062 Taiwan Kilograms 326995 667.45

2004 3920430062 Thailand Kilograms 18632 17.59

2004 3920430062 United Kingdom Kilograms 162608 551.29

2004 3920430062 U.S.A. Kilograms 81254 305.34

6. Regulaciones Standards Australia se encuentra asociada con la empresa SAI Global Limited, y son ellas las que brindan las normas de los distintos productos. A través de su página web se puede consultar y

comprar dicha información: http://www.saiglobal.com/shop/Script/search.asp http://www.standards.com.au 7. Ferias y exposiciones generales y especializadas Fine Food Australia Fecha de realización: 24-27 de septiembre de 2007 Lugar del evento: Sydney Convention Centre Darling Drive, DARLING HARBOUR Casilla de correo: Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre Locked Bag 14, PYRMONT NSW 2009, AUSTRALIA Tel: +612 9282 5000 Fax: +612 9282 5041 email: info@scec.com.au www.scec.com.au Ente Organizador: Diversified Exhibitions Australia Pty Ltd Illoura Plaza, 424 St Kilda Road Melbourne Victoria 3004 Australia Tel: + 61 3 9261 4500 Fax: + 61 3 9261 4545 Contacto: • Michele Carlon – Exhibition Sales Executive mcarlon@divexhibitions.com.au Email: www.finefood.com.au

Fine Food Australia Queensland Fecha de realización: 9- 11 de marzo de 2008 Lugar del evento: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Ente Organizador: Diversified Exhibitions Australia Pty Ltd Illoura Plaza, 424 St Kilda Road Melbourne Victoria 3004 Australia Tel: + 61 3 9261 4500 Fax: + 61 3 9261 4545 Contacto: • Michele Carlon – Exhibition Sales Executive mcarlon@divexhibitions.com.au Email: www.finefood.com.au AUSPACK 2009 (datos a confirmarse cerca de la fecha)

Fecha de realización: 16-19 de junio de 2009 Lugar del evento: Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park. Contacto: Rob Keen Tel: (+61 2) 9556 7993 / +612 9556 7988 Email: rkeen@etf.com.au; auspack@etf.com.au Ente Organizador: Exhibitions and Trade Fairs (ETF) Dir: 68 - 72 Lilyfield Road, Rozelle NSW 2039 Tel: +61 2 9556 7988 Fax: +61 2 9556 7979 Email: auspack@etf.com.au www.auspack.com.au Contacto: Robby Clark - Event Manager Rob Keen - Sales Manager Dorothee Fabiew - Marketing Co-Ordinator Georgina Sixsmith - Sales Co-Ordinator

7. Asociaciones sectoriales

Packaging Council of Australia Level 3, 15-17 Park Street South Melbourne 3205 AUSTRALIA T: +61 3 9690 1955 F: +61 3 9690 3514 E: info@pca.org.au Internet: www.pca.org.au

Gavin Williams Chief Executive Officer info@pca.org.au

8. Principales accesos al mercado Estados y territorios australianos, habitantes

Estados/ Territorios australianos


Nueva Gales del Sur (NSW) 6 787.8 Victoria (VIC) 5 037.7 Queensland (QLD) 3 980.8 Australia Occidental (WA) 2 018.7 Australia del Sur (SA) 1 544.7 Tasmania (TAS) 486.0 Territorio Capital de Australia (ACT) 325.8 Territorio del Norte (NT) 203.7

Principales aeropuertos

Principales aeropuertos Ciudad

Kingford Smith Sydney, NSW Tullamarine Melbourne, VIC Adelaide International Adelaide, SA Brisbane International Brisbane, QLD Perth Perth, WA

Puertos de acceso, ciudades/ estados, habitantes.

Puerto de acceso a los mismos Ppales ciudades/ Estados Habitantes Port Botany (Sydney Ports Corp) Sydney, NSW 4,154.7 Port of Melbourne, (Melb. Ports Corp) Melbourne, VIC 3,488.8 Port Adelaide Adelaide, SA 1,110.5

Port of Brisbane (Port of Brisbane Corp Brisbane, QLD 1,653.4 Fremantle Port Authority Perth, WA 1,397.0

SYDNEY PORTS CORPORATION 207 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Casilla de correo: PO Box 25 Millers Point, NSW 2000 Australia Tel: 61 2 9296 4999 Fax: 61 2 9296 4742 http://www.sydneyports.com.au/ MELBOURNE PORTS CORPORATION Level 48, Rialto South Tower, 525 Collins St., Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Casilla de correo: GPO Box 261c, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia Tel: (613) 9628 7555 Fax: (613) 9628 7550 Manager shipping: Mr Neil McPherson Tel: (613) 9628 7524 information@portofmelbourne.com http://www.portofmelbourne.com/contact/ PORT OF BRISBANE CORPORATION 1 Sandpiper Avenue Fisherman Islands QLD 4178, Australia Casilla de correo: Locked Mail Bag 1818, Wynnum QLD 4178 - Australia Tel: +617 3258 4888 Fax: +617 3258 4703 www.portbris.com.au FREMANTLE PORT AUTHORITY 1 Cliff Street, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia Casilla de correo: PO. Box 95, Fremantle WA 6959, Australia Tel: (618) 9430 3555 Fax: (618) 9336 1391 mail@fremantleports.com.au www.freport.wa.gov.au FLINDERS PORTS PTY LTD 296 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide South Australia, 5015, Australia Tel: +61 8 8447 0611 Fax: +61 8 8447 0606 flindersports@flindersports.com.au http://www.flindersports.com.au DARWIN PORT CORPORATION TDZ Admin. Building, Berrimah Northern Territory 0828, Australia Casilla de correo: GPO Box 390, Darwin NT 0801, Australia Tel: (+ 618) 8922 0660 Fax: (+ 618) 8922 0666 darwinport.dpa@nt.gov.au www.darwinport.nt.gov.au

9. Listado de potenciales Importadores/ distribuidores

Amkur Thermoforming Pty Ltd

Street Address: 136-140 Canterbury Rd Kilsyth VIC 3137

Postal Address: PO Box 268 Kilsyth VIC 3137

Ph: (03) 9761 4099 Fax: (03) 9761 4883 Internet: http://www.amkur.com.au

Personnel: Business Development Manager: Mr Tim Lynch Product Range Blister sealing machinery packs, food trays and clampacks; contract packaging

SIC Codes: 3089 - Plastics Products, Not Elsewhere Classified 7389 - Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified

UNSPSC Codes: 24120000 - Packaging materials 24121508 - Egg trays 24141601 - Bubble wrap 24141602 - Thermoforming materials 73151600 - Packaging services

Ashdene Manufacturing Pty Ltd - t/a Ashdene Homewares Street Address: Unit 1 217 Colchester Rd Kilsyth VIC 3137 Postal Address: PO Box 546 Kilsyth VIC 3137 Ph: (03) 8761 6688 Fax: (03) 8761 6066 E-mail: ashdene@ashdene.com.au Internet: http://www.ashdene.com.au Exporting To Canada, Germany, Japan, Korea (South), Netherlands, New Zealand, South East Asia, United Kingdom, United States of America, Importing From China, Taiwan, Personnel National Sales Manager: Ms Jill Curnow Marketing Manager: Ms Petal Ashby Ultimate Parent: Ashdene Nominees Pty Ltd

Importer/Exporter Wholesaler Distributor Product Range Bone China mugs, melamine trays, melamine servingware and waste bins UNSPSC Codes: 24112000 - Bins and baskets 52151700 - Domestic flatware and cutlery 52152000 - Domestic dishes and servingware and storage containers 52152006 - Domestic trays or platters 52152100 - Domestic drinking utensils 52152103 - Domestic mugs 80141702 - Wholesale distribution services

A & W Hollier Wholesale Distributors Pty Ltd ACN: 001 479 367 D-U-N-S: 750970519 ABN: 27001479367 Street Address: 33 Victoria St Smithfield NSW 2164 Postal Address: Po Box 2410 Smithfield NSW 2164 Ph: (02) 9757 3333 Fax: (02) 9757 3148 E-mail: arthur.essey@awhollier.com.au Personnel Sales Manager: Mr Warren Gibson Importer/Exporter Wholesaler Distributor

Product Range Confectionery, paper and plastic and disposable goods, dry groceries

SIC Codes: 5085 - Industrial Supplies 5141 - Groceries, General Line 5145 - Confectionery

UNSPSC Codes: 24121500 - Packaging boxes and bags and pouches 50161800 - Confectionary products

AC Cleaning Supplies Pty Ltd Street Address: 47 Garema Circuit St Kingsgrove NSW 2208 Postal Address: PO Box 106 Belmore NSW 2192 Ph: (02) 9750 6979 Fax: (02) 9750 6963 E-mail: info@accleaning.com.au Internet: http://www.accleaning.com.au Personnel Managing Director: Mr Sam Carikci Product Range Toilet and tissue paper, sanitary garbage bags, soap dispensers, wipes, gloves, mops, brooms, food service sanitation carry bags, tumblers, safety signs, scourers and disposable tableware SIC Codes: 5087 - Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies 5122 - Drugs, Drug Proprietaries and Druggists' Sundries 5169 - Chemicals and Allied Products, Not Elsewhere Classified 5199 - Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified 5999 - Miscellaneous Retail Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified UNSPSC Codes: 14111704 - Toilet tissue 23131509 - Tumblers or polishers 24111503 - Plastic bags 24120000 - Packaging materials 47121701 - Trash bags 47131602 - Scouring pads 47131604 - Brooms 47131607 - Wet mops 47131700 - Restroom supplies 47131710 - Toilet tissue dispensers 52141503 - Domestic garbage disposals 52151502 - Domestic disposable dishes 52151504 - Domestic disposable cups or glasses or lids 52151506 - Domestic disposable food containers 53131624 - Disposable personal wipes 55121704 - Safety signs

Allcare Disposable Products Pty Ltd - t/a Allcare Street Address: Factory 6 205 Abbotts Rd Dandenong South VIC 3175

Ph: (03) 8787 6800 Fax: (03) 8787 6888 E-mail: info@allcare.net.au Internet: http://www.allcare.net.au

Personnel General Manager: Mr Stewart Maurice Smith Parent Company: Bunzl Australia Limited Product Range: Containers, gloves, aprons, industrial clothing, gloves and disposable gloves, footwear, janitorial and washroom supplies, butcher's knives, lashing and twine, packaging materials and safety products

Agencies GIESSER MESSER JASOL (cleaning products)

MORTEIN (insecticides) SWIBO (butchers knives & steels) SIC Codes: 5085 - Industrial Supplies 5113 - Industrial and Personal Service Paper 5199 - Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified

UNSPSC Codes: 24110000 - Containers and storage 24120000 - Packaging materials 31151507 - String or twine 46181500 - Safety apparel 46181501 - Protective aprons 46181504 - Protective gloves 46181600 - Safety footwear 47130000 - Cleaning and janitorial supplies 47131700 - Restroom supplies 52151702 - Domestic knives 53102700 - Uniforms 80141702 - Wholesale distribution services

Bunzl Australia Limited ACN: 004 611 090 D-U-N-S: 753677624 ABN: 18004611090 Street Address: 37-47 Rocco Dr Scoresby VIC 3179 Postal Address: Locked Bag 3000 Ferntree Gully VIC 3156 Ph: (03) 9212 9300 Fax: (03) 9212 9399 Internet: http://www.bunzl.com.au Personnel Managing Director: Mr Kim James Hetherington Parent Company: Bunzl Plc - UK Importer/Exporter Manufacturer Wholesaler Distributor Product Range Paper and plastic bags, boxes and food containers SIC Codes: 2652 - Setup Paperboard Boxes 2656 - Sanitary Food Containers, Except Folding 2671 - Packaging Paper and Plastics Film, Coated and Laminated 2673 - Plastics, Foil and Coated Paper Bags 5113 - Industrial and Personal Service Paper 5199 - Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified 6719 - Offices of Holding Companies, Not Elsewhere Classified UNSPSC Codes: 14121504 - Packaging paper 24120000 - Packaging materials 24121502 - Packaging pouches or bags 24121503 - Packaging boxes 24121504 - Carded packaging

Dyson's Packaging Pty Ltd Formerly: Dyson's Paper Bags Pty Ltd Street Address: 5-7 Abrams St Balcatta WA 6021 Postal Address: PO Box 1035 Gwelup WA 6018 Ph: (08) 9240 3900 Fax: (08) 9344 7233 Ph: (0414) 904006 Internet: http://www.dysons.com.au Exporting To China, Czech Republic, Mauritius, Importing From Europe, United States of America, Personnel

Marketing Manager: Ms Rachel Campbell Importer/Exporter Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Distributor Producer Contractor Product Range: Janitorial paper disposable, catering paper, foil & disposable plastics, tapes, janitorial cleaning products, medical disposable wrapping papers & polyethylene bags


SIC Codes: 2673 - Plastics, Foil and Coated Paper Bags 2674 - Uncoated Paper and Multiwall Bags 2676 - Sanitary Paper Products 2679 - Converted Paper and Paperboard Products, Not Elsewhere Classified 3086 - Plastics Foam Products 3497 - Metal Foil and Leaf 5113 - Industrial and Personal Service Paper Quality Accreditation Code:ISO 9002:1994

UNSPSC Codes: 14110000 - Paper products 14111601 - Gift wrapping paper or bags or boxes 14111705 - Paper napkins or serviettes 24111501 - Canvas bags 24111502 - Paper bags 24111503 - Plastic bags 24112500 - Corrugated and other boxes for distribution 24120000 - Packaging materials 30102006 - Aluminum foil 42103000 - Medical consumables 48101901 - Food service dinnerware 48101905 - Food service cups or mugs

Harris Paper Pty Ltd ACN: 004 764 176 D-U-N-S: 753322767 ABN: 87004764176 Street Address: 6-8 Northern Rd Heidelberg West VIC 3081 Postal Address: PO Box 8230 Northland VIC 3072 Ph: (03) 9457 5222 Fax: (03) 9457 5032 E-mail: mail@harrispaper.com.au Internet: http://www.harrispaper.com.au Importing From Canada, China, Indonesia, Singapore, United States of America, Personnel Joint Managing Director: Mr Lindsay Clifford Harris Dip Advtg Importer/Exporter Manufacturer Wholesaler Distributor Product Range Wrapping, pleating and pattern papers, tapes and twines, shirt boards, tissue, newsprint, toilet paper, straw boards, drinking straws, paper serviettes, cups, plates, plastic cups, cutlery, aluminium caterer foil, clingwrap, foam cups, aluminium containers, plastic hinged containers, foam food trays, cardboard cake trays cartons, disposable catering agents and paper washroom products Agencies A.B.C. (paper hand towels & toilet tissues) BOWATER (paper washroom products, cleansers) BOWATER-HYGENEX (paper washroom products, cleansers) CAMPBELL BROS (soaps, washing powders) CATER WRAP (clingwrap) CATERPAK (cups, napkins, containers, paper washroom) CHUX (wipers) CONFOIL (aluminium containers) CULINAIRE MOULDED FIBRE PLATES & PLASTIC CUTLERY

DEEKO (tabletop paperware) DETPAK (cardboard snack boxes, foil bags & wraps) EARTHWISE (first quality recycled paper products) ENVIROTRAYS (recycled board hinged & open food packs) EUROTRAYS (microwaveable triangular food dishes) FINEPAK (foam hinged food packs) GENFAC (PP round & rectangular food containers) HUNTSMAN (pvc clingfilm) INSULPAK (foam hinged food packs) KLEENEX (paper washroom products, wipers) KOOKABURRA (paper hats, drink coasters, doyleys) MERINO (toilet rolls, tabletop paperware) NATIONALPAK (wipers, cups, clingfilm, AI foil rolls) OSO (clingwrap, aluminium foil rolls) PARTY RITE (coloured plastic cups & plates) PIZZA (recycled paperboard round pizza trays) PLASPAK (plastic cups) POLARCUP (paper & plastic cups & plates) REMA-R.I.S. (foam & plastic cups, clear food packs) ROMAX (clear rigid plastic cups & tumblers) SERVPACK (clear hinged plastic food packs) SMITH FAMILY (vistex wipers, fat/oil filters) SOLO (paper & plastic cups & plates) STYLE (paper hand towels, toilet tissues) VAN LEER (foam food packs & trays) WRAPPINGS (Kraft, bags, news, greaseproof, tissue) WYANT (paper washroom products, wipers) SIC Codes: 5113 - Industrial and Personal Service Paper UNSPSC Codes: 13102200 - Plastic films 14111601 - Gift wrapping paper or bags or boxes 14111703 - Paper towels 14111704 - Toilet tissue 14111705 - Paper napkins or serviettes 14121900 - Newsprint and offset papers 30102006 - Aluminum foil 31201500 - Tape 48101905 - Food service cups or mugs 48101915 - Food service trays 52151507 - Domestic disposable drinking straws 60122503 - Paper plates or trays

HomeLeisure Limited Formerly: Skansen Holdings Limited Street Address: 5 Dividend St Mansfield QLD 4122

Postal Address: PO Box 703 Mt Cavatt QLD 4122

Ph: (07) 3349 3249 Fax: (07) 3349 8699 Internet: http://www.homeleisure.com.au

Personnel Managing Director: Mr Gordon William Elkington Importer Manufacturer Distributor Contractor Product Range Pre-recorded compact discs and DVD's, plastic kitchenware, bakeware and cleaning products

SIC Codes: 2392 - House Furnishings, Except Curtains and Draperies 2771 - Greeting Cards 3631 - Household Cooking Equipment

3639 - Household Appliances, Not Elsewhere Classified 3652 - Phonograph Records and Prerecorded Audio Tapes and Disks 3942 - Dolls and Stuffed Toys 5021 - Furniture 5064 - Electrical Appliances, Television and Radio Sets 5099 - Durable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified 5199 - Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified 6719 - Offices of Holding Companies, Not Elsewhere Classified

UNSPSC Codes: 47131803 - Household disinfectants 52151500 - Domestic disposable kitchenware 52151600 - Domestic kitchen tools and utensils 52151900 - Domestic bakeware 52161515 - Compact disk players or recorders 55111511 - Motion pictures on video tape 55111512 - Music on tape or compact disc

James White Pty Ltd Street Address: 2D Arab Rd Padstow NSW 2211 Ph: (02) 9792 2170 Fax: (02) 9792 2171 Internet: http://www.padstowfoodservice.com.au Personnel Managing Director: Mr Darren White Wholesaler Retailer Distributor Product Range Pies, cakes, gourmet meals, finger foods, frozen food, seafood, desserts, party supplies, disposable plates, cups and cutleries, tablecloths, balloons, food containers, platters, pinatas and banners SIC Codes: 5149 - Groceries and Related Products, Not Elsewhere Classified 5199 - Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified 5499 - Miscellaneous Food Stores 5812 - Eating Places 5947 - Gift, Novelty and Souvenir Shops 6733 - Trusts, Except Educational, Religious and Charitable UNSPSC Codes: 48101901 - Food service dinnerware 48101902 - Food service flatware 48101904 - Food service stemware 48101905 - Food service cups or mugs 48101918 - Food service table covering rolls 50120000 - Seafood 50182000 - Cakes and pies and pastries 50191500 - Prepared soups and stews 50192100 - Snack foods 50192300 - Deserts and desert toppings 50192500 - Sandwiches and filled rolls 50192600 - Prepared potatoes and rice and pasta and stuffing 50192700 - Packaged combination meals 50192801 - Fresh savory pies or quiches or pasties 50192802 - Frozen savory pies or quiches or pasties 52121604 - Table cloths 52151506 - Domestic disposable food containers 52152006 - Domestic trays or platters 55121706 - Banners 60141001 - Toy balloons or balls 60141019 - Pinatas 80141702 - Wholesale distribution services 80141703 - Retail distribution services 90101603 - Catering services

Harris Paper Pty Ltd ACN: 004 764 176 D-U-N-S: 753322767 ABN: 87004764176 Street Address: 6-8 Northern Rd Heidelberg West VIC 3081 Postal Address: PO Box 8230 Northland VIC 3072 Ph: (03) 9457 5222 Fax: (03) 9457 5032 E-mail: mail@harrispaper.com.au Internet: http://www.harrispaper.com.au Importing From Canada, China, Indonesia, Singapore, United States of America, Personnel Joint Managing Director: Mr Lindsay Clifford Harris Dip Advtg Importer/Exporter Manufacturer Wholesaler Distributor Product Range Wrapping, pleating and pattern papers, tapes and twines, shirt boards, tissue, newsprint, toilet paper, straw boards, drinking straws, paper serviettes, cups, plates, plastic cups, cutlery, aluminium caterer foil, clingwrap, foam cups, aluminium containers, plastic hinged containers, foam food trays, cardboard cake trays cartons, disposable catering agents and paper washroom products Agencies A.B.C. (paper hand towels & toilet tissues) BOWATER (paper washroom products, cleansers) BOWATER-HYGENEX (paper washroom products, cleansers) CAMPBELL BROS (soaps, washing powders) CATER WRAP (clingwrap) CATERPAK (cups, napkins, containers, paper washroom) CHUX (wipers) CONFOIL (aluminium containers) CULINAIRE MOULDED FIBRE PLATES & PLASTIC CUTLERY DEEKO (tabletop paperware) DETPAK (cardboard snack boxes, foil bags & wraps) EARTHWISE (first quality recycled paper products) ENVIROTRAYS (recycled board hinged & open food packs) EUROTRAYS (microwaveable triangular food dishes) FINEPAK (foam hinged food packs) GENFAC (PP round & rectangular food containers) HUNTSMAN (pvc clingfilm) INSULPAK (foam hinged food packs) KLEENEX (paper washroom products, wipers) KOOKABURRA (paper hats, drink coasters, doyleys) MERINO (toilet rolls, tabletop paperware) NATIONALPAK (wipers, cups, clingfilm, AI foil rolls) OSO (clingwrap, aluminium foil rolls) PARTY RITE (coloured plastic cups & plates) PIZZA (recycled paperboard round pizza trays) PLASPAK (plastic cups) POLARCUP (paper & plastic cups & plates) REMA-R.I.S. (foam & plastic cups, clear food packs) ROMAX (clear rigid plastic cups & tumblers) SERVPACK (clear hinged plastic food packs) SMITH FAMILY (vistex wipers, fat/oil filters) SOLO (paper & plastic cups & plates) STYLE (paper hand towels, toilet tissues) VAN LEER (foam food packs & trays) WRAPPINGS (Kraft, bags, news, greaseproof, tissue) WYANT (paper washroom products, wipers) SIC Codes: 5113 - Industrial and Personal Service Paper

UNSPSC Codes: 13102200 - Plastic films 14111601 - Gift wrapping paper or bags or boxes 14111703 - Paper towels 14111704 - Toilet tissue 14111705 - Paper napkins or serviettes 14121900 - Newsprint and offset papers 30102006 - Aluminum foil 31201500 - Tape 48101905 - Food service cups or mugs 48101915 - Food service trays 52151507 - Domestic disposable drinking straws 60122503 - Paper plates or trays

Pete's Party Products Pty Ltd Street Address: 500 Vulture St Woolloongabba QLD 4102 Postal Address: PO Box 8422 Woolloongabba QLD 4102 Ph: (07) 3391 8355 Fax: (07) 3393 0289 Ph: (0413) 294 555 E-mail: info@petespartyproducts.com.au Internet: http://www.petespartyproducts.com.au Importing From China, New Zealand, United States of America, Personnel Chief Executive Officer: Ms Bernadette Burchill Importer/Exporter Wholesaler Retailer Distributor Product Range Balloons, carnival lines, christmas items, disposable tableware, fancy costumes and accessories, fundraising tickets, helium gas, party prizes, theme decorations, toys and novelties Agencies CLOWN (Balloons) QUALATEX (Balloons) SIC Codes: 5199 - Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified 5947 - Gift, Novelty and Souvenir Shops UNSPSC Codes: 12142005 - Helium gas (He) 14111601 - Gift wrapping paper or bags or boxes 14111605 - Greeting or note or post cards 14111606 - Art or craft paper 52121602 - Napkins 52121603 - Table runners 52121604 - Table cloths 52121606 - Place mats 52121607 - Table skirts 52151503 - Domestic disposable flatware 52151504 - Domestic disposable cups or glasses or lids 52151506 - Domestic disposable food containers 60111300 - Decorative letters and numbers 60111408 - Decorative tapes or twists 60141001 - Toy balloons or balls 60141004 - Stuffed animals or puppets 60141019 - Pinatas 60141100 - Games 60141113 - Lotto games 60141401 - Costumes or accessories 80141702 - Wholesale distribution services 80141703 - Retail distribution services

Rema Industries & Services Pty Ltd ACN: 001 446 313 D-U-N-S: 751173303 ABN: 82001446313 Street Address: 215 North Rocks Rd North Rocks NSW 2151 Ph: (02) 9630 7988 Fax: (02) 9630 8895 E-mail: rema@rema.com.au Internet: http://www.rema.com.au Exporting To New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Importing From United States of America, Personnel Managing Director: Mr Peter Anthony Whatson Importer/Exporter Manufacturer Product Range Disposable foam and plastic coffee cups and colour changeable lids, plates, food containers and clear packaging products SIC Codes: 3086 - Plastics Foam Products 3089 - Plastics Products, Not Elsewhere Classified Quality Accreditation Code:HACCP 9000 ISO 9002:1994 UNSPSC Codes: 24121500 - Packaging boxes and bags and pouches 48101902 - Food service flatware 48101905 - Food service cups or mugs 52151502 - Domestic disposable dishes 52151503 - Domestic disposable flatware 52151504 - Domestic disposable cups or glasses or lids 52151506 - Domestic disposable food containers 73101505 - Plastics or resins or fibers manufacturing services

Multix Pty Ltd ACN: 004 677 472 D-U-N-S: 753612316 ABN: 77004677472 Street Address: 43-47 Winterton Rd Clayton VIC 3168 Postal Address: PO Box 5124 Clayton VIC 3168 Ph: (03) 9543 4577 Fax: (03) 9543 8124 E-mail: solutions@multix.com.au Internet: http://www.multix.com.au Importing From China, Indonesia, Thailand, Personnel National Sales Manager: Mr David Smith Brand Manager: Mr Anthony Nottingham Parent Company: McPhersons Limited Ultimate Parent: Westmeath Holdings Pty Ltd Importer Wholesaler Product Range Clean up and garden bags, freezer bags, sandwich bags, garbage bags, bin liners, kitchen tidy bags, alfoil, bake and greaseproof products, cling wrap, roasting and griller trays SIC Codes: 5113 - Industrial and Personal Service Paper 5199 - Nondurable Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified UNSPSC Codes:

24111503 - Plastic bags 24141502 - Shrink wrap films 30102000 - Foil 47121701 - Trash bags 47121702 - Waste containers or rigid liners 52152006 - Domestic trays or platters 80141702 - Wholesale distribution services

CENTROPAK- W.A. P.O.Box 475, Joondalup D.C. Perth, Australia 6919 Ph: (+618) 9404 5532 Mobile: 0417 506 043 email enquiries@centropak.com.au Disposable food containers- http://www.centropak.com.au/

G&I Import Export Pty LTD A B N: 44 097 026 698 4/171 Woodville Rd Villawood NSW 2163 Sydney Australia Ph: +612 9723 9755 Fax: +612 9723 9766 http://www.gi-importexport.com.au/main.html

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