
Post on 23-Dec-2015






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school essay,


Workplace harassment occurs when an employee subjects another employee to degrading

behaviour, whether verbal abuse and threats or actual physical violence. It is an inappropriate

expression of power that affects workers and their productivity in an unfavourable way.

Management, and other types of employees, who occupy high-status roles sometimes believe

that harassing their subordinates is within their rights and make demands of the lower-status

employees (Langton, Robbins, Judge, 2010, p. 313).( Workplace harassmentSubmitted

by:babydoc05Date Submitted: 10/25/2011 02:52 PM Category:Ethics).But with the

introduction of bill 168 violence and harassment have no place in the workplace.

Harassment is often a result of stress, power, differences of opinion, undefined expectations of

management, absent policies, and tasks not being clearly defined. Harassment at the workplace

affects the efficiency of the worker.

“It's essentially harassment, creating a hostile work environment.” -Wesley Pitters

So in order to solve this problem on April 20, 2009, the Ontario Minister of Labour introduced

Bill 168, Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the

Workplace) 2009 (the Bill).The bill came into force and became law on June 15, 2010. The Bill

defines “workplace harassment” and “workplace violence”in the following manner: “Workplace

harassment” means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a

workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.“Workplace

violence” means the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker in a workplace that

causes or could cause physical injury tothe worker.

“Everyone should be able to work without fear of violence in a safe and healthy workplace.

Violence in the workplace is not tolerated in Ontario”- minister of labour

According to a survey conducted in Canada, about 17% of the total violent incidence that

includes physical assault, sexual assault and robbery happens in workplaces. There are around 14

workplace homicides in Canada each year. 46% of workplace violence occur due to illegal

consumption of alcohol or drugs at workplace. Bill 168 imposes new obligations regarding

workplace violence for Ontario employers.The legislation requires employers to develop

violence and harassment policies and procedures. The employers have to complete a risk

assessment of violence hazards in the workplace and have emergency response procedures in

place in the event of violence. The workers can report any incident of violence at workplace and

legal action can be done in the benefit of the victim. With these changes, organizations will be

better prepared to handle workplace violence and harassment in pursuit of a safe working

environment for the employees. The bill also includes protection of Workers in Situations of

Domestic Violence.Bill 168 also gives workers the right to refuse work in various circumstances,

to include the right to refuse or stop work in situations of workplace violence.

There are various measures that can be taken to prevent or minimize the incidence of workplace

violence. Policies should be formed which prevents workers from involvement in any kind of

violence or harassment, workers should not be allowed to work alone and access to cash, and

valuable should not be allowed. The workplace should be equipped with telephone, emergency

alarms etc. Entry of any unauthorized guest should be registered and a worker should be assigned

the duty of staying with the guest in the workplace if the entry permit to the workplace is

necessary. Different seminars and training programs should be held for the workers to inform

them regarding violence and harassment and they should be also informed about the

consequences of such behaviour. These programs will help in increasing their knowledge and

also their faith in the company they work for, assuring them that the company will act for any

unjust behaviour towards any worker.

Thus, bill 168 is a very important act for every working person because it ensures them security

and reflects that the government is doing all the possible things in providing security for the

people. The bill is very important to keep in check those workers who bully others and it helps

the victims of workplace violence to emerge quickly from the bad experience.

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