estratto del progetto erasmus plus del nostro...

Post on 09-Jul-2020






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Estratto del


Erasmus plus

del nostro


Our project develops open and innovative education concerning

formal and non-formal learning activities based on learning by doing;

the students will actively be encouraged in taking part in activities in

and outside the classrooms and special attention will be given to

working methods and resources for learners in a disadvantaged

situation: the use of ICT will increase the quality and relevance of

education because will facilitates the access to all level of students.

Moreover, the creation of a European virtual class on EDMODO

produces collaborative and innovative practices and allows us to

apply some aspects of the FLIPPED CLASSROOMS and transform our

teaching practice.

The profile of the teaching professions is strengthened by the

adoption of new methods and tools, ad by collaborative, innovative

and good practices. Also the capacity to work effectively with a wide

range of students and colleagues, contributes to their professional


Our project overcomes underachievements by focusing on student-

centred and problem-based active learning using multidisciplinary

and inter-disciplinary approaches. It also provides innovative

methods which will help the students to feel more confident about

learning and involve their active participation in the process of

understanding science.

We intend to include real world-experience through problem-based

learning based on empirical evidence and measurable facts. In fact,

students will calculate their/the class ecological footprints, create

graphs, discuss about reducing their footprint, their responsibilities

and more.

Learning by doing in "on field" labs , students will experience the

science that they were used to be taught in the classrooms: teaching

with research based methods increases students' engagement and


The possibility to have a European class (virtual classes

Please explain the context and the objectives of

your project as well as the needs and target groups

to be addressed?

Why should this project be carried out


What’s your impact on earth? This is the starting question of our project.

Every day each of us consumes part of the Earth’s products and resources.

How much we take depends on our lifestyles and the ways in which we

satisfy our needs. We intend to give an answer to this question by

involving students in a project aimed at analyzing the “ecological

footprint”, e.g. the measure of human impact on Earth's ecosystems in

four fields (ground, air, water and food). Through this project we intend

to make students in contact with environmental issues and more

generally the scientific world in an innovative and stimulating way.

In particular, we have identified the following needs to be addressed by

the project:

-Students needs to develop their knowledge and awareness of sustainable

development issues. The partner schools share the idea that such subjects

should be further developed within the schools and that students need to

increase their civic skills. While some of the partner schools have a wide

experience in this field, others still do not include it in the didactic path.

According to a survey submitted to the students of the partner schools,

on average only 50% of them are aware of the importance of

environmental issues, while many do not take them into account in their

daily lives.

-Generally students are not aware enough of the importance of issues like

science and environment, while they are both very important in terms of

being responsible citizens and from an occupational point of view. We

believe that since the low-secondary level, the schools should give

students the opportunity to explore the perspective of a career

developed in the scientific and in the green economy field. For instance,

it is widely known that the green sectors will require new jobs and skills,

and the schools need to adjust their didactic paths in order to meet these

new challenges.

-On the same time, also teachers need to innovate their own methodology in

order to facilitate the transition to a didactic based on a learning-by-doing

approach. Teaching sustainability at school needs teachers ready to diversify

their normal activities and methods and implement this subjects in their daily


The project will address the above mentioned needs by exploring with the

students their own and each other's natural environment, their impact on it and

the tools they have to save and protect it.

It aims at evaluating with them solutions to build healthier communities and

making them aware of that they and their choices can make a difference, today

and tomorrow. The project wishes to contribute in making students active and

responsible European citizens. They will become decision makers for the future

of Europe.

Another objective of the project is to raise awareness among students

regarding their potential future career in the scientific world/green economy.

We believe that the school should operate as a counsellor for students and

should facilitate their choice and their transition to the job. The school should

equip students with skills relevant for their future choice, in order to create

professionals basing their careers on excellence , research and innovation.

Moreover, the project intends to support the development of a whole-school

approach to Education for sustainable development to be integrated throughout

the school-subjects curriculum and not as a separate subject. To do so, we have

to modernize and innovate also teachers’ methodologies, to be updated

according to the more targeted objectives to be reached.

The overall objective is to create EU active citizens to contribute in the

creation of a more sustainable Europe, as stated in the Europe 2020 strategy.

Moreover we share another objective with such strategy, as we wish to give to

students better professional perspective, de facto contributing in decreasing

the unemployment at EU level.

We believe that such objectives should be reached transnationally at EU level in


-to create/reach a common understanding of the problems in order to build

common solutions;

-to add values and improve professional skills through mutual learning and the

exchange of best practices ;

-to develop creativity and innovation through cooperative work;

-to improve teaching method through cooperation and exchange of good


In what way is the project innovative and/or

complementary to other projects already carried out?

How did you choose the project partners

and what will they bring to the project?

Does it involve organisations

The project is complementary to some activities of the partners. In fact some of

them have already carried out projects focusing on environment and science at

national and EU level. Just few examples:

The Polish school cooperated with the University of Silesia (Katowice) and the

Jagiellonian University (Cracow) in scientific projects for students (“The

Phoenix”, “Active in school – active in live”); Science teachers are involved in

ecological activities- they organize local ecological knowledge competitions for

students, happenings, meetings, researches (e.g testing the purity of water and

soil). Students work in environmental organizations: Ecological Club and LOP (

polish ecological organization). The school received the title of Patron of Ecology

in the National Competition under the patronage of the President.

The Hungarian school took part in the international ECO-SCHOOL program for 2

years and every year organizes green weeks. Moreover the school is located in

Újszilvás, where main pillars was the goal to attain the independence from

energy suppliers by relying on renewable energy sources. Due to an EU

development public institutions (as the public school, too) are heated by

geothermal energy. And there is a Soral system park in the village, too.

In Estonian school curriculum natural and exact sciences have an important

place. Every year students are participating in an environmental project called

“Garbage wolf”, during every school year students go to at least one study tour

in nature and learn about one concrete topic that is in their curriculum. School

has laboratory for science lessons where pupils can do experimental tasks to

learn about nature and science.

Also Italy is very often involved in projects about sustainability /legality and

active citizenship (ex. Energiochi, Play Energy, Anch'io scienziato, Expo, PED,

LIBERA) It has a qualified staff which includes a university trainer on new

technology, an experienced engineer and teacher in environmental issues, a

geologist , teachers qualified in inclusive methodology.

Lithuanian school has got some experience in working with environmental issues.

Some time ago they working in several projects such as valorization of natural

sites and the other one was about healthy education. Students are active

participants in these projects. also they still work by recycling and other positive

work to the Earth.

Portuguese school has great concerns on environmental issues. For over

six years, Eco-School - prize awarded by Blue Flag Association for

Europe - Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and they have

an Eco-school board aiming to carry out a monitoring of various

environmental activities They developed several activities in an active

approach to environmental protection as an organization and at the

same time seek to instill in our students environmental concerns,

defense and protection of the environment. They participate in

various activities on the environment and in particular for the

collection of waste oil, paper, batteries, etc .. seek the maximum that

our projects are transversal to all courses and involving students of all

ages. Already won several awards even in international competitions

such as "marlisco" by a sea without waste. One of the coordinators has

got a certificate in Training Energy Tutors in Schools by Regional

Energy and Environment Agency from North Alentejo and in Massive

open online course – etwinning.

This project is innovative for us because we are installing new biology

and chemistry labs and this practice will be perfect field for

experience it.

At the same time, the project is innovative because the schools

involved will support education FOR sustainable development rather

than ABOUT sustainable development. It means that our schools will

incorporate teaching and learning for sustainable development not

only through updating school curriculum but also through sustainable

school actions and activities. Students will also experience innovative

technology-supported learning to study, research news and investigate

the state of environment. We want students to take an active role to

improve the environment, involving new technology to investigate and

preserve environment but also to work together with European


That is why we will apply an innovative method not yet explored by

the schools, such as the creation of a virtual classroom to involve all

the students (not only those that practically will take part in the

mobility activities) Students will upload lessons, share results, suggest,

explain, collaborate in “real situation” activities .

What results are expected during

the project and on its completion?

During the project each school analyzes the “ecological

footprint” (ground, air,water and food) and carries out

activities to promote and encourage sustainability also at local

level, among other schools and families. These preparatory

phases will lead to mobility activities in which selected students

and teachers will compare and share the results of each

country and create some common outputs.

All in all, we expect to realize the following results during the


-During each preparatory phases, activities to promote

sustainability will be organized, such as "Logo competition",

organization of "sustainable questionnaires", the “Green

slideshow” (on the environmental emergency/health of each

country), “the sustainable designers” (after learning about

problems of paper production students make sustainable

proposals to each school and local authorities then choose a

way to give new life to "used paper" and produce a piece of

furniture or objects using waste paper); the "air we breathe"

laboratory (measurements of the amount of air pollution caused

by cars, by monitoring the presence of lichens); the “walking

week” (excursions organized by different schools to find out the

healthy areas of their own country and rediscover the pleasure

of being together); the “pedibus day” (a day in which all

students go to school on feet instead of being accompanied by

car); production of a “give-me-five” t-shirt (students in each

school will elaborate 5 healthy behaviours to adopt . The five

good practices agreed on will be printed on the "give-me-five t-

shirt" as a gift for the municipalities to raise local authorities

awareness to the issue of air quality), “water around us” (a

scrap-book with pictures and informations about exploring life

in water (rivers,pond, lakes)), “good to know” (advices to

reduce water pollution (e.g.: how to remove stains from

clothes/wood/steel/ceramic without using substances that

pollute environment and prefer natural remedies-exchange of

good ideas among countries); “water inquiry” (a group of

"detectives“ in each class finds out what everyone

drinks/waste, making graphs and posters); “made at home:

what a taste” (production of oil/marmalade/bread);

“investigating nutrition information” (studying the labels

providing nutritional/production information to make

students more informed consumers able to make critical

choices. Students agree on a day on which they write down

their lunch/dinner menu and estimate the distance with the

food on the table travelled to their kitchen. Students will

compare the results obtained from the analysis of their

environment and will produce a document containing all

their design objects, uploading these materials on Edmodo

virtual classrooms to share the results with the other


-4 rounds of mobility activities will involve the pupils in

some practical activities, as follows:

- Portugal: workshops on GROUND will enable the students

to understand the soil´s value and the risks of human

interference in natural relations.

- Poland: workshop on AIR will answer the question -why

should young people be concerned about air pollution, what

are the sources of air pollution and what can we do to

protect air.

-Estonia: workshop on the resource "WATER" but students

will also learn to apply technology for information

retrieval, collection of data, communication and


-ITALY workshop on FOOD: in the country of "Mediterranean

diet" students will have a "JOURNEY TO SUSTAINABLE


-Mobilities to Portugal, Poland and Estonia,

workshop/training for teachers, will deepen their

knowledge regarding specific fields

-Each mobility activity ends with pupils creating a:

“ground quality corner” in Portugal, "air quality corner" in

Poland, "water quality corner" in Estonia and "food quality

corner" in Italy.

-promotional events in each country will disseminate the

project activities and results.

“At the end of the activities on:

- FOOD students will be more informed consumers able to

make critical choices

- WATER students raise their awareness on the necessity to

adopt healthy behaviour to preserve the world’s first vital


-AIR will be able to know the sources of air pollution and

what they can we do to protect air.

-GROUND students understand the soil´s value and the

risks of human interference in natural relation.

- The use of ICT to research, investigate, exchange

information make students competent in the use of

scientific apps to "solve problems” related to the

preservation of their environment and will make them

active European citizens.

- Through collaborative learning on Edmodo, students

develop their language, critical thinking skills and teachers

improve the quality and effectiveness of education.

- Through Twinning teachers share best practices, agree

on the main actions of the project, improve their

professional development. Students share their works,

agree on ideas and tools to use.

Please provide detailed information about

the project activities that you will carry

out with the support of the grant

requested under the item "Project

Management and Implementation".

September-October 2017: administrative arrangement and preparation;

presentation of the project to students, families, schools and

authorities. Each partner will launch a competition to propose a logo

for the project, that will be decided during the first transnational

meeting. Uploading of short videoclips and presentation of the schools

on eTwinning and creation of the virtual open class on Edmodo. Each

school will determine how the students will work on the project, trying

to enlarge as much as possible the group of students involved, and will

set up the criteria to select the ones participating in the mobility


Teachers will create an etwinning group to share tools, good practices,

lesson plans to carry on the project

October 2017 - 1st transnational meeting HUNGARY. Teachers will plan

and coordinate the first steps of the project and agree on the adoption

of common environmental indicators to measure the state of health of

GROUND and AIR, which are the first two ecological footprints to study.

Each partner will organize an event to present the project and to try to

involve the local communities and families in the additional activities

that will be promoted under the project.

December 2017 -February 2018 – Preparatory phase on GROUND: each

country will prepare the footprint on ground by analysing plant

biodiversity and using the comparable ecological indicators agreed

during the 1st transnational meeting. Biodiversity is threatened by:

deforestation, pollution, hydrogeology, fires, uncontrolled

development, ground occupation. The selected students from each

school will produce a GREEN SLIDESHOW on the environmental

emergency/health of each country. Students will examine the

production and paper consumption, reuse and recycling, and each

school will produce a piece of furniture or objects using waste paper.

This activity will be called "SUSTAINABLE DESIGNERS". Students

participating in the first mobility will be selected.

March 2018: PORTUGAL first round of mobility activities: GROUND (see

description below C1 and C2)

March-May 2018: Preparatory phase on AIR: each country will prepare the footprint

on "AIR quality", using a scientific measurement index and bringing students to

detect the use of the resource AIR. They will analyze what causes the aggression:

mobility, domestic and industrial emissions, climate and will focus their attention

on pollution caused by the use of means of transport. Students will carry out

several outdoor activities as described above (e.g. AIR WE BREATHE, WALKING

WEEK, PEDIBUS DAY, the production of an GIVE-ME-FIVE T-SHIRT). Students

participating to the second mobility will be selected. We will have live sessions on

Edmodo / Learningapps/ Framatalk. Teachers will share tools, helpful Apps, good

learning- teaching practices on Etwinning group

May 2018: POLAND second round of mobility activities AIR (see description below


October 2018: second transnational meeting in LITHUANIA to evaluate the first two

mobility activities.

Teachers wil evaluate the first two mobility activities and the project results so

far, coordinate the next step of the project and and agree on the adoption of

common environmental indicators to measure the state of health of WATER and

FOOD, which are the third and fourth ecological footprints to study.

November 2018-February 2019: Preparatory phase on WATER: students will analyze

the use of water resource through the application of the Biotic index and evaluate

water quality. They will analyze: pollution, waste, hydrogeological collapse,

overbuilding. Additional activities are included (WATER AROUND US, GOOD TO

KNOW and WATER INQUIRY). Students participating to the third mobility will be

selected. We will have live sessions on Edmodo / Learningapps/ Framatalk.

Teachers will share tools, helpful Apps, good learning- teaching practices on

Etwinning group

March 2019: ESTONIA third round of mobility activities (see description below C5

and C6)

March 2019-May 2018: Preparatory phase: each school will explore the production

of FOOD as a possible cause of environmental impact (farms and exaggerated

consumption of water, pollution of ground, pollution caused by food transportation

on wheels). Students will discover the value of food produced locally(km 0)

compared to industrial production. The impact on environment can be calculated

on co2 emission for road transport. Additional activities are included (MADE AT


live sessions on Edmodo / Learningapps/ Framatalk. Teachers will share tools,

helpful Apps, good learning- teaching practices on Etwinning group

May 2019: ITALY fourth mobility activity (see description below C7)

June 2018: Third transnational meeting in Italy to evaluate the results of the


Evaluation of results, organisation for final reports and closure of the project.

May-July 2018: final events in each country to present the project' results.

The methodology we intend to apply include real world-experience

through problem-based learning, with activities tailored to all levels of

education. The project activities intend to stimulate students

developing their transversal skills such as the ability to think critically,

take initiative and problem solving. The scientific method of acquiring

new knowledge will be based on empirical evidence and measurable


As the project is based on learning by doing, the actions promoted will

improve the involvement and participation of students: students will

actively explore their environment and will be encouraged to take part

in additional activities in and outside the classrooms. Some of these

activities will be outdoor, in order to find alternative ways to stimulate


Moreover students will meet (physically and virtually) with students from

other EU countries. By giving them that chance to interact with their

classmates we want to encourage collaboration, sharing of their

experiences; they will compare their results and their considerations

This will help students take more control over their own learning and

become more responsible. They learn how to make their own decisions

and actually think for themselves

Technology will offer new opportunities to improve quality and access

and equity in education and training. This is a great way to reach

diversity in learning styles and helps students stay engaged. SO It

becomes a mean to reduce barriers to education because learners can

learn anywhere and at any time. Moreover students become more

interested in learning because they can use tools they love Within the

project a VIRTUAL EUROPEAN CLASS will be created on EDMODO

platform in order to upload common documents to develop topics.

Students of all the schools will have access to the digital resources, as it

was a unique class in Europe. Through the virtual class they can check

for their own understanding, take notes, repeat sections, and review at

a later date. This, create a relaxed atmosphere in each class because

students are self-motivated.

Etwinning platform will enable students to share the results of their

activities through the etwinning space and will enable teachers to

share the progress of the project through the “ teachers bulletin and

project journal” and monitor the phases of the project to make changes

in case of need.

These activities are also thought to increase inclusion within the

classrooms, as not all the students have the possibility to go abroad or

to carry out similar activities. The virtual EU class will make everyone

entering in other realities and will try to stimulate the curiosity of the

entire school.

Transnational project meetings: how often

do you plan to meet, who will participate

in those meetings, where will it take

place and what will be the goal?


-2 MEETINGS attended by 3 teachers from each partner´s school (1

school's project coordinator, 1 expert teacher/ headmaster, 1 responsible

for the economic management of the project): M1, M2.

-1 MEETING attended by 2 teachers from each partner´s school (1 school's

project coordinator/ headmaster, 1 responsible for the economic

management of the project): M3.

M1 - October 2018: kick-off meeting of the project to be held in Hungary,

to set up the main steps of the project, including how to concretely

cooperate among partners in order to realize similar preparatory

activities at distance in view of the workshops that will take place during

the mobility activities. In this specific transnational meeting,

coordinators have to agree on the adoption of common environmental

indicators to measure the state of health of ground and air, which are the

first two ecological footprints to study in each country). School

accountants will discuss the economic management of the project)

M2 - October 2019: meeting to be held in LITHUANIA to discuss the results

of the first year of the project, to evaluate possible adjustments (if

needed) and prepare next phases. In particular, coordinators have to

agree on the adoption of common environmental indicators to measure

the state of health of water and food, which are the third and fourth

ecological footprints to study. This Meeting is meant not only to plan the

activities, but also to monitor and evaluate them, as well as discuss

dissemination events, train coordinators on a higher level, make common

decisions, supervise the production of the outcomes, give guidelines,

agree on common forms/documents to be used throughout the project,

share ideas, decide common strategies for cooperation with other

stakeholders. School accountants will discuss the economic management

of the project)

M3 - June 2018: final meeting to be held in Italy to draft together the

final report, assess the main results of the project and conclude it (Final

Evaluation Mobility) .

It is worth noting that project coordinators will be always in contact and

will have the opportunity to meet face to face also during the mobility

activities and virtually by skype and through the Edmodo platform and

eTwinning journal.

Through contacts by skype and on eTwinning platform they will draft

together the final report, assess the main results of the project and

conclude it.

All partners agree on the importance of continuous communication

and exchange of information as key factors for a good partnership.

Teachers and students within each country and transnationally will

regularly communicate via Email, Edmodo platform, Etwinning,

Google drive, Skype or Social Networks.

Everything produced along the life of the project will be shared in a

common area, available to both teachers and students from the

national teams. An Etwinning Space (a group for teachers and a

project space for students) will also be created. Along the course

of the project, after each Mobility and/or each important step, the

partners will arrange for some forms of dissemination event(s) -

meetings with the other school teachers, open lessons, meetings with

the local institutions, interviews to the local media. These events

will help to keep all the actors informed and involved in the project


A Project Website and a Facebook page will be made available since

the very beginning of the project. They will be essential to share

material, exchange ideas and make the work accessible. Each partner

will keep the website updated with the relevant information and

outcomes produced within its school, and the project coordinator

will supervise and keep updated the common parts. Each group of

students will choose their leader who will then attend the meetings

and represent the group.

The students teams and the coordinators will be in constant contact

with their foreign counterparts through online platforms such as

eTwinning or Edmodo and will have chat-sessions to deal with

possible problems and share ideas and experiences.

The 4 planned Meetings are meant to plan the activities, monitor and

evaluate them, as well as discuss dissemination events, train

coordinators on a higher level, make common decisions, supervise

the production of the outcomes, give guidelines, agree on common

forms/documents to be used throughout the project, share ideas,

decide common strategies for cooperation with other stakeholders

DURING THE PROJECT LIFETIME, the partner schools

(teachers and students) are expected to discover a new

form of teaching/learning thanks to the use of ICT tools

while exploring environment across Europe. The

workshops planned for teachers during the meetings will

improve their environmental awareness leading them to

the enrichment of curricula through the sharing of best

practices. This will have positive effects on students

who, AFTER THE PROJECT LIFETIME, will have become

more open minded/skilled/ self confident as EUROPEAN


We expect the following impact on the participants:


-increasing intercultural approach thanks to the

exchange of good practices; (also through developing the

manual - "What's our impact on earth? - lesson plans and

creative tools for teachers")

-increasing capacity to cooperate on international level;

-developing of ICT skills;

-developing project management skills and the openness

to new projects;

-deepening knowledge on environmental issues;

-improving language and communication skills;

-knowledge of different education systems;

-effective learning results from the collaborative efforts

of everyone working to ensure each student's success.

-sharing and learning from practice across Europe that

can be applied in their own classrooms;


-developing a more active sense of citizenship;

-deepening knowledge on environmental issues;

-improving language and communication skills (writing,

speaking, listening, reading in English);

-increasing intercultural awareness, active participation

in society and self expression/confidence;

-increasing interest for the scientific world and potential

linked careers;

-raising awareness of the students to the topic of

environmental respect

- ability to make conscious and sustainable choices in

everyday life

- awareness that the lifestyle choices of each one have a

crucial importance for the reduction of the impact of

man on the environment

-becoming more skilled and independent as learners;

-becoming more motivated in the learning of a second

language thanks to the "real situation" they are involved

in and "learn by doing" in a life long learning process

-developing of ICT skills;

-having benefit from working together in a shared


The school is expected to benefit from the project due to

the enhanced visibility and the opportunity to offer a

more stimulating environment for its students.

Families, local communities and stakeholders active in

the environmental field are indirectly involved as

students will need their support in order to change in

favour of a more sustainable behaviour.

Other schools may benefit by the project as each school

will organise dissemination activities to inform them of

the Erasmus plus opportunities.

The project aims at changing the behaviour in view of a

more sustainable approach. To do so, we would like to

impact on local and regionWhat is the desired impact of the

project at the local, regional, national, European and/or

international levels?al level as we would need an authority

endorsement to make this project really working and

developing a responsible attitude concerning environmental

protection. Following this way we can think about future

project for the long‐term development of society. An impact

on European level is that the partnerships will make schools

from different countries unite their forces in a common

effort to find solutions for a general problem: respect of


All partners will assimilate a set of European values, and

they will be integrated in society as active and responsible

citizens. The main impact is that the target group will

become aware of the necessity of a rational and sustainable

choices on environmental issues. Communication will also

be improved by acquiring new computer skills, by using web

pages for the project, which need constant updating, but

also by using the online communication platforms, to ensure

activity development.

At a local level, the development of the project will raise

awareness amongst the population (from students, through

families to local authorities) who comes to a more

responsible use of resources. This will lead to the reduction

of paper/water consumption at home and at school, and to

a more responsible use of other resources such as air and


The spreading of project results through participation in

exhibitions, educational fare, contests and seminars will

attract other regional institutions in similar projects which

will implement the result of our project: solutions and

examples of good practice.

The previously mentioned impacts are measured through

qualitative (in relation to quality of participation and

experience )and quantitative (in relation to the numbers

and percentages) indicators as previously indicated.

-behaviour check list

- questionnaires

-interview to students, families, teachers

-pre/post test

-collecting baseline data before our project will be


-compare to data collected after the activities have been


-realization of "authentic tasks" situation

- number of meetings with the parties involved

-number of participants involved in: information session/

discussions/ workshops/ seminars/

-production and circulation of products and output

-extensive use of media (articles in

newspapers/interviews/visibility on social media (facebook,


-the number of visitors of the Facebook page of the project;

‐the number of articles posted on the web page of the


‐the number of articles published in the local media;

-the interest of the students for the activities of the


-the increase of the awareness of the importance of

environmental respect;

-the participation to other specific activities related to

sustainable development;

-the increasing of students’ interest in participating to

different scholars conferences.

For a better evaluation of the project, each country will

provide a SWOT analysis after the first year of project and

after the ending of the project.

To ensure the visibility of the project it is necessary to

have a permanent communication with:

-other schools

-local/regional authorities

-families and community

-NGO or environmental associations

The students and the teachers from the participating

schools will be informed about the project during special

meetings; The indirect beneficiaries ( the parents, local

authorities) will be in contact with the project through

questionnaires/ meetings / newsletter / information

published on the Facebook and on the school website.

The dissemination of the project will be realized in local

and national media through press communicates and TV


The project activities and objectives will be disseminated

through the school website and a dedicated Facebook

page, on virtual communities such as e‐Twinning or

Edmodo even after the ending of the project. Articles and

scientific studies realized during the project will

participate to scientific conferences, seminaries and

meetings organized by similar institutions or by the

concerned authorities.

What’s your impact on earth?" This is the starting question

of our project. Each of us consumes part of the Earth’s

products and resources every day. How much we take

depends on our lifestyles and the ways in which we satisfy

our needs. We give an answer to this question by involving

students in a project aimed at analyzing the “ecological

footprint”, e.g. the measure of human impact on Earth's

ecosystems in four fields (ground, air,water and food).

Schools participating in the project come from Italy,

Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Portugal, Lithuania. Partners

have been chosen because they were interested in

developing international project on environmental

problems. Objectives of the project are:

-prepare students to become future active citizens of

Europe by developing their transversal skills: ability to

think critically, take initiative, problem solve and work


-make students aware that choices in their everyday lives

affect the world around them

-improve learning skills, ICT skills in real situations,

develop entrepreneurial spirit and teamwork.

Project activities will involve teachers and school staff in




EVENTS. The project includes the activities: Production of

digital posters, graphics , maps, calculation of footprints,

slideshows, videos during each phase of the project's

activities, but also they will be involved in such hands-on

activities that allow them to design and produce various

kinds of objects experiencing the technique of reuse

and/or recycle. Analysis of the “ecological footprint” (

the measure of human impact on Earth's ecosystems in

four fields - ground, air,water and food) through specific

software and tools. Students will be involved in

collaborative writing sessions, live sessions , creations of

quizzes. We will work on:

Nov 2017 - Mar 2018 all partners work on biodiversity

threatened by: deforestation, pollution, hydrogeological

collapse, fires, uncontrolled development, GROUND


Mar 2018 - May 2018 The study of AIR quality will be done

through the use of a scientific measurement index and

brings students to detect the use of the resource AIR.

Students analyze what causes the aggression: mobility,

domestic and industrial emissions, climate Students

focus their attention on pollution caused by the use of

means of transport.

Nov 2018 - Febr 2019 Students analyze the use of WATER

resource through the application of the index I.B.E. and

evaluate water quality. They analyze: pollution, waste,

hydrogeological collapse, overbuilding.

Mar 2019 - May 2019 we will explore the production of

FOOD as a possible cause of environmental impact.

Students discover the value of food produced locally(km

0). The impact on environment is calculated on CO2

emission for road transport.

THE METHODOLOGY includes real world-experience

through problem-based learning based on empirical

evidence and measurable facts . Learning by doing,

students actively explore their environment and are

encouraged to take part in additional activities in and

outside the classrooms. Technology will be largely used

because it offers new opportunities to improve quality

and equity in education and training. A VIRTUAL

EUROPEAN CLASS on EDMODO to share digital resources

as a unique class in Europe. It will make everyone enter

in other realities and stimulate the curiosity of the entire

school. Teachers will innovate their methodology

through a teaching based on a learning-by-doing

approach and using an eTwinning group to build and

share good practices, new tools, creative methods to

manage classes, inclusive strategies. Students will also

collaborate on a side project on eTwinning platform. We

expect that students, families, school staff, local


- increase their civic skills and become responsible

citizens aware that their choices can contribute to build

healthier communities;

-improve learning skills through other countries school

approach to the focused problem;

-develop innovative skills in real analysis;

-grasp how choices in their everyday lives impact on

Earth's ecosystems.

Longer term benefits for students are:

-having the opportunity to explore the perspective of a

career developed in the green economy field;

-be better equipped with skills which can orientate in the

future choices.

Through cooperative work and exchange of good

practices, teachers improve professional skills and

develop creativity and innovation that they will invest for

the improvement of their school in the field of

transnational projects.

The integration of “Education for a sustainable

development” in the school curriculum encourages the

whole community to become more active in addressing

environmental problems for a sustainable future.

Cooperation with experts and European teachers arise

interest in new projects on sustainability.

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