eu measures for surveillance and control of asf in … measures for surveillance and control of asf...

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EU measures for surveillance and

control of ASF in feral pigs

30 June 2014, Paris

Francesco Berlingieri Unit G2 – Animal Health

Directorate-General for Health and Consumers

European Commission, Brussels

This presentation does not necessarily represent the views of the European Commission

Health and Consumers


1. EU situation for ASF 2. Surveillance of wild boar in the EU 3. The role of wild animals 4. EU tools for ASF control 5. ASF Legislation in the EU 6. Guidelines on ASF in feral pigs 7. Conclusions

Health and Consumers

EU situation for ASF

Eradicated from • France (1974) • Mainland Italy (1993) • Belgium (1985) • Netherlands (1986) • Spain (1994) • Portugal (1999)

EU approach effective in eradicating ASF from mainland and containing it to Sardinia

2014 ADNS data

(update 12/6/2014)

Health and Consumers

EU situation for ASF

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Surveillance of wild boar in the EU

• In place for many years

• Surveillance not only for ASF, but also for CSF

• Important data available from the EURL CSF-DB

• 12 participating member states

• 647,518 official data records since 2002

• 164 defined restriction zones and vaccination areas

Veterinary authorities /


EURL CSF Wild Boar Surveillance database


Veterinary authorities Ministries

Vaccination C







CSV file upload

Web form

Local PC


Number of investigated wild boar in the

EURL CSF-DB from 2002 until 2013

Active surveillance Passive surveillance

EURL CSF-DB density maps from 2002 until 2013

EURL CSF-DB example data of Slovakia in 2011

Health and Consumers

The role of wild animals

Role of wild boar 1. Low risk of maintaining ASF in the wild boar population 2. Wild boar play a secondary epidemiological role in the

persistence of the infection 3. Contacts between free-range pigs and the wild boar

population seem capable of maintaining the viral circulation in wild boars BUT there is no evidence that the ASFV infection is directly transmissible to other wild boar meta populations

4. Wild boar do not play a major role as virus reservoir in the absence of free-ranging or infected domestic pigs

5. The risk of spread of ASF through wild boar movement is therefore very limited

Health and Consumers

The role of wild animals

Type of rearing 1. Higher risk of infection in free range farming 2. Free range rearing farms present higher risk of maintaining

viral circulation

Risks to consider when increasing hunting 1. Interference of the establishment of herd immunity 2. Induces long distance animal movements 3. Virus spread related to evisceration and use of meat 4. To be considered only after epidemic peak has been


Wild boar movement 1. Range assessed between 2-5 km (radio-collared animals) 2. Sardinian data show that the maximum distance of related

cases in wild boars is 25 km

Health and Consumers

The role of wild animals

EFSA (1) 1. Wild boar do not migrate 2. Small seasonal movements are registered but always

inside the usual individual home range that varies from 20-100 km²

3. Factors that influence the population density of any wild boar population are: • average winter temperature • the length of time during which the average temperature is

below 0°C 4. Hunting and trapping has never achieved a drastic reduction

in a wild boar population in Europe

Health and Consumers

The role of wild animals

EFSA (2) 1. Depopulation efforts can lead to adaptive behaviour of the

hunted wild boar, compensatory growth of the population and the influx of wild boar from adjacent areas

2. Depopulation efforts not advisable as wild boar density thresholds for introduction, spread and persistence of ASFV in the wild boar populations are impossible to establish

3. Depopulation can even increase transmission and facilitate progressive geographical spread of ASFV (dispersal of groups and individuals)

4. Artificial feeding of wild boar might rather increase than reduce the risk of ASFV spread

Health and Consumers

EU tools for ASF control

Legislation • Contingency plans • The EU Reference Laboratory for ASF • The EU co-financed eradication programme • The missions of the Community Veterinary Emergency Team -

CVET • Better training for safer food – BTSF • Scientific advice - EFSA • EU research projects - RTD

Health and Consumers

The EU main strategies for ASF control and eradication

• Identification and registration • Surveillance • Animal movement control • Zoning and regionalization • Stamping out policy • Cleansing and disinfection • Farm bio-security

Health and Consumers

ASF Legislation in the EU

Council Directive 2002/60/EC: which lays down specific provisions for the control of ASF (including those on contingency plans)

Commission Decision 2003/422/EC: diagnostic manual for ASF

Commission Decision 2013/426/UE: on measures to prevent the introduction of ASF from certain third countries

Commission Decision 2014/178/EC: concerning animal health protection measures against ASF in certain Member States

Health and Consumers

Council Directive 2002/60/EC

• Disease notification

• Measures to be established when : the presence of ASF on a holding is suspected

The presence of ASF is confirmed

• Epidemiological Investigation

• Measures in contact holdings

• Establishment of protection and surveillance zones (3 – 10 Km), measures to be applied

Health and Consumers

Council Directive 2002/60/EC

• Cleansing, disinfection and treatment with insecticides

• Repopulation of pig holdings following disease outbreaks

• Measures in cases where African swine fever is suspected or confirmed in a slaughterhouse or means of transport

Health and Consumers

Council Directive 2002/60/EC

• Measures in cases where African swine fever is suspected or confirmed in feral pigs and plans for eradication • establish an expert group including veterinarians, hunters,

wild life biologists and epidemiologists and, inter alia, define the infected area

• official surveillance in pig holdings in the defined infected area

• surveillance in all feral pigs (shot or found dead) in the defined infected area

• ASF virus isolate is subject to the laboratory procedure indicated in the diagnostic manual

• cooperation among MS

Health and Consumers

Council Directive 2002/60/EC

• Measures to prevent the spread of ASFV by means of vectors

• Diagnostic procedures and bio-safety requirements

• EU controls

• Contingency plans

• Disease control centres and expert groups

Health and Consumers

Comm. Dec. 2003/422/EC – Diagnostic Manual

Diagnostic manual for ASF

Lays down uniform diagnostic procedure, sampling methods and criteria for the evaluation of the results of lab tests:

• How to recognize ASF and principles for differential diagnosis

• Main criteria to be considered for the recognition of a suspect holding

• Checking and sampling procedures, samples collection and transport

• Virological tests and results evaluation

• Serological tests and results evaluation

• Safety requirements for Labs

Health and Consumers

Commission Decision 2013/426/UE

• Provides measures to prevent the introduction of ASF from certain third countries

• Vehicles which have transported pigs and which enter the Union from infected third countries are appropriately cleansed and disinfected

Health and Consumers

Commission Decision 2014/178/EC

3 zones by level of risk:

• higher risk (endemic disease in pigs and wild boar in Sardinia)

• infected area in Lithuania and Poland along borders with Belarus where the disease is present only in wild boar

• buffer zone adjacent the infected area in Poland and Lithuania to further prevent the spread of the disease

Health and Consumers

Commission Decision 2014/178/EC

Restrictions applied depend on the level of risk:

• very stringent restrictions in Sardinia

• general restrictions in live pigs, semen and pig meat in the infected area in Poland and Lithuania with sustainable and safe derogations if risk mitigation measures (testing, bio-security) are applied

• light restrictions applicable only to live animals accompanied by surveillance in the buffer zone

Health and Consumers

Commission Decision 2014/178/EC

Health and Consumers

Guidelines on ASF in feral pigs

• Objective is to provide guidance to the MS in controlling ASF when the disease is suspected or confirmed in feral pigs

• Demarcation and surveillance in the infected area

• Surveillance in feral pigs Veterinary inspection and test of all shot/dead feral pigs

Sample size related to the estimated number of living animals (and not as a function of the number of animals shot)

• Surveillance in domestic pigs Pig holdings should be kept under strict health monitoring

Pigs slaughtered for own-home consumption should be inspected by an official veterinarian

Health and Consumers

Guidelines on ASF in feral pigs

• Preventive measures in the infected area

• Standstill and movement control for suspected/infected holdings

• Live pigs markets under strict supervision

• Carcasses of all domestic and feral pigs found dead in the infected areas shall be processed under official supervision and tested

• Swill feeding ban

• Enhance biosecurity in holdings

• Tick control where relevant

• Awareness campaign

• Hunting ?

Health and Consumers


• The measures in place are effective

• They are in line with OIE international standards

Health and Consumers


• The approach taken by the EU is based on scientific evidence

• The EU is maintaining a high level of alertness in case the disease is re-introduced in the EU from neighbouring countries

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