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2010 World Travel Awards Europe Gala Ceremony Programme


Europe Gala Ceremony 2010World Travel Awards

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WelcomePresident of theWorld Travel AwardsEurope Gala Ceremony 2010


On behalf of the World Travel Awards, I wishyou all a very warm welcome to our EuropeCeremony 2010.

This evening is all about celebrating yourincredible achievements, and we arehonoured to have gathered under one roofthe cream of Europe’s travel and tourism industry.

More than one thousand of the region’sleading organisations have been nominatedto win “a travel industry Oscar” and I amproud to say that competition is the fiercestyet in our 17-year history.

So what does it take to win a World TravelAward? Though our winners hail from everysector of the travel industry and from everycorner of the globe, they all share one thingin common – an unrivalled ability to rise to a challenge.

Turkey in particular has emerged as one ofthe stars of the global downturn, continuingto grow market share whilst its competitorsflounder. And our decision to host ourawards here in Antalya is no coincidence.This city epitomises what Turkey does best –by combining a rich, welcoming local culturewith superb hospitality facilities, sun-kissedbeaches and value for money, it has createda winning formula that now attracts visitorsfrom the world over, come boom or bust.

Elsewhere in Europe, nations are dustingthemselves down after the annus horribilusof 2009, and are now showing signs ofresurgent growth.

Spain, one of the tourism economies hithardest by the downturn, has reported anupsurge in tourist numbers this summer asits key source markets including the UK andGermany rediscover their appetite for travel.France, Europe’s largest tourism economy, isalso bouncing back as the US, Japan andother Asian markets increase their long-haulexpenditure.

Greece has had a buoyant summer seasondespite suffering some fall-out from the civilunrest in May. Tourism generates almostone fifth of national output so the industryis playing a pivotal role in the nation’s longroad back to economic recovery.

Congratulations to all award winners andalso to those who have made this eveningpossible, in particular our host, RixosPremium Belek. This sumptuous resortrepresents Turkey at its finest – sumptuous,charming and facilities that are truly world-class.

We also extend a special thank you to eventpartners Turkish Airlines and World.Mobi, aswell as our media partners BBC World News,Breaking Travel News, eTurboNews,L’agenzia di Viaggi, ABTA Magazine, TravelDaily News, Focus on Travel News, NewFocus Travel Magazine and Xenios.

Honouring and promoting excellence andinnovation in travel and tourism are why weare gathered all here – so please enjoyyourselves with this in mind, for we valueyour incredible achievements and what youare doing for our industry.

Thank you all for being here with us on thisvery special occasion, and congratulationsonce again for your incredible achievements.

Graham E. CookePresident and FounderWorld Travel Awards

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WelcomeChief Executive OfficerRixos Hotels GroupEurope Gala Ceremony 2010

Welcome to the Rixos Premium Belek,Antalya.

It is a pleasure to have you staying with uson the occasion of Europe’s mostimportant travel and tourism event, TheWorld Travel Awards.

We as Rixos Hotels, feel honored to havebeen chosen to host the WTA GalaCeremony, described as the “Oscars” ofthe Travel industry and what is universallyrecognized as a major champion ofexcellent customer service, encouragingand inspiring products and services toimprove business performance andinnovation.

To those of you in the battling arena forthe Awards, I would like to wish the verybest of luck.

Our team of professionals will be veryhappy to provide you with any assistancerequired to make your stay and this eventa memorable one.

Look forward to seeing you all at the Gala,in the meantime please do make time tovisit the city and region of Belek andAntalya which hide some of Turkey’s mostinviting and interesting sites.

Kees HartzuikerChief Executive OfficerRixos Hotels Group

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Whilst the burning question Europe’stourism industry was asking last yearwas when we would see the greenshoots of recovery, this year it hasturned to which nations are emerging fastest.

In the United Nation’s World TouristBarometer, international tourist arrivalsin Europe grew the slowest globally in thefirst half of 2010 – just 2 percent highercompared with 14 percent in Asia and thePacific, 20 percent in the Middle East, 7percent in Africa and 7 percent in theAmericas. But within the European Unionpositive signs of a recovery are emerging,led by Germany, the region’s economicengine and its largest travel consumer.

Germany spluttered badly during theslump in world trade. And when theGermans started reigning in their travelexpenditure, popular outbound marketssuch as the Spanish costas and theGreek islands rapidly felt the squeeze.

But the country is once again firing on allcylinders. GDP grew by 2.2 percent (anannualised rate of close to 9 percent) inthe three months to the end of June, wellabove even the most optimistic offorecasts and representing its strongestsince reunification almost two decades ago.

The German revival is being felt acrossthe continent. Spain, Germany’s largestoutbound market, has finally turned acorner after being one of the tourism

economy’s hardest hit by the globaldownturn.

Overnight stays by international arrivalsrose by 11 percent in July this year,compared to the same time in 2009,according to official figures from Spain’sNational Statistics Institute. The Spanishrevival was also helped by renewedconfidence in the UK, its second largestsource market.

The country has also been seeking anunlikely ally in China. At a recent meetingbetween Spanish Prime Minister JoséLuis Rodriguez Zapatero and his Chinesecounterpart Wen Jiabao, the two nationshave agreed to collaborate on a numberof economic fronts, including tourism.Initiatives will include policies that make

Focus on Europe

It’s a been a tough year for tourism across Europe, but with Germany, the economicpowerhouse of the continent, firing on all cylinders again, the outlook for the likesof Spain and Greece is looking considerably rosier than 12 months ago.


Special Focus:

Guest EditorialProud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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it easier for Chinese to obtain travel visasfor travel to Spain and other Europeancountries. The heads noted that eventssuch as Spain’s victory in the FIFA WorldCup and the Shanghai World Expo 2010 –where the Spanish pavilion is one of themost visited – have piqued Chinesecitizens’ interest in visiting.

Madrid’s goal in the short term is to triplethe number of 90,000 Chinese touristswho visit Spain each year. Zapatero saidhe was working on a new plan thatpromotes Spanish cultural andecotourism destinations rather than thetraditional model of sun, sea and sand.

For now, Spain ranks behind France,Germany and Britain as a favoureddestination for Chinese travellers headingto Europe, though the Iberian nation isthe world’s number two touristdestination overall.

Meanwhile, Spain’s great Europeantourism rival, France, has beenattempting to woo the Arabian tourismdollar and encourage strengtheningpolitical, economic and cultural ties. Thissummer the French police deployedofficers with foreign-language skills –including Arabic – to key tourist locationsduring busy holiday periods.

But it remains to be seen what impactthe French government’s ban on face-covering garments in public will have onthe willingness of Muslims to visit the country.

The UK too is pushing hard to lure theArabian traveller.  In May VisitBritainlaunched a business-to-business traveltrade event, Destination Britain & Ireland,in Dubai, with more than 200 keycompanies and travel industry specialistsattending.

And its efforts seem to be working.Inbound tourists from Kuwait, Qatar,Saudi Arabia and the United ArabEmirates rose 9 percent year-on-year in2009, and accounted for 1.7 percent of allvisitors to the UK.

VisitBritain said Gulf tourists wereparticularly attracted to the UK by theopportunity to shop for fashion andluxury goods not available at home, andto watch Premier League football.

Britain’s reputation as a safe, well-organised country, with polite,approachable people and low levels oftheft were also key pulling factors.

Other positive factors included Britain’stemperate climate, in contrast with theaverage 45ºC summers in, say, Saudi Arabia.

In Greece, tourism receipts have droppedby nearly a quarter in the past two years,with strikes and civil unrest denting asector already hit by the global crisis. Thestrength of the Euro has also provedcounterproductive, with Greece losingshare to non-Eurozone neighbouringdestinations Turkey and Croatia.

Greece relies on its sun-drenchedbeaches and historic monuments fornearly a fifth of its economy and arecovery in tourism is crucial as thecountry struggles to recover from a debtcrisis and its worst recession in 36 years.Spending by international tourists fell to€2.8 billion in the six months to June,down 11.9 percent year-on-year and 23.3percent over two years, according toGreek Central Bank.

Revenues were hit particularly hard inJune following the death of three bankemployees during anti-governmentprotests in May, at a time when almostdaily strikes were leaving touristsstranded at airports and harbours.

It has upped value-added tax to 23 percent this year as part of an austeritydrive aimed at pulling the country out ofits debt crisis.

But Greece appears to have turned acorner over the summer. In July touristarrivals narrowed to 1.3 percent from a 6percent drop in May. August arrivalscame in marginally higher than last year.

Whilst Greece has been one of thehighest profile victims of the downturn,its neighbour Turkey has emerged as oneof the stars.

As our travel patterns have shifted tomore adventurous pastures, mid-haulhas become the new short-haul. The likesof Istanbul offer an entirely differentexperience yet are only an hour or twofurther than traditional city breakEuropean destinations.

The shift to mid-haul has also sparked aboom in tourism across the country. TakeAntalya – a sleepy ancient city that hasbeen transformed into the country’smain holiday resort, complete with palm-lined boulevards, glitzy marina andsummer home to affluent Germans and British.

This city also epitomises what Turkeydoes best – by combining a rich,welcoming local culture with superbhospitality facilities, sun-kissed beachesand value for money, it has created awinning formula that now attracts visitorsfrom the world over, come boom or bust.


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Date: 1st October 2010Venue: Rixos Premium Belek Location: Antalya, Turkey

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Evening Programme

Cocktail Reception: 18.45Gala Dinner & Show: 20.00Carriages: 23.00

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The Oscars of theTravel Industry”Wall Street Journal“

World Travel AwardsEurope Gala Ceremony 2010


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HistoryWorld Travel AwardsHonouring excellence in travel & tourismworldwide since 1994

1994 Hollywood 1995 New York 1996 Las Vegas 1997 New York 1998 Bahamas

1999 London 2000 Jamaica 2001 Malaysia 2002 St Lucia 2003 New York

2004 Barbados 2005 London 2006 Turks and Caicos

2007Abu DhabiNew YorkNewcastleBangalore

Turks & Caicos



Rio de JaneiroDubai

Turks & Caicos


DurbanRiviera Maya






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The World Travel Awards acknowledges and celebrates thoseorganisations that have made the greatest contribution to the globaltourism and travel industry. It also recognises those brands that aredriving the industry to greater heights and innovation in travel.

Celebrating its 17th anniversary this year,the awards has grown into a truly globalsearch for the very best travel and tourismbrands, with the winners from the fiveregional ceremonies progressing to theWorld Travel Awards Grand Final in Londonon 7 November.

Last year, 183,000 travel professionalsregistered to vote and participate in theprestigious World Travel Awardsprogramme – a phenomenal 10% rise inregistrations compared to the year before.

This record number is conclusive evidencethat World Travel Awards has become the“Oscars” of the global travel industry.Graham E. Cooke, Founder and President,World Travel Awards, said: “World TravelAwards is a unique benchmark for industryquality and business excellence in everyregion and sector.”

“The increase in registered voters, despite aglobal recession, demonstrates the vitalrole of performance delivery in achallenging and highly competitivemarketplace,” he added.

This level of accountability makes theWorld Travel Awards one of the highestaccolades in the travel business and is whythe award ceremony is broadcast by BBCWorld News and other networks to over254 million households worldwide andattended by the industry’s global decisionmakers.

For the tourism trade, winning a WorldTravel Award is more than an award – it isan endorsement from the thousands ofprofessionals from around the globe, aswell as a gold seal to the consumer of travelexcellence guaranteed.

The World Travel Awards has continuouslyevolved, expanding the number of awardsas the industry has grown. There are nowover 1,000 different categories – anunderstandable number seeing how theindustry has diversified and given the factthat there were over 3,600 differentnominees last year.

And as confidence returns to the globaleconomy, the World Travel Awards will bethere to reward those travel and tourismplayers that spearhead the recovery.

The Oscars of theTravel Industry”Wall Street Journal

About UsWorld Travel Awards


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WineWorld Travel AwardsEurope Gala Ceremony 2010



RED WINESÖküzgözüBoğazkereKalecikkaras


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Y:0 K:0

MenuWorld Travel AwardsEurope Gala Ceremony 2010

SEA BASSaccompanied by Aegean herbs and olive oil


PASTRY FILLED WITH VINE LEAVESdiced cucumber and garlic with a mint andyoghurt sauce


MIXED SALADaccompanied by goats cheese, walnut andpomegranate syrup sauce


MINT SORBETaccompanied by fresh mint


STEAK FILLET GRATINwith village cheese; fresh asparagus, potatopurée and pepper sauce


OVEN-BAKED GROUPERpolenta and spinach Florentine


MUSHROOM BALLSaccompanied by bulgur risotto and vegetables




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Europe's Leading AirlineAir FranceAlitaliaBritish AirwaysIberiaKLMLufthansaSAS Scandinavian AirlinesSwiss International Air LinesTAP PortugalTurkish Airlines

Europe's Leading Airline BusinessClassAir FranceBritish AirwaysIberiaKLMLufthansaSwiss International Air LinesTAP PortugalTurkish Airlines

Europe's Leading AirportAmsterdam Airport Schiphol, NetherlandsBarcelona International Airport, SpainCopenhagen Airport, DenmarkDomodedovo International Airport, RussiaHamburg Airport, GermanyHeathrow Airport, London, EnglandHelsinki-Vantaa, FinlandLeonardo da Vinci International Airport, ItalyLisbon Airport, PortugalMadrid Barajas International Airport, SpainMunich International Airport, GermanyZurich Airport, Switzerland

Europe's Leading Airport HotelHilton Copenhagen Airport Hotel, DenmarkHilton London Heathrow Airport Hotel,EnglandKempinski Airport Hotel Munich, GermanyRadisson SAS Hotel London Stansted Airport,EnglandRenaissance Barcelona Airport Hotel, SpainSheraton Amsterdam Airport Hotel andConference Center, NetherlandsSheraton Paris Airport Hotel & ConferenceCentre, France

Europe's Leading All-inclusive ResortAldemar Rhodos Paradise Village, GreeceAska Costa Holiday Club, TurkeyClub Hotel Riu Chiclana, SpainClub Hotel Riu Gran Canaria, SpainClub Hotel Riu Paraiso Lanzarote Resort,SpainClub Hotel Riu Vista Mar, SpainConcorde De Luxe Resort,TurkeyDa Balaia Club Med, PortugalKemer Resort Hotel, TurkeyRixos Premium Belek, TurkeyTitanic Hotel Antalya, Turkey

Europe's Leading BeachCannes, FranceCorfu, GreeceCosta de la Luz, SpainCosta Smeralda, Sardinia, ItalyDona Ana, Lagos, PortugalFormentera Island, IbizaMarbella, SpainPanormas, Mykonos, GreecePatara Beach, TurkeyPlage Port Grimaud, France

Europe's Leading Beach ResortAbama Hotel Resort, SpainAnassa, CyprusGrand Resort Lagonissi, GreeceKempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza SicilyMare Nostrum Resort, SpainMinos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & Spa,GreecePraia D'El Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort,PortugalRixos Premium Bodrum, TurkeyThe Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta

Europe's Leading Boutique Hotel101 Hotel, IcelandAquapura Douro Valley, Portugal Athens Life Gallery, GreeceBulgari Milano, ItalyCap Estel, FranceChoupana Hills Resort & Spa, PortugalDraycott Hotel, EnglandHotel Josef, Czech RepublicHotel Les Ottomans, TurkeyHotel Quinta da Bela Vista, PortugalHotel Splendide Royal, SwitzerlandLato Boutique Hotel, GreeceMetropolitan London, EnglandThe Dylan Amsterdam, NetherlandsVila Joya, Portugal

Europe's Leading Boutique ResortAdriana, Hvar Marina Hotel & Spa, CroatiaChoupana Hills Resort & Spa, PortugalHotel Les Ottomans, TurkeyKivotos Hotel, GreeceRocabella Santorini Resort & Spa, GreeceVila Joya, PortugalVilla Aminta Stresa, Italy

Europe NomineesEurope Gala Ceremony 2010 I your mobile city guide to ViennaPowered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Europe's Leading Business Car RentalCompanyAlamoAuto EuropeAvisBudgetEnterpriseEuropcarHertzRecord Car RentalTiger Car Rental

Europe's Leading Business HotelCarlo IV Hotel, Czech RepublicConrad Brussels, BelgiumConrad Istanbul, TurkeyHotel Adlon Kempinski, GermanyHotel Arts Barcelona, SpainHotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow, RussiaInterContinental Paris Le Grand Hotel, FranceInterContinental Warsaw, PolandJumeirah Carlton Tower, EnglandLangham Hotel London, EnglandMandarin Oriental Hotel du Rhone Geneva,SwitzerlandMovenpick Hotel Istanbul, TurkeyRadisson SAS Royal Hotel, BelgiumSwissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow, RussiaThe Mayfair, England

Europe's Leading Car HireAuto EuropeAvisBudgetEuropcarHertzHoliday AutosSixtThrifty

Europe's Leading Casino HotelDomaine de Divonne, FranceFairmont Monte Carlo, Monaco Hotel Torrequebrada, SpainL'Imperial Palace, FranceLe Palais de la Mediterranee, FranceMeliá Tamarindos, Gran CanariaThe Mayfair, EnglandThe Pestana Casino Park, Funchal Madeira

Europe's Leading Casino ResortEvian Royal Resort, FranceHotel & Casino Torrequebrada, SpainKempinski St Moritz, SwitzerlandLe Meridien Lav, Split, CroatiaLopesan Costa Meloneras, SpainRixos Libertas Dubrovnik, CroatiaThe Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta

Europe's Leading Charter AirlineMonarch AirlinesSky AirlinesSmartwingsThomas Cook AirlinesThomson Flights Tui Fly

Europe's Leading City BreakDestinationIstanbul,TurkeyLisbon, PortugalLondon, EnglandMadrid, SpainOslo, NorwayParis, FrancePrague, Czech RepublicRome, ItalyTallinn, EstoniaVenice, Italy

Europe's Leading City HotelCarlo IV Hotel, Czech RepublicConrad Brussels, BelgiumConrad Istanbul, TurkeyHotel Adlon Kempinski, GermanyHotel Baltschug Kempinski, RussiaInterContinental Paris, FranceInterContinental Warsaw, PolandJumeirah Carlton Tower, EnglandLangham Hotel London, EnglandMandarin Oriental Hotel du Rhone Geneva,SwitzerlandMilan Park Hyatt, ItalyMovenpick Hotel Istanbul, TurkeyRadisson SAS Royal Hotel, BelgiumSwissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow, Russia

Europe's Leading Couples ResortAdam & Eve Hotels, TurkeyAldemar Olympian Village, GreeceAnassa, CyprusConcorde De Luxe Resort, TurkeyKemer Resort Hotel, GreeceMinos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & Spa,GreeceMykonos Grand Hotel & Resort, GreeceSt Raphael Resort Cyprus

Europe's Leading Cruise DestinationAmsterdam - NetherlandsAthens, GreeceCannes, FranceCopenhagen, DenmarkDubrovnik, CroatiaLisbon, PortugalOslo, NorwayReykjavik, IcelandSt Petersburg, RussiaStockholm - SwedenVenice, Italy I your mobile city guide to BrusselsPowered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

Europe NomineesEurope Gala Ceremony 2010

Europe's Leading Cruise LineAIDA CruisesCosta CruisesFred Olsen Cruise LinesHapag Lloyd CruisesHolland America Line IncNorwegian Cruise LineP&O CruisesRoyal Caribbean Cruise LineSilversea Cruises

Europe's Leading Cruise PortAmsterdam, NetherlandsBarcelona, SpainCopenhagen, DenmarkGenoa, ItalyIstanbul (Sali Pazari), TurkeyLas Palmas, Gran CanariaLisbon, PortugalMarseille, FranceOslo, NorwaySouthampton, EnglandSplit, CroatiaStockholm, SwedenThe Port of Kusadasi, Turkey

Europe's Leading Cruise Travel AgentCruise LineGills Cruise CentreKuoni Travel NetherlandsThomas

Europe's Leading Design HotelAdam & Eve at Belek, TurkeyAlmyra, CyprusDo & Co Hotel, AustriaEnvy Suite, Klaus K, Helsinki, FinlandLa Reserve Geneva, SwitzerlandLe Meridien Vienna, AustriaSanderson Hotel, EnglandThe Belvedere, GreeceThe Vine Hotel, Portugal

Europe's Leading DestinationAmsterdam, NetherlandsBarcelona, SpainBerlin, GermanyCrete, GreeceDublin, IrelandDubrovnik, CroatiaIstanbul, TurkeyLisbon, PortugalLondon, EnglandPafos, CyprusParis, FrancePrague, Czech RepublicRome, ItalyTallinn, EstoniaVenice, ItalyVienna, AustriaVilnius, Lithuania

Europe's Leading Family ResortAldemar Olympian Village, GreeceAquaCity Poprad, SlovakiaForte Village Resort, ItalyHotel Eden Roc, SwitzerlandKemer Resort Hotel, TurkeyKempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza, ItalyRixos Sungate, TurkeySani Resort, GreeceSheraton Voyager Antalya Hotel, Resort &Spa, TurkeyThe InterContinental Aphrodite Hills ResortHotel, CyprusThe Westin Dragonara Resort, MaltaTivoli Madeira Hotel, Spain

Europe's Leading Golf & LeisureResortLa Manga Club, SpainPraia d'el Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort,PortugalSheraton Golf Parco de' Medici Hotel &ResortSport & SPA Resort A-ROSA Scharmuetzelsee,GermanyThe Celtic Manor Resort, WalesThe Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire, Scotland

Europe's Leading Golf ResortBovey Castle, EnglandCornelia De Luxe Resort, TurkeyDona Filipa & San Lorenzo Golf Resort,PortugalEvian Royal Resort, FranceFairmont St Andrews, ScotlandFairplay Golf Hotel & Spa, SpainGrand Hotel Quellenhof, SwitzerlandHotel Quinta do Lago, PortugalLa Manga Club, SpainOld Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St.Andrews, ScotlandPalazzo Arzaga Hotel Spa & Golf Resort, ItalySport & SPA Resort A-ROSA Scharmuetzelsee,GermanyThe Gleneagles Hotel, ScotlandThe K Club, Ireland

Europe's Leading Green HotelApex City of London, EnglandAquaCity Poprad, SlovakiaAriston Hotel, ItalyBedruthan Steps Hotel, EnglandChateau Mcely, Czech RepublicChoupana Hills Resort & Spa, MadeiraHotel FOX, DenmarkIce Hotel, SwedenKolarbyn Eco-lodge, SwedenRadisson SAS Hotel, Edinburgh, ScotlandStrattons, England

Europe's Leading HotelAquapura Douro Valley, PortugalCastel Monastero, ItalyCiragan Palace Kempinski Istanbul, TurkeyDonbass Palace Hotel, UkraineDubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centreand Spa, CroatiaGrand Hotel Lienz, AustriaHotel Le Bristol Paris, FranceHotel Ritz Paris, FranceLešić Dimitri Palace, CroatiaThe Ritz-Carlton Powerscourt, IrelandWhite Pod, Switzerland

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Europe's Leading Hotel BrandBarcelo Hotels & ResortsHilton HotelsInterContinental Hotels & ResortsKempinski Hotels & ResortsLe Meridien Hotels & ResortsMalmaison HotelsMarriott Hotels Resorts & SuitesRadisson Hotels & ResortsRixos Hotels

Europe's Leading Island ResortChoupana Hills Resort & Spa, PortugalFota Island Resort, IrelandHilton Villa Igiea Palermo Hotel, Sicily, ItalyInchydoney Island Lodge & Spa, IrelandKempinski Hotel San Lawrenz, MaltaLopesan Villa del Conde Resort & Thalasso,SpainMykonos Grand Hotel & Resort, GreecePullman Timi Ama Sardegna, ItalyReid's Palace, PortugalThe Westin Dragonara Resort, MaltaVedema Resort, Greece

Europe's Leading Long Sea FerryOperatorAccione TrasmediterraneaBrittany FerriesColor LineDFDS SeawaysMinoan LinesStena LineTallink Silja Line

Europe's Leading Low-Cost AirlineAer LingusAir Berlin www.airberlin.combmibabyCondorEasyjetMonarch AirlinesVueling

Europe's Leading Luxury HotelGrand Hotel du Cap-Ferrat, FranceGrand Hotel Europe, RussiaHotel Cipriani, ItalyHotel de Paris, Monte CarloHotel Formentor, SpainLygon Arms, EnglandMardan Palace, TurkeyPestana Carlton Madeira Hotel, MadeiraRadisson Blu Royal Hotel, BelgiumRocco Forte's Hotel Astoria, RussiaThe Eden au Lac, SwitzerlandThe Lanesborough, EnglandThe Luna Baglioni Hotel, Italy

Europe's Leading Luxury Hotel BrandBaglioni HotelsConrad HotelsFour Seasons Hotels & ResortsMandarin Oriental Hotel GroupThe Ritz-Carlton Hotel CompanyThe Rocco Forte Collection

Europe's Leading Luxury LifestyleClubFinest Hotels of the WorldFrancorosso ItalyOK Service Business TravelQuintessentiallyRed Travel ItalyTOURUA

Europe's Leading Luxury ResortAbama Hotel Resort, SpainCornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, TurkeyGran Hotel Bahía del Duque, SpainKempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza, SicilyKempinski Hotel San Lawrenz. MaltaMardan Palace, TurkeyRixos Premium Belek, TurkeyRome Cavalieri, The Waldorf AstoriaCollection, ItalyVilla Vita Parc, Portugal

Europe's Leading - “Where you book matters” Spanish Institute of Tourism - Spain, acountry to share...STA Travel - iPhone campaignThe Hans Brinker Budget Hotel Amsterdam -The Worst Hotel in the WorldThomas Cook - 2010 Marketing CampaignVisit London - Only In LondonVisitDenmark & Expedia - Joint - Welcome To Yorkshire

Europe's Leading Meetings &Conference CentreBirmingham NEC Centre, EnglandExCeL London, EnglandFira Barcelona, SpainGeneva Palexpo, SwitzerlandInternationales Congress Centrum Berlin(ICC Berlin), GermanyPalais Des Congres De Paris, France

Europe's Leading Meetings &Conference HotelConrad Istanbul, TurkeyCorinthia Hotel St PetersburgDivani Apollon Palace & Spa, GreeceDubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centreand Spa, CroatiaGrand Hotel Stockholm, SwedenHotel Gothia Towers, SwedenHotel Okura Amsterdam, NetherlandsLe Meridien Lav, Split, CroatiaMovenpick Hotel Istanbul, TurkeyRenaissance Zurich Hotel, SwitzerlandRitz-Carlton Berlin, GermanyRixos Libertas Dubrovnik, CroatiaRixos Sungate, TurkeySheraton Hotel & Convention Centre Ankara,TurkeySheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Center,ItalySwissotel Zurich, Switzerland

Powered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

Europe NomineesEurope Gala Ceremony 2010

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Europe's Leading Meetings &Conference ResortDivani Apollon Palace & Spa, GreeceDolce La Hulpe, BelgiumGrand Resort Lagonissi, GreeceMeliá Altea Hills Resort, SpainRixos Sungate, TurkeyRome Cavalieri, The Waldorf AstoriaCollection, ItalyThe Europe Hotel & Resort, IrelandThe Westin Dragonara Resort, MaltaVila Sol Spa & Golf Resort, Portugal

Europe's Leading New Boutique HotelPalazzina Grassi, ItalyPoseidonion Grace, GreeceThe Halcyon, Bath, England

Europe's Leading New HotelBorgo Egnazia, ItalyCasa Dell'Arte, TurkeyHotel Missoni Edinburgh, ScotlandHotel Palais Stéphanie, FranceIl Salviatino, ItalyKameha Grand Bonn, GermanyLa Reserve Ramatuelle, FranceThe Buddha Bar Hotel Prague, CzechRepublic

Europe's Leading New ResortBorgo Egnazia, ItalyMartinhal Beach Resort & Hotel, PortugalRocco Forte Verdura Resort , Italy

Europe's Leading New Spa HotelAquapura Douro Valley, Portugal Castel Monastero, ItalyGrand Hotel Lienz, AustriaRocco Forte Verdura Resort, Sicily

Europe's Leading ResortAquaCity Poprad, SlovakiaDromoland Castle, IrelandDubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centreand Spa, CroatiaElounda Beach Hotel, GreeceEvian Royal Resort, FranceForte Village Resort, ItalyKemer Resort Hotel, TurkeyLe Couvent Des Minimes Hotel & Spa, FranceMarbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa, SpainMardan Palace, TurkeyMinos Beach art hotel, GreeceMonte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort, MonacoPullman Timi Ama Sardegna, ItalyRixos Premium Belek, TurkeyRixos Premium Bodrum, TurkeyThe InterContinental Aphrodite Hills ResortHotel, Cyprus

Europe's Leading River CruiseCompanyAMA WaterwaysAvalon WaterwaysBrendan European River CruisesImperial River CruisesNoble CaledonianPhoenix River Cruises Trafalgar European River CruisesViking River Cruises

Europe's Leading Short Sea FerryOperatorIrish FerriesNorfolklineP&O FerriesSeaFranceStena Line

Europe's Leading Ski ResortAlpenroyal Grand Hotel, ItalyBadrutt’s Palace Hotel, SwitzerlandCristallo Palace Hotel & Spa, ItalyGstaad Palace, SwitzerlandHotel Christiania Val D'IsereHotel de Charme Les Airelles, FranceHotel Madlein, AustriaHotel Salzburgerhof, AustriaKempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. Moritz,SwitzerlandThurnhers Alpenhof, Austria

Europe's Leading Spa ResortAldemar Olympian Village, GreeceAldemar Royal Mare Village & Thalasso,GreeceAquaCity Poprad, SlovakiaCastel Monastero, ItalyCornelia Diamond Golf Resort & Spa, TurkeyElysium Beach Resort, CyprusForte Village Resort, ItalyFortina Spa Resort, MaltaHotel Les Ottomans, TurkeyImperial Hotel, Czech RepublicKempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. Moritz,SwitzerlandKempinski Hotel San Lawrenz, MaltaLe Couvent Des Minimes Hotel & Spa, FranceThe St David's Hotel & Spa, Wales

Europe's Leading Tour OperatorCox & KingsExpediaKuoni Oger ToursPage and MoyThomas CookTui Travel PLC

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Europe's Leading TourismDevelopment CompanyAthens Tourism and Economic Development CompanyAyendiz Group De Vere Cameron House at Loch LomondGMT Group OEC Developments

Europe's Leading Tourist BoardFrench Tourist BoardGerman National Tourist OfficeGNTO (Greek National Tourism Organisation)Instituto de Turismo de España(TURESPAÑA)Italian State Tourism BoardTurismo de PortugalTurkish Culture and Tourism Office VisitBritain

Europe's Leading Travel AgencyAmphitrion ChoiceOpodoSeat24Society Of TravelThomsonTranstourViajes Iberia

Europe's Leading Travel DistributionSolution ProviderBlue Star InfotechDatalexFinal Quadrant SolutionsPharos DatacomRWA Travel SolutionsSabre Travel Network

Europe's Leading Travel ManagementCompanyBCD TravelCarlson Wagonlit TravelChambers Travel ManagementFCm Travel SolutionsMidas Travel ManagementTravel Management GroupTravizon, IncUvet American ExpressVISTA TravelWeco Travel

Europe's Responsible Tourism AwardApex HotelsEagles Palace Hotel GreeceEuropcar UK LimitedHotel Alexandra Copenhagen Hotel OmmNCL Freestyle CruisingThe Alnwick GardenVirgin Atlantic Airways

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Albania's Leading HotelChateau Linza ResortHotel AdriatikHotel ButrintiMondial HotelRogner Hotel Europark TiranaSheraton Tirana Hotel

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Andorra's Leading HotelAndorra Park HotelCasa Canut HotelCrowne Plaza Hotel AndorraHotel PlazaPrincesa Parc HotelSport Hotel Hermitage & Spa

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Armenia's Leading HotelArarat HotelArmenia Marriott Hotel YerevanAvan Dzoraget HotelEurope HotelGolden Tulip Hotel YerevanHotel YerevanMetropol Hotel Yerevan

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Austria's Leading HotelBio-Hotel StanglwirtGrand Hotel WienHilton ViennaHilton Vienna PlazaHotel BristolHotel ImperialHotel Sacher WienHotel TennerhofInterContinental WienRadisson SAS Hotel AltstadtSchloss Velden, a Capella Hotel The Ring HotelVienna Marriott Hotel

Austria's Leading ResortAstoria Relax and Spa, SeefeldBalance Resort StegersbachDorint Vital Royal Spa - Seefold, TyrolHotel Sacher SalzburgInteralpen-Hotel TyrolSupreme Hotel Bad, Tatsmannsdorf

Austria's Leading Spa ResortAurelio LechDorint Vital Royal Spa - Seefold/TirolGrand Hotel LienzGrand SPA Resort A-ROSA KitzbühelHotel SalzburgerhofHotel Weisses RösslInteralpen-Hotel TyrolMavida Balance Hotel & Spa

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I your mobile city guide to LondonPowered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Azerbaijan's Leading HotelGrand Hotel EuropeHyatt Regency BakuPark Hyatt BakuPark Inn Azerbaijan, Baku

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Belarus' Leading HotelCrowne Plaza MinskHotel BelarusHotel Europe, BelarusHotel LuchesaHotel MinskHotel Orbita

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Belgium's Leading Business HotelCrowne Plaza Hotel BrusselsHilton BrusselsKempinski Hotel Dukes Palace BrugesRadisson SAS EU HotelRenaissance Brussels HotelRoyal Windsor Hotel Grand PalaceSheraton Brussels HotelWarwick Barsely Hotel

Belgium's Leading HotelBrussels Marriott HotelChateau du Lac GenvalConrad BrusselsHotel Le Plaza BrusselsLe Meridien BruxellesManoir de LebiolesRadisson Blu Royal Hotel, BrusselsRocco Forte Hotel AmigoWarwick Barsely Hotel

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Bosnia and Herzegovina's LeadingHotelBristol Hotel – MostarHotel AtinaHotel Kriva Cuprija II Old Town

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Bulgaria's Leading HotelCrystal Palace Boutique HotelHilton SofiaKempinski Hotel ZografskiRadisson SAS Grand Hotel SofiaSheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan

Bulgaria's Leading ResortGrand Hotel VarnaHotel Yastrebets Wellness & SpaKempinski Hotel Grand Arena BanskoMarina Royal Palace, Duni Royal ResortPremier Luxury Mountain Resort, BanskoRiviera Beach Hotel

Bulgaria's Leading Spa ResortGrand Hotel VarnaImperial Hotel Riviera Holiday ClubKempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko

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Croatia's Leading Boutique HotelDesign Hotel AstoriaHotel KastilHotel Vestibul PalaceRiva, Hvar Yacht Harbour HotelThe Pucic Palace

Croatia's Leading HotelDubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centreand SpaExcelsior Hotel & SpaGrand Villa Argentina DubrovnikHilton Imperial Dubrovnik HotelHotel BellevueHotel W.A. MozartIstra Hotel & SpaLe Meridien Lav, SplitLešić Dimitri PalaceRixos Libertas DubrovnikSheraton Zagreb HotelThe Regent Esplanade, Zagreb

Croatia's Leading Spa ResortDubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centreand SpaHotel Adriana, Hvar Marina Hotel and SpaHotel IvanHotel Milenij OpatijaIstra Hotel & SpaLe Meridien Lav, Split

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Cyprus' Leading All-inclusive ResortAlexander the Great Beach HotelOlympic Lagoon ResortSt Raphael Resort Cyprus

Cyprus' Leading HotelAnassaElysium Beach ResortGrecian Park HotelHilton CyprusLonda HotelThalassaThe Annabelle

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Cyprus' Leading ResortAnassaColumbia Beach ResortCoral Beach Hotel & ResortInterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort HotelLe Meridien Limassol Spa & ResortSt Raphael Resort Cyprus

Cyprus' Leading Spa ResortAlmyra, PathosAnassaColumbia Beach ResortElysium Beach ResortInterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort HotelLe Meridien Limassol Spa & ResortLonda HotelPaphos Amathus Beach Hotel

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Czech Republic's Leading BoutiqueHotelHotel Aria PragueHotel HoffmeisterHotel JosefHotel RuzeLe Palais Hotel PragueMamaison Suite Hotel Pachtuv PalacePragueMaximilian Hotel

Czech Republic's Leading BusinessHotelCarlo IV HotelFour Seasons PragueHilton PragueHotel SavoyInterContinental PrahaPrague Marriott HotelPresident HotelThe Crowne Plaza Prague

Czech Republic's Leading HotelFalksteiner Hotel Maria PragFour Seasons Hotel PragueHilton PragueHotel Aria PragueInterContinental PrahaMamaison Suite Hotel Pachtuv PalacePragueMandarin Oriental PraguePrague Marriott HotelRadisson SAS Alcron Hotel

Czech Republic's Leading Spa ResortAlchymist Grand Hotel & SpaBristol PalaceFalkensteiner Grand Spa Hotel MarienbadHotel Esplanade Spa & Golf ResortMandarin Oriental PragueSpa Resort SanssouciThe Chateau Mcely

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Denmark's Leading Boutique HotelBroholmHotel FOXSteengaard HerregardspensionThe NimbThe Square Copenhagen

Denmark's Leading Business HotelCopenhagen Marriott HotelHilton Copenhagen Airport HotelPalace Hotel - A Meridien HotelRadisson BLU Scandinavia Hotel,Copenhagan

Denmark's Leading HotelCopenhagen Marriott HotelFront CopenhagenHotel d'AngleterreHotel KoldingfjordKongebroGaardenPalace Hotel - A Meridien HotelRadisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel,Copenhagen

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England's Leading Boutique HotelBlakes LondonBlanch HouseCadogan LondonDorset Square HotelDraycott HotelHotel du Vin, Tunbridge WellsLe Manoir aux QuatSaisonsLucknam ParkNumber SixteenThe Soho Hotel

England's Leading Business HotelAndaz, Liverpool StreetClaridges HotelFour Seasons Hotel Canary WharfHilton London Park LaneHotel Felix, CambridgeInterContinental London Park LaneJumeirah Carlton Tower, EnglandLangham Hotel LondonMandarin Oriental Hyde ParkRocco Forte's The Lowry Hotel, ManchesterThe Mayfair

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World’s Leading Booking Engine Technology Provider

Nominated in 4 Award categories in 2010 :

World’s Leading BookingEngine Technology Provider

World’s Leading Travel Distribution Provider

World’s Leading TravelTechnology Provider

Europe's Leading Travel Distribution Solution Provider

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England's Leading Conference HotelClaridges HotelFour Seasons Hotel Canary WharfGrosvenor House, A JW Marriott HotelRocco Forte's The Lowry Hotel, ManchesterThe DorchesterThe Park Lane Hotel, London

England's Leading Golf ResortBovey CastleHanbury Manor Marriott Hotel & CountryClubMatfen HallSlaley HallSt Mellion International Hotel Golf & CountryClubStoke Park ClubThe De Vere BelfryThe GroveThe Manor House Hotel

England's Leading HotelAmberly CastleClaridges HotelGrosvenor House, A JW Marriott HotelJumeirah Carlton TowerMandarin Oriental Hyde ParkThe BerkeleyThe DorchesterThe LanesboroughThe Mayfair, LondonThe Ritz LondonThe Waldorf Hilton

England's Leading ResortChampneys Resort TringChewton GlenCliveden HouseDanesfield House Hotel and SpaFour Seasons HampshireHoar Cross HallStoke Park Club

England's Leading Spa ResortBabington HouseChewton GlenCowley ManorFour Seasons HampshireHoar Cross HallHotel Le SpaMacdonald Bath SpaPennyhill Park HotelThe Grove

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Estonia's Leading HotelGeorg Ots Spa HotelHotel St. PetersbourgHotel TelegraafPädaste ManorRadisson SAS Hotel TallinnSchlössle HotelSwissotel TallinnThe Three Sisters HotelVilla Ammende

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Finland's Leading HotelCrowne Plaza HelsinkiHilton Helsinki StrandHotel KämpKlaus K, HelsinkiScandic Simonkentta Helsinki

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France's Leading Boutique HotelAbbaye de la BussièreCour des LogesHotel crillon le braveHotel de VendomeHotel Lumen Paris LouvreKube Hotel, Saint TropezLa Mirande HotelLe Mas CandilleMurano Urban ResortPershing HallRenaissance Paris Vendome HotelThe Lancaster

France's Leading Business HotelFour Seasons Hotel George VHilton Arc de Triomphe ParisHotel de Crillon ParisHotel Prince de Galles - Paris Champs ElyseesInterContinental Carlton CannesInterContinental Paris Le Grand HotelLe Meridien Etoile ParisMartinez HotelParis Rive GaucheThe Ritz Paris

France's Leading Conference HotelDomaine de Divonne, FranceDomaine De VerchantFour Seasons Hotel George VHotel de Crillon ParisHotel du Palais BiarritzHotel Prince de Galles - Paris Champs ElyseesInterContinental Carlton CannesLe Meridien MontparnasseParis Rive Gauche

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France's Leading Golf ResortChateau Des VigiersDomaine de BelesbatDomaine de Divonne, FranceDomaine du RoncemayEvian Royal ResortFour Seasons Resort ProvenceGolf Du Medoc Hotel & SpaLes Bordes

France's Leading HotelChâteau Les CrayèresFour Seasons Hotel George VGrand Hotel du Cap-FerratHotel de Crillon ParisHotel de Palais, BiarritzHotel du Cap - Eden RocHôtel Fouquet's Barrière ParisHotel Le Bristol ParisHotel Le MeuriceHôtel Plaza Athénée ParisHotel Ritz ParisInterContinental Paris Le Grand HotelTrianon Palace & Spa

France's Leading ResortDomaine de Divonne, FranceEvian Royal ResortFour Seasons Resort ProvenceHotel du Palais BiarritzLes Sources de CaudalieSofitel Biarritz Le Miramar Thalassa Hotel

France's Leading Ski ResortHotel Christiania Val D'IsereHotel de Charme Les AirellesHotel Le Hameau Albert 1er, ChamonixLe Grand CoeurLe Melezin

France's Leading Spa ResortEvian Royal ResortHôtel Fouquet's Barrière ParisHotel Miramar-CrouestyHotel Plaza Athenee ParisLes Fermes de MarieLes Pres d EugenieLes Sources de CaudalieTrianon Palace & Spa

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Georgia's Leading HotelCourtyard by Marriott TbilisiRadisson Blu Iveria Hotel, TbilisiSheraton Metechi PalaceTbilisi Marriott Hotel

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Germany's Leading Boutique HotelBrandenburger Hof BerlinFurstenhof CelleHeidelberg Suites Boutique HotelHotel Burg WernburgHotel Louis C. JacobParkhotel AdlerThe Mandala HotelThe Schlosshotel Berlin

Germany's Leading Business HotelBerlin Marriott HotelDom HotelGrand Resort LagonissiHilton Cologne HotelHotel Adlon KempinskiHotel Concorde BerlinInterContinental BerlinMandarin Oriental MunichRadisson Blu Hotel BerlinRitz-Carlton WolfsburgSwissôtel BerlinWestin Grand Berlin

Germany's Leading Conference HotelDorint Sofitel Schweizerhof BerlinHotel Adlon KempinskiHotel Nassauer HofHyatt Regency CologneInterContinental BerlinRenaissance Dusseldorf HotelRitz-Carlton Berlin, GermanySheraton Frankfurt Hotel & TowersSteigenberger Frankfurter HofSwissôtel Berlin

Germany's Leading Golf ResortBad Griesbach Hartl Golf ResortGolf & Spa Hotel Tanneck Bad WorishofenGolfanlage Schloss LudersburgLand & Golf Hotel StrombergLindner Golfhotel Juliana WuppertalSchlosshotel KronbergSport & SPA Resort A-ROSA Scharmuetzelsee

Germany's Leading HotelBayerischer Hof HotelBreidenbacher Hof, a Capella HotelExcelsior Hotel ErnstGrandhotel Schloss BensbergHotel Adlon KempinskiHotel Concorde BerlinHotel Nassauer HofMandarin Oriental MunichRaffles Hotel Vier JahreszeitenRocco Forte's Hotel De RomeThe Schlosshotel Berlin

Germany's Leading ResortBad Griesbach Hartl Golf ResortBrenner's Park Hotel & SpaInterContinental Resort BerchtesgadenSchlosshotel Kronberg I your mobile city guide to ReykjavikPowered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Germany's Leading Spa ResortBrenner's Park Hotel & SpaGrand SPA Resort A-ROSA Travemunde InterContinental Resort BerchtesgadenRaffles Hotel Vier JahreszeitenRitz-Carlton Berlin, GermanyRocco Forte's Villa Kennedy

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Gibraltar's Leading HotelBristol Hotel GibraltarCaleta HotelO'Callaghan Eliott HotelThe Rock Hotel

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Greece's Leading All-inclusive ResortMinos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & SpaOceania clubTerra Maris HotelVasia Beach Hotel

Greece's Leading Boutique HotelAmphitryon HotelChromataElounda Gulf Villas & SuitesFresh HotelHotel KatikiesLato Boutique HotelNafplia Palace Hotel & VillasSantorini Grace - by Grace Hotels GroupThe BelvedereZannos Melathron Hotel

Greece's Leading Business HotelAthenaeum InterContinental AthensAthens Ledra Marriott HotelHilton Athens HotelPlaza Resort HotelThe Westin Athens, Astir Palace

Greece's Leading Conference HotelAthenaeum InterContinental AthensAthens Ledra Marriott HotelDivani Apollon Palace & SpaGrand Resort LagonissiHotel Grande BretagneHyatt Regency ThessalonikiPlaza Resort HotelThe Westin Athens, Astir Palace

Greece's Leading Family ResortAldemar Royal Mare Amathus Beach Hotel RhodesCreta Maris Golf Resort & Convention CentreElounda Beach HotelMinos Beach Art HotelMykonos Grand Hotel & ResortPilot Beach Resort

Greece's Leading HotelAthenaeum InterContinental AthensAthens Ledra Marriott HotelDivani Apollon Palace & SpaHotel Grande BretagneKing George PalaceMinos Beach Art HotelThe Belvedere

Greece's Leading ResortAldemar Royal Olympian Spa & ThalassoArion, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa –Astir PalaceDanai Beach Resort & VillasElounda Bay PalaceElounda PeninsulaMinos Beach Art HotelMinos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & SpaMykonos Grand Hotel & ResortPilot Beach ResortSaint JohnVedema Resort

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Guernsey's Leading HotelBella Luce HotelFermain Valley HotelLa Fregate Hotel GuernseyOld Government House Hotel & SpaThe Farmhouse Hotel

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Hungary's Leading Business HotelBudapest Marriott HotelHilton Budapest West EndInterContinental BudapestKempinski Hotel Corvinus BudapestLe Meridien BudapestMamaison Hotel Andrassy Budapest Ramada Plaza BudapestSofitel Budapest Chain Bridge

Hungary's Leading HotelBoscolo New York Palace BudapestBudapest Marriott HotelCorinthia Hotel BudapestFour Seasons Hotel Gresham PalaceHilton Budapest West EndInterContinental BudapestKempinski Hotel Corvinus BudapestLanchid 19 HotelLe Meridien BudapestMamaison Hotel Andrassy Budapest

Hungary's Leading ResortHotel Europe FitPólus Palace Thermal Golf Club HotelRadisson SAS Birdland Resort & Spa

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Iceland's Leading Boutique Hotel101 HotelCenterHotel ThingholtHotel Glymur

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Iceland's Leading HotelHotel BorgHotel HoltOdinsve HotelRadisson SAS 1919 Hotel

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Ireland's Leading Boutique HotelBentleys TownhouseDylan DublinHayfield ManorThe G Hotel

Ireland's Leading Business HotelFour Seasons DublinHilton DublinRadisson SAS Hotel & Spa, GalwayThe ShelbourneThe Westin Dublin

Ireland's Leading Golf ResortAdare Manor Hotel & Golf ResortDromoland CastleMarriott Druids Glen Hotel & Country ClubMount Juliet EstateThe K ClubThe Ritz-Carlton PowerscourtWaterford Castle Hotel & Golf Club

Ireland's Leading HotelAdare Manor Hotel & Golf ResortCastlemartyr ResortDromoland CastleFour Seasons DublinThe ClarenceThe Merrion HotelThe Ritz-Carlton PowerscourtThe ShelbourneThe Westin Dublin

Ireland's Leading Spa ResortAdare Manor Hotel & Golf ResortAghadoe Hights Hotel & SpaCastlemartyr ResortFota Island Hotel & SpaInchydoney Island Lodge & SpaMonart Destination SpaPark Hotel KenmareThe Ritz-Carlton Powerscourt

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Isle of Man's Leading HotelGlen Helen InnHilton Isle of ManMount Murray Hotel & Country ClubThe Town House

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Israel's Leading Business HotelInterContinental David Tel-AvivKing David Jerusalem HotelRenaissance Tel AvivSheraton Tel Aviv Hotel & TowersThe Carlton Tel Aviv

Israel's Leading HotelDan Tel Aviv HotelInbal Jerusalem HotelInterContinental David Tel AvivKing David Jerusalem HotelRenaissance Jerusalem HotelRenaissance Tel AvivThe American Colony HotelThe David Citadel Hotel

Israel's Leading ResortHilton Eilat Queen of Sheba HotelInterContinental Taba HeightsLe Meridien Dead SeaLeonardo Hotel HaifaMizpe Hayamim ResortMount Zion HotelRenaissance Tel Aviv

Israel's Leading Spa ResortCarmel Forest Spa ResortLe Meridien Dead SeaMizpe Hayamim Resort

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Italy's Leading Boutique HotelBulgari MilanoCastello del Nero Hotel & SpaFurore Inn ResortGrand Hotel a Villa FeltrinelliHotel CarusoHotel SplendidoHotel Villa San MicheleIl SalviatinoJ. K Place, CapriLa Posta VecchiaLe SirenuseMilan Maison MoschinoPalazzo Sasso RavelloVilla Aminta Stresa

Italy's Leading Business HotelHilton Milan HotelMilan Marriott HotelMilan Park HyattRocco Forte's Hotel de RussieRome Cavalieri, The Waldorf AstoriaCollectionRomeo HotelSheraton Bologna Hotel & ConferenceCenter St. Regis Grand HotelThe Westin Excelsior FlorenceThe Westin Excelsior Rome

Italy's Leading Conference HotelMelia Milano HotelRome Cavalieri, The Waldorf AstoriaCollectionRome Marriott Grand Hotel FloraSheraton Bologna Hotel & Conference CenterSheraton Roma Hotel & Conference CenterSt. Regis Grand HotelTanka Village I your mobile city guide to VilniusPowered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Italy's Leading Golf ResortBogliaco Golf ResortPalazzo Arzaga Hotel Spa & Golf ResortSheraton Golf Parco de' Medici Hotel &ResortTanka Village

Italy's Leading HotelCapri Palace Hotel & SpaFour Seasons Hotel MilanoGrand Hotel BaglioniGrand Hotel FlorenceHotel CiprianiHotel Principe di Savoia MilanHotel RaitoInterContinental De La Ville RomaRocco Forte's Hotel de Russie, RomeRocco Forte's Hotel SavoySt. Regis Grand HotelVilla Aminta, Stresa

Italy's Leading ResortCristallo Palace Hotel & SpaForte Village ResortHotel Cala di VolpeKempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza SicilyLe Meridien Chia LagunaMezzatorre Resort & SpaSan Clemente Palace Hotel & ResortSanta Caterina Hotel

Italy's Leading Ski ResortAlpenroyal Grand HotelCristallo Palace Hotel & SpaHotel Baita dei Pini BormioHotel Croce Bianca & Spa VivenesVigilius Mountain Resort

Italy's Leading Spa ResortAdler Thermae Spa & Wellness ResortCapri Palace Hotel & SpaCarlton Hotel BaglioniCastel MonasteroCastello del Nero Hotel & SpaFonteverde Natural Spa ResortForte Village ResortJW Marriott Capri Tiberio Palace Resort &SpaKempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza SicilyLe SirenuseMasseria Torre CoccaroPalazzo Arzaga Hotel Spa & Golf ResortRelais San Maurizio Rocco Forte Verdura Resort

Italy's Leading VillaBorgo EgnaziaPalazzo Santa CroceVilla CimaVilla IsabellaVilla Maria Taglioni, Lake Como

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Jersey's Leading HotelAtlantic Hotel JerseyChateau La ChaireGrand Jersey Hotel De France L'Horizon Hotel & SpaLongueville Manor The Club Hotel & SpaThe Royal Yacht

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Latvia's Leading HotelAinavasGrand Palace HotelHotel BergsReval Hotel LatvijaReval Hotel RidzeneRoyal Square Hotel & Suites

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Liechtenstein's Leading HotelHotel SchatzmannPark Hotel SonnenhofResidence Hotel

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Lithuania's Leading HotelCrowne Plaza Hotel VilniusHotel VanagupeLe Meridien Villion Resort & ConventionCentrePalanga HotelRadisson BLU Astorija HotelReval Hotel LietuvaScandic Neringa HotelStikliai HotelThe Narutis Hotel

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Luxembourg's Leading HotelEden Au Lac, LuxembourgGrand Hotel CravatHilton LuxembourgHotel Albert PremierHotel La GaichelHotel Le Royal LuxembourgSofitel Luxembourg Europe

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Macedonia's Leading HotelClassical Makedonia Palace DeluxeHotel ArkaHotel Stone BridgeMetropol Lake Resort Ohrid

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Malta's Leading HotelCorinthia Palace HotelHilton MaltaHotel Ta'CencInterContinetal MaltaPalazzo Capua Sliema MaltaPreluna Hotel & SpaThe Palace, MaltaThe Xara Palace

Malta's Leading Spa ResortFortina Spa ResortKempinski Hotel San LawrenzLe Meridien St JuliansRadisson Blu Resort & Spa Malta GoldenSandsThe Barceló Riviera Resort & Spa

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mediterranean's Leading BeachResortAbama Hotel Resort, SpainAldemar Olympian VillageAldemar Royal Mare Village, CreteAnassa, CyprusElounda Peninsula, GreeceForte Village Resort, ItalyInterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel,CyprusMare Nostrum Resort, SpainThe Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta

Mediterranean's Leading BoutiqueHotelChromataEstalagem Quinta da Casa BrancaHotel L'HermitageLonda HotelPalazzo Sasso Ravello

Mediterranean's Leading FamilyResortAbama Hotel Resort, SpainAldemar Royal Mare Village, CreteInterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort Hotel,CyprusKempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza, SicilyMarbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa, SpainMinos Imperial Luxury Beach Resort & Spa

Mediterranean's Leading HotelCalista Luxury Resort Elounda PeninsulaHotel Puente Romano MarbellaHotel Quinta do LagoKempinski Hotel San LawrenzKempinski Hotel The Dome Belek-AntalyaMinos Beach Art HotelPalazzo Sasso RavelloRixos Premium Belek

Mediterranean's Leading ResortAnassaForte Village ResortFour Seasons Resort ProvenceInterContinental Aphrodite Hills Resort HotelKempinski Hotel Giardino di Costanza SicilyKempinski Hotel San LawrenzMarbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & SpaMonte Carlo Bay Hotel & ResortSt Raphael Resort CyprusThe Westin Dragonara Resort

Mediterranean's Leading Spa ResortColumbia Beach ResortDubrovnik Palace Hotel, Conference Centreand SpaFonteverde Natural Spa ResortGran Hotel Elba Estepona, SpainKempinski Hotel San LawrenzMyconian Imperial Hotel & Thalasso SpaPenha Longa Hotel & Golf Resort

Mediterranean's Leading Suite ResortAzia Resort - CyprusByblos Saint TropezCapri Palace Hotel & SpaCosmopolitan Suites - SantoriniMinos Imperial Select The St. Regis Mardavall Mallorca Resort

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Moldova's Leading HotelBudapest Hotel, MoldovaHotel Diplomat Club Jolly Alon HotelLeogrand Hotel & Convention Centre

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Monaco's Leading HotelColombus Hotel MonacoFairmont Monte Carlo, Monaco HotelHotel de Paris, Monte CarloHotel MetropolePort Palace Monte Carlo

Monaco's Leading ResortFairmont Monte Carlo, Monaco HotelHotel de Paris, Monte CarloLe Meridien Beach PlazaMonte Carlo Bay Hotel & ResortMonte Carlo Beach Hotel

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Montenegro's Leading HotelAman Sveti StefanHotel VardarVilla Montenegro

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Dorint Vital Royal Spa Seefeld/Tirol – arrive and let your journey begin

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Netherlands' Leading Business HotelBilderberg Garden HotelHotel Okura AmsterdamHotels Van OranjeInterContinental Amstel AmsterdamRadisson Blu Hotel, AmsterdamRenaissance Amsterdam HotelSwissôtel Amsterdam

Netherlands' Leading HotelDruin & Kruidberg Country EstateGrand Hotel Amrâth AmsterdamGrand Hotel Huis Ter DuinGrand Hotel Karel VInterContinental Amstel AmsterdamRenaissance Amsterdam HotelSteigenberger Kurhaus HotelThe College HotelThe Dylan AmsterdamThe Grand Amsterdam Sofitel Demeure,NetherlandsTownhouse Hotel Maastricht

Netherlands' Leading Spa ResortChateau St. GerlachFontana Bad NieuweschansHotels Van OranjeThermae 2000 en Thermaetel

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Northern Ireland's Leading BusinessHotelEuropa Hotel BelfastHilton Templepatrick Hotel & Country ClubHotel Tower DerryRadisson Blu BelfastRadisson Blu Roe Park ResortTen Square BelfastThe Merchant Hotel Belfast

Northern Ireland's Leading GolfResortHilton Templepatrick Hotel & Country ClubLough Erne Golf ResortRamada PortrushSlieve Donard Hotel

Northern Ireland's Leading HotelCulloden HotelMalmaison BelfastRadisson SAS Hotel, BelfastRadisson SAS Roe Park Resort

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Norway's Leading Business HotelClarion Hotel Royal Christiana, OsloFirst Hotel MilleniumGrims Grenka, Oslo, NorwayHolmen FjordhotellRadisson Blu Hotel, AlesundRadisson Blu Lillehammer Hotel

Norway's Leading HotelBristol HotelHolmenkollen Park Hotel RicaHotel ContinentalHotel Union Oye

Norway's Leading Ski ResortDr. Holms HotelRadisson Blu Resort BeitostolenSkogstad HotelVestila Resort

Norway's Leading Spa ResortQuality Spa & Resort HolmsbuQuality Spa & Resort NorefjellSelje HotelSolstrand Hotel & Bad

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Poland's Leading Business HotelHilton Warsaw Hotel & Convention CentreHyatt Regency WarsawInterContinental WarsawMarriott WarsawRadisson Blu Centrum Hotel, WarsawRadisson Blu Hotel, KrakowSheraton Sopot HotelSofitel Warsaw Victoria

Poland's Leading HotelDwór OliwskiGrande Real Villa Italia Hotel & SpaHotel CopernicusHotel Podewils GdanskHotel Wentzl, KrakowInterContinental WarsawLe Meridien Bristol, WarsawMamaison Hotel Le Regina WarsawThe Westin Warsaw

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Portugal's Leading Boutique HotelBairro Alto HotelChoupana Hills Resort & SpaEstalagem Quinta da Casa BrancaHotel Infante SagresHotel Quinta da Bela VistaMonte do CasalRomaneiraThe Vine HotelVila Joya

Portugal's Leading Conference HotelFour Seasons Hotel Ritz LisbonLisbon Marriott HotelSheraton Porto Hotel & SpaThe Campo Real Golf Resort & SpaTiara Park Atlantic Porto

Europe NomineesEurope Gala Ceremony 2010 I your mobile city guide to WarsawPowered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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Portugal's Leading Family ResortHotel Quinta do LagoPine Cliffs ResortPraia d'el Rey Marriott Golf & Beach ResortThe Campo Real Golf Resort & SpaTivoli Ocean Park

Portugal's Leading Golf ResortDona Filipa & San Lorenzo Golf Resort Hilton VilamouraHotel Quinta do LagoPalacio EstorilPenha Longa Hotel & Golf ResortPraia d'el Rey Marriott Golf & Beach ResortSheraton Algarve Hotel, Pine Cliffs ResortVila Sol Spa & Golf ResortVila Vita Parc

Portugal's Leading HotelAquapura Douro ValleyFour Seasons Hotel Ritz LisbonHilton VilamouraHotel Infante SagresLapa PalacePalace Hotel do BussacoPestana PalaceReid's PalaceSeanhora Da GuiaThe Cliff BayThe Vine Hotel

Portugal's Leading ResortHotel Quinta do LagoLe Meridien Penina Golf & ResortPraia d'el Rey Marriott Golf & Beach ResortTivoli Ocean ParkVila Vita Parc

Portugal's Leading Spa ResortBlue & Green Vilalara Thalasso ResortConvento do EspinheiroHotel Quinta do LagoLapa PalacePenha Longa Hotel & Golf ResortReid's PalaceThe Cliff BayVila Sol Spa & Golf Resort

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Romania's Leading HotelAthenee Palace Hilton BucharestCarol Parc HotelHoward Johnson Grand PlazaInterContinental BucharestJW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel

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Russia's Leading Boutique HotelGolden Apple Boutique Hotel Golden Garden Boutique HotelMamaison All Suite Hotel Rossi Boutique Hotel Savoy moscow

Russia's Leading Business HotelArarat Park Hyatt MoscowCorinthia Hotel St PetersburgCorinthia Nevskij Palace HotelHotel Baltschug KempinskiHotel National, a Luxury Collection Hotel Radisson Blu Royal Hotel St. PetersburgRadisson SAS Slavyanskaya Hotel, MoscowRenaissance Moscow Hotel

Russia's Leading Conference HotelArarat Park Hyatt MoscowCorinthia Hotel St PetersburgCorinthia Nevskij Palace HotelLe Meridien Moscow Country ClubMoscow Marriott Grand HotelPresident Hotel, MoscowSwissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow

Russia's Leading HotelArarat Park Hyatt MoscowGolden Ring HotelGrand Hotel & Spa Rodina SochiGrand Hotel EuropeHilton Moscow LeningradskayaHotel Baltschug Kempinski MoscowMoscow Marriott Royal AuroraRenaissance St. Petersburg Baltic HotelRocco Forte's Hotel AstoriaSwissotel Krasnye Holmy MoscowThe Ritz-Carlton, Moscow

Russia's Leading Luxury HotelGrand Hotel Europe, AzerbaijanHotel Baltschug KempinskiHotel National, a Luxury Collection HotelRadisson Royal Hotel,Moscow Rocco Forte's Hotel AstoriaSwissotel Krasnye Holmy MoscowTaleon Imperial St Petersburg The Ritz-Carlton, Moscow

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San Marino's Leading HotelGrand Hotel PrimaveraGrand Hotel San MarinoHotel CesareHotel TitanoHotel VintageiXo Hotel

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Scotland's Leading Business HotelCaledonian Hilton Edinburgh HotelGlasgow Marriott HotelRadisson Blu Hotel, EdinburghRadisson Blu Hotel, GlasgowRocco Forte'sThe Balmoral I your mobile city guide to LisbonPowered by World Mobi, Proud Sponsor of World Travel Awards

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4 9

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Your loyalty program

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Scotland's Leading Golf ResortBalbirnie HouseFairmont St AndrewMarriott Dalmahoy Hotel & Country ClubOld Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St.AndrewsThe Gleneagles Hotel, PerthshireTurnberry, A Luxury Collection Resort

Scotland's Leading Golf Resort & Spa Cameron HouseFairmont St Andrews Marriott Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club Old Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St.Andrews The Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire Turnberry, A Luxury Collection Resort

Scotland's Leading HotelCaledonian Hilton Edinburgh HotelOld Course Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa, St.AndrewsOne Devonshire GardensRadisson Blu Hotel, GlasgowRocco Forte'sThe BalmoralSheraton Grand Hotel & SpaThe Gleneagles HotelThe Scotsman Hotel

Scotland's Leading ResortFairmont St AndrewsMarriott Dalmahoy Hotel & Country ClubOld Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St.AndrewsThe Gleneagles Hotel, PerthshireTurnberry, A Luxury Collection Resort

Scotland's Leading Spa ResortFairmont St AndrewsMar Hall HotelOld Course Hotel Golf Resort & Spa, St.AndrewsStobo CastleThe Gleneagles Hotel, PerthshireTurnberry, A Luxury Collection Resort

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Serbia's Leading HotelAleksandar Palas Hotel BelgradeHotel Park, SerbiaHotel PresidentHotel ZlatnikHyatt Regency Belgrade

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Slovakia's Leading HotelAquaCity PopradGrand Hotel Kempinski High TatrasHotel Grand JasnaHotel HubertHotel Marrol'sRadisson Blu Carlton Hotel Bratislava

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Slovenia's Leading HotelGrand Hotel BernardinGrand Hotel MetropolGrand Hotel TopliceHotel LevHotel PlesnikKendov Manor HotelPark Hotel, Bled

Slovenia's Leading Spa ResortAustria Trend Hotel LjubljanaGrand Hotel TopliceKempinski Palace PortorožLasko Thermal Spa ResortTerme Smarjeske TopliceThe Golf Hotel

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Spain's Leading Boutique HotelCastillo Hotel Son VidaEl Castell de CiutatGran Hotel La FloridaHotel Cortijo Soto RealHotel FormentorHotel Maria CristinaHotel Marques de RiscalHotel Urban, MadridMiro Hotel Bilbao

Spain's Leading Business HotelHilton BarcelonaHotel Arts BarcelonaHotel Hesperia MadridInterContinental MadridSofitel Madrid Plaza de EspanaThe Westin Palace MadridVilla Real Hotel

Spain's Leading Golf ResortAbama Hotel ResortDenia Marriott La Sella Golf Resort & Spa Hotel Las MadriguerasHotel Villa Padierna MarbellaLa Manga Club, SpainLas Lomas VillageLopesan Villa del Conde Resort & ThalassoMallorca Marriott Son Antem Golf Resort &SpaMarbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa

Spain's Leading HotelAC Palacio del RetiroEurostars Grand Marina HotelHotel Alfonso XIIIHotel Arts BarcelonaHotel ClarisHotel Majestic BarcelonaHotel Occidental Miguel AngelHotel Puente Romano MarbellaThe Mandarin Oriental Barcelona

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Spain's Leading ResortAbama Hotel ResortBarcelo la BobadillaDenia Marriott La Sella Golf Resort & SpaGran Hotel Bahía del DuqueHotel Villa Padierna MarbellaKempinski Hotel Bahia Estepona Costa delSolLopesan Baobab ResortMallorca Marriott Son Antem Golf Resort &SpaMarbella Club Hotel, Golf Resort & Spa

Spain's Leading Spa ResortAlva Park Resort & SpaFairplay Golf Hotel & SpaGran Hotel Elba Estepona, SpainHospes Villa Paulita SpainHotel Arts BarcelonaHotel Rey Juan Carlos 1InterContinental Mar Menor Golf Resort &SpaLa ResidenciaMardavall Hotel & SpaMare Nostrum Resort

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Sweden's Leading Boutique HotelBerns HotelElite Plaza HotelHotel J Nacka StrandIce HotelLydmar HotelNordic Light Hotel

Sweden's Leading Business HotelGrand Hotel StockholmHilton Stockholm Slussen HotelRadisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel, StockholmRadisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, GothenburgSheraton Stockholm Hotel

Sweden's Leading HotelGrand Hotel StockholmHilton Stockholm Slussen HotelHotel Gothia TowersKrägga HerrgårdarRadisson Blu Hotel, LinköpingVictory Hotel

Sweden's Leading Spa ResortHoliday Club AreHotel TylösandSelma SpaStorhogna Högfjällshotell & Spa

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Switzerland's Leading Boutique HotelAlden Hotel SplugenschlossChalet Eugenia, KlostersGrand Hotel BellevueHotel d'Angleterre GenevaHotel GiardinoLa Reserve GeneveThe Cambrian

Switzerland's Leading Business HotelCrowne Plaza ZurichGrand Hotel Kempinski GenevaHilton Basel HotelMandarin Oriental Hotel du Rhone GenevaMovenpick Hotel & Casino GenevaPark Hyatt ZurichRadisson Blu Hotel Basel Zurich Marriott Hotel

Switzerland's Leading HotelBeau-Rivage PalaceFairmount Le Montreux PalaceFour Seasons Hotel des Berges GenevaGrand Hotel Kempinski GenevaGrand Hotels Bad RagazHotel Continental ZurichInterContinental GeneveKempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. MoritzLausanne Palace & Spa

Le RichemondLes Trois RoisThe Dolder Grand

Switzerland's Leading Ski ResortBadrutt’s Palace HotelHotel Survetta HouseKempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. MoritzKulm Hotel St MoritzPalace Hotel GstaadWhite Pod

Switzerland's Leading Spa ResortBeau-Rivage PalaceGrand Hotel Park GstaadGstaad Palace SwitzerlandKempinski Grand Hotel Des Bains St. MoritzLa Reserve GenevaThe Dolder Grand

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Turkey's Leading All-inclusive ResortConcorde De Luxe ResortCornelia De Luxe ResortGloria Golf ResortGloria Serenity ResortGloria Verde Resort & SpaKremlin PalaceTitanic ResortTopkapi Palace

Turkey's Leading Beach ResortAdam & Eve HotelsCalista Luxury ResortCornelia Diamond Golf Resort & SpaEla Quality ResortHilton Dalaman Resort & SpaMardan PalaceRixos Premium BelekRixos Sungate

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Voted Europe’s Leading Cruise Travel Agent 2008, 2009 & now NOMINEE FOR 2010!Plus, WINNER of World’s Leading Cruise Travel Agent for 2009

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Turkey's Leading Boutique HotelAda HotelAjia HotelAnatolian HousesHotel Les OttomansSumahan on the WaterThe SofaYunak Evleri Cappadocia Cave Hotel

Turkey's Leading Business HotelConrad IstanbulCrowne Plaza Hotel IzmirDivan Hotel IstanbulHilton ParkSA IstanbulHyatt Regency IstanbulMovenpick Hotel IstanbulRenaissance Polat Istanbul HotelSheraton Hotel & Convention Centre AnkaraSwissotel Grand EfesSwissotel The Bosphorus

Turkey's Leading Conference HotelConrad IstanbulHilton Izmir HotelKemer Resort HotelMovenpick Hotel IstanbulSheraton Hotel & Convention Centre AnkaraSwissotel Grand EfesSwissotel The Bosphorus

Turkey's Leading Design HotelAdam & Eve HotelBentley HotelCasa Dell'ArteHillside SUThe Sofa Hotels and Residences

Turkey's Leading Family ResortAdam & Eve HotelsAgean Dream ResortConcorde De Luxe ResortEla Quality Resort Guendoenuemue Mevkii Hotel Baia Bodrum

Turkey's Leading Golf ResortCalista Luxury Resort Cornelia De Luxe ResortGloria Golf ResortKempinski Hotel The Dome Belek-AntalyaKlassis Golf & Country ClubSirene Belek Golf Hotel

Turkey's Leading HotelAdam & Eve at BelekCiragan Palace Kempinski IstanbulConrad IstanbulDivan Hotel IstanbulFour Seasons Hotel IstanbulHilton Dalaman Resort & SpaHyatt Regency IstanbulIC Hotels Green PalaceInterContinental Ceylan IstanbulKemer Resort HotelMardan PalacePark Hyatt Istanbul-Macka PalasRadisson Blu Bosphorus Hotel IstanbulRixos Premium BelekSwissotel Grand EfesSwissotel The BosphorusThe Ritz-Carlton Istanbul

Turkey's Leading ResortHilton Dalaman Resort & SpaIC Hotels Green PalaceKemer Resort HotelRichmond Nua Wellness SpaWOW Bodrum Resort

Turkey's Leading Spa ResortAdam & Eve at BelekConcorde De Luxe ResortCornelia Diamond Golf Resort & SpaKempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay BodrumMardan PalaceRichmond Nua Wellness SpaSisus HotelSuSesi Deluxe Resort & SpaThe Marmara Bodrum

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ukraine's Leading Business HotelDonbass Palace HotelHotel OtradaHyatt Regency KievLeopolis HotelPremier Palace HotelRadisson Blu Hotel Kiev

Ukraine's Leading HotelDonbass Palace HotelLeopolis HotelOpera HotelPremier Palace HotelRadisson Blu Hotel Kiev

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Wales' Leading Golf ResortBryn Meadows Golf Hotel & SpaMarriott St. Pierre Hotel & Country ClubThe Celtic Manor ResortThe Vale Hotel

Wales' Leading HotelBodysgallen HallMarriott St. Pierre Hotel & Country ClubPale HallThe Celtic Manor Resort HotelThe St David's Hotel & Spa

Wales' Leading Spa ResortBodysgallen HallThe Celtic Manor ResortThe St David's Hotel & SpaThe Vale Hotel

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Middle East Gala Ceremony 2010The Address Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE3 May 2010

The World Travel Awards Grand Tour2010 kicked off in style with theMiddle East Gala Ceremony.

Held at the luxurious The Address DubaiMarina, the Middle East Gala Ceremony2010 was a memorable and inspiringevening attended by more than 400 seniorindustry figures from the region’s leadingtravel and tourism companies.

Guest of Honour was HH Prince Bandar BinSaud Bin Khalid, who was presented with the‘Middle East’s Leading Personality of theYear’ award.

Also in attendance were Ahmad Hussein,Deputy Director General, Abu Dhabi TourismAuthority; His Excellency Sheikh Faisal KhalidSultan Al Qassemi; Her Excellency Dr. RajihaBint Abdul Ameer Bin Ali, Minister of Tourismof Sultanate of Oman; His Excellency JamalAl Hai, Senior Vice President of DubaiAirport; Sheikh Sultan S. Al Qassimi, Owner,Six Senses Hideaway Zighy Bay; BernhardBohnenberger, Chairman & ManagingDirector of Six Senses Resorts & Spas; JohnBullough, CEO of Aldar Properties; Ali H.Lakhraim, President & CEO of MillenniumHotels & Resorts; Ahmed Al Mammari, VicePresident of Royal Jet Group; Theodore Teng,President & CEO of The Leading Hotels ofthe World; and Peter Baumgartner, ChiefCommercial Officer of Etihad Airways.

The full list of winners for the World TravelAwards Middle East Gala Ceremony 2010can be viewed

The overall winners will now competeagainst the crème de la crème throughoutthe world at the World Travel AwardsGrand Final, which will take place inLondon (UK) in November, immediatelybefore World Travel Market.


Graham Cooke, President & Founder of World Travel Awards, presents the award for ‘Middle East’s Leading Personality of the Year’ to His Highness Prince Bandar Bin Saud Bin Khalid

Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

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Sabah & Kota KinabaluATF - Brunei

Istanbul on Stage Now Istanbul is 2010 European Culture Capital


N No o: 1 1 2 M

M Ma ar rc ch/ April’2010 h/ April’2010 April’2010 April’2010 pril’2010 ri il l’ 2 0 1 0

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GRAND TOUR 2010Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

Africa & Indian Ocean Gala Ceremony 2010Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa, 7 July 2010

David Falcon, Senior Vice President of World Travel Awards, presents the award for'Africa's Leading Destination' to Mansoor Mohamed, Executive Director, and FelicityPurchase, Mayoral Committee Member, Cape Town Tourism.

The Africa & Indian Ocean GalaCeremony was a memorable evening.

This year’s prestigious event was held atSandton Convention Centre, located in ‘TheCity of Gold’, Johannesburg, South Africa.CEO’s, directors of leading travel companies,Government Ministers, heads of tourismdepartments and destinations, industryassociation leaders and celebrities gatheredfor Africa’s most important industry evening.

VIP’s included: Hon. Tokozile Xasa, SouthAfrica’s Deputy Minister of Tourism; SenatorTokunbo Afikuyomi, the Hon. Commissioner,Lagos State Delegation; Mr. KennethRacombo, First Secretary at the SeychellesHigh Commission; Mr. Mansoor Mohamed,Executive Director of the City of Cape Town;and Ms. Mariette du Toit-Helmbold, CEO ofCape Town Tourism.

The biggest applause of the night was savedfor Dr. Aupindi Tobie Aupindi, ManagingDirector of the fast-expanding NamibiaWildlife Resorts, named Africa’s prestigiousTourism Personality of the Year.

Guests were treated to an entertainmentfeast including the world acclaimed theatreproduction Africa UMOJA, Kwela Tebza andinstrumental pop super group Sterling EQ.

The full list of winners for the World TravelAwards Africa & Indian Ocean GalaCeremony 2010 can be viewed

The overall winners will now competeagainst the crème de la crème throughoutthe world at the World Travel Awards GrandFinal, which will take place in London (UK)in November, immediately before WorldTravel Market.

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23-06-2010 18:46 Pagina 1


Europe Gala Ceremony 2010Rixos Premium Belek, Antalya, Turkey1 October 2010The World Travel Awards EuropeCeremony is sure to be an enjoyable andinspiring evening.

The Turkish Riviera is the tourism capital ofTurkey, and an ideal location for the 2010World Travel Awards Europe Ceremony. Theregion, bathed in sunshine for 300 days of theyear, is a paradise for sunbathing, swimmingand sports activities like windsurfing,waterskiing, sailing and mountain climbing.

The Rixos Premium Belek is a leading resorthotel located in Antalya, Turkey – the Pearl ofthe Mediterranean. The Rixos Premium Belekcovers an area of 400,000m2 and is built in aforest of pine and pistachio trees with a 1,000metre long sandy beach, 1,700 beds, and astaff of 900! The All Exclusive-All Inclusiveconcept practiced by the Rixos Premium Belekguarantees the very highest standards.

GRAND TOUR 2010Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

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Asia & Australasia Gala CeremonyThe Claridges, Surajkund, Delhi, NCR14 October 2010

GRAND TOUR 2010Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

The World Travel Awards Asia &Australasia Ceremony 2010 will takeplace this October in Delhi, India, tocoincide with the XIXCommonwealth Games (Delhi, 3-14 October).

Delhi is a fusion of the ancient and themodern. In Old Delhi you will discoverformidable mosques, monuments and forts,as well as lively and colourful bazaars. Theimperial city of New Delhi is known for itswide, tree-lined boulevards and manynational institutions and landmarks. Delhiis undergoing extensive rejuvenation andtransformation, to ensure it looks its best

for visitors during the XIX CommonwealthGames. The Games will bring positivebenefits to the Indian tourism industry.

Located just a few minutes' drive from thebustling commercial and residentialaddresses of South Delhi on one side andthe corporate hub on the other, TheClaridges, Surajkund, Delhi, NCR, overlooksthe imposing entry gate of the famedSurajkund Lake Complex. The hotel blendsthe best of an exclusive business hotel andluxury resort with its extraordinaryarchitecture, elegant décor and designeramenities.

Tickets to World Travel Awards events arealways in high demand, therefore earlybooking is always recommended.

To secure your seats for this must-attendevent for senior decision makers andglobal media, please contact our eventsteam using the details below:Email: booking@worldtravelawards.comTelephone: +44 (0)207 925 0000

“These awards areinternationally recognised andare a big morale boost"CEO, Cathay Pacific



1 1


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The Americas Gala Ceremony 2010Sandals Whitehouse, Jamaica22 October 2010

Jamaica is the exciting location forthis year’s World Travel Awards TheAmericas Ceremony.

Jamaica is the third largest Caribbeanisland and the largest English-speakingcountry in the region. Jamaica's tourismproduct is as diverse as it is eclectic.Accommodations range from bohemiancottages to luxurious villas to all inclusiveresorts.

From Negril’s seven mile stretch of talcumbeach to the lush and restful rainforests ofPort Antonio; from the cultural mecca thatis our capital city Kingston to the“complete” resort city of Montego Bay;from the majestic Dunn’s River Falls ofOcho Rios to the rolling cane fields of theSouth Coast … Jamaica will provide anexperience to fulfil your treasured dreams.

Located within a 500-acre wildernesspreserve, Sandals Whitehouse EuropeanVillage & Spa perfectly blends the exoticallure of old Jamaica with the refinedelegance of Europe. Three European-inspired villages – Italian, French andDutch – are home to luxurious rooms andsuites. Each one offers magnificent viewsoverlooking the two-mile long beach, andtop tier suites come with Sandals’legendary Butler Service.

Seven restaurants serve mouth-wateringgourmet cuisine from around the world,and entertainment ranges from asophisticated piano bar to bonfire beachparties and a chic nightclub. This resort istruly a world unto itself, where time is allbut forgotten and the only moment is now.

Tickets to World Travel Awards events arealways in high demand, therefore earlybooking is always recommended.

To secure your seats for this must-attendevent for senior decision makers andglobal media, please contact our eventsteam using the details below:Email: booking@worldtravelawards.comTelephone: +44 (0)207 925 0000

GRAND TOUR 2010Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

“The biggest travelevent of the year"Gulf Times


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Grand Final Gala CeremonyGrosvenor House, a JW Marriott Hotel, London, United Kingdom7 November 2010

The World Travel Awards Grand Finalis the culmination of a year-longsearch for the very best travel brandsin the world, covering sevencontinents and featuring over 3,600nominees.

Winners from the five regional events willfight it out for the ultimate travel accolade.The ceremony, taking place in London on 7 November 2010, will reveal who is ‘thebest of the best’, and will be a celebration ofthe outstanding achievements of the travelindustry.

Nearly 1000 senior management anddecision makers from the world's travel andtourism industry came together at the 2009Grand Final. Some of the thought leaderswho were present included: Jean-ClaudeBaumgarten, President, WTTC; Kumari Selja,Minister of Tourism, India; Steve Ridgway,

CEO, Virgin Atlantic Airways; Hon. EdBartlett, Minister of Tourism, Jamaica; HisExcellency Mubarak Al Muhairi, DirectorGeneral, Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority andJames Hogan, CEO, Etihad Airways.

Also in attendance was Antonio Pedro F. deMello, Secretary of Tourism, State of Rio deJaneiro; Tan Sri Dr. Mohd. Munir bin AbdulMajid, Chairman, Malaysia Airlines; RajKamal Taposeea, Chairman, Air Mauritius;Bruce Nobles, President and CEO, AirJamaica; John Watson, CEO, Diethelm TravelGroup; Mikael Andersson, VP Expedia EMEA,; Gerard Greene, CEO, IFAHotels & Resorts FZ LLC, Luiz Mor, ExecutiveDirector, TAP Portugal and Jehan de The,Global Marketing Director, Europcar.

The World Travel Awards Grand Final 2010 isthe must-attend event of the year.

Tickets to World Travel Awards events arealways in high demand, therefore earlybooking is always recommended.

To secure your seats for this must-attendevent for senior decision makers andglobal media, please contact our eventsteam using the details below:Email: booking@worldtravelawards.comTelephone: +44 (0)207 925 0000

GRAND TOUR 2010Dubai - Johannesburg - Antalya - Delhi - Jamaica - London

“A great networking opportunityfor the travel industry”Zina Neophytou, Travel DistributionAccount Director, BBC World News.


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President & Founder Graham E. Cooke

Executive Vice President & Event Director Manon Han

Senior Vice President David Falcon

Group Vice President Kevin Taylor

Financial Director Xiaolan Tang

Global Sales & Marketing DirectorJames A. A. Khan

Commercial Director Christopher Frost

Director, Global Business Sion Rapson

Head of Business Development Max Miller

Marketing Manager, South AmericaAntonio Castro Neves

Sales DirectorTony Prince

Marketing & Communications ManagerDeanna Walker

PR & Marketing Executive Lauren Brady

Events Production ManagerSusan Mundy

Events & Projects Executive Ben Seal

EditorsAnton Strack Christopher O’Toole

Official Photographers Mark Hakansson Gareth Morris

E-Commerce Managers Kelly Footit Hayden Pitout

Online Project Manager Sid Thaker

Web Team Ben Roberts George Cooke Tom Fogarty

Creative Director Mike Gibas

Designer Adam Williams

World Travel Awards 1 Northumberland AvenueTrafalgar SquareLondon WC2N 5BWUnited Kingdom T +44 (0)20 7925 0000F +44 (0)20 7925

Copyright © World Travel Awards 2010

World Travel Awards Team

Thank youto all our partnersWe wish to express our gratitude to our partners and supporters worldwide. In particular, we extend a heartfelt “thank you” toour gracious host Rixos Premium Belek for their outstanding hospitality and professionalism. We would also like to thank ourevent partners Turkish Airlines and World Mobi, as well as our media partners BBC World News, Breaking Travel News,eTurboNews and all other media partners around the world.

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“The Oscars of the Travel Industry”Wall Street Journal

350 million worldwide audience • 183,000 voters • 1,500 nominees • 6 eventsWorld Travel Awards Grand Tour 2011

Can we help your brand exposure?

“The ceremonies are covered by high-profile local, national as well as international media, therefore providing global exposure throughout the year, across the world. The overall packageprovides excellent value and we would not hesitate to recommend the World Travel Awards.”

Gordon Nardini, Head of Global Brand & Marketing Communication, Corporate Marketing, Amadeus IT Group SA

“It makes sense to partner with a high profile and well-connected event like World Travel Awards.”

Zina Neophytou, Travel Distribution Account Director, BBC World News

“The most exalted accolade an establishment in this industry can receive.”Hassan Ahdab, Vice President, Regional Director, Starwood Hotels & Resorts

“It was a true delight to host the event. The exposure has been phenomenal.”Amit Aror, Vice President, Emaar Hospitality Group LLC, The Address Hotels & Resorts, Armani Hotels

Previous Sponsors include:ABAV, ALDAR Properties, Amadeus, Asia Luxury Travel Market, Cancun Convention & VisitorsBureau, Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi, Etihad Airways, Europcar, Eurostar, Governo do Rio de Janiero, Jamaica Tourist Board,Municipio de Obidos, NewcastleGateshead Initiative, RCI, Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau, Sandals Resorts, South AfricaTourism, TAP Portugal, The Trade Show, Turismo de Portugal, Turks and Caicos Tourist Board, Virgin Atlantic, VIVE Mexico.


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